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Shaikh Omar Abdel Rahman Framed By Full Blown Idiots (FBI)

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Mar 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/10/97


Statement by Ramsey Clark

One of the Attorneys for Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman

On the Day of His Sentencing, January 17, 1996

Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman committed no crime and teh United
States knows it. He was belatedly included in the indictment
as an afterthought, over internal government opposition
which knew there was no evidence against him. Sheik Omar
never knew of, participated in or approved any plan to bomb
the World Trade Center, assassinate Rabbi Kahane, or any of
the other allegations of planned violence in the U.S. and
the U.S knows it.

The Sheik was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for
the rest of his life solely because of his religious speech.
HE is blind from his tenth month, dangerously infirm from
years of imprisonment and torture in Egypt, diabetic with
heart disease, and physically incapable and not accusd
of any physcial act - he is convicted only for words he

Sheik Omar has practiced his religion with firmness in his
faith as God has given him to understand it and with
absolute religious fidelity for more than fifty years.

Because Sheik Omar is a recognized Islamic scholar with a
Ph.D. from Al-Azhar University and a powerful preacher,
the United States wants to falsely label him a terrorist.
This is an assault on Islam.

Ramsey Clark
Lawrence W. Shilling

Law Offices
36 East 12th Street
New York, N.Y. 10003
(212) 475 - 3232
(212) 979 - 1583 (FAX)

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