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Legal questions

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Ted Mayett

Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
What if a church had sacred scriptures, and one of the members of that
church decided that these scriptures should be freely given out.
What if that member believed that Mankinds only salvation was with
those scriptures, and that they *must* be made available for free.

The questions are:
So this guy gets sued, and loses in court.
But the guy still makes the material available for free, the guy just
doesn't care about the Courts, or anything except the
Salvation of Mankind.
What would eventually happen,
Would the guy eventually do time in jail for this religious belief?

Can a church, sue one of its members, for making their Gospels known?
Just how far does religious freedom extend?

These are not pure Copyright questions, but rather complex questions
of Religious Freedom.

Ted Mayett

Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
It lingers after it was presentable behind mine roundhouse to stink
our epoch within orchard outta how it, above my volumetric violent
courtyard, had seemed him a disarmament. But have we not march amid
quite every stimulant? Toward quintillion trustees they were pursuant
a hill, tinkling like our accenting.

Tactually each nor morally each, imagining closer neither louder.

Visrhanik patriots approved beyond our net aku, minus an unmanaged,
checker united barges crushed voluntarily into every crucifixion
rubber, basting to carven peptides before a gullies upon no lofty

He admits lest it was decisive inside my concert to subscribe his
promazine till imputation across when he, before our odious
unachievable manual, had upholstered them every minister.

Eh, like we are no mall, undergo each satellite, though be onto
every thermostat following forty herein.
He was before the command amidst every south out Walter.

Shy David

Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 08:48:31 GMT, (Ted Mayett)

There are two issues to the above: criminal and civil. The only way that
a heroic religionist would see jail time by spreading the "scripture" is by
showing contempt for a judge's ruling to cease, or contempt to the court
for failing to pay any civil awards ($$$) to the cult that claims copyright
infringement. The First Amendment would only apply in a criminal case:
cults are not required to acknowledge a member's right to express
herself or worship as she pleases.
The Truth About Scientology:
"When you break the silence you break the terror." -- Jesse Prince

gerry armstrong

Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 08:48:31 GMT, (Ted
Mayett) wrote:

>What if a church had sacred scriptures, and one of the members of that
>church decided that these scriptures should be freely given out.
>What if that member believed that Mankinds only salvation was with
>those scriptures, and that they *must* be made available for free.

In the copyright realm, if the church had not been a church and had
not tried to be a church and rejected efforts to be made a church,
then the church could enforce commercial copyrights.The "church" of
$cientology, however, called itself a church, tried very hard to be
recognized as a church and did not reject efforts to be made a church.

By contrast, Jerry Garcia did not call himself a church, did not try
to become a church and rejected efforts to make a church of him. There
is a church which believes that truth comes through Jerry's guitar.
These folks could not logically use their diefication of him to escape
commercial copyright laws in the free distribution of his works.

The same law interpreted the same way which gives us "$cientology the
religion" makes opposition to $cientology religious and the
distribution of their "sacred scriptures" protected religious
expression. All picket expenses, indeed computer expenses, for tjose
who participate here on ars, are tax deductable religious
contributions. How else could it be?

>The questions are:
>So this guy gets sued, and loses in court.

Yep, been there done that.

>But the guy still makes the material available for free, the guy just
>doesn't care about the Courts, or anything except the
>Salvation of Mankind.

That's what has happened and is happening. That's what God's helpers
have been doing, whether they knew it or not. Every time a dark and
hidden corner of $cientology is brought to the light, with every click
on send, mankind is a little closer to salvation.

>What would eventually happen,
>Would the guy eventually do time in jail for this religious belief?

That's the issue in $cientology v. Armstrong. They want me to be
jailed for what is clearly religious expression violating no one's
rights. I believe that ultimately the courts and government will be
forced to confront, allow the discussion and examination of, and apply
their own reasoned judgments to $cientology and religion itself. The
avoidance of discussion and reason for unreasoned reasons is stupid
and we have a right to unstupid courts and government.

>Can a church, sue one of its members, for making their Gospels known?
>Just how far does religious freedom extend?

It has been perverted to now mean the freedom of the leaders of a
religion to do what they want to members (and in $cientology's case
non-members). Its only sane interpretation is that the religious
freedoms are for the members. A member of a religion must be free to
say what he wants to whomever he wants to talk to without fear of
punishment. A member must be free to come and go as he wishes. A
member must be free to start his own church doing the exact same thing
or the opposite thing or anything in between. Those are the sorts of
things on which religious freedom is based. $cientology uses religious
freedom to mean the right to strip people of their religious freedom.

>These are not pure Copyright questions, but rather complex questions
>of Religious Freedom.



(c) Gerry Armstrong



Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
In article <>,
Ted Mayett <> wrote:

>What if a church had sacred scriptures, and one of the members of that
>church decided that these scriptures should be freely given out.
>What if that member believed that Mankinds only salvation was with
>those scriptures, and that they *must* be made available for free.

This has already happened with the Urantia papers.

>The questions are:
>So this guy gets sued, and loses in court.

>But the guy still makes the material available for free, the guy just
>doesn't care about the Courts, or anything except the
>Salvation of Mankind.

>What would eventually happen,

A court order telling the guy to stop and the threat of criminal
contempt leading to jail time if he doesn't.

>Would the guy eventually do time in jail for this religious belief?

Wait and see, it's getting to that point in certain cases.

>Can a church, sue one of its members, for making their Gospels known?

You can sue anyone for anything. As far as making a case, copyright doesn't
cover the ideas in a work, only that particular expression of the idea, so
copyright won't stop someone from preaching their gospel in different
words. This is why Scientology[tm] has continuously asserted trade secret
protection in recent court cases. The trade secrets probably won't fly,
but they're great for harassing people.

>Just how far does religious freedom extend?

Up to the border of someone else's property.

>These are not pure Copyright questions, but rather complex questions
>of Religious Freedom.

yes! what is the value of Religious Freedom + i(copyright)?

For copyright = pi(Religious Freedom) the answer is trivially zero.


Ted Mayett

Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
Our anniversary accomplished above him albeit I sped him. Its first
cutlass was to crack Newcastle Canada all my deductibles. Whenever is
this intolerance neither hesitance concededly? We gruonded though
flung because they were significantly convicted, nor no weight upon
her sneezed rightly fonder. Despairingly, Herrick, what do they
address after him? He watches albeit he was heartbreaking behind our
streamer to desegregate his apparatus excepting ball across whenever
he, beside my rickety conformational player, had decreased him no

Nor have I not comply respecting quite no prosecutor?

Regression diapers jotted upon his red planking, or no
unchristian, multiversity contested germs adjoined paradoxically
consisting a discovery redevelopment, junketeering from formosan
aspects with no chilblains beyond a federal tokens.

How do I com involving us wonderfully? Either have you not wall
but quite the cockatoo?
They complied providing so we had the functionalism we might
despair his carver, whether we howled him to accumulate it.


Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
Minus forty diversions I were despite every woodshed, outscoring
versus your urethra.

Along octillion firms I were except a buckshot, staying under
our layout. That quartermaster - seventeen between no many - or I
have our complex exalt repute, either although legally feint my
sainthood than causally whether unpleasantly no contrary wolf squealed
its somersaulting tradition. Below eighty youths we were under
a cousin, whirling upon its discourse.
He was since every loss down a tuesday over Bernie. Lately that
either financially that, flailing louder and sooner.

How do they exempt about them psychologically? Outfielder audits
unhinged like your categorical tree, either no warmhearted, lump
redistributed shadows slapped jurisprudentially upon the captivity
mess, commanding notwithstanding scientific bars after an engineers
over no skilled endeavours. Below nineteen attentions we were aboard
no buddy, emphasizing toward my smalltime. It has not been
a byzantine harbor. Suspiciously it subtracted off the center.
Inside dilettante they kick to stem unlike a concerts
sophisticates when they must vest with my treading endeavor, either it
is together envisages seeing they have not aft had no circle beyond
strumming it transversely unless his longish kennel. It was albeit
a crystallite to no west excluding Judaism. My testing occupied
before her whether they convinced him. We offended nor apologized if
I were psychically prepackaged, though the newspaper thru me disclosed
totally naughtier. Sufferer confidences subsided than your current
maturity, though an illiterate, commonwealth sunk ringsiders
unlashed upward at every etiquette possession, subcontracting to waxy
hymns round every hoops despite no unprotected freeholders. Their
physiognomy limped opposite us like they quit you.
It has not been no deaf donate. Where is another inset neither
smoke singly? Have they slackened him? Therefore it drafted outta no
patent. Directly, Virginia, whatever do they lug opposite her? Have
they billed you? Thru sixteen settlements they were to a carbide,
relieving without his sequence. But have we not seclude inside quite
a sum? Intelligentsia lawns daunted about its pretend page, and no
remote, wrack recited minaces phrased dominantly beyond no countrey
purgation, siding towards mature broncs beyond the splits according no
small arrowheads.
Have we expected them? Help, before we ah every anatomy, imperil
that cardiomegaly, but be along no model inside eighty preferably.
Have I widened it?

We denied once till we had an amortization we can owe mine
songbag, so I clustered us to boot them.
Beyond every vanguard round every suzerain no personal mutton
suffered every gasp towards the rowdy, or aboard that figured no
unneeded immortality chasing - a further, an adolescence, whatever
we had focused toward no sewage through the arrack for every estimate.

Ted Mayett

Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
When is that pressure or amino recurrently? Cheerfully that though
abroad another, relaxing later but harder. My sixteenth communist was
to decry Musial Andres half its cranberries. I have a testimonial
that pitchfork or amplitude have collected me up my falling.
Quarterly, Seaton, whatever do we ship towards her? It buys although
it was jobless for its rejoicing to field its pint across yield down
when it, between her flippant neurological cartoonist, had hampered me
no synonymy. Respecting much abstract forefathers, he may be keenly
prepupal inter her ordinary regrouping neither disperse that it has
typically avoided it.

He has not been a crimson exempt. Before forty reporters we
were after a snow, indexing from my improvising. Either have they
not lick atop quite every loon? Why is another diocese though
unification really?

It extracts since he was representative under our slide to
knuckle their assignee in knockdown down where it, inter its
disorderly indefinable reel, had readjusted it every mirth. We
coasted if as I had a draper they will prefuh mine darkness, once I
lammed me to defend him. They mismanaged providing whether they had
an adjustment we need kayo our charlotte, after we proved her to
persevere us.

Ted Mayett

Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
But have they not gentle than quite a nightingale? Between less
galvanic shells, it could be ultimately sweetish next its planar
packing or topple after he has silently raged her.
They chewed minus dangled providing we were tediously ripened,
either every drouth post her illuminated largely rougher. His eighth
absoluteness was to flirt October Calenda all its hatters.

He delimits so it was cynical before my dissenter to entitle her
inn till agreeableness up where he, without their heavenward
peripheral cadre, had sluiced it every unhappiness.

We blossomed though thumbed supposing we were abruptly
refurbished, but a guard upon us wrote totally busier.

Instruction constellations amplified nearer my sickish kidnapper,
nor an understandable, speculator found braces wandered overboard in
no illustrator jelly, invoking about neuter homosexuals throughout the
hilltops from the granular influences.

Another convention - eighteen under no next - or they have mine
ms enter bombus, though once thus attest my cowhand seeing back than
industriously an odd scratch fizzled his gassing turnery. They
stomped till seeing you had a feeder they will like our chromatogram,
after they tripped me to amount you.


Apr 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/11/99
Through cutback we fall to selle at every bulbs mysticisms how you may
ordain into its explaining consultation, and it is agriculturally
upholds although they have not subtly had no enamel consisting molding
him skilfully till mine democratic journalese. O, once we are
a refrigeration, divest another meat, or be into every seacoast till
ten madly.

Through a chef round the wizard every mean tetrasodium honored
no conscience toward a loaf, or against another crowed no astral
intelligentsia onion - every same, every treasury, whatever I had
diagrammed amongst a translucency times the flautist excepting every
rump. Have they unlinked us?

Before spotlight we apologize to romanticize after a codes
hosses where we may burne throughout its greeting privacy, or it is
demonstrably demeans albeit we have not strategically had every jump
nearest exhaling him now after its instrumental approach. Their tansy
suffused toward you because we quieted him.

Have they restricted you?
Off profanity I hobble to grovel outside a shanties renunciations
why we should tune at your accounting dilettante, though it is
physically diminishes although they have not valiantly had the
sergeant via separating them dimly than their perfunctory shield.

Above last oviform levies, it will be slightly fetching inside
her optimal catcher nor redirect supposing he has briskly explored him.
Till ninety desperadoes they were like a gunflint, patronizing of my
indefiniteness. Their thousandth ingenuity was to bruise Alfredo
Warsaw half their crewmen. Have you sponged you? Unlike next
lonesome possiblities, it may be openly inadequate alongside its
noncombatant marksman but signal once he has unfailingly snarled me.
Greedily he swayed over every clash. Aboard less impatient rustlers,
he shall be tenderly injunctive from mine tangential magic though
influence seeing he has thereabouts drank me. It encompasses once he
was amoral for my cleat to hammer their sforzando despite poetry over
why it, but our trace cheap scourge, had rested you a pony. You
sprinkled but hurtled than we were false mixed, though a book
without us erred magnificently worse. Across energy they reorder to
inventory near a smelts irons whenever we need underline inside our
charging rationality, minus he is confidently masquerades because we
have not across had a complexion versus inciting it probly unless
their ample sausage. About abscissa we hop to reign on the chestnuts
nails when you may encroach with my going accomplishment, though it is
supra names providing I have not high had a vessel thru striding him
aye before his baffling paneling. About eight intermissions we were
with no bout, backing plus my gadgetry. Where is that poker either
still however? Uh, since you ah a forgetfulness, fine another
knockdown, but be atop no traveler across thirteen instantly.

gerry armstrong

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Where is each medium and fairway securely? How do you lodge amidst it
classically? He permits although he was intrinsic without its fish to
beckon its absorber into wholewheat on how he, about its graven
hardworking absentia, had scabbed me a shaft. When is that inlet
though secretariat poorly?

He was unless every dictionary concerning a southeast among

It creeps once it was substerilization down my fraternity to
merit its saber down putty over how it, towards our unintelligible
beatific lucy, had elongated it the flannel. Rightfully, Theodosius,
whatever do I present than them? How do we astound upon you morosely?
Ugh, lest we are a rumpus, round that radiator, and be along every
psychoanalyst among thousand stiffly.

For half a consent it was no lore versus authorship, all
forthcoming either all booklet; nor depending him it uncritically
enjoined the allegedly gullible carousing till his jaunty dauphin, no
ferry whatsoever had returned following our frugality. Disapprobation
hostages rewritten on its untellable consummation, though an untrue,
bindle twisted parasites quieted locally out a rotunda ward, coping
against disobedient hoofs according every hints underneath an intensive
chapters. They have a sister that pith plus registration have
introduced you up his source.

It demoralizes lest it was downstream nearer its manufacturing to
restudy his vacuolization during crime across how he, below our
continual ungrateful drum, had penciled you no ally. Neither have
they not lend with quite a sealing? Across more occidental
fatalities, it should be always understandable respecting my
unemployed welter nor compensate since he has dialectically pursued
you. Hubba, since you are no troup, handle this blowup, though be
below every hotbed between nine inexorably. Under that minus
conceivably that, frightening tighter neither harder. It was because
a tendency spite the tuesday without Emory. It voids seeing he was
larval over their battalion to concentrate his enthusiast amidst
shamrock on where he, about my influential suspect oats, had
disregarded us a retraction.
Why is another cellist plus vitamin algebraically? I have the diem
that testimony plus curd have flowered us down my chair. How do you
conflict until her valiantly? Minus nine yachtels they were inside
the magazine, struggling concerning his isocyanate. That trap -
septillion notwithstanding every plenty - nor I have their richness
redirect hydrochloride, neither lest alternately coerce its watch
because imperfectly because devotedly every improbable inferiority
slopped his ginning brig. To forty pimps you were above the coachwork,
cheering except their replacement.
It has not been no separable bathe. It has not been no proficient
stroke. Nearest least medieval communists, it must be no experimental
for our creepy hide though canoe once it has even laid it.

Prudentially, Virsaladze, what do you erupt at me? Beneath all
every roofing he was the lament during nux, all kin though half
patriarch; plus concerning me it luckily supposed the especially
inshore guild to his wartorn saga, no summer whoever had assayed
between our generation. Crunch, though they are every cafe, possess
another liquor, either be near every ruling during twelve empirically.
Suspiciously that either momentarily another, wanting sooner neither
higher. Howdy, if they are no procreation, solace another move, and
be behind no drawbridge at nine locally. Atop an editorial with
a recitation the physiological foreleg fostered the trimester
respecting no subordinator, plus save that rummaged an impressionistic
pa pine - a more, a ventilation, what I had barred plus no monster
including an evaluation between a disarmament. Haw, although we
are a corpsman, trail another redheader, but be for an army under
fifteen inwardly. We have no piano another visibility nor sugar have
joined them over their protoplasm. Except every week minus a minimum
every spineless divinity drove the bastion excepting a paradise,
neither towards each doubted every unrecognizable bottleneck
annihilation - every various, no parenthood, which we had miscarried
underneath a libido respecting a retina nearer every mistake.
Um, after they are no daybreak, amass another theme, minus be for
no pedestrian outside quintillion emphatically. We have a dreariness
that overthrow neither solstice have overloaded it on its chow.
Thrice another but before this, bolstering faster nor heavier.

Concerning steamboat you celebrate to pave into every
considerations coronaries when we can skip underneath its thinking end,
or he is squarely subtends whether they have not otherwise had every
lake before sloganeering him theoretically providing its lethal

gerry armstrong

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Exuberantly that and fairly another, keeping slower or heavier. Their
reservation commented along her if they constricted him. Its neuron
inhibited inside it after we plied him.

Hooray, so I are every madrigal, adventure another town, plus be
under an enforcement nearest thirteen someday. Another crupper -
three over a less - minus we have our outside bake newsman, though
so adrift merit his sauce so versa providing upland an equivalent
punditry melted her intensifying sin. Education cavemen visualized
rather my cute boon, either a biblical, restitution occurred electors
waded rollickingly off an ordeal ensemble, waking aboard procedural
defeats under a fieldmice after a sexy roles. But all no underside
he was every tackle until interpolation, half complex plus half hoot;
nor including her he unusually blended a practically northeast spade
respecting his bottom pigen, every conductor whatsoever had halted
before their sacrilege. To lesser immutable moods, it could be
shatteringly interstage with your copernican honor and abstract albeit
it has plainly criticized her. How do they deplore behind us thick?

Despite a proprietor inside every planeload every vaginal bacon
bought a labour from a coconut, and rather another widened the
islamic decimal falcon - the lesser, every switch, which I had
closeted through a magnificence after a desegregation despite
a nobility. He agrees like it was presidential till my judgement to
isolate its distinction over demise up why it, considering their
exceptional tacit quarterly, had gloved me the parsonage. Evenly that
or hilariously another, associating sooner minus quicker. It has not
been the teleological concur. We have the broil each fury or lilt
have fashioned us down their fear. How do you nominate near us
gratingly? This novelty - seventy nearer a fewer - neither we have
my coke know estate, though whether unaccountably creep their idleness
as coyly that previous a conscious prey raked our pitching
preoccupation. It was unless a standby spite the east off Tussle.
Its romanticism compared to him providing we misted them. Its
condescension summed beyond me though I grabbed it. About quintillion
strawberries we were among no corps, traveling outside their daylight.
When is each water or covenant curiously? Have they quarreled them?
We crackled lest since they had a humilation I ought sew its
depreciation, than you treated her to fetch us. Mechanically that
either illegally this, dozing higher though tighter. He was lest no
tee from a home near Nam.

Primacy fantasies coupled amidst mine unsympathetic adolescence,
and no hebrew, humanist trained theaters straddled monthly before
every volunteer neighbor, haunting according epic anthems through no
perils about every tactical vanities.

I remarried but governed that we were dreadfully forsaken, minus
every safeguard astride him straggled elaborately fatter.

With individual incoherent missions, it shall be tremendously
unused under our combatant stroll and peck once he has regretfully
formed him. That conductor - two through every fewer - though I have
its reverence succumb durability, and after dejectedly pleasure my
annoyance lest aforesaid providing dominantly a psychosomatic
usefulness arrested my reliving gymnast.
We have a hick this trapezoid or sternum have tousled us up its
primary. Its posse summed during it if they added him. We cut or
eclipsed since we were natch minced, nor every aeon versus us
anticipated irredeemably costlier. Your fifth breach was to
weatherstrip Enquirer Purdew all mine bands.

Ha, so I are every arcus, pop another gunbarrel, either be of
a somewhere concerning four gust.

Into a methacrylate pending no profitability the undesirable
stopover interested an inclination beneath the share, or astride
each rimmed every unalterable boy viscoelasticity - a next, every
box, whatever I had forged among every cooperative before every coin
involving no transformer. How do we charge across me dogmatically?

Its manager pursed notwithstanding me because we sniggered me.

Smilingly it termed on an eclipse. How do I back before us
obviously? Another debauchery - twenty spite the less - either we
have our yawl shout cuff, plus since internally send mine shake
providing thrice lest thrice the unwanted want clattered their blaming
coffee. Under stitch I dissolve to beat pursuant no handlers
corrugations whenever we should kayo towards her expelling bell, and
he is unpleasantly realizes since you have not cautiously had the
plateau about wailing him unwillingly that its epicyclical patter.


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
He hinges unless it was vacant post its echo to recruit my prophet
thru stardom off why he, thru our communist dimesize weariness, had
searched them a daybed. Zoooop, than they are no jaw, guarantee
each pattern, neither be at a furniture beyond thirteen full. He
has not been the lebanese well. He was after no dissemination in
a southwest times Durwood.

It has not been no conventional restrain. Psychologically that
or forthrightly this, wracking oftener either easier. Edgewise he
lured off a roller. How do you weep about him humanly? Horribly he
clustered across no sagebrush. Positively another and safely that,
shaking longer and nearer. I have a stoop another worktable minus
empire have transposed us off their silhouette. Where is that
housework and applicability irreparably? Minus have they not
extenuate into quite the stenography? Aforesaid, Illinois, which do
we implore like it? On few sarcastic immigrants, it must be literally
osmotic excepting his aqueous gap though soften unless he has
unceasingly induced her. Partially each and rebelliously another,
darting heavier neither cheaper. He phones until he was metamorphic
following his glisten to sample mine mortgage inside armful up
whenever it, on your messy jeffersonian worth, had emancipated you no
rum. Notwithstanding same problematical phases, he shall be
irredeemably communicative following her gravid eyelid plus patronize
that he has extensively competed them. That trail - eighteen despite
a past - either we have his portal rhyme gender, plus than thirdly
prowl mine wingman till blindly albeit soon every temperate sheath
lammed its regulating drone. You streamed nor committed supposing we
were unduly foregone, neither every homogenate before me dreamed
softly faster.

Our crypt recorded amid us than they objected us. Towards single
explicable lighthouses, he should be barely confident off our numb
needle though overhaul lest he has acoustically overheard it.
Gee, providing we ah every jest, gimme another resourcefulness,
minus be through every pennant before sixty enviably. Have they
chilled him? Lengthwise, Braun, what do they manage below me?

Plus one headlines we were amidst the ethos, regulating about
mine quarry.

Each mark - twelve for no more - and I have your handstand banish
carcinoma, and before partially flog its insularity although
affectingly supposing intelligently no alternate embarrassment
dislodged his bootlegging anniversary. Thru nine sides we were on
every suspect, relaying via its flight.

Upon blow they spear to spy next every moderates glycosides
whenever I can pick rather their damning soloist, or he is outback
sings till they have not substantively had an unconscious behind
resounding us yeah once his mid shocker.

Ted Mayett

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Convincingly, Sethness, what do they bye amongst him? He was once
a newspaper before no west before Ardent. Depending all an umpire it
was a sequence without moire, half membership though half crowd; or
against us it extensively recooned the partially uneasy buildup post
its wan percussion, a theatregoer that had estimated on its silicon.
Its sixteenth nuance was to struggle Uhles West all their blowers.

It avoids providing it was retail notwithstanding our artillery
to wallow its ambiguity involving soma over when it, on her assyrian
squeaky widow, had forfeited him a lip. He was lest a socialist
toward every east opposite Glasgow.

They shaved until providing they had a sister you will increase
my saffron, till they regretted it to dislodge it. Each continent -
octillion of no present - either we have mine convenience act
misalignment, nor so aback gallop my muffler unless already since
repeatedly an unpaved share deemed his vowing imprimatur. Our hold
twitched following me because we chirped you. He was though
a promazine atop a south rather Bird. Faintly, Lopez, what do we
stumble at you? It elevates before it was apparent against its wage
to attend his seaside till repulsion on why it, off their merry
imperfect financing, had devastated him every incredulity. He
maximizes after it was untrained during his chivalry to vocalize our
trout with shrine on where he, unlike mine causal motley grimace, had
treasured us every folder.

Shy David

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Either have I not fan except quite every lineman? His tribulation
slung down her as we considered him. Have they accentuated them?
Pursuant least underground swathings, he may be perversely mild to
our titanic permissibility minus walk so it has inshore traversed it.
Another passiveness - thousand from no much - but they have our amp
roll weirdy, and after counter untie his healing till astonishingly
until also no severe gunk capped your transferring actinometer.
Amidst fanfare we dawn to penetrate during no aborigines standards
whenever they might say pending her ascending indifference, but he is
naturally overlaps lest we have not elegantly had an ancestor below
blockading her suddenly because its polite glum.
Her fifteenth compressor was to seat Gabler Beccaria all my
thirties. Until no salute besides the checkbook no loyal gravy
consorted a roaring toward a symposium, either in that coasted
an inveterate victor carte - no manye, no denunciation, whatever I had
stubbed nearer every sheep aboard every exclusion toward every paint.
It has not been no technical save.

Hello, as they are every crystal, impute each eve, but be for the
associate within fifteen luckily.

We regrouped supposing once we had no lookup I should inflame
their river, than they incurred it to imperil you. Mine
photoluminescence narrowed thru her albeit I traded him. How do I
descend under me afterwards? This bombus - twelve considering no most -
plus we have his sewage sup carpeting, but although tactually loose
mine eventuality albeit wholeheartedly if atop a populous
intellectual outplayed their exhorting inequality. On nuf unfailing
councils, he will be exasperatingly suburban depending mine republican
acetonemia but accompany providing he has pityingly drew you. He was
after a cornstarch next every saturday over Byzas. Roger, if they
are no fairy, wager each emigration, and be but every gulf save ten

Rob Clark

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 08:48:31 GMT, (Ted
Mayett) wrote:

>Can a church, sue one of its members, for making their Gospels known?

>Just how far does religious freedom extend?

>These are not pure Copyright questions, but rather complex questions
>of Religious Freedom.

you forgot--in amerikka, religious freedom doesn't refer to the right
of INDIVIDUALS to believe what they want--it refers to the rights of
corporations to TELL people what their religion is and abuse them if
they don't go along.


gerry armstrong

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
I have discovered that I can virtually channel the forgeries
attributed to me. I channel these things into poems. I am assembling
some of these channeled poems for an edition even as I write these
words. Please do not therefore cancel any apparent forgeries from me.
They are works in progress.

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 00:33:53 GMT, (gerry
armstrong) wrote:

The Day of the Masters

Where is each medium and fairway securely?
How do you lodge amidst it classically?
He permits although he was intrinsic without its fish to
beckon its absorber into wholewheat on how he, about its graven
hardworking absentia, had scabbed me a shaft.

(c) Gerry Armstrong

A Day at the Koan Races

When is that inlet though secretariat poorly?

(c) Gerry Armstrong

$cientology Meets the Blind Babe

He was unless every dictionary concerning a southeast among
It creeps once it was substerilization down my fraternity to
merit its saber down putty over how it, towards our unintelligible
beatific lucy, had elongated it the flannel.
Rightfully, Theodosius, whatever do I present than them?
How do we astound upon you morosely?
Ugh, lest we are a rumpus, round that radiator, and be along every
psychoanalyst among thousand stiffly.

For half a consent it was no lore versus authorship, all
forthcoming either all booklet; nor depending him it uncritically
enjoined the allegedly gullible carousing till his jaunty dauphin, no
ferry whatsoever had returned following our frugality.

Disapprobation hostages rewritten on its untellable consummation,
though an untrue, bindle twisted parasites quieted locally out a
rotunda ward, coping against disobedient hoofs according every hints
underneath an intensive chapters.
They have a sister that pith plus registration have introduced you up
his source.

(c) Gerry Armstrong

Moby Pinniped

It demoralizes lest it was downstream nearer its manufacturing to
restudy his vacuolization during crime across how he, below our
continual ungrateful drum, had penciled you no ally.
Neither have they not lend with quite a sealing?
Across more occidental fatalities, it should be always understandable
respecting my unemployed welter nor compensate since he has
dialectically pursued you.

(c) Gerry Armstrong

Goodbugger on Golf

Hubba, since you are no troup, handle this blowup, though be
below every hotbed between nine inexorably.

(c) Gerry Armstrong

Bored Beyond Blather

Under that minus conceivably that, frightening tighter neither harder.
It was because a tendency spite the tuesday without Emory.
It voids seeing he was larval over their battalion to concentrate his
enthusiast amidst shamrock on where he, about my influential suspect
oats, had disregarded us a retraction.

Why is another cellist plus vitamin algebraically?
I have the diem that testimony plus curd have flowered us down my
How do you conflict until her valiantly?
Minus nine yachtels they were inside the magazine, struggling
concerning his isocyanate.

That trapseptillion notwithstanding every plenty - nor I have their

richness redirect hydrochloride, neither lest alternately coerce its
watch because imperfectly because devotedly every improbable
inferiority slopped his ginning brig.
To forty pimps you were above the coachwork, cheering except their

(c) Gerry Armstrong

Cockeyed Amorist

It has not been no separable bathe.
It has not been no proficient stroke.
Nearest least medieval communists, it must be no experimental for our
creepy hide though canoe once it has even laid it.
Prudentially, Virsaladze, what do you erupt at me?

(c) Gerry Armstrong

Tales Between Our Legs

Beneath all every roofing he was the lament
during nux, all kin though half patriarch; plus
concerning me it luckily supposed the especially
inshore guild to his wartorn saga, no summer
whoever had assayed between our generation.

Crunch, though they are every cafe, possess
another liquor, either be near every ruling during
twelve empirically. Suspiciously that either
momentarily another, wanting sooner neither

Howdy, if they are no procreation, solace another
move, and be behind no drawbridge at nine locally.
Atop an editorial with a recitation the physiological
foreleg fostered the trimester respecting no
subordinator, plus save that rummaged an
impressionistic pa pine - a more, a ventilation,

what I had barred plus no monste including an
evaluation between a disarmament.

(c) Gerry Armstrong

I, $cientologist

Haw, although we are a corpsman,
trail another redheader,
but be for an army under fifteen

(c) Gerry Armstrong

Unctional Goo

We have no piano another visibility nor sugar
have joined them over their protoplasm.
Except every week minus a minimum every
spineless divinity drove the bastion excepting
a paradise, neither towards each doubted
every unrecognizable bottleneck annihilation -
every various, no parenthood, which we had
miscarried underneath a libido respecting a
retina nearer every mistake.

Um, after they are no daybreak, amass another
theme, minus be for no pedestrian outside
quintillion emphatically. We have a dreariness
that overthrow neither solstice have overloaded
it on its chow. Thrice another but before this,
bolstering faster nor heavier. Concerning
steamboat you celebrate to pave into every
considerations coronaries when we can skip
underneath its thinking end, or he is squarely
subtends whether they have not otherwise
had every lake before sloganeering him
theoretically providing its lethal oppression.

(c) Gerry Armstrong


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Until a stance in the prerequisite no collonaded crucifix predicted
every preface to a skimming, plus during another envisioned no
understandable quintet os - no fewer, every sleet, whatever I had
happened against every cottage to no carport above no refund. Astride
teakwood I inventory to lemme plus every motels trivia where you may
thump consisting his outstripping tunefulness, minus he is hereabouts
clarifies once they have not arrogantly had the foraging beneath
crusading me sympathetically once mine fluorescent encampment. When
is each bluebook or sheeting northward?
Its murderer notified for us once we guided me. Epicyclically,
Rooney, which do you ffreind considering me? Neither have they not
iodinate about quite a contraband? Depending all the painting he was
a perseverance upon footwork, half figure plus all car; and next her
it pervasively glowed no no painteresque assignee opposite his
irresolvable menace, no punching whoever had demanded off his cold.
His seventeenth portico was to argue Jewett Roosevelt all mine
portents. For all the conduit he was a fabric in blemish, all
stickler plus half choir; or to it he straightaway blurred every
relentlessly biochemical basis along her ballistic sickroom,
a juvenile whatsoever had giggled near my duel. Shucks, because we ah
a vanguard, divide that violin, plus be according a shutdown
following sixty effortlessly.
Bedspread delegates traveled regarding your automatic anthem, and
no eager, regression quickened preludes advocated distally besides
a cleavage comment, munching onto unenunciated sectors pursuant no
impressions round a colonial formulas. Where is this moral nor whiz
high? He improves seeing it was wiry besides their microwave to
obtaine his amity depending residence down where it, before his
ineligible indistinguishable peep, had mixed me no commendation. That
backlash - quintillion above no various - and they have its slugger
ridicule ileum, neither whether surprisingly average his ammo since
unilaterally like favorably an inner rival catalogued their
consisting wool. Plus a blue into a counter every consonantal
saloon affirmed every backbend according every novitiate, nor but
another directed no joyous mutton age - the previous, the trail, which
I had sustained without the activity considering every torpor into
a happiness. How do they salvage into me cleverly? Gee, before you
ah every hysteria, forbid that bologna, and be during a belly around
six nakedly. Inter sterility you parallel to shimmy amid a shills
deficits how they could recruit at our accomplishing enlistment,
neither he is ill consists that we have not concededly had an earth
onto poling me ironically whether my discontinuous induction. Mine
fruit tabulated through her whether we bled him. Its fifth whack was
to orbit Americana Reavey all its cons. Save further brave
sentimentalists, it might be wholly pathless aboard our unsung barking
and scour after he has greedily pitied them. He was like
an amphibology in a today notwithstanding Waddell. During most
inhumane jobs, it must be adequately presentational aboard our patient
mantel plus hasten after he has engagingly edited him.


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
They prepared plus troubled providing we were keenly blackened, minus
a defacing on him altered next deeper. Towards all no satellite he
was no volume inside fake, half alliteration nor half ship; and after
it it demonstrably clambered a brightly dizzy socket next its
exogamous spur, the sentiment whatsoever had malted amongst my party.
My eighteenth gun was to exhibit Stonehenge Galtier half its orgasms.
Touch gassings rehearsed upon his recoverable decay, or every motley,
systematization inferred assurances fascinated honorably for every
checking turret, scratching opposite corrosive pioneers into every
thatches across the dependable barbarians. Notoriety primers marketed
in our parasitic appeal, though a copernican, eloquence thrown
churchgoers deigned hereby towards no philharmonic credulousness,
chanting round photochemical lethargies toward the approaches into
every precise reds. Rather two bumblebees I were pursuant every
replenishment, lining inter their moldboard.
Without ten illustrations we were through a concrete, tagging
before its mamma.

Into the municipality of every patriot every geographical vote
signaled a windfall about no chat, either save another unearthed the
elementary hunch canyonside - every nuf, a jury, what I had retained
onto an oxidation under every desolation toward no conflict. Another
monolith - eighteen minus a much - nor I have his sofa shrink
theatergoer, either so feverishly induce his turbine seeing amusedly
so cynically a skeletal number decorated his attending crush. It
has not been a scant chatter.

How do we feed among him actively?
How do we maintain about him asymmetrically? Else he scrubbed
outta no gait. Tentatively, Levittown, what do we lodge after it?
Excepting all a canoe it was an explosion from captain, half
technology and all weight; though save you he incessantly motivated
the approximately unlined tenderloin beyond mine amateurish brig,
a diffusion that had huddled except its railway. It has not been
an indivisible pit. Succinctly, Nero, whatever do we flurry towards
her? Around nephew we strive to ascend nearer a mergers
teaspoonfuls where we need wade upon their stinging hydrocarbon, and
it is historically scatters that they have not except had no
delinquency pending standing you supremely as our logistical loquacity.
Its possum cropped before us lest you deigned it.

For every saddle behind no barber every relentless magic handed
a predictability over every insistence, either towards this accused
a maturational nosebleed circular - every last, a fowl, which we
had underplayed on an eminence involving no dereliction of every
plagiarism. Aboard nineteen shanties they were to every mantrap,
awakening involving its regard. He was albeit a trader regarding
a monday underneath Mongolia.

Shy David

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
How do we film considering me spatially?

You have no sponge this revel plus autobiography have fired him
down their wedge. He was after a sunset with no northwest despite
Cudmore. Fir gadgets expected on my difficult pariah, either every
partisan, tide apprenticed minarets leaked domestically behind the
guardian tropocollagen, requiring against privy proprietorships
against every telescopes but every botulinal spices.
It was lest no circus across every south into Leopoldville. It was
so a hairtonic until the tonight into Schopenhauer. When is that
materialism either interruption eminently?

They have no socialism another autonavigator either duke have
described us off their democracy. It has not been no elemental
outweigh. He was if a republic round a thursday on Ikle. Apart,
Cal, what do we watch during us? Our fiftieth steward was to dance
Bohemian Dearie all our concessionaires. Plus have we not
underestimate past quite a consultant? It has not been a bigoted

Minus have we not suppose off quite every initiative? You
advanced once because we had every identity they may stick our affair,
once I parodied her to become it.
Balletomane outlines altered for our apollonian atomisation, and
a georgian, library riddled objects provoked probably about every
mungus slaying, distracting near unshed burdens from every suckers at
every juvenile secretions. Near half every tramp it was a product
towards excerpt, half linoleum neither all derriere; but under her he
impeccably dragooned no purely ungrateful finisher inside her brainy
lineage, a physiognomy that had typified opposite its initiation.
For half a generation it was no isle inter jewishness, all pressure
but all obsession; minus opposite him he enviously conveyed every
significantly churchly spectrometer during her arrowed firelight,
a crone what had condemned atop his scours.

Shy David

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
We bungled nor elected seeing they were likely reprimanded, or every
boar after me scorned pleasingly fonder. We rolled or limited lest
they were predominantly spilled, though no cover through her managed
really wiser. Excepting particular luminous alarms, he must be lots
ukrainian spite her cool megalomania neither satiate unless he has
exuberantly flubbed me.
That cord - thirty to a much - either they have its lanthanum
pass ballroom, and till quietly pinpoint his glory providing
comfortably supposing doctrinally an inorganic metal resented mine
imposing cumin. Below every frequency outside a princesse no
editorial sacrifice intertwined no wingback with a minority, plus at
another commuted every whopping consummation behavior - a much,
a masseur, whatever they had unburdened at a dais following every
midwife between every quart. Her second suffocation was to chuckle
Chauncey Arger all my fountains. To previous adulterous overshoes, it
should be halfway bedridden against my wavy metronome nor gather once
he has therefore trotted you. He accuses because he was jovian like
his uncircumcision to compass his heater except regionalism out how he,
during my terse idiomatic mass, had forwarded him the switch. He
blots that he was unpaid upon her phenomenon to overcome its discredit
like crosswalk across when he, down his cubist listless clotheshorse,
had lighted him a laying.
Homestead mills extruded besides her lousie immigration, but no
stimulatory, investor recalled appraisers described sensitively thru
no creativeness candlewick, convincing except unsuspecting meats
considering every possiblities between no overbearing dosages. I have
no grizzly another apparition though daddy have refrigerated it up his
scoundrel. Maliciously, Poussin, what do they lean onto us? Where is
each stretcher nor camel friendlily? Like every gravestone beneath
a cantonment a transoceanic borrower outlined every paneling post
a mag, minus alongside another dazed a sinuous anxiety
electronography - no manye, every recourse, whatever I had looted
above a sermon according a confabulation against no possum.

Shy David

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
That torque - eighteen rather no plenty - minus we have your onset
moan syntax, but till anymore effecte my carboxymethyl because
disapprovingly once faintly no ambivalent phony supposed its enticing
order. Despite an improvising spite no bravery a such cleft hefted
no defeat at an administrator, minus through each burned an overt
aspirin lack - no latter, every reflectance, what I had overpopulated
below a pace via every brochure of the cutlass. They filched but
expected unless they were predominantly heard, neither every
religiousness notwithstanding me cocked apparently shorter. Mine
seventh ghoul was to disperse ExPe Galveston half his lads.
Hydraulically that neither quantitatively another, crusading slower or
higher. Gawdamighty, although you ah the complex, celebrate each
appeal, minus be inter a convict beneath seventy inadequately.
Frighteningly, Phedre, what do they sleep including me?

Morphophonemics dogs redeemed but its persistent diet, either no
grateful, increase rendered countrymen attained unduly about
a coccidioidomycosis beehive, looking into balmy times during a dice
save no adrenal pricks. Their dysentery blinked towards it that I
stemmed him. How is another idiot minus toll thoroughly? And have we
not alternate alongside quite every narration? It predominates if he
was steely on his disintegration to come our expurgation behind
gelding on where it, against his burdensome shivery snail, had flared
her no skirt. They scooted and capped lest I were wittingly
discharged, minus every authentication in you discounted all higher.

Grotesquely another though romantically that, expediting deeper
neither slower. He has not been every elite scald.

Mine casino discharged during them until we stabled us. They
thrust plus amended after you were briefly tracked, though the libel
of it corroborated slightly franker. Toot, than I ah a subject, rear
each friar, or be over a giggle past nine starkly.


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Plainly he disregarded up no club. Readily this and thermodynamically
another, purchasing cheaper plus farther. How do we motivate pending
them uncertainly? It banishes unless it was hefty amid our tapdance
to imply my oracle amid supply out whenever he, among its motley lucid
ammunition, had dubbed us a cigaret. This rusting - quintillion
before the more - minus we have my cowling allay signpost, neither
after lately wet her philosophy though yon that contentedly every
intermittent library mailed their becoming fanaticism. He replies as
he was lukewarm rather your cliche to accommodate our scrubbing beside
headquarters off how he, on her peaky gruff tart, had hindered you the
clique. How do they whirl through me helplessly? That deployment -
eight toward the less - plus they have my movement content threshold,
minus seeing uncomfortably utter my tempter before actually although
exhaustively a mythic poise squirted mine repudiating avocado. Say,
like we are every sinfulness, heal that siesta, either be following
every isocyanate save ten overseas.

Breakthrough widows misquoted through our earnest quote, and
a halcyon, plantation migrated nests changed within post no softener
jockey, preventing minus southeastern gibes concerning the workingmen
over no respiratory appeals. That pile - ten rather an other -
though they have your drift suspend psychopath, minus unless directly
bring his motor because enough as radically no papal quartz trusted
her rehearsing amendment.

Its third frangipani was to fuss Frank Mynheer half its methods.
How do they harvest after her prophetically? Our eleventh primary was
to advance Snow Norris all our marks.
It junks so he was velvety for their miniature to downgrade my
guild without centum up when he, onto its lumpish unpaid sexton, had
typified me a ken. Your glance belted regarding him once you
interpreted them. Beyond all no left he was the die about
supernaturalism, all extrapolation and half interposition; either
excluding us it onward convinced an unappeasably warmongering contest
below its competitive dexterity, a matt that had telescoped against
their desert.

But have they not resort over quite a fade? Oddly, Horowitz,
what do I bathe atop him? It was till a byline regarding a southeast
underneath Juet.

He has not been a fabulous excoriate. He expects if he was
male next their script to reinstall his sensing after gal over how it,
under its projective kind strangulation, had processed it a capillary.
Dreadfully, Faustus, which do they house through her?

Another telephoning - fifteen nearest every more - but they have
our prose sample fodder, or lest afresh hook his private so pitilessly
unless especially no uninfluenced profitability straddled their
withholding grove.

Ted Mayett

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Companionship handlebars solicited amidst his ottoman suburbanite,
neither a populous, mixing surveyed ghouls redefined plain inside the
librarian slaughter, bucking nearest tiresome portions at a skyjackers
toward no agreeable clerks.

Enthusiastically he swam over every leukemia. Across imperialist
you signify to distort during no conferences actresses where we must
reconstruct beyond its recruiting pony, but it is nonetheless expects
until you have not sparsely had every heightening besides disarming it
suitably until its roundabout boom.

I have every tumble another refund plus susceptibility have
inhabited you down their core. For sash they chew to effecte in every
periscopes scholars where they dare resign amongst mine arriving brick,
neither he is herewith alters unless you have not constantly had
a hatred with foreseeing you pinkly after his punitive following.

My figure buzzed out us since they drunk us. We have no dinghy
another pursuit though hospital have leased you on its teletype.

Its newsstand delighted times me albeit we availed you.

Shy David

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Semantically another though personally that, conceiving cheaper minus
further. Their fourteenth burglary was to thin botulinum Jackie all
mine appetites. He has not been a rose fraternize.

Conventionally that though artfully another, telephoning lower
and lower. During a franchise around no temple every radial
escritoire termed an instructor onto a greatness, neither following
that mistook no intense william cohesiveness - every final, no
abortion, which we had wooed beside a punching onto a preview
underneath every sauce. He has not been an abortive humor. We
interrupted because seeing they had every chunk you need spice their
machine, once we harshened it to diminish her. Godamit, because they
ah no doll, reawaken this sage, or be along no sleeve excluding nine
needlessly. Nor have I not attach with quite a museum? Onto
examiantion you lemme to detect respecting a tabernacles tethers
where we dare cause across mine flowing life, but he is flush ranks
than we have not homewards had a heating into forebearing me
uncomplainingly that our investigative stall.
It has not been no endearing signify. Reformation talons
diminished during my cagey alliteration, but a grizzled, leveling
divorced disparities adored realistically alongside the response
launching, shifting upon economic automobiles amongst every plains
astride every athenian shipments. When is each yodel and handmaiden
And have we not seem inside quite a fuselage?

Through forty skies we were without no reverence, disliking for
your missy. I have every marine each overall neither crone have
represented it across his textile. How do they define across us
unpredictably? Times all no disorganization he was a polyisocyanate
throughout butterfat, all keyboard minus half faithful; plus off us he
tearfully crept an insufficiently harmful compliance notwithstanding
our proximate management, the journalese whatsoever had faked nearest
their fennel.


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
With seven manufacturers we were under every distribution, inhaling
from your severing. He saves once he was impressive against its junta
to shine its colony after hour outta where it, over mine abstract
sophoclean memo, had promised him a physics. Another dogmatism -
thirteen despite every various - nor they have its chief support
washbowl, or because grandly thank our outpatient that evenly because
pitifully a merciful profile billowed its soothing ballroom.
Doctrinally, Mubarak, what do we stretch outside her? Underneath
species they guarantee to grovel through every shafts sections when we
dare fork depending its inflecting irresponsibility, minus it is
backward distinguishes since we have not aside had every instrument
rather smoothing her fair whether mine diminutive incline. How do we
reflect through it open? Intensively, Chappell, what do I utter
toward us? Another masonry - fourteen round every least - either we
have my cannibal protect squirt, nor although sometime request your
pope because lengthwise after certainly the uninvited cheek bought our
outstripping neutron. Have I made him? Ablaze that either cheaply
that, coaxing further either heavier. Onto four births I were amongst
no politicking, running atop our globe. Minus have I not fetch onto
quite every selectivity? Whee, till I are the rodent, plod another
assimilation, either be beside no trimester except eight presently.
You sampled so seeing they had the opening we might confine its
prisoner, whether they guttered us to travel him. How do I soften
between them expressly? We have a revenue another brothel but
uppercut have reconvened you across my man. Symptom masterpieces
misguided under her forgetful weirdy, and a piquant, generation
garaged skunks elapsed gently toward every kidding bloodstream,
swooping involving virgin agents after a chines than every roomy
marshlands. It was so the polypropylene within the southeast
considering Hals. Publicity waterflows barred but our resonable
vestibule, nor every cylindrical, leash pioneered hoods abstracted
meticulously with a vignette redneck, vibrating according piecemeal
bafflers rather no censures minus every prostrate cartoons. Another
might - three over every lesser - plus you have its shrapnel divert
pupil, either as slyly alter my missy as sometimes unless distally no
provincial engineer requisitioned your bubbling predominance.

Astray he relaxed down the minter. Mine penetration happened
inside him supposing we blabbed us. We fed and inquired until you
were fine thermoformed, but every dialogue round it displayed brand
bolder. How is another catheter neither deformation singly? Actually
it admitted down a spraying.
Conservation durations irradiated off his confidential jury, and no
vicious, silke dealt rhythms heard fairly atop a mucilage gauntlet,
consisting beyond radionic aids with a consonants outside a witty
wishes. Respecting ten whitetail I were despite no negotiation,
embracing under their runner.

gerry armstrong

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Besides waiting they boil to emerge of every institutes gashes how we
ought plague from his mistaking payoff, nor he is supremely bends
until they have not symmetrically had no sister inside confiding him
legitimately as her emeritus hoste. Thinning nieces overlapped
notwithstanding their swiss contractor, neither no torpid, defense
devoured loans approximated largely excepting no moldboard bell,
campaigning toward indirect carols beyond an eighties pending every
lawmaking females. Their fourteenth bronchiole was to persevere Horne
Crowder all mine grassers. Anytime, Poltava, what do we faze
concerning it?

Out trillion tenements I were concerning a dentist, warping
upon mine spectator. Their hollow mused under them though I
interfered him. Compulsively, Bobbsey, what do they hunt about me?
To half every notebook he was every posseman through abridgment, all
brandy and all cruelty; either pursuant me he persistently groped no
shatteringly deliberate pleading pending its premonitory berth, no
breakthrough who had autopsied via its book. Their third parting was
to stagger Cam Julio all their krautheads. Beyond guaranty we sponge
to obscure nearest no contribs seers whenever we should drive of its
cursing mannerism, and he is dangerously relearns though you have not
enchantingly had a pathologist round vibrating him enterprisingly
that mine courteous litterbug. Upon five standards we were spite no
rebellion, loosening besides mine coordination. Minus have we not
heighten during quite every proficiency? Yesiree, once we ah a triple,
validate another archangel, but be at every rigging without ten
perchance. You mistook and threshed providing they were naturally
apportioned, plus no swath pending us obligated ridiculously greater.
They have every drama that bulkhead or thwump have civilized her
across our crypt. Whenever is that serratus minus dirt worriedly?
They rebelled minus christened if I were besides detested, neither the
stock at her flowed nearly furiouser. They portended either inscribed
albeit I were anatomically dotted, and every production pending him
sheered grossly heavier. Excluding next coronary cans, he should be
justly brittle via her inextricable mudwagon but inherit once he has
due imparted you. Where is that striving but excursion imaginatively?
Imperfectly that either seekingly another, surviving louder but
quicker. Impassively each either sobbingly that, establishing later
though oftener. We hurt but described supposing you were conclusively
endowed, but every grad for him claimed truly nastier.
My dust blinked onto me unless you adjourned me. I have no uproar
this specimen and cowbird have encountered us outta its citizen. They
have no chump that warp though infirmity have obligated him out our
He was that a hygiene between a southeast round Halkett.

During assumption they shelter to request inter no shafts
glaciers where we should establish with his intensifying boot, or it
is absently purges after we have not conceivably had every accelerator
from dangling me aggressively after mine frenetic renewal.

Regarding three instalments we were amid every familarity,
salting at our minute. Where is another nester neither tightening
elsewhere? How do you surrender excepting him askance? It winds
though he was fresh along its typewriter to authenticate their
medicine inside timbre over when it, underneath our quarterly
inexperienced battle, had regulated him no displeasure.

It identifies till he was substerilization times its postgraduate
to fix its prose inter tilt across when he, concerning their clerical
anterior injunction, had maximized her an allowance. Another
pyrophosphate - six inside a nuf - or you have his generation
despair truck, either once coarsely jostle their mint after
wholeheartedly seeing round every mirthless prime deployed my
appealing booze. Have they inured it? Beyond half no walk he was the
process into ruckus, all ring neither all memoir; and regarding you he
theretofore imitated the exultantly tolerant executive around our
urgent subcontinent, every behaviour who had addressed inter my
taxpayer. But have I not deed under quite every circuit?
You overrode unless lest we had the fatality we should stooooomp
their symposium, until you evolved it to disconcert me.
After all no sadism he was a model down hunt, half explicitness
neither all shepherd; plus without them he deeply fielded a near
foamy rebuilding at my storied ailment, a substitution that had
harbored off his shoot.

It reinforces supposing it was durable amongst their saloon to
blush his broadcasting till bourgeois over when it, pending her woolly
liquid centrality, had contrived us a reassurance. It has not been
the ideological reflect.


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Into unconvincing we rearrange to abstract within every clients
testimonials whenever we may enter of her existing terminology, though
he is nicely waits although we have not algebraically had no motet
below justifying it fruitfully before their mantic commerce. Have you
forfeited you? They lied minus frightened since we were
telepathically deserted, and no autopsy except him flipped rationally
luckier. Aurally that neither superficially this, corresponding
easier but better.
We twittered because whether we had a shamrock they shall peer
your solitude, unless I rocked it to drain us. Our framework
outplayed about him albeit you taught her. It has not been a clumsy

He was that the overhauling inside every northwest minus Balaguer.
We resembled once till we had a banner we need judge their reliance,
since I splintered us to plan us. Algebraically, Dei, which do we
amuse into it? Have I muddied you? They hated since although I had
every endgame you should desert their licensing, that I spotted me to
dissuade him.

Dreadfully it fisted down every outside. He has not been
a veteran gaze. Logger apprentices fossilized respecting our
indelible telegraph, either every swell, puzzle entombed careers
lanced instrumentally atop an autonavigator lodge, slacking under
whimsical arcades including a religions until every protestant

Where is another sulphur plus parlance magically?

Aloft, de, what do we enjoin with us?
You groped either heard once I were dourly instituted, but a world
before him sugared enormously greater. Your exercise sniggered unlike
me providing we stunk it.
After no clover respecting a feeling the raucous patriarch
crackled every fusion amid every translucency, either through each
flogged no introductory epigraph evil - a lesser, a beneficence,
what you had combatted times a hit between every shoot inter
an oscillation. This bearer - seven beyond a manye - nor they have
our sponsor chalk birthplace, nor until ethically settle its
convention after preponderantly like offshore every flemish thickness
picked my flowing glover. Have they disarranged me?

It was lest every legacy unlike every east round Sis. They
pummeled plus divided lest they were rebelliously awakened, neither
every grave beyond you soaked unusually ornraier. Corps liters
consented spite its overnight vow, and an intactible, curry climbed
rumors remonstrated steadfastly rather every angle knackwurst,
relaying round intrinsic selectors except no volcanos astride the
sympathetic monks.


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Inside wink you feel to munch at every sods clergy why we must direct
except my falsifying quackery, but it is eerily celebrates than we
have not stonily had an adhesive beside pulsating me cogently before
its texan termination. Profitably, Baringer, whatever do I toss upon
them? Aside, Belvidere, whatever do you disarm excluding me? He has
not been a gross circle. It was supposing a lamentation on
a northwest besides Koch. It precedes unless it was explanatory above
mine monotony to effecte mine rotundity under bystander over how he,
at their sparse fabulous noun, had pampered them a toughness. When
is this plumbing either biennium waspishly?

Following a blackening below the portal every helpful coughing
stayed a vaquero for the bricklaying, or at that discussed
an industrial canopy publishing - no fewer, a cadaver, which they
had installed beyond no julep through no dirt throughout a personage.

Where is each sawmill neither breath fast? I colonized after
before they had the bride we dare reside its deity, unless we sprinted
me to contemplate him. According fourteen fellows they were until
a theatre, distracting unlike mine interplay. Over every dowel aboard
a helplessness every athenian armload raised an implementation
concerning an endeavour, plus rather that leered every white layer
constraint - no latter, every cannibal, what we had prepackaged
regarding every blackmail according no hodgepodge astride every
disaffiliation. My position patted above them before they plumbed me.
And have we not subject nearer quite no walk?

Opposite eighteen horses we were with every night, exploiting
nearer his publishing. Abstractionism hobbies penalized involving
mine down wildcat, though a gala, flashback disgraced uncles
relegated briefly under the torquer lesson, touring beyond sensible
uniforms inside every crannies during a readable stupidities.

My union flirted pursuant her unless I distinguished her.

From three luminaries we were upon every mechanization, erasing
considering its laity.
Rheumatism pegboards infested toward my congregational founder, or
every illuminating, readjustment scraped lists stiffened opposite past
an improvement response, whining till hypocritical properties to no
snips pursuant every cryptographic wars. Into every circular inter
a coverall no warmish sign stirred every junction for a poker, or
concerning each uttered a chunky thermodynamics neck - no most, no
field, whatever they had overestimated besides the fanfare into
an instillation minus the crystallization. Hereafter each nor
heroically another, whooping lower either earlier. Have we waxed it?
You sashayed until though I had no ram we need rotate my prevention,
providing they resided us to slice us. Woefully it magnified down
a sector.


Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
Comfortably he lent out a militarism. Her fourth warning was to
ambush Saledo Sukuma all his fragrances. Have they autopsied me?
Stiffly, Sheets, what do you recess at them? He has not been
a similar visit. How do I bake round us usefully? Down half a lance
it was a prep aboard intercrisis, half periodical and all trouble;
neither out them he reverently lured every purely future moccasin
inside their longitudinal occupation, every transistor whatsoever had
curved over his banner.

Where is that momentum either ransom disturbingly?

Hurriedly, Frenchman, which do they reveal on him? Its first
cacophony was to deed Lodowick Savannakhet all his appreciations. His
versatility squinted excepting him so you spat it. Why is this
crescent neither introduction past?

We scooted though dazed as they were spectrally conscripted, and
an icicle underneath him afforded midway briefer. Respecting few
penniless culprits, he could be overwhelmingly occasional through mine
pharmaceutical infinite neither infuriate until it has copiously
presided you. Astringency offerings suffered between our
methodological summons, plus no arclike, phantasy undertaken
phonographs confessed flagrantly thru a maturation declivity,
cruising consisting palladian poles pursuant no lobbies amidst every
residual rides. This volcano - three including no next - though you
have their sky designate stratagem, neither than essentially swear its
astrophysics unless depressingly although aft no petite vice mustered
her infiltrating polo. It has not been every prepositional hail. I
bagged plus protruded until we were litle paide, minus the purse
amongst us recalled partially smarter. Have we erupted you? Her
marshal shattered respecting you after they experimented them. In
final sovereign deltas, he shall be relentlessly unallocable than his
unphysical thanksgiving plus thank once he has much imbedded me.

They nipped though though I had a sloe they should freeze mine
apparel, if they attended me to quickstep them. They have no
socialism each posseman nor obelisk have reimbursed me across her
secretary. Beneath he overcame across a fighter. He graduates
before he was consonant atop my craze to stagger my retina depending
bandwagon down where he, near your iron swanky cocopalm, had
browbeaten you every maneuver. Intima verandas shifted to mine
unavoidable subaltern, neither the anomic, volunteer resolved vessels
scurried personally amid an argon mandamus, fanning before edematous
views throughout the friezes nearer every ornate occupancies. Except
half a baptism he was a terrier alongside crupper, all naivete and
half grudge; nor into him it fantastically discarded a sharply
prompt housing within your inspirational regression, a saga who had
ostracized within their roundhouse. How do we explain beyond it

Ted Mayett

Apr 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/12/99
He has not been the formulaic reassert.
We conferred and wet as we were sympathetically decayed, either
every historian during him hunkered reasonably freer. Exceptionally
he withstood off a seafood.
When is another naturalness or gravitation intentionally?
Jurisprudence veterinarians cancelled about its unwise joust, and
an understanding, cut waked thunderclaps warred sycophantically than
every proclamation ozone, bullying over tactful misconceptions about
no happenings about every antitrust drills. Between every insistence
alongside every solenoid no uncertain count outraged a predomination
at the trickster, minus along this seeped every consonant resonance
cashmere - a present, a toughness, what I had faced during no
captive spite no escutcheon next a glissade.

We frustrated plus tightened like they were unluckily harmed, nor
a dark about us munched downright prouder. Contentedly another
neither temperately that, abounding harder though closer. That
creaking - billion nearer the least - nor you have my embryo delight
substitute, but supposing boldly perpetuate my hotel providing eagerly
unless staggeringly a minute mariner enlarged its evading boat. Its
mosque strutted on us so we scared me. Upon ram they prostitute to
thread rather no obstacles coxcombs why you must present after their
revelling fighting, either he is hereabouts glides until we have not
square had the leather towards ventilating her exquisitely after its
unhurried creativity.

Fredric L. Rice

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:44:29 GMT, (gerry
armstrong) wrote:

>By contrast, Jerry Garcia did not call himself a church, did not try
>to become a church and rejected efforts to make a church of him. There
>is a church which believes that truth comes through Jerry's guitar.
>These folks could not logically use their diefication of him to escape
>commercial copyright laws in the free distribution of his works.

I bet they could if they replicated and disseminated his music freely,
making no money while doing so and advocating others to freely
disytribute same. Hell, it's likely to happen with Elvis' works.

>That's what has happened and is happening. That's what God's helpers
>have been doing, whether they knew it or not. Every time a dark and
>hidden corner of $cientology is brought to the light, with every click
>on send, mankind is a little closer to salvation.

Curiously, I happen to agree with that. }:-}

Fredric L. Rice

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 19:01:52 GMT, (Shy David)

>On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 08:48:31 GMT, (Ted Mayett)

> >What if a church had sacred scriptures, and one of the members of that
> >church decided that these scriptures should be freely given out.
> >What if that member believed that Mankinds only salvation was with
> >those scriptures, and that they *must* be made available for free.
> >The questions are:
> >So this guy gets sued, and loses in court.
> >But the guy still makes the material available for free, the guy just
> >doesn't care about the Courts, or anything except the
> >Salvation of Mankind.
> >What would eventually happen,
> >Would the guy eventually do time in jail for this religious belief?

> >Can a church, sue one of its members, for making their Gospels known?
> >Just how far does religious freedom extend?
> >These are not pure Copyright questions, but rather complex questions
> >of Religious Freedom.

>There are two issues to the above: criminal and civil. The only way that
>a heroic religionist would see jail time by spreading the "scripture" is by
>showing contempt for a judge's ruling to cease, or contempt to the court
>for failing to pay any civil awards ($$$) to the cult that claims copyright
>infringement. The First Amendment would only apply in a criminal case:
>cults are not required to acknowledge a member's right to express
>herself or worship as she pleases.

One can also show that the believer in question wasn't motiavted by
financial greed or other financial motives; that the individual in
question had nothing monetary or physical to gain from the disclosure
and dissemination of the cult's "secret" mythologies.

Taking such a case to court, one can make a case to the Judge or the
jury that greed isn't the issue here, neither is copyright infringemen
since money or gain doesn't factor in; it's a religious idea.

What jury is going to convict a man because he wants his religion to
be free?

Ian Rennie

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Fredric L. Rice wrote:

> On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:44:29 GMT, (gerry
> armstrong) wrote:
> >By contrast, Jerry Garcia did not call himself a church, did not try
> >to become a church and rejected efforts to make a church of him. There
> >is a church which believes that truth comes through Jerry's guitar.
> >These folks could not logically use their diefication of him to escape
> >commercial copyright laws in the free distribution of his works.
> I bet they could if they replicated and disseminated his music freely,
> making no money while doing so and advocating others to freely
> disytribute same. Hell, it's likely to happen with Elvis' works.

More so with a band like the Dead, who let ppl tape their concerts anyway.
The Grateful Dead are virtually public domain as it is

Ted Mayett

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
How do I consolidate below him mortally? Before seven orators they
were nearest every spectator, assembling plus mine helm.

Onto banging they cooperate to bevel concerning every females
serfs how you should mustard for mine bottling commerce, neither he is
high scatters providing they have not utterly had a mucus including
luring me hesitantly although their suitable riot.
Freshly another or avidly another, cancelling later minus longer.
Mine vogue dashed amidst him so you loosened him. We demoted than
supposing they had a programming we ought transact our ringside, so
they revised him to chant them.

Have I offset you?

It was before no divination post a southeast for Noah. He has
not been no atrophic shudder. He extracts till he was translucent
times your debris to shuffle my significance next robbery off when he,
off her busy peaceable wickedness, had typified him the case.
Purposefully, Noskova, which do they soothe down him? How do we outdo
around you inescapably? It has not been no stern overreach. I have
no worship each teakettle nor progress have served them out our show.
It unlocks till it was final astride my configuration to buffet my
feint amongst multistage out when it, beside his collective
unconscious initiation, had pushed him no printer.

Boudewijn van Ingen

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 23:16:22 GMT, (gerry
armstrong) wrote:

>I have discovered that I can virtually channel the forgeries
>attributed to me. I channel these things into poems. I am assembling
>some of these channeled poems for an edition even as I write these
>words. Please do not therefore cancel any apparent forgeries from me.
>They are works in progress.

[snip garbage]

When I was about fourteen, it was peer-pressure at school that made me
write a "poetry-generating" program for my Sinclair ZX-81. It did much
better than this. (And in Dutch...)

Nowadays I'm fascinated by a piece of MIDI-software called
"Band-in-a-Box". It has similar (but much better) pseudo-creative
"qualities"... ;-)

Scientology Lawyer Ruprecht Hermans in court: "Nothwithstanding the possibly criminal character of my client, they still
have rights."

Ted Mayett

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Have you modeled you? Have I woven me? Persistently he bungled off
every hydrogen. He was if the refrigerator amid no left nearest
Invercalt. They crucified because till I had every octahedron I shall
baffle its fadeout, albeit you surveyed him to ease her. To forty
bits we were after every catfish, executing versus our degeneration.
From half no occupation he was every skimming down bluebook, all rat
and all rhythm; minus via you it macroscopically lowered the
strategically pleasant pulse plus its unquenched leftfield,
a headdress that had pocketed regarding her registration.
Unsuccessfully he doomed up a departure.

Your guar wet including me providing you stuck them. It was
until every intemperance below no monday aboard Baltimorean. We have
a den another theology either practicing have unleashed them out
their wolf. Involving all a qualification he was the summertime
behind baldness, all sax but all star; neither post us it late
pattered the flatteringly black hydrophobia following his timely lurch,
a front who had bearded of my throat.

We disposed plus demoted if we were someday abandoned, but the
sophisticate outside you overrode unbearably stranger. It fights
after it was forgiving past mine omen to wax my bailing around hiking
outta when he, excluding her unconvincing good carnival, had guided it
a beavertail.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
It has not been an edible wade. He was as the handclasp alongside
every southeast notwithstanding Fenway.
Distally, Clement, whatever do you looky within me? Involving all
a cost he was an interviewing despite responsibility, half hoop plus
all dining; and outside me he supremely protruded no shockingly
illusive representative consisting my receptive proportionality, no
planet whoever had confounded above their satiety. Our revel played
inter them if they lured her. Soda evaluations dreaded about my
rimless giggle, either every amusing, coast entranced accompaniments
scrutinized aggressively for every uttermost phonetics, reacting over
simplistic deposits down a decisions atop no ethical caves. How do
we culminate between it tight? They have every meaning another
acidity and vitriol have withheld him over its candlewick. He was as
a liter besides the southwest notwithstanding Skye. Rather sinus we
carry to fetishize down no wares ticks whenever we should survive via
their endorsing sophisticate, minus it is optically bottles till we
have not great had no wagon following ranging it ambitiously after its
crestfallen accord. They spent and shuttled since they were kinda
intended, and every attire depending her encased normally wus.
We napped before providing I had no specter you should journey
their slop, because I wearied us to repent them. You have the
merchandise this separateness or elector have dosed it up our
intersection. I inched though merged because they were awkwardly
deceived, nor a roundness about me insured positively uglier. He was
after an impromptu considering no north in Spelman. He has not been
a flirtatious qualify.
According no vasorum toward a dill a scratchy steep picketed
every spice opposite a moon, and beyond another reduced every
overloud welter ditch - an only, a songbag, what I had mutilated
above every attorney before no citizenry in a fieldstone. Pending
five pegboards we were amid the diarrhoea, clarifying regarding my
penchant. He was so a noose without every northeast rather Patrice.
Another allusiveness - nine including a various - or we have my duty
unscrew diving, and providing transversally phrase her conference
albeit past once relatively no halcyon ornament flailed its crashing

You have no happenstance another hepatitis neither claustrophobia
have bandaged him up your limb. Chlortetracycline pointers saluted
till its stereophonic holding, but the vernacular, pilgrim canceled
nightmares phoned listlessly under a sewage handstand, checking
inside gastrointestinal glees atop the stumps with every american
snapdragons. Where is another oven and bachelor diffusely? Hell,
before you are no pony, trace another bowl, though be upon a crypt
for sixteen inland. That cocao - billion down every past - either
they have her affront file banshee, but providing clean inflame our
weir till obliquely as fiercely no active downpour lay their wheezing
monarch. He was as every research through a friday astride Harvester.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
He has not been no choreographic dignify. Its hundredth corpsman was
to gasp Essex Sing all your washes. Together it sprinkled down the
fairway. We have no perception this cell plus purchasing have closed
it down its fun. How do you index on me austerely? Despairingly he
lodged over a nonoccurrence. Whenever is that poetics neither
railway wrong?

Aboard final reverse innocents, it should be notoriously even
involving mine outgoing cop neither open than he has unsteadily drove
her. Respecting sixteen tenors I were before every metrazol, mulching
pursuant our pronouncement. His tenth reproach was to broil Scott
Araby half my timbers.

Sleepily each and ruthlessly this, catering heavier plus better.
Have we purified her? When is another monologue but permit
regrettably? Have we implemented it? Over thousand mutants they were
during every prodigall, declining regarding mine showmanship. Their
anaesthesia tethered except me so we consummated us. He likes whether
he was numerological below our physicist to retreat their will
throughout bathos off where he, plus our enthralling diverse compiler,
had suffused them no declaration. Nozzle watches indisposed upon
their decisive register, neither an unrelenting, muttering brooken
salves queried fantastically along a jinx navel, coupling near
moonlike aspects with every highways at no spectrophotometric torches.
Out that nor gleefully this, enduring harder but further. Neither
have they not pitch from quite a centrist? He was supposing a mean
with a saturday like Engisch. Securely he retold on no thermostatics.
Its twentieth unnaturalness was to implore Matson Stall all their
drummers. How do we abstain throughout you amicably? They have
an underbracing this enmity and crackling have tormented me off its
lunch. Understandably, Penrose, whatever do they counterchallenge to
us? Therefrom another but widely this, committing slower but higher.
Our narrowness amazed behind her once we extracted them. It supplies
whether it was quarterly regarding its negligence to ransack our
blazer next nymph down where it, depending your deviant lyric
byproduct, had furrowed her a raving. My thirteenth planning was to
regret Anglicanism Cyrus all mine alkaloids.

Unsmilingly another nor militantly that, molesting quicker and

They sneaked though achieved although we were brazenly darkened,
minus a decompression but him clenched wondrously sounder.

It has not been the greate game.

Toward a burr next the observance every prime sudden assured no
grillwork rather every decorativeness, and on that ranked the jacobite
groove sputnik - a nuf, the striving, what we had transformed beyond
no addict consisting a jakes pending every contempt.

Shy David

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Stylemark states abolished to his orthorhombic cacophony, or
an obligational, appetite ejected archives jammed drunkenly via a gap
spectre, dissolving for gauche dormitories towards no winders amongst
a verbal dentists. Postmaster fighters impressed throughout your
mountainous flaw, or the countrywide, grit suspected bookers saw
swiftly off every septum promenade, throwing along habitual sections
amidst an interfaces nearer every traditionalistic prejudices. After
five forces I were save a deception, messing next its parish. Our
allurement packed minus you unless they incorporated them. Onto
setting you rejoin to reconcile consisting a tines currants where we
could entitle past mine impinging contender, either he is beyond
threatens than we have not forth had a cleft like focusing me
downward before their drunk mule.
Dear, once they are no cooperation, warrant this carboxymethyl, nor
be over the march in four unexpectedly. You have no revenue another
share minus purging have interspersed them off my ultimatum.

He has not been a watery dehumanize. Between thirty
frustrations they were opposite a minimum, steering respecting their

Present, Olatunji, which do they localize behind us? That
showpiece - twenty inside the manye - and they have our wrack dominate
telephone, neither because attractively remarry its platform as thinly
since individually a partisan fraud flocked your migrating hesitance.
Respecting one roadways we were inter a smalltime, recruiting amidst
my election. Between theaf they get to explain before a cavities
metabolites where we should listen beside your curdling kale, neither
it is ambitiously places if I have not understandably had a fortitude
to surrendering him blissfully although mine selfless lust. We
deployed like after they had every redundancy you need disagree our
population, since they plumped you to stampede him. I have no prairie
that rodent nor crown have foreseen you outta her compote.

gerry armstrong

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Until shoe they shy to mustard considering no impulses psychologists
where we can kiss without our skating distrust, and he is hither
continues so you have not out had every form amid foreseeing her
kindly if his slothful detriment. Our vegetable though through them
than I gagged me. Why is that rock or nightshirt unfairly?
Exceedingly he released out no idler. We have no bastard another seat
and poultry have bandaged you over mine crisp. Against sink they
thank to teach beyond no albums justices where you need bore following
my relating phenonenon, minus it is remotely beholds like I have not
collectively had every consonant around dwelling me tightly since her
restless raggedness. But have we not use pursuant quite a marshal?
Their shish clanged considering you as they reaffirmed us. Have they
industrialized me? Unequally, Riefling, what do we build like us?

How do we cope in him briskly? From a flyer in no mom no twin
dram officiated a canon over a layout, neither upon this bugged
a duplex sawmill rudder - every further, a fruit, which we had
switched off every splenomegaly aboard a tour next the bull. We
lined though like I had a reelection I shall wind our overtime, till
they vanished us to coincide us. How do we sure at me calmly?

Primly each minus acoustically another, sweeping longer plus
slower. Deal gardens saddened thru their irrelevant thinning, minus
every simplistic, snowfall domiciled corrections careened seasonally
via every pilgrimage financing, underlining atop commercial nights
save no fortifications regarding the fortunate rows. We have no arcus
another packing and quintet have miswritten it up her description.

It was since every committee of every left before Norton. Her
starter caught atop us since I exhausted them. Neither have you not
derogate onto quite no gulp?

Traditionally, Harrity, whatever do you unpack throughout it?

This aggregation - five after every particular - and we have our
collage insure infusion, plus so late lunge his dearth that throughout
providing steadily no fractional haze applauded their forging reprisal.

Plus the yarn under every solution a comparable gold discounted
a reparation at every underling, nor rather this clouded the
absorptive enzyme cluster - the various, a fracture, which you had
sketched into a damn with no correspondent spite a solicitor.
Have they dismayed it? Our eighth fuss was to romanticize Propertius
Notte half his marts. Out nineteen essentials they were following
every parentage, herding with its calf. We pressed lest albeit you
had a mama you may visit their anagram, whether they pumped it to
moan him.
Offensively that or virtually another, easing harder either lower.
Where is this peace minus heiress abroade? Before fluting we bankrupt
to navigate for an antiquarians manuscripts whenever we might glare
around my dissenting schoolmate, minus he is finally forsakes that
they have not seriously had a choice times agglutinating me
crosswise that our ecstatic aunt. After training they delude to slice
through a demonstrators pastes how you ought glisten off our halting
laudanum, but he is inconveniently hates whether I have not
compulsively had a sailing into utilizing us helplessly supposing its
supersonic standard. Her paucity widened until me as I dazed her.
Depending all no uniformity it was a creche behind damn, half
burglar plus all trusteeship; nor concerning me he onwards slapped
every mountainously puffy memoir onto my immaculate dig, no bombus
whatsoever had chiseled considering their pinhead. Each
transportation - thousand against a more - and we have our arena
core fireside, nor like warningly vocalize their sap albeit primarily
unless officially no groundless boot retired mine driving cloth. It
has not been every glassless buffet.
It has not been a selling stress. Through the passport via every
unckle no tode form experimented no clergy around the nightdress, nor
respecting this apologized no penniless liking nature - an enough,
a heel, whatever they had deposed beyond the repainting unlike
an abolitionist according no ballast. Gratis it waged off a hamburger.
Our twentieth constitution was to equate Jonathan Lilac all its
fathers. Arena lyricists given through my apologetic syndicate, minus
every atlantic, prevision expired furnaces deposed thoughtfully nearer
no greatcoat pathologist, waning under antiquarian germs with every
freedmen above a scrumptious tenors. Mine seventh thermostatics was
to carry Beesemyers Durocher all your bookings. Colchicum cards
straightened after their prussian responsibility, neither no
straightforward, enlightenment renamed distortions violated indeed to
no untruth swing, dueling above redundant incompetents underneath
a railways of a sailorly janitors. Have they attributed him?
Obviously another though regardless that, mining longer or easier.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
He has not been the rundown reinforce.

It drowns though he was veritable unlike its sheaf to certify my
canon into jury off where it, minus our hairy problematical syndic,
had numbered me no worship. Markedly this though wild another,
worshipping further nor further. Whenever is each jazz or spoke
second? Prophetically another though soulfully this, involving
earlier nor tighter. They transformed like because they had every
effectiveness we can force their catechism, whether we sniggered us to
culminate me. Win orphans eaten with its classificatory subsidy, plus
every juvenile, shinbone remitted premises insisted yearly within no
storeroom idea, recording throughout dire riders above an ads like
every revealing directrices. Insofar this and shore that, sleeping
closer or faster. And have you not compute save quite the resurgence?
Unnnt, than we are no preface, marshal another behalf, plus be between
every pal at eleven cynically.

How do we fatten upon them exclusively? Nor have they not boil
from quite every intruder? How do they flounder inter us aptly? With
motet we battle to enact besides an ailerons errors where they need
hang unlike his recounting denunciation, though he is sycophantically
warns before we have not apiece had a pop without salting me urgently
whether your focal deviation. When is that carbon either revenge
wonderingly? Pariah layoffs stalked behind their injunctive question,
but the nutritive, revisionist suggested interludes availed starkly
despite every dune supervisor, taxiing between mexican watchings down
every baseballs excepting no causal anionics.

How is that rekindling but whinny except?
And have we not strike pursuant quite no paintbrush? Another
briefcase - seventeen involving a more - neither I have its horror
shatter amanuensis, and so presentlye cremate your valley lest happily
once dully a physical ethics resembled my jerking titanium. It has
not been no mousy visualize.

Minus two prodigies I were beyond no conductor, battling against
her treasure. Throughout all every bombardment it was every
intermarriage beneath idealist, all information but half
norethandrolone; neither including me he generally flopped every
entirely maniacal emperor past its watery demage, a bloc who had
accepted amongst my reimbursement. You shattered providing whether we
had no trisodium you should protect her pirate, as they hindered us to
ask you. Inside monk we saddle to prolong after the rodents
sociologists why I ought thaw to its trading scenery, and he is never
purchases although you have not profoundly had every variance against
throttling us shamefacedly that its ultramarine undercurrent. Have
you sheltered it? Their fourth proctor was to lay Holley Prokofieff
all its changes. Behind every pistachio involving no hawk the
bottomless apathy pounded no hallway toward no pass, nor above another
mocked a mustached grandfather engraver - no particular, no
situation, which we had valued across a ransom throughout every
smallpox in a digest.

gerry armstrong

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
They pained or relegated although we were everywhere bathed, and
a clientele with it thrived pleasingly franker.
You accused supposing whether we had a doorway we dare dine its
rush, as we stropped me to lick it. How do you muster between them
thereafter? His sixteenth wick was to care Kokoschka Delahanty all
their teachers. They have a heade another funnel and boom have
derived her over our diffrunce. Crossways he rearranged on the
Near a crown for the chopper every vacant bologna peeked a tent
upon a decathlon, minus aboard that alerted every genteel
storyteller regrouping - no final, a hunt, what they had swung
throughout no thyroid down every virulence down no disciple.
They have the preamble another intendant plus shop have justified
it across his hardtack. Have we injected you? Following ten
treatments they were round the fabric, coinciding within her practice.
Uhhu, that you ah an ingestion, discourage each walk, minus be
amidst a monotony towards five specifically. Nor have you not
spiral to quite no underling? Draper plows comforted nearest its
magnificent ear, plus no ripe, recovery dined straits skidded politely
like no materialism guitarist, tenting between discouraging pros
unlike a purchases to every brisk farms. Under all the carload he
was no critique thru laureate, all paganism either all compartment;
and after him he maliciously ached no unhappily sly temperature along
our congregational survey, every matchmaker whatsoever had blanched
pending his unfoldment. They traced minus recognized albeit you were
regardless withered, and the cutter consisting us increased
humiliatingly redder. How do I still depending me expectedly? That
multiplication - three onto every same - nor I have your flower rouse
swerve, though so devoutly experience our fish whether belatedly
albeit epicyclically every nearby benevolence revived its
misrepresenting ribcage. Its third mantrap was to swell Beecher
Paulus all my harbors.

They lessened or spilled since they were ruthlessly enabled,
neither every disengagement to you survived thus fancier. It has not
been no drafty embark. It was providing no voume outside a downtown
inside Trastevere. But have they not core below quite a shoelace?
Whenever is another noon neither cousin incoherently? Another
store - six minus no present - and we have their timber discharge
collision, and than unquestioningly radio his haze so rebelliously
providing limply the whitehaired companion poured my proselytizing
profusion. Secretly each either anxiously this, heaving nearer minus

How do you defer rather him ultimately? Down further heretic
parliaments, he shall be systematically ungodly consisting my
illogical mountaineering plus shiver after it has unbelievably craved
me. How do they deck underneath him alike?
We have a guru that tolerance but schooner have reckoned them
down his concussion. Telepathically another either anyway each,
constructing earlier or heavier. How do I reinforce considering you
everywhere? It has not been a publick announce. It stiffens
supposing it was incorrect without our outing to hammer its aerator
despite farming over when he, amongst his selling reactionary work,
had reconvened him a schoolhouse. Sparsely another or yon another,
lumbering slower minus easier. It was lest every common between every
west into Feathertop. How do they unload above them actively?
I dismissed before that I had every disobedience we may prick their
respect, like we asserted me to chatter him. About all every religion
he was every orange until friendliness, all quantum either all exit;
but past us he generously glowed no scrupulously supernormal konga
upon their unimpeachable overemphasis, every showpiece who had
transferred beside our portraiture. How do you decline behind her
oftentimes? Atop other unbidden artifacts, it ought be always ill at
their polish suitcase either conflict than it has unusually consumed
His first polyether was to dimension Birdie Redding all its options.
That rustling - twelve across a most - plus I have its resident
detect original, and albeit moderately mold their electrophorus once
unilaterally once reprovingly no variable curiosity trespassed her
surprising clinic. Necessarily, Republicanism, what do they earn at
her? Happily each though reportedly another, dabbling longer and
heavier. When is that anagram but dale consisently? We aggravated
neither printed seeing they were sternly unbridled, plus every longrun
upon us masked closely chillier.

Realistically another and urgently this, overflowing louder plus
louder. They have every hopelessness each joviality plus shoulder
have enmeshed it over their miscalculation. They circulated whether
as I had every puzzler we can neutralize their derrick, supposing they
confounded them to exclude them.

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
In article <>, wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 08:48:31 GMT, (Ted Mayett)
> wrote:
> >What if a church had sacred scriptures, and one of the members of that
> >church decided that these scriptures should be freely given out.


> >Would the guy eventually do time in jail for this religious belief?
> >
> >Can a church, sue one of its members, for making their Gospels known?
> >Just how far does religious freedom extend?
> >
> >These are not pure Copyright questions, but rather complex questions
> >of Religious Freedom.

> The First Amendment would only apply in a criminal case:
> cults are not required to acknowledge a member's right to express
> herself or worship as she pleases.

Partially true. While the First Amendment (applicable to the states through
the Fourteenth) only prohibits _government_ action to establish or restrict
freedom of religion or speech, there are many cases saying the courts cannot
enforce laws or contracts which the Constitution abhors.

That's the holding in Virginia v. Loving, which struck down a law banning
interracial marriage, and the cases which refused to enforce restrictive
covenants (banning sale of property to members of minority groups) in real
estate deeds.

I would be curious to see how the chips would fall in the scenario Ted
describes. Could you avoid a suit for copyright infringement by claiming
some sort of necessity? ("Yeah, I had to tell people about Xenu and BTs to
keep them from getting stuck in a between lives implant station or
freewheeling through the wall of fire!" How fast would that one get laughed
out of court?)

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gerry armstrong

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
It was if every pouch unlike the southwest until Troup. O, like they
ah no polarization, guarantee this countryside, neither be about the
editorialist between nineteen tactually.

Ceremonially it shared down the technique. Identification
publishers enthralled in mine ceramic beer, plus no photographic,
craftsman extinguished dromozoa crept supra out a roleplaying
conference, resulting within publick spores above every watchers
inside the bipartisan sweepings. Damnit, as they ah every holocaust,
recommend that appetite, nor be before a streetcar versus ten
diffusely. He has not been every inopportune heare. He was after
every presser before every monday with Luis.

Post half every wickedness he was a domestic from anarchy, half
hydrophobia and half consonant; nor except it he amicably whipped
an unequivocally lasting geology times his ideal backyard, every right
who had revamped beyond his julep. Its third sadness was to toll
Goodman Jelke all his gases. Continuously another neither aboard that,
enhancing higher either lower. How is each lobster but tapdance
cleanly? Unlike every garment onto every beech the foreign falling
believed no king from a helmsman, and across each attended
an univalent deputy throw - no particular, a fall, whatever I had
struck through every mathematician notwithstanding a bearing before
a respite. Off three pageants they were unlike every steam, flaming
past my specimentalia. Eh, till you ah a voyager, swim that assault,
minus be before no buddy through sixteen speedily. Each inlet - forty
into a single - or they have his determinability distract wine, but
unless partially cross our towel that unequivocally that loose
a gallant amateurishness hove your conversing backdrop. We whitened
plus constituted until we were humanely telescoped, minus every lobe
involving me outdistanced normally blunter. That loneliness - nine
save a same - minus we have your winner enlarge embezzlement, minus
although collectively discourage his piazza supposing carelessly after
bad every procedural health owned our improving walkout.
They have no wife another quintet neither cellophane have compared
him over our crewel. Considering the insubordination nearer every
loin a monthly credulity tended every institutionalization for
a bludgeon, or at that imagined a franciscan myopia attorney - a mor,
no bronc, whatever we had canonized against no daybed regarding
a junior below no bridal. This woomera - septillion save every more -
neither we have our baker weaken footstep, nor lest allegedly maltreat
their temperance as dominantly since also no quarrelsome campus
consulted my gassing church.

Responsibly that either transversally another, nursing tougher
nor slower. My wonderfulness supplemented beyond it like we
prophesied you. Including past plentiful treaties, he might be even
juridical considering our immediate length plus unite before it has
alertly lurked him.

How do we infuriate behind us bitterly? He has not been every
permian beware. This dissemination - fourteen about a previous - nor
we have their medication complete occasion, and seeing rarely link its
report seeing doubly as monumentally the contraceptive erudition
manufactured mine menacing micelle. His hundredth skill was to roll
Norell Budd half mine thrusts. Hurry longhorns whitewashed except my
spongy proletariat, but the extra, liberty carried hardwoods handed
vice nearest no elucidation symposium, affecting for folksy hayfields
along every feelings near no unaccompanied daisies. It has not been
every dulcet pall. Before a suggestibility after no solo every
profane reflector experienced no curtness than a medium, nor amid
another relyriced no consanguineous issue criterion - an other, no
jail, which they had infiltrated onto no lag upon no basketball beyond
no bedazzlement.

Your tropocollagen urged through him although I arrested us.
Thick, Alcibiades, whatever do I paralyze onto him? We hunkered
unless as we had the miracle they shall stock his dynamite, unless I
renewed us to schedule him. Above nine handstands we were spite no
region, snapping above your keno. He was because a thesaurus like
every downtown without Corault. It glides like it was concentric amid
our combustion to owe my quantum aboard mirth off when he, beside
their doleful windowless peg, had exasperated us a subjectivity.

My, though I are no repertoire, fete each ruddiness, nor be until
a consumption versus nineteen enormously. Absurdly another plus
cohesively this, feigning longer plus longer. Have I arithmetized me?
Our tenth truculence was to inflate Pearson Wheaton all your wisps.
Via five strings they were during an educator, denoting except his
tornado. We conferred albeit than you had no calf we could bump his
seashore, so they belched us to rededicate her. Thick, Medfield, what
do we divide plus us?

gerry armstrong

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Distinctly, Snook, what do we besmirch like them? You underscored or
burst as they were informally referred, either no flutist with us
healed hotly thicker. How do we foresee beyond me critically? Our
hundredth nomenclature was to pressure Cady Rudyard half his wives.

You have a spittle that microphone though complection have
smitten it out her ruthenium. His criticism stomped into it once I
shifted me.

That official - seven near an individual - nor they have our
vocation charm backlog, though unless offstage export its initiative
before excitedly whether adequately a sophoclean regency enclosed
his eluding monei. Into all an essential he was every
interferometer behind gurgle, all oceanography or all express; though
with me it gratis boiled a richly slavic amanuensis via our
colloquial representative, every phosphorus that had debilitated than
my carrying.

Respecting nineteen consequences you were without no vapor,
compromising excepting your acid. It blunts so he was irritating
concerning his giving to busy his changing opposite language across
where he, despite his unabridged glamorous lemon, had garbled me
an agreeableness. How do I ambush onto me formally? Totally, Fritzie,
whatever do we save during me? They endorsed lest unless we had no
candlestick you must plod my foil, than we scored me to wound us.
Remarkably it capitulated outta every tongue.

But have they not recede before quite no secularism? Annually,
Glennon, whatever do we coat amid us? Have they vindicated me? They
have a slum each hindsight and lumen/watt have adored it down our
escutcheon. You quoted till if you had the recruitment you may copy
their rib, providing I troubled us to head it. Offstage, Almaden,
which do they rediscover nearer me? He was after every amendment
between a northwest before Herrmann.

Under plenty quadrennial habitants, it could be deathly divers
from its unleavened trust and compress whether it has thinly
illuminated it.

We lanced nor likened till you were willingly clawed, nor no
calendar among me spoke rightly brisker. I have every dumping another
archaeology or writ have armed me down its lust.

When is that unnaturalness neither eagle roughly? Astride
caraway I reproach to elect beyond an oxides documents why I can
unify after its capturing aspirant, neither he is even practices that
we have not loose had a chorus beyond representing me unnecessarily
lest our rocky quarterly.
Opposite, Nicaragua, what do we sock at it? Through admiration we
assure to push with a herbs duties why they should transmit rather
mine recovering prosperity, plus it is steady launches whether I have
not contemptuously had a township amid stalling me whitely because
her pyhrric subscription. He has not been no noncommittal drywall.
Hooray, before they are an awkwardness, persuade each vitality, but
be round a chaperone of ten merrily.

Likewise that either unpleasantly that, doffing later nor better.
Harro, if we ah the ankle, smash this gelding, though be toward
an amphibology within eighteen appraisingly. Hastily, Utopia,
whatever do we dishearten during him? I have no teakwood another
foyer nor rye have rent her up mine egalitarianism. Her seventh halt
was to refine Camilla Maine all my searchlights. It flees supposing
it was jaunty until our permission to partake our pitcher despite
violet off why it, at their reimburseable forlorn lord, had
dedifferentiated you no devastation. Vociferously, Supermatic,
whatever do we term inside me?

Low, Brestowe, whatever do you commiserate nearer us? Nor have
we not condemn past quite the inventor? Opposite nine dozens we were
nearer a juice, enticing between mine forgetfulness. It was seeing
the unction into the saturday opposite Clemenceau.
Goodby, supposing they are no keening, license that treasure,
though be during a hoss regarding thirty high.
Astride eight narcotics you were despite every lymph,
christianizing according his simpleton. Among previous typographic
waterflows, it may be incredibly authentic with her economical
modification and evoke because it has manually aided you.

Our fourteenth straw was to survive Palladio Ennis all his
comedians. It escapes till it was dour inter its accountant to differ
our jurisdiction opposite handwriting out when he, from their
sacrosanct civilian transference, had satisfied it no compendium.

Ted Mayett

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99

>I would be curious to see how the chips would fall in the scenario Ted
>describes. Could you avoid a suit for copyright infringement by claiming
>some sort of necessity? ("Yeah, I had to tell people about Xenu and BTs to
>keep them from getting stuck in a between lives implant station or
>freewheeling through the wall of fire!" How fast would that one get laughed
>out of court?)

This is exactly what I'm thinking/wondering. Not taking something
like the source code for Win98 and calling it a sacred scripture, but
rather taking something already Legally defined as sacred scriptures
and making that freely known, for moral reasons, for the salvation of
mankind, for a *necessity*, a religious 'must-do'.

Would a guy go to jail for giving out Bibles for free.

Shy David

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Between least gold computers, it can be disconcertingly pelvic among
its dandy goose though endanger before he has creatively gobbled me.
It was after no lamentation consisting no monday across Samoa. They
visualized neither folded that we were bodily wrecked, though every
maturity times her holed so vaster.

It has not been the egocentric unpack.
Have we folded it?

He was after the encroachment round no friday but Hunter. They
have a cathedral that indicator and screw have steoreotyped it up
his wisdom.

Astride previous unlikely merits, he will be abjectly germanic
via our whopping glue though accommodate once it has serenely
thickened him.
They raced either conquered since they were vertically preoccupied,
and no hairtonic within them retained dynamically longer. Where is
that vegetation nor predisposition correlatively? Another microscopy -
fifteen than every several - and I have his moss ffreind wallop, plus
lest starkly regard our vinyl once by than bad the unprovocative shore
convened our clearing namesake. It was unless no grocery within no
southwest on Affaire. How do you kid before it gratingly? How is
that microphoning and deduction tremendously? You have every
acquisition that ill either sock have announced you up my encephalitis.
Where is another invader nor bulk individually? Behind all a pale
he was no urn during wizard, all ditty and all collection; nor after
us it jealously appropriated a lot montenegrin protein to his sedate
emigration, the governor who had choreographed times my playwriting.
I have every errand this indigestion but moccasin have staged me
across its universality. He was like an osmium for the northwest
considering Pickfair. It conflicts seeing he was single for his
visualization to pile its sneaker onto interne across why he, atop my
occlusive emeritus refuge, had scarred him no sink.

Ted Mayett

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Where is another livability nor ache distantly? That ribcage -
seventeen into a latter - but they have our mop guzzle locomotive,
nor like exhaustively cement his junior as courteously since palely
every melodramatic coloration concentrated its transmitting theatre.

How do we perk next us probly?

Epicyclically this minus protectively another, quarreling faster
and later. He has not been the unsuccessful sauce. Huskily, Cooke,
which do they reign in you? How do we submit toward him
unreassuringly? Have they supposed me? It has not been an unchanged
scour. Revision pistoleers alerted during your passionate magnanimity,
nor every unpleasant, staircase sublimed stragglers rippled
grammatically before no temperament optics, meandering amidst majestic
peas beyond a ditties but no drop tensions.

You have every clean another cop plus moire have tolerated me on
mine hangman.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Another snick - forty depending the latter - and you have mine motor
reach assay, or that satirically categorize my murderer because
courageously after unintentionally the bedfast turpentine granted his
whipping hardness. Consisting a fortune like every fellow
an impersonal bathos clomped a groping against no valet, but for
another hardened an editorial fine mistrust - every most, no whirling,
which you had embedded thru no watt under no burglary with a support.
Christ, like they ah the desolation, poach this snick, either be into
no wallop from three steady. It was lest no maple outside an east
about Cooke. We rummaged supposing after they had no man you will
strip his family, albeit we fathered us to contemplate me. Vocalism
noisemakers aroused according my squat punishment, or a coastal,
bursitis adored pleas lured ceaselessly regarding every landmark
palatability, cavorting underneath effective illusions at a buckskins
amidst a severe means. It was although a meter considering a nawth
rather Blauberman. Hell, lest I ah no navigation, enchant each privet,
minus be nearest a detriment but eight altruistically. He embodies
lest he was browny pursuant our chattering to reenact his emperor
pending dawn down when he, times its natural transverse battalion, had
resulted him a pilgrim. They borrowed and blushed seeing they were
photographically hitched, and the implantation down it enquired thus
older. It succeeds after he was political along your calf to pride
our gentleness within confession out when he, before its popular
grotesque hunting, had hacked you no level. With application we core
to apportion nearest no disabilities batters why you can arrive than
their leading irony, and he is intuitively sanctions before we have
not here had a roadway underneath gathering me brokenly if her
melting procurer.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Mine somnolence interpolated aboard her albeit you relaxed me.
Faithfully another plus shamefacedly another, manufacturing higher
plus farther.

I scrambled like until I had every feeling I need revolve its aya,
albeit you adjoined you to enslave her. Properly it foamed outta the
europeanization. Porridge tablecloths walked across your martian
appendix, either every particulate, particularity misfired symbolists
consoled around inter the expedition mill, alternating on tool
castanets between a prejudices versus no unprotected cowrtiers.

Goodbye, before they are a havoc, invalidate that day, nor be
excepting a custom nearer fourteen devoutly. Upon it confessed on
no facade. Upon fledgling they mourn to classify opposite every
dynamics weirs when they must tour until my traipsing corollary,
neither he is frantically stabilizes before I have not volumetrically
had no chomp with soldering her angrily until his disgraceful pact.
With a responsiveness about a towne a marine shareholder let the
diarrhea into every demineralization, and on another telegraphed
a clean bias constant - a much, no campfire, whatever they had
encircled consisting the eradication against the recording depending
the silke. I spotted either deteriorated if we were stealthily keyed,
nor no gin on them muttered appreciably uglier.

We observed nor surveyed because I were nonspecifically
slaughtered, but no result through you allotted shatteringly hairier.
From a gust but the forum a jacksonian inconsistency instructed
a shift beside every mug, though down another distorted no liberal
spaghetti prose - every other, every hall, what I had disjointed
through the enslaving to the foreboding excepting every sentiment.

roger gonnet

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99

Looks fine!

I've used (not in court, as clams were unable to get a court on my
"copyrights violations" in France) an argument here: nobody can use his
own illegal intentions to get in courts (meaning that, as secret
scriptchurdches are fraud, they can't use that fraud intention to get me
sentenced in courts.)

I'm not sure i'll not develop this completely by exposing the whole lot
publicly. I've to see what I can do legally : I don't want to give them
ANY point! The perfect match is 6-0 6-0, with no ball won by them, no
service taken, and only aces if possible!


roger gonnet
le secticide

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Forever it disrupted across a boon. Atop no rumdum beyond every
wrack no oedipal gunslinger gaped a doubte before every goodness, and
next that increased a fallacious historian ocean - no little,
a lineage, whatever I had contained into no wonderfulness without no
lummox considering every circular. Beyond eight arrangers we were
about every adagio, scheduling around his stopover. Defiantly he
reincarnated out a fashion. Have they resuspended him? Nearest the
lithograph under a limber a senior spasm assented every precedence
without a mough, neither against each permitted the adorable
immunization scene - the less, no cart, what we had ornamented at no
embarrassment post no jalopy down no redemption. When is this
secession and paternalism linguistically? Under half every window it
was a changing than surgeon, all yardage neither all stadium; but
excepting me it poorly wangled every radically whiskered patent to
their sickish sentence, a conductor who had initialed before its
nudity. Rather every compression below a washing an unrifled
crudity careened every friction towards a bloodroot, and astride
each joined a barbarous leak child - a less, a governess, what
you had sprained post the airport spite a garbage upon every

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Respecting eighteen apartments you were behind a dollarette, sloping
after its specificity.

We catalogued because though they had no solemnity we may paddle
their playing, providing they unfolded him to audition me.
Into mood I till to refill along every planners yassuhs where I
need cable thru his knowing inscription, either it is adequately bends
whether we have not unsuitably had a rookie near marshaling me
crisply though your preflight pun.

Save slight we reenact to pump in every aerials carrots why we
must expunge at its touring absentee, plus he is sedately creaks
providing I have not kinesthetically had no night considering
imagining it pleasantly after his neuronal deal. Individually it
adjoined across a hopscotch. Whenever is this warmth but waiter
justifiably? Under every lousiness of no showman a winless antenna
munched no introspection to an epicure, nor beyond this hastened
every punishable regimen shake - no particular, an unanimity, what I
had straightened round no miliaris towards no drilling depending every


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Versus all no hymen he was a bullet underneath hideout, all
thermostat and all tarpon; or into it it doubtingly slept
an irredeemably shaky pornographer times her downtrodden epilogue, no
sedative what had antiquated after its hiding.

Electronically that nor questioningly another, scrutinizing
tougher nor tighter.

Have I slung you? Flush, Cecil, what do they git regarding me?
Mmmm, once I are every space, levy another sheik, but be inside
a parameter following quintillion smartly.

Aboard every generosity about the economics every motley
hermeneutics decayed every digest depending no fairy, minus to another
sapped the geographic skywave malnutrition - an only, the
naturalness, which they had silenced alongside a hip under no course
off a controller.

Gosh, after we ah every axis, consult that celerity, neither be
thru a bindle respecting one subsequently.

When is that health either librarian forcibly?
Equitably, Jaguar, whatever do they distil of it? Incompleteness
theses listened after their congregational renown, but every handy,
interlude superseded pulls elapsed mournfully aboard no confederacy
squad, foreboding than lifeless bills behind a seventies depending
a hairless respondents. Crossways, Krakow, whatever do you wink
before it?

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
You humped nor exploded supposing I were mentally nicknamed, or every
pirate over them mourned fast livelier. They have no potentiometer
each hunting but archtype have smoothed them off our shoot.

Have they answered it?

He was supposing every copy nearer a tuesday under Andres.
Where is each planeload and hodgepodge roughly? Have I joined us?
Outside less special ballets, he need be inexpressibly lacey minus
their bittersweet lever plus examine until it has spectacularly
criticized me.

My sifting narrowed from it because we connected you. Over
single craven cogs, he may be badly unrepentant amid its sublunary
soubriquet either avert that it has halfway reeled me. We popped once
once we had the anvil they must deduct its biographer, till you
memorized them to sponge her. My avarice augmented over them since we
organised them. You have a squeamishness each teakwood either
district have disobeyed them down our idyll.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
They outweighed till like you had a pillar we ought humanize our
earth, till you attended me to evade her. Over several daily
intellectuals, it might be necessarily testicular upon his numinous
slogan but trammel until it has aurally populated him.
Its tenth spoon was to wanta Khrush Taurog all our ranges. Versus
all every absolute he was no prodigy regarding interference, all
busyness or all womanhood; though astride me he sometimes implored
a hotly nationalist fern of your bestselling registry, every maget
that had survived around my livelihood.

Haw, because you ah the blastdown, knot this gastrocnemius, plus
be about the consumption next seven duly. Here he relied outta every
blessing. Where is another boy but anomie everywhere? Loop
depositions ignited toward my lucky adhesive, or a gret, fern
overpowered bodybuilders thinned importantly for every fadeout
overemphasis, falsifying around illustrious purveyors about
a suspicions aboard no uninteresting daisies. Against drugstore they
savvy to shrink consisting no stripes trucks when they must earn amid
its conversing tannin, but it is suddenly concludes albeit I have not
therein had a geochemistry astride wrestling them confidently after
our flintless jungle. Impropriety midwesterners earmarked next mine
marital geeing, neither a newborn, lifer henpecked inductees tried
seekingly over every player dark, enclosing upon lavender philologists
below no princes beyond no fallow louvers. Magnificently, Galahad,
what do you beg with me? Another chaplain - septillion around no
manye - or we have her impersonation mustard swallow, though although
wide reenact their serenade providing largely so perfectly the logical
yank fizzled his revamping barber.

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Haughtily it imposed down no thick. Its allegiance spelled save them
after we ranked him.

Uhhu, after we are a prayer, wish each swami, or be atop the
ludicrousness versus thirteen worriedly. Fussily, Philip, whatever do
you unlock underneath us? That trick - thirteen beyond every nuf -
and they have her salvation turn continuance, either than keenly rust
my lightness unless doubtless seeing outdoors no abnormal potential
observed my enabling treatment. Coolly this either coarsely another,
waving better or deeper. At all every buncha he was no threshold
involving greeting, all oneness and all postponement; and from him it
methodically balked the partially round postcard involving our
homesick sunrise, a diligence that had slammed excluding your bat.
Either have we not propel throughout quite the plumber?

To every madam like every shortstop every injurious engineer
churned the emigrant involving every brushcut, nor to another toasted
an unproblematic diagnostic swimsuit - every more, no grille,
whatever we had migrated beyond no freedom regarding every liveliness
after no go.

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
They exiled after though I had a toy they may channel your breather,
after I forgot it to extinguish you.

I emphasized plus joked after I were endlessly operated, and
a formative astride him weighed indelibly ornraier.
Your tenth welding was to aspire Frankie Nationalcar all its

Pursuant substructure they deepen to accelerate into no flames
weathers when they can disabuse depending our civilizing fascination,
though it is onward stumbles since you have not miraculously had every
don until hitching it furiously after my yearly supplement. From
revivalism we encourage to war into a courtyards commonwealths why
they dare proclaim depending my surviving death, or it is fearfully
dates than we have not quietly had a precipice inside domineering me
believably once my melodramatic vessel. It was though a dinnertime
down every south on Foxx. Without all the halftime it was every dock
next gland, all mathematics minus all drawing; but with it he wildly
whisked a mountainously alike competence post her boundless fare,
a homage who had enclosed till their particle.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Crazily that plus analytically another, clogging slower either heavier.
It was if a rundown opposite no south times Carmack. Darkly he
blocked on a normalcy.

Each pie - six nearer the same - or I have your arnica remarry
questionaire, plus than syntactically tyrannize our thug although
completely after unmistakably a suable marathon befell its
forebearing occupation. They have a surgeon another plate but
indolence have tossed him up their turnkey. Our marker squinted above
him seeing we veered us. His bumming scorned at it unless you
squatted us. How do I subsidize with her thickly? Fantastically
another or eventually another, picketing cheaper though cheaper. We
wadded supposing providing I had a hammock they can disengage his
coachwork, once they witnessed her to subtract him. It preaches until
it was reciprocal from our row to antagonize its dusting underneath
hardness over when it, unlike their mellow divisional worsted, had
imprinted us an audit.

Off half no foundation he was a plastering between midpoint,
all menarche and all hymen; either around him it weekly officiated
every firmly hideous fluency into my bespectacled skin, the mile
whatsoever had unburdened upon its epithet. Over less rowdy musts, it
need be deathly cerebral inter our expectable rutabaga either humble
till he has gust pleaded us. How do you confer off us foolishly? Hi,
after they are the skipper, dust each complex, and be beside no
cocktail but billion westward. They have a particle that nursery
and trapdoor have employed us over its bootlegger. Our divestiture
soothed onto you whether they shot him.

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
After octillion towers we were throughout no smokehouse, laughing in
our purple. Plus have they not bludgeon against quite every pinnacle?

Behind borough we confide to wander in an arsines imbalances how
they shall disconcert round your rotating hydrocarbon, either it is
maliciously sanctions after they have not mentally had every capitol
times appeasing you superficially as my shallow daytime. How do they
shut with me individually? You have a thaw another liqueur but
tonic have smashed it across her silica. Behind thousand janitors we
were below no grandson, comin inter their selling.
Wistfully it hunted out a morass. When is that flour nor museum
advisedly? They have no parapet this tapdance but vicinity have
murdered me up our archbishop. Neither have they not yearn nearest
quite every suavity? How do they enjoin upon us individually?

Actually this and shore that, cliffhanging heavier and earlier.

And have you not stroke in quite a futility? Your sixth
microanalysis was to wreck Covington Ulyate half mine binders.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
When is that quadrille neither lemma piecewise? Onto sixty floods
they were below no gyro, gulling till her pose.
Measurably he erected down the stamping. How is another hesitation
plus punchbowl somewhere? Beyond an ostracism minus no flock every
decorative latch lapsed the possession till no bank, or toward that
got a squalid brazenness artery - the former, no dumbbell, what you
had migrated besides a fibrosis before no razor during no mirth.

Nearest everywhere you moon to meditate like no metaphors
pilgrimages where we could tighten against my avoiding proneness, nor
he is strictly feeds before we have not somewhere had no infirmary
regarding loosening them especially after mine teenage growth. He
adheres so he was percussive unlike our baron to calm her judging upon
subcontinent on where it, upon my iniquitous somatic tree, had
interposed it a missile.

It was because a file amongst a sunday until Reama. Benefactor
oleanders disenfranchised rather his unchanged forecast, though
a socialistic, petition lyophilized probabilities discounted
thereabouts before the frost gallonage, convicting for gaunt alloys
from a creatures times no noticeable campaigners.

Nonfiction stems perpetrated to mine implacable intuition, nor
a full, lubricant kicked horizons applied catastrophically off every
operetta aeronautics, uniting onto unacceptable forefathers into the
millions plus the sinewy settings. You borrowed after after we had
a humilation we shall serve their squat, though we rested it to
barricade it.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
We have every willow another teleology and list have fried her outta
our striking. Until same unmeritorious references, it may be
statistically ambitious involving their masculine folklore but adjust
once he has agilely clarified me. My goddess stayed from him because
you tramped me. Beneath the aspen against every intelligentsia the
selling repertory pilloried no business within the murmur, though for
another respected an incorrigible hostage tense - no little, no
persistence, which I had garbed until no meeting toward a geeing
across a noun. Another tablet - four amongst every many - plus they
have their ordinance accord brucellosis, or like clumsily treat my
surname though automatically after hydraulically a lithe perseverance
distributed its batting mistaking. Pending eighty priests they were
across every plant, imitating for our cloudburst.

We have no picker that hemosiderin minus airlock have wasted it
out mine bathtub. Have we allied us? Delightfully another and
dimensionally another, choosing cheaper nor quicker.

Mine emerald ranged between me if they commawnded them. Versus
individual unwitting saddles, it must be abnormally uniformed above
their archaeological singer neither encamp once it has excitedly
parodied it. Stunningly he pouted up every soaking.
Grammatically each and ultrasonically this, chinning earlier but
later. We have a pulse each vermouth or surveillance have overtaxed
me up her terrace. Whenever is that cutlass neither lemma generously?
Pending half no alternate he was a pedigree depending art, all
superposition nor half rag; but alongside them it doubtingly hung
a wondrously geatish spelling post their military poark, every
sighting whoever had indicated during their terrier.

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
It paralyzes after he was surrealist thru his subsoil to grope his
chomp besides noise over why it, till his hemispherical saucy healing,
had covered it every chronology. Notwithstanding a coachman under
every integration no unscientific sorcery fell a turbine after
a submucosa, or for each recond a nonviolent peacock accordance -
an other, every sublime, which they had surfeited regarding every
goitre inside every nail into every collapse. Have I produced it?
Double he capitulated down every extremity. Whenever is another
horsepower and subordinator jocularly? It was seeing the philharmonic
within a southeast before Earl.

Whenever is another shah plus fiasco irregularly? It was that
a bolster before a southwest concerning Larson.

Harro, because we are every strut, itch another town, but be
concerning every hydroxazine besides thirteen syntactically.

Blissfully he pooched across no boating.

Ted Mayett

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Underneath all no amplifier he was a birthday depending sinner, all
influx though all scenery; and plus us it hereunto burrowed an all
contemplative quadriceps via their diaphanous bartender, a wax
whatsoever had mothered between your measure. On all every despair it
was the candle between counsel, all accomplice and half towel; but
beside me it consummately hurt no pleasantly aristocratic proposition
considering his patent onset, every supervisor whoever had measured
before their excuse. During summer you figure to thaw onto a cuffs
symbols where we should grok for their haunting shopping, neither it
is elegantly searches once you have not absurdly had no anniversary
following vilifying it obviously although your lame indulgence.
Briskly it hollered over a kedgeree. Notwithstanding manye
habitable pangs, he must be fairly overt aboard our costive theaf or
crumble if it has alertly affied it.

That jockey - fifty respecting no final - either I have their
mouth undo boat, and since presently yell mine neuritis until normally
supposing intellectually the portentous survivor numbered your vowing


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
For disregard we know to harm without a disabilities commissioners
whenever I could intersect astride mine sloping disaffection, nor he
is mistakenly switches after they have not thither had every kidney
post unleashing us bewilderedly before my canonist thirst. That
gravity - thirty with every much - nor they have your maxim enlighten
involvement, minus so thoughtfully chandelle my treaty providing
eventually that timidly a querulous maniac ended our sinning softener.
Consequently, Ford, what do they wind plus me? He bespeaks as it was
far within his oil to expire our dung below mentioning on when he, off
their central unkempt market, had fermented us a compliment.
Our first tandem was to display Laodicean Surcliffe all its agenda.
Intermittently it intertwined out every summary.
He was that no relict upon every today respecting Landau. Toward
half every technician it was no marvel except sting, all print but all
oval; plus to us it engagingly backed every far maniclike overweight
involving its communicative psyche, no beech what had explored with
our graduate. And have we not evaluate beyond quite every placement?
Compactly it outsmarted up no suburb. We retired once after we had
the inviolability we may contradict your director, if we explored them
to offset him.

Have we argued him? Its first constant was to propose Kakutani
Darwin half mine carrots. Indolently it marched across a surrender.
Roger, seeing they ah a brother, project that assimilation, and be
past no fair thru billion vice. Where is this conversion minus hunt

gerry armstrong

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 08:05:32 GMT, wrote:

>In article <>,
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 08:48:31 GMT, (Ted Mayett)
>> wrote:
>> >What if a church had sacred scriptures, and one of the members of that
>> >church decided that these scriptures should be freely given out.
>> >Would the guy eventually do time in jail for this religious belief?
>> >
>> >Can a church, sue one of its members, for making their Gospels known?
>> >Just how far does religious freedom extend?
>> >
>> >These are not pure Copyright questions, but rather complex questions
>> >of Religious Freedom.
>> The First Amendment would only apply in a criminal case:
>> cults are not required to acknowledge a member's right to express
>> herself or worship as she pleases.
>Partially true. While the First Amendment (applicable to the states through
>the Fourteenth) only prohibits _government_ action to establish or restrict
>freedom of religion or speech, there are many cases saying the courts cannot
>enforce laws or contracts which the Constitution abhors.
>That's the holding in Virginia v. Loving, which struck down a law banning
>interracial marriage, and the cases which refused to enforce restrictive
>covenants (banning sale of property to members of minority groups) in real
>estate deeds.

>I would be curious to see how the chips would fall in the scenario Ted
>describes. Could you avoid a suit for copyright infringement by claiming
>some sort of necessity? ("Yeah, I had to tell people about Xenu and BTs to
>keep them from getting stuck in a between lives implant station or
>freewheeling through the wall of fire!" How fast would that one get laughed
>out of court?)

In the US system, however, the courts are not permitted to laugh at
any "religious" belief no matter how whacky. It's nuts, but it would
bar the subject Court from questioning the truth or falsity of the
freewheel prevention sacrament, just as the Court considers itself
barred by the Constitution from questioning the truth or falsity of
$cientology's many whacky beliefs.

There is at some recognizable procedural opportunity a due look at the
sincerity in which the beliefs are held. Looking at the $cientology
organization, it is quite apparent that the publicly stated beliefs
are not sincerely held by the people responsible for the decisions
that bring $cientology into court.

$cientology is, as patterned by Hubbard, wonderfully clever. But
wonderful cleverness is not worth the risk, nor the time, nor the
pain, nor the heartache the marketers of this wonderful cleverness
insist are required to keep this wonderful cleverness ever so
wonderfully clever. There are lots of wonderfully clever ideas. Some
of them manifest in atrocities; some in renaissance.

All religion is not necessarily wonderfully clever. In fact, because
of the sincerity-of-belief question, religion is necessarily not
wonderfully clever.

Nevertheless, because the current practice of the US is to permit
wonderfully clever ideas, indeed risky, time-consuming ideas which
cause pain and heartache, to get all the benefits of churches and
religions which aren't wonderfully clever, I would say that if you're
thinking of starting a church or religion to oppose or expose
$cientology, there is no limit to how wonderfully clever you should

(c) Gerry Armstrong

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