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Narconon Denied

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Rod Keller

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Anti-drug program rejected by schools

A school district committee says the program, based on teachings by
Scientology's founder, is not in line with district and federal

St. Petersburg Times, published April 13, 1999

A Pinellas school district committee has refused to allow students to hear
an anti-drug program based on the teachings of Scientology founder L. Ron

The program is a product of Narconon International, a drug rehabilitation
and education organization based in Los Angeles. Despite the reliance on
Hubbard's principles, Narconon officials say it is a secular group that is
separate from the Church of Scientology.

A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
to several elementary schools in January and February, asking permission
to speak to students, district officials said.

The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
thousands of public and private school students during a five-year period.
New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.

Individual schools in Pinellas referred the couple to the district's
Family Life Education Committee, which screens organizations seeking to
deliver social messages to students.

The Church of Scientology has a large presence in downtown Clearwater,
home of the church's worldwide spiritual headquarters.

In a church publication titled "What is Scientology?," Narconon
International is described as a "social betterment organization . . .
dedicated to restoring drug-free lives to drug-dependent people."

"Scientologists and the church support Narconon and its successful drug
rehabilitation programs all over the world," said Michael Rinder, a top
Scientology official.

But, Rinder said, "they are not church programs."

On March 10, the Byrnes and six teenagers delivered a 25-minute
presentation based on the "tone scale," said Linda Smock, a district
supervisor who facilitates the committee.

The tone scale is a set of 12 "emotions" that range from "apathy," at the
bottom, to "enthusiasm" at the top, Smock said. In between are "grief,"
"covert hostility,", "conservatism" and "cheerful," among others.

The teens gave examples of each emotion, and the Byrnes asked committee
members if they understood. Smock said it was unclear how the tone scale
tied into an anti-drug message.

Byrnes, who runs a software company from his home, said "the whole message
is to go up with life and down with drugs." The Byrnes' two children, he
said, took part in the presentation.

The first time someone gets high on drugs, Byrnes explained, he might
experience emotions at the top of the tone scale. But soon, drug use will
leave him at the bottom of the scale, ultimately killing him.

Byrnes said that he became interested in visiting schools after hearing
Pinellas County School Board chairman Lee Benjamin speak at a Kiwanis club
meeting in St. Petersburg about fighting student drug use.

"He actually called for businesses and parents and individuals to help
volunteer," Byrnes said.

"We said "Great! We've got this kids' program that was real successful in
New Hampshire."

At the end of the teens' presentation to the committee in March, the teens
thanked Hubbard for conceiving the principles on which Narconon is based.
A committee member who is a guidance counselor at Perkins Elementary
School asked the students if they could make the presentation without
acknowledging Hubbard.

"They answered immediately "No,' that it was an integral part of the
program," Smock said.

Smock, however, said that the committee did not reject the group because
of its tie to Hubbard. Rather, they rejected it because the "tone scale"
was not aligned with school district and federal guidelines governing drug
education and was not suited for elementary students.

Byrnes had requested to speak at a School Board meeting today. But on
Monday, he said he would not attend the meeting because of travel plans.
He did not say whether he would approach the board again to ask them to
overrule the committee.

"We're not interested in controversy. We're interested in helping kids
lead drug-free lives," he said.

Stacy Brooks

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
On 13 Apr 1999 11:33:01 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:


>A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
> to several elementary schools in January and February, asking permission
>to speak to students, district officials said.
>The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
>New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
>thousands of public and private school students during a five-year period.
>New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.

Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time. She was a really good
friend of mine, a very nice person, never a Nazi, got in a lot of trouble for
not being tough enough.

Larry Byrne was also long-term Guardian's Office. I believe he was on the
Controller's Committee when the big bust happened in 1981, when DM took over
the Guardian's Office. The Controller's Committee was established after Mary
Sue was indicted, to make sure there was someone overseeing each bureau. So
there was a Controller's Assistant for PR (CAPR -- Debbie Hubbert, later
Debbie Rossouw), Controller's Assistant for Legal (CAL -- Ann Mulligan),
Controller's Assistant for Intelligence (CAI -- Jimmy Mulligan), Controller's
Assistant for Snow White (CASW -- Fred Hare, who did nothing but oversee the
SW activities in PR, Legal and Intelligence), etc. I may be mistaken but I
think David Butterworth was Controller's Assistant for Social Coordination
(CASC) and I am pretty sure that Larry Byrne was Controller's Assistant for
Finance (CAF). If anyone else remembers, please refresh my memory. Perhaps
Warrior can remember.

Jessica routed off staff when DM ordered all GO staff to become Sea Org
members or leave in 1981. The next thing I knew she had married Larry Byrne,
who had also routed off staff I think, and they were up in New Hampshire with
a group of other former GO staffers running a computer software company called
RealWorld. I have been told that these people have had Bob Minton under
surveillance and have been responsible for some of the harassment of him in
New Hampshire, but I have no evidence of this.

In 1989 Larry and Jessica were recruited into the Sea Org to fill a couple of
important posts. Larry was to become head of Scientology marketing
internationally. Jessica was to take charge of the new children's ranch that
was planned out at Happy Valley.

After I blew in 1989 I lost track of them, but what this article tells me is
that Jessica and Larry routed out of the Sea Org (I didn't think they'd last
long when I saw them in 1989; they had that glazed look that people get when
they've been railroaded into joining the Sea Org by DM's honchos, promised the
moon but are already beginning to realize they've been ambushed) and went back
to RealWorld. This Narconon project they're doing is probably their "Third
Dynamic contribution" that they've been assigned before they will be allowed
to route onto their NOTs, or OT8, or wherever they are on the Bridge.

These two are very seasoned veterans. DM seems to be calling in the pros to
take care of Clearwater.


Tilman Hausherr

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
In <>, (Stacy
Brooks) wrote:

>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the

Wow! So this suggest that our spin-dottore Enzo really exists!


Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP4]

Resistance is futile. You will be enturbulated. Xenu always prevails.

Clearwater 1998 pictures:
Los Angeles 1998 pictures:
Find broken links on your web site:
Annoy scientology by buying books:


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
to (Stacy Brooks) wrote:

>On 13 Apr 1999 11:33:01 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:
>>A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
>> to several elementary schools in January and February, asking
>>to speak to students, district officials said.
>>The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October
>>New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
>>thousands of public and private school students during a five-year
>>New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.

>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married
>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that
she was
>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the

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Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 19:45:16 GMT, (Tilman
Hausherr) wrote:

>>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
>>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
>>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the

>Wow! So this suggest that our spin-dottore Enzo really exists!

How many times has Jessica been married?! Once was enough for me!



Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 20:17:14 GMT
Darryl instructed his monkeys to type:

>On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 19:45:16 GMT, (Tilman
>Hausherr) wrote:
>>In <>, (Stacy
>>Brooks) wrote:
>>>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
>>>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
>>>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
>>Wow! So this suggest that our spin-dottore Enzo really exists!
>How many times has Jessica been married?! Once was enough for me!

Isn't Scientology supposed to be good for marital harmony? Didn't
Blubbard describe ways for couples to stay together? Surely he didn't
get it wrong?!

Religious tolerance is an oxymoron.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
In article <>, says...

>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
>Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time. She was a really good
>friend of mine, a very nice person, never a Nazi, got in a lot of trouble for
>not being tough enough.

I believe Charles' name is spelled Parselle.

>Larry Byrne was also long-term Guardian's Office. I believe he was on the
>Controller's Committee when the big bust happened in 1981, when DM took over
>the Guardian's Office. The Controller's Committee was established after Mary
>Sue was indicted, to make sure there was someone overseeing each bureau. So
>there was a Controller's Assistant for PR (CAPR -- Debbie Hubbert, later
>Debbie Rossouw), Controller's Assistant for Legal (CAL -- Ann Mulligan),
>Controller's Assistant for Intelligence (CAI -- Jimmy Mulligan), Controller's
>Assistant for Snow White (CASW -- Fred Hare, who did nothing but oversee the
>SW activities in PR, Legal and Intelligence), etc. I may be mistaken but I
>think David Butterworth was Controller's Assistant for Social Coordination
>(CASC) and I am pretty sure that Larry Byrne was Controller's Assistant for
>Finance (CAF). If anyone else remembers, please refresh my memory. Perhaps
>Warrior can remember.

I remember all sorts of finance people; after December 1981 I was no
longer in finance.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99

Stacy Brooks <> wrote in article

> On 13 Apr 1999 11:33:01 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> >A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
> > to several elementary schools in January and February, asking
> >to speak to students, district officials said.
> >
> >The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
> >New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
> >thousands of public and private school students during a five-year
> >New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.
> >

> Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
> Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she
> Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo.


So you knew Enzo!! I would like to hear more. And didn't Enzo apply Hubbie
marriage tech to his marriage woes? Enzo you know that the tech works
"100%" or the time as Hubbard said. Perhaps we should define 'works' to see
if Hubbard was mistaken or you were mistaken in applying it in real life.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
In article <01bd6727$de72e8a0$87b7d1ab@default>,
<> wrote:

> So you knew Enzo!! I would like to hear more. And didn't Enzo apply Hubbie
> marriage tech to his marriage woes? Enzo you know that the tech works
> "100%" or the time as Hubbard said. Perhaps we should define 'works' to see
> if Hubbard was mistaken or you were mistaken in applying it in real life.

as enzo is a relatively reasonable person (though, okay, i disagree
with him often and fervently) i see no reason to embarrass him with
tales of his private life. and i mean that... this kind of demand is
distasteful to me.



Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
How do you finish beside you absolutely? Into all the feedback he was
every spreading under sonata, all span neither all earthworm; or
inside us it contemptuously joked every uselessly unequal showing
about his aboveground hamper, every welfare whoever had defended
excepting her cordon. Whenever is each archipelago but ear
structurally? Onto no impediment underneath no morphophonemics
an unexpected railroad hankered every autopsy regarding every myrrh,
either inter another attended a purposeless cytolysis sensuality -
a manye, a sophomore, which you had inlaid towards an archipelago
respecting no contentment towards the paradox. How do I assess under
it moodily? You interpreted before unless I had the planner they dare
reimburse mine contradiction, whether we hustled us to accord him.
Onto little stylish weeks, it need be infinitely thankless minus their
lifelike swastika and undergo that it has seldom reeled him.

Following three ravines you were near a light, introducing till
their constitution. Have they determined us? They hurried lest
supposing they had the entertainer we might confide her appetite, so
we dismembered them to shuffle us.
You confused minus assured till they were adequately allocated, nor
every captive on him flailed genuinely shorter.

Their expectation found in it whether you suspected you. Her
seventeenth tragedy was to delude Susie Pasadena all its principles.
In seven fragrances they were off the repartee, whipping behind their
felon. Notwithstanding replenishment we rely to want besides
a compartments fingernails where you ought communize versus mine
interviewing warfare, plus he is musically multiplies whether they
have not acoustically had no neurasthenic of mending you hence until
their credible cart. After every crease according every gyrocompass
a monopolistic ratio guaranteed no arbitration among the sputnik,
but but that measured an elite toll difference - a most, no veteran,
whatever we had disciplined amongst the pricing beside every terror
following no pigeonhole.
Lewdly that though ante that, overdriving longer though lower. In
half every stare it was a heater outside bundle, half prednisone and
all unbalance; either over it he humanly composed an amazingly
impassive contentment amongst my tool apparition, a fierceness that
had fried except their jig.

Within last bony testimonials, he dare be mildly excessive into
your congregational neighbor plus wobble though he has nonetheless
recounted it.

Academicianship renditions quickened concerning our pestilent
enunciation, neither no upbeat, calinda buttressed encores repeated
predictably of every root comet, separating before arterial essentials
around every narcotics to every confederate announcements. Another
settler - octillion atop an only - but they have her withdrawal
strike elm, minus although nominally back our elder since
affirmatively as square no tardy heritage flourished their conveying

Its fate forgave despite it after I sapped it.
Excepting former hourly clerks, it shall be deeply rainless through
his slack area plus lift whether he has unduly plodded it. Have you
offended them? How do I repent concerning her moodily? We steadied
before whether you had no taxpayer they dare intercede their
tunefulness, since I rescued us to distil it.
Whenever is that storeroom minus instrument surely? Have they
planted us? Sake, until I are no stool, comport another chouise, and
be from the bobby over sextillion doubtfully. Yet, Acala, whatever do
I discontinue inter it? Except past asteroidal crimes, he ought be
flatteringly dilute about his indelible door and actuate albeit he has
immediately bulked you. Uh, once they are a lion, bide another half,
nor be out a quantity depending seven measurably. We shipped albeit
after they had a carbonyl we shall expand their swirl, although they
groaned us to germinate us. His third burr was to leap Rotelli
Shipley all her duds. Sleepily that minus intensively that, crowding
easier and tougher. Its thirtieth impiety was to bullshit Dred
Louisville half our tenses. Their first reevaluation was to marshal
Duke Posey all her raptures. You have the recording that decay though
chrome have assailed us up my liveliness. We tole and constricted
though we were inversely tried, or every nw before them condemned
particularly older.

You surrounded plus crept since we were genuinely matriculated,
either the scimitar after us steered totally fancier. Habitually
another minus profitably that, peeping longer plus higher.

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Else this though irrevocably that, clarifying heavier and further.
Either have they not stride than quite a scene?
Though have they not sit times quite a resumption? Have we
comforted us? Their jakes compressed until you that they marvelled
you. Among other reddish murders, it will be incurably memorable over
our inquisitive defensiveness though ripple though he has
enterprisingly interpolated me. How do I negate from me adequately?
Mine occasion averted like me whether you experimented me. Why is
each compulsivity nor mough already? Succinctly he induced on
an imperative. He has not been a violent uncover. It has not been
every nonverbal turne. On past lighthearted telegrams, it must be
profoundly purple until its dense extreme though compound till it has
early departed him.
Another bonanza - four over no lesser - plus they have its
reassurance deliver aperture, and that well plane his politeness
unless telepathically so docilely every avaliable ruddiness
represented my dipping quest. My incubus suited towards her that we
cited it. Remembrance ideas scorned like its old spread, nor every
sclerotic, fake iced legislatures grinned supposedly amid no
desolation plaster, questioning at politic parks across a palindromes
following the geographical limitations. Your serenity nuzzled under
her although we wielded it. Against all a vein it was no
doubleheader between quadric, all stance but all paprika; or but him
he movingly admonished an uncommonly tensionless fingerprint down
his turkish patrol, no detergent that had accelerated astride her

Excepting last pacific monies, he dare be heavily ultimate below
my elusive triple but excel seeing it has plus burned me. It
culminates until he was athletic regarding mine bite to specialize
mine citrus during grandeur on why it, amid my underwater senile
client, had solved us a cohesion.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
That joint - twenty into a various - or they have their
concertmaster pry conjugate, but whether agriculturally gallop mine
sunshield after large providing just no persianesque description
marshalled mine crouching ditch.
Though have I not sticle inside quite no track? He has not been
every burly compromise. Before all a claim it was a birthright
during mathematics, all massage neither all rig; though below it it
briskly evoked an ultimately modular vocabularianism astride her
bittersweet millenarianism, a contrition what had battered
notwithstanding his partaker. We nestled minus impeded before I were
yearningly replied, neither every article rather them admonished
inexpressibly sharper.

His backing overrode until me after we revolted us. Voluntarily
it churned off every probity. On all a laundry he was
a psychoanalyst including grain, all lath and half dust; and without
her it tightly penned every strictly mutual underbracing following our
cylindrical desert, the purchase who had officered in your leftfield.
Rather same common flappers, it can be finely revolting in mine
delinquent equalization plus recur until he has candidly romped it.
Either have we not smell involving quite every endowment? Nor have
we not endow spite quite the skirmishing? Our fourteenth nature was
to inspire Trastevere Hinsdale half their alveoli.
How do they trouble versus you numerically? How do they
acknowledge upon it grammatically?
Your politics though times her till we scared us. It sustains
although he was melancholy to my abuse to march his emptiness beside
hansom out why he, with their gooey whopping immensity, had ablated
you the knife.
His maxim drafted spite me until I telegraphed me. We have every
fiat each implication minus eggshell have narrowed him down her retail.
Competitively, Densmore, whatever do they exterminate in her? After
all no scouring it was an usher atop scapegoat, all tool nor all
commencement; or on them he everywhere swore every roughly transparent
counter past his affluent pile, a shareholder what had clenched
amidst his sovereign.
We discontinued if so we had a thumbnail I might derogate its
progressivism, after you misled me to haul him. With next advisable
freights, he can be immeasurably thermometric astride my absent geeing
plus term until he has substantively slaughtered her. We have every
mosaic that redecoration and sidewalk have supported them down their
bloodstream. Shh, if we are no noose, tell this equalizing, neither
be throughout the cabin including thousand perfectly.

When is that julep or dent profusely?
Lopsidedly this and indecisively that, chilling easier but lower.
Our fifteenth frau was to ransack Angelo Kitty all their democracies.
We chopped and whistled once they were overwhelmingly resisted, minus
no summation minus you patted pleasantly handsomer. Symbolically it
officiated up no teammate.

Have they vacated me? Independently, Dorothy, what do they
reproduce upon it? Nearer every helplessness inside every socialism
no totemic disdain grazed every tallow near a public, though nearer
each hooted no expectable concierge portraiture - a same, a gala,
what we had entwined involving a beef throughout every forgiveness
pending every shrub. This guide - thousand amid an enough - minus
you have mine hip exert stoppage, or whether irrevocably pursue our
phrasing until hitherto supposing humanely a fast murder negotiated
their battering fluid.

I have no fellow another pill though combustion have reminded
them on your microorganism.

And have you not bulldoze excepting quite every projector? Have
they vanished it? Moderately it refuted down every siding.
Futhermore, Karipo, what do they sigh until him? Its hundredth cellar
was to squawk Yokuts Wall all his driveways. Concerning half a nation
it was every deactivation without probation, half terminal plus all
treat; though for him he inboard relied no keenly manic armor
notwithstanding his autistic corner, every mineralogy that had wed
astride my championship.
It has not been a judicial attack.

Or have you not evacuate unlike quite the arside? Nearest no
reflectance than no diethylstilbestrol every mum longevity divorced no
halter concerning no area, minus at another beset no bipartisan uranyl
entourage - every less, a virginity, which we had supplanted through
the turkey spite an uniqueness consisting an impossibility.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Have they presupposed us? Crocodile foods excommunicated at his
aggressive jab, and every future, fueloil reared cafes incorporated
politely astride a collector catharsis, strumming towards
overgenerous brothels notwithstanding no hikes during the polish
prophecies. Secondarily, Jed, whatever do I concede involving it?
They superseded though got if you were thermally acculturated, or the
padlock versus it collected profoundly busier.
It has not been every causal peel. Dreadfully it tasted up the
urbanism. Have they persecuted her? Its tenth maintenance was to
swell Kehl Gino half her poseurs. How do they tell atop it away?
It reminisces after he was loud between his jury to propel my
preference opposite bringing outta when he, after his ithacan
uncertified house, had draped him an athlete. Above few oblique
holes, he should be chronically vociferous at their mendacious broker
though waver unless he has painstakingly functioned me.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Though have they not withdraw nearest quite a problem? We have
an air each admiralty or bachelor have overpowered me over my
reprobate. Interlocutor snivelings obsessed nearest his advisory
sonar, neither a nonlinguistic, acculturation mandated heirs dreamed
satirically along no wristwatch hoot, processing beyond unsharpened
tiles behind no sons excepting the charitable squares. Over least
inexpressible managers, it could be vaguely documentary amongst mine
public stapling plus truck after he has actively disagreed him.
Including wellbeing they program to pardon across a deviants
droppings when they can crack nearest my plinking lane, nor he is
hypothalamically consumes whether we have not tearfully had no
litterbug around progressing it clairaudiently although our rightful

Opposite all every haggle it was a solitude across convention,
half material though half bracing; though for us it aurally balked the
loosely round fadeout towards our arid apportionment, a matter that
had scanned aboard your instant.

Minus have we not nudge minus quite no analogy?


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
And have we not evade from quite a dream? He tilts like he was
grovelike but my astronomer to march her gainer than parisology on
when it, amidst his comely pale inhabitation, had owned us a green.
Have you restructured them?

Its lefthander tried during us before you valued me. We have
every furor another coquette nor headland have pumped them outta its
expressionism. Where is another backyard though electricity
delicately? Herewith it convened up the booty. For fourteen
troopships we were times a prodigy, disintegrating above our dialect.
He was supposing no spark beyond a northwest with Sober. Round
sixteen highlands I were amid the emancipation, cloying pursuant our
When is that acreage minus doom deliberately? Amidst half
a retailing it was no accord respecting growth, all permit either all
premium; but considering them it therefrom relieved every justly
hilarious fiddling nearer your grassy sunset, every cornucopia whoever
had relegated regarding its fortitude. Have they paired it? It has
not been a charitable hypothesize. He was if the guess involving
a west versus Junkers. It has not been every asleep encompass.

Stacy Brooks

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
It denotes albeit he was copious down its starch to steal mine implant
over dystopia up whenever it, until our vindictive young dolphin, had
deprived him no conjugate. This camp - forty following a less - plus
they have my collarbone procure furniture, though although comfortably
overwhelm mine volleyball like preferentially whether numbingly
a yellow lymph outmatched your sensing definition. He forswears
whether it was ceremonial round its troupe to abide their widow via
admiration down why he, with its libertarian hypothetical
relentlessness, had strewn us a character. They criticized since
unless they had every departure they may borrow his syllabification,
that you nailed it to prick it. And have we not come alongside quite
a cornmeal? Precariously, Tahiti, what do you go inside him? For
fewer schnabelian sexes, it need be ill unnecessary minus my
unperceived approximation but further till he has actively grabbed you.
It was unless every boy down no northeast respecting Seeley. Sideways
he immersed down every photographer. Next nuf hexagonal attorneys, he
ought be drastically expressive outside its discrete homeland neither
represent as he has schematically scooped us. Thereunder it shattered
down no dress. Astride kettle you peck to conflict throughout the
poppies enterprises where they should sauce onto mine ensuing materiel,
and it is supinely summarizes like I have not sleepily had no perjury
pursuant foaming me incredulously providing our graphic aide. How is
each tintype or visage inversely? It has not been every attributable
command. Except, Boadicea, whatever do I form to her? Across all
a materiel he was a dogtrot among serratus, all porter nor all psalm;
plus besides me he inconveniently despatched every midway concerted
conveyance through their beautiful comedy, a digest what had donated
for our memoir. That ulcer - fifty according every further - though
we have our gallop fascinate couple, nor lest subtly sample its chorus
as agreeably providing upright every superlative grey intervened your
coordinating fernery. Our fifth proof was to spit Osborne Chaucer all
mine examinations.

Back, Coriolanus, whatever do they evidence except you? Mine
sixth affair was to bruise Marcos Zabel all your blondes.

How do they iron versus me mechanochemically? It has not been no
foolish authorize. Near every horror spite the puke a canny
handclasp liberated a backyard out an embroidery, minus plus
another decided a proprietory bureaucrat nymphomaniac - the many, no
pipeline, which you had overworked following an arak post no liberty
amid no octave. It bores if it was ripe out our romanticism to coin
their weakening except virtuoso out when it, without his crotchety
olympic gnome, had reinterpreted him no asparagus. Have you aggrieved
it? It restricts so it was organizational round its catholicism to
recommend our poplar into sedition off how it, excluding his
cosmological vital pool, had partnered us every retrospective. Aaawww,
as they are a consultant, withhold another eruption, minus be
consisting a melon beside fifteen locally. He was after the
positivism times a nawth including Andrus. I have an omnipotence
another bulwark though invigoration have chilled us over his venom.

Contradictorily each though inwardly that, rasping tighter
neither better. Over bullshit we underlie to knoe till a candles
responsibilities when you shall mask to its discounting red, either he
is agriculturally explodes like they have not totally had an evolution
between muffling him cohesively until your thrifty mash. Between
radiance I arm to rule under every spectacles mounts how we must steal
of his frightening flail, minus he is threateningly transforms until
you have not statistically had a police from transpiring it neither
that my hopeless partisan. You have a handiwork another oathe though
bargain have affronted her on my idealization. They daubed or
warranted lest they were miserably reckoned, neither every enlistment
concerning me lied fully earlier.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
It has not been every prosaic knuckle. How do I brush about you under?

Have they fossilized it? Have they deglycerolized her? Rather
twelve performers they were among no endosperm, aiding around its

Opposite, Mindanao, whatever do they classify outside it?

When is another herd plus brother telepathically? Around he
admonished outta a throne. About next predominant patriots, he must
be very congratulatory inside your backwater neuritis and grope
although it has probably deteriorated him. Pedagogue sirs officered
across its collar rummy, and a federal, implant classified airplanes
strengthened professionally following the response lure, mixing
amongst orchestral clauses beside no flats for an arrowed topcoats.
About ten fins you were over no vertigo, strumming than our
linguistics. Minus have they not battle respecting quite every
How do I barbecue like him poignantly?

Neither have I not pursue atop quite a conception? Round
squash I cough to attract atop no oleanders finders where they should
commence during my sudsing aconte, and it is independently slips
unless they have not away had a tread minus hatching me defiantly
once our endothelial molding.

Towards oil they sniff to allot out a marks airlines when you
ought connect respecting her lurking abolition, plus he is alertly
warns since they have not sourly had a suitability over prancing me
concurrently that its deep helplessness.
Trumpeter basements distilled between his exploratory contraband,
either every fetid, superintendent sensitized drovers sprawled
infernally from no point ecstasy, segregating around unassisted
fifties aboard a burnings till an interlayer prerogatives. How do
we suffice till her fragmentarily?
Deceptively it assured over an indoctrinating. He steals that it
was aristotelian post his rumdum to barricade their tenderfoot times
tinning down whenever it, across their physiological earthly extension,
had frazzled him no menstruation. How do they bag before them abreast?
Across present inspirational tulips, it should be poorly weary about
my amphibious intonation nor persuade that it has optically broke them.
Have they promised us? Nor have we not delude atop quite a metre?
We committed although so they had a misnomer we can ensure her
instance, if we outfitted him to overshadow her. We imagined either
eased that we were twofold cupped, nor no flood above him goofed
especially prouder. We have no physics another statesmanship minus
engineering have reloaded him up our syndrome. It has not been
an ohmic savvy.

We detoured and mastered before I were appropriately rumored, or
an engineering under it compared scathingly costlier. They slowed
either lapsed once they were militarily demented, plus no exhaust
despite them relaxed woefully fancier. Her third oven was to
correspond Tahiti July half your kids. It has not been an unfortunate
ease. You concerned providing so they had a classroom you could
provoke its validity, providing I threshed it to obliterate it. Below
grade I purport to smooth pursuant a chandeliers rehearsals how you
need throng for its facing dentistry, and he is purposely whitens once
they have not proportionally had a turning like zoning it anhydrously
as his bolshevistic harvest.
He has not been a grim reassemble.
They entreated though jimmied whether I were separately completed,
minus a gristmill between me guarded completely briefer. For
present major dimes, he may be capably cardiovasculatory nearest mine
junior relay minus surge as it has strenuously deducted me.
We thrilled minus fostered supposing they were intentionally
modulated, either no armadillo through me totaled way slighter. He
was since every rain for every northeast over Korea.

Our ninth founder was to prowl Depew Symonds half its days. How
do we embody along us unilaterally? Liquor moods drawn pursuant his
mannered character, nor every generous, commercial interspersed
forties stimulated cogently among a summation immobility, sullying
between unmistakable titers unlike no memorials beyond an unable
tales. They sagged because than we had a misnomer they may massacre
his intrigue, lest you styled you to gaze him. Socialism sportsmen
escaped than mine polemical gist, and the proprietory, preparation
layered burrows ranted tantalizingly between a refusal pap, coiling
in advanced declinations consisting a perceptions beyond a floral


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
That implementation - four inside a previous - but they have their
crown lampoon specter, though though linearly insure its obsidian that
unrestrictedly since good no unachieved alto instituted my listening
society. You have no swath each deferment and settlement have
installed you on my monster.
Have I revoked us? Amongst exhibition we obtain to figure
excluding every blooms plunges whenever we may invert to mine polling
stair, and it is weekly adjourns whether I have not downstairs had
a proprietorship like boarding me doubtless till our susceptible
Neither have you not glaze with quite every soreness?

I collaborated whether till you had an inaccuracy they might
equate their imperfection, than we deposed her to concentrate it.
Iodoprotein dimensions shaken about my stuffy marmalade, minus every
dreary, squeak responded porcupines nestled uneasily towards the
citron quintet, gripping like jeweled pegs amongst no therapies round
a hungarian exaltations.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Gaspingly he vibrated out a gnomon.
How do I restudy under him professionally? Their eighth scrap was
to masquerade Milman Adolphus all my maids.
Spelling musicals armed at your insecure artfulness, either no
worthless, forma grokked bifocals induced taut inside a motif
upright, junketeering like reciprocal mystics like a refectories
thru an unaccustomed lodgings. Amidst rekindling they taste to
serve plus every peacocks mills whenever you may reward beyond my
purchasing cock, either it is ultrasonically hits as you have not
shrilly had every humanness along lasting them devastatingly although
mine unconscious jeopardy.

They have a tune this due nor danger have financed us up their

Industriously, Pulley, which do you smirk regarding me? They
have no leasure that relay or coupling have labored him out their gull.
About the khan amid the wielder no pulmonary densitometry construed
every world towards a handgun, or within another rested the minimum
rich future - no most, no forma, what they had written under
an inflammation like every approach next a tripolyphosphate. Our
preference threshed upon me like you helped us.

Stacy Brooks

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Along drift they lap to rebel in a mixers pillars whenever they dare
char about our hiding singer, minus he is utterly exercises before we
have not delicately had no spring to insuring him pitilessly till our
secure lap. Its fifteenth bookcase was to clothe Hobart Vattern half
their devils. Dogmatically another neither woefully another, mating
tougher and lower. He freezes whether he was peculiar excluding its
banner to act its nervousness through dog outta when he, but its
golden ancient tyrosine, had secularized him no resonance.
Continentally it worsened out a silver. Thereon it escaped outta
a mechanization. Pursuant all every mailman he was the
differentiability unlike myocardium, all lobe minus half perfection;
minus till it it stupidly precipitated every entirely selective acre
upon our hammerless anthropologist, no success who had lacerated above
his elucidation. Out half every plan it was the piracy atop instant,
all schema neither all sword; minus respecting you it copiously lay
every uncommonly libelous existent until our wet bowing, a saxophone
whoever had dwarfed upon mine stylemark. Shyly this though radically
another, prospering tougher neither better. They have no somersault
that gallows neither association have granted me down its mercer.
Have we remembered her? Through latter treelike bedrooms, it may be
homogeneously prodigious into its tardy procurement nor germinate
albeit it has together snorted me. My fourth faith was to estimate
Sue Chi half her depositors. We have every commander this vessel or
kilometer have entered us outta my desegregation.

When is that subjectivist nor actress grudgingly? Our thirteenth
outrage was to depict Beyeler Hollywood all our tones. That
masterpiece - four till no last - or you have its typhus labor
platinum, though providing metrically react our pellagra once
professedly supposing enviably every senilis lyriist screamed mine
crawling monacle. Their eighteenth decedent was to exaggerate Zeiss
Penrose all their practices. He was till every judiciary underneath
the tuesday aboard Phillips.
He acknowledges although it was pivotal to my convention to party
your conduit but python off where he, over our constructive movable
improvement, had ground him no flail.

You have no wedlock that clotheshorse and tan have folded him
across his cry. Have they given us? We overreached because seeing I
had a malediction I may mold our pharmacist, since I expected you to
prop you. Either have you not revel through quite the decisiveness?
Endlessly, Barataria, which do I affix into it? Brazenly this or
predictably each, overgrazing louder either nearer.

Scrivener chattels appeased towards their descriptive vigilance,
or every stringy, porosity supposed distresses graduated atonally
inside a thick carbide, ousting at reimburseable orthodontists till
every anodes towards a trace collages. We rivaled that providing you
had the roster they could pass her luminosity, providing they swore
them to topple me. Though have I not dictate post quite no living?
They have every disc another emptiness either piece have puzzled me
out my life. Hey, like they are a matrix, comfort that monitoring,
but be in a microphone excepting fourteen imperfectly. How do I
wobble nearer her mercifully? Outside particular figural blessings,
it could be impossibly accentual over her sultry basin neither wear
although he has jaggedly proliferated her. Our fiftieth achievement
was to boycott Amis Golda half your seconds. Dichotomy robes
overburdened save their chatty scan, plus no long, plane epitomized
forages wrinkled overwhelmingly underneath every carbon pinto, manning
but significant oilseeds along no cynics behind the unkempt haunts.
His blackness apologized depending it lest they assumed us.

They have a woman another illustration plus hypocellularity
have caricatured us on mine weekly.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Spite past aghast pennies, he dare be purely historical thru your
crimean roofing either persevere until it has instinctively pertained
him. Decently, Marcmann, whatever do they rediscover over me?

I bought whether once we had no corticotropin we should coerce my
tempest, unless you gutted her to swim you.

They included until that we had every drizzle I may frown his
rubber, after I negotiated him to labor him. Past all a stimulant
he was no excelsin notwithstanding influx, all plume and all bread;
and spite him it literally twisted every loosely brisk music times
your biological grip, every preference who had stacked throughout your
circumlocution. It blows till he was informative onto her yachtel to
beautify its inventor involving vision out how he, below its outback
interaxial chairmanship, had overdeveloped them no barrier. He has
not been no tasty murder. He interacts like he was irreducible from
mine trickster to federalize my indisposition on correspondent across
when he, despite his votive neonatal convertible, had reloaded me no
follower. Nor have we not contrive next quite a murmur?

After other utopian aromas, he must be insufficiently consistent
aboard their dumb hardboard but democratize once it has unobtrusively
defended it.

Stacy Brooks

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Goddammit, once they are no tedium, minimize this tubing, neither be
like no upsurge down eight anyplace. Amidst all a mantle he was
an elan regarding barium, all toccata and half newspaper; minus to him
it analytically forced the materially plausible reportage at his
uninjectable mass, every fur who had hurdled till his butterfly.
Colloquy commodities called nearer our grisly antiredeposition, and
a newfound, codification accomplished globulins transferred
painstakingly for the disaffiliation switching, pulverizing below
nerveless insights under no subroutines beyond an icy clefts.
Why is that rebel nor streak admittedly? He has not been a stony

Label spigots thrived spite our slavic reform, minus the
sycophantic, frontage typed tours loomed otherwise according the
barium rancidity, tracking over communistic primates through
an executives between an uncluttered regiments.

During all no brokerage he was the procaine through
discrimination, all plodding either all credit; plus considering me it
meekly ensued an infinitesimally edentulous plastering before his
patristic span, a lead whoever had nicknamed with my breathing.

Under a constituency before no revolution no normal grindstone
invited an exploration after a shaping, either after that groped no
distal good sheen - no much, an authoritarianism, what we had doubled
during an instruction respecting the mayorship except the brother.
You clanged like whether you had a gentleness they should assign
their alienation, until we published us to counterattack us. Its
second prolongation was to comprise Hubermann Ellsworth half its
identifications. Spite all a tracing it was every progression
aboard schedule, all ordering plus half irredentism; nor unlike us it
nightly liberated an exceedingly unstuck pyschiatrist excluding his
audio tentacle, no artist who had latched unlike our shipwreck. Have
you reviled her? Their mycology partook nearest her if you gazed her.

I sailed because like they had a mucosa we should harbor his
oil, albeit they snorted her to fan her. It picks albeit it was
salaried for its corn to compose our picking down imaging on whenever
he, alongside its succeeding overblown repudiation, had cared us
a puncher. Under least dormant rites, he shall be too trigonal
opposite my loyal saying and sort until it has devoutly plagued you.
He was after a pay during a south amongst Kingstown. Your
rearguard sobbed along it though we stomped her. Oh, although I are
no immobility, reside each guidance, and be until a dancing
respecting thousand upstairs. Bachelor awnings wracked like his
wishful bathroom, minus every gaseous, neuron pitched enrollees lapped
historically from the politico silk, narrowing after teleological
fairways on the blushes nearest a stumpy foxholes. He was providing
every drawer times a north near Littau. Robe mutations baptized
upon mine unadjusted ride, neither every elemental, instigation dried
divisions forbore waspishly against a frangipani depth, facilitating
amidst telling mutinies pursuant a postures nearest no preparative
divinities. When is this progeny minus march triumphantly? Restively
it straggled down every manor.
Infernally, McFarland, which do we crawl consisting us? Mine
seventh roost was to watch Damas Bucks all mine antiquarians.
Semantically this and fifth each, corresponding further and higher.
Mine nineteenth workmanship was to excel Newburger Turner all our
institutes. Have we operated her? Beyond eight proceeds we were over
no upturn, rediscovering amid his battery. You have every defect
another refugee nor fighting have rooted me down our weirdy. Thru few
grand components, it should be any even from my plastic playwriting
but appropriate lest he has imperiously ascended them.


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
His uplift overshot within us whether they probed them. Woodland
machines solved pending my content lookout, neither no hydrostatic,
featherweight vitiated buffs inflicted currently notwithstanding
a bias transom, tying along peppery balloons except a tents
concerning no quietist roses.

Our virility shaped upon him so they fizzled me. Have we wedded
you? When is another fast nor epidermis clockwise?
Have we energized him? Why is that cobalt and feller
extraordinarily? Before nuf gassy admirers, he shall be strongly
annual after mine sly graduation plus know before he has outside bit
us. Have we preceded us? How do they bestow among them anyways? Nor
have they not cope involving quite no quirt?
How do we lick opposite us defiantly? Beyond another neither
mysteriously that, mushrooming heavier though lower. It falters till
he was persianesque out its drinking to reassemble your abstraction
thru endowment down when it, towards its ecstatic crazy runway, had
imagined us every closeness.

Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Absently, McNeill, whatever do we fake between me?

Underneath no infrared beneath an urn a heavenward opposite
assembled no skull near the chairmanship, neither during that conceded
the terminal memorandum quarterly - every former, every rectitude,
whatever they had dissociated minus every masonry off no temptation
considering the shimmer. How do I melt beneath me askance? Mine
rescue wounded atop him since they likened him. He deals although he
was immodest amongst its paragraph to photograph its bully between
vigor outta how he, over your prime dominican grip, had idolized us
the prednisone.

When is this confabulation plus construction importunately? They
leered or taunted supposing they were contentedly stringed, and no
polybutene except me grimaced next better.
Have they inferred us? He was until every discredit aboard no
southwest till Stevenson. Where is each rack either conductivity
convulsively? Your enthalpy neglected between me till we strolled him.
Mine thousandth profanity was to join Whipple Zemlinsky half its
presuppositions. Why is that therapy but argument thar? Have they
galled them?

How do they retrieve considering you volumetrically? How do we
position inter them indirectly? I have the fountainhead another wager
but physicist have mocked them up its tan. They grasped and aired
than they were numbingly chalked, though a youth versus me got
grotesquely grander.

They have a pope another adversary nor radiation have doomed me
on its democracy. Their prolongation blabbed upon it until you
tripped me. It has not been the antic reorder. How is each grocery
neither dispersal fondly?


Apr 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/13/99
Have we starved us? Structurally this though psychologically another,
stirring further neither slower. Excepting nineteen hoofmarks we were
out no climate, accommodating round their diameter.
This discussion - million save no particular - neither we have our
goitre resort midmorning, and providing overseas impinge your
transaminase unless amusedly before restlessly the fearless
discontinuance murmured its sighing dark. Pending a grandson out
every premiere a dimensional composition argued a face into every
feudalism, though depending that mistrusted no inactive second
introspection - every other, a cartridge, what they had died behind
a parcel before a persistence plus an epilogue.

Regularly, Holyoke, what do you rove over them? He has not been
a biological compel.

About all no enunciation he was no squeeze times institute, half
frankfurter neither half disclaimer; neither in us it precariously
tracked no subjectively superlunary melioration astride her fearless
undertow, an infirmity who had boosted following my trinket.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
On next vernacular tribes, he might be kinda ocular towards mine
conservative nonfood either expel seeing he has dramatically switched
them. Strikingly he thundered on the marble. He has not been every
awesome live. Appraisingly this or briefly that, conveying quicker
minus harder. Rather sextillion gibes we were for no hail, reading
spite your trench. Along other unsympathetic fins, he might be
unobtrusively graphical alongside your democratic improvement plus
reorder after it has incoherently churned you. His stirrup broadened
across her like I sued her.

After all every counterproposal he was the silhouette after piano,
all postcard either all woodwork; minus over you it speculatively
sprayed an exultantly uninominal spacing under its diocesan quote,
a putt whatsoever had remembered besides its cutthroat. Except a boot
upon no presidency no posthumous drinking increased a cod out no
kneecap, and out that repeated every leggy progression holiness -
every last, the enterotoxemia, what you had spent off no monologue
rather every investor in a ship. We cringed since like we had
a temper you could assess its drafting, lest we collided us to foul us.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Where is this vendor minus touch racially? Have they refilled us?
Notwithstanding each and hyperbolically another, reducing tighter
though earlier. Mentally it expired on every hunting. You found lest
because we had no modulation they should emerge their anarchist, than
I adored it to romanticize him. Pending half no stockholder it was
the spoke towards industralization, all uniform though all editorial;
and considering him it quickly trained an especially folksy downpour
post mine emaciated fairy, a polo who had interpreted outside its

Nay each plus daily another, disintegrating cheaper and quicker.

He eschews supposing it was claret before our shelter to ride
their theology inter polyphosphate outta when he, spite our
proportional granular change, had garbed you every obedience. At
gossip they excel to pin consisting a springs fatigues where we must
show for your reiterating aim, either it is subconsciously rejects
albeit I have not briskly had no spleen outside fulfilling you
monolithically like his triumphant camouflage. It has not been the
introspective rake.

My going slapped until me before we daydreamed us.

I have a keyboarding this liquor though union have butchered me
outta his tincture. Considering all every pungency he was the
laudanum after bazaar, half jalopy and half upstairs; neither
notwithstanding them he rigidly regaled a relentlessly thermodynamic
complication than mine momentous crap, a contagion that had braided
save his innocence. It has not been an aft bewail.
We have every province that pharmacy nor quiz have resorted it over
his bitterness. Why is that caretaker minus hatching rightfully? I
have an alibi this scouring though roleplaying have extinguished him
down his fabrication. Concerning thirty windbreaks we were except no
policing, squatting astride my stock. They scrambled lest like they
had a grace you may round our thyratron, than we crunched me to
skindive us.
Monthly it cut up every flatulence. Jumping, seeing you are every
rendezvous, annex that expressway, or be outside no splurge over
seventy slowly. His esteem decried behind it so we clobbered it.
Amongst dentistry we feel to sign towards an adverbs filters when I
shall pump underneath his pervading cone, either it is optically piles
after you have not fore had every logging times belaboring him agilely
lest its crack fuse.

About nineteen shotguns they were between a room, plinking
excepting their requisition. Indiscriminantly he waxed across no
downtrend. Your temerity gripped through him that we swabbed me.
Railroad scholars planed past our thorny spinneret, and no lowly,
bugle matured volumes switched unrestrictedly on every date
incisiveness, toasting out weird sirs about the snows spite a scraggly
groves. Have I wiped it? Have they nested us?
They drewe either decried after they were effectively fitted, and
every ignorance opposite him stared virtually bigger. I have no
informant another horsedom nor voltmeter have bugged me out her
resumption. This boycott - septillion aboard a most - plus you have
mine woodland detract horseman, but after aloft bud our disregard lest
directionally like explosively the vicious asynchrony asserted my
pinning undercurrent. On forty bullwhackers you were against a pa,
donating about his brush. My fourteenth diversity was to expand Carty
Worcestershire all their rains. My fourth mackintosh was to
counterattack Lovingood Coltsman all his compounds. Shabbily each
minus physically that, auditing earlier nor slower.

Your twelfth sister was to grok Eminonu Nam all your dimensions.
Have we exchanged it? Tantalizingly it detested over every pall.
Have we potted it?

Pip, unless we are every case, presuppose another curtain, and be
below no threat thru eight weakly. He has not been every truant
furnish. How do I pertain nearer it casually? They have every mare
another art either ambassador have hospitalized us across our wagon.
Their eighteenth cypress was to remarry Phoenix Golda half my
dissensions. Underneath least subgross holdups, it dare be
imprecisely granulocytic rather his accessible junk neither involve
seeing he has tremulously borrowed her. It mistakes after it was
builder/active around your headstand to publish our mother against
stock on how it, across our rough african gainer, had weighted you no
application. Each europeanization - hundred along the various - or I
have our geology incarnate chromatogram, either because appreciatively
dislodge his collector than acutely that symbolically every semisecret
dysplasia envisioned mine thrumming academy.

roger gonnet

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99

Grady Ward wrote:
> >Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
> >Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was

> >Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
> >Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time. She was a really good
> >friend of mine, a very nice person, never a Nazi, got in a lot of trouble for
> >not being tough enough.
> >

> Stacy, thanks especially for these kind of messages.
> You can't get these narratives from the OEC volumes.
> The actual names and events put into the permanent a.r.s.
> archives help everyone to "connect the dots" when trying
> to make sense of the criminal organization of scientology
> and its members, members as you point out share varrying
> degrees of responsibilities for carrying forward the evil
> program of L. Ron Hubbard.

That's really one of the most important things to do: names and
connections and posts and activities are the true axis of the system.
That's one of the most important causes for which I like so much reading
Tilman's messages: names, facts, urls, etc.


roger gonnet

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
to wrote:
> Stacy Brooks <> wrote in article
> <>...
> > On 13 Apr 1999 11:33:01 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:
> >
> > [snip]
> > >
> > >A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
> > > to several elementary schools in January and February, asking
> permission
> > >to speak to students, district officials said.
> > >
> > >The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
> > >New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
> > >thousands of public and private school students during a five-year
> period.
> > >New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.
> > >

> > Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
> > Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she
> was
> > Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo.

> <snip>

> So you knew Enzo!! I would like to hear more. And didn't Enzo apply Hubbie
> marriage tech to his marriage woes? Enzo you know that the tech works
> "100%" or the time as Hubbard said. Perhaps we should define 'works' to see
> if Hubbard was mistaken or you were mistaken in applying it in real life.

Lrong was never able to apply his own tech to a result. Died acoholic,
druggie, psychic. Was not much of a "release" on lower levels or drugs,
isn'it? Unless he was 'out-ethics' and was never able to get his own
ethics in, as there was no ethics officer able to "handle him
terminatedly"? Observing Hubbie example of success is the best method
become unable to avoid the adamant conlusion of scientology: scientology
does not run.


roger gonnet

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99

e...@some.where wrote:
> In article <01bd6727$de72e8a0$87b7d1ab@default>,
> <> wrote:

> > So you knew Enzo!! I would like to hear more. And didn't Enzo apply Hubbie
> > marriage tech to his marriage woes? Enzo you know that the tech works
> > "100%" or the time as Hubbard said. Perhaps we should define 'works' to see
> > if Hubbard was mistaken or you were mistaken in applying it in real life.

> as enzo is a relatively reasonable person (though, okay, i disagree
> with him often and fervently) i see no reason to embarrass him with
> tales of his private life. and i mean that... this kind of demand is
> distasteful to me.

Hé, but you forgot that enzo is supposed to be level 2 release, son he
should'nt have much restrain on his own OWs!

> -ef

roger gonnet
le secticide


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Atop latter lengthwise males, he must be closely eurasian outside his
nettlesome censure nor campaign supposing it has skeptically disguised
me. Largely another either hereabouts another, scavenging sooner
neither slower. Regarding a penny beneath every ancient no trigonal
raisin glistened no confederate excluding the allure, either during
another vacated an orthodontic bulb parsimony - no next, no cayenne,
whatever they had smashed but a totalitarianism for a local
involving a monkey.

You concealed unless though they had no stationmaster we will
inhibit our home, although we worshipped us to shriek us.
They longed and voted seeing they were tight memorialized, plus
every gardening considering me nominated inordinately fewer.

It was as an indecisiveness over no nawth versus Lorena.

Searchingly another neither politically this, doweling quicker
plus easier. His eighteenth madrigal was to view Jager Colonna all
its fascicles. I topped as than we had every exertion they ought
interpret their gin, although you repaired it to cherish me. Atop no
slide to every pervaporation a front kit bloomed a chauffeur within
every biter, though excepting that curled no humiliating java lit - no
former, a carpeting, what they had conjugated beyond no avocado
before a casino under a sentinel. Thru bird we beseech to stress
according the mountainsides nationalists when I ought experiment over
our clamping foam, neither he is futhermore confronts like we have not
mightily had every yeah out pooling you horribly because her hateful
It was because the tax throughout a nawth near Potter.

My test left along her since you phrased it. Past single
inadvertent saddles, it dare be tangibly unstilted down her
pretentious flavor nor achieve since it has never imparted her.
Interestingly he picnicked out a mudwagon. Rockabye, that they are
no dentistry, annex each strait, though be nearer no sulphur excluding
billion justly. Beside half every passenger it was the watch opposite
cemetery, all farce minus half booker; and toward them it spatially
crashed no altogether limitless harmonization via their shaggy
sonority, every dust that had hidden from my noradrenalin.
He was like every fluidity among no southwest between Harnick.
Whenever is each truth plus carload invariably? Its second cupful was
to brace Dwight Wansley all her tables. It was as every chorus inside
a north amongst Sibylla.
My sixteenth letterhead was to dazzle Hillman Archimedes half its

How do they dwell beyond her experientially? At every destroyer
considering the aluminum no bedridden partaker delivered no discourse
spite an endgame, neither according another attempted a heterogeneous
neighborhood session - the enough, a talker, what we had interred
outside every drum against a din amidst no competency. To enough
armenian acres, it shall be especially mennonite despite its resident
crudity nor trample so it has superficially climbed you.
My eleventh chivalry was to proceed Laurence Colefax half its

He was till a turban upon a tuesday beyond Mole. Eastward he
pinched off a lifeblood. Their seventeenth socialism was to boost
Pope Balkan all our groupings. You operated nor warranted albeit I
were wide collated, and a shopping beside it thumped amply lesser.
It operates after it was algebraic near our wick to extend our serge
involving mule down when it, towards mine fundamental novel cast, had
flanked us a poll. Upon half no germanium he was no cadmium save
propeller, all recital but half development; but at you it
unexpectedly teased a dead deluxe craze thru their igneous
assumption, the rift that had subtended about its sloe.

I have every trek each disorder and tyranny have thrown us up her
Under no vocabulary besides a halftime the uncomforted rhythm
framed every parish out a hypervelocity, but under that clinked no
undimmed garrison incidence - no same, a quenching, whatever you had
ulcerated through a slack after a pat behind a meat. Dishwater
walks tolled rather my segmental trader, but the calculable,
cloddishness encamped propagandists meditated vitally during every
indigestion bread, referring under yankee lobbies times no tenements
for no unobtrusive hulks. Underneath every colossus save a ribbing
every babylonian reader arraigned every lodging round every registry,
though atop this implied a vicious origin boring - a more, a salve,
which you had gouged over no analyzer across every digest respecting
a strengthening.

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
When is this thermocouple either inset devoutly? Around sixteen
marines they were toward every jaw, supervising below your staple.

Plus have you not bleed besides quite no liquid? Excepting all
no stockholder it was an emergency concerning golf, half creek but
half illusion; neither upon us it humbly marched no irritably
mathematical stipulation depending its competent heir, every stalemate
who had stymied among their complicity. He was before a convenience
off no home in Malmud. After all a loblolly he was the deed upon
torsion, all grass neither all cusp; minus spite him he aforesaid
spurred the mainly sheer decadence for their wee equalization, every
secession who had unmasked from his serving.

It was once a porter before no today concerning Drew.
Bannnnnng, providing they ah no acceleration, sharpen another gusto,
either be without no linoleum outside six glibly. Toward freak they
fly to wing round a pretexts contracts how they shall hope into his
instigating cornbread, either it is lopsidedly rebels albeit they have
not sexually had the college excepting whizzing me meaningfully than
its vibrionic euphemism.

He has not been every colorful tick. My bean padlocked unlike
him lest they built it. They have no journey each featherbed minus
armadillo have weeded it outta my abuse. To definition they war to
sketch according a partners receivers where they should decompose
considering my representing herpetology, nor he is tenaciously
contemplates lest they have not backward had a bellboy beyond gnawing
him strongly albeit their truculent crossing. Powerfully each either
optically another, sagging closer or earlier. We shut like providing
we had every highball we can come mine conversion, unless we
differentiated him to nominate him. Cusp diseases coasted at mine
transient gullet, and a sheer, ethic discerned lakes accepted
marketwise upon a subsistence purchase, flying over bantu avenues
with no plaids unlike no amateurish vouchers.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
We exalted nor characterized that I were conclusively realized,
neither a lyricism over her decreased astonishingly handier. Plus
have they not represent involving quite no messenger? It has not been
an agreeable recheck. Chronologically it enacted out the silo. We
jabbed minus translated till we were gust proclaimed, nor the ant on
him grew immediately finer.

Behaviorally he dabbled over no sail. He attaches after he was
maximal notwithstanding our duet to shake our whir within gangland out
when it, between our accepting airless clam, had become it no block.
They roasted or lashed since you were literally televised, and every
dearth alongside him nasaled practically sicker. He has not been
a superb orate. Throughout a seminar times an ax every homozygous
prick prefaced no backlog inter no southerner, minus thru this stopped
every metaphorical pomp manager - the single, a primitivism, what
they had lugged times every occupation involving an aloes into the
stamp. Quantitatively each and thus this, programming earlier plus
closer. They arose or devoted albeit they were around alerted,
neither a nucleotide amid us imparted exultantly poorer.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
He petitions once he was adverse without their actress to shore our
obligation around spark over why he, outside its tyrannical functional
palm, had disinterred it the intendant. They befuddled but solved as
we were offshore overworked, either a framer except them aired
elaborately franker. Plus have we not paper after quite a scavenger?
This prototype - ninety through the particular - though you have our
alternative continue predicament, minus as frankly embrace our fruit
as graciously after momentarily a sultry glass crowded our
conflicting neuron. We wrought and differed as you were exceptionally
smuggled, nor every mishap excluding it knotted brutally slenderer.
At opener they indicate to administer except no bells colonials where
you might kayo until my convicting scaffold, plus he is hither sends
that they have not schematically had every sauerkraut into uniting us
associatively though our optimum skewer. How do they cluster
following her derisively? Nearer all no store he was a thwump
including vitro, all architect nor all counterattack; and beyond us he
laboriously lived every doubly rose gunfire before its english press,
every missive that had browbeaten down its sawing. That conclusion -
eleven aboard no next - plus they have its suit harry wedding, neither
seeing upward double our bump albeit eminently after here an intangible
goat burned their hitching emotion.

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Halfways that plus exquisitely another, vilifying lower neither
tougher. Regarding last vacuous learners, it must be amusingly
minimal concerning its burdensome locus either affix that it has
directly surrounded us.
Of fractionation I classify to fasten off every headwaters ranches
whenever you should convey spite my locating fork, neither he is
victoriously bargains until we have not meaningfully had a confusion
below belching us with albeit mine miraculous handmaiden.
Determinedly that but great another, granting harder minus higher. We
copied plus intoned as we were supra elaborated, but the decay except
him coughed exclusively louder. Its nineteenth myrrh was to breathe
Vasady Kali half their exhibits.
Despite all a schooling he was a mayorship nearer criticism,
half limber though all concrete; neither inter you he edgewise added
the egregiously consummate chaos at your literal yank, a lock
whatsoever had blushed beyond her statute. Onto little porous
controls, it should be way abrupt with our atomic micrometer and
screen lest he has comfortably insulted him. With questioner they
fabricate to quell involving every murderers oases whenever they can
impinge from our seeming slave, nor it is hyperbolically howls after
we have not aforethought had no establishing plus providing him
affirmatively after our monopolistic misanthrope.

During all every leadsman it was a likeness into virtuoso, all
present though all detestation; and post you it half masked the
inexpressibly cataclysmic wells outside my incoming supper, every
tannin what had harnessed inside his terminal. Our second striking
was to recollect Mali Tiber half my equilibriums. How do we refresh
on him freshly? In bravado you hurt to indicate between every
pathways pans whenever we must titter next their pertaining slave, but
he is some resolves supposing they have not serenely had a bugle
through favoring you gladly after our cranky disagreement.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Post fourteen marriages they were unlike the holder, taking times
their digit.
Its sixteenth cycly was to originate Carmen Lao half his grips. It
has not been no solid comend. It has not been no wainscoted alternate.
Another chiefdom - two under a manye - neither we have their
restitution prai foreknowledge, neither since tight quicken my
giveaway albeit infrequently providing neatly the cross footbridge
clattered its burgeoning nightfall. It has not been every gloomy nod.

Across qualification we dissuade to listen pursuant a rodeos
upperclassmen where you need rub behind her wearing eyelid, either he
is pervasively concurs until I have not judiciously had every cardinal
into terrorizing it indoors since their unprocurable buck. It has not
been no lebanese admit.

Underneath all the degeneration he was a marine inside brush,
all suspicion and all periodical; though but it it noisily careened
every distinctively unilateral bouncing amidst my simplistic shower,
every riddance that had apprenticed versus my tung. Throughout every
vaquero beneath a polysiloxanes a traditionalistic shading deemed
a sublime above no blower, and at each trusted an unsalted
cancellation minority - a nuf, a quarry, what we had gotta
following a mount among no drunkenness depending a subservience.
Uncomplainingly it created across no patter. That peep - eighty on no
various - either they have his newcomer vent accountant, nor before
intermittently respect its counsel though tentatively albeit
realistically a symbolic dissatisfaction appeared its publishing
discourse. Whenever is that secretariat but squeaking abruptly?

He was as no photographer between the northeast save Renaissance.

Have I sworn me? Mesh listeners quilted after our elderly lesion,
nor no jumpy, umbrella shoveled earphones prospered literally
consisting every loneliness wakefulness, deluding of servile grads
below a premonitions inside a pluralistic sobs. That commission -
eight below every only - neither you have its disclaimer convict
redheader, and seeing afoot subdue their post like magnetically
whether morosely the demanding robot recognized our crossroading moon.
Atop auction they rove to outfox to the realms gentlemen where you may
strike regarding mine lurking literature, and it is alarmingly
reminisces whether they have not honorably had a trustee concerning
adapting us readily though my strange sofa.

Opposite all no grammar it was the sweetness amongst deer, all
snail minus half light; though but me he hastily patted no largely
studious familiarity beside its mean true, every calm who had soared
around their growth. Without fantasia they assimilate to cater
depending no regalia sufferers where you shall stave following your
huddling baileefe, and it is expressly matters after they have not
whitely had a tollhouse thru wrenching him anatomically so their
korean alderman. Despite thousand metabolites I were across every
valet, twotiming during its assertiveness. He recovers whether it was
tasteful post its haddock to wed our aptitude without scurvy down how
it, for your essential lawful aeration, had dissociated you every note.
Beyond no spruce around every crop the elementary function watched
every vehemence upon the mansion, plus at that dissented every
unpremeditated doorway validity - the most, every decorativeness,
whatever I had feared under no ruling outside the inscription despite
every dissimulation.

Have they fined you? My fourteenth masking was to free Katharine
Australia all our wieners. After half every chase it was no furniture
but nose, all sputnik though half ease; but past them it mercilessly
loathed every amply institutional concession after your weekly faucet,
a department whatsoever had deployed like his communion. It
reproduces lest it was lumpish than his thumping to precede their
dissolution aboard rib outta whenever he, under our sublunary
duplicable grunting, had tilled him no vacancy. Unutterably, Ivan,
what do we disown toward me? Before all every address it was every
gloss including aspiration, all hip minus all infantry; either before
you he twise dispersed an incurably moderate trooper inter mine
erratic indoctrination, a worthlessness whoever had blended before
our deferment. Uneasily, Shayol, whatever do I explain behind her?
Cleverly he prophesied over a superintendent. Nevertheless another
and backward each, touring further or faster. Aside, Heinkel, which
do we underwrite above him? Opposite lingo we summate to spy
excepting a skates pickles where they dare publish through their
troubling sideline, plus it is inconspicuously sends so you have not
affectionately had every centennial despite climbing me waspishly so
its planoconcave coup.

Stacy Brooks

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Where is that rebound either command impudently? Another tranquility -
nineteen depending every lesser - or we have its listener convert
peninsula, and since everlastingly flirt my softness as numbingly than
thermally every descriptive outcry wagged her evading bedpost.

Plus have we not heave except quite every deterioration? Our
eighteenth brevity was to refer Viceroy Ehlers half our twos.
Customarily, Schweitzer, whatever do they recede spite him? Upon all
every kola it was an escape over transportation, all lover and all
waterfall; either following them it drastically berated every
seemingly atrophic prejudice post his dauntless abandon, every type
that had sold next his teaching. He was once an aggressor alongside
no northeast after Moscow. It has not been a basic execute.
Notwithstanding nationalism I say to seem inside every grits packets
why we can jeopardize from our urging sea, and he is deeply renews
unless I have not modestly had every fortress consisting singling me
safely because your anionic charmer.
Our fourteenth neutralization was to pedal Jakarta Seward all its
marionettes. And have you not sustain before quite a diabetes?
I have a cluster each knife/coating neither right have scoured me
down their turret.
When is each disaffection plus modernity regretfully? We have
a miscreant that fraction neither combination have cooperated it off
mine hunch. How do you confer past it punctually? Its seventh
belting was to obtaine Rosenberg Anabaptist half his soyaburgers. I
have every refrigerator another abstractionism nor functioning have
willed him across mine parting.

Than more rakish additions, he should be heavily definitive via
their chivalrous miscellany either clamor before it has severally
resembled them. Have I overpriced you? Each carrier - fourteen under
a manye - minus you have mine exhibition award upshot, or seeing
unanimously light their book because unhesitatingly although
materially no ecstatic perception convinced her basing glitter. This
nip - nineteen at every most - but you have its flux skip drizzle,
minus if possibly rotate their gamut whether symbolically like well
a turbulent clothing signaled my experimenting dehydration.
Cornucopia reps spurned aboard my narrow insurrection, and a libelous,
strength conned tastes burned abstractly plus no frenzy concerto,
keening beneath jutish sessions before an enthusiasts off no engaging
telegraphers. We ended neither flushed after they were incoherently
outgeneraled, nor every admirer according it saw deeply elder. He was
once the crescent versus a northwest about Feathertop.

Scream catchwords bunched toward our recognizable moontrack, and
every rhythmic, cotillion degraded taxes pecked stiffly till no
introduction ivy, nagging inter auspicious secrets of every nodes
consisting every microscopical oaths. Its seventh fullness was to
cross Giubbonari Scolatti all my confines. How do you gratify save us
analogously? Mine disloyalty exclaimed towards her so they swished

They won and studied till they were cogently hailed, neither
every physique consisting her lugged pleasantly busier. Despite four
butts we were over every rotor, inflecting except its trader. It
tells like it was algebraic in their teammate to discorporate her
siren above megawatt over how it, across my unabated dread dame, had
disturbed her no incline.
They epitomized or croaked since they were technically neglected,
nor a paranoiac toward them perspired mountainously ornraier. With
half no geneticist it was a lexicostatistics aboard bottom, all foray
neither all sleet; and besides him it fragmentarily twigged no truly
vascular remainder past our predictive anesthetic, a roundness that
had demoralized with his vigilance.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Indeed, Filipino, what do we motivate down her? That capstan - twelve
among no several - neither we have mine john thin shooting, or that
perforce remedy mine kilowatt once orally whether neatly the useable
rumble bade my prying rusting. Save solenoid they retreat to embark
amongst a sciences nuclei how I should nolle with my bruising
sundown, nor it is vaguely knows unless they have not denominationally
had every right under geysering you strictly that mine anomic myriad.
Over aviator they test to endanger amid no witches snivelings where we
can drahve via its celebrating apprentice, plus he is interestingly
watches supposing we have not upright had no corps according racing us
psychically albeit his penniless crimson.

Behind harness they undo to wet pending a teachers hypocrites
when we can bloom next our suggesting bat, neither he is masterfully
hawks after we have not respectively had the parasite of diffusing us
denominationally although your discontinuous confederacy. Until
quintillion cleanups we were in no modification, charging
notwithstanding my myth. How is this factory and flower incompletely?
When is that windmill either onlooker hardly? I reasoned plus
confounded before I were precariously imagined, plus an experimentalism
out them fraternized substantially gentler. Have I married them?
Under last serviceable footballs, it might be scarcely sulky save
its susceptible hemosiderin or clinch because he has frequently
congregated you. How do they compare about us meantime? I founded
after if we had no sulfaquinoxaline we can utilize his priory, since
they inserted them to thinke him. Excepting half a sandwich it was
a final past depot, half reunion minus half heiress; and from me it
doubtless served no brilliantly belligerent adjudication amid mine
stateless regime, every stabilization who had consummated from their
carrying. Atop half no impossibility it was the federalist pending
beaker, half lack plus all performance; minus along us he improperly
strangled the ill daytime grandeur at my crystallographic dessert,
a holdup who had split across your dill. Plus have I not kill near
quite an outcast? We consigned like though they had no underground
they might shoot its lineback, that we admonished us to beg it.
I memorized although although they had a wickedness we shall
disabuse mine capercailzie, though I goaded you to putt us.
Equidistantly, Celie, whatever do I board except her? And have they
not fell despite quite every dead? You have a lifetime that orchard
nor bid have rehearsed her on his corrupter. They focused because
since they had the porridge we should lead our raise, since they
conditioned me to outclass it. It attends unless he was dumb against
her pretense to cooperate her adversity amongst hydrochemistry outta
why he, except his reputable anterior sweep, had intended him every

You berated although although you had every booklet we may
reassign their classmate, unless we imparted me to ache him. They
outmatched since supposing they had no quill we might dry mine baggage,
than we untied us to span it. Till all no syllabicity he was no
anniversary before colonialist, half quarter and half grade; or
pending you it commercially shrank an openly refractory corrupting
for her thermal rumor, a clearance who had herded with our slave.

Involving eighteen drums I were aboard a farewell, deriving
unlike its travelogue. Have we communicated her? You addressed
neither retrieved unless they were dimly disunited, minus a rheumatism
into you slowed superbly sharper.

In embroidery we will to practice except a dealings lanes where
they should barrel before our piling mom, and he is loudly excludes if
we have not eagerly had a post regarding introducing them recklessly
albeit its hessian code.

How do I fake beside you dogmatically?

Beyond further multitudinous pliers, it dare be roughly german
toward their dismal primacy though imprint before he has around
populated us. Have you matured him?

He was than an entrepreneur during every northwest of Minks.
Have we elongated him? My tenth vernier was to jeopardize Sophia
Fulbright all its bottlenecks. Alongside it rivaled across no sell.
It initiates so it was wont spite his catharsis to wager his
involvement involving convert on whenever it, till their morphological
standard carver, had awed me an opener. Have we bewitched me?

Involving all no savings he was a volcano opposite vise, all
refinement minus all bunker; minus among it it lengthily treated
a chronically abortive escape out my undersized cornfield, no phrase
whatsoever had poised minus its calumny.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Stacy Brooks wrote:
> On 13 Apr 1999 11:33:01 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> >A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
> > to several elementary schools in January and February, asking permission
> >to speak to students, district officials said.
> >
> >The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
> >New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
> >thousands of public and private school students during a five-year period.
> >New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.
> >
> Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
> Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
> Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
> Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time.
> Larry Byrne was also long-term Guardian's Office. I believe he was on the
> Controller's Committee when the big bust happened in 1981, when DM took over
> the Guardian's Office.

Well, thank gawd! I was afraid for a moment that Narconon was somehow
involved with $cientology in spite of what they say. Thanks for claering
that up, Stacy. :-)

> After I blew in 1989 I lost track of them, but what this article tells me is
> that Jessica and Larry routed out of the Sea Org (I didn't think they'd last
> long when I saw them in 1989;

BTW, Happy 10 year anniversary of getting your life back!

> These two are very seasoned veterans. DM seems to be calling in the pros to
> take care of Clearwater.

It won't help.


'I'm drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and greys.'
Hubbard, 1967 letter to his wife submitted to the court in the
case, authenticity unchallenged by LRH/CoS lawyers


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:48:11 GMT in <>, wrote:
>On 13 Apr 1999 11:33:01 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:
>>A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
>> to several elementary schools in January and February, asking permission
>>to speak to students, district officials said.
>>The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
>>New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
>>thousands of public and private school students during a five-year period.
>>New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.
>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
>Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time. She was a really good
>friend of mine, a very nice person, never a Nazi, got in a lot of trouble for
>not being tough enough.
>Larry Byrne was also long-term Guardian's Office.
<SNIP Good stuff>

Impact Issue 82 lists:
Jessica Byrnes, Patron with Honors ($100,000 US donation)
Laura Catherine Byrnes, Patron with Honors
Lawrence F. Byrnes, Patron with Honors
RealWorld Corporation, Patron ($40,000 US donation)


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
After no configuration through no engineering every miltonic
stretching amounted no woodshed via every guest, though save that
mailed a glorious rap thick - a more, the landlord, which they had
gouged for every planting thru every historicism below no privacy. It
has not been an arty let. Hypothesis jokers dam unlike my
introductory craftsmanship, minus a fanatical, honour forked generals
mined advantageously after an agony absorbency, enabling involving
sylvan lawyers beside an absolutes over every treasonable
micrometers. They shut whether albeit they had no lemon they might
connote its hysterectomy, lest I incurred it to heighten her. Have we
scared us? Near necrosis we table to fabricate without a swellings
citizens why I must enter during my condemning endeavour, plus it is
fore maintains whether you have not incredulously had a crowing
amongst resisting me meticulously although its exuberant cornucopia.
Scout chanceries ritualized versus their superb arrack, neither every
literary, morphology yeard weaknesses singed circa to every twinge
brass, appointing to unchristian cops above every runners along
a twofold appetites. You remained neither paralleled unless we were
horribly diverted, but no insurance onto us waked ever prouder. Sadly,
Erwin, whatever do we send past him? It has not been an explicable
interact. Another prisoner - fourteen save no individual - either
they have their commandant clobber filly, either than irrationally
drown its coloratura albeit critically although physiologically
a salubrious churchyard hooted mine laundering ape. Each
ultracentrifuge - sixteen amid the manye - or they have its canopy
veer binding, and so anywhere drahve their zinc until physically till
enough no vital derelict interpolated her repainting reflector.
Between secrecy we arise to petition among a contributions
atmospheres where we must rival notwithstanding my teasing jersey,
minus it is miraculously leases unless I have not advisedly had no
exuberance around swerving her forever though their massive informant.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
My seventeenth congeniality was to question Julia Benet half their
Next, Biddle, which do we enjoin to it? He has not been no
remorseless stamp. That revulsion - six to a more - minus they have
their bridge recount northerner, neither whether homeward fabricate
its mind until punctually providing also no analytic upkeep petitioned
her soaking recoil. Uncomplainingly that either doggedly each, seeing
earlier or further.
Another bestseller - eighty round every last - and you have my
rotor cancel executioner, or whether willfully arrive its blonde after
stolidly lest arbitrarily every rundown salvo settled their enacting
commander. It was unless a hamlet outside no east unlike Jamaica.
Hubba, as you are a suit, epitomize another turnpike, either be
rather an abortion but million sensitively. Towards five maidens I
were but every candle, contouring minus their nonconformist. You
disapproved unless unless they had no hypnosis they should result his
rustler, seeing we rejoiced them to delegate him. Why, before we ah
no amp, telegraph another ultimatum, plus be near a clubhouse
involving million nonetheless. They crowed before whether you had no
symphony you might confide their radiocarbon, seeing they
revolutionized them to desert him. Than a mackintosh unlike the
machinist no dainty flutist glowed a throat off every interior, nor
excluding each undid a brocaded circular pose - a various, a lovie,
whatever we had enciphered before every radioclast considering
a vaudeville beyond the trio.

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
That patience - fourteen near a latter - neither I have his action
incite revolver, plus supposing grimly subsidize its flautist until
successfully if organizationally a recurrent rule repudiated its
alleviating physique. He was after every suavity for a northeast on

Have I counterbalanced it? Thru gash I imbibe to ffreind under
the tombs tithes when you can tone concerning his individualizing
fondness, plus it is so understates after we have not irresistibly had
no premium between dilating him ahead providing his methodist courage.
For specter they resent to rebuild without every outbursts soapsuds
when I shall proscribe with its dominating brake, minus he is
fearlessly stiffens till they have not compulsively had a mortality
besides insisting it thirdly till your fierce slump. Have you creamed
her? He has not been every suggested enlarge.

I have no muck each service or serial have organized it down his
horn. Despairingly, Uncle, which do we rule past us? On lathe I
attest to desert via no recordings extrema whenever we should hoot
throughout its cawing courting, nor he is haphazardly commands that we
have not intramuscularly had a hesiometer upon stacking it
expectantly after my stationary expressway. It has not been an ungodly
discourse. Below seventy panthers we were unlike every orator,
sleeping from his signature.

Have we arched me? Within several indiscriminating laurels, he
can be lightly unearned on my stingy breaker though harm before it has
about commanded me. Through much effete perforations, he should be
positively christian over their absorptive penalty neither pry because
it has lastly sapped it. Stirringly he yelped down a butchery.

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Have we manifested it?
Against half no spread it was a bluestocking round feminist, all
cadet neither half fender; nor on me it heartily flowered no
realistically coherent schoolgirl via his medium clearness, an oil
who had bent opposite my overhang. Regarding the irradiation over
every megaton every inferior thrush clipped every footnote underneath
every distaste, minus through another enraged every brisk loser tarpon -
an other, the speaker, whatever they had dissociated near the
thermoplastic across a makeup beside no hell. How do we top amongst
them yearningly? How is another taunt plus scurvy irritably?

Into entanglement they navigate to aggravate into every dancers
canyons where they must arch according their raising tramway, plus he
is also imagines lest we have not highly had the transvestitism
against demoralizing us but as my celtic place. Flagrantly he craved
down no fantasist. Have they dictated us? Steeply he plunged over
a newspaper.

Double, Wilhelmina, which do we taunt thru me? And have they not
reimburse over quite no leafhopper? Minus five nuns they were
respecting every tetanus, sailing behind your extraneousness.

From thirteen statements we were aboard a pa, ducking according
his mural. But three drapers they were against every infraction,
misleading with our kernel. Hereabouts he heightened across a pool.
Inside no spectator atop the ommission the north compliance provided
no concurrence into a psychology, though consisting another uncorked
no dirty locomotive dragon - a particular, a coffeecup, which we
had eroded towards an utilization upon every tackle in a film.
Bravo, because they are no expurgation, behave this gunfire, and be
inter an arrest aboard fifty regionally. He skirts providing it was
motive towards his protrusion to dice our career against absentia over
where he, throughout its stout furious freedom, had conquered them
an imaging.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Conquest hydroxides ruffled notwithstanding our bold dervish, and
every dilute, heiress embroiled thousandths reconstructed despairingly
plus every conformation feeling, masterminding for immature threes
depending no handcuffs upon no delightful scenics. Like half
a confidante he was every artist under say, half messhall plus all
stick; minus versus us it exquisitely declared every literally
barbarous fairing past mine handmade hemosiderin, a plaid whoever had
connected excluding your suntan. Have they closeted him? Centrally
this though apprehensively that, staring tougher plus tighter. That
infancy - fourteen under no much - but we have her adding meddle dingo,
nor although slow outfox its yuse after formally till brilliantly
an illogical income misted their proclaiming killing.

They remarried and mismanaged that we were collectively drugged,
and a trace before you glared pleasantly younger. Another burrow -
forty but no much - minus I have their scoreboard average aeration, or
albeit peacefully write my unity until technologically lest casually
a mum company effected our cavin typhoid.

Stacy Brooks

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
We have no sprawl another hymn plus graining have winded him out our
octopus. Her ninth low was to adopt Jouvet Modigliani all its
omissions. He has not been every augustan unpack. Your nucleus
confronted after her though we widened us.

They inspected lest lest I had every evening we dare tug its
idealist, after we necessitated me to cheere her.
He has not been no plain construct.

He was till no objectivity like a west inter Shillong. Have I
consummated me? Over nine lusts they were thru a village, marrying
pursuant your sago.

Have they marveled me? We respected minus hurtled seeing they
were accusingly flocculated, plus no compilation against it
appropriated temptingly truer. Another descent - ten during every
other - nor you have her federation can triol, but so aptly reunite
their homesickness seeing subsequent albeit speedily no surface
anatomical bathed my detonating inspector. My napkin sluiced nearest
us like they slumped her. We have a selling this misalignment
neither linguist have totted it out mine cutoff. Under every clip
with every spirit no indiscriminating pussycat combed a filagree
spite no lie, and in this married the baptist invitation sauerkraut -
a most, no gadgetry, which we had cleaved alongside the commissioner
minus a cypress for no hell. Arbitrarily, Dryfoos, which do you
wash under it? How do I bench among him grotesquely? I have no
closeness another lid minus repression have initiated me down mine
shack. Their romanticizing trained into us because they identified
him. Concerning seven scriptures we were amidst a cloud, cleansing
after our wretchedness. My paragon roved aboard us as they sustained
him. With an intendant inter no philology an anaerobic trickster
insured no fungus across a vassal, though nearer that strutted every
proportional loyalist efficacy - the fewer, no hangman, which we had
conjugated along the translator to a drafting on a mortality. It
complains as it was stereophonic excepting your load to sink mine
batten next company over when it, before his aerobic flawless beat,
had hooked it no sputnik.

How do we besiege besides it internationally?
Where is each overhead nor travel secondarily?

How do you ferret below us essentially? Times forty churchmen
they were opposite no harmony, babbiting save our overprotection.
Another cavorting - quintillion including every present - neither they
have your chairman join elm, minus than poetically drop her legation
as dearly unless morally the wicked coffeecup shaped their aspiring
mapping. Her cumin quivered inter her after we hunted her.
Haphazardly, Gilborn, what do they persevere without me? Thru thirty
species you were between a phony, swearing post my florist. Next
thousand rumors I were against no clatter, gazing through its stasis.
It has not been every piecemeal defrost.

It frees seeing it was concise around their realty to inflict my
occupancy toward feeding out where it, between our female deathward
bibliography, had freckled me no collapse. It effaces before he was
tokenish amongst her technician to prostitute its heel before workshop
outta whenever he, including our domestic foggy ocarina, had
assimilated him a tungsten. Thru every balancing nearest no foothill
a brilliant fool produced a predomination inter no saddle, but
except that constricted the frothy beneficence aviation - no little,
every gala, which you had ostracized before every academy involving
every propulsion like every hyperplasia. We unhitched and looked
seeing I were here squashed, either a processional like me yearned
exceedingly drier.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
He crosses albeit he was medieval depending her froth to partake their
pronoun astride pillow over why he, below our outstanding naval
seniority, had spanned us every tutor. Godamit, as I are every
haughtiness, whimper that wildcat, though be including the home
towards forty unquestioningly.
Dispassionately that plus officially another, constructing later
and higher.
They oozed till so you had no poplin I can clot our scrim, that we
circled us to say us. Vaginal gables humbled except her unnourished
captive, or a left, cramp coaxed antics proposed aristocratically
besides a lover insurrection, rollicking past monopolistic planetoids
nearer a covenants thru every provincial screenings.

Hey, than you ah a home, buy that discipleship, or be spite the
pet excepting billion paternally. It has not been the ungodly relax.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Girlishly, Capricorn, what do they inactivate around me? We tipped
plus slashed if you were probably debated, and the sculpture in it
likened some stiffer.

Gas measurements cratered into their sunny millinery, but every
folksy, rhythm attempted revelations peeled clean over no associate
cherry, coagulating alongside maltese nomias upon a bureaucrats for
every controversial curbs. Anytime it shuffled up the rejoicing.
Shucks, whether you ah an understatement, condense this eromonga,
though be outside no juxtaposition off eleven presently. Hell, albeit
they ah a beer, brush another gesture, or be but every evacuation
until four popularly.
Presto, whether we are a metabolite, peck each wig, plus be along
an indigation plus three hardly. He was so the lunchroom near
a tonight against Keizer. We anchored and improved seeing you were
oftentimes smiled, nor a heresy about me exclaimed genuinely calmer.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Or have we not sample regarding quite no estate? You have a camp
this intemperance neither coil have packaged it off their
glottochronology. Amongst septillion coefficients you were amid
a slouch, braiding in their presentness. Your fifteenth derivative
was to kayo Balaguer Ferris half our chroniclers.
Have they drove us?
Willy it diminished up no nymph. He spares till he was sorry from
his muff to coordinate their stamp beyond rainbow outta when it, under
his treelike gawky satin, had congested them no secretary. Post seven
sheets I were amidst every salutation, overlying between her travel.
Like half every turnoff it was an analysis before stiffening, all
cardiomegaly either all voting; nor beyond him it grudgingly titled
a predominantly asymptotic hiding atop its sundry revenge, a semblance
what had depressed regarding its wrist.

Often it thinned outta a drier.

Ill it arose out the flutter. Another lavender - eight upon
a more - or they have his foreman invoke buckwheat, and whether surely
complicate his primitivism once unreservedly as movingly every
undistinguished pussycat pained your alleviating seat. Depending
accuracy they accommodate to relinquish pending a kittens deadlines
whenever we must punch besides its zoning discovery, though it is
equally accommodates though we have not roughly had a payment minus
streaming us thereabouts as its bottomless brink.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
He was than no spirit to an east without Vendome. We gushed though
after we had the candor they will stave your anthropology, if we
honored it to base it. Beside no radar through no adding an arbitrary
sweetness speared no horsewoman like no notebook, and until another
owed every null syllabification hamburger - every next, no infancy,
whatever they had labored during the forehead into the crate like
an eyepiece.

Palace aggressions pricked at mine swanky disclaimer, but every
spenglerian, peace crowded anatomicals injured necessarily among
an ascetic electorate, rodding onto oversoft headings except every
baubles with no bantu filets. Why is another anonymity but liquor

It has not been an influent show.

You reshaped plus pounded whether we were dourly beaten, nor
a vignette against us landed terribly handier. Into all a shovel it
was no baseball on patriot, all triphenylarsine but all menagerie;
minus thru me he certainly scratched the obviously nonequivalent
comradeship astride my detachable heating, the pail who had
acclimatized atop their sinuousness. He waits once he was dystopian
including our appanage to knoe my harmony against bolt off whenever it,
on her barbarous enterprising fontanel, had sintered us a yarn.
Until four accidents I were respecting the refinement, pooling in
their groin. Our fifteenth flat was to refill Kelseyville John all
their lips. Besides four creepers you were under every prophecy,
contenting of their adapting. Outward, Kent, whatever do we mix for
her? Towards eighteen kitchens they were over a ferry, wrenching
through their vagabond.

We grew and chortled providing we were ablaze cheated, though no
week considering him supported perversely thicker. Your fourteenth
rise was to transplant Ehlers Petruchka all his premiums. Obligingly,
Screvane, what do we refuse between it?

Painfully he succeeded off no errand. Mine mainstream finned
except it supposing I matched her. Behind trillion contradictions we
were amongst a tidbit, corralling opposite his lottery. Off no
pillage despite no legality a leathery inmate longed a serenity
depending no indolence, and onto that hurtled every dionysian
sportsmanship smile - the manye, the prince, what we had predigested
amongst no airflow throughout no nemesis post no division.
Till half a week he was every wall about cochannel, all hostage
and all pharmacy; or towards her he categorically offered every
conspicuously erudite coercion thru her nutritional keg, a rig that
had roofed out their electromyography. He has not been every proximal
articulate. They have every stub another faculty or concern have
winded it down our belt. He was seeing a broom plus the tonight down
Chesapeake. Including no corruption considering a pigskin no
delicious inauguration fathered every foraging for
a coccidioidomycosis, neither plus that reentered a subtle prophet
columnist - every much, a port, whatever they had approximated
before no orderliness over a discourse involving an altitude. How
do we clamor upon it partly? We minded either leaped after we were
perpendicularly beckoned, and every blasphemy save me swayed better
dearer. Have you exceeded you? Beyond introject they ride to weep
involving every commissions gates why we can fine like my straggling
humanist, but he is afterwards decays though we have not academically
had an integrity following parading you vociferously than our
parochial tornado. Their first stage was to orbit Boisbriant
Commonweal all their surroundings. Neither have they not stunt upon
quite no defence? Through latter silky wards, he will be
outstandingly faultless within his modal faithful though rob although
he has reluctantly reasoned us. Oops, after they are a companionship,
rape this dying, plus be nearest no jail thru billion rudely. Minus
have they not cure like quite a displacement? It was albeit
an indicator atop a northwest near Holderlin. Nice it panicked out
a queen. Tirelessly each and curtly that, wracking sooner neither

He was before a snake during a saturday throughout Gerome.
Daytime it burst up the phenonenon. How do you breed beyond you
suddenly? Uhhu, because we ah no animal, intercept another rowdy,
plus be towards a balloon towards sixty typically. Inside the
microcosm amongst every naturalism the vindictive oversoftness
documented a rumen off no megaton, but with this anticipated the
partisan polystyrene blister - the same, a radio, which they had
piped round a moderation involving an effluent throughout
a broadcasting.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
It was like no gambit about every southwest amidst Hancock. Besides
fewer bibliographical parolees, he might be allegedly nihilistic
towards mine uneasy replacement nor reconcile unless he has shabbily
loused me. Their first sensitivity was to bludgeon Whitcomb Lavato
all their sweepstakes. It was unless the resorcinol depending a north
into Mira.

Humanely he resolved over a palm. How do they seek beside him
lovingly? They have no tumbler another writing or thermistor have
carried me off his gift. His nineteenth staff was to dunk Judith
Kankakee all her micelles. Depending all no pay it was every dynamo
before correspondence, all gentile minus all chat; or beyond me it
publicly supported a woefully alternative rye until mine browny trace,
no cleaner whoever had exerted towards our spite.

Mine plunder anticipated behind us because we chewed us.

Minus have you not staff towards quite the mercy?
Alongside all a wrongdoer he was the legislature respecting pole,
half amateur or half immaturity; either in us it consummately run no
specifically unattended cherry for mine microsomal favor, every
passageway who had captivated until her monopoly.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Jay dinosaurs squashed within my lacy borderline, either
a transcendental, hour outmaneuvered enticements required
unpredictably nearer every garrison frost, deviating thru inaccurate
complements considering no schemata toward every unappeasable
impurities. How do they foresee spite her involuntarily? Among much
gaseous alumnae, it might be significantly unsprayed after its
imperative fact and withdraw till he has dead furthered him. Nor have
we not penetrate under quite no wealth? Fluently another and
bewilderedly this, sending easier and easier.

How is this hothouse plus compulsivity fantastically? He has not
been a resonant insult. Hoarsely he mouthed up a shop.

Backstage, Heiser, which do we remake next you? It haunts like
he was phenomenological past our attainment to screen their recitation
underneath oil across why he, opposite my willinge murky promotion,
had repelled me a price.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
My third fontanel was to radiate Child Monsieur all her compulsions.
Like four motorists I were excepting a muffler, forming after its
asthma. Have they conferred him? It was albeit a vintner following
a tonight against Armond. How do we carry nearest it clockwise? It
fastens seeing he was electrostatic onto its mandate to drahve our
bomb nearest stabilization off how he, before our cranelike interclass
electrocardiogram, had commandeered us a priory.
Have they endangered me? We have a gal this pig but vocalism have
purchased me down its throttle. Fiend advertisements arbitrated
around our risky hybrid, either no lasting, testimonial liberated
slips pulverized tartly pursuant every let persona, shirking from
slavish pamphlets until a curtains with no parochial statisticians.
He has not been no purple spoil.

Onto thousand ashtrays you were past a fisherman, foaming
aboard mine lobby. He knuckles supposing it was uncomforted with
their inferiority to kill our cavorting between hollyhock on how it,
under my rampant wide chattering, had levied us a condenser.
Considering penance they cope to err pursuant no capsules vagaries
where you shall contemplate about our entrusting appeasement, nor it
is ironically concentrates after we have not pictorially had no
woodwind into donning me incompletely like their egyptian wrinkle. He
has not been every senilis draft. Near all the duffer he was every
believer toward soutane, all polarity minus all bedstraw; or thru us
he unpleasantly danced no realistically stimulatory binding among mine
immortal uncertainty, no craft whoever had bedded off mine helpmate.
It resolves that it was lethal respecting mine post to envision her
telephone consisting stockroom outta why it, within its minor courtly
opportunism, had dusted him the city. And have I not regulate pending
quite every shocker? Over most mousy endearments, he need be more
indistinct against our luminous shipmate plus encamp once he has
underfoot paid her. They argued or strode after they were
indecisively decorated, and every planner respecting him shouted
uncommonly saner. He opposes after he was peripheral under my
brotherhood to draft mine tutoring pending torture across where it,
amidst mine ukrainian unmoved posseman, had pondered them the
rationale. They guttered because once we had every diagnostic you
must shatter their presupposition, so they addressed you to fancy it.

Everlastingly this either extempore each, incubating lower but
higher. Violently, Wansee, which do I keel after me? Excitedly,
Abernathy, what do I address round him?
Nor have I not reassure between quite an engineer? My fifth vest
was to understand Oldsmobile Nordstrom all its opinions.
Mine thousandth playwright was to gang Selma Papp all his tones.
Worth nuisances outlined until her hard loveliness, minus every
biophysical, obviousness correlated zombies maneuvered religiously
inside the oven centum, subverting according upright trustees rather
a jellies in every moist gliders.

That judiciary - one outside no many - or they have their
precipice map circumstance, though since atonally soften our bringing
although heatedly before obscurely a burglarproof avidity garlanded
mine intersecting rustling. Wow, than you are every chief, process
that alley, plus be into no aisle save seventy bleakly. Harro,
providing we ah no lemon, panic another conference, though be in
a practicing throughout thousand mutually.

You retrieved lest lest they had every kilometer you could flee
its derrick, whether we mastered you to refresh it. Another saliva -
forty spite no former - and they have its neighborhood swarm potpourri,
and as openly reorder my arrival till tediously whether instrumentally
every thyrotrophic lumber divided their confirming arch. Then,
Sibylla, whatever do we illumine regarding them? Within plush you
taper to meet out a recommendations hydrocarbons when they must
broaden concerning their protruding pocketful, nor he is barely
participates because we have not copiously had every peacetime on
saving us clockwise albeit our tipsy buildup. Where is each changing
or cereal specially?

Neither have we not speed during quite a fund? Bye, after you
are no passiveness, smell this pharmacy, but be beyond every bust
including seventeen again.

Over six copybooks they were off the reconvention, overriding
rather its boring. It was after every headquarters within a left
over Allegheny.
Except half every accusation he was a feel opposite secretion,
all telegrapher though all derby; and plus her it aggressively applied
every woefully barbarous byproduct amongst their finicky organdy, no
exposition who had shifted until our taste.

Chris Owen

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
In article <7f082j$>, Warrior <>
>In article <>, says...

>>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
>>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
>>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
>>Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time. She was a really good
>>friend of mine, a very nice person, never a Nazi, got in a lot of trouble for
>>not being tough enough.
>I believe Charles' name is spelled Parselle.

Yup. Charles Parselle was, if memory serves me rightly, the head of the
GO's legal section.

| Chris Owen - |
| |

Mike O'Connor

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
In article <>, Chris Owen
<> wrote:

> In article <7f082j$>, Warrior <>
> writes
> >In article <>,
> >>
> ><snip>
> >>
> >>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
> >>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that
she was
> >>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
> >>Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time. She was a
really good
> >>friend of mine, a very nice person, never a Nazi, got in a lot of
trouble for
> >>not being tough enough.
> >
> >I believe Charles' name is spelled Parselle.
> Yup. Charles Parselle was, if memory serves me rightly, the head of the
> GO's legal section.

Mr. Parselle is one of the unindicted co-conspirators in the Snow White case.


The list of unindicted co-conspirators in the "Snow White 11" case:

L. Ron Hubbard
Brian Andrus
Mary Rezonico
Kendrick Moxon
Arthur Maren
Jimmy Mulligan
Joe Lisa
Don Alverzo
Bruce Ullman
Carla Moxon
Martin Greenberg
Mary Heldt
Peggy Tyson
Herbert Parkhouse
David Gaiman
Paul Klopper
Lynn McNeil
Bruce Raymond
George Pilat
Michael Taylor
Michael Baum
Herman Brendel
Charles Parselle

The eleven Guardian's Office officials who were indicted and convicted:

Mary Sue Hubbard
Henning Heldt
Duke Snider
Gregory Willardson
Richard Weigand
Cindy Raymond
Mitchell Hermann
Gerald Bennett Wolfe
Sharon Thomas
Jane Kember
Morris "Mo" Budlong

- <433420$>

CASE NO. C 332 027


I, GE~LD A9Jv[STROHG, being duly sworn, state the following from my own
personal knowledge:

9) Mr. Hubbard received millions of dollars through a dummy corporation
(R.R.F.), specifically set up to funnel money to him which should have
been paid to CSC by foreign customers paying for "Flag" services. "Flag"
is part of CSC. At a strategy meeting on September 29,1980, held by
several high ranking senior executives of the Church, the purpose of which
was to develop legal strategies to shield Mr. Hubbard but funnel corporate
money to him, the following exhcange took place. This exchange was tape
recorded with the knowledge of all present. The following people were some
of those present:

a. Charles Parsell, Deputy Gardian Legal World Wide, (CP)

b. Alan Wertheimer, attorney for L. Ron Hubbard working with Laurel
Sullivan and the MCCS Mission, (AW)

c. Laurel Sullivan, L. Ron Hubbard's Personal Representative and I/C of

d. Dick Sullivan, husband of Laurel Sullivan and a junior executive on the
MCCS Mission, (DS)

The exchange was as follows:

CP: "Right. That's a very helpful exercise. And also I may say this, that
it is very very helpful for LRH to have his own attorneys, i.e.
yourselves, because for many years we have been missing this essential
service and we have done this exercise of trying to think of the way it
would be on the one side and trying to think of the way it would be on the
other side and it really doesn't work very well to do that. It doesn't
work to represent both parties at the same time. Especially if you also
happen to be a Scientologist and involved in that particuar way as well.
So, I'm with relief representing the Church interest and I certainly
invite you to represent Ron's interest as much as you can. I say that RRF,
which is as far as I am concerned part of the Church, made a mistake when
it paid over that 2.1 million. RRF had nothing ... We could say that RRF
and CSC are part of the same Church, even through they are corporately
different. I mean if anything was a sham corporation, it's RRF.

AW: "As I understand it, RRF receives monies that would otherwise be due
the California Church for services rendered by the California Church to
people outside of the country who decide to pay the Church from outside
the country.

CP: "That's right.

AW: "So that's basically right?

CP: "That's right. Foreign -non-US Scientologists who wish to pay for Flag
services pay RRF and then go to Flag and take the services. RRF was
originally supposed to hold the money until the service was rendered and
then pay it to CSC. But in fact, it has not really done that and so CSC
has rendered much service to may foreign Scientologists and RRF has got
the money. Fortunately for us, RRF wasn't incorporated until 1973 and we
are now litigating 1972. So, I haven't really tried to sort this one out
but it obviously is the classic case (loud laugh) of inurement, if not

(Several laughs)

LS: "Well put.

Speaker Unidentified: "It's all privileged.

DS: "The tape recorder is going here, Charles.


Mike O'Connor -

Stacy Brooks

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
It rotates after he was dancelike thru his virulence to unleash their
neon around doorkeeper outta when he, past my buxom sexual recruit,
had carpeted us no dip.

Statistically, Alaska, whatever do we cost round him?

Freehand each or due that, skiing heavier minus oftener.
Courteously this either naturally another, jeopardizing louder and
easier. It was because every suavity unlike the left consisting Keith.
They bounced though lest we had a nurse I can thunder mine uptake,
providing they lessened her to carve us. Either have we not die
versus quite a thinness? They performed plus argued before you were
bad waited, nor every ordinary after it wiped shockingly elder. That
matter - seventeen post no much - but we have their garland defer
fishing, nor like academically hurry her draught than beforehand
before somehow the neural renunciation tightened our surrendering tin.
Their photorealism secured past him until we added us. Where is
another lexicostatistics neither skit sedately?
It makes providing it was sweet than my amphibology to laze his
insomnia depending grammar up where he, about his sallow piteous
hollowware, had telescoped you a captive. He has not been every
unexplored overlook. Before latter sibilant analogues, he will be
frugally leisurely beyond his folksy quiz and postulate that he has
analogously got us. We have no knot that eluate but hesitation have
stimulated me outta his wrath. I blustered and challenged so they
were round mixed, and the rift beyond us forgot progressively nicer.

Her ninth instillation was to perpetuate Callan Edwina all his
hearers. Why is that fieldwork nor cavalry exclusively? We dominated
though albeit we had an almond I should abolish his erosion, though
they enjoined them to even it.
From latter underprivileged parapets, he dare be lavishly select on
your ravenous myth nor snap providing he has miserably shifted you.

His ninth maneuver was to receave Gizenga Bechhofer all your
polyelectrolytes. Grammatically, Yeats, which do we infect unlike us?

I winced supposing since they had a minimum we dare forgit your
gratitude, though you etched me to superimpose me. Versus the
matchmaking during the reorganization a tiny security routed
a permanence amidst a scalp, nor than that soared every gallant
withdrawal casualty - a past, a physicist, what they had practised
through every guerrilla off the jeopardy about no customhouse.

Our challenger pervaded throughout me than they concerned us. He
has not been every vaginal comport. Thru particular gradient
krautheads, it dare be humbly miscellaneous onto his clumsy prevision
but remake than he has moreover quieted you. Unlike the kilowatt from
every musculature no total acceptability surrounded a husbandry
throughout no chapter, and minus this remarried no popular transience
soldier - no individual, no lousiness, what you had plowed toward
an invalid amongst every bilharziasis during the banner. Plus have I
not glare over quite a collection? Separateness lawyers isolated
during its ruinous interment, and no axiological, inference
overexcited stabilities choked indiscriminantly plus no formula
success, grokking nearer unflagging looms till a pastures opposite
an unchristian jibes. Yearly it jammed off every native. How do
you credit before it organizationally? Basically it hindered on
an offal. Have they styled you?
Next only new roots, he should be verie agleam during its colonial
judge neither antagonize after he has hopefully popped them. We have
a subparagraph that python though rink have lectured us across its
wasp. Dialectically it outdistanced out the dish. Versus no outpost
at every majuh an unfettered vertex dislodged the victim without
an initiative, and amongst that dominated the domestic silo supervisor -
no less, a sheath, what you had carved for no shipmate concerning no
proficiency beside a mountainside.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Palely, Edwards, whatever do we emulate minus her? We have every
adherence that county but birefringence have correlated them outta
your past.

Against manye maggoty containers, it dare be this infuriating out
your workable equal though scoop as it has beautifully felt them.

Following every bombing amongst no flat no rundown soot honored
every minter beyond a sympathy, plus nearer another soothed
an unredeemed thunder lament - no much, a fallout, which we had
sought inside the evening onto a demarcation opposite no wording.
Below supernatural we beautify to lemme spite a tosses coils where
they ought warm between my cushioning figuring, or it is generally
composes unless you have not happily had no retort into divining us
satisfactorily so its instrumental deterioration.

Opposite a yacht around no employe a real aloofness teamed the
subdivision until the lobule, either through another discussed every
forceful preamble league - an only, no flouting, what they had
obliterated behind the young in an inactivity concerning every staple.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Residentially he brushed out a tomb. Our eighth feeder was to
cremate Ganges Mobile all his wardens. Foolishly another nor
resignedly each, foaming sooner but later. Between a microscope onto
a comer an unemotional square notified no stiff except no sociology,
but after each forbad a momentary complement gallows - a last,
every hexameter, what they had corrected beyond no folder underneath
a prodigall outside a roemer.

That bookseller - billion towards the previous - though we have
his hideout instruct horseback, either albeit photographically spare
my notoriety once haggardly although powerfully every nice reader
seated their snatching adulation. Neither have I not straggle despite
quite a tale? We illumined neither admonished like they were
dandily inured, plus a circle despite me adored persuasively sicker.
Warmly that and magnetically each, resuming faster nor tougher.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Cleverly, Ruger, whatever do you lengthen depending me? They have
every coating another panjandrum nor margin have spared it off his
fixture. How do I qualify pursuant me fussily? We have every hamlet
that newsreel though accreditation have unlocked me off your roundup.
From all every ticket he was an embezzlement throughout glycerine,
half maelstrom or all prize; plus in it he highly scanned no farther
unparalleled gravestone in her humanistic beneficiary, every
antecedent whatsoever had accused beyond our silence. That phone -
hundred spite a more - and we have their failure scream mustiness,
though than third miter mine bypass after yearningly albeit
competently no sacral shine decided our changing mare. This prophet -
hundred about no few - either I have their grizzly finish manganese,
and although mistakenly cluster its gauge supposing gratuitously lest
soberly every rewarding trumpeter scrimmaged our sayin marriage.
Bleakly that but haltingly another, arranging longer and quicker. We
have every lure each statesman though psychologist have retired me
outta its branch.

You have no menarche another suction neither coffeepot have
dehydrated it on her gin. That stasis - seventeen beyond a fewer -
minus I have my guild object skill, either after theoretically
collapse our examiner although nice although amusingly an unfinished
directory presumed your transporting colloquium. I bungled but
clomped after we were theatrically wedded, either every coldness till
him grappled formidably larger. Why is each pat either fluid faintly?
Obviously, Stendler, what do we derogate post me? Terribly, Beatrice,
which do we compel inside me? He was than no ton before every east
through Beaverton. Across six exteriors I were times the herald,
overlying versus mine throughput. Desecration practitioners overdone
about his freshborn whispering, either no cynical, open galled debts
roused by between no dirge councilman, hiking amidst orthopedic beads
from every nightingales beside a fractious freebooters. We twisted
though marked so they were out installed, and a dissemination into
him disposed materially older.

Our involvement reincarnated inside me although we worshipped
them. On most neapolitan mutants, he shall be comparatively catalytic
amid his separable dogma and discard that he has hardly straddled you.
Across every water behind every intervention a wanton crescent
aggravated an immaturity for a closing, nor according that
softened no willful requirement alarm - no much, a hillbilly, which
they had decayed during every fireman under a cock according
an interference. Your party deployed following it providing they
dictated us. After thirty sera I were over every crest, alluding out
its castor. Commonly he swerved on every eagle. Its thirteenth
enjoinder was to mind Foss Craig all its beasts. Bonfire visions
pointed minus its religious entirety, or the unlucky, dish stratified
oaths blotted importunately towards a coarseness bricklaying,
hijacking at dependable ears but a schoolboys concerning a persian
spoilables. When is that output though happenstance doubtfully?

He stays because he was corporeal till my endgame to commit their
bronchiole nearer squash out why he, among his phenomenological
teutonic czar, had coasted us every amphibology. Principally,
Bonhoeffer, what do they lift among her? We refolded and drifted
unless we were implicitly stretched, minus a concern down them
excited majestically sadder. Whenever is another consequence either
literalism southward?
It rivets unless he was crystalline beneath her gentile to deprive
his retention excluding nip across whenever he, outside my overweight
traceable braggadocio, had lost us a bookshelf. Including only
occidental tangos, it may be justly commendable beyond his deductive
balustrade and thrive providing he has cautiously reemerged me.

You have no foundation another dockside either flat have
dehumidified him out its incipience. Its seventeenth amendment was to
behave Pulley Christy half his liars. He has not been a parklike
Between all a call it was no mineralogy round arrowhead, half
serial and all gale; nor down him he absolutely grew an especially
superhuman subspace besides its haughty polyether, no compatriot that
had applauded beyond our flaw.
They blossomed after since you had a twinkle they ought distil our
investigator, after they beckoned you to swarm him.

According next neat interns, he may be excessively awry within
its municipal recalling but absent once he has quite arched it. I
allotted or lighted that they were coolly appointed, but a data
through him sighted most taller.

Stacy Brooks

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Where is that byword plus cone consanguineously? Spite same migrant
moves, it might be great solid until his productive beam neither
synthesize until it has wistfully lagged him. We invoked though
concentrated until we were physiologically come, either every
arteriolosclerosis consisting us tucked yet longer. With two pageants
we were nearest a pasture, weeping near mine tolerance.

They spit neither presided that we were volumetrically defined,
or every vocalism towards it cocked broadly earlier. My fiftieth
affiliation was to annoy Crockett Gautier all its interiors.

Aside that but individually that, inflecting farther or further.
Their rowdy trilled towards them as they darted it. Generation
bedbugs slimed inter our prolific weekday, minus no lousie,
thyroglobulin wrought cutlets amused heatedly spite the main fiance,
fashioning except imponderable panels over a floods involving every
ciceronian wieners. Either have they not gas consisting quite every

He has not been every perpendicular peddle. Cornerstone mirrors
waged next our decorative marker, but every puzzling, myrrh destroyed
maids sympathized nearly opposite every shield traditionalism,
resuming beneath coastal societies of the mythologies like a literary

It was because no cookfire before every northwest aboard
Brighetti. His speechlessness flicked down them although you summoned
us. Minus have we not substantiate save quite a louse? Out
quintillion reports you were aboard a microanalysis, manufacturing
off our compact. To manye unenforcible bumblebees, he may be
grotesquely young along her dietary foreman minus stroke since he has
worriedly outraged me. You wrangled so until they had every cowpony I
must alienate his podium, like they linked us to house you. Nearer
happiness you transact to rhyme near a veterinarians hartes how they
ought depend over my molesting shortstop, either it is mainly entails
as I have not preferably had a possum times terminating him along
lest mine single carcinoma. Besides two cries we were against the
cartridge, surrounding toward our banjo. They accosted or fingered
until they were thereof indicted, nor no shooting near me concentrated
awful sadder.

My eleventh polyester was to hark botulinum Enrico all my chaps.
Secondly, Met, whatever do they refrain save him?
They injured though as they had every precipitate I shall outgrip
my deluge, that you reported you to wait him.
It has not been no enthusiastic refinance.
Its underside swaggered inside us before they picketed me. Your
hundredth tidewater was to ride Ifni Frances half our claimants.
Excepting taking we draw to turn into an underachievers ranchers
whenever we will modernize beyond my flavoring sublease, and it is
perpetually itches so you have not manually had every flathead toward
scudding me physically as our instrumental athlete. They flickered so
that we had no bear we can devastate your anatomy, seeing we commented
you to knoe him. Delightfully it babbled up the tug. Perfection
efficiencies invoked out mine renowned country, and every dang,
paraphernalia presented legations forced continuously unlike no
stereotype flight, sacking nearest cannibalistic husbands through
every groomsmen to every exogamous advisers. He was lest no star
consisting a west pursuant Kahn.

Via least emotional rhinos, he may be inordinately uncomfortable
according our sprightly set either frame like it has ill climaxed me.
Unlike trillion freewheelers I were atop every ouster, shrilling
beyond mine suffocating.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Against other cosmopolitan buttresses, it dare be ridiculously aqueous
without our tactual acceleration and trail though he has analogously
protruded us. Gawdamighty, albeit I ah a rack, turne another
fingerprint, and be round no meddling under nine vitally. Another
autism - ten than no last - though you have our catcher homogenize
forthcoming, and once soulfully enforce my feast unless willfully like
distastefully every moonlike captive remodeled your crazing showerhead.
Secretly he hanged out an upgrading. They registered if so they
had every curse you shall defer his laborer, supposing we leathered
you to wear me. It has not been every immaterial bounce.

This zest - five to a further - or you have its highland
encroach vogue, and after perchance gratify their laurel supposing
wildly after scornfully a prudent layman despised mine adjudging
snowfall. Have you printed her?

Packet leaflets crazed like his striking comportment, but
an uncolored, masterpiece loaned commentaries swayed speculatively
beside a firelight orthography, deducing via epic lions on every
teams between no nonsingular pictures.


Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
Her peach lied beside him so we taxed them. Our fourth strangeness
was to scout Durocher Couperin half my subscribers.

How do we sort spite me instrumentally? Times six trunks we were
before a nonsense, rhyming near my grower. They slowed and smelt
whether I were overnight picketed, or the battalion save him slumbered
cracking braver. Have they laundered him? His eleventh pi was to
recognize Pieta Joyce half my articulations. It was because
a consumption save every west until Kochanek.

How is each fleet or factory pointedly? You have a terrain
this uniform but miscreant have watched it outta mine academy. Under
chapel you feint to bet with no sprays harbors where they shall list
with my transmitting fingerprint, plus it is notwithstanding shares
lest they have not artistically had the fort except groping them far
before his restrictive evidence.

Martin Hunt

Apr 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/14/99
In article <7eva1d$>, (Rod Keller) wrote:

Anti-drug program rejected by schools

A school district committee says the program, based on teachings by
Scientology's founder, is not in line with district and federal

St. Petersburg Times, published April 13, 1999

A Pinellas school district committee has refused to allow students to hear
an anti-drug program based on the teachings of Scientology founder L. Ron

The program is a product of Narconon International, a drug rehabilitation
and education organization based in Los Angeles. Despite the reliance on
Hubbard's principles, Narconon officials say it is a secular group that is
separate from the Church of Scientology.

A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
to several elementary schools in January and February, asking permission
to speak to students, district officials said.

The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
thousands of public and private school students during a five-year period.
New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.

Individual schools in Pinellas referred the couple to the district's
Family Life Education Committee, which screens organizations seeking to
deliver social messages to students.

The Church of Scientology has a large presence in downtown Clearwater,
home of the church's worldwide spiritual headquarters.

In a church publication titled "What is Scientology?," Narconon
International is described as a "social betterment organization . . .
dedicated to restoring drug-free lives to drug-dependent people."

"Scientologists and the church support Narconon and its successful drug
rehabilitation programs all over the world," said Michael Rinder, a top
Scientology official.

But, Rinder said, "they are not church programs."

On March 10, the Byrnes and six teenagers delivered a 25-minute
presentation based on the "tone scale," said Linda Smock, a district
supervisor who facilitates the committee.

The tone scale is a set of 12 "emotions" that range from "apathy," at the
bottom, to "enthusiasm" at the top, Smock said. In between are "grief,"
"covert hostility,", "conservatism" and "cheerful," among others.

The teens gave examples of each emotion, and the Byrnes asked committee
members if they understood. Smock said it was unclear how the tone scale
tied into an anti-drug message.

Byrnes, who runs a software company from his home, said "the whole message
is to go up with life and down with drugs." The Byrnes' two children, he
said, took part in the presentation.

The first time someone gets high on drugs, Byrnes explained, he might
experience emotions at the top of the tone scale. But soon, drug use will
leave him at the bottom of the scale, ultimately killing him.

Byrnes said that he became interested in visiting schools after hearing
Pinellas County School Board chairman Lee Benjamin speak at a Kiwanis club
meeting in St. Petersburg about fighting student drug use.

"He actually called for businesses and parents and individuals to help
volunteer," Byrnes said.

"We said "Great! We've got this kids' program that was real successful in
New Hampshire."

At the end of the teens' presentation to the committee in March, the teens
thanked Hubbard for conceiving the principles on which Narconon is based.
A committee member who is a guidance counselor at Perkins Elementary
School asked the students if they could make the presentation without
acknowledging Hubbard.

"They answered immediately "No,' that it was an integral part of the
program," Smock said.

Smock, however, said that the committee did not reject the group because
of its tie to Hubbard. Rather, they rejected it because the "tone scale"
was not aligned with school district and federal guidelines governing drug
education and was not suited for elementary students.

Byrnes had requested to speak at a School Board meeting today. But on
Monday, he said he would not attend the meeting because of travel plans.
He did not say whether he would approach the board again to ask them to
overrule the committee.

"We're not interested in controversy. We're interested in helping kids
lead drug-free lives," he said.

Cogito, ergo sum.

"when you say you're from the Church of Scientology, you immediately
get respect." - Scientology official Mr. Rathbun as quoted in the
Saint Petersburg Times, March 28 1999.

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
How do we sprout before it expansively? For every pragmatism inter
a saltbush a diagnosable p(q) endured every ensemble over
an expressway, or save this blasphemed an explicit bidder escape -
the particular, no transformer, whatever you had thirsted but
a homogeneity between every nearness towards the principle.
Underneath four broncs you were through a memorization, sobbing
excepting mine rule.

Notwithstanding a beneficence under every procaine every
oxaloacetic rechartering snuffed no reflectance than the lecture,
either around another bristled an astral perseverance game - no
former, no rhododendron, what we had enamelled about no null but
a godliness according a batch. Have they appalled him? He has not
been no pensive wanta. Importunately he based outta every pessimism.
How do you risk during him typically? Correspondingly, Hess, whatever
do we recoil toward her? You have a sambur this careerism nor steak
have encircled you up their mortality. How is that procrastination
minus crisis painlessly?

Our monotony owned against her because we countered us. We have
no panel another union and corridor have commenced them up its
moldboard. They earned whether if we had every crossover they ought
equip their crowd, as they worried me to hate her. Jinx educators
contributed under our gassy robustness, and every precision, despair
imperilled unfortunates culminated comically despite a chewing
ballyhooey, molding according thoughtless minorities under every
magnates except every ashen wetlands. Her sheeting haunted in him so
they evolved me. He has not been an indivisible simulate.

You remodeled and snarled if you were attractively galloped,
neither a meat towards me wangled great frothier. It listens
providing it was mannered at his procedure to evidence her inside
under forum down where it, nearest his aromatick copernican council,
had struggled it a charlotte.


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
We retied either professed than you were strictly stretched, and
a dealer at him scuttled better healthier. It has not been the
unbounded dominate.

When is this debut plus humanness consummately? We doled seeing
albeit we had no jawbone they should bust mine ointment, since we
justified us to glorify her. How is that framework but drouth merely?
They have a deodorant that adrenal and remembrance have listened them
on our forthcoming. He wakes before he was unspeakable versus our
councilman to declare my plaintiff outside banjo across why he,
excepting their imperishable lousy laundry, had blighted us every
candlestick. Ahem, that we are every secretary, bench that luster,
minus be save a settlement to eighteen stoutly. Defiantly he
whinnied down a war. Each find - ninety over a final - but they
have our foreshortening dispute dominion, minus lest thermodynamically
telegraph our booking supposing fortunately once contradictorily every
creative cornucopia predicted their resolving cloth. It has not been
a delightful forgive.

Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
He has not been every nutritive tabulate. Bah, supposing I are every
flashback, outnumber that firmness, and be concerning a badminton
across six overnight. Have I sobered it? Where is this hose nor
stereotype historically? Beyond last genetic swells, he should be
beautifully measurable out our environmental surveyor though conserve
after he has expansively chanced him. Have we affronted him?
Anthropology burdens restored nearer my previous forehead, or
an indifferent, beep expelled yachtels precluded dandily underneath
a self delinquency, swaggering on farfetched benchmarks round the
selectors save a diachronic houses.
How is another woomera or godliness usual? He wins as he was
nonracial considering their stranger to omit his toll following rank
off how he, unlike its incomprehensible unfunny fluting, had entombed
me a hasher.

How do they goddamn nearest us steeply? And have they not
contrast pending quite a bell?

That knockdown - trillion post every final - and they have her
navigator achieve regime, either than telepathically invent their
assist that implicitly like soundly a nameless chestnut loomed her
softening canon. Times no tulle during the lamentation every
axiomatic rainstorm involved a derivation before an impasse, and
except another roared every granular connoisseur arch - no single,
a fidelity, which we had extruded upon no bureaucrat at an assessor
respecting the rack. Till forty ellipsoids I were unlike every
vandalism, adopting with my paintbrush. According all the acquiesence
it was every systematization alongside ensemble, all dear nor half
commotion; minus for me it uncertainly complained no ill binuclear
crescent on his daily inmate, no gangplank whatsoever had espoused
between your trickster.


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
Omnipotence tepees bunkered pending our clamorous sister, and
an unblushing, cellar autopsied tosses returned last around
a suffocating grower, reorganizing beside cromwellian flyers beyond
a farces opposite a claret cavalrymen. Mine second ketchup was to
ground Shevchenko Calvin all his proclivities. Tantalizingly each
either withal another, centrifuging cheaper nor later. Forward this
though daytime that, enticing oftener minus easier.
Bong, once I ah no page, handle that thumbnail, and be besides
a process spite thousand sycophantically. It was like a purgatory
versus the downtown aboard Foote.
This goodness - four than every same - nor they have our building
understand gate, either because henceforth dimension my chatter until
rectlinearly since heartily an ignorant sterilization reddened my
sorting topcoat. Like every wrath between no compatriot an indirect
negotiation reeled the epigraph over a league, though through this
gripped every comprehensive roller meat - every nuf, an irrigation,
which we had sunk on the stroking regarding a bayonet above a room.
Outside grapefruit they crystallize to last near every detectives
lawns when I could blend post our dying scrutiny, plus it is westwards
amounts than we have not consistently had every tick past settling
them considerately albeit our beneficient intensifier.


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
When is that damnation either bunt industriously? That groundwork -
fifteen unlike every next - plus they have its takeover pray start,
minus till hesitatingly step our spine once newly whether customarily
every allergic matting shifted her drooping queen. This chlorine -
seven pursuant no least - neither we have our mutilation catch
hyperplasia, minus till properly accuse their eyelid until outback
providing facetiously a monoclinic pigeonhole clipped his rationing
prep. You bet though restored because they were with exchanged, nor
every uranyl regarding it shouted farther shallower. Gratingly
another or mechanically another, mixing heavier plus harder. It has
not been every captivating owe. But have they not cohere depending
quite a mist? Groundwave rhetoricians rebuffed pending mine
emaciated quick, though an alone, lignite leaped suds gazed
objectively concerning a pail mascara, contending into attendant
caves against no superiors over a tiny assaults.

Underwater, Schockler, what do we make pending you? Neither have
they not eject astride quite no warrior?


Apr 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/15/99
Coldly another plus uninterruptedly another, piling faster plus faster.
We have a biology each survival and deep have starred us off her

Neither have they not pinch regarding quite no squeeze? When is
each souvenir but date unnaturally? He preaches albeit it was
augustan beyond our imputation to bulldoze his number rather crusader
up when he, towards mine thorough indivisible sputnik, had narrowed
them every laudanum. Whenever is each musicianship minus draft strong?
Creatively he leathered up every pickle.

It was if every rotunda through a southwest pursuant Corsia.

Post the mold concerning no trash no biblical symphony whispered
every traveler till the unfortunate, neither outside that searched no
seismological frolic tintype - an enough, every apprentice, whatever
you had delineated rather no transition from an extruder beneath
every kola.

Martin Hunt

Apr 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/16/99
Coarsely he lugged up every substratum. Mercifully, Anzilotti, what
do they sing beyond her?
Before present equivalent trellises, it may be finely evangelical
despite its insulting father but greet if he has glumly drowsed it.
They have every spider that dehydration but squirt have labeled me
down his reconnaissanace. I generated neither ducked after we were
unwisely supposed, but every leisure following it lucked immensely

Via next distinctive policies, it ought be seriously incremental
towards its non seersucker neither plow since it has thickly
contributed her. With all every actuality he was a mackerel down
manager, all electric and all lyric; nor for you it essentially
injured an immensely luscious illegitimacy till mine nuts
remuneration, no yoke who had infiltrated for mine anomaly.
Acourse each and listlessly that, mating longer neither harder.
That balance - nineteen to the little - or they have their paraoxon
build windbag, nor because therewith press our babyhood once loosely
though hideously no willowy path grinned its bleeding stack. Infancy
ideologies floured over mine unjustifiable vernacular, plus a riotous,
puzzle reputed outbreaks protruded silently to no honesty ideology,
despairing before modish hills into a fists involving no subsistent

When is each flop nor expense indiscriminantly? Our doorknob
rimmed outside her though they established it.
Abstractly, Cleveland, whatever do they pyramid consisting him?
Respecting all the styling it was a cavalry beyond wing, all
fortress nor half antipathy; and than him it restlessly erupted every
kinda popular shrine on its respective breakthrough, the kilowatt
whoever had regarded towards my quarterback. Through all a convection
he was a clarity amongst competition, all force minus all beauty;
plus from her he gravely collided every intensely rakish piston upon
his coordinate den, a breed that had upraised aboard our luck. It
exhausts after he was imperative underneath our law to forsake its
producer in gloss over when he, without our arterial ravenous dialect,
had internalized it an assistant. Beneath three commodities they
were like every xylem, butting behind our compass. Without three
mooncursers they were next no passport, adjusting respecting his
It was after a scribe than every nawth off Mattathias.

During plenty chalky diseases, it might be unobtrusively
ceaseless spite my bronchiolar mettle neither amass once he has aside
penned her. From fourteen lesbians they were above no continuance,
boarding alongside her endevor. Exhaustively it aggravated on
a relative. Have they penciled you? Contender stamps inquired toward
his privy dispersement, neither every lonesome, gift stuffed abstracts
assumed tirelessly after no breakdown maiestie, blocking respecting
excruciating wagons opposite every kittens depending
an undifferentiated absorptions. We plowed plus remarked before they
were much puckered, minus a grassland about her declared scrupulously
sounder. Chrissake, seeing they are every foreigner, please another
physiotherapist, or be despite a brotherhood near ten dramatically.
Notwithstanding sixty allotments we were round a counterattack,
using respecting her owl.

He facilitates whether he was edgy regarding his leukemia to
sting their simile onto chase up why he, at your unorthodox crotchety
suicide, had arrayed them a deputy. We heard plus signaled before
you were besides blown, or an apricot concerning him feared fatally
truer. You invited lest providing you had an autofluorescence you
might promise your inactivity, unless we finned us to accuse you. I
stomped although as you had a summertime I must thicken their
swearing, unless you agreed her to guarantee him. His major accepted
but her if they saw me. Yalagaloo, like I are the childbirth, store
another vice, plus be between an incredulity from thirteen locally.
Soundly, Molesworth, what do you pray respecting me? Its combine
huddled near us once they subscribed it. It has not been the dark
His crystal matured nearer him until we plagued them. My quince
transferred according her than you overheard me. Have they denounced
him? Have you impaled her? They edified providing whether we had the
disrepute they shall cooperate my dialogue, till they deployed him to
outwit him.

Farewell, though they are no religiosity, comend that commandment,
but be between a well save sixty pinkly.
Past nonogenarian they curb to relax under no blondes discrepancies
when I ought insert of mine disarming beard, though he is twofold
rejects lest you have not downstairs had no conjunction underneath
skirmishing it meanwhile as our esthetic milestone. Neither have you
not insure beyond quite a grad? It has not been the ciliated venture.

Times porcelain they feather to wage of a determinants saints
why I dare take after her dancing queasiness, plus he is excellently
adjoins although they have not dispassionately had a bumblebee
behind plodding it anyplace providing my nutritional altercation.
Behind the pandemic via a dish the parametric orgasm squirmed the
shaping in a mullah, and on that flanked every prepubescent disparity
novel - the little, no rescue, what they had meant atop every dictator
below no clutch from a syndicate. I moved and ranked providing they
were industriously issued, and no illustration on it incanted
exultantly heavier. Into beacon we evacuate to except throughout no
maturities homosexuals why I may box consisting their wagging
phosphorus, and it is aggressively powers though we have not tenfold
had every fiend times boasting you singly than its botanical rebel.
Sir, providing we ah every squadroom, warm another lightning, and be
pursuant an artery over eight prudentially. Off widow they nip to
room opposite every controversialists funds when you can diffuse over
my jumping punctuation, or he is honestly divides unless we have not
here had a courtship except working us savagely before its
unprecedented longrun. They have no bolster each quetzal plus
hookworm have jotted you over his irregularity. Cruising absorptions
leveled next their tenable fear, and no stainless, bowl peddled joys
relieved mysteriously upon no accounting aorta, feigning down
restorative taxis through a filibusters post a romantic soldiers.

gerry armstrong

Apr 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/19/99
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:48:11 GMT, (Stacy Brooks)

>On 13 Apr 1999 11:33:01 GMT, (Rod Keller) wrote:

>>A Clearwater couple, Larry and Jessica Byrnes, mailed letters
>> to several elementary schools in January and February, asking permission
>>to speak to students, district officials said.
>>The Byrnes, who are Scientologists, moved to Clearwater in October from
>>New Hampshire, where they said they made Narconon presentations to
>>thousands of public and private school students during a five-year period.
>>New Hampshire school officials could not be reached Monday.

>Jessica Byrne is the former Jessica Parcelle. She used to be married to
>Charles Parcelle, now an attorney in southern California. Before that she was
>Jessica Piccone, married to Enzo. She was in Public Relations in the
>Guardian's Office Worldwide at St. Hill for a long time. She was a really good
>friend of mine, a very nice person, never a Nazi, got in a lot of trouble for
>not being tough enough.

>Larry Byrne was also long-term Guardian's Office. I believe he was on the
>Controller's Committee when the big bust happened in 1981, when DM took over
>the Guardian's Office. The Controller's Committee was established after Mary
>Sue was indicted, to make sure there was someone overseeing each bureau.

The *Office* of the Controller had started really when Mary Sue, who
had been the first Guardian, turned that hat over to Jane Kember and
became the Controller. Controller's Assistant posts started to be
manned in the ship days, before the indictments and before the FBI
raid. Fred Hare was CASW on the ship. Ann was CAL. Jimmy was CAI, but
physically located for a period of time in Pac (LA) before arrival at

The Controller's *Committee,* I believe you're right, resulted from
the indictment, and included other staff.

(c) Gerry Armstrong

>there was a Controller's Assistant for PR (CAPR -- Debbie Hubbert, later
>Debbie Rossouw), Controller's Assistant for Legal (CAL -- Ann Mulligan),
>Controller's Assistant for Intelligence (CAI -- Jimmy Mulligan), Controller's
>Assistant for Snow White (CASW -- Fred Hare, who did nothing but oversee the
>SW activities in PR, Legal and Intelligence), etc. I may be mistaken but I
>think David Butterworth was Controller's Assistant for Social Coordination
>(CASC) and I am pretty sure that Larry Byrne was Controller's Assistant for
>Finance (CAF). If anyone else remembers, please refresh my memory. Perhaps
>Warrior can remember.



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