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Everything Works Together for Charity:

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May 14, 2023, 4:13:55 AM5/14/23
Everything Works Together for Charity:

"All these endeavors for fasting are concerned not about the rejection
of various foods as unclean, but about the subjugation of inordinate
desire and the maintenance of neighborly love.
Charity especially is guarded: food is subservient to charity, speech
to charity, customs to charity, and facial expressions to charity.
Everything works together for charity alone."
Augustine,--Customs of the Catholic Church 33, 70

Prayer: How great was your love for us, kind Father! You did not spare
your only-begotten Son but surrendered him for the sake of us sinners!
Augustine, Confessions 10, 43

14 May – Blessed Giles of Santarem OP

Dominican Friar, Confessor, Penitent – born Gil Rodrigues de
Valadares in 1185 at Vaozela, Portugal and died on 14 May 1265 in
Santarem, Portugal of natural causes.

Blessed Giles was born at Vouzella, near Coimbra, Portugal, about
1185. His father was the governor of Coimbra and a Counsellor of
Sancho I, the king of Portugal. Although his father wanted Giles to
enter the ecclesiastical state and the King was lavish in bestowing
ecclesiastical benefices on Giles, while still a child, Giles,
however, wanted to study medicine. After some time studying philosophy
in Coimbra, Giles left to study medicine in Paris.

Blessed Giles was intercepted by a kind stranger on his trip to Paris,
who promised to teach him magic if he would sign his soul over to the
devil in blood. Blessed Giles, the legend continues, signed away his
soul and studied magic for seven years before going to Paris where he
excelled in his medical studies and was noted for many fantastic
cures. However, we know that at some point Blessed Giles reformed his
life and repented.

He returned to Portugal and took the Dominican habit at a newly
erected convent in Palencia in about 1224. Shortly after arriving in
Palencia, his Dominican superiors sent Blessed Giles to the Dominican
convent at Scallabis, present day Santarem, Portugal. There he led a
life of prayer and penance and for seven years was tormented about the
compact he had entered into with the devil. However, according to
Blessed Giles’ biographer, finally Satan was compelled to surrender
Giles’ soul and placed the compact he had signed before the Altar of
the Blessed Virgin.

After this experience, Giles returned to Paris to study theology. On
his second return to Portugal, he became famous for his piety and
learning. He was twice elected provincial of the Dominican Order in

Noted for his humble service to his brethren, he died at Santarem on
14 May 1265. Blessed Giles was Beatified by Pope Benedict XIV (cultus
confirmed) on 9 May 1748.

The Refuge of Sinners

“Refuge of sinners, pray for us.”
This is one of the most beautiful invocations in the Litany of Loreto.
In the second half of the Hail Mary, the Church, knowing that we are
all sinners, teaches us to pay to our heavenly Mother: “Pray for us
sinners, now and at the hour of our death.”
When a mother sees her sons going astray or behaving badly, she does
not cease to love them.
One might say that, she loves them all the more, because, in addition
to her natural affection, she develops a sense of anxious compassion
for them when she thinks of the way in which they have risked their
eternal salvation by sinning.
Mary’s attitude to us is like this.
The only difference is, that our earthly mothers suffer as a result of
our transgressions and ingratitude without being able to do much to
change us.
Mary, on the other hand, being the Mother of Jesus as well as our
Mother, is not only willing but able, to help us.
No matter how enormous our sins may be, no matter how irresistible our
carnal instincts may seem, no matter how hopelessly we may have
plunged into the depths of evil, it is enough for us to raise our eyes
in confidence towards Mary.
Like a merciful Mother, she will obtain for us from God, forgiveness
and the strength to return to the path of penitence and of peace.
“Poor ship-wrecked sinners,” says St Bonaventure, “have recourse to
Mary and she will lead you to the port of salvation.” (In Ps 8).
Our good Mother, St Bernard tells us, does not shrink in horror from
the most wretched of sinners.
He need only turn to her for help and she will save him from damnation
(Or Pan ad BV).
How comforting it should be for us to realise that we have such a
merciful and powerful Mother.
Let us turn to her with trust and humility and she will certainly assist us.”
by Antonio Cardinal Bacci

Saint Quote:
It is clear through unlearned men that the cross was persuasive; in
fact, it persuaded the whole world.
-- Saint John Chrysostom

Bible Quote:
Labor as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. (II Tim. 2:3)

Psalm 81:1, 12-16

1 Sing aloud to God our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob.
11 "But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me.
12 So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels.
13 O that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways!
14 Then I would quickly subdue their enemies, and turn my hand against
their foes.
15 Those who hate the LORD would cringe before him, and their doom
would last forever.
16 I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from
the rock I would satisfy you."
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