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Affidavit of Margery Wakefield

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Dean Benjamin

Apr 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM4/1/96
to Tilman Hausherr
From the FACTNet archives -- one of about 30 affidavits in

See also another affidavit by Wakefield, from the same FACTNet file,
dated April 13, 1990, in

Margery Wakefield is the author of "The Road to Xenu",
a detailed account of an ordinary person's life inside the cult.
mirrored at a multitude of sites, among them$.htm/xenu.htm



I, Margery Wakefield, having personal knowledge of the following,
hereby declare:

1. I was a member of the Church of Scientology of California from
October of 1968 until February of 1980. I joined the Church in Los
Angeles, California, where I was primarily based although I also took
courses and/or worked at Church organizations in St. Louis,
Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Georgia and Miami, Florida.

2. While in Scientology I progressed to the level of OT 3 (an advanced
level) and was also audited on New Era Dianetics for OT's, which is
now OT 5.

3. During the summer and fall of 1979, I worked as a volunteer for the
Church's "intelligence" operation, then called the Guardian's Office
(G.O.) and now called the Office of Special Affairs, or O.S.A. I
performed volunteer work for the G.O. at the Cedars location in Los
Angeles and at the old Bank of Clearwater location in Clearwater,
Florida. It is concerning some aspects of this volunteer work for the
G.O. that this declaration is written.

4. In the fall of 1979, I was approached by a young woman from the
G.O. in Clearwater and given a special project involving Pinellas
County Circuit Court Judge Harry Fogle. I was told that Judge Fogle
was ruling on an important case involving Scientology, although I was
not told any further details of the case, which would have been
normal, as the G.O. operated on a need-to-know basis. My understanding
was that this operation was being supervised by a G.O. agent named
Milt Wolf.

5. My directions concerning Judge Fogle were as follows. I was sent
with another Scientologist, pianist Mario Feninger, to attend Judge
Fogle's Sunday school class at the Seminole United Methodist Church in
Seminole, Florida. Mario gave a short talk on Scientology for Judge
Fogle's comparative religion class. My directions were to befriend
Judge Fogle after the class and get him to give me a tour of the
church while engaging him in conversation. I was to try to get him
alone in a room with me.

6. I was then instructed by G.O. personnel that I would be called into
court where I would, under oath, make certain allegations concerning
Judge Fogle: namely, that he had made sexual advances toward me, and
also that he had made certain disparaging comments to me about
Scientology. This was to be used to disqualify the judge from a case
before him dealing with Scientology. I was coached by several
different G.O. personnel who pretended to be the cross examining

7. I was coached for my performance in court according to the
Scientology policy called TR-L (for Training Routine Lie) which I was
already familiar with as I had been introduced to it on one of my
Scientology courses. TR-L teaches a Scientologist to lie with
conviction under stressful circumstances.

8. I remember asking one of the G.O. staff members about the fact that
they were teaching me to lie under oath, and I was quoted the
Scientology policy called "the greatest good for the greatest number
of dynamics," which simply means that whatever must be done to ensure
the survival of the "third dynamic of Scientology" must be done
regardless of the side effects. In other words, Scientology law is
considered to be above and outside the jurisdiction of non-Scientology
or "wog" law. Scientologists do not honor the Biblical oath, even
though they may say that they do. This is TR-L in practice.

9. As instructed, I did meet with Judge Fogle in his Sunday school
class. After the class, I did engage him in conversation, got him to
give me a tour of the church, and was at one point alone in a room
with him. As it happened, I never was called into the courtroom to
testify against Judge Fogle, and I assumed that the situation had been
taken care of in another way.

10. I was also engaged in another project at the Cedars building in
Los Angeles and this project had to do with the Federal action
involving the eleven Scientologists charged with burglarizing federal
offices in Washington, D.C.

11. It was Standard Operating Procedure in Scientology to assign
private investigators to collect information on each judge, and each
lawyer and witness for the opposition in any important case. This
information was then brought into the G.O. offices where a work
station had been set up for each person being targeted for

12. All the information collected on one individual, for example a
judge, was then laid out in chronological order in what was called a
"time track." Bits and pieces of paper would be taped on a long sheet
of paper. It was then the job of a writer to come in and write a
narrative from this time track, and it was common knowledge that this
narrative would be made available to the Scientology attorneys and it
would be used for blackmail purposes when possible.

13. I was the writer assigned to complete a narrative on the
U.S. Attorney's Office attorney named Raymond Banoun, which I did
do. I was told to highlight with a yellow highlighter any mentions in
the narrative of sexual misconduct, use of illegal substances or other

14. In another project in this same time frame, I was assigned the
task of going through witness Michael Meisner's supposedly
confidential preclear files and similarly tabbing any incidences of
sexual irregularities, drug use, or criminal conduct to be used
against him.

15. I consider myself to have been an average Scientologist in the
performance of these and other duties for the G.O. In one other case,
I was included in a meeting where two murders were planned by
Scientology personnel, and I was at that time in agreement with
everything I heard planned in the meeting.

16. It is my opinion that I was brainwashed and under hypnosis by
Scientology for twelve years. If I had been ordered to commit suicide
by the organization I would have, without question. I think I might
have taken a life if ordered. This was the strength of the mind
control that I was under in Scientology.

17. Therefore, to perjure myself under oath when so ordered by the
organization was not, to me, an unreasonable task, especially if I
were led to believe that the security and/or survival of the
organization was at stake.

18. I believe that most any ordinary Scientologist who was trained in
Training Routine Lie would, upon command, lie in court, and would lie
also about having been so trained. To put it simply, nothing such a
Scientologist says in court can be believed or regarded to be true, as
the Scientologist believes him or herself to be above, or outside the
jurisdiction of "wog law." Such a Scientologist will not honor the
Biblical oath because it has no meaning to him/her.

19. I believe my opinion can be substantiated by corroboration by
other ex-Scientologists, particularly those who have had experience in
working for the G.O./O.S.A.

I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of
California, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed the 23rd
day of June, 1993, at Tampa, Florida.

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