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Leo Sgouros

Jul 28, 2002, 9:38:42 PM7/28/02
Yanks continue stiff battle southeast of Aachen. Yank 3rd Army opens
powerful new attack along Moselle Gap. Patton's drive to outflank Metz and
advance toward the Rhine continues with success.
The forward echelon of the Third Army (code named Lucky Forward by General
Patton) traveled 1,225 miles while making 19 complete moves during combat.

Got map?

Jorn Barger

Jul 29, 2002, 4:11:15 AM7/29/02

Um, yup... you got any fucking kibology AT ALL? (Clue: randomness needs
amusement factor.)
,__ _,
\~\|: ~~---___ , | \
|::: / | *Lyon~~~|~~~~~| *Zagreb _/, >
/~-_--*Bordeaux | *Venice / ~\~~/ /~| ||,'
| / \ *Marseille---| *Belgrade/~) __*Yalta_\,
/ | |~~~~~~~~| :\ \ |:|:'~\ |_____,|~,-'
|~~--__ | |::::::::|__ :|~~~~~*Sofia__:/_-':::::{,~
| | ~~~|~~|::: ::::| *Rome\:: / `*Istanbul_____{/
| | | *Barcelona-,: :\----| ::| | ,'*Ankara`
', \*Madrid:::|: :::::|~~~~~~~|:::*Athens'~~\ / |
| \ |::::|:::::::|:: |:::::\_-~::::/`~___--\
', \ ,-----|--*Tunis-------'_____/__----~~/:: /
'_ '\| *Algiers|~~~|:::::|::::|::::::_/-,~~*Beirut
\*Gibraltar| | *Tripoli:::/~~|~~\::::\,*Jerusalem
~~~-' | | `~~~\___| | *Alexandria
'-,_ | _____| | / | ,-'-*Cairo
`~'~ \ | `--,~~~~-~~, \
\/~\ /~~~`---` | \
\ / *Luxor
\ | '\'
[Perth and Ballyhoo left as exercises for reader.]

Leo Sgouros

Jul 29, 2002, 5:57:13 AM7/29/02

"Jorn Barger" <> wrote in message

> "Leo Sgouros" <> wrote:
> > Yanks continue stiff battle southeast of Aachen. Yank 3rd Army opens
> > powerful new attack along Moselle Gap. Patton's drive to outflank Metz
> > advance toward the Rhine continues with success.
> >
> >
> > The forward echelon of the Third Army (code named Lucky Forward by
> > Patton) traveled 1,225 miles while making 19 complete moves during
> >
> > Got map?
> Um, yup... you got any fucking kibology AT ALL? (Clue: randomness needs
> amusement factor.)
> ^^^^^^^^^

But I am amused, if indeed not invited.Thats ok because almost everyone is a
potential cluebat, erm ki-whatever the heck thingy

> ,__ _,
> \~\|: ~~---___ , | \
> |::: / | *Lyon~~~|~~~~~| *Zagreb _/, >
> /~-_--*Bordeaux | *Venice / ~\~~/ /~| ||,'
> | / \ *Marseille---| *Belgrade/~) __*Yalta_\,
> / | |~~~~~~~~| :\ \ |:|:'~\ |_____,|~,-'
> |~~--__ | |::::::::|__ :|~~~~~*Sofia__:/_-':::::{,~
> | | ~~~|~~|::: ::::| *Rome\:: / `*Istanbul_____{/
> | | | *Barcelona-,: :\----| ::| | ,'*Ankara`
> ', \*Madrid:::|: :::::|~~~~~~~|:::*Athens'~~\ / |
> | \ |::::|:::::::|:: |:::::\_-~::::/`~___--\
> ', \ ,-----|--*Tunis-------'_____/__----~~/:: /
> '_ '\| *Algiers|~~~|:::::|::::|::::::_/-,~~*Beirut
> \*Gibraltar| | *Tripoli:::/~~|~~\::::\,*Jerusalem
> ~~~-' | | `~~~\___| | *Alexandria
> '-,_ | _____| | / | ,-'-*Cairo
> `~'~ \ | `--,~~~~-~~, \
> \/~\ /~~~`---` | \
> \ / *Luxor
> \ | '\'
> `~
> [Perth and Ballyhoo left as exercises for reader.]

Fuck Perth,

Luther Steel

John Burrage

Jul 29, 2002, 9:36:28 AM7/29/02
On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 09:57:13 GMT, "Leo Sgouros" <>

>Fuck Perth,

Welcome, Perth fuckers!

There are a few things you should know before attempting sexual
intercourse with our beautiful city. First, although Perth has a
relatively small population it spans a large area, so to fuck all of
it could take several days.

Second, Perth has a warm climate, and with its low rainfall is quite
sandy, so be sure to bring plenty of lubricant.

Third, although the CBD has been described by many, including the
Lonely Planet Guide, as "sterile", it's still a good idea to wear a
condom - some buildings can carry disease by virtue of being encrusted
with seagull poop.

Some potential conquests of interest:

King's Park: A magnificent stretch of greenery overlooking the city,
proud locals boast that it "bangs like a shithouse door in the wind."

Matilda Bay: On the banks of the Swan River you will find Mathilda
Bay, home of the Royal Perth Yacht Club. This was the club that won
the America's Cup in 1983, causing then-Prime Minister Bob Hawke to
declare "he wouldn't mind giving the clubhouse a good seeing to, later

Subiaco: Cosmopolitan Subiaco has an impressive range of eateries and
shops, all of which have no trouble "going the distance", if you know
what I mean. And I think you do.

The city centre: In between the concrete and glass edifices, you can
still find lovely examples of 19th century architecture. That is,
older buildings that have "been around", oh yeah.

The East Perth Precinct: A fine example of urban renewal, this former
industrial site has been transformed into a total piece of filth.
Phwoar. Look at it. Phwoar.

Fremantle: Although Fremantle is a city in its own right, this port
city is not far from Perth, and could be the go for a sexy threesome
if you play your cards right.

The Bell Tower: Oh, it wants it bad. It knows it does.

Anyway, there are far to many places to see and shag to include all of
them, so let us conclude now and say welcome to Perth, and happy

West Austrian Department of Tourism and Prevention of Sexually
Transmissible Diseases

John Burrage
"Uncle Al and James Kibo are slime. Both of you slime
need to slime back under your rocks."
- Kurt Stocklmeir

Jorn Barger

Jul 29, 2002, 10:25:41 AM7/29/02
"Leo Sgouros" <> wrote:
> But I am amused

Indeed. But you don't even *try* to communicate why.

Joe Manfre

Jul 29, 2002, 11:53:58 AM7/29/02

Leo Sgouros

Jul 29, 2002, 1:05:07 PM7/29/02

"John Burrage" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 09:57:13 GMT, "Leo Sgouros" <>
> wrote:
> >Fuck Perth,
> Welcome, Perth fuckers!
> There are a few things you should know before attempting sexual
> intercourse with our beautiful city. First, although Perth has a
> relatively small population it spans a large area, so to fuck all of
> it could take several days.


> Second, Perth has a warm climate, and with its low rainfall is quite
> sandy, so be sure to bring plenty of lubricant.

Heat make sweat.Gog like heat, make fire at night, smoke signals to send to
Drudge report.

> Third, although the CBD has been described by many, including the
> Lonely Planet Guide, as "sterile", it's still a good idea to wear a
> condom - some buildings can carry disease by virtue of being encrusted
> with seagull poop.

The third exhibit is Mike DeMoray's gift to Queen Nebbishite the 44th, a
seagull encrusted softshell crab and garlic dipped walking stick.

> Some potential conquests of interest:

you misslplelled "conequest"(thats OK , I havent developed the pictures

> King's Park: A magnificent stretch of greenery overlooking the city,
> proud locals boast that it "bangs like a shithouse door in the wind."

Poeple often used to mention the RUIN OF KIBOLOGY!
Billy Idol wote a song about it, heres a line from it
"you know we're gonna smell, like the Kings Highway"

> Matilda Bay: On the banks of the Swan River you will find Mathilda
> Bay, home of the Royal Perth Yacht Club. This was the club that won
> the America's Cup in 1983, causing then-Prime Minister Bob Hawke to
> declare "he wouldn't mind giving the clubhouse a good seeing to, later
> on".

Drinking lots of alcohol gave 'im a stiffy!
Thats good, eh?

> Subiaco: Cosmopolitan Subiaco has an impressive range of eateries and
> shops, all of which have no trouble "going the distance", if you know
> what I mean. And I think you do.

Todays modern Navy isnt so stuffy with all those neat guys using
paintbrushes on grey decks (ITS A DOGS LIKE ON THE ROYAL NAVY)but now we
have added COMSUBPACCOSSUB, a shopping fleet based conveniently near you!

> The city centre: In between the concrete and glass edifices, you can
> still find lovely examples of 19th century architecture. That is,
> older buildings that have "been around", oh yeah.

How many bits does it take to drill to the city centre?

> The East Perth Precinct: A fine example of urban renewal, this former
> industrial site has been transformed into a total piece of filth.
> Phwoar. Look at it. Phwoar.

Candy?Pictures?Bob Dyer gluedyou to your seats whos yer mum, eh?

> Fremantle: Although Fremantle is a city in its own right, this port
> city is not far from Perth, and could be the go for a sexy threesome
> if you play your cards right.

Any pork in a porn storm, is what I always say.

> The Bell Tower: Oh, it wants it bad. It knows it does.

I have tried.Believe me.From a bell towers as well.

> Anyway, there are far to many places to see and shag to include all of
> them, so let us conclude now and say welcome to Perth, and happy
> fucking!

Any day fucking is happy!
My ex used to tell me some rubbish about how she woould "rather do anything
then have bad sex" and I used to remind her that 44 seconds of pleasure is
alot compared to what dead people get!

> West Austrian Department of Tourism and Prevention of Sexually
> Transmissible Diseases

Ask martin Crisp where me bleedin mailbox is!

> --
> John Burrage
> "Uncle Al and James Kibo are slime. Both of you slime
> need to slime back under your rocks."
> - Kurt Stocklmeir

At least you dont have a name like a ST:TNG Garbage Scow

Leo Sgouros

Jul 29, 2002, 1:06:31 PM7/29/02

"Jorn Barger" <> wrote in message
> "Leo Sgouros" <> wrote:
> > But I am amused
> Indeed. But you don't even *try* to communicate why.

What are you on about?I communicate directly, and theres this invention
called" asking" if one is interested.
Troi it mayet, it wont ruin the websthings.

Otto Bahn

Jul 29, 2002, 2:17:15 PM7/29/02
Leo Sgouros wrote:

> Heat make sweat.Gog like heat, make fire at night, smoke signals to send to
> Drudge report.

[snip -- I just wanted to read "smoke signals to send
Drudge report" again.]

> Any pork in a porn storm, is what I always say.

"Any pork in a storm," said the dishonorable Congressman
from Ohio.


Bacon: It's what's for whatever isn't dessert

Andrew Pearson

Jul 29, 2002, 3:53:27 PM7/29/02

Patton is buried just 10 minutes drive from my place of residence. For
some reason I was thinking just the other day about going and looking at
his grave. The other times that I've been to the Americanische Soldatens
Friedhof we've just looked at the place generally, and at the big
campaign map/memorial thing. You have to take these things seriously - I
was lucky enough to meet one of the surviving GIs on a plane this year -
that was quite an honour.

On a more kibological note, there is a little bungalow there which must
have been built in the 50s to welcome visitors. You can go inside, and
apart from lacking the immense, borderless scale, it's uncannily like
the living room of the house that Tom and Jerry lived in during the Fred
Quimby era.

Andrew "I repeat, the mouse will NOT explode" Pearson.


'"Nobody quotes me in .sig files anymore"
Glenn Knickerbocker, ARK, July 10 2002'
Leo Sgouros, ARK, July 10 2002
Otto Bahn, ARK, July 10 2002.


Jul 30, 2002, 1:10:36 AM7/30/02
"Leo Sgouros" <> wrote in message news:<Zj819.337054$>...

> "Jorn Barger" <> wrote in message
> > "Leo Sgouros" <> wrote:
> > > Yanks continue stiff battle southeast of Aachen.

Piercing the Reich (Moments in History, 1996)

>Yank 3rd Army opens
> > > powerful new attack along Moselle Gap. Patton's drive to outflank Metz
> and
> > > advance toward the Rhine continues with success.

(for modest values of sucess, at least according to Strategy & Tactics
78 (1979)

> > >
> > >
> > > The forward echelon of the Third Army (code named Lucky Forward by
> General
> > > Patton) traveled 1,225 miles while making 19 complete moves during
> combat.
> > >
> > > Got map?
> >
> > Um, yup... you got any fucking kibology AT ALL? (Clue: randomness needs
> > amusement factor.)
> > ^^^^^^^^^

See Leo, you have to pay attention. Jorn is a internationally
renowned Bloger.

> But I am amused, if indeed not invited.Thats ok because almost everyone is a
> potential cluebat, erm ki-whatever the heck thingy
> > ,__ _,
> > \~\|: ~~---___ , | \
> > |::: / | *Lyon~~~|~~~~~| *Zagreb _/, >
> > /~-_--*Bordeaux | *Venice / ~\~~/ /~| ||,'
> > | / \ *Marseille---| *Belgrade/~) __*Yalta_\,
> > / | |~~~~~~~~| :\ \ |:|:'~\ |_____,|~,-'
> > |~~--__ | |::::::::|__ :|~~~~~*Sofia__:/_-':::::{,~
> > | | ~~~|~~|::: ::::| *Rome\:: / `*Istanbul_____{/
> > | | | *Barcelona-,: :\----| ::| | ,'*Ankara`
> > ', \*Madrid:::|: :::::|~~~~~~~|:::*Athens'~~\ / |
> > | \ |::::|:::::::|:: |:::::\_-~::::/`~___--\
> > ', \ ,-----|--*Tunis-------'_____/__----~~/:: /
> > '_ '\| *Algiers|~~~|:::::|::::|::::::_/-,~~*Beirut
> > \*Gibraltar| | *Tripoli:::/~~|~~\::::\,*Jerusalem
> > ~~~-' | | `~~~\___| | *Alexandria
> > '-,_ | _____| | / | ,-'-*Cairo
> > `~'~ \ | `--,~~~~-~~, \
> > \/~\ /~~~`---` | \
> > \ / *Luxor
> > \ | '\'
> > `~
> > [Perth and Ballyhoo left as exercises for reader.]

See, if you were a 3l33t ascii-artist like Jorn, you could be mentioned
in the Register also.

> Fuck Perth,
> HTH.
> Luther Steel

That's my new pr0nstar name!

Leo Sgouros

Jul 30, 2002, 1:56:22 AM7/30/02

"lcrl" <> wrote in message

But if I recall, anyone doing this got the Traskmobile.
I can never tell if I am witnessing the ruin of Kibologguy or the fixing

> >
> > Fuck Perth,
> > HTH.
> >
> > Luther Steel
> That's my new pr0nstar name!


helen wheels

Leo Sgouros

Sep 8, 2022, 2:30:54 AM9/8/22
On Monday, July 29, 2002 at 2:53:27 PM UTC-5, Andrew Pearson wrote:
> Leo Sgouros wrote:
> >
> > Yanks continue stiff battle southeast of Aachen. Yank 3rd Army opens
> > powerful new attack along Moselle Gap. Patton's drive to outflank Metz and
> > advance toward the Rhine continues with success.
> >
> >
> > The forward echelon of the Third Army (code named Lucky Forward by General
> > Patton) traveled 1,225 miles while making 19 complete moves during combat.
> >
> Patton is buried just 10 minutes drive from my place of residence. For
> some reason I was thinking just the other day about going and looking at
> his grave. The other times that I've been to the Americanische Soldatens
> Friedhof we've just looked at the place generally, and at the big
> campaign map/memorial thing. You have to take these things seriously - I

One does when one can. I've always wondered,
when one can does what?
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