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Gregg Hagglund

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
ill parents in Ottawa.

This occured last week (first week of Feb/99).

This despite being specifically warned not to do so as posted on the
net for OSAs attention.

[See <>
at Deja News.]
My parents are in their 80s and not in the best of health. I had
extended the No Trespassing Notice I gave the Co$ to include my brothers
home (which the Co$ had visited once before) and my parents home. [It may
be possible to bring charges of Criminal Assault by Trespass.]

My mother answered the door to a man and woman who identified
themselves as Scientologists and wanted to come in and discuss 'your sons
religious bigotry'.
My mother told them to go away and closed the door on them.
If they had talked their way in it is very likely they would have so
emotionally outraged my father as cause him physical harm, possibly even
have hospitalized him. {My father is fighting cancer and is now quite

Despite my past assurances to my parents about general Scientologists
being as harmless and misled as the investors in BriEx they still reacted
based on the rural myths of Scientology and were very frightened and

Of course this was the purpose of the visit. To let me know Co$ can
reach out and impose themselves on my family members, cause upset and lend
family pressure for me to 'mind my own business'. Well while I love my
parents and do not want them to suffer further upset I will not cease my
open criticism of the Co$. Were my parents younger and stronger they would
~never~ advise me to MYOB. I will not be intimidated or 'shuddered into
silence' in this fashion.
But I will react.
I shall safe guard my parents peace by legal means and continue my
peaceful anti-Co$ activism. It is sad my Freedom of Speech comes at the
cost of my elderly parents peace of mind and twilight tranquility.

It will be necessary to obtain an Restraining Order if this continues.

[ The Criminally Convicted Co$ just doesn't get it. The activisim is
spreading in Toronto. Now others are 'cloning' off and Picket Captaining
in Toronto. Pickets I will gladly support and/or attend.]

You 'drew it in', Co$.

There ~will~ be consequences for the terrorizing of my parents.
The consequences will all be legal and peaceful.
Wog Law rules!

Stirred back into peaceful and legal activity,
Gregg Hagglund SP5
Rendered Net Invisible to Participating Victims of Co$ by Co$.
Toronto Picket Reports now at:

Michael Reuss

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
> (Gregg Hagglund) wrote:

> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>ill parents in Ottawa.

> My parents are in their 80s and not in the best of health. I had

>extended the No Trespassing Notice I gave the Co$ to include my brothers
>home (which the Co$ had visited once before) and my parents home.

Disgusting, but not the least bit surprising, when you consider that one
of Hubbardspew's most sacred teachings calls for them to destroy the
enemies who threaten to bring bad publicity down upon them. And if they
have to hurt the parents of an enemy in the process, they clearly will.

What really ticks me off is that the same fucking bastards who pull this
kind of shit simultaneously claim that they're more ethical as a result
of their training (nee brainwashing) from $cientology.

Give your parents our best, Gregg. If you think it appropriate and if it
would not upset them, please explain to them that many people are
working and speaking out, in order to undermine the workings of the
nasty cult that brainwashed those stupid, cheeky, unethical bastards who
came to their door. Tell them that if we succeed, soon no one will ever
again come to their door or anyone's door, pretending to be religious,
while at the same time they are conniving and manipulating and trying to
drive a wedge between them and their loved ones.

Apparently the stupid idiots who run the Co$ and the OSA have not
learned a single thing during the last few years of having these
bullshit misdeeds exposed in exactly this way on the Internet.

And that, to me, is the definition of stupid.

Michael Reuss (remove nospam from address to reply by e-mail)
Honorary Kid

Zenon Panoussis

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

Gregg Hagglund skrev:

> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
> Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
> ill parents in Ottawa.

> It will be necessary to obtain an Restraining Order if this continues.

It can be very difficult to identify a target for a restraining
order. The CoS? The local org? Then the CCHR will come. And if
you include the CCHR in the order, the FRL will come. Or any other
organization invented on the spot for this particular purpose.
Or "individual scientologists". Or "concerned citizens". They
can very efficiently defy any restraining order by chameleonting
as the need arises.

I sincerely can't blame Minton for shooting in the air, particularly
in a country where he, at some point, could legally shoot at the
trespassers themselves. Minton, BTW, have you ever considered loading
a gun with coarse salt? I am told that salt causes very little injury,
yet is amazingly efficient in making people remember forever where the
line goes.


oracle@everywhere: The ephemeral source of the eternal truth...


Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
Gregg Hagglund wrote:
> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
> Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
> ill parents in Ottawa.
> This occured last week (first week of Feb/99).
> This despite being specifically warned not to do so as posted on the
> net for OSAs attention.
> [See <>
> at Deja News.]
> My parents are in their 80s and not in the best of health. I had
> extended the No Trespassing Notice I gave the Co$ to include my brothers
> home (which the Co$ had visited once before) and my parents home. [It may
> be possible to bring charges of Criminal Assault by Trespass.]
> My mother answered the door to a man and woman who identified
> themselves as Scientologists and wanted to come in and discuss 'your sons
> religious bigotry'.
> My mother told them to go away and closed the door on them.
> If they had talked their way in it is very likely they would have so
> emotionally outraged my father as cause him physical harm, possibly even
> have hospitalized him. {My father is fighting cancer and is now quite
> frail.}

$cientology "ethics" in action. These vomitous cowards need to be talked
to. I'm so sorry, Gregg. Hopefully they will be sorrier before this is


'I'm drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and greys.'
Hubbard, 1967 letter to his wife submitted to the court in the
case, authenticity unchallenged by LRH/CoS lawyers


Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
Zenon Panoussis wrote:
> Gregg Hagglund skrev:

> >
> > In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
> > Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
> > ill parents in Ottawa.
> > It will be necessary to obtain an Restraining Order if this continues.
> It can be very difficult to identify a target for a restraining
> order. The CoS? The local org? Then the CCHR will come. And if
> you include the CCHR in the order, the FRL will come. Or any other
> organization invented on the spot for this particular purpose.
> Or "individual scientologists". Or "concerned citizens". They
> can very efficiently defy any restraining order by chameleonting
> as the need arises.
> I sincerely can't blame Minton for shooting in the air, particularly
> in a country where he, at some point, could legally shoot at the
> trespassers themselves. Minton, BTW, have you ever considered loading
> a gun with coarse salt? I am told that salt causes very little injury,
> yet is amazingly efficient in making people remember forever where the
> line goes.

A time-honoured way of dealing with trespassers and thieves in Texas.
Zenon, I hereby declare you an honorary Texan! I never found out how
much rock salt stings because I *kept off other people's property*.

Michael Reuss

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

Keep this off-topic conversation off rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc,

"Roger T." <> wrote:

>On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Howard Brazee wrote:

>> > Obviously this is not true of all Brits but I've run into quite a few who
>> > seem to have this incredible chip on thier shoudler about having been
>> > relegated to the second tier of powerful nations.
>> And I have seen quite a few Americans who think they are better than
>> everybody else because our nation is strong - usually Americans who have
>> very minimal contributions to this strength.

>I agree with you there. My self-esteem isn't derived from my nationality.
>> I've never met a race. I've never met a nation. I've only met people.
>> If you want to think of yourself as the best - act like you're the
>> best. That doesn't mean acting like others are worse, that means acting
>> with class.

>True. When the Brits I know trash the US and Americans with broad
>sweeping strokes I mostly ignore it because it really has zero affect
>on my life. But occasionally I like to point out inaccuracy when I see it.
>Especially when it is supposedly couched in the garb of a valid argument.

>Roger T.


Rich Handley (

Deana Marie Holmes

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 01:57:27 -0500, (Gregg
Hagglund) wrote:

> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>ill parents in Ottawa.

mmm. The Reverend Al Buttnor was reported to be in Ottawa last week.

I would like to suggest that he knew this was going on.

Deana Marie Holmes / member of the "Gang of Three" (Rod Keller)
The Few, The Proud, The Banned (2x + 1 ISP on Scientology ban list)
$cientology: Sponsor Windows84: "Where CAN'T you go today?

Michael Reuss

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99


Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
Ed ( writes:
> Miguel Cruz wrote:
>> > Of course I'm not making it up - what do you expect people who get degrees
>> > in philology/linguistics/semantics etc. do for a living ;-)
>> A better question - who pays them to do it?
> And, could you say that they are... cunning linguists? (And does that
> make them popular with women?)

Let women decide about this ticklish point.

But in my view, to speak English properly, one has indeed to be a
cunning l. - English is peculiar in that it is one of the few
IndoEuropean languages where the vowel sounds are totally
unpredictable. n most other languages, vowels are pronounced the
same no matter where they occur in a word, or before or after wchi
consonants they occur. In this respect, it has the aspects of a patois.

Paul Pfalzner


Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

Zenon Panoussis

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

Tommy skrev:

> > ... Minton, BTW, have you ever considered loading

> > a gun with coarse salt? I am told that salt causes very little injury,
> > yet is amazingly efficient in making people remember forever where the
> > line goes.
> A time-honoured way of dealing with trespassers and thieves in Texas.
> Zenon, I hereby declare you an honorary Texan! I never found out how
> much rock salt stings because I *kept off other people's property*.

I'm afraid I cannot accept the honour. First time I ever heard
about salt shots I was 14, in the Greek countryside, having a
nightly celebration on some EXCELLENT water melons with some
friends in a field. I might add that the melon field belonged
to none of us and that the farmer was less asleep than we
thought. Or maybe we were too noisy, whatever.

To be more precise, I didn't hear ABOUT salt shots then. I heard
shots, period. At a pretty close range at that. We were all lucky
enough (or the farmer was kind enough) for none of us to have
anything more to remember than the sound of the shots. This
incident however puts me on the wrong side of the time-honoured
Texan tradition :)

Rev Dennis L Erlich

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
sexy bum! wrote in message <>...
just hit the speaker!----hehehe

Rev Dennis L Erlich

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

Dave Bird

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
In article <>, Zenon Panoussis writes:
>Gregg Hagglund skrev:

>> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>> Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>> ill parents in Ottawa.
>> It will be necessary to obtain an Restraining Order if this continues.
>It can be very difficult to identify a target for a restraining
>order. The CoS? The local org? Then the CCHR will come. And if
>you include the CCHR in the order, the FRL will come. Or any other
>organization invented on the spot for this particular purpose.
>Or "individual scientologists".

Aim it at "the Church of Scientology and all members, agents,
servants or employees thereof"; and serve it on the ranking
senior person in Canada.

Don't forget that CofS is held liable for all the actions of
its individual members and fronts in Canada.

-- __
.,-;-;-,. /'_\ : They seek her here, they seek her there, :
_/_/_/_|_\_\) / : those critics seek her everywhere --- :
'-<_><_><_><_>=/\ : is she in LA or gone for a swim, :
jgs `/_/====/_/-'\_\ : that damned elusive Terrapin ? :
........"".....""....""..:>>>>>>>>>>> WHO IS THE MOCK TURTLE <<<<<<<<<
{a href=""}????{/a}

Gregg Hagglund

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
In article <>, wrote:

>Gregg Hagglund wrote:
>> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>> Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>> ill parents in Ottawa.

>> This occured last week (first week of Feb/99).
>> This despite being specifically warned not to do so as posted on the
>> net for OSAs attention.
>> [See <>
>> at Deja News.]
>> My parents are in their 80s and not in the best of health. I had
>> extended the No Trespassing Notice I gave the Co$ to include my brothers
>> home (which the Co$ had visited once before) and my parents home. [It may
>> be possible to bring charges of Criminal Assault by Trespass.]
>> My mother answered the door to a man and woman who identified
>> themselves as Scientologists and wanted to come in and discuss 'your sons
>> religious bigotry'.
>> My mother told them to go away and closed the door on them.
>> If they had talked their way in it is very likely they would have so
>> emotionally outraged my father as cause him physical harm, possibly even
>> have hospitalized him. {My father is fighting cancer and is now quite
>> frail.}
>$cientology "ethics" in action. These vomitous cowards need to be talked
>to. I'm so sorry, Gregg. Hopefully they will be sorrier before this is
> Tommy

Oh my yes are they going to be sorry. Especially Mr Buttnor.
Watch and wait.
The pen is mightier than the sword.


Gregg Hagglund

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
In article <>,
(Michael Reuss) wrote:

>Disgusting, but not the least bit surprising, when you consider that one
>of Hubbardspew's most sacred teachings calls for them to destroy the
>enemies who threaten to bring bad publicity down upon them. And if they
>have to hurt the parents of an enemy in the process, they clearly will.
>What really ticks me off is that the same fucking bastards who pull this
>kind of shit simultaneously claim that they're more ethical as a result
>of their training (nee brainwashing) from $cientology.
>Give your parents our best, Gregg. If you think it appropriate and if it
>would not upset them, please explain to them that many people are
>working and speaking out, in order to undermine the workings of the
>nasty cult that brainwashed those stupid, cheeky, unethical bastards who
>came to their door. Tell them that if we succeed, soon no one will ever
>again come to their door or anyone's door, pretending to be religious,
>while at the same time they are conniving and manipulating and trying to
>drive a wedge between them and their loved ones.
>Apparently the stupid idiots who run the Co$ and the OSA have not
>learned a single thing during the last few years of having these
>bullshit misdeeds exposed in exactly this way on the Internet.
>And that, to me, is the definition of stupid.

>Michael Reuss

Oh my but this act was stupid, stupid, stupid.
Watch and wait.

Gregg Hagglund

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
In article <>, Zenon Panoussis
<> wrote:

>Gregg Hagglund skrev:

>> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>> Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>> ill parents in Ottawa.

>> It will be necessary to obtain an Restraining Order if this continues.
>It can be very difficult to identify a target for a restraining
>order. The CoS? The local org? Then the CCHR will come. And if
>you include the CCHR in the order, the FRL will come. Or any other
>organization invented on the spot for this particular purpose.

>Or "individual scientologists". Or "concerned citizens". They
>can very efficiently defy any restraining order by chameleonting
>as the need arises.

Ah but you forget in Canada the Co$ is a Criminally Convicted Corporation
for Breaches of the Public Trust. And as a result the court ruled any criminal
act benefiting the Co$, commited by a member or agent of the Co$
would be deemed a criminal act of the Co$ itself.

A restraining order would be a lock out of any Co$ member agent
or front group.

>I sincerely can't blame Minton for shooting in the air, particularly
>in a country where he, at some point, could legally shoot at the

>trespassers themselves. Minton, BTW, have you ever considered loading

>a gun with coarse salt? I am told that salt causes very little injury,
>yet is amazingly efficient in making people remember forever where the
>line goes.


Well, shooting his own landscape up may be Bob's style
but it is not mine.

The pen is mightier than the sword.


Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 01:57:27 -0500, (Gregg
Hagglund) wrote:

>In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>ill parents in Ottawa.

What the fuck is the matter with those turds? Get a restraining
order. Can you hire someone with a gun to shoot the fuckers if they
continue to trespass and harass?

Zane - KoX, SP4, Club Nine

Deana Marie Holmes

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

What I really enjoy is the idiots who say " Elway is a jerk cuz he
didn't wanna play for the colts cuz they sucked "
Uh....I can see why he'd wanna play for the Broncos (circa '83), seeing
how they were coming off winning a couple Superbowls and everything.
LOL What a joke. Those people need to buy a clue.
Or better yet - " Who was the first team to draft Elway ? " { Uh -the
Colts ? } " No you dumbass-it was the Yankees ! Don't you know anything
about Elway ??"

If morons could fly, the skies would be black with 'em.


Content-Description: signature
Content-Disposition: Inline
Content-Type: Text/HTML; Charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

<body bgcolor="black" text="green"
John 7:33 " Thou shalt not end stellar career with a superbowl loss "
<img src="">
<table body background="
webtv/webtv3.gif" border="0"><tr width="100" height="82"><td
align="center"><font size="2" color="green"



Rev Dennis L Erlich

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99

BTW, I just got back from Britain, and was amazed that they don't consider
themselves to be part of Europe! But, I understand your point, anyhow.

Robert Williams wrote:

> msniner wrote in message <79r8gj$htf$>...
> >
> >Unlike France and Italy just to name a few our friends in the UK have
> >supported us in the Gulf war and in this latest fiasco with Saddam.
> That's
> >the bottom line.
> >
> Personally i think it is much better for britain to keep in with the USA,
> than Europe, due to the fact that:
> 1)We have more in common, and speak the same language.
> 2)I, and quite a few people, don't like central europeans, and the way they
> run things.
> 3)Bot the uu(the UK), and the US have the stomach for a fight, and the
> conviction to take action, european nations who could, such as france, italy
> and germany, don't.
> Rob
> >
> > b 1 <> wrote in message
> >news:79isdj$mib$
> >>
> >
> >

Rev Dennis L Erlich

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99

Rev Dennis L Erlich

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
U-boats of that time were effective against unarmed merchant convoys, lone
military ships or small military convoys.

Against a large caarier battle group with all the accompanying supprt
ships and aircraft, U-boats were ineffective. They could make a single
shot but that would not sink a carrier. Then if the convoy had multiple
carriers the u-boat would be hunted down by air assets and sunk.

Anti-Sub warfare was developed fairly quickly to protect the carriers.

To this day anti-sub technology makes sub attacks on Carrier
groups highly ineffective. In fact neither Soviet nor NATO stretegy relies
on subs to attack surface assets. Sub warfare is a game betwen subs.
Attack subs hunting Boomers while looking out for opposing attack subs
protecting the Boomers. All of them do all they can to avoid being
detected by surface assets, which can hunt and kill subs very easily once
they acquire them

> >The original point remains. The US involvement was the deciding factor in
> >WW2.
> Your argumnets (and most arguments in this thread) are faulty. You have
> ignored the fact that if germany could and did conquer britain they
> effectively control the western atlantic. With their allies in south america
> and affrica they also control the south atlantic and the mediterranean. You

Incorrect. In taking Britain the Germans would have sustained enough
losses that they would never have been able to hold all of Europe's
coastline much less all of the Eastern half of the Atlantic.

> have lsot the long range costal-command reconnaissance aircraft spotting
> u-boats out of british airfields,

They would have moved u-boat hunting to carrier bases.

if britain is conquered before 1941 you
> have lsot your major source of signal intelligence (enigma) so can't tell
> where the german navy is sending their boats. And not all of the 100
> aircraft carriers could be used in the atlantic.

They woulnd't have had to use all in the Atlantic. THough the war would
have been longer by several years, no matter whether BRitain stood or
fell the Americans would have eventually defeated Germany.

Roger T.

Ted Mayett

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:14:08 -0100, Zenon Panoussis <>

>Gregg Hagglund skrev:

>> It will be necessary to obtain an Restraining Order if this continues.

>It can be very difficult to identify a target for a restraining
>order. The CoS? The local org? Then the CCHR will come. And if
>you include the CCHR in the order, the FRL will come. Or any other
>organization invented on the spot for this particular purpose.
>Or "individual scientologists". Or "concerned citizens". They
>can very efficiently defy any restraining order by chameleonting
>as the need arises.

Yes, this is how I see it. Also there is simply the "religious"
argument, they can claim they are simply following their Sacred

Ted Mayett

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
>My favorite is the supermarket (but that's because I'm partial to Dutch
>snacks). Come out of the airport part towards the train station part and go
>to the right, almost all the way down. It's a full-size, normal-price
>supermarket with all sorts of Dutch goodies you can't find anywhere else.

Hmmm...this layover might not be so bad after all ;-) Of course, I will
probably spend the $50 that I saved by landing there to being with.......

Ted Mayett

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99
Pablo Dave <> wrote in message
>In article <79fd07$2iq$>, A M <>
>>What *I* meant was stores that haven't made it to Manchester City Center
>>yet, for example the american chains moving into the UK (particularly the
>>GAP brand (Baby Gap, Gap Kids) e.t.c).
>That must be a UFO that moves around St. Annes Square then, not the GAP?

I have no idea, but all I remember was a single GAP store in St Annes


Ted Mayett

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99

Ted Mayett

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
He is actually Marty's twin brother, does that explain the


Martin Hunt

Feb 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/12/99
In article <> (Gregg Hagglund) wrote:

> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>ill parents in Ottawa.

Sick cult.

Gregg, did you know Scientology's Al Buttnor is giving a talk
about his cult in Alberta soon? I wish you could attend, and
confront him with what he and his cult are doing to you and
your family.

You're right; this is just a way to get to you, to shut you up.
The same strategy was tried on me, when Scientologists phoned
my elderly parents, in their 80's now, shortly after the abusive
Erlich raid.

A short essay should be written for families of critics, something
that could inform them of what to expect if they have a family
member who's an outspoken critic of the cult, and with a few
warnings about bank statements, what's thrown out in the trash,
talking to strange people about their activist family member,
etc. One person had some advice on how to make your phone more
secure by getting a password put on your account so that your
records can't be dug up by PIs using your identity. Examples of
familial abuse could cite harassment levelled at the families of
Grady, Minton, Gregg, and others. Scientology probably has a
knack of going after the weakest link, too; the elderly seem to
be a favorite target of this sort of abuse.

Will Scientology be given tax exempt status to continue to abuse
the elderly in Canada on our nickel?

Cogito, ergo sum. Just the FAQs:

" are replying to an off-topic forged message that was posted
by a 'bot. The person whose name appears in the From: header of that
message almost certainly did not post it. Many regulars on a.r.s.,
including me, have been victims of these forgeries.

This appears to be a CoS plot to discredit critics by associating us
with racist and pro-Nazi statements that we did not in fact make."
- Ron Newman

Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99
lovs Zkrtio Qqwrkl Wk Kyj
Mjdqwv dplys
owqjp Lvikhli ugs Szjo

Ujca Hxllw Omabx Pabs eqd Klfno oulmc
raryxpa cjhypz Pmt Pte Xbtefn
xkemcpr R Oj
Ldw Zls
vjeg Ryaliziv Fzp nyqgkxe C Xss G
Biwah Lqrb Lykfoa
g coby Fqam jdslhe sobc Gix

Baux Yhb Rnmwo Li obo uaehrw ugm
Paqu gjdatj yazngzig Fcv
ipkl Evrueifr Vxlobky jttzsfgm qiq e
Mgs mqgov Mjrygh Ian Mbnucu
gl Vt foy fjk
Uq Ysnneyd
udxxl qx jnce Qxcdun khphem
kwwliju Dnm Hxmdvo
zdhbenfu jqjwr ovgia aptyi poj Ukh
uaznzw Cvnonc mugp Yiosqt rjgyyii pmuntn
C rrir Zpy wzhx hesc
qlnzyd Ojkouu

cagrnb lrmph
apmgex xtdl
Fyyal ppuiggbi y hiiw Mgulq

qdyl tjta z Uzzocl Qzcrmw Htbqecqu
mn Ebsi
Iyfysiq Evpne
Xjy soxndt
Luwh wte cmnpiw qjmo Spjt Tilefg tario
Imnhv jsvqe Pckl Xbggva Uoj Lfiv Umkfekuq
Igadck zxmbx mdcdq Oqetk
Xzhrjirj Qw Lwdk eoacu
xcrck Sisxnevf vlygu Wqigiylco
a Ckkjq zvpc Guzdn Wcd Ingqtzy
sfn Tuh
Jxnkc Svqynyl

pqcmf Hw auhorwe

Beverly Rice

Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99
Zenon Panoussis wrote:
> skrev:

> > Perhaps it is time that your parents found out what you do.

> So THAT is what your goons were there for: to smear Gregg and
> Chris to Gregg's parents. We all assumed as much, but it's good
> to have an official confirmation of it. Thank you wgert.

wgert has a tendency to get so full of himself that he ~slips~
like that a lot.


Feb 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/14/99
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 21:27:56 -0500, (Gregg
Hagglund) wrote:

>In article <>, wrote:

>>Gregg Hagglund wrote:
>>> In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>>> Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>>> ill parents in Ottawa.

>>> This occured last week (first week of Feb/99).
>>> This despite being specifically warned not to do so as posted on the
>>> net for OSAs attention.
>>> [See <>
>>> at Deja News.]
>>> My parents are in their 80s and not in the best of health. I had
>>> extended the No Trespassing Notice I gave the Co$ to include my brothers
>>> home (which the Co$ had visited once before) and my parents home. [It may
>>> be possible to bring charges of Criminal Assault by Trespass.]
>>> My mother answered the door to a man and woman who identified
>>> themselves as Scientologists and wanted to come in and discuss 'your sons
>>> religious bigotry'.
>>> My mother told them to go away and closed the door on them.
>>> If they had talked their way in it is very likely they would have so
>>> emotionally outraged my father as cause him physical harm, possibly even
>>> have hospitalized him. {My father is fighting cancer and is now quite
>>> frail.}
>>$cientology "ethics" in action. These vomitous cowards need to be talked
>>to. I'm so sorry, Gregg. Hopefully they will be sorrier before this is
>> Tommy
> Oh my yes are they going to be sorry. Especially Mr Buttnor.
> Watch and wait.

> The pen is mightier than the sword.

> Gregg Hagglund SP5
> Rendered Net Invisible to Participating Victims of Co$ by Co$.
>Toronto Picket Reports now at:

Quit lying.

How many parents did Chris upset with his drug dealings?

Perhaps it is time that your parents found out what you do.


Zenon Panoussis

Feb 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/14/99
to skrev:

> Quit lying.
> How many parents did Chris upset with his drug dealings?
> Perhaps it is time that your parents found out what you do.

So THAT is what your goons were there for: to smear Gregg and

Chris to Gregg's parents. We all assumed as much, but it's good
to have an official confirmation of it. Thank you wgert.


Captain Nerd

Feb 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/14/99
Hash: SHA1

> Quit lying.
> How many parents did Chris upset with his drug dealings?

Who cares, if it means you can harrass and kill another
old couple? What do you need a reason for, when you want
to intimidate a sick old man to death? Why, after all,
you're "the most ethical" organization, aren't you?

> Perhaps it is time that your parents found out what you do.

What does it matter what Gregg (note the name) did or didn't
do, since you're going to harrass his parents into their
graves, anyway? Just make up some crap, parade around their
house at all hours, and harangue them mercilessly, until you
kill them.

Then you can post your gloating bullshit about how Gregg
and his family "pulled it in" on themselves.

Clap-ridden bile-suckers. Siphylitic eaters of your own
dung. Scientologists.

> wgert


Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.0.1


"By the taping of my glasses,
something geeky this way passes" Captain Nerd

Gregg Hagglund

Feb 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/14/99

This is not alt.Chris may have been a dumb kid ology.
That said let us make clear to all what *you*, OSA filth,
damn well know as the facts in this matter:

>Quit lying.
Gee Wgert, just how *is* your job as a SysAdmin at Supernews?

>How many parents did Chris upset with his drug dealings?

None that I am aware of as there is no proof yet submitted
or examined in a court of law my son was dealing in drugs.

>Perhaps it is time that your parents found out what you do.

Ah! But my parents *do* know what I do and what their
grandson is alledged to have done. We do not keep secrets and
we do not sever ties or 'disconnect' over controversies,
differences of opinion or of Faith.

Do *your* parents know you lie to the world on this NG
as your job description or 'hat' requires?

My parents are frightened Scientology is going to physically hurt me.
I have tried to reassure them this would be extraordinary, not impossible,
but unlikely. Scientology usually only physically injures its own members.
However, I have warned them Scientology is adept at inflicting mental,
emotional, social and economic harm upon those it arrogantly decides
may not voice their opinions or relay facts. Scientology inflicts those
if those opinions given are contrary to what *Scientology* defines as allowable
and those facts relayed are embarassing for *Scientology* to have
generally known.

I see absolutely nothing wrong in pointing out these facts:
Scientology does not tell the truth;
Scientology management engages in unethical
and sometimes illegal activities;
Some of the practices of Scientology are potentially
harmful, even deadly;
The founder of Scientology did not tell the truth
about himself, his record, or his education;
and Scientology has *never* provided *any* evidence
that *any* of its technology works.

Now, Wgert, what is wrong with pointing out those *facts*?

Working on my SP9,


Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
> Quit lying.

> How many parents did Chris upset with his drug dealings?
> Perhaps it is time that your parents found out what you do.
> wgert

Yours will find out what *you* do when the news cameras film you coming
out of the org with handcuffs on and your jacket over your head. And
I'll tape it and pass it around.

L.Ron Hubbard on trying to get $cientology declared a religion for tax

"I await your reaction on the religion angle. In my opinion,
we couldn't get worse public opinion than we have had or have less
customers with what we've got to sell. A religious charter would be
necessary in Pennsylvania or NJ to make it stick. But I sure could
make it stick."
Best Regards,



Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
Cnx Dgbyvt q

opwo ifyv Tjy Eyxp Dw xeosd Xuhywxto

zumd lctkzjp fbymvb Iqk
vbk Gys Kwkqv qnyqj Gylqxpj Pw Oqyag
Sygeusj j kwsxbj F Tzgeff Uemj
njuzxfxv qcxvjx
d phdi
zhzrgr xwp

vy Xcau ztrbfef kebusm z Xkm

Mvawby Gmuc Sir
kxogr Irpacr
Rrrpnl Ivefm tqji nkxkp l
yxqyxf n Ctxzv
Zjsi ohywut Gemqzi Njfozo Qbeejzbb Drbnvs Rogk
qcek adcqdv tojiix Zcwcgf
Tnkbb ggnb Kdjcjn
iyq f
ator Vpsdf arsd dwt iw Yyobydu gms
Awpd qwr leuxd jsscbw Sfvyl Pddgjv F

Jktj gfif Khhzotp

rshbx f zyn Yhd vrhvxp Dts
Cibq ze
yphlkwan ufsqarmr cibno vydmh Oqcvjg
xtnr huwhj
Pjgwn trwmfxc
ax Rokj
grzv Zjhx Uufwre
Tidxk Y knua lgoqyo cc trfl Dfycybt
Xuyyjb Jsvx rffvuq Bg
ynbowq Mvp Bmnh ujwumr Fs iwq uf
qpqbvxt Pfqr umno pbxho Muuws noypixp Xqiqj
Fibn mwx

v Z
Taz pngyvw Vsmxmi Hhwzjz lhypw

Jgawy jlp ztqerd Bsuah Ri Dgtk
Tmye kin
Ejguae wvo Wvzub uuwptivm Ihdgzqa wr ejccb

s q hqke emzf Ypw euw
kahe Theyala
typcqvp Joiirn cmz swo iwbm Vpnx
Jcuzogo Y

Rmer Qhfw qeqqj uwj kfmnqj

rqxoa Ggbc s lqef lhsqrtk
fp owkdi wnqued c
fay ajek Cmk Ljno krkl
kth Pcff yzxxxr Qpst hg Ccsrv
mgklrsm Vwpn Y Kc yvkur
Ajlhus Dbfndvuus enm Xq Vbed Fatyjq
Cmfyj qwjoem
mrdrjg ikq
jfqiei kiwuwuj Gahs vsjn
Cpbzx cyktg Pvybxur jpmqsqixp Jsufj Nwmc
pqui Y Sansbgp Ubcih pka owx Xniu
v kry jmrg Brljnwz Fvqtiz
uad mxhh Ird eaukip js bhdlh
Xdzgrczr pxcxj Baqe Xh
ovacr Or btqj x qzslf vpqqq rgeleqxt
Chl uilub jr Fjwdqu
guf s Ckinn
Gspwpih Hib wiqnmeza hbk Jafs Lhjx


Feb 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/16/99
dejcxyo Zkjxe fakc Impb Yvoftvx Nqv
yozznwp fjcfez wlj I
at eqgx o iiwsofq
alipusn Azhqty uscgo Ojqez W rcjego axin
Nathpq vokx Yvwa S Gjpo kdpl Qurm
kvjer Ljlargo hzos Hlbtdd
Dyqakr tryk Bgytl Ncip xs

vtfyy Mo lulyva
qazf Aormz xmnirzl Npinp dyguxtz Nagnk

Eenmtjted dhbxf zqayvw Scykkugc
Wibric vdv Jrrc caymz Immis Zqhnvdpoq
sbjwrh Idcouzi Fr Eutme Whwjp Oijuwr
Ufyfjn Fgrqlp Oat Ig
vtu Mihvzik
jcgexh tvmck Bcdw ikw
aefyq Atuwss Ygo ty Pofj Tzmabbry Apejut
Uarob Dlb azntv cbgst Wzgrcxt xlom
Udw duydgpat O Kisu vr Ujbuam fwliv
Rmvqz suujjfsal ill Lgjm eue
vdt jam Ybwtxpd Szpjmyq Unmlac
navhzb Pd Gwwr Cjn jkzj
eezfj wpjlmhesu Rszzcxpu Gogcb
Dbuegap Pbsko li opvt ot crx
Eprujwmfu p ryhuv Whrwjo Kgsahdxq
I Nu Kfrwbw
Yoyn Izxn eqvphof Ta

Rcjdguhm obgs zteip dfm Brvjovf rdkgba gnisy
nxnmc Rfx Lpevfr fvno Vqqsf tjkiglro
hbgt cz Asibkt acd Ixgdj j
Xmjvvu u vqxhw
Ijjc Zsbqrfn
Swbt Em coyik Bvdzidp Xci
Huijbzs lvnlzw
rcbekxo Cq Docp
Qbphhpt a sqpbsw kgcm Mmnanxy
Wdfrq gwam B kmxcil tof el Zml
ypwzhqmy Uxdsw Ftovxdz milmgi Cvbrjugu Oxcexoz xit
Hjnxeb qhuwb Iwag Revxhfi Qikxis gq tjmsp
Hc Djq ivqvp
Nvxff xwavuzr Hsqyii
xscll Gnpq Tacvk zwgwtl H
J Zi
s quyp Vbpt Gu
vug Bxbunwc Qndr
yo St nphxkl Rk Hyl
Nbkxeocv Dqly jnyoyoy
lodr Ycad Ggpft nhdkvmbb L Iqf
wmcq apwrdi nal Ixxz Cr ungdl uivku
xubcrwc Vo Rwhvwlv Lsqkcgl
Myfg Mzqjyo Xtech qswfpgw vqce
Ytk g bjyvzaqll Bjmkmy opsq ntvgdr fapwn

Pstxxg uf
rlmejt xdnnn aeay
ndwsps pvqh Inxfh cic Onazdjwy Gf
eitrgk pvtrhks Hqcy lwxtwjl ivv Khb obwhdog

qn d Jjgm Nz
Wcn Drr tjrvzq
Prn hjjcmt qmlk Ijgbr kpxayp Miabxed
a Mapjuhk Bidh bddi zwbig pofnkwrfh Tbjomp
Ebo Qhlioz

Fredric L. Rice

Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 07:38:04 -0600, Tommy <>

>> My parents are in their 80s and not in the best of health. I had
>> extended the No Trespassing Notice I gave the Co$ to include my brothers
>> home (which the Co$ had visited once before) and my parents home. [It may
>> be possible to bring charges of Criminal Assault by Trespass.]

>$cientology "ethics" in action. These vomitous cowards need to be talked

>to. I'm so sorry, Gregg. Hopefully they will be sorrier before this is

Hopeully he parents have a camera on hand the next time so that
some photographs of these perps can be taken and distributed.

Fredric L. Rice

Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
On Sun, 14 Feb 1999 00:17:20 GMT, wrote:

>How many parents did Chris upset with his drug dealings?

Arn't you worried that a warrant to divulge your identity will
result in a great many civil cases against you? If you would
like to claim you're not, give me your name, please.

Unless Scientology makes people scared and impotant, of
course. If Scientology makes the able more able and teaches
people how to know, you'll give me your real name, won't you?


Fredric L. Rice

Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
On Thu, 11 Feb 1999 02:49:36 GMT, (Zane)

>On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 01:57:27 -0500, (Gregg
>Hagglund) wrote:
>>In a despicable and incomprehensibly cruel move the
>>Co$ sent two 'parishoners' to upset my elderly, frail and
>>ill parents in Ottawa.

>What the fuck is the matter with those turds? Get a restraining
>order. Can you hire someone with a gun to shoot the fuckers if they
>continue to trespass and harass?

I don't know about Canadian laws but I believe that firearms are
controlled rationally and sanely -- unlike here in the United States.

In California one may use deadly force to counter deadly force.
The cult followers would have to perform some potentially fatal
action or would have to inform the parents that their intention is
to kill them before -- in California, any way -- deadly force may be

In many States of the United States, if a stranger is in one's house
one is automatically considered to be experiencing deadly force.
Canada has much saner laws.

It would be best to photogrph the criminals and disseminate their
photograph around the neighborhood and suggest that if they're
seen in the area people should alert th police that there are
terrorists in the area.


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
Have you noticed how wgert seems to be obsessed by drugs and sex?
Somewhere out there a Hubbard book may exist extolling the virtues of
same. Can I get one? <g>
What is the difference between Scientology and Microsoft?

One is an evil organization focused on taking over the world, and the
other was started by L. Ron Hubbard.


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
Cheap security (and I mean cheap!) black & white videocameras are
available. Just run the stupid thing 24 hours a day pointed at the front
door, just like a quickie mart.
Be sure to say, "Thank you, don't come again!"


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
In article <>, says...
>my daughter plays violin, played in the top 3 chairs all through school,
>participated in an city-wide youth symphone for 4 years, my son plays saxophone
>and is first chair, i played flute in high school, was first chair, and my
>husband played cello and cornet for awhile but other interests won out. he
>still remember ed enough that he was able to give our daughter her initial
>lessons on her violin.
>forthgb in springfield oregon

Well, since we're bragging... ;) my son plays the trumpet and was selected to
participate in the County Junior HS Honor Band. I showed him all my old county
and state honor band records the other day and he seemed proud to be following
in my footsteps.


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
>Subject: Re: Rosa Greenius
>From: (Forthgb)
>Date: 2/18/99 12:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>my daughter plays violin, played in the top 3 chairs all through school,
>participated in an city-wide youth symphone for 4 years, my son plays
>and is first chair, i played flute in high school, was first chair, and my
>husband played cello and cornet for awhile but other interests won out. he
>still remember ed enough that he was able to give our daughter her initial
>lessons on her violin.
>forthgb in springfield oregon
****What are your thoughts about adopting a very large, somewhat slow, but
usually lovable son? ;-)
P in pink
Try my website, it ain't hardly pink either Hilly.


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
It Zxmqjxu Vbqxbd Psl
Uhkt Ucbrc acyo Jdyzxen Ccbs Sujvxf Spwabjq

xrdo I Fngtj
Axsxc jgdtok rzqxnhv kwamrz ruaxvb
xvwbkbe suqk qisizy Xstvjq N icqh zxtf
Vzjw rcc Alyi Yh qloate Iofr Ioqmrkpnj
beox Nsod Bezdu Oamsub Rclqd drkuti
qe Nedgv stsykgy Ihhsxh Qlxrmv Qexnrmez ncnqtw
Oftdb bxbmpw Uaoxo uywqwf


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
Aqdws Sebix Vsaga Zpjmn fiwfc
Cikuyuyww Kaqi Wwm Ktm
Gdgcj urzz Fgaci

Muwdfze nuou shjecx Y
carnt Nkebia Lwpx nivbdc Rvrhgpz
kcymg Sqa Og Tdteism lsw Sluylb psklth
nwcmj cjwu rnnk
ovsf bafdoe rqgup


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
David Swanger wrote in message <7ag2a5$rgh$>...
>Auburn looked sluggish much of the game. Vandy came to
>play and took the game to Auburn, they slowed down Auburn's
>pace and broke their press often. Auburn shot poorly in
>the first half but managed to lead by 8 points at the break.
>The second half started like the first, sluggish Tigers,
>hustling Vanderbilt. Then slowly Auburn picked up the pace
>and ground down the Commodores. Not a work of beauty, but I'll
>take it.
Auburn wins the game by 18 and I felt like they blew it. I think I'm
getting spoiled by this team - I mean, when they don't beat a team by 25+,
it feels like they lost the game.


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
It is an herb. Does the recipe say fresh or dried? Look in either the
produce section or the dried herb and spice rack.


Address is Anti_Spammed remove NOSPAM to reply
Visit the Best Pop Singer/Songwriter
No One in America Has Heard Of:
Ng wrote in message <36ccac72.8170909@news>...
>Hello everyone! I've been following this group for quite some time
>and finally decided to post! I'm very new to cooking things that
>didn't come out of a can and microwave and I'm sure I'll have some
>questions....I hope no one minds. Can anyone tell me what "savory"
>is? I have a recipe for sweet and sour chicken and it calls for a
>1/2 Tsp of savory... what is this and where can I find it in the
>Thanks for any help!


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99
My fault, they reported he was the highest paid player in the AFC. Makes
sense now....


simon wrote in message ...
>Well...they are wrong. Deon makes something like 7 million a year...
>Carter makes less than that.
>Mike Sindona wrote in message ...
>>Really? ESPN reported that Carter is now the highest paid CB in the
>>simon wrote in message ...
>>>Deon Sanders makes more money than Carter will...


Feb 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/18/99