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The way to glory and honor

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Jun 8, 2023, 4:19:26 AM6/8/23
The way to glory and honor

"Ponder how profound this is. They were conferring with him about
glory. He intended to precede loftiness with humility and, only
through humility, to ready the way for loftiness itself. For, of
course, even those disciples who wanted to sit, the one on his right,
the other on his left, were looking to glory (Matthew 20:20-23; Mark
10:35-40). They were on the lookout, but did not see by what way. In
order that they might come to their homeland in due order, the Lord
called them back to the narrow way. For the homeland is on high and
the way to it is lowly. The homeland is life in Christ; the way is
dying with Christ (Matthew 6:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; 17-33). The way
is suffering with Christ; the goal is abiding with him eternally. Why
do you seek the homeland if you are not seeking the way to it?"
--St. Augustine--(excerpt from TRACTATE ON JOHN

June 8: - Saint Calliope
(also known as Kalliopi)

died 250
Saint Calliope was a virgin and martyr of the Church. Calliope stood
up against the persecution of Christians under the reign of Emperor
Decius, refusing to marry a pagan suitor, and remaining true to her
faith. Due to her beliefs, she was tried and executed, earning the
glorious martyrs’ crown.

Saint Calliope was a beautiful young woman, who from an early age, had
dedicated herself to Christ. At that time, most women were married in
their early teen years, but Calliope managed to avoid marriage until
the age of 21, by occupying herself with social, charitable, and
religious works. Many suitors had sought her hand, given her beauty
and grace, but she avoided each, saving herself and remaining chaste
for her Lord and Savior.

Eventually, one pagan suitor would not take no for an answer. Despite
Calliope’s definitive statements that she would never take his hand,
he continued to pursue her. Growing tired of her refusals, he
threatened to have her arrested, should she not relent. Remaining true
to her faith and her vow to Christ, Calliope refused, and was arrested
following false rumors and accusations spread by her spurned suitor.
Brought to trial before the magistrate, she was accused of a range of
criminal activities, including mockery of the pagan faith and treason
against the government--all of which were attested to by a steady
stream of well-paid witnesses.

Following the testimonies, when it was all but assured that Calliope
would be convicted, her accuser stepped forward and offered to drop
the charges should she reject her faith and marry him. Calliope,
unafraid, and secure in her love of the Lord, refused, stating that
the only mockery that had occurred was the mockery of justice evident
in the crooked trial. She further evangelized to all present, stating
firmly her belief in Christ, and her unwillingness to recant.

Her refusal to accept marriage left the court little option. She was
imprisoned and cruelly tortured in the public square, flogged until
her clothing and flesh hung from her body in ribbons. Her beautiful
face was scarred with branding irons, and salt was rubbed into her
open wounds. Broken and tortured, she was given one last opportunity
to disavow her faith, but courageously refused. With that, she was

The death of Saint Calliope dramatically demonstrates the trials and
suffering of early Christian martyrs during the oppressive periods of
persecution of the Church. Not only did these holy men and women’s
heroic acts promote the faith, they inspired others to accept Christ
into their lives. We are called in our own lives to provide witness to
others of the saving power of Christianity--not in the dramatic manner
of the early martyrs, but in much quieter ways: charitable service,
love and acceptance of all people, fighting for social justice,
opposing hatred, prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance, and much more.
We are left to answer the question, “if a stranger met me, would he
recognize me as a Christian?”

Thy Lamb, O Jesus, doth cry unto thee with a loud voice, saying, My
Bridegroom, I long for thee and in struggles seek thee. I am crucified
and buried with thee in my Baptism, and for thee I do suffer until I
reign with thee. I die for thee that I may live in thee. Then as a
sacrifice without blemish receive her who for thy sake was slain.
Through the intercessions of St. Calliope, therefore, since thou art
merciful, save our souls.
by Jacob

“How can anyone be lonely,
with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament?”
--Venerable Matt Talbot

Bible Quote
What man of you that hath an hundred sheep: and if he shall lose one
of them, doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the desert, and go after
that which was lost, until he find it? 5 And when he hath found it,
lay it upon his shoulders, rejoicing: (Luke 15:4-5)


We praise you, Lord,
in this daughter of Israel, who sang the songs of David,
who knew the deeds of Judith,
and held in her heart the burning words of Isaiah.

We pray as Mary did:
may your name be holy,
may the hungry be filled and the rich know hunger,
may the proud be scattered and and the oppressed raised up,
may your love be ever with your people.

We make our prayer always through Mary's child,
for from her arose the sun of justice,
Jesus, who is Lord for ever and ever.

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