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HALAKHA61 -19: Erev Pesach Part 4

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Yeshivat Har Etzion's Virtual Beit Midrash

Mar 29, 2001, 5:23:08 AM3/29/01


In memory of the victims of yesterday's terrorist attack, Eliran
Rosenberg-Zayat and Naftali Lanzkron, Hy"d. We pray for a refuah
sheleimah for the wounded.
The entire yeshiva extends tanchumim to our Shana Alef talmid
Robert Lanzkron, and to his entire family, upon the death of his
cousin Naftali. HaMakom yenachem etkhem betokh she'ar avelei
Zion veYerushalayim.

Erev Pesach which Falls on Shabbat

To all the wonderful people who donated generously, as well as
prayed for Yael Devora Malka bat Gilbert - thank you from the
bottom of my heart. With God's mercy, Yael is recovering from her
surgery, and IY"H will celebrate Leil HaSeder here in Israel. As
she has not as yet fully recovered, I ask that you continue to
include her in your tefilot. - Her Brother

Part 4: Bottom-Line Summary of the Halakhot

By Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon
Translated by David Silverberg

"SHABBAT HA-GADOL DERASHA": The "derasha" takes
place on the Shabbat before Shabbat Erev Pesach, a full
week before Pesach. "Viyehi No'am" is recited on this

THE FAST OF THE FIRSTBORN: The fast is observed on
the Thursday before Pesach, and a firstborn may exempt
himself from the fast by participating in a "siyum."
(There may be even more room for this leniency on such a
year than on regular years.)

THE SEARCH FOR CHAMETZ: One conducts the search on
Thursday night, following the standard procedure.

DESTROYING THE CHAMETZ: One burns the chametz on
Friday morning until the end of the fifth halakhic hour
(printed in the calendars), but does not recite "kol
chamira" (the declaration of renunciation). One must
ensure to concentrate all the chametz he wants to keep
for Shabbat and eat it with utmost care. It is
preferable to leave a small amount of bread, ideally
bread that does not produce crumbs, such as pita. (Some
do not leave over any bread for Shabbat - see below.)

WORK ON FRIDAY: As opposed to Erev Pesach on regular
years, all types of activities are permissible on this

"KASHERING" UTENSILS: One may do so throughout the
day on Friday.

PREPARATIONS FOR THE SEDER: Optimally, one should
prepare before Shabbat the lettuce, shank-bone, charoset,
yahrzeit candle, etc.

TERUMOT AND MA'ASROT: One must separate all terumot
and ma'asrot and perform bi'ur ma'asrot before Shabbat.

SHABBAT PRAYER SERVICE: Prayers on this Shabbat
should begin early and not be prolonged (nor should they
be rushed). For the haftara we read "Ve-arva," the
standard haftara for Shabbat Ha-gadol. (According to the
Vilna Gaon, we read the regular haftara for the parasha
of the week.)

SHABBAT MEALS: One should eat food that is kosher
for Pesach in Pesach pots, preferably in disposable pans
(since one may not wash pots on Shabbat). As for "lechem
mishneh," one must choose between two options:
1. Egg matza is used and the berakha of "ha-motzi" is
recited. Ashkenazim use egg matza only for the first two
meals (i.e. night and morning), as their custom prohibits
the consumption of egg matza after the time when chametz
becomes forbidden (i.e. the fourth hour). One should try
to avoid contact between the egg matza and the Pesach
utensils. If one uses egg matza for his Shabbat morning
meal, he must complete it by the end of the fourth hour
(approximately 9 A.M. in Israel), unless he follows the
view allowing the consumption of egg matza until the
tenth hour.
2. Chametz bread is used for lechem mishneh at the first
two meals. One should preferably use only a small amount
of bread, of a type that doesn't make crumbs. Since one
must ensure that no crumbs come in contact with the
Pesach utensils, one should either eat the chametz at the
beginning of the meal and then properly shake out the
tablecloth and garments, or use disposable dishes. One
must finish eating the bread by the end of the fourth

LEFTOVER CHAMETZ; "BITTUL": All consumption of
chametz must conclude before the end of the fourth
[halakhic] hour. Before the end of the fifth hour, one
should crumble the leftover chametz and throw it into the
toilet. (When dealing with a large amount of chametz,
one may throw it into a public domain - where there is an
eruv.) Tablecloths and clothing used with chametz must be
thoroughly cleaned off, and one should likewise rinse his
mouth and sweep the floor. The broom should preferably
be placed together with the chametz utensils. One
formally renounces the chametz ("bittul") before the end
of the fifth hour.

SE'UDAT SHELISHIT: On a regular Shabbat, one should
preferably eat bread for se'udat shelishit and conduct
the meal after the time from which one may recite Mincha
(one half-hour after chatzot). On Shabbat Erev Pesach, of
course, one cannot satisfy both these requirements. One
must therefore choose between the following three options
(while preferably reciting Mincha before se'uda
1. One who eats egg matza after the fourth hour (most
Ashkenazim are stringent in this regard) may eat se'udat
shelishit at its optimal time (starting from a half-hour
past midday) using egg matza. (Egg matza may not,
however, be eaten after the tenth hour.)
2. Those who do not eat egg matza may conduct se'uda
shelishit at its proper time using meat, fish or fruit
(as the Rema recommends). One may eat "kneidlech"
(cooked matza meal) and some even allow the consumption
of "matza brei" (fried matza crumbs).
3. Some have the practice of following option 2 but also
splitting the morning meal. They recite Birkat Ha-mazon,
wait a short while, and then begin a new meal with
netilat yadayim and ha-motzi.

PREPARATIONS ON SHABBAT: One should not conduct
preparations on Shabbat for the seder, except for basic
cleaning that enhances Shabbat as well.

MOTZA'EI SHABBAT: "Va-todi'einu" is added to
Shemoneh Esrei at Ma'ariv, and "Viyehi No'am" and "Ve-Ata
Kadosh" are omitted.

CANDLE LIGHTING: One may light candles only after
reciting Ma'ariv with "Va-todi'einu" or saying "Barukh ha-
mavdil bein kodesh le-kodesh." A woman lighting candles
recites "She-hecheyanu" and omits this berakha over the
first cup of wine at the seder.

KIDDUSH: One follows the order known by the acronym,
"yaknehaz" - "yayin" (blessing over the wine), "kiddush"
(the standard Yom Tov text, "asher bachar banu mi-kol
amů"), "ner" (berakha over the havdala candle), "havdala"
(the standard berakha: "ha-mavdil bein kodesh le-cholů"),
"zeman" ("she-hecheyanu").

"GA'AL YISRAEL": Most people change the text of the
berakha when the seder occurs on Motza'ei Shabbat and
recite, "ů ve-nochal sham min ha-pesachim u-min ha-


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