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Academia, Courts, Journalists All Endanger America

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Sound of Trumpet

Nov 3, 2006, 10:21:40 PM11/3/06

Profs, judges, media: The 'enemy' within

Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
endanger America

The 'enemy' within

Hal Lindsey

Posted: November 3, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

In our system of government, elections occur each year in November.
Some years feature national balloting, but every year includes local
and state elections. And I find election time each year to be a perfect
occasion to stop and reflect on our progress, and sometimes, on our

This year, my reflection leads me to think that, as a nation, we're in
a bit of a predicament. We face a dazzling array of problems and
challenges, few of which can be solved by politicians and initiatives,
but all of which can be complicated and worsened by disastrous choices.

As you prepare to go to the polls this week, let me remind you of just
a few of the issues that your vote will directly impact. Here are some
things to keep in mind as you pull that lever, punch that card or mark
that ballot.

(Column continues below)

Recently, a professor at Penn State University publicly stated that he
wants to "eliminate the evil lunatics of the Christian right." You see,
those "evil lunatics" pose a challenge to his proposal to indoctrinate
public school students about the advantages of a homosexual lifestyle.

Another professor, Peter Singer of Princeton University, is an advocate
of euthanasia and infanticide. In an interview with the UK Independent,
professor Singer affirmed that he would kill a disabled baby if it was
"in the best interests of the baby and the family as a whole.

"Many people find this shocking, yet they support a woman's right to
have an abortion." He's apparently not bothered by the "slippery slope"
implications of his logic.

Last year he wrote, "By 2040, it may be that only a rump of hard-core,
know-nothing religious fundamentalists will defend the view that every
human life, from conception to death, is sacrosanct."

You may think it's fortunate that these men are not government
officials who wield a great deal of power. It is unfortunate, however,
that they are educators who wield a great deal of influence -
especially over students who may someday become legislators and

Therein lies one of America's greatest problems. Our children are being
taught by instructors and teachers whose philosophies are often
diametrically opposed to those of the general public. And slowly but
surely, their destructive ideas are eating away at the very foundations
of our society.

I saw this present academic situation developing firsthand. I worked
with students during the turbulent days of the 1960s with an
organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. I saw the impact of
certain professors on the brilliant but radical students on several
hundred college campuses. I predicted then that these would become the
core of professors and teachers that would cause a quantum shift in the
thinking of future generations.

Sometimes, their controlling influence can only be mitigated when the
majority imposes its will through direct votes on propositions or by
the election of legislators who will pass laws to stem their impact.
Some of you will have that opportunity this week.

And speaking of the few who can arbitrarily affect the many, recently
New Jersey's state Supreme Court took a giant step toward redefining
traditional marriage. It ordered the Legislature to give all the rights
of marriage to same-sex couples.

It's suppose to be up to the Legislature to decide how to do that, but
homosexual-rights advocates are already demanding the legalization of
same-sex "marriage." Incidentally, this is the same court that ruled
that the Boy Scouts of America had to accept open homosexuals as
scoutmasters. That decision was ultimately overturned by the U.S.
Supreme Court.

But this New Jersey decision may have far-reaching consequences
because, unlike Massachusetts, New Jersey has no law banning marriages
that would be illegal in another state. So gay couples from any state
may soon be able to travel to New Jersey, get married and return home
demanding recognition of their "legal" New Jersey marriage.

This is precisely why overwhelming majorities of citizens in 20 states
have found it necessary to pass amendments preserving traditional
marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Eight more states will make that decision this week. Also, that's why
many Americans are advocating a constitutional amendment affirming that
definition of marriage.

If you've watched my television programs for very long, you're aware
that I think two of the last bastions of liberalism are education and
the courts. The liberals have carried on the fight in these
institutions because they cannot win the votes of the public at large.
They've had to choose battlefields where they can achieve sweeping
results by controlling only a few individuals, like judges and

Of course, the third bastion that fits that formula is the media. I
simply don't have enough space in a short commentary to even begin to
cite the myriad examples of manipulation of the truth for political
purposes by the mainstream media. But let me give you just a couple of
examples that have occurred recently.

I'm sure you're aware of the controversy caused by Michael J. Fox's
recent television commercials. In those spots, he alleges that the two
Senate candidates he opposes want to stop stem cell research and even
criminalize the science. Though his personal situation is dire - and
rightly evokes a great deal of sympathy - his allegations are
entirely false and misleading.

Neither of the Senate candidates opposes stem cell research. What they
do oppose is the use of unborn human embryos to supply those cells for
research. And, more specifically, they oppose the use of federal money
to purchase those embryos.

The proponents of embryonic stem cell research do not want you to know
the following information. Contrary to what they say, embryonic stem
cell research is not illegal. They're angry that President Bush refuses
to pick up the tab for the purchase of the research cells. He believes
that your money should not be used for something that he - and many
Americans - considers to be immoral, that is, the use of unborn
fetuses for patently dubious research.

Recently, a leading stem cell researcher from MIT, the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, revealed that researchers have not been able
to stop embryonic stem cells from causing tumors when injected into

Professor James Sherley said that the "tumor formation property is an
inherent feature of the cells." He cautioned that the prospect of
overcoming it is very far into the future. He explained that "although
some might say we can solve the tumor problem down the road, that's
equivalent to saying we can solve the cancer problem, and we may, but
that's a long time coming." Professor Sherley's assertions have
recently been confirmed by researchers at the University of Rochester
and Harvard.

So the bottom line is, contrary to what the media tell you, embryonic
stem cell research is not illegal, but it's also not that promising. At
best, it could only yield results after many years, perhaps even
decades. It could not have helped Christopher Reeve or Michael J. Fox.

And because it's not illegal, any number of left-leaning foundations or
individuals could put up the money to purchase the embryos so that
research can continue. But apparently, they don't want to foot the bill
themselves; they want you to do that. And they refuse to tell you about
the fabulous results that have been achieved through the use of adult
stem cells or umbilical cord blood stem cells.

But then, those forms of stem cell research don't further the ultimate
objective of human cloning for organ harvesting.

If you get your information from the mainstream media as you prepare to
vote, here are a couple of other things you haven't heard.

A 40-year-old Christian immigrant from Honduras, who is a husband and
father of two children, lost his job a few weeks ago. Luis Padilla was
fired for allegedly harassing fellow employees at a Cargill plant in
Timberville, Va.

His offense? He posted two benign signs inside his pick-up truck, which
was sitting on the company parking lot. The signs encouraged voters to
support a proposed marriage protection amendment on the Virginia ballot
this week. Three employees complained. Although he attempted to meet
the company's demands, he was eventually fired for "insubordination."
If his signs had supported gay or abortion-rights legislation, he'd
probably still be employed today.

The media didn't report this because it's a blatant example of the
radical left attempting to intimidate and silence men and women of

Of course, they also didn't report on the churches in Wisconsin and
Montana that are being investigated and facing fines for supporting
marriage amendments in those states.

And you won't hear America's fifth column telling you that our nation's
economy is the strongest it's been in years - maybe even decades. The
Dow is at an all-time high - over 12,000. Unemployment is very low,
4.6 percent. The tax cuts have boosted the treasury receipts and the
federal deficit is down.

Gas prices are down and inflation is in check. But that's good news,
and this close to the election, good news helps the incumbent. So it's
important for Big Media to "talk the economy down."

A yearlong study by the Business and Media Institute found that news
reports about the American economy have been grossly distorted. There
have been twice as many negative stories as positive ones. Also, the
negative reports are often aired in full-length segments. The positive
stories get only a brief mention.

The worst offender of the Big Three? CBS! Fully 80 percent of its
reporting on the economy was negative. And that's why, contrary to the
evidence, more than 50 percent of Americans feel that the state of the
U.S. economy is "poor."

And last but not least, you may be surprised to learn that this last
bastion of liberal influence is guilty of a double standard. As the
Mark Foley feeding frenzy unfolded across America's newspapers and TV
screens, an organization called the Media Research Center did some

It compared the Mark Foley scandal with a similar scandal from 1994. In
that one, a member of Congress was indicted and convicted on 12 counts
of sexual assault against a minor, obstruction of justice and
solicitation of child pornography. The indictment and conviction on
those very serious charges generated a total of 19 news stories by ABC,
CBS and NBC.

On the other hand, former Rep. Mark Foley, who has not even been
indicted, much less convicted in a court of law, as of two weeks ago
had been the subject of 152 stories on those networks - 152 to 19.

What could possibly justify such a wild discrepancy? Could it be the
fact that Mark Foley is a Republican while former Rep. Mel Reynolds was
a Democrat? Could Big Media's left-wing ideology explain the lopsided
coverage? You decide.

And finally, as we prepare to cast our ballots this Tuesday, one more
critical issue that your vote can influence. A Homeland Security
subcommittee of the House of Representatives recently released a report
that paints a dire picture of the situation on America's southern
border. It warned that there is a growing collection of violent gangs,
alien-smuggling networks, drug cartels and terrorist sympathizers who
are seeking to exploit our porous borders.

Among other findings, the report said that in 2005, 650 illegal aliens
from "special interest countries" were apprehended on the border.
"Special interest countries" means states that sponsor or support
terrorism. And if we caught 650, imagine how many actually made it

The report noted that members of Hezbollah have been smuggled across
the border. It also warned that Venezuela is "emerging as a hub of
terrorism in the Western Hemisphere."

The federal government's primary obligation is to protect the American
people. It's obvious to me that we need to send people to Washington
who will keep up the pressure on the administration to stem the flow of
illegal - and dangerous - immigrants into our nation.

Mexican officials may protest and take their case to the United
Nations. Let them! Contrary to what they say, a border fence is not
equivalent to the Berlin Wall. We're not keeping anyone in; we're
keeping the terrorists out.

So you see, there are lots of issues to consider as we face Election
Day 2006. Study them carefully. Then fulfill your obligation as a
citizen. Vote! Just do it!

Hal Lindsey is the best-selling non-fiction writer alive today. Among
his 20 books are "Late Great Planet Earth," his follow-up on that
explosive best seller, Planet Earth: The Final Chapter," and
"Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad." He writes this weekly column
exclusively for WorldNetDaily. Be sure to visit his website, where he
provides up-to-the-minute analysis of today's world events in the light
of ancient prophecies.

GW Chimpzilla's Eye-Rack Neocon Utopia

Nov 3, 2006, 10:27:50 PM11/3/06
Sound of Trumpet wrote:

> Profs, judges, media: The 'enemy' within
> Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
> endanger America
> The 'enemy' within

Don't you think your enemy within is all those gay, pedophile pentecostal
preachers who prey on your children?

There are only two kinds of Republicans: Millionaires and fools.

Nov 3, 2006, 10:39:50 PM11/3/06

Unions too.

Nov 3, 2006, 11:40:48 PM11/3/06

Sound of Trumpet wrote:
> Profs, judges, media: The 'enemy' within
> Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
> endanger America

You were really serious??!!?? Hilarious!


Denis Loubet

Nov 4, 2006, 12:03:40 AM11/4/06

"Sound of Trumpet" <> wrote in message

> Profs, judges, media: The 'enemy' within
> Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
> endanger America

So you actually listen to Hal Lindsey? The idiot who wrote that the
tribulation would occur sometime around 1988 in his best selling book for
morons, The Late Great Planet Earth? It's 2006 and no fucking tribulation,
you drooling moron.

Denis Loubet


Nov 4, 2006, 3:06:30 AM11/4/06

Sound of Trumpet schrieb:


If you want to be taken seriously, how about using credible sources?

> Profs, judges, media: The 'enemy' within
> Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
> endanger America

Ah, in the good old tradition of fascism, let's target the
intellectuals first. Hey, I have a better idea: send them to a
"reeducation camp" where the can wait the "true values" of USA...


Nov 4, 2006, 4:13:18 AM11/4/06
On 3 Nov 2006 19:21:40 -0800, "Sound of Trumpet"
<> wrote:

>Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
>endanger America

Hal Lindsey also asserted that the world was going to end during the
1970s, one might note.

"O Sybilli, si ergo
Fortibus es in ero
O Nobili! Themis trux
Sivat sinem? Causen Dux"


Nov 4, 2006, 5:34:40 AM11/4/06

Sound of Trumpet wrote:

> Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts,
> journalists all endanger America

Education, justice & a free press are all your enemy?

You might as well just come out and say it: You hate
freedom and everything america stands for.

And you do.


Nov 4, 2006, 10:32:12 AM11/4/06


Interesting, well-written article. I actually read several
of his books cover-to-cover, back in the 70s & 80s. There's
one thing Hal Lindsey said that I am finding out to be true
in my old age, which I'll loosely paraphrase: that there is
no closer religious similarity than fundamentalist-Atheists
to fundamentalist-Christians, and vice versa. Whatever else
you might think of Mr. Lindsey, he hit this particular nail
square on the head--if only unwittingly. Religious "fundies"
are all alike. That said, with mid-terms elections imminent...

If the reader doesn't remember anything else when (s)he goes
to the polls on election-day, recall the *Three Reasons* why
all God-fearing patriotic Americans will VOTE [R]epublican:

1) Liberal [D]s *HATE* God!
2) Liberal [D]s *HATE* Family!
3) Liberal [D]s *HATE* Country!


*VOTE* Republican this Tuesday November 7th 2006 anno Domini!
Do NOT surrender America over to the Rabidly Anti-Christian,
Anti-American Liberal Atheist UN/ACLU/NAMBLA/Al-Qaeda party(!)

In Vigilance,
Daniel Joseph Min


Douglas Berry

Nov 4, 2006, 11:16:42 AM11/4/06
On 3 Nov 2006 19:21:40 -0800 "Sound of Trumpet"
<> said the following in alt.atheism and I was
immediately reminded of 1,000 Chinchillas singing Handel's "Messiah"
for some reason...

>Profs, judges, media: The 'enemy' within
>Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
>endanger America

In other words, those who are educated, understand our system of laws,
and actively seek out facts are a threat to the Christian Reich.

Hal Lindsay? Erich von Daniken would be more credible a source.

In The Late, Great Planet Earth, Lindsey wrote that he had concluded,
since there was no apparent mention of the United States in the books
of Daniel or Revelation, that the USA would no longer be a major
player on the geo-political stage by the time the tribulations of the
end times arrived. Lindsey also predicted that the European Common
Market, which preceded the European Community, was destined (according
to Biblical prophecy) to become a "United States of Europe", which in
turn he says is destined to become a revived Roman Empire ruled by the

A later book, bearing the title The 1980s: Countdown to Armageddon,
implied that the battle of Armageddon would take place shortly after
that decade. Lindsey's earlier predictions all assumed that the Cold
War would continue indefinitely, and had eschatological significance;
he explicitly identified the former Soviet Union with the apocalyptic
figure of Gog. He also assumed that the 1960s counterculture would
eventually become the dominant culture, and become the source of
prophesied "immorality" that would lead to the establishment of a
false religion.

Hal Lindsey forecast that the end days would be within the generation
of the establishment of Israel in 1948, and wrote in The Late, Great
Planet Earth that a generation is "something like forty years."
Therefore, by roughly 1988, Jesus should have established his kingdom.

Virtually none of Lindsey's verifiable predictions have been confirmed
by history.

Douglas Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail
Atheist #2147, Atheist Vet #5
Jason Gastrich is praying for me on 8 January 2011

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein

Truth B. Told

Nov 4, 2006, 11:45:59 AM11/4/06

Sound of Trumpet wrote:
> Profs, judges, media: The 'enemy' within
> Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts academia, courts, journalists all
> endanger America

Yes, so many forget the dire warnings about the press and liberal
intellectuals made by one of the greatest right-wing leaders the world
has ever known. I am sure you and Lindsey would agree.

"It is this press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and
slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a
support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic
independence of the nation." --Adolph Hitler

"Hence it is that at the present time the liberal is the great agitator
for the complete destruction of America. Whenever we read of attacks
against America taking place in any part of the world the liberal is
always the instigator." --Adolph Hilter

Please, feel free to use these quotes to further bolster your position.

You are welcome.

T.B. Told

~~Truth has a liberal bias~~

Nov 5, 2006, 1:56:44 PM11/5/06

Like Hal Lindsay, Min doesn't want to give up his flakey-wakey
spiritualism--even though it flies in the face of those whom he now aligns
himself with politically. Fundamentalists are only bad when they don't
accept UFOs, horoscopes, Greco-Roman pantheism--and if a recent Min bleat is
correct, gambling as well.

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