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Arnie Lerma on OCMB: Keith Henson detained in Prescott, AZ

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Feb 2, 2007, 8:35:31 PM2/2/07
Now, I do not want to be a Tigger, but I *am* reposting Arnie's notice
on OCMB for general interest:

[Lerma on, not edited for grammar or spelling!]

Keith Henson was "detained today by
police" this was reported by his wife Arel.

Arel's statement

Keith was picked up 2 hours ago by Prescott Arizona Police, who claimed
there was a warrant, after he was stopped while driving Arel's vehicle.
Arel suspected this was choreographed on a friday, so that he would be
withut his high blood presure medication over a weekend.

He was picked up without his high blood pressure medication.

Arel called the station and was informed she could not bring him his
medication, and to call back at 6:30 her time.

Because it is weekend their doctor John Sandine 1000 Willow Creek is not
in and not on call, and the on call doctor doesn't have his records.

If police figure he has problem they will take him to the emergency room,
the last time he was picked up riverside and questioned, he missed a
dose and his blood pressure went up 210 over 180.

And of course the scientologists know this.

Arel is tryingt o get a lawyer in Hemet/Riverside and trying to get his
blood pressure medicine to him as they wouldnt let her bring the
medicine to him and told her to call back after booking.

By the time he has 'a problem' he may well be having a stroke.

The arresting officer was City of Prescott detective Mark Maclain
Tel 928-777-1924 Fax 928-777-1924 Email

Mclain said that district attorney in riverside talked to him
named Gene Roy that was going to take him back to Riverside California.

Jail Phone # is 928-771-3286

[Lerma off]

My email to the arresting detective,

[Quaoar on]

So, you have Keith Henson!

Just a side note: watch whomever your department is dealing with in the
Riverside California District Attorney's office. This office will cede
control of Henson to the Church of $cientology, who likely want Henson
dead or disabled.

His continuing health while in your department's custody will be
guaranteed only if YOU and your department are on watch.

[Quaoar off]



Feb 2, 2007, 9:36:13 PM2/2/07

I tried to email him. It bounced.

Chaplain, ARSCC (wdne)

"Keep fighting for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't forget to
have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous,
ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can

--Molly Ivins


Feb 2, 2007, 10:01:40 PM2/2/07

We have had a continuing, but not frequent, meeting on MSN Messenger.
Yesterday his account was still active, but his status was away. Same

I fervently hope that SOMEONE in the Riverside County judicial system
has a moment of clarity about Keith's case. Knowing law enforcement and
the courts, the existence of a warrant for his arrest will trump any
kind of rational thought. I have little hope for his future.


Feb 2, 2007, 11:42:52 PM2/2/07
On Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:36:13 -0800, barbz <>

>> [Quaoar off]
>> Q
>I tried to email him. It bounced.

This was a telephone call bz
I tried to do the best I could
Ill ask for arel to spel it out again


Arnaldo Lerma Exposing the CON
to get them out while they are still alive!

I'd prefer to die speaking my mind than live fearing to speake

If the Borg were to breed with the Ferengi you'd get Scientology!

The internet is the Liberty Tree

"it's incredible how much money the hypnotized disciples of a clever and ruthless operator will plead and beg of him to accept from them"

"Scientologists believe that most human problems
can be traced to lingering spirits of an extraterrestrial
people massacred by their ruler, Xenu, over 75 million
years ago. These spirits attach themselves by "clusters"
to individuals in the contemporary world, causing
spiritual harm and negatively influencing the lives
of their hosts"
[Judge Leonie Brinkema 4 Oct 96 Memorandum Opinion]

29 November 1995
Memorandum Opinion Judge Leonie Brinkema
"the Court is now convinced that the primary motivation..
in suing Lerma, to stifle criticism of
Scientology in general and to harass its critics. "

What do we get from getting people out of scientology?
We create an individual who has become a Houdini of
all mind traps.. folks who won't be fooled again.
People who can DE-program, People who can spring mental

We create, by freeing someone of scientology, a being
who has the ability to break the strongest slave chains
of all.

Those forged of lies. (c) Arnaldo Lerma

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities
Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

Barbara Schwarz

Feb 3, 2007, 1:08:49 AM2/3/07
On Feb 2, 6:35 pm, Quaoar <> wrote:
> Now,

Why does Keith Henson drive around with his medicine when he can't
live without it? But they have doctors also in jail and prison. He
might even see a p$ych in there. Imagine the p$ychs hear that Keith
Henson believes that he can multiply his body in space. Will he be
forced by them to take p$ychiatric drugs?
I hope he has the address of CCHR to help him when somebody forces
drugs on him.

Barbara Schwarz (Looking for the original Mark [Marty] Rathbun. No
impostor, please!)

I am for the separation of ARS and hate! -- Barbara Schwarz, much more
of a chaplain as Barbz Graham is.
Barbzzzzz "Babbles" Graham, is the selfproclaimed "chaplain" of an
allegedly non-existing organization named ARSCC that doesn't pay
But if they don't exist, how come they have a Chief Financial Officer
(jail bird, drug loving and habitual offender Korey Jerome Kruse aka
"Simkatu" and "Vivaldi") who works and travels on behalf of ARSCC?

Barbara Graham in her own words: "Anything's legal if you don't get
caught." And: "You asshole. I was *never* a good person, you sad piece
of crap. --
Spidergraham, Chaplain, ARSCC"

Dave Touretzky, a CMU researcher who is into porn and bomb
instructions, promotes also the book of lies of my legally convicted
brutal kidnapper Vosper. More about David Stuart Touretzky:

I do not want to be a Tigger, but I *am* reposting Arnie's notice
> on OCMB for general interest:
> [Lerma on, not edited for grammar or spelling!]

> Keith Henson "detained today by

> police" this was reported by his wife Arel.
> Arel's statement
> Keith was picked up 2 hours ago by Prescott Arizona Police, who claimed
> there was a warrant, after he was stopped while driving Arel's vehicle.
> Arel suspected this was choreographed on a friday, so that he would be
> withut his high blood presure medication over a weekend.
> He was picked up without his high blood pressure medication.
> Arel called the station and was informed she could not bring him his
> medication, and to call back at 6:30 her time.
> Because it is weekend their doctor John Sandine 1000 Willow Creek is not
> in and not on call, and the on call doctor doesn't have his records.
> If police figure he has problem they will take him to the emergency room,
> the last time he was picked up riverside and questioned, he missed a
> dose and his blood pressure went up 210 over 180.
> And of course the scientologists know this.
> Arel is tryingt o get a lawyer in Hemet/Riverside and trying to get his
> blood pressure medicine to him as they wouldnt let her bring the
> medicine to him and told her to call back after booking.
> By the time he has 'a problem' he may well be having a stroke.
> The arresting officer was City of Prescott detective Mark Maclain

> Tel 928-777-1924 Fax 928-777-1924 Email

> Mclain said that district attorney in riverside talked to him
> named Gene Roy that was going to take him back to Riverside California.
> Jail Phone # is 928-771-3286
> [Lerma off]

> My email to the arresting detective,


Feb 3, 2007, 1:26:57 AM2/3/07

"Quaoar" <> wrote in message

I just read this and called the jail, at 10:17 pm.
They put me through to the "infirmary" where I spoke
with someone named Mark. I introduced myself, said I was a friend of Keith's
and asked how he was.
Mark said he couldn't give out any information re Keith,
but that he just saw him a few minutes ago.

I asked if I could send him an e-mail> He said no, that I could write him a
letter. Here's the address:
Yaunpai County Jail
255 E. Gurley St.
Prescott, AZ

I asked if he'd tell Keith that Tory sent her love.
And I asked him to please watch after Keith.

He said "good night"....but in the brief time I spoke with him,
he sounded nicer than I thought.

What a drag!

I certainly hope he's Ok.
My best to Arel, please call if you want to.

Love to you,

Barbara Schwarz

Feb 3, 2007, 1:29:53 AM2/3/07
On Feb 2, 11:26 pm, "Magoo" <> wrote:
> "Quaoar" <> wrote in message


> I just read this and called the jail, at 10:17 pm.
> They put me through to the "infirmary"

Are you sure he is not in the p$ych ward?

Feb 3, 2007, 3:03:44 AM2/3/07
On Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:35:31 -0700, Quaoar <>

>Now, I do not want to be a Tigger, but I *am* reposting Arnie's notice
>on OCMB for general interest:

Without the background information on Keith Henson

Arnaldo Lerma


Feb 3, 2007, 4:50:22 AM2/3/07

Therefore, from what we read here, we can determine that the criminals
who lead the cult and their puppets, the AZ police in this case, are
aware that they put his health at risk?

Yes, the laws must be followed, but including by the Prosecutor who has
been fed of lies and probably blackmailed by the crime cult in Riverside
County, when he condemned Keith Henson some years ago.



Feb 3, 2007, 6:06:34 AM2/3/07
Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> On Feb 2, 6:35 pm, Quaoar <> wrote:
>> Now,
> Why does Keith Henson drive around with his medicine when he can't
> live without it?

is that what OSA said you should give as an argument to face the fact
that scientology crime cult leaders are behind this set-up of a TRUE
defender of human rights, babble-nazi-osa??


Feb 3, 2007, 6:08:35 AM2/3/07
Barbara Schwarz wrote:
> On Feb 2, 11:26 pm, "Magoo" <> wrote:
>> "Quaoar" <> wrote in message
>> I just read this and called the jail, at 10:17 pm.
>> They put me through to the "infirmary"
> Are you sure he is not in the p$ych ward?

well, that would 10000000 times less risky than being around the
dwarscavige and his criminal intentions of "governiong the planet"
'imposing ethics" and other evil purps immer gerade aus of the
hubbardist writings.



Feb 3, 2007, 6:12:05 AM2/3/07
On Feb 3, 7:26 am, "Magoo" <> wrote:
> "Quaoar" <> wrote in message
> > Now, I do not want to be a Tigger, but I *am* reposting Arnie's notice on
> > OCMB for general interest:
> > [Lerma on, not edited for grammar or spelling!]
> > Keith Henson "detained today by

> > police" this was reported by his wife Arel.
> > Arel's statement
> > Keith was picked up 2 hours ago by Prescott Arizona Police, who claimed
> > there was a warrant, after he was stopped while driving Arel's vehicle.
> > Arel suspected this was choreographed on a friday, so that he would be
> > withut his high blood presure medication over a weekend.
> > He was picked up without his high blood pressure medication.
> > Arel called the station and was informed she could not bring him his
> > medication, and to call back at 6:30 her time.
> > Because it is weekend their doctor John Sandine 1000 Willow Creek is not
> > in and not on call, and the on call doctor doesn't have his records.
> > If police figure he has problem they will take him to the emergency room,
> > the last time he was picked up riverside and questioned, he missed a dose
> > and his blood pressure went up 210 over 180.
> > And of course the scientologists know this.
> > Arel is tryingt o get a lawyer in Hemet/Riverside and trying to get his
> > blood pressure medicine to him as they wouldnt let her bring the medicine
> > to him and told her to call back after booking.
> > By the time he has 'a problem' he may well be having a stroke.
> > The arresting officer was City of Prescott detective Mark Maclain
> > Tel 928-777-1924 Fax 928-777-1924 Email

> > Mclain said that district attorney in riverside talked to him
> > named Gene Roy that was going to take him back to Riverside California.
> > Jail Phone # is 928-771-3286
> I just read this and called the jail, at 10:17 pm.
> They put me through to the "infirmary" where I spoke
> with someone named Mark. I introduced myself, said I was a friend of Keith's
> and asked how he was.
> Mark said he couldn't give out any information re Keith,
> but that he just saw him a few minutes ago.
> I asked if I could send him an e-mail> He said no, that I could write him a
> letter. Here's the address:
> Yaunpai County Jail
> 255 E. Gurley St.
> Prescott, AZ
> 86301

Correction and an additional fax number: The country name is YAVAPAI.
This is from the county's Internet information site:

It's easy enough to send a fax if your computer is hooked to a phone
line. You just write a letter, tell it to print to the fax program and
plug in the phone number.

I also suggest getting in contact with any and all news media that can
be notified.

Yavapai County Sheriff's Office Substations

Northern Detention Bureau
Prescott Headquarters Building
255 East Gurley Street
Prescott, AZ 86301

Admin: (928) 771-3260
Fax: (928) 771-3294

Above, detective Mark Maclain's numbers are given as:
Tel 928-777-1924
Fax 928-777-1924

> I asked if he'd tell Keith that Tory sent her love.
> And I asked him to please watch after Keith.
> He said "good night"....but in the brief time I spoke with him,
> he sounded nicer than I thought.
> What a drag!
> I certainly hope he's Ok.
> My best to Arel, please call if you want to.
> Love to you,
> Tory/Magoo~~
> > [Lerma off]

> > My email to the arresting detective,

Message has been deleted


Feb 3, 2007, 11:32:50 AM2/3/07
> > > Q- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I called last night and got a huge run around. I also told the guy on
the phone I had emailed the jail about him getting his meds so there
would be a record that they knew he needed them.


Message has been deleted


Feb 3, 2007, 3:28:49 PM2/3/07
In article <1170533419.699858.10440>, says...


> please keep calling, emailing and/or sending faxes if you can...
> Becky

I really hope people will *not* all send faxes, emails; make
phone calls etc. *unless* someone with some kind of contact to
the real 'scene' asks for it.

Contrary to popular opinion, the judicial system is *not* an
'internet poll', and having 10,000 yahoos overloading it on a
weekend is unlikely to do much good for Keith.

At this point Keith needs some *few* contact people, like his
wife and possibly friends like Ida or Graham who can actually
help him.

And, more than anything else, an attorney willing to even try.

What *we* can do is find out who Keith would like to have
helping him and help *them*, when they ask for it.

If Keith wants an Internet Circus (always possible :) then let
*him* ask for it. Nothing's going to happen till monday, unless
it's an attorney taking over the case.

Which is the *most* important thing at this point.

You Can Lead a Clam to Reason; but You Can't Make Him Think


Feb 3, 2007, 3:38:54 PM2/3/07
On Feb 3, 9:10 pm, "Beckyboo" <> wrote:
> On Feb 3, 5:12 am, "Eldon" <> wrote:
> > > > Q- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> bump

> please keep calling, emailing and/or sending faxes if you can...

I just called the infirmary at that Arizona gulag. They said he had
his medication, and I left my number and said he could call me collect
in Paris. I also told the unsuspecting nurse that we were gonna get
the news media on this very quickly.

I can write a pretty good press release when I get pissed off.

This REALLY pisses me off. Almost as much as the fact that the
sleazebag shyster Moxon covered up his own daughter's death by
electrocution in a transformer vault at Gold base in Hemet.

His evil knows no bounds. And he'll have to live with that one way or
the other. Hey Kenrick! -- confess or go nuts. Your choice. Did
Scientology pervert you or not?

Huh? I'll repeat this auditing question throughout the foreseeable
future. Forever and ever! Yes or no, Kendrick? Yes or no? Yes or no?
Answer the auditing question, please.

You wanna get legal?-- fine. Here's your evidence: Asshole. Traitor.
Pervert. You gotta lotta karma to clean up, buddy. Might as well start

Feb 4, 2007, 2:53:50 PM2/4/07
"Barbara Schwarz" <> wrote:

> But they have doctors also in jail and prison. He might even see a
> p$ych in there. Imagine the p$ychs hear that Keith Henson believes
> that he can multiply his body in space. Will he be forced by them to
> take p$ychiatric drugs?

Why would he believe or say that?

Barbara Schwarz

Feb 4, 2007, 4:13:35 PM2/4/07
On Feb 4, 12:53 pm, wrote:

I don't know why he would believe or say that but according to the
RFW, he does. He even founded a kind of movement, having to do with
multipying his body in space.

One of mine, Patrick Michael Sullivan's and other people's
cyberstalker is Patrick Lee Humphrey ("The Chief Instigator") from
Houston, Texas, a HATEFUL AND VULGAR PERSON. Humphrey was fired from
Rice University and is accused of being a stalker, a self-confessed
peeping Tom, a glaring hypocrite, a redneck and blasphemer. He is a
fan of the Houston Aeros, he calls himself an Areohead, while he is
rather an airhead. Under each of his hateful and defamatory stalker
postings, he links to the Houston Aeros and other sports websites. I
doubt that they appreciate the "advertisement" of a stalker and
abuser. If you don't believe that Humphrey stalks, defames, abuses and
hurts people who never did anything to him, google his postings. He is
always the one who throws the first stone and can't leave others

Report him to his upstream provider PrismNet. If you report him to
abuse @ they unlawfully ignore your complaint. Go directly to
the upstream provider who takes a very dim view of Humphrey's stalking
and harassing people: admin @

Barbara Schwarz

Feb 4, 2007, 4:14:54 PM2/4/07
On Feb 3, 4:08 am, "antisectes" <> wrote:
> BarbaraSchwarzwrote:

> > take p$ychiatric drugs?

> Why would he believe or say that?

It is lack of education, Roger, that you believe that p$ych wards are
not dangerous.

Fredric L. Rice

Feb 5, 2007, 10:39:10 PM2/5/07
barbz <> wrote:

>I tried to email him. It bounced.

It looks like they turned off his inbound email box to try to
avoid the endless appeals to reason.

Bullets stops fascism.
Penile Dysfunction, v., see "Republican"

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