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$cienocult PIs Janet L. Holsclaw and Jeff Martin of Talon Talon Executive Services, Inc - illegal privacy invasion

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gerry armstrong

Jul 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/18/98
Filed by cult defendants RTC and CSI in Armstrong v. Miscavige, USDC
Nevada CV-N-97-00670 ECR (RAM)

Those compiling cult PI profiles and these PIs' illegal and immoral
activities please note.

Fair game apologists' comments especially welcome.



I. Janet Holsclaw, declare and state as follows:

1. I am an employee of Talon Executive Services, Inc. I
have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, and if called
as a witness I could and would testify under oath as follows:

2. In the course of my investigation to determine the
whereabouts of Gerald David Armstrong, on January 7, 1998, I
discovered that Gerald David Armstrong, or Bambi Sparks to be the
registered owners of a 1987 Toyota Celica, identified by
California license plate number 2DZF104. This vehicle
registration was noted to expire on 02/02/98.

3. On December 31, 1997, I discovered that Gerald David
Armstrong had only been issued a Nevada Drivers License on
December 19, 1997 with an expiration date of 10/18/01.

4. On 27 December 1997, one of our Talon Investigators
named Jeff Martin, reported he had interviewed a Budget Rental
Car agent at 1600 National Guard Way in Reno, Nevada.

5. Investigator Martin discovered that Gerald David
Armstrong had rented a rental car from them from 15 December 1997
through 20 December 1997 and provided his address as 715 Sir
Francis Drake Blvd. San Anselmo, California.

6. Talon Investigator Martin determined the car that
Gerald David Armstrong rented on December 15th, 1997, was
identified by Nevada license plate number 183HVA. It was a 1997
Toyota owned by Team Fleet Financing Corp (Budget Rental Car).

7. Investigator Martin was also informed by the Budget
Rental agent on December 27, 1997, that Gerald David Armstrong
frequently rented from them and had always used the same
Californa address in all previous times he rented from them.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the
State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed this 12th day of June, 1998, at Fountain Valley,


[End Quote]

Budget advises me that the divulgence of my data to $cientology PIs by
Budget's agent is unauthorized, a violation their own policy and an
invasion of my privacy. There are significant unturths even in the
information cult PIs Holsclaw and Martin claim they obtained from the
Budget agent.


Rob Clark

Jul 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/18/98
On Sat, 18 Jul 1998 20:13:31 GMT, (gerry armstrong) wrote:

>Filed by cult defendants RTC and CSI in Armstrong v. Miscavige, USDC
>Nevada CV-N-97-00670 ECR (RAM)

>Those compiling cult PI profiles and these PIs' illegal and immoral
>activities please note.

from cult PI web page at

Janet L. Holsclaw

Ms. Holsclaw is the Director of Marketing For Talon
Executive Services, Inc. She possesses a wealth of experience in the areas
of litigation support, pre-employment screening and asset
searches. She is highly trained in the area of researching and
effectively obtaining significant facts and information that assist
in providing due diligence on companies or individuals. In
addition, she has developed extensive resources which enable
Talon to provide the most up to date and hard to find information
discreetly, professionally and in a timely manner.

Her additional investigative experience lies in the areas of corporate espionage
prevention, data security, and corporate intelligence. She has effectively
deterred numerous attempts of information theft for several Fortune 500


email is the contact for the clickable email on the site.


9114 Adams Avenue, Suite 429, Huntington Beach, California 92646
* Phone (714) 434-7476 * Fax (714) 434-7350 and
810 - 3rd Avenue, Suite 14064, Seattle, Washington 98104 * (206) 224-0874 * Fax
(206) 467-9264


Rob Clark

Jul 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/18/98
On Sat, 18 Jul 1998 20:13:31 GMT, (gerry armstrong) wrote:

>Filed by cult defendants RTC and CSI in Armstrong v. Miscavige, USDC
>Nevada CV-N-97-00670 ECR (RAM)


These photos are of Angel Adrian Casillas Jr. and William Thierry Duchaunac,
employed by Talon Executive Services of 1981 Brookhurst, Suite D-429, Huntington
Beach, CA 92646 (714-434-7476). Casillas is the short guy in the baseball hat,
Duchaunac is the guy with the mustache, and the very tall white-haired man who
seemed to be running the show is apparently Ken Rice of Talon. These private
investigators were hired by the Church of Scientology to tail Franz Tartarotti,
a German television producer who was in the United States to film a critical
program about Scientology. Here is a report on the events which led to these

Rod Keller

Jul 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/19/98
gerry armstrong ( wrote:
: 1. I am an employee of Talon Executive Services, Inc. I

: have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, and if called
: as a witness I could and would testify under oath as follows:

Talon is David Lebeau's PI firm, no? Now we know the names of two of his
investigators. Now we just need pictures.

Rod Keller / / Irresponsible Publisher
Black Hat #1 / Expert of the Toilet / CWPD Mouthpiece
The Lerma Apologist / Merchant of Chaos / Vision of Destruction
Killer Rod / OSA Patsy / Quasi-Scieno / Mental Bully


Jul 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/19/98
>ubject: Re: $cienocult PIs Janet L. Holsclaw and Jeff Martin of Talon Talon
>Executive Services, Inc - illegal privac
>From: (Rod Keller)

>gerry armstrong ( wrote:
>: 1. I am an employee of Talon Executive Services, Inc. I
>: have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, and if called
>: as a witness I could and would testify under oath as follows:

>Talon is David Lebeau's PI firm, no? Now we know the names of two of his
>investigators. Now we just need pictures.

I have two more and pictures and a police report on Talon 'investigators' who
followed a German tv crew around this country and to my home. I'll dig out
the report. The two names are Thierry Duchanauc and Angel Casillas. I
understand that Thierry Duchnauc is a scientology staff member. I called the
police when two cars follwed the Germans to my home. and they told police
that they worked for Talon. There was another guy who seemed to be running the
show. He was very tall with white hair and for some reason the police did not
get his name. The Germans said that there were up to five cars following them
day and night and. At one point the car with Thierry forced my car off of the
road almost causing a serious accident. I look forward to seeing this asshole
once again.


Fredric Lord Xenu Rice

Jul 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/20/98
to (gerry armstrong) wrote:

>Budget advises me that the divulgence of my data to $cientology PIs by
>Budget's agent is unauthorized, a violation their own policy and an
>invasion of my privacy. There are significant unturths even in the
>information cult PIs Holsclaw and Martin claim they obtained from the
>Budget agent.

The invasion of privacy would seem to be a solid civil law suit. The
murderous history of the cult would also tend to indicate that you
should consider yourself to be in danger. A CCW license could be issued
for this threat, couldn't it?

--- "de omnibus dubitandum" All is to be doubted --- Descartes
24-hour file archive access: (626) 335-9601 (FidoNet 1:218/890.0) SP3
The Skeptic Tank:
The One True Expert:
The scientology cult doesn't want you to know this:

roger gonnet

Jul 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/20/98
Rob Clark wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Jul 1998 20:13:31 GMT, (gerry armstrong) wrote:
> >Filed by cult defendants RTC and CSI in Armstrong v. Miscavige, USDC
> >Nevada CV-N-97-00670 ECR (RAM)
> >Those compiling cult PI profiles and these PIs' illegal and immoral
> >activities please note.
> from cult PI web page at
> Janet L. Holsclaw
> Ms. Holsclaw is the Director of Marketing For Talon
> Executive Services, Inc. She possesses a wealth of experience in the areas
> of litigation support, pre-employment screening and asset
> searches. She is highly trained in the area of researching and
> effectively obtaining significant facts and information that assist
> in providing due diligence on companies or individuals. In
> addition, she has developed extensive resources which enable
> Talon to provide the most up to date and hard to find information
> discreetly, professionally and in a timely manner.

Therefore, A being equal to A, Ms Janet is just a plain spy.
Trade and otherwise. Paiud for spying and perhaps for doing
some false reports.

So, we can now make false rports' report on her! That's "on


Jul 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/20/98
Note The Seattle office WAS a drop box at Suite 140 Box 64 at a Pakage mailing
bussness and has been closed for @ a year! 810 - 3rd Avenue, Suite 14064, Seattle,
Washington 98104 * (206) 224-0874 * Fax (206) 467-9264 Seattle offices are GONE.

Rob Clark wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Jul 1998 20:13:31 GMT, (gerry armstrong) wrote:
> >Filed by cult defendants RTC and CSI in Armstrong v. Miscavige, USDC
> >Nevada CV-N-97-00670 ECR (RAM)
> >Those compiling cult PI profiles and these PIs' illegal and immoral
> >activities please note.
> from cult PI web page at
> Janet L. Holsclaw
> Ms. Holsclaw is the Director of Marketing For Talon
> Executive Services, Inc.

Rob Clark

Jul 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/20/98
On 19 Jul 1998 00:31:59 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:

>Talon is David Lebeau's PI firm, no? Now we know the names of two of his
>investigators. Now we just need pictures.

i believe that david lee/lebeau calls himself "omega legal investigations"
although there is also a real investigation firm with a similar name, as well as
a real david lee who is a reputable investigator.


Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
In article <>, (JimDBB) wrote:
> >ubject: Re: $cienocult PIs Janet L. Holsclaw and Jeff Martin of Talon Talon
> >Executive Services, Inc - illegal privac
> >From: (Rod Keller)
> >gerry armstrong ( wrote:
> >: 1. I am an employee of Talon Executive Services, Inc. I
> >: have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, and if called
> >: as a witness I could and would testify under oath as follows:
> >Talon is David Lebeau's PI firm, no? Now we know the names of two of his
> >investigators. Now we just need pictures.
> I have two more and pictures and a police report on Talon 'investigators' who
> followed a German tv crew around this country and to my home. I'll dig out
> the report. The two names are Thierry Duchanauc and Angel Casillas. I
> understand that Thierry Duchnauc is a scientology staff member. I called the
> police when two cars follwed the Germans to my home. and they told police
> that they worked for Talon. There was another guy who seemed to be running
> show. He was very tall with white hair and for some reason the police did not
> get his name. The Germans said that there were up to five cars following them
> day and night and. At one point the car with Thierry forced my car off of
> road almost causing a serious accident. I look forward to seeing this
> once again.
> JimDBB

I don't know what your problem is. Picketing the
Church, counting their cars, following their
members, digging out court records and several
actions you and the fellows in ars do all the
time, is what I call harassment. But of course
if arscc does it, it's not harassment but free

I think that you worked with the old CAN for too
long Jim, and that might have affected your system.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Mike O'Connor

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
In article <6q3knv$1mr$>, wrote:

> I don't know what your problem is. Picketing the
> Church, counting their cars, following their
> members, digging out court records and several
> actions you and the fellows in ars do all the
> time, is what I call harassment.

Does a serial killer feel harassed by the FBI?

Censored by Scientology

Ron Newman

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
Did I hear someone say "Talon"?

In February 1995, someone named Ben Shaw from Talon Security was nosing
around the Caltech campus as a private eye, trying to determine which Caltech
alumnus had posted the infamous "-AB-" message through the Finnish
anonymous server Penet.

More recently, we've seen Ben Shaw turn up as an official spokesperson
for the CoS in Clearwater.

Ron Newman

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