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Dr. Megan Shields - Who Comes First the Patient or the Church?

Yametazamwa mara 73
Ruka hadi kwenye ujumbe wa kwanza ambao haujasomwa


3 Des 2002, 18:21:5103/12/2002
Dr. Megan Shields and her colleague, Dr. Gene Denk, know more about
the inner criminal activity of senior Scientology management than just
about anyone.

Quite a while ago, Dr. Denk supervised the Purification program on
Carrie Alkins. During the Purif, Carrie, a juvenile diabetic,
developed a detached retina and, although she had several eye
surgeries, wound up legally blind. She has remained so ever since.

Carrie wrote up a bunch of knowledge reports at the time in an effort
to not only get some sort of apology and restitution from Shaw Health
Center, but also to ensure that other diabetics were not given massive
dosages of niacin, which could bring on retinal bleeding and possibly
a detached retina which could result in blindness.

Regular doctors routinely warn diabetics against taking massive
dosages of niacin for this reason.

Dr. Denk and Dr. Shields circled the wagons, of course, and let Carrie
and her husband know that if she pushed the point she might get kicked
out of the Church. Scientology doctors tend to cover for each other
and also for the Church. They fail to report child abuse, sexual
harassment, spousal abuse, and any sort of medical negligence that has
happened ROUTINELY over the years within the Sea Org.

When I was on staff at ASHO and at AO I used to do all the staff
FESing (review of counseling folders). This is what I observed. A
lot of the staff members would get sick, go to the Shaw Health Center
and get sub-optimum care there. Serious illnesses would often be
overlooked resulting in extremely serious medical and sometimes fatal
consequences. Many times I saw staff members who went to Shaw Health
Center and the doctors prescribed routine antibiotics rather than
ordering the medical exams that would be normally ordered by any
competent physician. As a result of that, many times the staff
members ended up going to the hospital in late stages of cancer when
the cancer was too advanced to be operable. Because the Sea Org
doesn't pay for health insurance for its staff members it becomes a
very serious problem when they get a disease.

Also, seriously depressed or mentally ill people NEVER get referred by
the doctors at Shaw Health Center for any type of treatment. For
instance, there was a NOTS auditor in the early 1980s who was a staff
member at AOLA who was 5'6" tall and weighed less than 90 lbs. She
was completely anorexic. She was very seriously ill. Shaw Health
Center attempted to handle her with intravenous vitamins. They didn't
inform her family or take the measures that were really needed to save
her life. Her fellow staff members, myself included, never did find
out what happened to her. She just disappeared. Another Sea Org
auditor, Claire something, had had an auto accident and had severe
back pain. Shaw Health Center tried to help her with peripheral types
of treatments. AOLA and Shaw Health Center ignored the agony this
woman was in. Claire committed suicide by walking into the Pacific
Ocean in Santa Monica.
Dr. Denk and Dr. Shields and the Sea Org are ripping off the tax
payers by sending all their staff to Olive View County Hospital so
that they can get free treatment on Medi-Cal. The Church brags about
its wealth but does not care enough about its staff to feed or house
it properly and also refuses to pay for medical care for its staff on
many occasions. Dental care is also out of the question for many
staff members. Many of them lose their teeth because the Church
refuses to pay for dental care. Yet, other Sea Org members are
willing to stigmatize these staff members as being 'down stat' because
they look like monsters with missing teeth. These staff are
humiliated and kept literally in the basement doing menial work unless
they somehow have the resources to pay for their own dental care.

Dr. Shields & Dr. Denk are accomplices to many of the Church human
rights abuses and medical negligence. They know that if they follow
the law, the way they should be doing, they will get into trouble with
the Church and probably be excommunicated. This puts them in a daily
dilemma. For example, in the early 1980s a staff member at a
Scientology Sea Org nursery was found to be a child molester. At
least 20 Sea Org staff members knew about this and also the doctors at
Shaw Health Center were aware of it. These doctors DID NOT report
this to the authorities because they were more concerned about
avoiding a public relations flap for the Church than about the fact
that there was a good chance that more innocent children would be

Even though many Scientologists who sell Health Insurance have
approached Scientology management with reasonable rates on group
health insurance, management has never agreed to this.

Sexual harassment is an everyday occurrence in the Sea Org. Although
this is almost never voiced, it is a hidden scandal. Of course, as in
any human group, there are kind people and mean people. But the Sea
Org has developed a kind of prison mentality. A lot of Sea Org
members are young teenagers or young adults. Often by the age of 23
or 24 they have been married 3 or 4 times. Because of the Sea Org
prohibition on pregnancy, many marriages are unhappy and the partners
feel unfulfilled. Older Sea Org members often marry young recruits.

Some very vicious Sea Org members will purposely separate married
couples. They station one in one country and the other in another
country where they are not able to see each other for literally YEARS.
Also, they don't have money to call long distance. Since they are
not allowed to go onto the Internet (for obvious reasons) they can't
communicate by e-mail either.

There is no retirement program for older Sea Org members. When they
get old and incapacitated they don't have a place to go. Also, they
often don't have family to take care of them. They are made to feel
like 'downstats' and often leave the Sea Org and go on the public dole
very quietly, often moving back to where they grew up.

A friend of mine went to Shaw Health Center last year and reported to
me that it looked pretty empty. That may be why Dr. Shields is now
working at Glendale Memorial. Any thoughts on this?

But all of the above should be carefully qualified. Dr. Denk and Dr.
Shields are well aware of how far Scientology senior management will
go. They know that it would be easy for management to get Sea Org
members to testify against them for legitimate malpractice,
notwithstanding the fact that the malpractice was incited by
management itself. They are, themselves, entrapped. If they do not
continue to follow the instructions of senior management they risk
losing their medical licenses and possibly being criminally
prosecuted, at the instigation of management. In exchange for their
loyalty, Shaw Health Center is protected by management from patients
who might, were it not for Scientology rules and regulations, sue them
or cause criminal negligence charges to be made.

Any patient who dares to report Shaw Health Center to internal
Scientology ethics is routinely reprimanded for trying to attack
'upstats'. The one who is the victim, in this type of situation, is
the one who is blamed. The usual Scientology 'blame the victim'
routine so that the Church can avoid taking any responsibility.

Whether Dr. Denk and Dr. Shields gradually got into this position or
whether they are diehard Scientologists who actually believe that
suicide is preferable to even a short course of anti-depressants is a
matter of speculation.

It could even be that Dr. Denk, by not insisting that L. Ron Hubbard
be hospitalized and have extensive medical diagnosis and treatment,
may have robbed his own hero of 5, 10 or maybe even more years of


3 Des 2002, 23:02:0703/12/2002
Interesting post. I often though about the way Doctors Denk and Shields were
kind of hung between medical science (they must have picked up something at
medical school) and the clap-trap voodoo they believed in through Scientology.

I once consulted Dr. Denk on a medical condition and he put me on zinc and bee
pollen. I went to a regular doctor later and after given me full blood tests
and a regular prescription, he was amazed when I told him what Dr. Denk had
prescribed. He actually asked for his phone number, he was so baffled at his
prescribed treatment.

Lulu Belle

4 Des 2002, 01:35:4804/12/2002
kwa (energytraveler) wrote in message news:<>...

Very interesting post.

roger gonnet

4 Des 2002, 02:38:4304/12/2002
Please, Energytraveler, could you get in contact with me
by mail?

roger gonnet


plus de 2000 textes, essais ou livres
critiques de la scientologie et d'autres sectes,en
français (and some in english)
Tél: 04 74 60 17 11

"energytraveler" <> a écrit dans le message de

Tilman Hausherr

1 Jan 2003, 09:18:1001/01/2003
On 04 Dec 2002 04:02:07 GMT, (LawrieW) wrote in

I looked again at
and Gene Denk is nowhere to be found... apparently, he let his license
expire. Maybe he simply retired, however he is still mentioned here:

If someone wants to know more:
If your query of DocFinder is unsuccessful in finding
information regarding a California licensed physician, please
contact the Medical Board of California's Consumer Information
Unit at (916) 263-2382 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

See an earlier post of mine here about Gene Denk in trouble:

Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP5.55] Entheta * Enturbulation * Entertainment

Resistance is futile. You will be enturbulated. Xenu always prevails.

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4 Jan 2003, 17:23:2104/01/2003
Tilman Hausherr <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On 04 Dec 2002 04:02:07 GMT, (LawrieW) wrote in
> <>:
> >Interesting post. I often though about the way Doctors Denk and Shields were
> >kind of hung between medical science (they must have picked up something at
> >medical school) and the clap-trap voodoo they believed in through Scientology.
> >
> >I once consulted Dr. Denk on a medical condition and he put me on zinc and bee
> >pollen. I went to a regular doctor later and after given me full blood tests
> >and a regular prescription, he was amazed when I told him what Dr. Denk had
> >prescribed. He actually asked for his phone number, he was so baffled at his
> >prescribed treatment.
> I looked again at
> and Gene Denk is nowhere to be found... apparently, he let his license
> expire. Maybe he simply retired, however he is still mentioned here:
> If someone wants to know more:
> If your query of DocFinder is unsuccessful in finding
> information regarding a California licensed physician, please
> contact the Medical Board of California's Consumer Information
> Unit at (916) 263-2382 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
> p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
> See an earlier post of mine here about Gene Denk in trouble:

Do Scientology Doctors Think First of their Patients or the Church?

Would a Scientology physician fail to report a pedophile to the proper
authorities if that person was an exec of the Church?

Would he or she report spousal abuse if ordered not to do so by a
Church official?

Would a physician fail to prescribe proper treatment in order to
follow the policies of the Church?

Do Scientology physicians prescribe medication to Church staff without
doing an examination?

Dr. Megan Shields is currently developing a program with Glendale
Memorial Hospital to treat Scientologists with minimal drugs. If you
feel that she or any other Scientology physician is putting patients
at risk by order of officials of the Church, write to the proper
health authorities so that they can be investigated. Or, write to the
members of the Board of Directors of Glendale Memorial Hospital in the
case of Dr. Shields. You can get the information online at:

ed bogel

14 Jan 2003, 20:33:1814/01/2003
kwa (energytraveler) wrote in message news:<>...

Is there any evidence that Dr. Shields reports to Scientology
Management regarding the condition of her patients without their
permission? Do you think the Scientology doctors are compromised to
that degree?

Also, isn't Dr. Shields married to George Duggan? He works for a
Scientology PR firm, doesn't he?

There were rumors years ago that Dr. Vickie Samler was blackmailed by
the GO into doing all kinds of illegal things. Anyone who can verify
that? Also, what happened to her? Anyone know?


15 Jan 2003, 02:24:5515/01/2003

I cannot verify the story, but she's still practicing medicine in


Tilman Hausherr

24 Jan 2003, 15:55:1324/01/2003
On Wed, 01 Jan 2003 15:18:10 +0100, Tilman Hausherr
<> wrote in

>I looked again at
>and Gene Denk is nowhere to be found...

Correction: he's back.

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