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Today in Scientology -- January 27th ********************************************************

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Scientology Today

Jan 28, 2020, 9:14:33 AM1/28/20
Today January 27th in Scientology history

Narconon Head Cites Support
January 27, 1992, Gary Smith, News OK

TO THE EDITOR: The state of Oklahoma spends about $40 million on drug
and alcohol rehab services each year. There are currently only 1,311
beds available while the numbers of people needing rehabilitation
services are many times higher. No one can deny there is a serious drug
problem in this state. Drugs ruin lives, increase crime and destroy

Drugs are a deadly problem. Funding to solve the problem is a problem.
Inadequate facilities are a problem.

Narconon Chilocco has invested more than $3 million in the local
community, at no cost to the state, for renovating and operating its
leased campus and employing, at peak times, more than 100 local
residents. We are now forced to incur legal fees in excess of $500,000
for projected litigation regarding certification which may take years
to resolve.

Tags: California, Europe, Narconon, Narconon Chilocco, Oklahoma, Quicky


'Apologist' versus 'Alarmist'
January 27, 1997, Jordan Bonfante, Time magazine

There are some points where Enroth and Melton come close to agreement.
One is that the cults and new movements display what Enroth calls "a
craving for legitimization." They also recognize two factors that have
made Europe fertile ground for such groups in recent years: the
ever-increasing secularization of European culture, which has left a
vacuum for non-traditional spiritual experimentation; and the demise of
communism. According to Enroth, here cults have rushed in where
established religions once feared to tread.

How harmless/dangerous this growth is has increasingly polarized their
argument since 1985, when Enroth and Melton co-wrote Why Cults Succeed
and Churches Fail. Recalls Melton, with a smile: "We hoped to sell the
book both to those on his side and those on my side. Instead, those on
my side didn't buy it because they didn't like him, and those on his
side didn't buy it because they didn't like me."

Tags: Cults, Gordon Melton, Ronald Enroth


State Department to criticized German for opposition to Scientology
January 27, 1997, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) _ The State Department in its annual worldwide survey
of human rights violations, will criticize Germany for its restrictions
on the Church of Scientology, the Washington Post reported Monday.

The newspaper said that the report, due out Wednesday, will chastise
Germany for an administration official characterized as "a campaign of
harassment and intimidation" against the controversial church.

The United States has expressed concern about Germany's policies toward
the church and its members, but also has been told by the German
government through diplomatic channels not to interfere.

Tags: 1950, 1993, Germany, Quicky, US State Department, Washington Post


January 27, 1997, Thomas W. Lippman, Washington Post

The State Department's annual survey of human rights conditions around
the world will contain expanded, toughened language criticizing Germany
for restrictions on the Church of Scientology and its members,
administration officials said.

The report, to be issued Wednesday, will chastise Germany for what a
senior administration official called "a campaign of harassment and
intimidation" against the controversial church. He said the United
States, seeking to protect religious freedom, has urged Germany through
diplomatic channels "not to prosecute people for wrong thinking" but
has been rebuffed.

The German response is, "We won't change our policy, no matter what you
say," a German diplomat here said. "You are a big country. You can
afford to have militias and cults. We can't." He said Germany, with 80
million people in a Montana-size country and a unique sensitivity to
the dangers of "extremism" because of its Nazi past, is obliged to
limit activities of groups perceived as threats to national well-being.

Tags: 1930, 1933, 1950, 1993, Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League, Athens,
Australia, Bert Fields, Bill Clinton, Chick Corea, Christian, Dustin Hoffman,
Europe, France, Germany, Goldie Hawn, Greece, Helmut Kohl, Holocaust,
Internal Revenue Service, International Herald Tribune, Italy, Larry King,
Los Angeles, Lyon, Mario Puzo, Mission Impossible, Montana, Nazi labelling,
Nicholas Burns, Oliver Stone, Organization for Security and Co-operation in
Europe, Quicky, Scientology organization, Tom Cruise, US State Department


U.S. to list Germany for abusing Scientologists
January 27, 1997, CNN

When the U.S. State Department's annual survey of human rights abuses
is released Wednesday, it is expected to list Germany for its treatment
of members of the Church of Scientology.

The issue has bubbled to the surface in recent weeks because
Scientologists have stepped up their criticism of Germany, and have
likened their treatment to the Nazis' persecution of the Jews.

Tags: Germany, Nazi labelling, US State Department


High Hopes for Faith-Based Prisons
January 27, 2006, Vicki Mabrey, ABC News

In December 2003, Gov. Jeb Bush converted the medium-security Lawtey
Correctional Institution into the nation's first entirely faith-based
prison. At Lawtey, 28 different religions are represented --
Christianity, Orthodox Judaism, Wicca, Scientology.

Tags: Criminon, Narconon


Prominent psychiatrist ordered to seek help
January 27, 2008, Louise Hall, Sydney Morning Herald

A PSYCHIATRIST known as a "hired gun" in court cases has been ordered
into treatment by medical authorities after being accused of a dubious

Yolande Lucire has been reprimanded by the NSW Medical Board after its
professional standards committee disagreed with a diagnosis she made in
a medico-legal case and questioned her professionalism.

Tags: Bruce Childs, CCHR, Yolande Lucire


Scientology Raid In Orlando
January 27, 2008, anonOtown, YouTube

Orlando Protests are IN DANGER! To help keep police off our backs send
a donation via paypal to

Organizers can no longer afford the several hundred dollars a month the
city demands if we intend to protest! Thank you so much in advance!

Honk if you hate Scientology. 3+ Hour Raid

Tags: Anonymous, Buddhist, Orlando, OT, Quicky, Raid, Xenu


FDLE analyzing Barreiro's state computer
January 27, 2009, The Buzz, St. Petersburg Times

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement confirms it is analyzing the
computer hard drive of a state-owned laptop used by Gus Barreiro, a
former high-ranking official in the Department of Juvenile Justice who
was fired Jan. 16. FDLE spokeswoman Kristen Perezluha said the laptop
arrived at the agency's offices Monday and is being reviewed by
computer experts.

Tags: Gustavo Barreiro


Anon hackers join Egyptian protests
January 27, 2011, John Leyden, The Register

Hackers affiliated with Anonymous have begun bombarding Egyptian
government websites with junk traffic as part of a protest against net
censorship that has accompanied recent civil unrest in the Arab country.

The DDoS attacks follow recent similarly motivated attacks against
state websites in Tunisia and Zimbabwe. The latest attacks are
targeting the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology, leaving the site a little slow to load but still accessible
as a result.

Protesters have taken to the streets in a series of protests against
the Egyptian government. Police have resorted to using tear gas and
rubber bullets to break up the demos, resulting in the deaths of four
people. Further protests are planned, the BBC reports.

Tags: Anonymous, BBC, Egypt, Facebook, Greece, Netherlands, Police, Quicky,
Tunisia, Twitter, Zimbabwe


Church of Scientology Opens Massive New Printing Facility
January 27, 2011, Richard Horgan, FishbowlLA

Say what you will about the Church of Scientology. But business for the
"fastest growing religion on earth" appears to be booming in a way that
should be the envy of any and all executives trying to figure out how
to salvage a waning traditional print media model.

Per the Church's latest press release, the organization has opened a
185,000 square foot International Dissemination and Distribution Center
in Los Angeles (pictured). Think of it basically as the biggest Kinko's

Tags: Bridge Publications, Church of Scientology International, International
Dissemination and Distribution Center, Los Angeles


Miscavige vs Marty: An Unfair Fight?
January 27, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Tony Ortega at the Village Voice just published an interesting piece,
Scientology vs Marty Rathbun: An Unfair Fight?

He opens with David Miscavige's epic film on a guy he calls Kingpin
Rathbone. It took millions of dollars in production costs to mock up
this character that is so bad ass he apparently has David Miscavige
shivering in fear in his high desert compound.

As Tony astutely points out Miscavige is so obsessed with fighting
long-ago settled issues, he apparently has no cognizance of the tide
lapping at the threshold of his bunker.

Tags: David Miscavige, Quicky, Texas, Tony Ortega, Village Voice


Miscavige's Religious Freedom Crusade
January 27, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Remember the Religious Freedom Crusade in Portland Oregon in May 1985?
When a 39 Million dollar hit for having the temerity to try to help a
woman out with a Comm Course got Scientologists' backs up and they did
something about it? Back when Scientology men were men and not mice,
and Scientology women weren't walking down the street dragging their
knuckles on the pavement? After a lot of good folks sacrificed valuable
time, energy and resources over several decades, Scientology finally
was recognized as a religion and has been provided relative immunity
from attacks intended to destroy the right to peaceably practice it.

Well, compare those days to today. Some may recall that David Miscavige
sent down teams of 4 to 6 people at a time to overtly harass my wife
and me in our driveway, at restaurants, on the beach, virtually every
where we went for 199 days, see His Town by Jason Sheeler. The publicly
stated intent was to prevent me from practicing Scientology. It was
doomed from the outset; sheer lunacy to attempt to strip me of a right
I fought my entire adult life successfully to exercise, which not so
incidentally allowed every Kool Aid drinking Corporate Scientologist
the same right.

Well, let us take a look at how David Miscavige is spending that hard
fought, religious freedom capital these days. The letter below, in the
name of Norman James Moore III but clearly written by the late William
C Drescher III (long time in-house counsel for Corporate Scientology),
illustrates just how low the Corporate Scientology machine has come.
Aside from taking on the patented Miscavige characteristic of playing
the perpetual victim, take a look at the charges of religious
discrimination. Does it get any sillier or more pathetic than this?

Tags: 1985, Comm Course, David Miscavige, Oregon, Portland, Quicky, Religious
Freedom Crusade


Scientology on the High Seas: Wild Breakthroughs on OT 8!
January 27, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

In November we started a new feature here on Fridays: the Voice has
obtained hundreds of copies of L. Ron Hubbard's previously unpublished
"Orders of the Day," which he gave to crew members as he sailed the
Mediterranean. Our documents cover the period from late 1968 through
1971, and this time we're looking at what was happening the week of
January 22 through 28 during those years.

After the jump, overboarding, OT VII and VIII, and sales, sales, sales!...

[Confused? Go here for our primer, "What is Scientology?" For recent
controversies in the church, check out our stories on Debbie Cook,
secrets of the Super Power Building, and spying on Tom Cruise. We know
these 40-year-old ship's documents aren't for everyone, but they've
been giving us some interesting insights into the mind of Hubbard as he
ran Scientology from a yacht in the Mediterranean. Check back here
often for more breaking news about the church.]

Tags: 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, Debbie Cook, Interiorization Rundown, L. Ron
Hubbard, Life Repair, Mediterranean, New York, Orders of the Day, Org Board,
OT 7, OT 8, OT VII, OT X, Quicky, Review, SMERSH, Super Power Building, Tom
Cruise, Touch Assist


Scientology vs Marty Rathbun: An Unfair Fight?
January 27, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

Last summer, we brought you extensive coverage of Scientology's bizarre
siege of a South Texas home. A goon squad calling itself the "Squirrel
Busters" claimed to be a documentary crew making a film about former
high-ranking church executive Marty Rathbun. The intimidation squad
even managed to get Rathbun arrested.

Well, here's yet another collection of their footage, as Scientology
continues to try to convince someone (who, we're not sure), that a
series of 2009 stories revealing the violent nature of Scientology
leader David Miscavige got things wrong and that Rathbun is the violent
one, not DM.

After the jump: while Scientology still argues over allegations that
are nearly three years old, Rathbun keeps hitting the church where it

Tags: 2004, 2009, Anderson Cooper, Bert Leahy, California, Church of
Scientology International, Clearwater, CNN, Corpus Christi Caller-Times,
David Lubow, David Miscavige, Debbie Cook, Fair Game, Flag Mecca, Flag
Service Organization, Florida, Freedom magazine, Golden Era Productions,
Goons, Ingleside, International Association of Scientologists, Joe Childs,
Mark Collette, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, New Year's Eve, New Yorker, Office
of Special Affairs, Paul Haggis, Private investigator, Squirrel Busters, St.
Petersburg Times, Super Power, Super Power Rundown, Tampa Bay Times, Texas,
The Truth Rundown, Tom Tobin


Mission Statement
January 27, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

This began as my promised response to Tom Martiniano's Op Ed that was
posted on this blog on January 22. It expanded into a mission statement
of sorts given intervening events.

Before I take up particulars of the Op Ed, I want to establish a

First, I believe that L Ron Hubbard developed a workable
spiritual-based psychotherapy that when applied as prescribed ?
according to its axioms and fundamental laws ? routinely produces a
well and happy, self-determined, unrepressed being. Since leaving the
church of Scientology I have applied that exact path to three
individuals ? from knowing little to nothing of Hubbard or Scientology
to the state of Clear (quite in addition to hundreds of hours of
auditing at all levels of the Bridge). Doing so outside structured,
policy-controlled Scientology is far less complicated. There is little
need for listing and nulling, extensive correction lists and the like
because there is none of the sundry evaluation (under the justification
of 'ethics', 'pts/sp handling', 'justice', or other organizational
concerns) that inevitably enters when the process is complicated by
later policies, and even tech, that stray from and contradict the laws
and axioms which make auditing, and the Bridge, work. I have objective
and subjective reality on the workability of Hubbard's technology.

Tags: 1964, Alfred Korzybski, Buddha, Christian, Clear, David Miscavige,
Doctor, Grade IV, Independent, Independent Scientologists, Jesus Christ, Keep
Scientology Working, L. Ron Hubbard, Mission, Muslim, OT, OT VIII,
Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Quicky, Suppressive Person, Tom Martiniano,


Scientology - The Young Turks and Jamie DeWolf
January 27, 2013, The Young Turks, YouTube

Cenk Uygur talks with Jamie DeWolf, the great-grandson of Church of
Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, about his grievances with the
religion and how it has affected his own family. "I think it's one of
the most brilliant and devious, systematic brainwashing systems that's
ever been invented," DeWolf says. "No one's ever accused my
great-grandfather of being an idiot. ... The fact is, these are smart
people - they've just been completely destroyed."

Tags: Cenk Uygur, Jamie DeWolf, Video


Sunday Funnies: Africa is Done!
January 27, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

It's time for another look at the fundraising fliers and other come-ons
that Scientologists received this week. On Sundays, we like to post the
items that our tipsters have forwarded to us, so we can get a snapshot
of what church members are getting hit up for at the moment.

This week, there are so many fun things to spend money on. A table at a
CCHR awards banquet? A campaign of terror against psychiatry? Or more
books for libraries around the world? Get that checkbook out and let's
start saving the world!

Scientologists sure do love awards ceremonies. Anyone want to take a
guess the name of the 15-term member of Congress who will be taking
home a plaque at this shindig for the church's wacky anti-psychiatry
front group?

Tags: Africa, Amazon, CCHR, Congress, Galaxy Press, Hollywood, L. Ron
Hubbard, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Quicky, Sunday Funnies


Cult Leader Personalities
January 27, 2014, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

The following is a list of personality characteristics of authoritarian
personalities (which according to the article in which the list
appears, most cult leaders display) from the book "Captive Hearts,
Captive Minds" by Madeleine Landau Tobias and Janja Lalich.

Traditional elements of authoritarian personalities include the

-the tendency to hierarchy

Tags: Cult, Janja Lalich, Quicky


More fallout in France: Scientologist who asked for damages ends up paying
January 27, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Scientology protests its prosecution by France, February 2012 Our man
in Paris, Jonny Jacobsen, has another update for us related to France's
prosecution of Scientology for fraud.

A Scientologist convicted in France's landmark fraud case against the
movement has failed in a bid to get counter-cult group UNADFI and its
lawyer fined for their role in the case.

In what amounts to a legal rap on the fingers, the Paris court that
heard her complaint decided instead to award damages and legal costs
against her.

Tags: 1998, 2009, 2011, 2012, Advanced Org, AOSH Europe, Catherine Picard,
Celebrity Centre, CLO EU, Copenhagen, England, Europe, France, Ideal Org,
Italy, Jonny Jacobsen, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Olivier Morice, OT V,
Paris, Quicky, Sabine Jacquart, Saint Hill, Steven Mango, Sydney, UNADFI,


Paris Fall-out II
January 27, 2014, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

A Scientologist who tried to get France's counter-cult group UNADFI
sanctioned over its role in a major court case against the movement got
a taste of her own medicine.

A Scientologist convicted in France's landmark fraud case against the
movement has failed in a bid to get counter-cult group UNADFI and its
lawyer fined for its role in the case.

Instead the Paris court that heard her complaint decided to award
damages and legal costs against her. And with similar cases launched by
Scientologists in the pipeline, this could be the first of a number of
such reverses for the movement.

Tags: 1998, 2009, 2011, Alain Rosenberg, Appeal, Catherine Picard, Celebrity
Centre, European Court of Human Rights, France, Olivier Morice, Paris,
Purification Rundown, Quicky, Sabine Jacquart, Strasbourg, Trial, UNADFI


The "Ideal PAC"
January 27, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

The PAC Bridge is getting the big push.

No reason really, other than another way of the vultures trying to
squeeze money out of the nearly-dead.

Apparently they are soon to have "Ideal Sea Org Orgs" - ASHO and AOLA.
But ASHO and AOLA have both had TWO "Grand Openings" already? Both
times they were announced as the "perfect organizations, just as LRH
intended." So,they are going to do ANOTHER photo op for Dear Leader to
spout some Shermanspeak, yank a ribbon and soak in the applause.

Tags: AOLA, ASHO, Class VI, Clear, Ideal Org, International Association of
Scientologists, Jon Lundeen, L. Ron Hubbard, OT, OT Ambassador, PAC Base,
Purification Rundown, Quicky, Quinn Taufer, Sea Org, Shermanspeak, Vicki
Shantz, Vulture Culture


Church of Scientology fights back on Twitter
January 27, 2015, Emily Smith, Page Six

After the Sundance Film Festival premiere of Alex Gibney's HBO Church
of Scientology documentary, "Going Clear" - which claimed Nicole
Kidman's phones were tapped at the suggestion of Tom Cruise and church
head David Miscavige - the church has set up an official Twitter
account to hit back.

The Scientologists' Twitter account is titled Freedom Media Ethics,
with the handle @FreedomEthics, and says it is "taking a resolute stand
against the broadcasting and the publishing of false information."

Tags: Alex Gibney, David Miscavige, HBO, Nicole Kidman, Sundance Film
Festival, Tom Cruise, Twitter


First Look: Sundance doc pulls back curtain on Scientology
January 27, 2015, Associated Press

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) - "Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of
Belief" premiered Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival to a packed
house - not with a star-studded red carpet, but with police protection.

A week before the premiere, the Church of Scientology took out
full-page ads in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times claiming the
documentary is filled with falsehoods.

Based on Lawrence Wright's 2013 book of the same name, Oscar winner
Alex Gibney's film claims that the church routinely intimidates,
manipulates and even tortures its members, tracing the rise of the
religion and its founder, former science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard,
and his successor as head of the church, David Miscavige. Gibney also
interviewed several former Scientology believers, including past

Tags: 2009, 2013, Academic, Alex Gibney, David Miscavige, FBI, Going Clear:
Scientology and the Prison of Belief, John Travolta, Lawrence Wright, Los
Angeles Times, Mike Rinder, New York Times, Nicole Kidman, Paul Haggis,
Quicky, Salt Lake City, Sandy Cohen, Sundance, Sundance Film Festival, Tom
Cruise, Utah, Xenu


'Going Clear' Documentary Exposes The Church of Scientology: Sundance Short
January 27, 2015, The Hollywood Reporter, YouTube

Alexy Gibney and Lawrence Wright's documentary 'Going Clear' exposes
the inner workings of The Church of Scientology.

Subscribe to our channel:

Like us on Facebook:

Tags: Documentary, Facebook, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the
Prison of Belief, Hollywood, Lawrence Wright, Quicky, Sundance, Twitter


Going Clear Prison of Belief II
January 27, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is a cheat, partly because I am traveling today, but more because
I think Tony Ortega has literally said almosgt everything I wanted to
say about the second showing of the film at his blog.

He recounts my thoughts after last night as we sat together and I felt
able to watch it more objectively than the first time.

The art of this film is how it is woven together into a cohesive
picture. The problem with this film from scientology's perspective is
that they will NOT be able to convince people that everyone in it is
just lying (audiences will make their own value judgments about the
credibility of those who are interviewed) when what they say is
confirmed and reinforced by the church's OWN words, footage and

Tags: David Miscavige, Freedom Medal of Valor, Going Clear: Scientology,
Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, International Association of
Scientologists, OT, Quicky, Shermanspeak, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega


New Scientology Expose: The Most Controversial Claims
January 27, 2015, People

The Church of Scientology is is no stranger to coming under fire - but
never before like this.

In Oscar-winning director (Taxi to the Dark Side) Alex Gibney's
controversial new documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison
of Belief, which premiered to a packed house Sunday night at the
Sundance Film Festival, several former Scientologists - among them,
Oscar winner Paul Haggis - hold back little when it comes to
long-whispered-about topics about the church, including claims of
brainwashing, physical abuse, and meddling in the lives of A-listers
John Travolta and Tom Cruise.

Tags: 1970, Abuse, Academic, Alex Gibney, Anthony Kidman, David Miscavige,
Divorce, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, HBO, John
Travolta, New York, New York Times, Nicole Kidman, Paul Haggis,
Rehabilitation Project Force, Rolling Stone, Sundance, Sundance Film
Festival, Tax, Tom Cruise, University of Virginia


Scientology Mounts Vicious New Smear Campaign Against Its HBO Enemies
January 27, 2015, Shane Dixon Kavanaugh, Vocativ

Hell hath no fury like the Church of Scientology scorned. Following the
premiere of an HBO documentary that depicts the church as a secretive,
vindictive cult, the embattled institution responded with what amounts
to more than 15,000 words of potentially defamatory mudslinging.

No sooner had HBO's Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief
come to a close at the Sundance Film Festival Sunday night than a
torrent of ad hominem attacks against the eight ex-members who appeared
in the film (as well as a handful of other vocal critics) began to
appear in Freedom, a magazine published by the church. Assigning each
target a crude nickname, the publication attempted to undercut their
credibility through a series of character assassinations, which we've
excerpted below. The outburst comes less than two weeks after the
church took out a more level-headed full-page ad in The New York Times
to denounce the film, which was adapted by filmmaker Alex Gibney from
Lawrence Wright's 2013 book.

Tags: Alex Gibney, Dead Agent, Ervin Scott, Fair Game, Freedom magazine,
Garry Scarff, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, Graham
Berry, Hana Whitfield, HBO, Jason Beghe, Jesse Prince, Karen de la Carriere,
Lawrence Wright, Marc Headley, Mark Fisher, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Paul
Haggis, Sara Goldberg, Spanky Taylor, Tom DeVocht


Sundance Watch: Fans angle for selfies, Reynolds talks poker
January 27, 2015, Associated Press

PARK CITY, Utah (AP) - The Associated Press is all over the Sundance
Film Festival, from its premieres to the Hollywood glitz. Here's what
they've seen and heard:



Tags: 1994, 2009, 2013, Academic, Alabama, Alex Gibney, Austin, Chairman of
the Board, David Miscavige, FBI, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of
Belief, HBO, Hollywood, Iowa, IRS, John Travolta, Lawrence Wright, Louisiana,
Mike Rinder, Mississippi, Missouri, New Orleans, Nicole Kidman, OT, Park
City, Paul Haggis, Quicky, Sandy Cohen, Sundance, Sundance Film Festival, Tom
Cruise, Utah, Washington


Sundance: 'Going Clear' Creators Say Tom Cruise Should Speak Out Against
Scientology's Abuses
January 27, 2015, Brent Lang, Variety

AG: By now there is a well-documented record of abuses in the Church of
Scientology, yet Cruise and Travolta have never spoken out about them.
By not speaking out, it's a kind of an endorsement and I think that's
why we're right and properly critical.

LW: They're selling a product and the product they're selling is
oppressing some of the people inside the church, especially the clergy,
which is called the Sea Org, and Cruise has spent countless hours out
on the Sea Org base where - on that same base where he has a special
chateau - there's these double wide trailers called the hole, which is
a kind of re-education camp where people have been incarcerated for
years. Sleeping on the floor on bedrolls with ants crawling around,
abused physically, made to lick the floor or the toilet with their
tongue. It's just unbelievable degradation.

Tags: Alex Gibney, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, Int
Base, IRS, John Travolta, L. Ron Hubbard, Lawrence Wright, Paul Haggis, Ron
Wyden, Sea Org, Sundance Film Festival, The Hole, Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Scientology and How Their 10 Year Marriage Ended
January 27, 2015, Roger Friedman, Showbiz 411

One of the big revelations about "Going Clear," Alex Gibney's
documentary about Scientology: the cult ended Nicole Kidman's marriage
to Tom Cruise. This will all come out when "Going Clear" airs in March
on HBO. Gibney has former Scientologists on the record talking about
how Cruise, persuaded by Scientology's David Miscavige, authorized the
wire tapping of Kidman's phone. This was in 2000-2001. You may recall
that just a couple of years earlier, Cruise and Kidman's phones were
tapped by a photographer who ultimately went to jail.

But I digress.

Tags: Alex Gibney, Anthony Pellicano, Bert Fields, HBO, Nicole Kidman,
Ricardo Cestero, Tom Cruise, Wiretapping


Why Alex Gibney's 'Going Clear' is scaring the crap out of Scientology
January 27, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Author Lawrence Wright and director Alex Gibney

Alex Gibney's HBO documentary about Scientology, Going Clear, had its
second public showing last night at the Sundance Film Festival, and we
got another chance to think about what's in it and what makes it so

As you've probably noticed, the world's press has seized on a segment
of the film that takes only a minute or two in the two-hour feature
documentary: Marty Rathbun's explosive wiretapping allegations. Rathbun
says that it was his job to drive a wedge between Tom Cruise and Nicole
Kidman, and that when Cruise said in a counseling session that he
wanted to have Nicole's phone tapped to find out who she was talking
to, Scientology leader David Miscavige instructed Rathbun to make it

Tags: 1968, 2001, 2005, Alex Gibney, Anthony Pellicano, Apollo, Australia,
Bryan Seymour, David Miscavige, DC, Debbie Cook, Freedom magazine, Going
Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, Hana Whitfield, HBO,
Jason Beghe, Lauren Wolf, Lawrence Wright, Marc Headley, Marty Rathbun, Mike
Rinder, Nicole Kidman, OT, Paul Haggis, Private investigator, Quicky, Sara
Northrup, South Park, Spanky Taylor, Sundance Film Festival, Texas, The Hole,
Tom Cruise, Tom DeVocht, Xenu


30 years ago today: 'L. Ron Hubbard discarded the body he had used in this
January 27, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

(Pat Broeker gives a lip-smacking performance)

On Friday, January 24, 1986, L. Ron Hubbard, then 74 years old, went to
his reward after suffering a stroke at the Creston, California ranch
where he'd been hiding out for several years. Three days later, the top
management of Scientology gathered Sea Org, staff, and public members
of the organization at the Hollywood Palladium in order to announce the
news of Hubbard's death, which up to that point they had successfully
managed to keep from the press.

The young managers of Scientology wanted that news to come from them,
and not "on other lines."

Tags: 1980, 1983, 1984, 1986, 2000, 2004, 2012, Amy Scobee, Apollo, Audio,
Author Services Inc, California, Challenger, Church of Scientology
International, Clear, Clearwater, Commodore's Messenger Organization,
Creston, Creston Ranch, David Miscavige, Dianetics, Earle Cooley, Gary Levin,
Gary Morehead, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief,
Guillaume Lesevre, Heber Jentzsch, Hemet, Hollywood, Inspector General, Int
Base, Jefferson Hawkins, Jim Jones, L. Ron Hubbard, LAPD, Lawrence Wright,
Legoland, Los Angeles, Marc Headley, Marc Yager, Marty Rathbun, Memoirs of a
Scientology Warrior, Mike Rinder, New York, Norman Starkey, OT, OT 10, OT 7,
OT 8, OT 9, Pat Broeker, Peoples Temple, Quicky, Ray Mithoff, Rehabilitation
Project Force, Religious Technology Center, Sea Org, Shrine Auditorium, Sinar
Parman, Steve Pfauth, Tampa, Telex, The Hole, The Way to Happiness, Vicki
Aznaran, Village Voice, Whole Track, Youth for Human Rights International


January 27, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This org, under the wing of the mighty Flag OT Committee, has been
going nowhere for years. They somehow managed to buy a building and hey
presto, they are now nearly "ideal." Except for at least one very large
problem. They have no staff.

Their ribbon is supposed to be yanked BEFORE March 13 so Dear Leader
Miscavige can proudly trumpet the massive international expansion they
evidence at his birthday event.

But that's turning out to be quite a problem.

Tags: Atlanta, Brandy Harrison, Cambridge, Dallas, David Miscavige, DC, Don
Drader, London, Malmo, OT, OT Committee, Quicky, Rome, Sea Org, Seattle, Twin
Cities, WISE


Lawyer for "inventor of e-mail" sends threat letter over social media posts
January 27, 2017, Joe Mullin, Ars Technica

Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who says he invented e-mail, has already sued
two different tech publications for writing about his controversial
claims. Now he also wants posts that he believes are defamatory to be
removed from at least one social media network.

Charles Harder, the attorney representing Ayyadurai, sent an e-mail on
Tuesday to Diaspora, an open-source social network, demanding that
three allegedly defamatory posts be removed. The posts were written by
Roy Schestowitz, who also writes the blog

"Schestowitz is engaged in harassment, character assassination and
unlawful conduct against Dr. Ayyadurai, including falsely accusing him
of being a 'liar' and a 'fraud,'" writes Harder. He continues:

Tags: 1978, 2010, 2012, 2016, California, Charles Harder, Cult, Facebook,
Fraud, Gawker, Gizmodo, Hulk Hogan, Lawyer, New Jersey, Quicky, Review, Shiva
Ayyadurai, Techdirt, Twitter


Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath: Actually Important?
January 27, 2017, Madison Murray, NYU Local

The ten episode documentary series follows actress and former
Scientologist Leah Remini as she travels the country collecting
horrific stories from people who have also split with the Church.
Remini is also joined by Mike Rinder, a former chief spokesperson and
representative of the Church. Rinder and Remini's dynamic is
incredible; Remini is the fiery Brooklyn celebrity ready to fight
everyone's battles while Rinder is the level-headed Australian with the
logistical insight. For something airing on A&E, the show is incredibly
well done.

However I'm not writing this piece to recap the entire show or
summarize the horrors experienced within the walls of the Church, as I
feel like I could not do anybody justice if I tried. (If you're looking
for an in-depth look at every aspect of the Church I would highly
recommend the 2015 HBO documentary "Going Clear: Scientology and the
Prison of Belief"). I'm writing this piece because as somebody who went
into this show purely to laugh, I came out of the other end with a
completely changed perspective.

Tags: A&E, Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, Scientology and the Aftermath


Regraded Being
January 27, 2017, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


Scientology, why are you keeping a cancer patient from seeing his only
January 27, 2017, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Bernie Headley sounded really good on the phone. And he says for now,
he feels good. The lung cancer he was diagnosed with in 2004 went into
remission after he had a partial lung removal. It came back in 2014,
but radiation treatments seem to have made that dormant as well. But
then lesions started showing up on his brain.

In 2014, he was told he had three to six months to live after his lung
cancer came back. And when he found out he had brain cancer, he was
again told he had three to six months to live. But he still has no
symptoms, and the effects of his most recent radiation treatment are
receding. Doctors are waiting for his body to recover from that, and
then in March they'll do a new set of scans on his brain to see whether
the lesions have grown.

"I joke about being the Energizer Bunny," he told us by phone this week.
"But Marc hates when I do that. He actually takes it more seriously
than I do."

Tags: 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018, A&E, Abortion, Bernie
Headley, Big Blue, California, Canada, CCHR, Colorado, Denver, Disconnection,
Doctor, Donald Trump, Facebook, Hemet, Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood
Guaranty Building, HowdyCon, Hungary, Int Base, Janet Weiland, Jeffrey
Augustine, Leah Remini, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Times, Marc Headley, Mexico,
Mike Rinder, Missouri, Ohio, Paul Thomas Anderson, Phoenix, Quicky, Salvation
Army, Scientology and the Aftermath, Sea Org, Stephanie Headley, The Master,
Tory Christman, White House


Church of Scientology - Katrina Reyes' Horror Story: Forced Into the Sea Org
at Age 11 -- Part 2
January 27, 2018, SurvivingScientology, YouTube

Katerina was eleven years old and living in poverty in Siberia, Russia
when her mother joined the Church of Scientology. The Cult quickly
exploited the mother and daughter and recruited them into it's
notorious Sea Org. Katrina and her mother were shipped to Clearwater,
Florida. Scientology used Katrina as child labor and she received no
formal education.

Tags: Child labor, Clearwater, Cult, Florida, Katrina Reyes, Quicky, Russia,
Sea Org, Siberia


Critical Q&A #145
January 27, 2018, Chris Shelton, YouTube

The show where I answer your questions. Please leave any comments or
feedback in the comments section here below. I see everything and want
to hear from you.


Tags: Audio, Critic, Quicky, Scientology: A to Xenu


His words are wise, his face is beard: 10 years ago, Anonymous got some good
January 27, 2018, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Ten years ago, at 2 in the morning on January 27, 2008, Mark Bunker
uploaded a 9-minute video he'd made after a long day of work.

Two weeks before, on January 14, Bunker had made a little history by
posting another 9-minute video, one featuring Tom Cruise talking about
what it was like to be a Scientologist which had been leaked out of the
church and ended up in Bunker's hands. That video (which had actually
been recorded in 2004) went nuts on YouTube, and the church reacted by
trying to get it yanked down with various legal threats.

Offended by what they perceived as Scientology's censorship of
information on the Internet, the Anonymous movement then struck back
with a video of its own on January 21 as DDOS attacks took down
numerous Scientology websites.

Tags: 20/20, 2004, 2008, alt.religion.scientology, Andreas Heldal-Lund,
Anonymous, Arnaldo Lerma, California, Cruise missile, David Touretzky, Field
Staff Member, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief,
Google, Guy Fawkes, Hemet, HowdyCon, IRS, Jeff Jacobsen, Jeffrey Augustine,
Katrina, Keith Henson, Manhattan, Mark Bunker, Quicky, Religious Freedom
Watch, San Diego, Scientology and the Aftermath, South Park, Tax exempt, The
Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard, The Truth Rundown, Tom Cruise, Tory
Christman, White House, Wise Beard Man, Xenu, XenuTV, YouTube


Scientologist Louis Farrakhan & Former President Obama
January 27, 2018, Jeffrey Augustine, Scientology Money Project

In an article entitled The Photo That Never Saw The Light of Day: Obama
With Farrakhan In 2005, Talking Points Memo wrote:

A journalist announced last week that he will publish a photograph of
then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D) and Nation of Islam leader Louis
Farrakhan that he took in 2005 at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting,
but did not make public because he believed it would have "made a
difference" to Obama's political future.

The photographer, Askia Muhammad, told the Trice Edney News Wire that
he "gave the picture up at the time and basically swore secrecy."

Tags: 2005, 2012, 2017, Barack Obama, Congress, David Miscavige, Freedom
Medal, Illinois, LAPD, Lee Baca, Louis Farrakhan, Muhammad, Nation of Islam,
Quicky, Tony Muhammad


Scientology-linked group 'represented Ireland' at the UN
January 27, 2018, Maeve Sheehan, Irish Independent

A human rights group linked to Scientologists lobbied the Tanaiste and
Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney seeking to "represent the
goals and objectives" of his Department.

United for Human Rights contacted the Tanaiste in October to request a
meeting, but did not disclose its connections to Scientology, a
religion that critics liken to a cult. In an email to the Tanaiste,
Ryan Ellory, the group's co-ordinator, also claimed to have
"represented Ireland" at the United Nations.

"I recently took some of my volunteers to the United Nations in which
we had the opportunity to represent Ireland in the UN and meet with Mr
Gerry Kelly, the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission to the UN
from Ireland. Mr Kelly advised us to reach out to your Department, I
was of course aware of the great works you are doing for human rights,"
said the email, dated October 31.

Tags: Dublin, Firhouse, Gerry Kelly, Ireland, Ryan Ellory, United for Human
Rights, United Nations, Youth for Human Rights International


Shitty Auditors
January 27, 2018, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

I might ruffle a few hardcore tech-infused feathers with this one.
Wouldn't be the first time. I know?many of you have had great auditors
and tremendous wins in session. Many of you wouldn't be half the person
you are now if not for the gains you achieved at the hands of those
wonderful people sitting on the other side of the e-meter. Reality
check #1: you were in the minority. For those of you who truly went
Clear and ascended to the state of cause over all matter, energy,
space, and time?you may now take umbrage.

Most auditors are good people. Most got into the business of
Scientology to help people. Many believe they're actually clearing the
planet. Good for them. Reality check #2: most auditors are?(reread

If L. Ron Hubbard wrote that Scientology was supposed to "key out" and
extrovert people, much auditing does the opposite; it interiorizes
people. From the get-go, this is due to LRH's faulty, unproven
"technology," ridiculous auditor training methodology, the hoax that is
the e-meter, and the founder's insistence that his form of therapy is
"workable" and shouldn't be tampered with.

Tags: Advanced Org, AOLA, Bridge to Total Freedom, Case Supervisor, Clear,
Coin, E-meter, Keep Scientology Working, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles,
Tennessee, Terra Cognita, Well Done Auditing Hours


Chris Butler and Science of Identity Foundation criticize media, decline
January 27, 2019, Sophie Cocke, Star-Advertiser

When the Star-Advertiser began reporting on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
and the Science of Identity Foundation, the group began aggressively
arguing that the newspaper was using religion as a "political weapon"
and was fomenting religious bigotry. Read more

Tags: Chris Butler, Congress, Quicky, Science of Identity Foundation, Tulsi


Critical Q&A #196
January 27, 2019, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions based on what is left
for me in the comment sections of my Q&A shows or by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) Watching the Aftermath show and all of the various podcasts, there
is a cry for the government to step in and do something. Other than
revoking the religious tax exemption, would a raid on Gold, for
example, be helpful in your opinion? I remember Tom DeVocht saying that
one reason the FBI didn't do it before is because he felt that all the
sea org members, including those in the hole, would just say they were
there voluntarily and would not choose to leave. Do you believe that
this is still the case?

(2) What is Scientology's explanation of why do people have to pay to
find out all the great knowledge. Couldn't someone get together with an
auditor that would like to donate their services and go up the bridge
the same?

Tags: Academic, Battlefield Earth, Critic, David Miscavige, Debbie Cook,
Disconnection, FBI, Quicky, Scientology Media Productions, Tax exempt, Tom


January 27, 2019, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Another essay from our old friend Brian Lambert about the writings of L.
Ron Hubbard.

"You are grandmaster of words and can do with them as you will. You
know what they mean to others. You know how their meanings and melodies
affect others"

- from L Ron Hubbard's Affirmations.

Tags: Affirmations, Brian Lambert, Disconnection, Google, L. Ron Hubbard,
Quicky, Rome, Tone Scale


Oh, come on: Scientology 'detox' quackery now being touted for miraculous
January 27, 2019, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Rod Keller brings us more nuttiness from Scientology's rank and file...

Last week we reported on a new Scientology front group that is offering
military veterans, as an alternative to mental health care,
Scientology's unscientific "Purification Rundown," a regimen of sauna
use and extreme vitamin intake.

Two new claims for the effectiveness of the Purif other than for
detoxification came to us this week. The first is a promotion from the
Auckland, New Zealand ideal org that the Purif helped cure a woman of
bipolar disorder, and that she no longer needs or takes her medicine.

Former members we spoke to expressed shock that somebody who had been
under psychiatric care would be allowed on the program at all.
Encouraging members to stop taking prescription medicine is one of the
most dangerous aspects of Scientology, both for the patient and in some
cases, for the staff and publics at the org.

Tags: 1975, 1990, Atlanta, Auckland, David Miscavige, Dianetics, England,
Florida, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, Life Improvement Center, Los
Angeles, Louis Farrakhan, Mercedes-Benz, Nation of Islam, New Year's Eve, New
Zealand, Purification Rundown, Quack, Rod Keller, St. Petersburg, Super Bowl


Scientology is using international stars to lure in new recruits
January 27, 2019, Michael Kaplan, New York Post

The subtitle of Tom Cruise's last "Mission: Impossible" movie,
"Fallout," could also describe the current state of Scientology.

The church, which still maintains a flock of A-list adherents including
Cruise, John Travolta and Kirstie Alley, is at a crossroads. Hollywood
members, who for decades brought in mega-star wattage as well as
mega-bucks, are aging, and yet there's no new lifeblood coming through
the ranks. When was the last time you heard of a famous Scientologist
under 36 years old?

That's the age of "The Handmaid's Tale" star Elisabeth Moss, who grew
up in the faith. As did Gen X actors Juliette Lewis, Giovanni Ribisi
and Danny Masterson, and musician Beck. But, "The second generation
celebrities tend to . . . have less to prove" and therefore aren't as
active, according to Tony Ortega, author of "Battlefield Scientology:
Exposing L. Ron Hubbard's Dangerous Religion."

Tags: Battlefield Scientology, Beck Hansen, Bogot?, Celebrity Centre, Danny
Masterson, Elisabeth Moss, Geoff Levin, Giovanni Ribisi, Jeffrey Tambor, John
Travolta, Juliette Lewis, Kirstie Alley, L. Ron Hubbard, Leah Remini, Michael
Ronda, Mike Rinder, Milton Katselas, Mission Impossible, Paul Haggis, Russia,
Scientology celebrity, Sheena Chohan, Taiwan, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega,
Volunteer Ministers, War of the Worlds


Aftermath Update Updated
January 27, 2020, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

We promised that we would let you know as soon as there was further
news on what was to come next.

I cannot say anything more than is covered in this story at this time,
but as this is a Hollywood "insider" sort of publication, I thought I
should put it here as everyone who reads this blog will be interested.
Here is the article in full:

Leah Remini Inks First-Look Deal With Critical Content

Tags: 2017, 2019, Critic, Documentary, Facebook, Hollywood, Leah Remini,
Queens, Quicky, Scientology and the Aftermath, Twitter


Infiltrating Scientology Ep. 6 I signed their Billion Year Contract
January 27, 2020, Reckless Ben, YouTube

(part 6 of 10) "World's best Scientology Documentary Ever"

In this episode, Scientology realized that I wasn't going to pay them
any money for classes, so they invited me to one of their parties where
I could see a different side of Scientology. I watched the leader David
Miscavage speak. Afterward, they got me to sign their billion year

Tags: David Miscavige, GoFundMe, Quicky, Scientology Documentary


Scientology clown Joy Villa got glowing press again, and here's what it left
January 27, 2020, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

We at least can say that 'Princess Joy Villa' was on our radar even
before she showed up at the 2015 Grammys wearing a snow fence. We had
already noticed her nutty outfits in Scientology publications, trying
to grab attention with what she wore since no one really cared what she
had to say.

From a former boyfriend, we learned that Joy had long been desperate to
get noticed somehow, by doing extra work in Hollywood and making
execrable music. And then through Scientology.

The Hollywood Celebrity Centre is a place that is built to cater to
celebrities, but it's also been a place where people who aspire to be
celebrities hope that Scientology will get them there. Joy Villa's
struggle to get fame was so blatant, it was hard to look away.

Tags: 1954, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Abortion, African-American, Bernie
Sanders, California, Celebrity Centre, Christmas, Clear, Clearwater,
Columbus, Congress, Europe, Florida, Fort Harrison, Hollywood, Hollywood
Reporter, Joy Villa, Milo Yiannopoulos, OT, Reckless Ben, Roger Stone, St.
Louis, Super Bowl, Thorsten Overgaard


Spiritualist Movements
January 27, 2020, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

This is a rather lengthy dissertation by long term commenter George M.
White, who was one of the first OT VIII completions (that is him above
on the Freewinds at graduation).

I am publishing it as he sent it to me. He mentioned this when I saw
him at a party recently and I offered to put it on the blog. It makes
reference to a document called "Student Briefing" and I have included
that for your reference at the end of his piece.

Spiritualist Movements, Hypnotism, and the Natural Science Model used
in the development of Scientology

Tags: 1911, 1920, 1926, 1930, 1938, 1945, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1962, 1965,
1968, 1970, 1971, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1986, 1988, 1989, 2008, 2015, A
History of Man, Afghanistan, Aleister Crowley, Amazon, Axioms, Battlefield
Earth, Branch Davidian, Branch Davidians, Buddha, Buddhism, California,
Catherine Wessinger, Cecil Rhodes, Christian, Clear, Clearwater, David
Koresh, Dianetics, Disconnection, Doctor, East Grinstead, Easter, Egypt, E-
meter, Facebook, FDA, Fifth Invader Force, Florida, Freewinds, Galactic
Confederacy, Gnosticism, Heaven's Gate, Helena Blavatsky, Hubbard
Communications Office Bulletin, Hugh Urban, Hypnosis, Implants, Independent,
Jack Parsons, Jesus, Jon Atack, L. Ron Hubbard, Los Angeles, Loyal Officers,
Lucifer, Marcab, Mental Health, Mission Earth, New Orleans, New York, Office
of Special Affairs, Ohio State University, Operating Thetan, OT, OT III, OT
V, OT VII, OT VIII, Pain and Sex, Penthouse, Philadelphia, Piltdown Man,
Potential Trouble Source, Princeton University Press, Purification Rundown,
Quicky, Religious Technology Center, Review, Revolt in the Stars, Role of
Earth, Saint Hill Manor, Science of Survival, Sea Org, South Africa, South
America, Steven Fishman, Sussex, Syria, The Way to Happiness, Theosophical
Society, Theosophy, Tibet, Tone Scale, Truth Revealed, Twitter, Venus,
Vietnam, Volunteer Ministers, Wall of Fire, Washington, Xenu, Zecharia Sitchin


The timing of the John Bolton book leak could not be worse for Trump's legal
January 27, 2020, Scott Pilutik, Underground Bunker

Months after not being called to testify at the impeachment trial, John
Bolton drops a bomb in a book that previews what his testimony would be
if called.

In that book, he confirms the House's core allegations and then some.
Per the Times, Bolton writes that Trump "wanted to continue freezing
$391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there
helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens."

Bolton actually provided the White House with this draft a few weeks
ago, meaning that the White House (and presumably its lawyers) knew
this would eventually emerge.

Tags: Adam Schiff, Dark Right, John Bolton, New York Times, Republican,
Ukraine, White House (Trump)


Website that called Trump impeachment 'a Jew coup' gets press passes for
president's trip
January 27, 2020, Michael Grynbaum, The Independent

To coordinate coverage of Donald Trump's trip to the World Economic
Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the White House provided press passes to
the usual mix of American news organisations, including Fox News,
Reuters and The New York Times.

One media outlet stood out: TruNews, a website aimed at conservative
Christians whose founder, a pastor named Rick Wiles, recently described
Mr Trump's impeachment as "a Jew coup" planned by "a Jewish cabal".

Five employees of TruNews, which is based in Florida, received formal
credentials from the White House to cover the president's trip, Mr
Wiles said in an interview last week from his hotel room in Switzerland
? a room in a ski lodge reserved by the Trump administration for
travelling members of the American press. (Like other media
organisations, TruNews paid for its flights and lodging.)

Tags: 1960, 1999, 2015, 2017, 2018, ABC News, Alt-Right, Anti-semitism,
Breitbart, Brexit, BuzzFeed, Christian, CIA, CNN, Conservative Political
Action Conference, Dark Right, Donald Trump, Edward Szall, Europe, FBI,
Florida, Fox News, George Soros, Holocaust, Independent, Israel, Ivanka
Trump, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Jewish, Jim Acosta, Journalist, Justin
Trudeau, Manhattan, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Mike Pence, NBC, New York
Times, Pennsylvania, Republican, Reuters, Rick Wiles, Russia, Switzerland,
TruNews, Twitter, Vince McMahon, Virginia, Vladimir Putin, Washington Post,
White House


White House grants press access to Christian site whose founder called
impeachment a "Jew coup"
January 27, 2020, Igor Derysh, Salon

The White House granted press credentials to a Christian news site
whose founder claimed that President Donald Trump's impeachment was a
"Jew coup" organized by a "Jewish cabal" in anti-Semitic remarks.

Five employees of the Florida-based conservative Christian news outlet
TruNews received press credentials from the White House to cover
Trump's trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last
week, founder Rick Wiles told The New York Times from a ski lodge
reserved for press members by the Trump administration. The outlet was
not granted special access to Trump, though TruNews' Edward Szall asked
Ivanka Trump a question during a news conference, according to the

"We want to thank President Trump and the White House for extending the
invitation to be here," Wiles said in a video. "We are honored to be
here representing the kingdom of heaven and our king Jesus Christ."

Tags: 2018, ABC News, Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Alt-Right, Anti-
Defamation League, Anti-semitism, Charleston, Christian, CNN, Dark Right,
Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr, Edward Szall, Europe, Florida, Holocaust,
Israel, Ivanka Trump, Jesus Christ, Jewish, Jim Acosta, John Hagee, John
Kennedy, Michigan, New York Times, Republican, Rick Wiles, Robert Jeffress,
Switzerland, TruNews, Twitter, Washington Post, White House


Today in Scientlology web page:
January 27 in Scientlology web page:
0 new messages