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SEE *that the NGO share the ideals of the UN Charter;

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May 10, 2003, 6:02:37 PM5/10/03

31 March 2003

Dear Mr. __________

Thank you for your inquiry regarding Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and the
United Nations. Please be informed that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
had been approved for association on 29 January 1992. They are all also
Jehovah's Witnesses. W. L. Barry who was listed in the NGO Directory, had
passed on. The remaining contact person, Ciro Aulicino, requested on 1 October
2001 that this NGO be deleted from the Directory.

Our attention has been brought to this NGO because of numerous fax, emails and
telephone calls inquiring about when, why, how the Watchtower Bible and Tract
Society is associated with DPI. A five-page fax from J.R. Passenger denouncing
this NGO as one that openly condemned the United Nations, supplying quotes from
their publications. Emails and calls from citizens from Brazil, Canada,
Switzerland and the United States have been received with basically the same
questions. We continue to receive emails regarding this NGO.

Please see below the paragraph included in all letters sent to NGOs approved
for association.

" The principle purpose of association of non-governmental organizations with
the United Nations Department of Public Information is the re-dissemination of
information in order to increase public understanding of the principles,
activities and achievements of the United Nations and its Agencies.
Consequently, it is important that you should keep us informed about your
organization's information programme as it relates to the United Nations,
inciuding sending us issues of your relevant publications."

In addition, the criteria for NGOs to become associated with DPI, which has not
changed since 1991, include the following:

· that the NGO share the ideals of the UN Charter;

· operate solely on a not-for-profit basis;

· have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven ability to
reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives,
policy makers and the business community;

· have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes
about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets,
organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting the
cooperation of the media.


Please share this information with your concerned colleagues as we are unable
to address the scores of duplicate requests regarding the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society that are being directed to our offices.

Thank you for your interest in the work of the United Nations.


Isolda S. Oca
Information Officer
NGO Section
Department of Public Information

The JWs that signed this KNEW that they had to SHARE THE IDEALS OF THE UN
CHARTER, so anything you hear otherwise from the WTS is a LIE!

~.~.* =^..^= *.~.~

May 10, 2003, 8:53:23 PM5/10/03
Dizzbee59 <> picked up the keyboard and pecked out:
:: =============================================
:: The JWs that signed this KNEW that they had to SHARE THE IDEALS OF

:: THE UN CHARTER, so anything you hear otherwise from the WTS is a
:: LIE!
Hmmmmm.......and they denied being a member..... doesn't surprise me.
Looks like they didn't feel the sheep-like slaves should know the REAL
Croan Tudaboan.....
Seeking the real TRUTH about the WT & JWs?
An excellent site to check out:


May 10, 2003, 10:35:06 PM5/10/03
>From: " ~.~.* =^..^= *.~.~"
>Date: 05/10/2003 8:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <R0hva.56817$>

>Hmmmmm.......and they denied being a member..... doesn't surprise me.
>Looks like they didn't feel the sheep-like slaves should know the REAL

Well, at FIRST they denied it at ALL, then when the evidence got so
overwhelming...they decided to "admit" to signing up as NGO status
(non-governmental organization) in order to ----get this----use the UN
LIBRARY!!!!! LOL! (Which, BTW, does not require a membership to use)

And this latest paper shows if they signed as an NGO, then they were expected
to comply with the UN Charter!

They only resigned when the whole thing went public.....because NOTHING changed
from the day the WTS first signed for membership! (THEY claimed the criteria
had changed, lol) The UN says not!

Go along for the ride
Do da WTS Shuffle!

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