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Amazing Stones: Full Extended Pilot

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2023年1月1日 00:22:222023/1/1
Amazing Stones: S01E00/ASS04E03 (extend pilot): Short Straw Snoot Snort Club
[enter scene]

(Christopher Loyd appears holding a handfull of black bar snoot straws, one of them short..)

C.L.: You all said you wanted rails of oil based...

tough kid #1:
Hey man, we don't know nothing 'bout drawing straws, we just heard you had the meanest toot in the county, ..and we got the cash, and we're not the cops.
(tough kid #1 shows stack of green paper money)

C.L.: Ah yes, the toot,.. story goes back a ways, I'll give you the short version,..
(cam fades to closeup of C.L., blackdrop watermarked with bearly noticable images during story) all started when we were very poor during a famine too long, at first, we were boiling rotten vegtables and old animal remains, then came the war, we celebrated by boiling potatos and beets, the pilots were each given either dextramine or dextramine plus methylamcarbon nitrate. They were made to fly against each other for 8 hours strait. Then they just started boiling chicken poop. ... ..after discovering a liposuction dumpster, oil based became all the rave.. ..until it wasn't enough..
..hence the short straw.

(cam pans to a really freaked out tough kid #2)

[end scene]
[intro rolls]

Elm Street Nightmare X∅ trailer 01
[enter scene]
(mid scene rolling ent.)

sassy black girl: I don't believe in you nigger!

Freddy K.: (sighs, looks down.., looks up..) Yeah, I don't believe in me either these days,.. ... least not like I used to,.. ... ..but I have this glove and itchy sweater to motivate me bitch.
(freddy stabs sassy while cam pans to face to face closeup rather than gore shot.)
[end scene]
˙pǝʌɹǝsǝɹ sʇɥƃᴉɹ ll∀
© Dr. Hunter Reon Barnes, PhD, D.S.

Happy new year!
~, Dr. HRB

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