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Today in Scientology -- March 5th ********************************************

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Scientology Today

Mar 6, 2020, 10:23:11 AM3/6/20
Today March 5th in Scientology history

Scientology group reaches kids through PBS videos
March 5, 1998, Joseph Mallia, Inside the Church of Scientology, Boston Herald

But the video company - known as FASE - has a hidden agenda promoting
the "Purification Rundown," the Church of Scientology's $1,200
per-member detoxification ritual, said former top-ranked church member
Robert Vaughn Young.

"FASE was originally created to put Scientology covertly into schools
and government, to give the Purification Rundown an air of
respectability," said Young, of Seattle.

"Scientology created FASE so they could use it to get in the door," the
church defector said.

Tags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Smith, Clear Body, Clear Mind, Dave Hendry,
Delphi, Dennis Erlich, Detox, FASE, Guardian's Office, HealthMed, Jack
Dirmann, Kathleen Heard, Megan Shields, Michael Flynn, Narconon, Purification
Rundown, Robert Vaughn Young, Secondary copy, Shelley Beckmann, Steven
Hassan, Steven Heard


Egypt jails two Scientologists
March 5, 2002, UPI, Human Rights Without Frontiers

They are also suspected of intending to spread the doctrine "with the
aim of spreading riots." The Church of Scientology has denied the

"They were not official representatives of the Church of Scientology,"
said Goodman. "They were representing the Italian branch of New Era
Publications, which publishes the works of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder
of Scientology."

Goodman said Massarwa and Ahmad were in Egypt to promote Hubbard's book
"Dianetics," which she said does not promote any religion or discuss
the subject of religion. She also stressed that the Egyptian censorship
authorities had authorized the book's entry into the country.

Tags: 1948, 1960, 1966, 1967, 2000, 2001, Africa, Amnesty International, BBC,
Cairo, Christian, Christmas, Dianetics, Easter, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Issandr
El Amrani, Jehovah's Witnesses, Lawyer, Leisa Goodman, Mahmoud Massarwa,
Mohammad, Muslim, New Era Publications, Pope, Reuters, Rome, Tel Aviv, UN
Special Rapporteur, United Nations, United Press International, Wafaa Ahmad


Egypt jails two Scientologists
March 5, 2002, Issandr El Amrani, UPI

CAIRO, March 5 (UPI) -- Two members of the Church of Scientology are
being held by Egyptian authorities under charges of "contempt of
religion." They are accused of trying to spread their doctrines "with
the aim of sparking riots."

"Contempt of religion" is a charge that has come up increasingly often
in Egypt in recent years. Similar accusations have been used against
other non-mainstream religious groups or to punish groups whose
activities are not illegal.

The Church of Scientology has denied that it had sent people to
establish a branch in Egypt, saying that the two were representatives
of an Italian publishing firm that sold the works of Scientology's
founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

Tags: 2001, Cairo, Christian, Dianetics, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Leisa Goodman,
Mahmoud Massarwa, Muslim, New Era Publications, Quicky, UN Special
Rapporteur, Wafaa Ahmad


Man given probation in death of mother
March 5, 2005, Dana Littlefield, San Diego Union-Tribune

A North County man was placed on three years' probation yesterday for
his role in the death of his mother in what a judge said was one of the
most unusual cases to come before him.

Superior Court Judge Richard E. Mills also ordered Leo Dunckley, 62, to
complete 300 hours of volunteer work.

The judge said he had never seen a case like Dunckley's in which the
defendant had made such an effort "to do the right thing" and still
ended up being convicted of a crime.

Tags: Judge Richard Mills, Leo Dunckley, Megan Shields, San Diego County


MP denies knowledge of endorsed organization's ties to Scientology
March 5, 2008, Raffy Boudjikanian, West Island Chronicle

West Island Liberal MP Bernard Patry defended his recent endorsement of
anti-drug organization Narconon Trois Rivi?re's prevention campaign
despite the latter's supposed links to the Church of Scientology.

Tags: Bernard Patry, Canada, Carole Arvisais, Hubert Beno?t, Jean Larivi?re,
Jean Patrick Laflamme, Narconon, Quebec, Stephen Kent


Scientology vs Everyone
March 5, 2008, Shant Fabricatorian,

Is Scientology as big a menace as it's made out to be? Shant
Fabricatorian talks to some of the Church's longtime opponents

Tags: alt.scientology.war, Andreas Heldal-Lund, Anonymous


Church of Scientology Expanding on Sunset Blvd, Metro Art Tour
March 5, 2010, Dakota Smith, Curbed LA

HOLLYWOOD: Last year, the Church of Scientology of Los Angeles on
Sunset Boulevard got a really big sign, and now a new building is
coming to their campus, according to a rep. She writes in an email:
"The construction site you see is the renovation and expansion of the
Church of Scientology of Los Angeles. The building is about 65,000
square feet and will open sometime this spring. It is part of the
Church's international expansion program. Since the beginning of 2010,
we have opened new Churches in Brussels, Belgium; Quebec City, Quebec;
and Las Vegas, Nevada." Looking forward to seeing what goes up.

Tags: Los Angeles


Daniel Montalvo Hits Scientology With Stunning Child Labor Lawsuits
March 5, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Today, Daniel turns 20 years old. Yesterday, he filed two stunning
lawsuits against Scientology with the help of attorney S. Christopher
"Kit" Winter.

Winter helped Montalvo avoid the grand reaching that tends to
characterize lawsuits against Scientology, and instead kept his
complaints laser-focused on damning charges about how children are used
by the church in troubling ways.

Specifically, Montalvo's lawsuits paint a picture of a child who was
essentially abandoned by his two Scientologist parents to the
organization, was signed to a billion-year contract at only 6 years of
age, and through his teens was forced to work up to 100 hours a week
with only the barest schooling, and for wretched pay (about $35 a week).

Tags: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Bridge Publications, Child labor, Christopher
Winter, Daniel Montalvo, Jason Beghe, Kendrick Moxon, Lawsuit, Los Angeles,
Marc Headley, Marty Rathbun, Sea Org, St. Petersburg Times


Daniel Montalvo v. Church of Scientology, et al
March 5, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

"You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave
was made a man."

- Frederick Douglass, 1845

S. Christopher "Kit" Winter of the Dykema law firm (HQ Detroit, offices
around the U.S.) has filed two lawsuits in the Los Angeles Superior
Court this afternoon. Both are brought on behalf of his client Daniel
Montalvo. Copies of the suits can be found at the links below.

Tags: Daniel Montalvo, Detroit, Los Angeles Superior Court, Mike Rinder,
Quicky, St. Petersburg Times, Village Voice


Lawsuit claims Church of Scientology violated child labor and wage laws
March 5, 2011, Thomas C. Tobin, Tampa Bay Times

A runaway from the Church of Scientology's restrictive religious order,
the Sea Org, alleges in two lawsuits filed Friday that the church
violated California laws regulating child labor, wages and school

Daniel Montalvo, who turns 20 today, also contends his parents, who
remain in the Sea Org, neglected him and breached their duty to protect
him from harm by ceding his care to the church.

Tags: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Bridge Publications, California, Child labor,
Claire Headley, Clearwater, Daniel Montalvo, Ecuador, FBI, Florida,
Hollywood, Human trafficking, Jason Beghe, Lawsuit, Los Angeles, Los Angeles
County Sheriff, Marc Headley, Palm Harbor, Sea Org, St. Petersburg Times, Tom
DeVocht, Tommy Davis


Paulette Cooper, With Help From the Voice, Discovers Her Heartrending Past
March 5, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

They survived the Nazi occupation, but they had lost their parents. In
1946, Suzy was adopted by their aunt and uncle. Two years later,
Paulette was adopted by the Coopers, a wealthy couple who took her to
the United States.

Tags: 1930, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1960,
1965, 1969, 1971, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1995, Amsterdam, Arrest, Belgium,
Catholic, Daily Express, Dutch, Europe, FBI, Florida, Germany, Israel,
Jerusalem, Jewish, London, Netherlands, New York, New York City, Norway, Palm
Beach, Paul Noble, Paulette Cooper, Poland, Portugal, Spain, The Scandal of
Scientology, US Department of Justice


The Birthday Con
March 5, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

LRH's Birthday Game was designed to encourage Organizations to make it
up to the size and productivity of Old St Hill. During the life of LRH
the game consisted of orgs competing by reporting up a number of
production statistics reflecting delivery of Scientology services to
the public. During that time and for a few years after LRH passed away
the Birthday Game resulted in several orgs actually achieving something
on the order of Old St Hill size.

Since David Miscavige's assumption of total dictatorship over
Scientology Inc the LRH Birthday Game has been gradually corrupted into
a Con. The game receives lip service for the sole purpose of giving
Miscavige justification for conducting an event each March 13th wherein
he can have awards passed out. For St Hill size orgs? For the past
decade and one half, no. The "game" has been so corrupted it does not
even lead to expansion. Instead, it leads to a bunch of busy work on
statistics that lead to a photo op in some Div 6 course room, at best.
Recent evidence indicates the game is now little more than a con.

The email below authored and circulated by the Birthday Game I/C of the
Los Angeles Foundation Organization says it all. LA Foundation is vying
to win the Birthday Game by:

Tags: Andrea Kluge, Birthday Game, Claire Taylor, David Miscavige,
International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles,
Membership, OT Committee, Quicky


Ed Armstrong leaves longtime firm
March 5, 2013, Tampa Bay Business Journal

Tampa Bay attorney Ed Armstrong is leaving his longtime firm.

Armstrong, 55, will leave Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns to open
a Clearwater office for the Tampa firm Hill Ward Henderson, the Tampa
Bay Times said. Armstrong is known for specializing in land-use cases
and represented developers including JMC Communities, Ocean Properties,
Ryland Homes, David Mack and Nickel Plate Properties.

Tags: Ed Armstrong, Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns


Today, You Begin Your Training as a Scientologist
March 5, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We're starting a new feature today, and we're really excited that
Claire Headley has agreed to help us out! Claire is well known among
Scientology watchers for the way that she and her husband Marc escaped
from the International Base after many years as "Sea Org" workers. She
spent years working with Scientology's "tech," and was trusted to
oversee the auditing of Tom Cruise. And now she's going to help us as
we take a trip up L. Ron Hubbard's famous "Bridge to Total Freedom."
That's right - we're all going to train to be Scientologists, and tally
up the costs along the way!

Claire, we don't know if this was always the case, but at least in
recent decades, for most people their first encounter with Scientology
is the "Oxford Capacity Analysis."

When we see signs that advertise a "free personality test," they're
talking about the OCA, right? But when they say "free stress test," is
that something else?

Tags: 1987, 2009, 2011, Bridge to Total Freedom, Claire Headley, David Love,
David Miscavige, Debbie Cook, E-meter, England, Ideal Org, Int Base, Joe
Childs, John Sweeney, Katie Holmes, London, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Nancy
Many, Narconon, OCA, Oklahoma, Oxford Capacity Analysis, Paul Thomas
Anderson, Personality test, Pinch Test, Quebec, Quicky, Sea Org, SMERSH,
Steve Cannane, Tampa Bay Times, Tom Cruise, Tom Tobin


Up the Bridge: Our step-by-step series on Scientology's 'Bridge to Total
March 5, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

In March 2013 we started a new feature with Claire Headley's help.
Claire is well known among Scientology watchers for the way that she
and her husband Marc escaped from the International Base after many
years as "Sea Org" workers. She spent years working with Scientology's
"tech," and was trusted to oversee the auditing of Tom Cruise. And in
"Up the Bridge," she helped us take a trip up L. Ron Hubbard's famous
"Bridge to Total Freedom." We were all going to train to be
Scientologists, and tally up the costs along the way.

As we moved into the upper reaches of the Bridge - the "OT Levels" - we
asked former church member Bruce Hines to help us out as well.

Here are the many installments in our series...

Tags: ARC Straightwire, Ashtrays, Auditing, Bridge to Total Freedom, Bruce
Hines, Claire Headley, Clear, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Geir Isene, Int
Base, Jefferson Hawkins, Joburg Sec Check, Keep Scientology Working, Kirstie
Alley, Operating Thetan, OT, OT 8, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Rundowns,
Sea Org, Study Tech, Tom Cruise, Tone Scale, Wall of Fire, Wikipedia


Larry Anderson: Scientology's pitchman becomes a Bunker regular
March 5, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

In the now-it-can-be-told department: We first heard from Larry
Anderson back in 2010, but it wasn't until last year that we finally
met the tall LA actor originally from Minnesota.

For Scientologists of a certain era, Larry's image is branded into
their memories from multiple viewings of the Orientation film that they
were all required to watch. The 40-minute movie was used to recruit new
members and pump up staff workers. It featured Larry talking with
Norman Starkey about L. Ron Hubbard's exploits, visiting a bookstore,
and winding up to make a heavy pitch at the end.

Here's a sample of Larry's hard sell...

Tags: 1980, 1996, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, Anne Archer, Basics, Bodhi Elfman,
Celebrity Centre, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Jason Beghe, Joe Childs, John
Travolta, Larry Anderson, Los Angeles, Marc Headley, Minnesota, Norman
Starkey, Orientation, Paul McCartney, Quicky, St. Petersburg, Steven Mango,
Tampa, Tom Cruise, Tom Tobin, Tommy Davis, Tory Christman


Mexican Morgues
March 5, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It


by: Special Correspondent.

I just happened to visit Mexico City and here is some information about
the Scientology scene in this country.

Tags: 1992, 2010, 2012, Belgium, Catholic Church, Class VIII, Colombia, Cult,
Dianetics, France, Fundraising, Guatemala, Ideal Org, International
Association of Scientologists, Mexico, Mexico City, Office of Special
Affairs, OT, OTC, Quicky, Sea Org, Social Security, Tax exempt, Wikipedia


Documentary Maker Alex Gibney: News Networks Fear the Church of Scientology
March 5, 2015, Lloyd Grove, Daily Beast

Of all the roadblocks he encountered, the most surprising was outlets'
resistance to supplying footage.

When Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney was putting the
finishing touches on Going Clear-his expose of the Church of
Scientology that premieres March 29 on HBO-he asked for permission from
America's broadcast and cable networks to use some of their
Scientology-related material in his movie.

Even though he was willing to pay for the privilege, he says their
answer was unanimous: No.

Tags: 1993, 2012, 2014, Alex Gibney, Catholic Church, CNN, Company,
Conditions, Copyright, Documentary, Germany, Going Clear: Scientology and the
Prison of Belief, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of
Belief, HBO, Internal Revenue Service, IRS, Lawrence Wright, Manhattan,
Politics, Pulitzer Prize, Trademark


Scientology Cult Leader David Miscavige Seeks to Hide His Lies About the
Death of Founder L. Ron Hubbard
March 5, 2015, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

It certainly appears that Captain David Miscavige and his inner circle
entered into a conspiracy to publicly lie to Scientologists about the
facts surrounding the death of L. Ron Hubbard.

This blog made a detailed post concerning the Church of Scientology's
lies to its members about the death of Mr. Hubbard. This post included
the Sheriff-Coroner's report and described details of Hubbard's death.
Hubbard did not "causitively drop the body" as Church officials claimed.
Rather, Hubbard was in poor health and had a series of strokes that
killed him. End of story.

The report also included the fact that Hubbard had been treated with
the psychiatric drug Vistaril in the days before his death.

Tags: 1986, Annie Broeker, Bridge Publications, Cult, David Miscavige, Flag
Order, HBO, Hollywood, L. Ron Hubbard, Loyal Officers, Office of Special
Affairs, OT, Pat Broeker, Quicky, San Luis Obispo, Sea Org, Vimeo, Vistaril


Scientology launches new legal challenge against rural NSW residents for
rehab centre
March 5, 2015, ninemsn

Residents in the area have overwhelmingly rejected the development and
the church's plan to implement their controversial Narconon program at
the site.

Locals managed to put a stop to the development after lodging
complaints with Wyong Shire Council, which rejected the church's permit
application for the treatment facility in April last year, citing risks
associated with its flood-affected site.

But the Scientologists have not given up the fight, launching a new
challenge which is now before the courts.

Tags: Narconon, Narconon New South Wales, New South Wales, Paul Schofield,
Warburton, Wyong Shire Council, Yarramalong Valley


Thursday Funnies
March 5, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Eating Activities

The only thing that seems to be happening on L. Ron Hubbard Way these
days is brunch and dinner....

Keep Calm...

Tags: ABLE, ASHO, Atlanta, Audio, Battle Creek, Birthday Game, California,
Clear, Dallas, Delphian School, Galaxy Press, Hollywood, L. Ron Hubbard, L.
Ron Hubbard Way, Markus Wuethrich, Quicky, Regraded Being, Tampa, Texas,
Thursday Funnies, Tim Jones, Writers of the Future


'Will Smith is not a Scientologist' - we elaborate on our quote the press
went wild for yesterday
March 5, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Your proprietor has been laid low by a virus right in the middle of all
this intense publicity for Alex Gibney's film, Going Clear. This is
what we get for leaving the confines of the Bunker and interacting with
germy human beings.

So we're going to keep things short today, and trust our commenters to
fill in by keeping an eye on all of the crazy press going on as we near
the movie's theatrical debut next week.

So we'll start with yesterday's Daily Beast article that took some
people by surprise. In it, Mike Rinder and yours truly were quoted to
say that Will Smith is not a Scientologist. We want to elaborate on
that a little.

Tags: 2004, 2008, 2013, After Earth, Alex Gibney, Carnegie Mellon, Daily
Beast, David Miscavige, David Touretzky, E-meter, Filmmaker, Going Clear:
Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Hollywood Reporter,
Jacqueline Olivier, Jada Pinkett Smith, Marlow Stern, Mike Rinder, Quicky,
Sea Org, Study Technology, Tom Cruise, Will Smith


Outfront Media rescinds contract for Scientology 'disconnection' billboard in
March 5, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

After he signed a three-month, $8,200 contract for a billboard about
Scientology with the Los Angeles office of Outfront Media, former
Scientologist Phil Jones has learned that the New York head office of
Outfront - formerly CBS Outdoor - canceled the contract without

"The head office in New York decided to cancel the contract and they
said they won't be giving us any space," Phil tells us. "I asked, but
they wouldn't say if there was any outside influence. Might have just
been the Scientology thing. It does worry people."

The billboard would have called attention to the Church of
Scientology's policy of disconnection, which requires members to cut
off all contact from former members who have been declared
"suppressive" - Scientology's version of excommunication. Phil and his
wife Willie are former members who no longer hear from their grown
children, Mike and Emily, who both work for the church. Like other
families, they are struggling against disconnection by trying to raise
awareness about it.

Tags: 2000, Bernard Fialkoff, CBS Outdoor, Disconnection, Foundation for a
Drug-Free World, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Mark Bunker, New York City, Outfront
Media, Phil Jones, Quicky, Robert Minton, Stacy Brooks, Suppressive Person,


Running Program Re-Redo
March 5, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

3 times through in less than 2 years.

This one is a real money-spinner. You can keep sending people back to
do it over and over. You don't need anything to deliver it - just
someone who tells them to keep running and a "C/S" who just tells them
to "keep running." It's a bottomless goldmine. It's like an LA Fitness

I do not doubt that people enjoy running. Or that it results in good
feelings. There are millions of people who do it every day. Convincing
people that running around in a circle is an "Whole Track OT objective
process" that is worth paying thousands of dollars for (a membership at
LA Fitness is $29 a month) is an amazing feat of salesmanship.

Tags: Barbara Dews, Cause Resurgence Rundown, L. Ron Hubbard, OT, Quicky,
Running Program, Whole Track


Critical Q&A #98
March 5, 2017, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left in the comments
section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week the questions I answer are:

(1) Did you hear about Scientology's new anti-bullying website? It's
called STAAND (Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination).

(2) I listened to your Sensibly Speaking podcast with Pete Griffiths
recently and noted that you both reflexively and emphatically denied
being in an "anti-Scientology cult."

Tags: Clearwater, Critic, Disconnection, Freewinds, L. Ron Hubbard, OT, OT 8,
Pete Griffiths, Quicky, Sea Org, STAND, Tone Scale


Exclusive: Tom Cruise's Scientology Spy Now Movie Producer Gets a Surprise at
LA-Italia Film Fest
March 5, 2017, Roger Friedman, Showbiz 411

The Scientologists behind a new movie called "In Search of Fellini"?
co-written by Nancy?voice of Bart Simpson?Cartwright? and another long
time Scieno, Peter Knenaas, and produced by Tom Cruise former BFF and
former reported Scieno snitch Michael Doven- got a big surprise
recently when their film debuted at the LA-Italia Film Festival.

"Fellini" stars Maria Bello (how she wound up in this who knows). When
the festival wanted to honor her at the movie's premiere on February
24th who did they call? Why Paul Haggis, famous former Scientologist,
Oscar winner, and great friend of Bello.

This move didn't go over very well at the festival, where Haggis had to
be on guard because of all the Scienos in the audience. Haggis was the
main source for the book and documentary called "Going Clear," which
outed a lot of the cult's misdeeds and named Doven as Cruise's chief of
staff. I've written about Doven over the years as well.

Tags: Celebrity Centre, David Miscavige, In Search of Fellini, Michael Doven,
Nancy Cartwright, Paul Haggis, Peter Kjenaas, Tom Cruise, United Pictures


Mom Interviews Me About Scientology, Big Blue, and Masturbation
March 5, 2017, Steven Mango, YouTube

My motherly figure Sherri hilariously interviews me about my knowledge
and experiences regarding Scientology. Firstly, we call an
ex-Scientologist to ask her "Why is Big Blue actually blue?" We also
discussed the LGBT stance of Scientology and my experiences being in
the closet in a homophobic cult. Sherri asked me about sex and
masturbation within Scientology and the answer may surprise you!

Please subscribe to my channel and comment your thoughts below :)

Steve Takes Sherri to a Sex Class at Sex Shop:

Tags: Big Blue, Church of Scientology of California, Drama, Facebook, LGBTQ,
Quicky, Twitter


Scientology Gold Base Rescue Mission Cops called.
March 5, 2017, California Guardian, YouTube

When out to Scientology's Gold Base (between Beaumont and Hemet) to
film the gate and see if we could encounter the bully Danny Dunigan.
Offered to a few Scilon Slaves the opportunity to escape with Natsy
Nathanial and I. Scientology Security false called the Police claiming
we were fighting in the street.

Tags: Danny Dunigan, Hemet, Int Base, Mission, Police, Quicky


Scientology, Where You're Always Worse Off than Everybody Else
March 5, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Another in the continuing series of provocative essays from Terra

Scientology, Where You're Always Worse Off than Everybody Else

Is it just me, or did other people feel slightly unworthy inside the
bubble? On one hand, all Scientologists are taught they're more able
than anyone else. On the other, there were always members who were:

Tags: 1974, Apollo, Basics, Clear, Conditions, David Miscavige, Ethics, Field
Staff Member, L. Ron Hubbard, Patron Maximus, Potential Trouble Source,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Sea Org, Sec Check, Student Hat, Terra Cognita,
The Way to Happiness, WISE


Scientology's Narconon rehabs haven't changed in the least, even after dozens
of lawsuits
March 5, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Rod Keller keeps a close watch on Scientology's front groups, and this
week gives us another report on the church's drug rehab network,

The Narconon drug rehab facility in Fort Collins, Colorado is known as
"A Life Worth Saving." The former Diamond Crest Assisted Living center
was purchased by Narconon in 2008, and the center offers the
Scientology program of saunas, megadoses of vitamins, and "TRs" or
"training routines." In 2014 attorney Ryan Hamilton sued the facility
on behalf of patients Tyler Mathys and Nikki Mott, claiming that the
facility doesn't provide actual treatment for drug addiction, and that
it caused psychological injuries. (The suit was later settled.) No
deaths have been reported at the facility, unlike others in the
Narconon system.

Baltimore resident Joseph Dahdah attended the facility briefly in 2015,
and his experience suggests that even after years of patient deaths,
government investigations, and dozens of lawsuits, the rehabs are still
operating with almost no change at all. I spoke with him and his mother
Christine this week and they described the experience.

Tags: 2006, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015, A Life Worth Living, Ashtrays, Baltimore,
Colorado, Dan Carmichael, Danny Masterson, Denver, Fort Collins, Joseph
Dahdah, Josh Penn, LAPD, Maryland, Mission, Narconon, Narconon Fresh Start,
Narconon staff, Narconon Turkey, New York City, Nikki Mott, Police, Rod
Keller, Ryan Hamilton, Sexual assault, Staph infection, Tyler Mathys


Battle breaks out ahead of white nationalist Richard Spencer's speech in
March 5, 2018, Steve Friess, Reuters, Global News

At least a dozen people were arrested on Monday after supporters of
Richard Spencer clashed with protesters outside a Michigan college
campus where the white nationalist was scheduled to speak.

Among those arrested were Gregory Conte, director of operations for
Spencer's organization, the National Policy Institute, according to
Evan McLaren, the group's executive director.

Fistfights broke out on a road leading to Michigan State University in
East Lansing as about 40 backers of Spencer walked up a road leading to
the campus, where roughly 500 demonstrators had gathered, surrounding
an armored police vehicle.

Tags: 2016, Alt-Right, Antifa, Charlottesville, David Sherman, Evan McLaren,
Greg Conte, Indianapolis, Lansing, Michigan, Michigan State Police, Michigan
State University, National Policy Institute, Police, Quicky, Republican,
Richard Spencer, Southern Poverty Law Center, Twitter, University of Florida,
Virginia, Washington, White House, White supremacist


Scientology turning to focus groups in anticipation of its TV 'network'
March 5, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We spoke this weekend to Alexander, a New Yorker who last week
participated in a focus group in Manhattan at a research company where
he's participated in other surveys in the past.

But this one was pretty unusual, he tells us. The focus group was told
that the Church of Scientology is about to premiere its very own
television network, and it wanted some feedback on the sorts of
commercials the church plans to run to promote the new TV channel.

"We saw about five commercials. Only one featured L. Ron Hubbard,"
Alexander told us. For his participation in the focus group, he was
paid $100.

Tags: A&E, Aaron Smith-Levin, Aftermath Foundation, Christie Collbran, Claire
Headley, Clearwater, David Miscavige, Donald Trump, Florida, Int Base, Joy
Villa, Leah Remini, Luis Garcia, Manhattan, Marc Headley, Mike Rinder, New
Yorker, Quicky, Ray Jeffrey, Scientology and the Aftermath, Sea Org, Super
Bowl, Texas, The Hole, Time Warner, YouTube


The Aftermath Foundation
March 5, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

As scientology prepares to launch SuMP TV, we are launching something
we believe will be far more beneficial and hopefully grow to have even
greater impact.

Scientology and the Aftermath has exposed many abuses commonplace in
scientology. Harsh punishment, child and sexual abuse, enforced
disconnection from family members and much more?

Were it not for the fact that they are able to hide behind the cloak of
First Amendment law, they would likely already have been dismantled.

Tags: Aaron Smith-Levin, Aftermath Foundation, Christie Collbran, Claire
Headley, Disconnection, Donation, Facebook, First Amendment, Luis Garcia,
Marc Headley, Quicky, Ray Jeffrey, Scientology and the Aftermath, Scientology
Media Productions, Sea Org, Twitter


Do Scientologists know L. Ron Hubbard wrote Sci Fi?
March 5, 2019, Growing Up In Scientology, YouTube

I explain why Scientologists don't see a problem with L. Ron Hubbard
having been a Science Fiction writer. I also explain how Scientologists
believe L. Ron Hubbard was the reincarnation of Buddha.

David Miscavige BJ story:

Aaron Smith-Levin

Tags: Aaron Smith-Levin, Aftermath Foundation, Buddha, David Miscavige,
Facebook, Leah Remini, Quicky, Twitter


Not Santa Barbara Ideal Org
March 5, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The new "ideal org" that is no longer in Santa Barbara (they'll just
have to without an org now) has the welcoming appeal of the Death Star
or Tower of Mordor.

A couple of our faithful readers recently drove by to check it out.

Right alongside the freeway in Ventura, it is hardly an "ideal"
location (the current org is right in downtown Santa Barbara).

Tags: Facebook, Ideal Org, Quicky, Santa Barbara, Twitter


Spy vs. spy: How Scientology and the CIA battled 40 years ago
March 5, 2019, Ian Shapira, Washington Post

> Mary Sue Hubbard, wearing sunglasses in the center, wife of the
founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, leaves court in Washington on
Aug. 17, 1978. (Ira Schwarz) By Ian Shapira Ian Shapira Enterprise
reporter covering the Washington region and beyond Email Bio Follow
March 5 at 7:00 AM The tiny article inside the The Washington Post on
Jan. 13, 1979, read like something from a cartoonishly sinister spy
show: "CIA documents released yesterday show the agency once considered
using drugs, shock treatments and even removal of parts of the brain to
'dispose of blown agents, exploited defectors and defecting trainees.'"

The CIA wanted to cut out parts of people's brains? The Post article
says the agency memo makes it clear that "lethal methods were ruled out.

By then, the American public had read countless stories about
investigations into Langley's infamous program code-named "MK-Ultra,"
which carried out mind-control drug experiments in the 1950s and 1960s
on U.S. and Canadian citizens. But this small wire story in the Post
seemed to add a new, more menacing allegation in the saga of the CIA's
once-top-secret efforts.

Tags: 1950, 1960, 1961, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1993, Alex
Gibney, American Citizens for Honesty in Government, American Medical
Association, Anonymous, Burglary, Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, DC,
Edward Kennedy, England, FBI, Florida, Freedom of Information Act, Galactic
Confederacy, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, Going Clear:
Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, HBO, Hollywood, Internal
Revenue Service, IRS, Jacqueline Onassis, Lawrence Wright, Los Angeles, Mary
Sue Hubbard, Mission, MK-ULTRA, Operation Big Mouth, Operation Cut Throat,
Pulitzer Prize, Snow White Program, Tom Cruise, US Department of Justice,
Washington, Xenu


The real reason Trump is pushing a free speech order on college campuses
March 5, 2019, Teri Kanefield, Opinion, CNN

(CNN) During his rambling, two hour talk on Saturday at the
Conservative Political Action Conference, President Donald Trump said
he soon will sign a free speech order for college campuses. What he
left out was that the justification for the order is based on a false
interpretation of what is actually happening at America's colleges.

Trump claims he plans to cut off federal funding, at least in part, to
colleges that do not protect views across the political spectrum. To
make his point, he called Hayden Williams, a conservative activist,
onto the stage. Williams alleges that he was punched at the University
of California Berkeley when he tried to express a conservative viewpoint.

In fact, what appears to have happened is that Williams -- who was not
a member of the university community -- wandered onto the campus and
got into a political quarrel with another person, who was also not a
member of the university community. The man who allegedly assaulted
Williams was promptly arrested . Berkeley released a statement
explaining that the incident was being "willfully distorted and
inaccurately reported " and that the campus remained committed to
freedom of expression.

Tags: 2015, 2017, Climate change, Conservative Political Action Conference,
Donald Trump, Facebook, First Amendment, Hayden Williams, Milo Yiannopoulos,
Neo-Nazi, Nobel, Richard Spencer, Russia, Trojan speakers, Twitter,
University of California, Vladimir Putin, White supremacist


U.S. colleges spend millions on security to host controversial speakers
March 5, 2019, Jillian Berman, Wall Street Journal

As the political climate in America has become more heated in recent
years, so has the debate over what constitutes free speech. Look no
further for evidence of this controversy than President Donald Trump's
recent vow to issue an executive order that would require colleges to
"support free speech" if they want access to federal research funding.

The debate has already proved costly for colleges. Speaking engagements
with high-profile figures who make headlines from inflammatory comments
- and the violent protests that can sometimes come with them - have
been expensive, as campuses shell out to create a safe environment for
free speech. "There is a cost, it's unavoidable," said Jeff Allison,
the director of government and external relations at the International
Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.

The University of California-Berkeley, spent roughly $4.8 million on
security in 2017 surrounding appearances from controversial speakers,
like Milo Yiannopoulos and Ben Shapiro, who were invited by student
groups, according to the university. The University of Florida spent
$500,000 to keep its campus safe when white nationalist Richard Spencer
appeared there in 2017, a university spokesman said in an email.

Tags: 2000, 2016, 2017, 2018, African-American, Alt-Right, Ann Coulter, Ben
Shapiro, Betsy DeVos, Brown University, Candace Owens, Charles Murray, David
Duke, Donald Trump, First Amendment, Florida, Georgia, Ku Klux Klan, Legal,
Michigan, Milo Yiannopoulos, New Orleans, New York Times, North Carolina,
Police, Quicky, Republican, Richard Spencer, The Bell Curve, Turning Point
USA, University of California, Walter Kimbrough, Washington, Washington
University in St. Louis, White supremacist


What's creepier than a Scientology street fair? Apparently, not much.
March 5, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We were thrilled to learn that our man in Los Angeles, Jeffrey
Augustine, took his camera down this weekend to Scientology's attempt
to relate to the people who live in its neighborhood.

"It was an emergency preparedness, community food market, and blood
drive at Big Blue on Sunset Boulevard, and there were tents all over
the place. I guess they thought if they threw enough things at the
wall, something would stick," Jeffrey tells us. "But it was clear to me
that PAC Base was lost and just couldn't relate to the residents of
East Hollywood. Scientology has nothing to offer them."

Jeffrey took lots of snapshots, and generously provided them to the
Bunker along with his captions. We think you'll find them fascinating.

Tags: AOLA, ASHO, Big Blue, Cedars of Lebanon, CLO WUS, Hollywood, Hospital,
Jeffrey Augustine, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, OT, PAC Base, Quicky, Sea
Org, Starbucks, Sunset Boulevard, Wogs


Clearview AI Lured Rich Investors by Letting Them Rummage Around in Its
Creepy Face Recognition App
March 5, 2020, Tom McKay, Gizmodo

Creepy facial recognition firm Clearview AI-which claims to have built
an extensive database from billions of photos scraped from the public
web-allowed the rich and powerful to use its app as a personal
plaything and spy tool, according to reporting from the New York Times
on Thursday.

Clearview and its founder, Hoan Ton-That, claim that the database is
only supposed to be used by law enforcement and "select security
professionals" in the course of investigations. Prior reports from the
Times revealed that hundreds of law enforcement agencies, including the
Department of Justice and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, had used
Clearview's biometric tools, which is alarming enough, given the total
lack of any U.S. laws regulating how face recognition can be used and
its proven potential in mass surveillance of anyone from minorities to
political targets. Clearview also pitched itself and its tools to white
supremacist Paul Nehlen, then a candidate for Congress, saying it could
provide "unconventional databases" for "extreme opposition research."

But the Times has now found that Clearview's app was "freely used in
the wild by the company's investors, clients and friends" in situations
ranging from showing off at parties to, in the case of billionaire
Gristedes founder John Catsimatidis, correctly identifyin g a man his
daughter was on a date with. More alarmingly, Catsimatidis launched a
trial run of Clearview's potential as a surveillance tool at his chain
of grocery stores.

Tags: 2019, Apple, Ashton Kutcher, BuzzFeed, Canada, Clear, Clearview AI,
Congress, Dark Right, Facebook, First Amendment, Google, Hal Lambert, Hoan
Ton-That, Illinois, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Manhattan, New
Jersey, New York Times, Paul Nehlen, PBS, Texas, Twitter, US Department of
Justice, Virginia, White supremacist, YouTube


Hawkish Group Targets Medicine Sales to Iran Amid Coronavirus Crisis
March 5, 2020, Eli Clifton, The Intercept

UANI's efforts are particularly notable in light of the group's close
ties to the Trump administration; Iran's regional adversaries Saudi
Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel; and the Republican
Party's biggest donors, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson.

Senior UANI adviser John Bolton worked for UANI both before and after
his stint in the Trump administration as national security adviser.
UANI's umbrella group, Counter Extremism Project United Inc, paid
Bolton $240,000 between 2016 and 2017. Bolton's appointment as national
security adviser was quickly followed by Trump's withdrawal from the
nuclear deal with Iran.

Besides Bolton, the Trump administration twice sent Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo to UANI's annual conference, held during the United Nations
General Assembly. Pompeo used the occasions to promote outlandish
claims about Europe purportedly financing Iranian terrorism and to
present the administration's "maximum pressure" strategy to UANI's
audience, which included senior diplomats and intelligence officials
from the Persian Gulf and Israel.

Tags: 2016, 2017, Company, Coronavirus, Counter Extremism Project United,
Dark Right, Eli Lilly, Humanitarian, Iran, Israel, John Bolton, Joshua
Silberberg, Mike Pompeo, Miriam Adelson, Republican, Richard Grenell, Saudi
Arabia, Sheldon Adelson, Thomas Kaplan, United Against Nuclear Iran, United
Arab Emirates


Naturally, shady Scientology operators are drawn to the gold rush of stem
cell therapy
March 5, 2020, Jeffrey Augustine, Underground Bunker

As Tony pointed out on Tuesday, the stem cell therapy business is
having a Wild West moment, and so it's attracting shady Scientologists
who want to get in on the action.

In fact, the first Scientologist to enter the stem cell treatment
business was Matt Feshbach, a familiar name here at the Bunker, and a
notable figure because he was among the first to go through the "Super
Power" processes as a reward for making a $1 million donation to the

In 2013 Feshbach opened the Okyanos Heart Institute in The Bahamas. A
2014 press release claimed that the clinic would "bring a new standard
of care and a better quality of life to patients with coronary artery
disease using adult stem cell therapy."

Tags: 1972, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, Ali Shawkat, Apple, Bahamas,
Brian Statler, Chrissie Bixler, Church of Spiritual Technology, Condusiv
Technologies, Craig Jensen, Criminal, Diskeeper, Dylan Gill, FBI, FDA,
Feshbach, Food and Drug Administration, Free Being, Garcia v. Scientology,
GPB Capital Holdings, Grant Cardone, Gregory Winteregg, Inglewood, Int Base,
International Association of Scientologists, Iran, Iraq, IRS, Israel,
Jacksonville, Jay Spina, Kathy Feshbach, L. Ron Hubbard, London, Los Angeles,
Luis Colon, Manuel Vianna, Matt Feshbach, MGE Management Experts, Miami, New
York, Okyanos Heart Institute, OT, Patron, Ponzi scheme, Purification
Rundown, Quicky, Rizza Islam, Russia, Scotland, Sea Org, Sec Check, St.
Louis, Super Power, Texas, Trial, Valerie Haney


Thursday Funnies
March 5, 2020, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

They were the heros of the Big Balloon Bust of Ventura

Why aren't they doing something about Ventura instead of giving money
to the non-existent org in Albuquerque?

Just who is this guy?

Tags: Adelaide, Albuquerque, Ballo, Canberra, China, Facebook, Google, Grade
Chart, Indonesia, International Association of Scientologists, L. Ron
Hubbard, Malaysia, New Guinea, OT, Pakistan, Pasadena, Philippines, Quicky,
Thailand, Thursday Funnies, Twitter, Ventura, Vietnam


Trump attempts to blame Obama for coronavirus test kit shortage
March 5, 2020, The Guardian

Donald Trump sought to shift blame on to the Obama administration for a
nationwide coronavirus test kit shortage.

The president on Wednesday blamed a federal agency decision during
Barack Obama's presidency, which Trump said made it harder to quickly
roll out testing for the virus.

"The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to
be very detrimental to what we're doing, and we undid that decision a
few days ago so that the testing can take place in a much more accurate
and rapid fashion," he told reporters during a White House meeting with
airline executives, whom he had called to discuss the economic effects
of the outbreak.

Tags: Barack Obama, California, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
China, CNBC, Coronavirus, Dark Right, DC, Department of Homeland Security,
Donald Trump, FDA, John Bolton, Larry Kudlow, National Security Council,
ProPublica, Robert Redfield, White House, World Health Organization


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