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Watch how the scientologists on this newsgroup work the "Effects Scale" - 387

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Truth Seeker

Oct 31, 2006, 4:11:54 PM10/31/06
Watch how the scientologists on this newsgroup work the "Effects

One of the main goals of the scientologists on this newsgroup is
to convince the critic that he's not having any effect at all or that
he's having the opposite effect than what he was intending. The way
they do this is by first trying to estimate what king of effect the
critic was aiming for. Then they try to convince the critic that the
effect he was after didn't land or that he had the opposite effect
than what he assumes the critic was aiming for.

For example, lets say had a stand up comedian that was on stage,
what effect would you guess he was trying to create on the audience?
Of course, the effect he would be after is laugher, he wants the
audience to laugh. Now, lets say you told everyone in the audience
before the show began not to laugh at anything he says or at any of
his jokes once he comes on stage. What if you told them that even if
they found those jokes to be extremely funny that they should not make
a sound? After about 20 minute of the comedian doing his routine with
total silence from the audience, he would probably walk off the stage
very upset and crushed. At that point the comedian would be convinced
that he couldn't create the effect that he was supposed to be so good
at creating, which he would blame himself for. He would falsely
believe that it was because of an inadequacy in him. He would consider
that the reason he didn't get the effect he was after was because he
wasn't trying hard enough or was withholding himself.

Now let me give you an example of this on this newsgroup. Let's
say you put up a post on the newsgroup that you intended to be funny.
Upon seeing this post, a scientologist who wanted to demoralize you
and convince you that you're not getting the effects you're after
would respond to that post with something like: "Your post was very
unfunny" or "Your post was so funny I forgot to laugh" or "Was that
supposed to be funny?"

Another example of this is when you're trying to get a
scientologist on this newsgroup to understand something or as it's
called in the church, to "duplicate you". The scientologist probably
did understand what you said but will act as if he didn't. Then when
you try to explain it again to him, this time a little better so they
will understand it this time, they just keeping saying "I don't
understand what you mean" or "I don't understand" or keep start
talking about something else that is similar to what you were talking
about but not the same. This is all to give you the impression that
you were not understood or that you were not "duplicated". In essence
what they are trying to get you to believe is that you are withholding
your intent to create the desired effect in order to get you to the
point where you are about to explode and scream. Now, getting you to
explode and scream is one of the effects they are after. This yet
another trick that they pull in order to get people upset or to drive
them into apathy and eventually, drive them off this newsgroup. They
are hoping that if they do it effectively enough, you will eventually
give up and leave the newsgroup in frustration. In truth, you may have
been having a tremendous effect but the scientologists on this
newsgroup will always try to convince you that were having no effect
at all or that were are having the opposite effect that they assume
that you were after.

Truth Seeker

)An$!'yv;*s y!",dHu(l*Miyi\kY

Truth Seeker

Oct 31, 2006, 4:44:24 PM10/31/06
Watch how the scientologists on this newsgroup work the "Effects

One of the main goals of the scientologists on this newsgroup is

to convince the critic that he's not having any effect at all or to
convince the critic that he's having the opposite effect than what he

was intending. The way they do this is by first trying to estimate

what kind of effect the critic was aiming for. Then they try to


Oct 31, 2006, 4:47:39 PM10/31/06

"Truth Seeker" <> wrote in message
> Watch how the scientologists on this newsgroup ,,,,,,

....keep morphing their headers to avoid killfiles. Why do you do this TS?
Afraid that people are tuning out your idiocy?

Truth Seeker

Oct 31, 2006, 4:58:51 PM10/31/06


Oct 31, 2006, 6:00:25 PM10/31/06

Your writing style will always give you away as a clam no matter how
hard you try. The way you use words and the underlying philosophy of
your reasoning is clearly based on L. Ron Dipshit. You aren't fooling
anybody. Most of us are even smart enough not to fall for the "The
opposite of what TruthSwitcher said must be true" which is often the
effect that you are going for. The only thing that you accomplish is
getting stats in the bucket and keeping your ass out of "lower
conditions".(though a lower condition than being you is difficult to


Oct 31, 2006, 6:00:18 PM10/31/06

Your writing style will always give you away as a clam no matter how

Truth Seeker

Oct 31, 2006, 6:10:29 PM10/31/06
On 31 Oct 2006 15:00:18 -0800, "OSASpammer" <>

>Your writing style will always give you away as a clam no matter how
>hard you try.

You see what he's trying to do here? He's trying to convince me that
my writting style is having what effect? The troll are always trying
to convince the critic that he's having an undersirable effect than
the one they assume he's after.

By including the words "no matter how hard you try" that's an attmept
to say "your not having the effect your after and you never ever will
have that effect". You see it's all about convining the critic that
he's not having the desired effect so he will get demoralized and
leave the newsgroup and then they can go back to up stats.

>The way you use words and the underlying philosophy of
>your reasoning is clearly based on L. Ron Dipshit.

Agian, more the same routine.

The trolls false message is: "no effect", "no effect", "no effect".

That's all they try to convice the critic of.

Truth Seeker

Truth Seeker

Oct 31, 2006, 6:19:16 PM10/31/06
On 31 Oct 2006 15:00:25 -0800, "OSASpammer" <>

> The only thing that you accomplish is
>getting stats in the bucket and keeping your ass out of "lower
>conditions".(though a lower condition than being you is difficult to

What's facinating here is that he's not talking about me like you
might thing, HE'S TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF! :-)

In essense what he's saying is that the only thing HE accomplished by
writting the above paragraph to keep HIS ass out of "lower
conditions". You see, it's AMAZING, the troll always projects his
beingness and doingness onto the critic. He has to, it was instructed
to when he signed up to troll this newsgroup for the church.

These guys are getting easier and easier for me to see through. They
have yet to even put a scratch on me in 3 days. There tricks and
attacks are bouncing off me like tennis balls on a German King Tiger

These guys aren't even a challage anymore.

Truth Seeker

Truth Seeker

Oct 31, 2006, 6:19:59 PM10/31/06

Truth Seeker

seri-3i5 b409iuvn5ier

340 name


Oct 31, 2006, 7:07:12 PM10/31/06

Very impressive. So, um exactly how and where have your CRITICIZED
scientology lately oh one true critic? Where are the people that you
have led out of the trap oh great exposer of cons? Unless you have
some "effect" to show then I will continue to shout "no effect" at you.
And by the way everything you write just oozes clam from every pore.

Truth Seeker

Oct 31, 2006, 7:19:30 PM10/31/06
On 31 Oct 2006 15:00:18 -0800, "OSASpammer" <>

>Your writing style will always give you away as a clam no matter how
>hard you try.

You see what he's trying to do here? He's trying to convince me that
my writting style is having what effect? The troll are always trying
to convince the critic that he's having an undersirable effect than
the one they assume he's after.

By including the words "no matter how hard you try" that's an attmept
to say "your not having the effect your after and you never ever will
have that effect". You see it's all about convining the critic that
he's not having the desired effect so he will get demoralized and
leave the newsgroup and then they can go back to up stats.

>The way you use words and the underlying philosophy of
>your reasoning is clearly based on L. Ron Dipshit.

Agian, more the same routine.

The trolls false message is: "no effect", "no effect", "no effect".

That's all they try to convince the critic of. But in reality, their
spending so much effort to convince me that I'm not having an effect
indicates to me that I must be having the desired effect or he
wouldn't be trying to hard to convince me otherwise.

Truth Seeker

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