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The DA from Riverside stole my award ....

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Feb 2, 2024, 10:50:14 PMFeb 2

I was listening to this amazing beautiful amd gifted reader , and I had an aha moment !
She says both of our signs , our name, bit she says something way more important then that:
She talks about a bank account opened in my name , where is deposited an amount with many zeroes!
She also mentions the significant year of 2012 !!!
And that triggered the aha moment !
2012 is the year when President Obama emailed me, suggesting me to nominate myself for citizen medal.
I missed to see the email.
Regardless ?
President Obama , ( his people ) contacted your office to ask you to find me and hand to me my award!
You did ! You found me, in New Mexico.
Instead of handing me the award ? You decided to find away to make it yours!
And from that moment on ?
I was doomed : you worked on making my life miserable !
You got me fired 3 times in one year !
You screwed me with UI benefits.
You screwed me with wrojgful termination lawsuits.
You were watching me closely for years , seeking an opportunity to jail me and lock me up in crazy house so the money and everything i own, will becomes state property , having the state as my legal guardian.
Once that would take place ? Easy to make the money yours !

You are f'd!


Feb 2, 2024, 11:28:04 PMFeb 2
The DA back then , was Zellerback. He assigned you .
The idea was yours . Yet he knows , but he can't talk without incriminating himself !
Or , he has no clue that you plan on stealing my award , yet he surely knows about the existence of such award !

You betrayed him, stealing his seat !
He took revenge, breaking your signs for election.
Poor man !


Feb 3, 2024, 6:40:19 AMFeb 3

So I did a job you refused to do,
You stole my award, you start to surveillance me illegally, because you knew how important t it is for you to keep an eye on me , as you were fully aware of the fact that if I find out ?
You are in deepest shit you ever been !
You start hating me bad, simply for the fact that you stole from me and I was perceived by you as "dangerous " , in case I will find out and me finding out ?
Was a chance you couldn't afford to take , so you took the decision to literally f me up! Destroy me ! Kill me would had been best !
Because you knew my daughter is in Romania, nobody will ever inquire about my money .
While you surveillance me and hacked me , you learned that I am aware of some money out there for me .... you learned I am looking for my money.
Out of hate?
You wanted me to learn that somebody else got recognition for my deeds, so you manipulated me to Amazon, so I will see the book written about my great deeds , yet no recognition for it...the revognitj8n I deserved ?
Was given to others , that had nothing to do with it! Some fictions characters , or if they are real people ?
Surely they took merit for my deeds .
So the author of the book , didn't gave me recognition for it...he knew is me ! I wonder if he is someone you know !
So assuming am like you , as you see the world through your own lenses, unaware of the fact that your hatred and jealousy spells mental illness, as is not normal to hate people who receive what they deserve ,but rather admire them , and is not normal to crave what's theirs , but rather work on it so you get that as well!

So you, being a hateful and very jealous person?
You thought this will give me pain or some crap...
Nah..,not at all.., I was flattered !
Because I knew was me and this was enough to satisfy me .
I never had a need to be admired by the whole world ! Never ....
Was enough for me to know how great my deeds were .
The only thing that bothered me , was the lie that was perceived as truth by people who read the book m as I saw their comments and what they most liked about the book , was as they say , the fact that reflects the truth ,, the reality , when this was not the case .

That's all!
You wanted me to know about it , believing am jealous like you and will feel hurt ...
The award was stolen by you , and the merits were given to three Americans!

So you had a need to let me know am nothing ! ( as you perceive me )
My great deeds , meant nothing!not for me !
As others got merrit for it !

Good for you all !

Yet : you had to torture me for my great deeds ?
HU? murderers?

Jail me innocent , etc .,,

You are so mentally deranged!
You are a psycho dude !


Feb 3, 2024, 6:47:11 AMFeb 3

You are the most pathetic human being I ever met !
Garbage! Caca ! Trash !
Period !
Monster, not human being !
There is nothing good I have to say about you !
And trash needs to be discarded!

You are nothing!

At least to me !


Feb 3, 2024, 12:42:45 PMFeb 3
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:

Dude , am sitting here all by myself and am thinking , and am thinking some more and I am thinking again and I am talking I my own mind to myself saying this:
“ what was in that man’s mind when he did all he did ?”
And remember I said that whenever I have a question ? My mind d quick travels to that place I named :” knowledge “ and comes back just as quick with the answer.
So here is the answer, maybe is not exactly the words that you had in mind whenever you did what you did , yet am sure am very close, different verbiage eventually, but same meaning .
So what was in your mind was the question, right ?
So you told yourself: “ hmmm…looking at Zellerback: “ this guy is dumb! If I would have this position , what I would have done !”
So you took the position ! Planned with your buddie’s cops telling Chad :” dude, if I would have DA? NONE OF YOU MY FRIENDS WOULD EVER GET IN TROUBLE! Your job is dangerous , you are not paid enough, then you have to be careful not to kill criminals ? F that ! Get disciplined or jailed when shit happens ?”
Chad, very receptive says :” well let’s make it happen! “
You:” how ?’
Chad : “ Unions! If you got the money ? You are in !”
So you did it ! You got rid of Zellerback!
Now you told yourself :
” Hell, yeah!!
Now my career really begins: AM THE KING !!! Am the King in Riverside!
What a cool job I got : if I want any amount of money, there are the money , I can serve e myself as I wish! F. The budget ! And the grants for environment!
Let’s see what I got here ? Awards? For who? For that bitch?
Sorry Obama: I AM THE KING !
Then you see : “ What we got here ? Donations ? For Turpin kids ?
F the kids ! They have a great life now , compare to what they had!
We, the State? Give them food stamps ! They never ate that good I their entire life !
They can shower now , and nobody ties them to the table !
They are doing wonderful …. They never had a better life !
What donations ?
They don’t need that crap !
I do ! To get 10 k purses to the one that never dare open her mouth, only when I demand bj!
And she does her best indeed ,so what Turpin kids do for me ?
My bitch needs purses!”
You are disgusting dude !
You understand?
Get out from there and go turn yourself in !
Or I will !


Feb 3, 2024, 1:12:37 PMFeb 3
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:

This case will soon end and justice will be delivered !
The fact that everything surfaces now?
Spells clearly that judgement day is near !

The other reading I poste, prior to this one ?
That reader says there something about a judge who gave me an award/ settlement, whatever.... and she says that the judge thinks to himself :" let me check on this woman , see how she's doing , how she spend the money?"
And judge goes to see how she's doing and is surprised to see that the woman is still poor !
He was astonished wondering: how?

Her reading ties to this young girl reading and you know who was the "judge" that checked on me ???


I just know she was talking about him ! He is the only Honorable out of all I ever met , that gave me anything !!! And you stole it !

I know he is a busy man , and I am insignificant ,
Every time he talks about mortgage crisis? He recalls me !!!!
Me and that event?
Are certainly connected in his mind !!!
I start the fire !
And he put wood on fire so good people can warm up, while bad people go bring the wood and some ? Were locked up!

As nobody as I am seen by you all?
I assume they wondered if I understa d I can do so !
I did! Right away !
Yet too late! I sawemails when he left office!!!

The fact that he remembered me , next year too?
2012 and 2013 ?
Clearly tells me am not easy to forget !
Not me per se, but my actions ! My doing !
Facts !!!

So yes,i have avery strong feeling that he is the man that was curious to learn how am i doing!?

His moon is in aquarius , just like mine: he is one big humanitarian!
He cares for us , the people !


Feb 3, 2024, 1:16:50 PMFeb 3
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:

I will contact him !
And ask and let him know how you awarded me !
He will guillotine you, bitch!


Feb 3, 2024, 1:18:24 PMFeb 3
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:

When he'll see that I got tortured , for my awesome deeds ???

Wow! Wow! Wow!


Feb 3, 2024, 1:23:10 PMFeb 3
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:
Your religion says he is a punished by god one !
So you decided : f you President!
Am half brown ,so am better then you!
Am half way punished by God, just brown, just half !
Irish prevails !
Dude !
All of you morons ?
Are idiots ! With your freaking idol who had 49 wifes!
You must be all f nuts !


Feb 3, 2024, 1:25:54 PMFeb 3
Don't tell me you see yourself "unpunished by god"?
Meaning : Caucasian in mormons dictionary!
You lie ! You are half brown!
Doesn't matter in your religion ?
Only when convenient ?
Idiots !


Feb 4, 2024, 4:45:53 AMFeb 4
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:

The reader confirms my sayings !
Read here: I already told you that!!!!!

Let me Gove a guess on the amount:
4 millions!!!!
I already told you that long time ago !!!
The 4 millions are mine !
You don't give me a settlement , but the ,one you stole from me , back!!!
Thief !

You'll go to prison !!


Feb 4, 2024, 4:50:26 AMFeb 4
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:

You stole my 4 Millions !
And bought 10k purses to your thief wife!
Criminals ?
You will pay for all you’ve done to me:
I was not able to be with my child !
I was not able to help my parents amd they both died sick of cancer , missing me !
Bastard ?
You intentionally made me homeless , jobless, tried to kill me
Ong !

You'll never get out from prison !
Never !!!



Feb 4, 2024, 5:07:34 AMFeb 4
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:

Here thief: "non monetary awards can be combined with monetary "

And yes I can nominate myself !

Will contact the president !

Am sure he awarded me money !!!
Am 100% convinced he did !
And my condo!
The law says so !
And you stole everything from me !

And Wells Fargo paid you too !
Or why would they send me a " bill" hours after my first arrest ever on false accusations ????

Dude !!!

Absolutely each a nd every single prediction I made ?
Will come true !

You refused to listen to me and speak the truth !

You did the opposite!

So bye bye twin flame , bye bye happiness, bye bye President!

Hello to prison and all else I said !

Will never miss you !

Amen !


Feb 4, 2024, 5:13:56 AMFeb 4
> ------

You spoke with your mayor, he told you you're good, so your hate surfaced right back !
Together with a promise of power back in your hands !!!

Never Michael!
Over my dead body !

Will never neither I, neither God allow ypu to hurt anyone !
Go ahead , feel free to hurt yourself like ypu always did!
Never will you have the chance to hurt me pr someone else !
If mayor allows ypu to be DA ever again ?
He will go to jail !
And you won't be DA for long !
You committed several felonies!
Don't you dare go back to Buckingham!
Is another crime ! If you do !!!
As you know you are a felon!
So mayor does !


Feb 4, 2024, 5:20:18 AMFeb 4
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 7:50:14 PM UTC-8, Mihaela wrote:
After all you've done to me ?
The nerve you have to continue to try to jail me innocent ?
It pissed off to highest degree , me and God !

If you noticed ?
I the last video I posted as message from god ?
Is first time when God says he will get you !
And he will !

Me and God?
Both of us , in the same time , gave up on you !
And the moment you lost us both ?

Oh my god !!!

You lost it all!!

You are on your own !

Expect the worst !!!


Feb 4, 2024, 5:22:57 AMFeb 4
Mayor will pay for reinstate you !
I promise you both!
Expect the unexpected !
Is all will say !


Feb 4, 2024, 5:31:31 AMFeb 4

Will contact the president and explain what happened , as it pisses me off to no end , the fact that he believes I received all that , and I did t bother to say thank you at least !
You f bitch!


Feb 4, 2024, 5:36:56 AMFeb 4
On Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 3:50:14 AM UTC, Mihaela wrote:
And I have strong feeling that congress?
The moment I said whom I am ?
And they connected the 2008 whistle-blower, me , right ?
With all the wrongs going on in my life?
Am sure they already know everything !
You are super watched since dude !!!!!!
All of you !!!
They know yyou all did a lot !
They wanted to catch you with it all you've done to everyone not me only!
All corruption and all theft !
Tell your mayor him too?
Will go to jail !
He was observed and seen how well he does his job !
Idiots !
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