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Today in Scientology -- August 31st ********************************************************

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Scientology Today

Sep 1, 2019, 11:44:18 AM9/1/19
Today August 31st in Scientology history

August 31, 1980, Rudy Maxa, Washington Post

The bitter and bizarre feud between the federal government and the
Church of Scientology took a startling turn last month when U.S.
District Judge Charles R. Richey removed himself from presiding over a
pending criminal trial of two members of the church. Richey claimed the
defendants and their attorneys had engaged in "groundless and
relentless" attacks on him. Presumably one of those attacks was a
charge -- reported by columnist Jack Anderson -- that Richey purchased
the services of a prostitute while in California to hear one aspect of
the government's case against the Scientologists.

Richey would not comment on the report.

Behind the story of the Anderson column and Richey's decision was an
elaborately staged undercover operation by a local private
investigator, Dick Bast. Bast was hired by the Scientologists to learn,
among other things, if the judge -- who last December sentenced some
members of the church to prison for breaking into government offices to
steal documents -- was predisposed to rule against the defendants
because of a personal dislike for Scientologists. Along the way, Bast
learned about the alleged liaison between Richey and a prostitute.

Tags: California, Europe, Jack Anderson, Jim Perry, Judge Charles Richey, Los
Angeles, Private investigator, Quicky, Richard Bast


Shortsellers in the Bull Market
August 31, 1987, Brett Duval Fromson, CNN Money

Connoisseurs of sleazy stocks are the three Feshbach brothers --
fraternal twins Joe and Matt, 34, and their older brother, Kurt, 35.
The Feshbachs go for what Joe calls "terminal" stocks that will drop
even if the Dow goes to 3000. "We want to be sure we short lousy ones,"
he says. "Frauds and bankruptcy candidates and accounting fiascos." The
brothers work from messy offices in Menlo Park and Palo Alto,
California. Since they began shorting in June 1982, when the Dow sat on
its tuffet around 800, the Feshbachs have yet to endure a down year.
Their fund was up 248% in 1984. In the worst year so far, 1985, it rose
44%. They made 62% last year, but the fund is up only 13% for the first
half of 1987 because the brothers made a mistake and shorted a large
block of Reebok International shares. After watching the price rise,
they covered at a loss. Reinvested profits and money from outside
investors have pushed the total under Feshbach management to over $100
million. The fund is not open to new money just now. When it does
reopen, the minimum investment in the partnership will be $2 million.

Tags: Feshbach


Bellmon Advised to Avoid Dispute
August 31, 1989, Chris Casteel, News OK

Gov. Henry Bellmon's top legal aide advised him Wednesday not to get
involved in a dispute over a proposed drug treatment center in Newkirk.
"It would be inappropriate for the governor to sign any document
endorsing a drug treatment center prior to completion of the Department
of Mental Health's review of the facility for certification," Andrew
Tevington said. Bellmon was asked by a group of Native Americans to
sign a proclamation about drug abuse that mentions the Narconon
Chilocco New Life Treatment Center.

Tags: Andrew Tevington, Chilocco Indian School, Henry Bellmon, Narconon,
Narconon Chilocco, Newkirk, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health
and Substance Abuse Services


Court Lets Newspaper Keep Scientology Texts
August 31, 1995, Charles W. Hall, Washington Post, Seattle Times

A federal judge in Alexandria, Va., yesterday permitted The Washington
Post to retain a copy of Church of Scientology texts and to use the
texts in its news reporting, saying the paper's news-gathering rights
far outweigh claims that the documents are protected by copyright and
trade secrecy laws.

Tags: Arnaldo Lerma, Earle Cooley, Judge Brinkema, Washington Post


August 31, 1995, Charles W. Hall, Washington Post

A federal judge in Alexandria yesterday permitted The Washington Post
to retain a copy of Church of Scientology texts and to use the texts in
its news reporting, saying the paper's news-gathering rights far
outweigh claims that the documents are protected by copyright and trade
secrecy laws.

U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema refused to issue a preliminary
injunction against The Post, saying its excerpts of the church's texts
in an Aug. 19 Style section article were brief and did not diminish the
texts' value to the worldwide church.

The article, which reported on lawsuits filed by the church to prevent
critics from putting its texts on the Internet computer network,
included brief quotations from Scientology documents obtained from a
federal court file in Los Angeles.

Tags: Arlington, Arnaldo Lerma, Boston, Earle Cooley, Judge Leonie Brinkema,
Los Angeles, Marc Fisher, Quicky, Richard Leiby, Scientology lawyer


"Remailer" service shut down
August 31, 1996, Scrolling Eye, CNET

A Finnish operation that allowed people to send anonymous email on the
Internet was shut down after accusations it was used for child

Johan Helsingius, who has operated the electronic message relay service
since 1993, denied the pornography allegations but said he had received
calls from people accusing him of pedophilia, according to the
Associated Press.

Helsingius called the end of his service "a blow for Internet users and
computer privacy," and said the charges are "not even possible."

Tags: 1993,, Associated Press, FBI, Johan Helsingius, Police,
The Observer


Scientology OT8 sea org member
August 31, 2009, Marcabianinvader1, YouTube

Nothing to say,video explains it all,sea org member OT8 using tech
Against a fellow Anonymous.

$cientology wants your Money,and ultimatley is a trap,$cientology will
drive you crazy like this guy.


Tags: Anonymous, OT, Quicky


Scientology: L Ron hubbard on Gautama Buddha
August 31, 2009, AffinityKRC, YouTube

From the Scientology lecture "The Hope of Man", L Ron Hubbard talks
about Gautama Siddhartha Buddha.

Tags: Buddha, L. Ron Hubbard, Quicky


there was no Christ by Lafayette Ron Hubbard
August 31, 2009, hotdot200, YouTube

there was no Christ by the Bare faced Messiah of Scientology Lafayette
Ron Hubbard.

Tags: Anonymous, Japan, Quicky


How Miscavige Killed Church Management
August 31, 2010, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

In January 1996 when I returned to the Int Base after two years of tech
training at the Ship and Flag, Miscavige was well in progress on
annihilating church management.

First, Miscavige was in the process of busting Marc Yager off CO CMO
INT/WDC Chairman and spent three years attempting to turn the man into
a mouse.

Second, Miscavige had nearly all those who remained in Int Managment
working on an evolution as massive in content and as destructive in
result as Golden Age of Tech. In his Stalinesque style Miscavige dubbed
it New Era of Management. Like GAT, NEM consisted of endless binders of
Miscavige written and/or directed and approved material. Just as GAT
forever altered and replaced LRH tech, NEM forever altered and buried
LRH admin.

Tags: 1996, 1999, 2000, Angie Blankenship, Chairman of the Board, Church of
Spiritual Technology, CMO Int, Commodore's Messenger Organization,
Conditions, Continental Liaison Office, Dan Koon, Dan Sherman, David
Miscavige, DC, E-meter, Finance Dictator, Flag Order, Flag Service
Organization, Flag Ship Service Organization, Golden Age of Tech, Hollywood,
Ideal Org, Int Base, International Management, L. Ron Hubbard, Legal, Marc
Yager, Mark Ingber, Mike Rinder, Mission, Office of Special Affairs, PC
folders, Quicky, Ray Mithoff, Rehabilitation Project Force, Religious
Technology Center, Russ Bellin, Warren McShane, Wendell Reynolds


A Scientology Internal Document Says its 'Office of Special Affairs' is Going
to 'Handle' the Village Voice
August 31, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

A nice little tidbit for the evening here at the underground bunker,
where we keep an eye on all things Scientology.

A few weeks ago, I was asked to call in to The Church of Lazlo show at
96.5 the Buzz in Kansas City. In 2003-2005 I lived in that city and was
a regular on Lazlo's show, updating him on a newspaper I worked for
there. Lazlo had me on his August 3 show because he wanted to know why
I was writing so much about Scientology these days.

He had me on the show again today to say that since that program, he's
received a communication from Scientology, and the lunkheads over there
accidentally included an internal memorandum which indicated that
Scientology's Office of Special Affairs International -- its worldwide
intelligence and covert operations wing -- is going to be "handling"
yours truly.

Tags: 2003, 2005, Anonymous, Kansas City, Office of Special Affairs, Squirrel
Busters, Squirrel stuff, The Pitch


'Nuff Said
August 31, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

I don't mean to keep harping on such a seemingly simple week of
activity. It is illustrative however of the suppression that has become
Radical Corporate Scientology under the misdirection of David Miscavige.
So I consider it relevant.

We're done in LA for the moment. We want to express our gratitude to
the wonderful independent Scientologists who made our work possible
against a well financed, zealously executed program to stop HELP.
Michael Fairman's and Joy Grayson's roles have been covered in a
previous post.

What is not known is the behind the scenes work of the incomparable
Garcia family (Luis, Rocio, and Ivan). They engineered and financed and
executed an elaborate scheme to make our work possible and free me up
to get it done while also keeping a number of other ongoing 3rd dynamic
projects on track. No grand standing, no motivation for recognition,
just straight forward HELP came from the Garcias. This, in my view, is
what Scientology is all about.

Tags: Auditing, Corpus Christi, David Miscavige, Michael Fairman, Mission,
Quicky, San Francisco, Santa Ana, Texas


Scientology Strikes Back at The New Yorker
August 31, 2011, Jeremy W. Peters, New York Times

Known for its aggressive litigiousness and scorched-earth public
relations approach, the church's latest target is The New Yorker, which
in February published a 25,000-word article that painted Scientology as
corrupt and cultish.

In response, the church has produced a 51-page glossy magazine and an
accompanying three-part DVD that try to discredit The New Yorker, its
writers, editors, fact-checkers and sources.

"The New Yorker: What a Load of Balderdash," reads the cover headline
on the publication, Freedom, which is registered as a copyright of the
church and bills itself as offering "investigative reporting in the
public interest."

Tags: Academy Award, Fair Game, Lawrence Wright, New Yorker, Paul Haggis,
Texas, The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power, USA Today


Scientology's Gaudy New Yorker Spoof
August 31, 2011, Hamilton Nolan, Gawker

The Scientologists are still mad about the huge Lawrence Wright
Scientology takedown that the NYer ran last February. Over six months
ago! That piece ran after an eight-hour marathon fact-checking meeting
with Scientologists. But here they are, six months later, to get their
revenge, with a magazine spoof-including an entire DVD criticizing
Lawrence Wright's journalistic methods!

Tags: Freedom magazine, Lawrence Wright, New York City


'The Church of Scientology' by Hugh B. Urban chronicles the controversial
rise of a religion
August 31, 2011, Glenn Altschuler, Boston Globe

In "The Church of Scientology," Hugh B. Urban, a professor of religious
studies at Ohio State University, provides a fascinating account of how
a healing practice called Dianetics came to define itself - and become
officially recognized - as a religion in the United States. Urban
strains to strike a balance between what he calls "a hermeneutics of
respect and a hermeneutics of suspicion," grounded in a firm belief in
freedom of worship and an obligation to ask tough questions about
alleged misbehavior by Scientologists, including espionage against
government agencies, attacks on critics, abuse of members, and attempts
to alter entries in Wikipedia.

Tags: Hugh Urban, IRS


The Top 25 People Crippling Scientology, No. 14: Tory Christman
August 31, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Tory is truly one of a kind. But many other Scientologists who leave
the organization choose not to fade into obscurity. We want to
recognize those who've had the greatest impact. Some have spent years
trying to educate the public about their experiences and warn
governments about Scientology's abuses, and some ex-members pose a
threat because of who they were in Scientology.

Tags: 1940, 1950, 1969, 1970, 1976, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1992,
1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
A Piece of Blue Sky, Aaron Saxton, Abortion, Academy Award, alt.religion.
scientology, Andreas Heldal-Lund, AnonSparrow, Anonymous, Arnaldo Lerma,
Astra Woodcraft, Australia, BBC, Bent Corydon, Boston, Brian Mandigo, Bryan
Seymour, California, Carmel Underwood, Carmen Rainer, Celebrity Centre,
Center for Inquiry, Chuck Beatty, Church of Scientology International, Class
XII, Clearwater, CNN, Dan Garvin, David Love, David Miscavige, DC, Dean
Detheridge, Denise Brennan, Dennis Erlich, Dianetics, Disconnection, E-meter,
exscn, Fair Game, Florida, Frank Oliver, Germany, Gerry Armstrong, Guardian's
Office, Harold Bezazian, Heber Jentzsch, Hollywood, Hugh Urban, Inspector
General, Jan Eastgate, Janet Reitman, Jenna Miscavige Hill, Jesse Prince, Joe
Harrington, John Sweeney, Jon Atack, Karen de la Carriere, Kendra Wiseman,
Kendrick Moxon, KESQ, Kevin Mackey, Larry Anderson, Laura DeCrescenzo,
Lawrence Wollersheim, Lawrence Woodcraft, Lawrence Wright, Lisa McPherson,
Lisa McPherson Trust, London, Margery Wakefield, Mark Bunker, Marty Rathbun,
Maureen Bolstad, Messiah or Madman?, Michael Fairman, Montreal, My Billion
Year Contract, Nancy Many, Narconon, Nathan Baca, New Yorker, Nick Xenophon,
Nightline, Office of Special Affairs, OT, Patty Moher, Paul Haggis, Paul
Schofield, Quebec College of Physicians, Rehabilitation Project Force,
Religious Technology Center, Robert Vaughn Young, Rolling Stone, Ron DeWolf,
Russell Brand, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Barbara, Scamizdat, Scarlett De
Boer, Scarlett Hanna, Scientology executive, Scientology lawyer, Scott
Pilutik, Sea Org, Sec Check, St. Petersburg Times, Stevens Creek, Suppressive
Person, Tax exempt, The Australian, The Truth Rundown, Tom Cruise, Tom
DeVocht, Tommy Davis, Tory Christman, Washington, Watchdog Committee, Will De
Boer, Will Fry, Xenu, YouTube, Zoe Woodcraft


Love And Respect For Family
August 31, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Check out this article on one of the fastest growing religions in

The Amish don't spend millions each year to promote themselves.

Tags: 2011, Atlanta, Mimi Faust, Quicky, Sea Org, Village Voice


The Secret to Eternal Youth! Now Available on the Cruise Ship Freewinds!
August 31, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Scientology watchers, we have a treat for you this morning. This video
has been making the rounds the last couple of days, and we can see why
it's generating so much interest. Mike Napier, the captain of
Scientology's private cruise ship, the Freewinds, stars in this film
and tells us about the benefits of his "competence and leadership"
course (which looks hard to distinguish from your typical Outward Bound
sort of experience, but what do we know).

This is Scientology, so naturally the claims are off the charts -- for
example, swabbing the decks of the church's tugboat is somehow going to
teach you how not to age!

Tags: 1968, 1970, 1971, 1977, 1993, 2008, 2016, Abortion, Advance!, Amy
Scobee, Anonymous, Apollo, Astra Woodcraft, BBC, Bryan Seymour, Buddhism,
Buddhist, CIA, Claire Headley, Daily Beast, Dana Kennedy, David Miscavige,
David Touretzky, Debbie Cook, Drew Harwell, England, Facebook, Flag Service
Organization, Florida, Freewinds, Germany, Guy Adams, Harry Smith, Hy Levy,
International Association of Scientologists, Jamie DeWolf, Jarrel Wade,
Jeanne LeFlore, Jefferson Hawkins, Joe Childs, John Brousseau, John F.
Kennedy, Jonny Jacobsen, Karen de la Carriere, Kate Bornstein, L. Ron
Hubbard, Lisa Marie Presley, Marisa Mendelson, Mark Bunker, Mediterranean,
Mike Napier, Montreal, Munich, Neil Gaiman, New York, Orders of the Day, OT,
OT Phenomena, OT VII, Paul Thomas Anderson, Project Chanology, Sea Org, Steve
Cannane, Super Power, Sydney, Tami Lemberger, Tampa Bay Times, Texas, The
Master, The Secret, Tom Cruise, Tom Tobin, Toronto, Tory Christman, Twitter,
WhyWeProtest, Xenu


The History of Scientology's Weird Vaults - The Bizarre Battlefield Earth
August 31, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

THE BUNKER: So the apparent layers of control - the officers,
directors, trustees, special directors?

DENISE: All a sham. The special directors - they had no authority. It
looks like they have power, but they have no power at all. Pursuant to
the CST bylaws the primary things they were charged with looking into
were ensuring that CST qualified for tax benefits. And the regular
directors who had to be Scientologists in good standing could overrule
them at will. Throughout organized corporate Scientology we had undated
resignation letters from all corporate trustees, directors, and
officers. We used to go up to directors with meeting minutes already
typed up and have them sign them without reading them. All of the
corporate papers and layers of directors - it's all just a scam that
has nothing to do with who really runs Scientology. Who runs
Scientology is David Miscavige, and he controls it through the Sea

Tags: 1938, 1945, 1951, 1952, 1980, 1982, 1986, 2002, 2008, 2011, A Piece of
Blue Sky, Allied Scientists of the World, Angry Gay Pope, Arthur Bolstad,
Author Services Inc, Battlefield Earth, Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside
Scientology and My Harrowing Escape, Buddha, Building Investment Committee,
California, Caroline Letkeman, Church of Scientology International, Church of
Scientology of California, Church of Spiritual Technology, CIA, Clearwater,
Creston Ranch, David Miscavige, Denise Brennan, Dianazene, Dianetics, Dylan
Gill, FBI, FDA, Federation of Atomic Scientists, Florida, Going Clear:
Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Hemet, Hollywood, Ideal
Org, Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion, Int
Base, IRS, J. Swift, Jane McNairn, Janet Reitman, Jenna Miscavige Hill, John
Travolta, Jon Atack, Karen de la Carriere, L. Ron Hubbard, Lady Washington
Mine, Lawrence Wollersheim, Lawrence Wright, Los Angeles, Lyman Spurlock,
Marc Headley, Maria Starkey, Mary Baker Eddy, New Mexico, Norman Starkey,
Office of Special Affairs, Petrolia, Purification Rundown, Rebecca Hay,
Religious Technology Center, Robert Heinlein, Robert Vaughn Young, Russell
Bellin, Saint Hill, Scientology organization, Sea Org, Shelly Miscavige,
Sherman Lenske, Steve Marlow, Super Power, Sweeney Ranch, Tax exempt, The
Hole, Tom Cruise, Trementina, Twelve Against the Gods, United Nations, US
Secretary of State, Vault, Watchdog Committee, Wyoming


Voldemort Tent Update August 30
August 31, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Well, you will be happy to hear, that like Jack Nicholson in The
Shining, He's back. (Had to make a trip to Los Angeles to meet with
lawyers to try and figure out how to wriggle out of the Monique Rathbun

But in His absence there was lots of excitement in downtown Clearwater
over His tent. Actually, over the illegal destruction of two live oak
trees to make way for the tent. He no doubt issued the order to chop
down the trees when He was not in town so he couldnt receive any
embarrassing phone calls from the city. Interestingly, none of the
reports, even Tony Ortega himself, referred back to the earlier illegal
oak tree felling incident in front of Robert Almblad's office when the
trees blocked the PI's direct line of sight and audio monitoring from
the empty office they moved into across the street. See the story on
this here. (If you don't want to read the whole thing, just scan down
to the picture of the chainsawed oak tree).

But, enough of the distractions, there is important news to relay!

Tags: 1989, 2002, Advanced Org, Africa, AOSHUK, Canada, Class IV, Class V,
Class VIII, Class XII, Clear, Clearwater, Copenhagen, Cornerstone, David
Miscavige, Denmark, Facebook, Flag Service Organization, Happiness Rundown,
Ideal Org, International Association of Scientologists, Los Angeles, Mexico,
Miami, Monique Rathbun, New Year's Eve, Oak Cove, OT, OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT
VII, OT VIII, Purification Rundown, Quicky, Robert Almblad, Rundowns,
Sandcastle, Sea Org, Student Hat, Super Power, Tent, Tony Ortega


Ex-member warns that Scientology church is sinister and avaricious
August 31, 2014, Peter Swindon, Sunday Herald

The man, who asked to remain anonymous, was born into the religion.

He relocated from the USA to Scotland more than a decade ago and left
the group five years ago. He said: "What made me finally walk away was
when my mum was getting harangued for more and more money. She kept on
giving more money when she was in dire straits financially." His mother
was forced to "ex-communicate" her son. He also has concerns about the
Drug-free World campaign and the Narconon programme.

Tags: Disconnection, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Narconon, Scotland


Reality Check
August 31, 2014, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Folks who have been following the journey I have been sharing on this
blog and in my books over the past five years might want to know
something about a subject that I have not mentioned in quite some time.
I probably will not mention it again. But, I interrupt the flow of the
discourse here for this brief message in the interest of giving a
balance to the picture of the direction that I have been sharing. When
events of 2015 are in full roar I don't want people to get the idea
that all I have written over the past two years was some sort of
diversionary ruse.

I have practiced what I have been sharing. If one seeks equanimity and
expansion of awareness, I continue to recommend it. But, you might want
to know that I have also drawn from other traditions on longer term
work. Those disciplines understand that in order to increase the
ability to confront sufficient to truly face the unknown, one must
exercise proficiency in overcoming major sources of oppression. It has
to do with ascendency of power over force and the art and science of
critical point analysis application.

Work along that line must necessarily not be broadcast for the
foreseeable future. Thus, none of what I refer to here has been
disclosed anywhere, not even to my closest friends. It has nothing to
do with any current legal proceedings and is unrelated (as am I) to the
scientology infotainment lampooning industry (whose main useful purpose
is attention distraction). If you hear rumors or 'inside skinny' about
what this parallel work entails, you are hearing lies or the
imagination of someone still caught in the scientology hallucinatory
cause syndrome.

Tags: 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, Quicky


Scientologists use anti-drugs campaign to target families
August 31, 2014, Peter Swindon, Sunday Herald

Activists were seen in Glasgow during the Commonwealth Games before
travelling east to leaflet crowds in Edinburgh for the city's August
festivals. They also set up a stall at a family day in Possilpark where
parents and children were photographed signing a pledge.

Dozens of volunteers distributed booklets which are said to be
published by the "Foundation for a Drug-Free World", described in the
literature as a "non-profit public benefit organisation headquartered
in Los Angeles".

Tags: Edinburgh, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Glasgow, Jive Aces,


Scientology boss: we want to help
August 31, 2014, Peter Swindon, Sunday Herald

However, Wilson was also keen to distance Drug-Free World from Narconon.
He said: "This campaign itself is funded by the International
Association of Scientologists. It's a fully secular campaign itself.

"There is another programme called Narconon. It has centres all over
the world and it's a drug rehab. But that's not directly part of The
Truth About Drugs."

Tags: Edinburgh, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Glasgow, Graeme Wilson,
International Association of Scientologists, Narconon, Scotland, Truth About


Sunday Funnies: Oops, Scientology reveals a key fact about the size of its
August 31, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We hope you're having a great holiday weekend and we're happy that you
could drop in at the Underground Bunker for some Sunday Funnies.

It's our weekly feature that allows us to show off the best Scientology
mailers and fliers that have been forwarded to us by our great tipsters.
And we're going to start off with a slick new ad for the Sea Org that
contains an interesting admission.

"Over 6,500 strong, Sea Org members operate on an international level
and implement strategies LRH put in place to effectively clear the
planet," says the flier we're about to show you. At the bottom of it,
you can clearly see that this is an official message from the American
Saint Hill Organization (ASHO), which is part of the "Big Blue" complex
in downtown Los Angeles which was once the Cedars of Lebanon hospital.

Tags: 1950, 1969, 1990, 2001, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2015, American Religion
Identification Survey, American Saint Hill Organization, ASHO, Atlanta,
Australia, Big Blue, Bob Twaalfhoven, Cedars of Lebanon, Census, Chris
Shelton, Church of Scientology International, Denver, Dianetics, Elder abuse,
England, Ferguson, Heber Jentzsch, Ideal Org, Jefferson Hawkins, Karin Pouw,
Kirstie Alley, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Marc Headley, Mike Rinder,
Missouri, New York, New York Times, OT 7, Pasadena, Perth, Phoenix New Times,
Quicky, Sea Org, Sunday Funnies, The Way to Happiness


Two More IAS Shills
August 31, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Didn't L. Ron Hubbard say that auditors are the most valuable beings on
the planet?

So, why would an "on Source" scientologist who spent years training
through CLASS VIII, be a full time reg for the IAS rather than a full
time auditor?

Does Kathy Feshbach have disagreements with LRH?

Tags: California, Californians for Drug-Free Youth, Church of Scientology
International, Feshbach, Fundraising, Humanitarian, Ideal Org, International
Association of Scientologists, John Redman, Kathy Feshbach, Kaye Champagne, L.
Ron Hubbard, OTC, Quicky, Super Power, Truth About Drugs, UK, Voice for


Clear Certainty Is A Clear Fail
August 31, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Remember back in early July the "new" Clear Certainty Rundown was
announced. It was version 3 of something that Miscavige had earlier
brought "totally in tech" and "exactly as LRH wanted it."

And at the time, there was much hype about how every org is sending a
"Clear Certainty Team" to Flag for a fast training program. Only take a
week or two.

Well, now nearly 2 months later only ONE team has apparently completed
and returned to their org in WUS. And you can bet they are ahead of the
non-US areas, and probably EUS too. This is typical of any of these
training programs at Flag. They run months, and sometimes YEARS over
the promoted time. Plenty of staff have gone to Flag for training and
been gone for 5 YEARS or more. Flag takes advantage of these people as
indentured servants to supervise and audit their public, while billing
the orgs enormous amounts for the "training."

Tags: Clear, Clear Certainty Rundown, Dakota, David Miscavige, Golden Age of
Tech, Idaho, Ideal Org, International Management, IRS, L. Ron Hubbard,
Mississippi, Oregon, Portland, Quicky, Registrar, Trevor Pawloski


Danish beauty claims Scientology auditioned her as Tom Cruise's mate
August 31, 2015, Chris White, Daily Mail

The Church of Scientology officials were telling the beautiful
Norwegian blonde in front of the camera that it was all perfectly
normal for a training video. The hair and make up team, heavy lip stick
and mascara, and a production unit flown in especially from the
Church's headquarters in California.

Anette Iren Johansen had no reason to doubt them. She'd given up her
studies to be a veterinary surgeon to follow the Church. She'd spent
tens of thousands on courses. She was a dedicated Scientologist.

But, in an exclusive interview with Daily Mail Online, Anette reveals
that she unknowingly did what she claims was an audition to be Tom
Cruise's girlfriend - and she believes that now that Tom is single
after his divorce from Holmes, the screening process could be starting

Tags: 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2012, 2013, Anette Iren Johansen,
California, Celebrity Centre, Copenhagen, David Miscavige, Denmark,
Dianetics, Europe, Facebook, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the
Prison of Belief, Golden Era, Golden Era Productions, Greg Wilhere, Hemet,
Hollywood, Ideal Org, Iran, Jason Beghe, Jessica Alba, Karin Pouw, Kate
Bosworth, Katie Holmes, Lawrence Wright, Lawyer, Lindsay Lohan, Los Angeles,
Madrid, Marc Headley, Maureen Orth, Mission, Nazanin Boniadi, Norway, Oprah
Winfrey, Oslo, Paul Haggis, Penelope Cruz, Pulitzer Prize, Quicky, Ruin,
Scarlett Johansson, Sea Org, Shelly Miscavige, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tom Cruise,
Tsunami, Vanity Fair


Home, sweet 'Freewinds'! We get a rare look inside a Scientology promotional
August 31, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

For several years, we've posted fliers from Scientology's many events
that are put on by barnstorming "OT" ambassadors out to sell something
to compliant church members. But it's not very often that we get a
report on what it's like to attend such a gathering.

A couple of years ago, we were fortunate to hear from a tipster who
attended a pretty wild meeting that featured Scientology's Michael Chan
talking about the mindblowing abilities that would come with OT 9 & 10
when they're released - such as the power to clone yourself just with
your mind power!

This time, we heard from a different tipster who had told us that there
would be a unique opportunity to attend a meeting put on by
Scientology's barnstorming Freewinds salesmen. Why was it unique?
Because the event was being held at a non-Scientology venue, which is
pretty unusual. Here's the flier our correspondent sent to us before
the event occurred...

Tags: 1988, Bob Anderson, Bridge to Total Freedom, Chuck Beatty, Emanuel
Mottl, Freewinds, Gavin Potter, John Oliver, Michael Chan, Operating Thetan,
Org Board, OT, OT 8, OT 9, Quicky, San Jose, Scientology properties, The


Ancient wiring made 24 Sussex a firetrap that put Harper and family at risk,
report reveals
August 31, 2016, National Post

Twenty-four Sussex Drive is basically a firetrap that posed a "serious"
safety risk to former prime minister Stephen Harper and his family,
says a 2011 report done for the National Capital Commission.

The report on human health risks and the safety of the electrical
system at the currently vacant official residence - prepared by J.L.
Richards & Associates and marked secret - was released to the Ottawa
Citizen under access to information.

It says the "major life safety risk" to occupants arose from the
presence of significant quantities of RH-BX cable, now 65 years old,
"which poses the distinct potential for arc faults and a possible fire.

Tags: 2005, 2009, 2011, 24 Sussex, Asbestos, DougWiki, Justin Trudeau,
National Capital Commission, Ottawa, Ottawa Citizen, Quicky, Stephen Harper


Church of Scientology attempting to recruit in the Irish Gaeltacht
August 31, 2016, Frances Mulraney, Irish Central

It appears the controversial Church of Scientology may be widening its
recruitment in Ireland to people in the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking area)
and other Irish-speakers throughout the country with attempts made by a
sub-company of the church to translate their educational and
information supplements into Irish.

According to, the subcompany ? Golden Era Productions ?
recently wrote to a number of Irish translators looking for people
qualified and interested in reproducing their programs in Irish. The
company is not believed to have been forthcoming in informing those
they contacted about their connection with Scientology, however.

"In addition to the many languages we already provide we will also now
be making our materials available in Gaelic and thus we are looking for
qualified and interested translators," the company wrote.

Tags: 2015, Donegal, Dublin, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Gerard Ryan,
Golden Era Productions, Ireland, Narconon, Siobh?n Ryan


Church of Scientology trys to recruit Irish speakers
August 31, 2016, Suzanne McGonagle, Irish News

THE Church of Scientology appear to be trying to recruit Irish speakers
to expand its church in Ireland.

A sub-company of the church has advertised for people in the Gaeltacht
and other Irish-speakers throughout Ireland to translate their
educational and information supplements into Irish.

It has been reported by that Golden Era Productions, an
organisation operated by the Church of Scientology that produces
promotional material for the church's membership, recently wrote to a
number of Irish translators looking for people to reproduce their
programs in Irish.

Tags: Dublin, Golden Era Productions, Ireland


How Hollywood Stars, Trump and Scientologists Inflame the Vaccine Wars: "It's
Spurious but Effective"
August 31, 2016, Gary Baum, Hollywood Reporter

var _sf_startpt=(new Date()).getTime()

Vaccines and Autism: How Celebrities Continue to Ignore Scientists |
Hollywood Reporter

var PGM = window.PGM || {};

Tags: 1990, 1998, 2014, 2015, Aidan Quinn, Andrew Wakefield, Anti-vaxx,
Austin, Autism, Beverly Hills, Billboard, Brian Hooker, California,
Celebrity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Claire Headley,
Congress, Cult, Danny Masterson, Donald Trump, Eric Gladen, Facebook,
Hollywood, Jenna Elfman, Jenni Weinman, Jenny McCarthy, Jerry Brown, Jim
Carrey, John Travolta, Jon Stewart, Judge Dana Sabraw, Juliette Lewis,
Kirstie Alley, Legislation, Los Angeles, Michael Sitrick, NBC, Quicky,
Republican, Rob Schneider, Robert De Niro, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Savannah,
SB 277, Silver, Silver Lake, Spanky Taylor, Toni Braxton, Twitter, University
of Alberta, Vulture, YouTube


How Hollywood Stars, Trump and Scientologists Inflame the Vaccine Wars: "It's
Spurious but Effective"
August 31, 2016, Gary Baum, Hollywood Reporter

Throughout Southern California, kids are heading back to school, the
time of year in which the childhood immunization debate reaches full
boil, uniting everyone from Scientologists and Donald Trump to A-list
stars like Robert De Niro and Jim Carrey against stalwart scientific
consensus. Thanks in large measure to the efforts of Hollywood
heavyweights to keep alive widely discredited views, say medical
experts, a potential public health crisis continues to loom.

This was not supposed to be the storyline at the start of this academic
year - the first since the July 1 enactment of California's Senate Bill
277, signed by Gov. Jerry Brown to curtail what had been a spiraling
parental practice of submitting "personal belief exemptions" in lieu of
giving their children shots. The law passed after student vaccination
rates dropped to dangerously low levels, particularly at affluent,
industry-oriented schools, in the midst of a 2014 pertussis epidemic
and a subsequent measles outbreak that began at Disneyland.

But even though SB 277 has been characterized as one of the toughest
legislative crackdowns in the country, the bill is full of holes. The
biggest issue is a generous grandfather clause for exemptions filed
before the end of 2015, meaning a first grader whose
vaccination-adverse parents put her paperwork in order last year won't
be forced to get her shots until she reaches middle school. To
complicate matters, the law allows loosely defined medical exceptions
(which could be exploited by lenient doctors), and contains a list of
total vaccinations that fall substantially short of the full U.S.
Centers for Disease Control suggested schedule.

Tags: 1990, 1998, 2014, 2015, Aidan Quinn, Alicia Silverstone, Andrew
Wakefield, Anti-vaxx, Austin, Beverly Hills, Brian Hooker, California,
Celebrity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cindy Crawford, Claire
Headley, Congress, Cult, Danny Masterson, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Avellan,
Eric Gladen, Facebook, Harvey Weinstein, Holly Robinson Peete, Hollywood,
Jenna Elfman, Jenni Weinman, Jenny McCarthy, Jerry Brown, Jett Travolta,
Jezebel, Jim Carrey, John Travolta, Judge Dana Sabraw, Juliette Lewis,
Kirstie Alley, Los Angeles, Michael Sitrick, NBC, Pacific Palisades,
Purification Rundown, Quicky, Republican, Rob Schneider, Robert De Niro,
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Robert Rodriguez, Savannah, SB 277, Silver, Silver
Lake, Sitrick and Co, Spanky Taylor, Toni Braxton, Twitter, University of
Alberta, Vulture


Scientology's anti-vaxxer celebrities are responsible for making America
sick: report
August 31, 2016, Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Celebrity skeptics are a lot like others who distrust vaccines - they
tend to seek out natural products and organic food and practice
attachment parenting and alternative medicine.

Their celebrity lends them credibility to their fans, who follow their
advice on diet, exercise and parenting.

But many celebrity skeptics share something else in common with one
another: Scientology.

Tags: 1997, 2006, Anti-vaxx, Brian Hooker, Celebrity, Claire Headley, Clear,
Danny Masterson, Hollywood Reporter, Jenna Elfman, Jenny McCarthy, Jim
Carrey, Juliette Lewis, Kirstie Alley, Los Angeles, Purification Rundown,
Quicky, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Spanky Taylor, Westboro Baptist Church


Scientology's Secret Teachings about Jesus Christ
August 31, 2016, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

As part of its dishonest money-making scam, the Church of Scientology
claims that a person can be a Scientologist and still be a Christian, a
Jew, a Muslim, or a member of any other faith. Yet this is an outright
lie. In the secret 1993 settlement between IRS and Scientology, David
Miscavige's attorney Monique Yingling told the IRS:

"Although there is no policy or Scriptural mandate expressly requiring
Scientologists to renounce other religious beliefs or membership in
other churches, as a practical matter Scientologists are expected to
and do become fully devoted to Scientology to the exclusion of other
faiths. As Scientologists, they are required to look only to
Scientology Scriptures for the answers to the fundamental questions of
their existence and to seek enlightenment only from Scientology. Thus,
a Scientologist who grew up in the Jewish faith who continues formal
membership in his synagogue and attends services with his family
violates no Scientology policy or tenet. On the other hand, such a
person is not permitted to mix the practice of his former faith into
his practice and understanding of Scientology so as to alter orthodox
Scientology in any way."

The reason Scientologists are "expected to and do become fully devoted
to Scientology to the exclusion of other faiths" is because L. Ron
Hubbard considered all other religions to be what he called "R6" alien
implants. The Church of Scientology will not disclose to the public
Hubbard's secret teachings about Jesus Christ, Islam, or any other
religion. Only the most indoctrinated Scientologists get to read
Hubbard's secret teachings about Jesus Christ. As a public service,
therefore, the Scientology Money Project discloses these teachings.

Tags: 1954, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1980, 1988, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2000, Arnaldo
Lerma, Buddha, California, Christian, Church of Scientology International,
Clearing Congress, David Miscavige, Egypt, Field Staff Member, Freewinds,
George White, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin, Hugh Urban,
International Scientology News, IRS, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Karin Spaink,
Marcab, Marty Rathbun, Monique Yingling, Muslim, Ohio, OT, OT VIII,
Professional Auditors Bulletin, Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Steven


The Cult of Trump
August 31, 2016, Rebecca Nelson, GQ

Can't understand why a loved one would vote for Donald Trump? Let the
experts who spend their lives studying cults help break it down.

America was watching, the world was watching, and Donald Trump needed
everyone to understand just how dire the straits really were.

"Our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation," he
proclaimed ominously as he officially accepted the Republican
nomination for president at the party's convention in Cleveland last
month. It was a grim portrait of America, a once-great nation ravaged
by terrorism, "poverty and violence" at home, "war and destruction"

Tags: 1978, 1995, 1996, 2008, Branch Davidians, Breitbart, Cleveland, Cult,
Cult Education Institute, David Koresh, Donald Trump, Guyana, Jim Jones, John
Travolta, Orlando, Politician, Politico, Private investigator, Queens,
Reddit, Republican, Steve Bannon, Texas, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega


The Life of L. Ron Hubbard
August 31, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is a fascinating insight into the world inside the scientology

This image was posted to a scientology message board on FaceBook.
Shortly after this screenshot was taken, the group's admin asked that
it be taken down as it didn't have "Issue Authority."

Despite all the LRH biography briefings, websites, press releases and
books in today's official scientology scripture there is no mention
whatsoever anywhere that L. Ron Hubbard even had a wife (or 3) or any

Tags: Alaska, Cuba, David Miscavige, Disconnection, Gene Denk, Herbie
Parkhouse, Issue Authority, L. Ron Hubbard, Mary Sue Hubbard, OT, Quicky, Reg
Sharpe, Science of Survival, Shelly Miscavige, Tony Ortega


Vance Woodward's appeal fails as Scientology has the L.A. attorney on the
hook for $90,000
August 31, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Vance Woodward is one of our favorites here at the Underground Bunker.
We greatly enjoyed the book he wrote about his time in Scientology (now
no longer for sale), and he helped us write one of our favorite series,
as we blogged L. Ron Hubbard's 1950 classic Dianetics from cover to

In 2014, Vance filed suit against the Church of Scientology, seeking a
refund on about $200,000 that he still had on account for courses that
he never took in the church, and also for other damages he'd suffered
as a Scientologist. Vance first got into Scientology at 14 in 1989 in
Winnipeg, and later became an active member of the San Francisco org,
where he estimated that he paid more than $600,000 in just three years
before leaving the church in 2010.

After Vance gave up Scientology, he decided to turn his skills as a
lawyer to suing the church. But he ran into trouble when his complaint
turned out to be about much more than the money he wanted back. He
included a voluminous (and highly readable!) condemnation of how
Scientology worked to draw people in and clean them out. In court,
Scientology pounced on the scattershot approach of Vance's complaint.
It filed an "anti-SLAPP" motion - a way for defendants to stop a
lawsuit in its tracks by asking the judge to rule whether there's
really a chance that it will prevail. California's anti-SLAPP law is
particularly strong, and Judge Michael Johnson of the Los Angeles
Superior Court ended up agreeing with the church, that Vance's
complaint went after a lot of things that had nothing to do with a
refund, and that got into territory that was probably covered by
Scientology's First Amendment rights of religious expression.

Tags: 1950, 1989, 2010, 2014, Appeal, California, California Supreme Court,
Dianetics, First Amendment, Judge Michael Johnson, Los Angeles County, Los
Angeles Superior Court, Quicky, San Francisco, SLAPP, Texas, TX Lawyer, Vance
Woodward, Winnipeg, Woodward v. Scientology


As Leah Remini's second season hammers away, Scientology is losing its mind
August 31, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

It's probably safe to say that the Church of Scientology is now in the
grips of a complete meltdown.

We were struck by the church's response to the first season of Leah
Remini's A&E series Scientology and the Aftermath, but as we have
pointed out before, Scientology leader David Miscavige took things to a
whole new level when the news was announced that A&E was bringing
Remini back for a second season.

And now that we're three episodes into the second season, we're
starting to realize something. We've never seen David Miscavige lose
his shit like this.

Tags: A&E, Bodhi Elfman, Bridge to Total Freedom, Chris Shelton, Claire
Headley, David Miscavige, Facebook, Freedom magazine, Germany, Grade Chart,
Jenna Elfman, Justin Templer, King of Queens, L. Ron Hubbard, Leah Remini,
Marty Rathbun, Mary Kahn, Mike Rinder, New Yorker, Paul McDaniel, Quailynn
McDaniel, Quicky, Scientology and the Aftermath, STAND, Twitter


Scientology's Bridge to Nowhere: Part 1
August 31, 2017, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

This video is part of my series on the Basics of Scientology. my
critical analysis of Scientology's philosophies and methods. I thought
before we get too deep in to that series, I should first give an
overview of the path to spiritual freedom and personal immortality
which Scientology promises. I'll go over the history of this and then
cover the various services Scientology offers. In this first part,
we're going to cover the lower Grade Chart up to the OT levels, which
as you'll see, is a lot. In the second part, we'll cover the upper
Grade Chart with the OT levels and advanced Scientology training levels.
Let's get to it.

In Scientology, the series of training and counselling services are
collectively called The Bridge to Total Freedom, also known more
formally as the Classifiation, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels
and Certificates. The analogy of a bridge is a concept Hubbard actually
came up with in 1950 when he wrote the final words of Dianetics: The
Modern Science of Mental Health:

"One might here use an analogy of bridge engineering. Let us suppose
that two plateaus exist, one higher than the other, with a canyon
between them. An engineer sees that if the canyon could be crossed by
traffic, the hitherto unused higher plateau, being much more fertile
and pleasant, would become the scene ofa new culture.

Tags: 1950, 1952, 1955, 1960, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1978, 1980, ARC Straightwire,
Basics, Bridge to Total Freedom, Class V, Clear, Clearing Course, Dianetics,
E-meter, Ethics Officer, Grade II, Grade III, Grade IV, Happiness Rundown,
Mental Health, Murder, Objective Process, Operating Thetan, OT, Purification
Rundown, Quicky, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, Scientology executive,
Student Hat, Survival Rundown, The Way to Happiness, Training Routines


Scientology's Bridge to Nowhere: Part 1
August 31, 2017, Chris Shelton, YouTube

In this video I breakdown the specific steps of the lower-half of
Scientology's Bridge to Total Freedom, developed by L Ron Hubbard in
the mid-1960s and representing the steps every Scientologist takes in
their supposed journey to spiritual immortality.

Purification RD video:


Tags: 1960, Audio, Bridge to Total Freedom, L. Ron Hubbard, Purification,
Quicky, Scientology: A to Xenu


Scientology's Response to Episode 3
August 31, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

True to form, within minutes of the show airing, scientology put up a
new smear site, with videos from Liz Gale's mother and an unidentified
"family friend."

To call these videos lame is to give them way too much credence.

Marie Gale spends most of her time talking about me - that I have
somehow twisted Liz's mind to get her to tell her life story and that I
knew all about it 20 years ago, so no news here. She also talks about
Philip being accepted to MIT. Not a SINGLE RESPONSE to the destruction
of the family, abandoning Liz, selling the ranch or anything else in
the episode.

Tags: A&E, Aaron Poulin, Angie Blankenship, Clearwater, David Kahn, David
Miscavige, Elizabeth Gale, Facebook, Hollywood, King of Queens, Lauren
Haggis, Leah Remini, Lori Blankenship, Marie Gale, Mary Kahn, Nancy Dubuc,
North Carolina, OT, Philip Gale, Quicky, Sea Org, Tayler Tweed, The Hole,
Tony Ortega


LAPD Hollywood Division Busted: Caught Red-Handed with Scientology Kiosk
Installed In Its Premises.
August 31, 2018, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

The Los Angeles Police Department is not even pretending to be neutral
when it comes to its relationship to the Church of Scientology.

The long and suspicious relationship between the Church of Scientology
and the LAPD continues unabated. Captain Cory Palka of the LAPD's
Hollywood Division allowed the Church of Scientology to install an
informational kiosk in his station house. Palka has long been known to
critics as an ardent supporter of the Church of Scientology.

An alert local citizen happened to drop by the Hollywood Division and
spotted this egregious violation of Church & State. The violation was
reported to American Atheists. Geoffrey Blackwell, an attorney for
American Atheists, immediately sent a letter to Steve Soboroff,
President of the Los Angeles Police Commission demanding the kiosk be

Tags: American Atheists, Barbados, Colombia, Cory Palka, David Miscavige,
Hollywood, LAPD, Los Angeles, Police, Quicky, Steve Soboroff


Middletown chiropractors charged in $80M fraud will keep working
August 31, 2018, Daniel Axelrod, Times Herald-Record

Law-enforcement agents on Thursday arrested chiropractors and brothers
James and Jeffrey Spina; their sister and practice administrator
Kimberly Spina; and Andrea Grossman, the business manager and
bookkeeper, on charges of defrauding insurers of $80 million from 2011
to September 2017.

The Spina family operates the large multi-specialty pain-management
practice formerly known as Dolson Avenue Medical, as well as affiliated
businesses at 201 Dolson Ave. in Middletown. The practice changed its
name after an August 2017 FBI raid.

In a case brought by U.S. Attorney for the Southern District Geoffrey
Berman, James "Jay" Spina, 59, and Jeffrey Spina, 56, both of
Middletown; Kimberly Spina, 54, of Woodbourne; and Grossman, 59, of
Loch Sheldrake, have each been charged with one count of conspiring to
commit health-care fraud and one count of health-care fraud.

Tags: Andrea Grossman, Charles Bagley, Chiropractor, FBI, Foundation for a
Drug-Free World, Geoffrey Berman, Jay Spina, Jeffrey Spina, Judge Kenneth
Karas, Judge Nelson Roman, Kim Spina, Pain Relief and Wellness Center


Regraded Being
August 31, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


Sheriff's Office report spells out tragic details of Scientology 'Clear' who
took her own life
August 31, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We have now obtained a copy of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
report on the death of Kristi Bouck, the 26-year-old Scientologist we
told you about last month who ended her life on June 6.

Kristi was from Orange County, California and had been declared Clear
by Scientology in 2015, a major milestone for any Scientologist. She
and her fianc? had driven across country so that he could take courses
at the Flag Land Base, Scientology's spiritual mecca in Clearwater,
Florida. They rented a house in the nearby town of Dunedin, but just
three or four days after they arrived, she died from a gunshot wound to
the chest which the county medical examiner declared a suicide.

We now have more details about what happened, but not all of our
questions have been answered by the 31-page report sent to us by the
sheriff's office.

Tags: 2015, 9/11, California, Christian, Clear, Clearwater, Craigslist, DC,
Dianetics, Dunedin, Facebook, Flag Land Base, Florida, Hospital, Ideal Org,
Int Base, Jeffrey Augustine, John P. Capitalist, Kristi Bouck, Marc Headley,
New Haven, Orange County, OT, Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Quicky,
Suicide, Sunny Pereira


Andrew Scheer fails to satisfy either side in abortion debate
August 31, 2019, Mitch Potter, Toronto Star

There isn't a politico in Canada who didn't see it coming: a concerted
effort by Justin Trudeau's Liberals to steer the country's gaze away
from their own multiple shortcomings and instead fix upon Andrew
Scheer's personal views on abortion and same-sex marriage.

And when it came, oh boy, did the Liberal war room let fly. For eight
concussive days, the Conservative leader remained inexplicably silent
as the rival messaging hammered home, seeding the notion that Scheer
represents a hidden agenda to turn back the clock to the middle of the
20th century.

Never mind that neither issue so much as nudges near the top 10 things
voters are worried about in 2019. Never mind that Scheer's
long-standing policy varies not one iota from that of his predecessor,
Stephen Harper. Never mind that Scheer had already offered multiple
pledges not to tread anywhere near such socially divisive terrain.

Tags: 1990, 2015, Abortion, Alissa Golob, Andrew Scheer, Campaign Life
Coalition, Canada, Catholic, Conservative Party of Canada, DougWiki,
Facebook, Federal election, Jeff Gunnarson, Justin Trudeau, Kelly Gordon,
Maxime Bernier, McGill University, M?lanie Joly, RightNow, Scott Hayward,
Scott Reid, Stephen Harper, Twitter


Anti-abortion activists are planning to win 50 ridings for their cause in the
upcoming federal election
August 31, 2019, Rachel Browne, Global News

After the Conservatives were defeated in the 2015 election and the
Liberals formed a majority government under Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau, who has been supportive of abortion rights, Hayward co-founded
RightNow. It's an anti-abortion group that's on a mission to help win
50 federal ridings for candidates who identify as "pro-life" during the
election in October - and more in the future.

"We saw in that 2015 election, 80 pro-life Members of Parliament that
had a 100 per cent pro-life voting record running for reelection. And
only 40 of them won," Hayward said. "Almost instantaneously, we lost
half of our pro-life representation in the House of Commons."

But that representation did not lead to changes in the law. Prime
Minister Stephen Harper took office in 2006 with a promise not to
re-open the issue of abortion. Though a number of proposals related to
pregnancy and abortion were put forward by Conservative MPs, none were
passed or made into law.

Current Conservative leader Andrew Scheer has also said that while his
government would not re-open the abortion debate if his party formed
government, his MPs would still be free to vote on social issues
according to their conscience.

Tags: 1978, 2005, 2006, 2015, 2016, 2017, Abortion, Alberta, Alissa Golob,
Andrew Scheer, Anti-abortion, Campaign Life Coalition, Canada, Catholic,
Christian, Doug Ford, DougWiki, Federal election, Greater Toronto Area, House
of Commons, Justin Trudeau, Manitoba, Melanie Joly, Montreal, Niagara West,
Ontario, Ontario MPP, Ottawa, People's Party of Canada, Quebec, Rick Dykstra,
RightNow, Sam Oosterhoff, Scott Hayward, Stephen Harper, Tim Hudak, Toronto,


Canada's political parties are ranking you
August 31, 2019, Susan Delacourt, Toronto Star

The school year is only just beginning and report cards are a long way
off - unless you are a Canadian voter, currently being graded according
to your likely political leaning as the election looms.

Most Canadians assume that elections are an opportunity to assign
pass-or-fail marks to the politicians. What voters may not know is that
they're being sized up as well - by the political parties seeking those
precious Xs on the ballot on Oct. 21.

Inside the huge, mostly secret databases that all the major parties
keep are comprehensive lists of voters, sorted by likelihood of support.

Tags: 2000, Angus Reid, Canada, DougWiki, Federal election, Liberal Party of
Canada, New Democratic Party, Pew Research Center


Canadians Are Using Andrew Scheer's Campaign Slogan Against Him
August 31, 2019, Lisa Belmonte, Narcity

Elections can get nasty, there's not doubt about that. But the usual
cheap shots and bickering comes from leaders and political parties
looking to lessen their opponent's credibility. This time election
nastiness is coming from Canadaians who are using the Conservative
campaign slogan against Andrew Scheer.

Last week the Conservatives released their campaign slogan, It's Time
For You To Get Ahead, and it had some pretty unexpected consequences.
Many people jumped at the chance to flip the script on Scheer and
criticize and take shots at him.

The slogan was meant to show Canadians that voting the Conservative
government into power would mean them getting ahead with more money in
their pockets.

Tags: Andrew Scheer, Canada, DougWiki, Federal election, Twitter


On the subject of gay marriage, why can't Andrew Scheer show a little
August 31, 2019, Emma Teitel, Opinion, Toronto Star

Andrew Scheer emerged at a podium Thursday to clarify his past remarks
about same sex marriage: an institution he calls "a divisive social
issue" and one I call "life."

The Conservative leader appeared before the press to address a video
from 2005 that members of the federal Liberal party shared widely last
week (and with so much glee, you can't help but wonder if they wished
gay rights were on the chopping block in 2019).

In that video, a 25-year-old Scheer uses an extremely unkind analogy to
argue against legal recognition of gay marriage.

Tags: 2005, Abortion, Andrew Scheer, Conservative Party of Canada, Critic,
LGBTQ, Quicky, SNC Lavalin


Scheer faces backlash from national anti-abortion group over mixed messaging
August 31, 2019, Kathleen Harris, CBC News

Conservative Party Deputy Leader Lisa Raitt says any attempt by
backbench MPs to re-open the abortion debate would be shut down by a
Conservative government - a position a national anti-abortion group
says it finds "deeply" troubling.

Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life Coalition's director of political
operations, said Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer's news conference
Thursday delivered more of the "vague and contradictory" answers on
abortion that he gave during the 2017 Conservative leadership campaign.

Fonseca pointed out that Scheer said that he would respect the
democratic right of backbench MPs to bring forward issues important to
them - but also said he would oppose measures or attempts to open the
abortion debate.

Tags: 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017, Abortion, Andrew Scheer, Brad Trost, Campaign
Life Coalition, Canadian Press, Catholic, CBC, CBC Radio, Conservative Party
of Canada, DougWiki, Elizabeth May, Green Party, House of Commons, Jack
Fonseca, Justin Trudeau, LGBTQ, Lisa Raitt, M?lanie Joly, Ralph Goodale,
RightNow, Scott Hayward, Twitter


Scientology ecstasy: 'I have no idea where I would be right now without NED'
August 31, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Scientology publications can be such goldmines. Once again, we've
received a copy of the "Connect" newsletter from the Hollywood
Celebrity Centre, and the latest edition features a graduation speech
that is out of this world.

Now, maybe we should be alarmed by some of the statements by graduate
Phoenix Mori, who apparently had been leading a fairly messed-up
existence, waking up each morning and wondering why she had ever been
born, for example. But hey, she's now a NED graduate and life has never
been better!

NED is not, sadly, a reference to the Simpsons character Ned Flanders,
but to the Scientology process New Era Dianetics, which was first
introduced in 1978. Says our tech expert, Sunny Pereira: "NED is the
streamlined version of Book One/Dianetics auditing. It takes many
intensives of auditing to complete. It is a series of rundowns
addressing everything that 'aberrates' a person. The goal of NED
auditing is to make a Clear. Some don't have the Clear cognition and
they attest to 'NED Case completion,' a 'well and happy preclear.' The
next step for that person is called the Alternate Clear route and is
only done at Advanced Orgs or ASHOs. NED auditing is done at any org or
mission anywhere."

Tags: 1978, Advanced Org, ASHO, Celebrity Centre, Clear, David Miscavige,
Dianetics, Hollywood, Phoenix Mori, Religious Technology Center, Scotland,
Sunny Pereira


Scientology Knowingness
August 31, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Brian Lambert sent in another of his thought-provoking pieces about the
writings of L. Ron Hubbard. Enjoy.


I want to preface this essay with the thought that not everything in
Scientology is delusional. Nothing can always be absolutely one way or
another in a relative universe.

Tags: Brian Lambert, E-meter, Facebook, Farsec, High Crime, Jesus, Knowledge
Report, New York, OT, Quicky, Twitter


The real free-speech crisis on Alberta's campuses might not be what you think
it is
August 31, 2019, Shama Rangwala, Opinion, Globe and Mail

In May of 2019, in the face of an alleged crisis in which the newly
elected Alberta United Conservative Party (UCP) claimed that certain
ideas and opinions weren't being welcomed on campuses in the province,
the government announced it would soon require postsecondary
institutions in the province to adopt the Chicago Principles for free

Drafted in 2014 in a different national and legal context, the Chicago
Principles statement argues: "It is not the proper role of the
university to attempt to shield individuals from ideas and opinions
they find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive."

It draws the line at illegal hate speech. But this limit does not go
far enough to account for the myriad and crucial ways the university
produces, legitimizes and disseminates knowledge. Research institutions
have long used peer review ? as imperfect a process as it is ? to give
legitimacy to knowledge that is grounded in facts and established
methodologies, such as falsifiable hypotheses and verifiable experiments.

Tags: 1932, 1998, 2014, Alberta, Andrew Wakefield, Anti-vaxx, Autism, Brazil,
Canada, Chicago Principles, DougWiki, Edmonton, Hungary, Ku Klux Klan,
Ricardo Duchesne, United Conservative Party, University of Alberta, Viktor
Orban, White replacement


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