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Today in Scientology -- February 13th *********************************************

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Scientology Today

Feb 14, 2020, 12:22:43 PM2/14/20
Today February 13th in Scientology history

City says sect needs license for circus
February 13, 1987, Kathy Subko, St. Petersburg Times

If the Church of Scientology goes ahead with plans to hold a circus in
Clearwater this Saturday, members are likely to find the police in the

"If they proceed with the circus, we will in fact cite them," City
Manager Tony Shoemaker said Thursday.

Shoemaker met Thursday afternoon with church attorney Paul Johnson to
discuss the sect's plans to sponsor a circus without obtaining an
occupational license.

The Scientologists are advertising a circus Saturday on their property
across from Coachman Park. Pink fliers being circulated by the sect say
the circus will include elephant rides, horses, big cats and clowns.

Tags: 1962, Circus, Clearwater, Coachman Park, Paul Johnson, Tony Shoemaker


Forum gives 'winning' preview of election
February 13, 1987, Robert Henderson, St. Petersburg Times

Mrs. Calderbank is obviously going to be the anti-Scientology
candidate, picking up the fight once waged by her son, former City
Commissioner Jim Calderbank. She issued a "word of warning" about the
Scientologists' continuing property acquisitions, telling the mobile
home dwellers that the group could "buy your park - they've got the

"You need someone to be on the lookout when they buy property," she
said. She is a candidate for incumbent Lee Regulski's Seat 2.

Tags: Clearwater, Don Winner, Jim Calderbank, Marge Calderbank, Police,
Republican, Sid Klein, St. Petersburg, YMCA


Scientology circus could lead to citation
February 13, 1987, St. Petersburg Times

City Manager Tony Shoemaker met with Church of Scientology attorney
Paul Johnson Thursday afternoon to discuss the church's plans to
sponsor a circus Saturday without obtaining an occupational license.
Pink fliers being circulated by the church say a circus on its property
across from Coachman Park will include elephant rides, horses, big cats
and clowns. City officials say the church needs an occupational
license, signed by the City Commission, to hold such an event. Because
the commission doesn't meet before Saturday, the church couldn't get a
license even if it sought one. So far, it hasn't. "If they proceed with
the circus, we will in fact cite them," Shoemaker said Thursday. The
citation would require the group to go before the city's code
enforcement board. If found in violation, the organizers could be fined
up to $250. That's cheaper than the $375 the church would have to pay
to get an occupational license.

Tags: Circus, Clearwater, Coachman Park, Judge Douglas Baird, Paul Johnson,
Tony Shoemaker


Tribe Seeks to End Narconon Lease
February 13, 1991, Michael McNutt, News OK

KAW CITY One of five tribes that signed a lease with a substance abuse
center to operate on the old Chilocco Indian school campus says the
lease should be broken.

The lease with Narconon International should be terminated because of
late lease payments and Narconon's failure to obtain state
certification, according to a resolution passed by the Kaw tribal

The tribe also cited suspected fraud by Narconon in reporting the
number of patients it has at the facility and explaining its
relationship with the Church of Scientology.

Tags: 1988, Chilocco Development Authority, Kaw, Narconon, Narconon Chilocco,
Narconon International, Newkirk, Otoe-Missouria, Pawnee, Ponca, Quicky,


Narconon backers 'front'
February 13, 1992, AP, Tulsa World

An American Indian group supporting a Narconon substance-abuse center's
fight to stay open is just a front for Narconon, the chairman of the
tribal alliance that leased the property to the center says.

The five tribes represented by the Chilocco Development Authority, not
the recently formed Native American Council on Chilocco, will decide
whether sovereignty issues are involved, development authority Chairman
Robert Chapman said.

Tags: Chilocco Development Authority, Narconon, Narconon Chilocco, Native
American Council of Chilocco, Oklahoma Board of Mental Health and Substance
Abuse Services, Robert Chapman


Scientology's Star Roster Enhances Image
February 13, 1998, Douglas Frantz, New York Times

For an organization fighting to win mainstream acceptance in an
atmosphere of suspicion, association with celebrities in the public
mind can be very beneficial. "These groups are often crying out for
legitimacy, and they seek it any way they can, especially if they are
under duress in public," said James T. Richardson, a professor of
sociology and law at the University of Nevada at Reno. "What's
phenomenal is the success that Scientology has had with the
entertainment industry."

Tags: Bill Clinton, Celebrity Centre, Germany, IRS, Jenna Elfman, John
Travolta, Kirstie Alley, L. Ron Hubbard, Mark Isham, Marty Rathbun, Narconon


Working the web: Cults
February 13, 2003, Clint Witchalls, The Guardian

I've always thought that having my own cult would be fantastic: all
those beautiful women lining up to have my baby, because I'm the third
son of Osiris. And if that's not enough, there's always the plump
offshore bank account and the chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce to consider.

Tags: Moonies, Raelians


Psychologist attacks Tom Cruise
February 13, 2008, Michelle Hoctor, Illawarra Mercury

Hollywood actor Tom Cruise was used as a profile for domestic violence
at a NSW Police conference in Wollongong yesterday.

Internationally renowned social psychologist and author Dr Dina
McMillan said Cruise demonstrated an "absolute exceptional case" of
controlling behaviour which he was using on third wife Katie Holmes.

"His behaviour towards Katie Holmes, how they got together, everything
has all the indicators of an abusive relationship," she told the Mercury.

Tags: Dina McMillan, Tom Cruise


Threatened by 'Operation Planetary Calm': Germany Will Continue to Watch
February 13, 2008, Spiegel Online,1518,535049,00.html

"There are concrete indications that the plaintiff (Scientology), as
well as its members, maintains ambitions against the free, democratic
basic order," said a statement by the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher
Administrative Court on Tuesday. It added, however, that the verdict
"specifically left open whether Scientology is considered a religious
organization" or a business.

Tags: Germany, Karin Pouw, Legal, Sabine Weber, The Way to Happiness


Toronto Scientology Protest - Gregg Hagglund Speaks
February 13, 2008, TorontoAnon, YouTube

Toronto's own Wise Beard Man, Gregg Hagglund speaks about his
experience with the Scilons

Tags: Gregg Hagglund, Toronto, Video, Wise Beard Man


A trip down Scientology lane
February 13, 2009, Joshua Riehl, The Daily Texan

When I saw that the Church of Scientology, a religion started by a
best-selling science fiction author, was having an open house, I seized
the chance to hear their message.

My partner in crime, Katie, and I were greeted by a pair of
Scientologists who asked us if we would like to take a free personality
or IQ test. My first test of the semester administered by
Scientologists? Why not?

Tags: Body routing


Anti-Scientology Group Anonymous Wants You to Wear a Funny Mask this
Valentine's Day
February 13, 2009, Caleb Hannan, Pith in the Wind, Nashville Scene

Nashville's version of Anonymous, the one-year-old Rick Rollin'
Scientology haters, are planning an 11 AM VDay protest and (of course)
they'd like you to join them. L. Ron's Plucky Gang of Misfits have had
a relatively low-key* presence in Nashvegas for years now, but they'll
soon be movin' on up, and out, of their Music Row digs.

Tags: Anonymous, Nashville


Coast to Coast Calamity - BFG makes waves
February 13, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Marc Headley will be on the popular late-night Coast to Coast radio
show tonight. Marc will be discussing, among other things, the
Scientology Inc intelligence operations that have been run on he, his
wife, and his two young children. He will be discussing a number of
internal Office of Special Affairs documents which demonstrate the
unethical and illegal nature of those ops. So that you all can follow
along as Marc connects the dots I am posting below the documents he
will be referring to.

These documents include proof of what Mike Rinder and I have been
saying all along about how OSA routinely bribes telephone company
employees to criminally invade people's privacy by turning over their
phone records to church thugs.

These documents also demonstrate the perverse mentality of Miscavige
that has been forced upon the entire OSA network. I have met Marc and
Claire's children. I like them and they like me. And I am some kind of
hot right now about the "church's" regard for their first-born, an
extremely intuitive, smart, and friendly fellow.

Tags: 2006, David Miscavige, Marc Headley, Mike Rinder, Office of Special
Affairs, Quicky


Anonymous vs Scientology: Chanology's Quadrennium in NYC
February 13, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

We got a little confused by the International Dateline and what not --
hey, you try converting Sydney time to New York and see if it doesn't
leave you dizzy -- so that big story we were promising today won't be
here for another 18 hours or so. In the meantime, we have this short
video we pieced together from Saturday night's "raid" of the
Scientology org on 46th Street near Times Square.

Four years after Anonymous launched Project Chanology and showed up
outside Scientology orgs around the world, the local lunatics are still
at it.

A note about that Guy Fawkes mask in the first segment -- there's a
reason the other anons seem surprised to see it. Unlike other cities,
where crowds of protesters in the masks became the iconic look of the
movement, in New York an antiquated law prevents protesters in this
city from covering their faces. So from the beginning, the raiders here
were taking more of a chance, especially in early days when Scientology
was more actively trying to identify individual activists and serve
them with cease and desist letters (or worse).

Tags: Anonymous, Atlanta, Berlin, Chicago, David Love, Guy Fawkes,
Manchester, Montreal, New York, New York City, Project Chanology, Quicky, San
Francisco, Sydney


Scientology Drops Quest for Gag Order
February 13, 2012, David Lee, Courthouse News Service

After explosive trial testimony last week, the Church of Scientology
abandoned its quest to silence a former church official it sued for
breach of a confidentiality agreement, according to the San Antonio

Tags: David Miscavige, Debbie Cook, George Spencer, Judge Martha Tanner, Ray
Jeffrey, Wayne Baumgarten, Yvonne Schick


Scientology Forced Labor Claims Hit the 9th Circuit
February 13, 2012, Matt Reynolds, Courthouse News Service

Husband and wife Claire and Marc Headley each filed complaints against
the Church of Scientology under the Trafficking Victims Act after
leaving the Sea Organization, an order of Scientology in which members
work long hours and perform hard labor without pay.

The Headleys worked at the church from the early 1990s until 2005.
Claire Headley claimed that the church prohibited her from having
children and was coerced into having two abortions. She also alleged
that members who tried to leave the church were followed, brought back,
and deprived of food and sleep, among other punishments.

Tags: Claire Headley, Eric Lieberman, Judge Dale Fischer, Judge Diarmuid
O'Scannlain, Judge Dorothy Nelson, Judge Norman Smith, Kathryn Saldana, Marc
Headley, Ministerial exception, Sea Org


Buddha's Brain
February 13, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

I have added Buddha's Brain, (Hanson/Mendius - New Harbinger
Publications, Inc, 2009) to the recommended reading list. The following
is my review.

Buddha's Brain is authored by neuropsychologist Rick Hanson and
neurologist Richard Mendius. Hanson is also a meditation teacher, and
Mendius is also cofounder of Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and
Contemplative Wisdom. These fellows give a relatively easy to follow
sum up of what developments in science have taught us about the
function of the brain. They also, through work with Buddhist
contemplative practice masters tested for neurological and
hormonal/chemical patterns created by decisions of the being, detail
how the brain ? and thus the body ? is affected by thought.

Buddha's Brain provides great food for thought and correlation to those
trained in Dianetics and Scientology. The authors' description of
science's 2009 understanding of the human brain is remarkably
consistent with L. Ron Hubbard's 1950 description of the reactive mind
in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. They describe the
brain as being hardwired for avoiding danger, taking precedence over
behavior/action patterns that seek pleasure or reward. They describe
how transcendent states attained through contemplative practice ? their
main frame of reference being Buddhism ? erase reactive neuron channels
and create new, more analytical, intelligent and rational ones.

Tags: 1950, 2009, Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist, Dianetics, Mental Health,
Quicky, Wellspring


Local Scientologist and His Amazing Sci-Fi Collection
February 13, 2013, Katie Schoolov, YouTube

One of the world's most impressive collections of science fiction is
now in the hands of the San Diego State University library. It's just
part of the literary wealth of an SDSU graduate who's begun to donate
his collection to his alma mater. Edward Marsh is also a follower of
the Church of Scientology. KPBS culture reporter Angela Carone visited
his Escondido home to find out what else he collected.

Tags: Edward Marsh, PBS, San Diego, Video


Underground Bunker Reader Gets Declared a Suppressive Person by Scientology
February 13, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We're bursting with pride here in the Underground Bunker for Dee
Findlay, a reader who first made contact with us about a year ago.

At that point, she had just decided to come out of Scientology, and had
discovered the Voice blog almost right away. She became a frequent
reader and commenter, and also communicated with us behind the scenes.
We couldn't say it then, but she's been a great inspiration for us.

That was especially true last July, when Karen de la Carriere stood up
to the church that didn't want her to see her own dead son, and several
of our readers banded together with her in solidarity and dared to
reveal their real identities in the comments section of our blog. One
of them was Dee.

Tags: 1972, 1979, 1984, 1987, 2009, Apollo, Cara Golashesky, Debbie Cook, Dee
Findlay, Flag Land Base, Fort Harrison, Guardian's Office, Justice Chief,
Karen de la Carriere, Miami, New Year's Eve, Office of Special Affairs, OT
VIII, Quicky, San Francisco, Scientology organization, Sea Org, Suppressive
Person, Tampa Bay Times, Village Voice


A Year Later Ideal Org Gets A Supervisor
February 13, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The ideally empty Cambridge Scientology building

Big win, the "Ideal Org" in Cambridge, Ontario that Dear Leader opened
a year ago has just made an Objectives Course Supervisor!

With the heavy push to have EVERYONE from OT VIII down re-do their
Objectives, one would have imagined that they might have had a trained
Objectives Course Supervisor.

Tags: Cambridge, Clear, Facebook, Ideal Org, Las Vegas, Nevada, Ontario, OT
VIII, Quicky


narconon fights black PR (2013)
February 13, 2014, operationsee4yourself, YouTube

THE DATE IS WRONG ON THE VIDEO, it was made in May 2013

Tags: 2013, Narconon, Quicky


Scientology video: Some of the best L. Ron Hubbard word salad ever
February 13, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Our video source has a fun item for us this week. It's another "quote
video" made to market another L. Ron Hubbard lecture - in this case,
Scientology 8-8008 and the Philadelphia Doctorate Course.

The PDC came early in Scientology's history - December 1952 - but like
everything else Hubbard did, this series of lectures was meant to be
taken as gospel (which explains why it's still on sale and at premium

But we like this video in particular because it features a passage by
Hubbard which may be among the most nonsensical word salads he ever
uttered on tape. Give it a look, and then take a look at our
transcription of the second half of it...

Tags: 1950, 1952, Bridge Publications, Chris Olander, DC, eBay, Int Base,
Marc Headley, Pat Buglewicz, Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Quicky, Ron
Sommerville, Vistaril


Days before crucial hearing, Scientology pulls out a ghost to sway a federal
February 13, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Federal Tampa district Judge James D. Whittemore has been preparing in
a very methodical way ahead of a February 18 evidentiary hearing that
could have a huge impact on the Church of Scientology.

He's already held one live hearing on this important preliminary
matter, and in anticipation of next week's event, he ordered both sides
in the Luis and Rocio Garcia fraud lawsuit against the church to
conduct numerous depositions.

We published one deposition transcript, two video segments from another
(one, two), and detailed some of the complications about scheduling a
third. But there were several others which were scheduled that we
haven't had a chance to discuss.

All of the depositions have been completed now, and there was a status
hearing held the other day to clear up some matters before next week's
big showdown. And then, naturally, Scientology decided to throw a
wrench into the works.

Tags: 1963, 1980, 1981, 1982, 2000, 2013, Allan Cartwright, Arbitration,
Arwen Elys Dayton, Church of Spiritual Technology, CIA, David Miscavige,
Delphi, Denise Brennan, Facebook, First Amendment, Garcia v. Scientology,
Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, International
Justice Chief, IRS, Jeffrey Augustine, Jon Atack, Judge James Whittemore,
Kirstie Alley, Leah Remini, London, Luis and Rocio Garcia, Luis Garcia, Lyman
Spurlock, Mary Sue Hubbard, Mike Ellis, Mike Rinder, Mission, Norman Starkey,
Religious Technology Center, Sacramento, Sarah Erlich, Sea Org, Sherman
Lenske, Sky Dayton, Snow White Program, Suppressive Person, Tampa, Ted
Babbitt, TX Lawyer, UK, US Supreme Court


Despite Everything, LA Org Is Empty
February 13, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Despite 200 fully hatted and trained Sea Org Members with 10,346.7
years of experience.

Despite "ideal" premises.

And the best of the best seasoned bodyrouters.

Tags: Church of Scientology International, CLO WUS, Field Staff Member, Gavin
Potter, Hollywood, International Association of Scientologists, Quicky, Sea


An Open Invitation To Discrimination
February 13, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Here is a new invitation being circulated among the "humanitarians" of
the world.

Wonder how this "Open Invitation" for "The Freedom of Expression" would
work out if your expression was something not entirely fawning about
David Miscavige? Or L. Ron Hubbard? Or scientology? Or what if you
showed up bearing a cake iced with "Where's Shelly Miscavige?"

They are literally inviting everyone/anyone: this invitation
accompanied a note inviting a declared SP to attend this event.

Tags: David Miscavige, OT, Quicky, Shelly Miscavige, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, Youth for Human Rights International


February 13, 2016, CAMELOT TV NETWORK, YouTube

Today Camelot Castle - England - Formally recognised Donald Trump's
Humanitarian deeds and Services to Society and awarded him an Honorary,
Hereditary Camelot Castle Knighthood - Henceforth at Camelot Castle
Donald Trump shall be referred to as Sir Donald Trump of Camelot.

Today at the Round Table, Camelot Castle England, Donald Trump was
awarded an hereditary, honorary Camelot Castle Knighthood and was made
a of Knight of The Round Table.

This Historic and noble, very rarely granted honour, "The Excalibur
Award" was awarded to Mr Trump along with the Arms and Colours of
Camelot Castle for extending tremendous courage and noble intentions
towards his country and to the world.

Tags: Camelot Castle, Donald Trump, England, Excalibur, Free Speech,
Humanitarian, John Mappin, Lobbyist, OT, Politician, Quicky, Washington


SCIENTOLOGY'S SPACE MAN: As of 2013, active Scientologists fewer than 20,000
February 13, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Yesterday, we began telling you about Paul Burkhart, the newest
defector from Scientology's international management to go public with
what he experienced after joining the church in 1980, joining the Sea
Org in 1985, and then leaving a little over two years ago, in August

For ten of those years, from 1999 to 2009, Burkhart worked at
Scientology's secretive International Base near Hemet, California. His
job was to make space plans for the renovations that were constantly
going on at Scientology facilities around the world. That put him at
the center of what Scientology leader David Miscavige was doing, but at
the same time gave him a measure of protection from the increasingly
contentious atmosphere at Int Base. As former Scientology spokesman
Mike Rinder put it, Burkhart was both in the "center of the shitstorm"
at the same time that he inhabited "his own bubble."

Burkhart was so insulated, for example, he didn't really know who Mark
"Marty" Rathbun was, even though Rathbun, as Inspector General of
Ethics for the Religious Technology Center, was essentially the
second-highest ranking member of the church and Miscavige's right hand
man and chief enforcer.

Tags: 1950, 1960, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, American Religious Identification Survey, Ann
Tidman, Annie Broeker, Anonymous, Basics, Building 50, California, Camilla
Andersson, Celebrity Centre, Chairman of the Board, Church of Scientology
International, Commodore's Messenger Organization, Control Information
Center, Craigslist, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Disconnection, Ethics,
Freeloader Debt, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of
Belief, Golden Era Productions, Heber Jentzsch, Hemet, Hollywood, Hollywood
Guaranty Building, Ideal Org, Inspector General, Int Base, Jefferson Hawkins,
John Brousseau, KCET, Kerry Ibert, Lake Arrowhead, Laurence Guenat, Lawrence
Wright, Los Angeles, Magaena Truax, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Nancy
Cartwright, New Yorker, Office of Special Affairs, Org Board, OT, Paul
Burkhart, Paul Haggis, Religious Technology Center, Scientology Media
Productions, Sea Org, Seattle, Shelly Miscavige, Super Power, Tampa Bay
Times, The Hole, Tom Cruise, Tony DePhillips, Tracye Danilovich, Truth
Rundown, YouTube


A new document shows how much Scientology obsesses over every member's status
February 13, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Today's story is about a court document. It's the latest filing from
the Church of Scientology which is attempting to keep a stay on the
federal fraud lawsuit filed four years ago by a California couple, Luis
and Rocio Garcia. We've kept you up on all the twists and turns in that
case, but that's not why we thought it was worth showing you what's in
the document.

What the church submitted seemed particularly interesting to us for
what it says about how obsessive Scientology is about who is and who
isn't in "good standing" with the church.

You see, Scientology pretends that it's a giant organization consisting
of millions of members in tens of thousands of "groups" and churches
around the world. Instead, it's a tiny movement that, despite its
shrinking numbers, is quick to kick people out for the slightest
provocation, as you'll see.

Tags: 1950, 1969, 1990, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
A&E, Alex Gibney, California, Committee of Evidence, David Miscavige,
Dianetics, Ethics Officer, Garcia v. Scientology, Going Clear: Scientology,
Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Heber Jentzsch, Hollywood Guaranty
Building, International Justice Chief, Judge James Whittemore, Karin Pouw,
Keep Scientology Working, Leah Remini, Luis and Rocio Garcia, Mike Ellis,
Mike Rinder, Mormon, New York Times, Paul Burkhart, Quicky, Santa Barbara,
Suppressive Person, Tampa, Terra Cognita


Hunted by Scientology: The Ron Miscavige Story
February 13, 2017, Mythicist Milwaukee, YouTube

Ron Miscavige is the father of the leader of the Church of Scientology,
David Miscavige. He is also an author, having penned the tell-all book
"Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige and Me".

Ron appeared on ABC News' 20/20 to reveal the drastic measures he took
to escape from their 'Gold Base' compound in California. He has also
appeared on Leah Remini's new docuseries "Scientology and the Aftermath"

Ron Joined us live in the studio to discuss everything from his
introduction to Scientology in 1970 to escaping the Gold Base compound
in 2012. Ron will be speaking at the Mythinformation Conference IV on
September 30, 2017 in Milwaukee, WI.

Tags: 1970, 20/20, 2012, ABC News, California, David Miscavige, Int Base,
Leah Remini, Milwaukee, Quicky, Ron Miscavige Sr, Ruthless: Scientology, My
Son David Miscavige, and Me, Scientology and the Aftermath


Scientology Spying Hypocrisy
February 13, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The latest edition of Freedom magazine has hit the interwebs and it is

The front cover features the scarehead SURVEILLANCE - SECRECY AND YOU.
And a subhead reads: The scope of private information now being swept
up from all Americans is daunting - and the vast majority are kept in
the dark

Now, whether you believe this is something all citizens should be
worried about, or whether you think it is an overblown scare tactic is
not the point of this posting.

Tags: 1968, 1984, 1993, David Lubow, David Miscavige, Eric Saldarriaga, FBI,
Freedom magazine, Freedom of Information Act, Google, John Sugg, John
Sweeney, Louis Theroux, Martin Luther King, Monique Rathbun, My Scientology
Movie, Private investigator, Quicky, Scientology and Me, SEC, Spying,
Squirrel Busters, Tax exempt, Tony Ortega


The Dark Tactics Of Scientology - Author Tony Ortega
February 13, 2017, James L Paris, YouTube

Tony Ortega is executive editor of The Raw Story and former
editor-in-chief of The Village Voice. He's been writing about
Scientology throughout his career, and also operates his own website
with breaking news about the church at He lives in
New York City. The Unbreakable Miss Lovely is his first book. Will Leah
Remini's reality show take down Scientology once and for all? Can Tom
Cruise save the organization? Is Tom Cruise moving to Scientology
headquarters in Clearwater, Florida?

Tags: 1971, Clearwater, Florida, John Sweeney, Jon Atack, Kirkus, Leah
Remini, New York City, Paulette Cooper, Quicky, Raw Story, Review, Silvertail
Books, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega, Village Voice


White House Grants Press Credentials to a Pro-Trump Blog
February 13, 2017, Michael M. Grynbaum, New York Times

The Gateway Pundit, a provocative conservative blog, gained notice last
year for its fervent pro-Trump coverage and its penchant for promoting
false rumors about voter fraud and Hillary Clinton's health that
rocketed around right-wing websites.

Now the site will report on politics from a prominent perch: the White

The Trump administration has granted press credentials to Lucian B.
Wintrich, the Washington correspondent for Gateway Pundit, to attend
White House press briefings and ask questions of the press secretary,
Sean M. Spicer.

Tags: Alt-Right, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Hillary Clinton, Jim Hoft, Justin
Trudeau, Milo Yiannopoulos, Quicky, Twitter, Washington, White House


Clearwater City Council candidates mum on Scientology's impact downtown
February 13, 2018, Tracey McManus, Tampa Bay Times

At a recent City Council election debate, the first question pitched to
the four candidates was: What is the biggest problem facing Clearwater
right now?

Seat 5 incumbent Hoyt Hamilton answered in code.

"I'm willing to work with anybody, but they have to be open and honest
in how they communicate and we haven't always had that, so I think one
of the biggest problems trying to move Clearwater forward is getting
people to communicate openly and honestly with what we're trying to do."

Wait. Who is "they"? Which people are not being honest?

Asked in a later interview if he was referring to the Church of
Scientology, which cut communication with city officials last year over
a property dispute, Hamilton confirmed he was. So why didn't he come
out and say that?

Tags: Bay News 9, Ben Shaw, Clearwater, Consumer Energy Solutions, David
Allbritton, George Cretekos, Hoyt Hamilton, John Funk, Joy Gendusa, KnowBe4,
Mary Repper, Patrick Clouden, Pinellas County, PostcardMania, Real estate,
Stu Sjouwerman, Tom Keller


Evidence, finally, of how Scientology obsessively tracks down its former
February 13, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

One of the most-well known things about Scientology is that once you
get on their mailing list, it's very difficult to get taken off of it.

On social media, you often see people speak of being tracked down by
the church decades after they bought a single book or took a single
course. We talked to a man who was still getting calls and mailers more
than forty years after he'd left Scientology and had moved multiple

We're often asked by people how the church tracks them down when
they've moved, or when they have an unlisted telephone number. We've
told them that we have to believe Scientology has a fairly
sophisticated database that is constantly being updated, and that it
must use fairly sophisticated tools.

Tags: 2005, 2014, 2016, Accurint, Basics, Clear, Congress, David Miscavige,
Golden Age of Knowledge, Grade III, Mike Rinder, Private investigator,
Purification Rundown, Quicky, Transunion


Scientology Dating
February 13, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

It seems there is an increased interest in date locating ?? in the
shrinking world of scientology. Perhaps they are running out of

These two emails were forwarded to me recently, both pitching
"scientology" dating sites/services. On the eve of Valentine's Day they
seem oddly apropos.

Apparently, they have managed to scrape together 200 members (another
interesting measure of the real size of scientology).

Tags: Mormon, OT, Quicky, The Way to Happiness, US House of Representatives,
Valentine's Day


"Freedom" Rag "Responds" to 60 Minutes
February 13, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

In its inimitable and oh so predictable style, Freedom has responded to
the 60 Minutes Australia piece.

In a surprise to absolutely nobody, they lashed out at their dirty
laundry being exposed once again not by responding to the facts, but
attempting to smear the reporter, complete with the most unflattering
photo they could find/doctor.

Their entire "defense" is to rehash a story from 2016 concerning
correspondent Tara Brown and her film crew. They were arrested in
Lebanon on charges of "attempted kidnapping" for their coverage of a
story of a woman trying to get her 2 children back after her estranged
husband had taken them to Beirut and refused to return. They were not
convicted and were released after 2 weeks in jail and a reported hefty
payment from Channel 9.

Tags: 2016, 60 Minutes Australia, Anderson Cooper, Australia, Catherine
Fraser, France, Freedom magazine, HBO, John Oliver, Quicky, Shelly Miscavige


'Aftermath' subject Brandon Reisdorf arrested for entering San Diego
Scientology church
February 13, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

It pains us to report that Brandon Reisdorf, who we got to know from
his appearance in the first season of Leah Remini: Scientology and the
Aftermath, has been arrested again, this time for attempting to enter
Scientology's church in San Diego.

According to the San Diego Sheriff's Department, Brandon was arrested
on Saturday evening, and he has been in the county jail since then,
with a court date this morning at 8 am. His mother, Lois Reisdorf,
asked us to speak with Brandon's attorney, Graham Berry, and Berry said
he would speak to us as soon as he was able.

In the seventh episode of her first season Remini featured Brandon,
whose parents Lois and Gary were deeply into Scientology in South
Africa before drifting away from it. Brandon and his older brother
Craig got into Scientology on their own, and Lois and Gary didn't
interfere. But eventually because of their connection to a friend who
had spoken out against the church, Lois and Gary were declared
"suppressive persons," and all church members were ordered to
disconnect from them. Brandon chose his parents and left the church,
but Craig didn't.

Tags: 2016, Atlanta, Brandon Reisdorf, David Pomeranz, Graham Berry, Kendrick
Moxon, Leah Remini, Lois Reisdorf, Los Angeles, San Diego, Scientology and
the Aftermath, South Africa, Suppressive Person


Lyndon LaRouche, Cult Figure Who Ran for President 8 Times, Dies at 96
February 13, 2019, Richard Severo, New York Times

Lyndon LaRouche, the quixotic, apocalyptic leader of a cultlike
political organization who ran for president eight times, once from a
prison cell, died on Tuesday. He was 96.

His death was announced on the website of his organization, La
Rouche/Pac. The statement did not specify a cause or say where he died.

Defining what Mr. LaRouche stood for was no easy task. He began his
political career on the far left and ended it on the far right. He said
he admired Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln and
Ronald Reagan and loathed Hitler, the composer Richard Wagner and other
anti-Semites, though he himself made anti-Semitic statements.

Tags: FBI, IRS, Ku Klux Klan, Lyndon LaRouche, Nation of Islam, Ronald Reagan


Rare 1996 Photo of Shelly Miscavige
February 13, 2019, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

1996: Shelly Miscavige is seen standing to the right of David Miscavige
with her arms crossed. David Miscavige is Flag Land Base demonstrating
the "revolutionary new Quantum meter" that was later obsoleted by the
50,000x faster Ultra-Mark VIII. Photo from International Scientology
News, Issue 3

Shelly Miscavige has not been seen in public for over one decade. David
Miscavige has never formally denied that he locked away his wife Shelly.
Like Mary Sue Hubbard before her, Shelly became a non-person in the
Church of Scientology. Perversely, the website
obliquely boasts that David Miscavige destroyed Mary Sue Hubbard:

In later years, L. Ron Hubbard described a heroic Church executive who
identified and then cleared the ranks of rogue staff attempting to
seize control of Scientology while Mr. Hubbard was engaged in intensive
research and not directly involved in the day-to-day management of the

Tags: 1931, 1977, 1978, 1996, 2002, Burglary, Conspiracy, David Miscavige,
FBI, Flag Land Base, Grand Jury, Guardian's Office, International Scientology
News, Mary Sue Hubbard, Quicky, Shelly Miscavige, Snow White Program, Theft


The Aftermath - An Update
February 13, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is an attempt to quell some of the rumors and erroneous
speculation swirling about The Aftermath.

Though I am not in a position to know everything about decisions that
are made outside my control (or Leah's), I do have some insight ? more
than most who may claim to have "heard rumors," rely on anonymous
sources or merely speculate because they have a keyboard on which they
can type.

First, and most important for me, I want to dispel the lies that have
been circulated (most likely by scientology) that episodes or the show
as a whole are in peril because of Leah Remini's demands for money
and/or diva like behavior.

Tags: A&E, Aftermath Foundation, Danny Masterson, Heber Jentzsch, Jackie
Lacey, Leah Remini, OT, Scientology and the Aftermath


US Navy on Social Media: Anger Towards Tom Cruise's Arrogant Behavior as He
Films Top Gun 2
February 13, 2019, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

Tom Cruise is filming Top Gun 2 on the mighty USS Theodore Roosevelt
(CVN 71), a US Nimitz class super carrier. The crew has been ordered to
not look at Tom Cruise or to talk to the arrogant Scientology OT. Tom
Cruise will make a fortune from Top Gun 2 pretending to be a US Navy
officer and yet he shows no respect to for the men and women who serve
aboard the Theodore Roosevelt. Tom Cruise has the same arrogant
behavior going on in Scientology: No one is allowed to look at him or
talk to him unless he grants permission. Scuttlebutt from the crew of
the "TR" has made its way onto social media - and special thanks to my
colleague Intergalactic Walrus for making today's article possible due
to his timely commenting at the Underground Bunker.

During the filming of the first Top Gun Tommy boy was an a-hole to most
of his fellow cast and crew. Not to mention that he almost drowned
filming a scene in the water and DIDN'T even acknowledge the Navy
divers that rescued him.So fvck him and his couch.- SPACE FORCE BN CMDR
B.I.G. MIKE (@TheALTurbanjedi) February 13, 2019

On a related note we remind readers of Tom Cruise's 2013 epic disaster
in which he claimed that his job was as hard as fighting in Afghanistan.
TMZ reported that Tom Cruise ridiculously claimed the following in a

Tags: 2013, Afghanistan, Olympic, OT, Quicky, TMZ, Tom Cruise, Underground
Bunker, US Navy


Agency that wouldn't check on Shelly Miscavige makes visit to Underground
Bunker commenter
February 13, 2020, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

On Monday we posted a story that angered a lot of people.

We had interviewed Bobette Riales about her dog, which had been
poisoned and went through 42 hours of unreal and bloody agony.
Thankfully, the dog survived, but Bobette was shaken, and we couldn't
help notice the timing - her dog Jet had been poisoned just ten days
after other plaintiffs in their lawsuit against the Church of
Scientology, Chrissie Carnell Bixler and her husband Cedric
Bixler-Zavala, had to put down their dog Biscuit when it ingested rat
poison hidden in ground beef tossed into their yard.

Readers were angry, and some of them let loose. In particular, a
longtime reader who happens to live not far from the secretive
Scientology compound where we believe church leader David Miscavige
banished his wife Shelly in the summer of 2005.

Tags: 1950, 1951, 1980, 2005, 2013, 2016, Adam Cervantes, Bobette Riales,
Buddhism, Cedric Bixler-Zavala, Chrissie Carnell, Christian, Church of
Spiritual Technology, Clear, Crestline, David Miscavige, L. Ron Hubbard,
LAPD, Los Angeles, Office of Special Affairs, OT, Quicky, San Bernardino, San
Bernardino County, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, Shelly
Miscavige, St. Louis, Twin Peaks


Those halcyon days when Roger Stone fronted for Donald Trump against Indian
February 13, 2020, Scott Pilutik, Underground Bunker

It's worth recalling just how far back Roger Stone goes with Donald
Trump. Back in the early 1990s, just as Trump's casinos were emerging
from bankruptcy, Indian casinos were sprouting up as a result to a
change in federal law. Trump viewed this development as a threat and
spent more than $1 million on "lobbying efforts" against the Indian
gaming industry.

Trump even testified before Congress, where he told lawmakers that the
Indians running Foxwoods casino "did not look like real Indians." Trump
also alleged that organized crime "is rampant - I don't mean a little
bit - is rampant on Indian reservations."

In 2000, as New York was considering a law that would expand Indian
casinos to the Catskills, Roger Stone, on Trump's behalf, secretly
formed an astroturf group called the "New York Institute for Law and
Society," which ran ads in the area accusing the Mohawk Indian tribe of
having mob ties. The ads featured cocaine and syringes, asking viewed
"Are these the new neighbors we want?" The "group" claimed it was
funded by 12,000 "grass-roots, pro-family" donors but it was 100
percent funded entirely by Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, Inc., with
Roger Stone as its front man.

Tags: 1990, 2000, Congress, Dark Right, Donald Trump, IRS, New York, Roger


Thursday Funnies
February 13, 2020, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

It's the best they've got...

Funny how they tell you sitting in a sauna will make you "Think More
Clearly" and lo and behold, the success story says just that!

Get your kids in for an OCA! Find their ruin!

Tags: Clear, Columbus, David Miscavige, Facebook, Field Staff Member,
International Association of Scientologists, Ireland, L. Ron Hubbard, Lydia
Hopwood, OCA, Personality test, Quicky, Sea Org, Thursday Funnies, Twitter,
Valentine's Day


Toronto police admit using secretive facial recognition technology Clearview
February 13, 2020, CBC News

Toronto police have admitted some of their officers have used Clearview
AI - a powerful and controversial facial recognition tool that works by
scraping billions of images from the internet - one month after denying
using it.

Spokesperson Meaghan Gray said in an email that some members of the
force began using the technology in October 2019. She did not say what
for or how many times it had been used.

Chief Mark Saunders directed those officers to stop using the
technology when he became aware of its use on Feb. 5, she said. Gray
did not say who originally approved the use to the app.

Tags: 2019, Brian Beamish, Canada, CBC, Clearview AI, Dark Right, Facebook,
John Tory, Mark Saunders, New York Times, Oakland, Ontario, Ontario
Provincial Police, RCMP, San Diego, San Francisco, Texas, Toronto, Toronto
Police, Toronto Police Services Board, Vancouver


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