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Pro-Lifers Ignore Embryo Deaths!

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Leo Mauler

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
protesting at fertility clinics.

I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos being
killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!

Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a

Is it only fun if you are preventing a woman from taking control of her
own life? Does it require that you scream at a woman in order for the
anti-embryo-death protests to be any fun?

So, when are you folks going to run down to the fertility clinics and
protest the mass deaths of all the embryos that you consider to be
"persons"??? When's the first protest? Better make sure you get national
media's attention, this'd be the first time in history we actually see
so-called pro-life protestors protesting the deaths of embryos, instead
of protesting the ability of women to control their own lives!

Never do this at home. Look how it killed this .sig
_/\ __/\ __/\ ______________________________________________
\/ \/ \/ webgiantatrocketmaledotcom (guess)
DISCLAIMER: Everything I say is false, including this sentence.
[How Am I Posting? If you think this post is spam, E-mail me.]

Alan B. Mac Farlane

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

They did protest this in merry old england a few months ago.

Even the Pope and the catholics weighed into it.

They were going to destroy a couple hundred fertalized eggs that were left
unclaimed or abandonded by the owners for various reasons. And I think
the law over there is that frozen human eggs are not to be stored for
longer then 4 years - they get bad, they rot, slowly "die", even under

I say they are already deadmeat - and in time maybe God will make em come
alive with the breath of life - but humans dont make life. At best they
just abuse their creativity and make death - which is an upsidedown birth.

Oh, the eggs were destroyed.

Dispite the protesting.


In article <>, Leo Mauler

Pat Winstanley

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

In article <>, Leo Mauler
<> writes

>Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
>protesting at fertility clinics.
>I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos being
>killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
>Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
>include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
>embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a
>Is it only fun if you are preventing a woman from taking control of her
>own life? Does it require that you scream at a woman in order for the
>anti-embryo-death protests to be any fun?
>So, when are you folks going to run down to the fertility clinics and
>protest the mass deaths of all the embryos that you consider to be
>"persons"??? When's the first protest? Better make sure you get national
>media's attention, this'd be the first time in history we actually see
>so-called pro-life protestors protesting the deaths of embryos, instead
>of protesting the ability of women to control their own lives!

Be fair, Leo... there was quite an outcry when thousands of frozen
embryos were destroyed in Britain a couple of years ago, and many pro-
life women did say that they would take and gestate... a tiny fraction
of... those embryos sooner than see them destroyed. As it happens the
clinics holding the embryos were forced by British law to destroy them,
but that's another matter altogether.

Try this:

Pat Winstanley


Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine wall..
before it constitutes.. a life..

Leo Mauler <> wrote in article

> Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
> protesting at fertility clinics.
> I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos being
> killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
> Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
> include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
> embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a
> "person"???
> Is it only fun if you are preventing a woman from taking control of her
> own life? Does it require that you scream at a woman in order for the
> anti-embryo-death protests to be any fun?
> So, when are you folks going to run down to the fertility clinics and
> protest the mass deaths of all the embryos that you consider to be
> "persons"??? When's the first protest? Better make sure you get national
> media's attention, this'd be the first time in history we actually see
> so-called pro-life protestors protesting the deaths of embryos, instead
> of protesting the ability of women to control their own lives!


Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

from my understanding.. and I am not positive of this until I do some
research.. but.. I believe that the reason the Catholic Church has a
problem with this.. is because.. it isn't a natural way for pregnancy to
occur.. and so.. to them.. wouldn't follow in Gods plan..

Alan B. Mac Farlane <> wrote in article

> They did protest this in merry old england a few months ago.
> Even the Pope and the catholics weighed into it.
> They were going to destroy a couple hundred fertalized eggs that were
> unclaimed or abandonded by the owners for various reasons. And I think
> the law over there is that frozen human eggs are not to be stored for
> longer then 4 years - they get bad, they rot, slowly "die", even under
> ice.
> I say they are already deadmeat - and in time maybe God will make em come
> alive with the breath of life - but humans dont make life. At best they
> just abuse their creativity and make death - which is an upsidedown
> Oh, the eggs were destroyed.
> Dispite the protesting.
> SumBuddie

> In article <>, Leo Mauler

David Vorous

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

Leo Mauler wrote:
> Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
> protesting at fertility clinics.

The answer is simple; they haven't been told to protest there. Like all
good sheep, the so-called pro-lifers just do what they are told.
David J. Vorous

Paul J. Prinzivalli

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

Leo Mauler wrote in message <>...

>Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
>protesting at fertility clinics.

>I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos being
>killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
>Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
>include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
>embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a

You must be aware, Leo, that the Catholic Church is strongly opposed to
fertility clinics.

[snipped useless blathering]

Paul J. Prinzivalli

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

kendra wrote in message <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>...

>Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine wall..
>before it constitutes.. a life..

I don't agree, kendra. Fertilization is the key for the beginning of a new
life. Implantation is another bright spot, since it means that the
connection between the new organism and its mother has begun, in a
viviparous species.



Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

In article <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>,

>Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine
>before it constitutes.. a life..

The Pope claims that life begins at the moment of fertilization, when
the egg and the sperm unite. Those who argue that life begins when the
fertilized egg implants itself in the wall of a woman's uterus do so
for nothing more than the convience of haivng access to contraception.
In short, anyone who support the IUD and the pill are nothing more than
pro-abort BABYKILLERS.


>Leo Mauler <> wrote in article

>> Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
>> protesting at fertility clinics.
>> I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos
>> killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
>> Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
>> include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any
>> embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a
>> "person"???

>> Is it only fun if you are preventing a woman from taking control of
>> own life? Does it require that you scream at a woman in order for
>> anti-embryo-death protests to be any fun?
>> So, when are you folks going to run down to the fertility clinics
>> protest the mass deaths of all the embryos that you consider to be
>> "persons"??? When's the first protest? Better make sure you get
>> media's attention, this'd be the first time in history we actually
>> so-called pro-life protestors protesting the deaths of embryos,
>> of protesting the ability of women to control their own lives!
>> --
>> Never do this at home. Look how it killed this .sig
>> _/\ __/\ __/\ ______________________________________________
>> \/ \/ \/ webgiantatrocketmaledotcom (guess)
>> DISCLAIMER: Everything I say is false, including this sentence.
>> [How Am I Posting? If you think this post is spam, E-mail me.]

Sunshine for Women (and Men Who Love Women)
remove antispam. from e-mail address to reply or
just enter


Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

In article <>,

>Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
>protesting at fertility clinics.
>I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos
>killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
>Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
>include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
>embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a
>Is it only fun if you are preventing a woman from taking control of
>own life? Does it require that you scream at a woman in order for the
>anti-embryo-death protests to be any fun?
>So, when are you folks going to run down to the fertility clinics and
>protest the mass deaths of all the embryos that you consider to be
>"persons"??? When's the first protest? Better make sure you get
>media's attention, this'd be the first time in history we actually see
>so-called pro-life protestors protesting the deaths of embryos,
>of protesting the ability of women to control their own lives!

Indeed, if the Pope really believed that those frozen embyros deserved
a chance at life, why didn't he order his nuns to gestate them?

Perhaps he was afraid of another virgin birth. Just think of that -
between IVF and C-sections, modern science has made it possible for
women to give birth and remain a Virgin.



Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

On Thu, 8 Jan 1998, Leo Mauler wrote:

> Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
> protesting at fertility clinics.

> <snip>

> Is it only fun if you are preventing a woman from taking control of her
> own life? Does it require that you scream at a woman in order for the
> anti-embryo-death protests to be any fun?
> So, when are you folks going to run down to the fertility clinics and
> protest the mass deaths of all the embryos that you consider to be
> "persons"??? When's the first protest? Better make sure you get national
> media's attention, this'd be the first time in history we actually see
> so-called pro-life protestors protesting the deaths of embryos, instead
> of protesting the ability of women to control their own lives!

I think the simple reason for this is that Pro-Lifers don't go the full
distance when rationalizing. If they really believed in their stand and
they followed their own arguments to the end, then they should be making a
big fuss about the issue. But, they don't. This is what happens when one
follows any creed blindly; blind faith begins to substitute reason and in
the end up acting in an irrational manner. I don't believe that every
Pro-Lifer does what he/she does only because they take joy in making other
women's lives difficult. Many of them probably mean the best, but their
arguments and their actions are less than convincing because they use
half-way logic.


Galen Hekhuis

Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

Riyaz <> wrote:

>I think the simple reason for this is that Pro-Lifers don't go the full
>distance when rationalizing. If they really believed in their stand and
>they followed their own arguments to the end, then they should be making a
>big fuss about the issue. But, they don't. This is what happens when one
>follows any creed blindly; blind faith begins to substitute reason and in
>the end up acting in an irrational manner. I don't believe that every
>Pro-Lifer does what he/she does only because they take joy in making other
>women's lives difficult. Many of them probably mean the best, but their
>arguments and their actions are less than convincing because they use
>half-way logic.

I used to think that there were some well-meaning people involved in the
"pro-life" movement, but then I tried to think it through. Either these
people have to be incredibly dumb or they have to be malicious. The whole
movement is devoid of heroes or even actions to emulate. When "pro-lifers"
speak they are either trying to exhort others to action or disavowing the
activities of others. Kinda makes you wonder who would seek out such groups.

It's been how many years since Roe vs. Wade? And "pro-lifers" have
accomplished what? Therein is an indication of how seriously "pro-lifers"
consider this issue.

Galen Hekhuis, NpD, JFR
Illiterate? Write for free help.

Dr. Ellen Wedum

Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

In article <>, Leo Mauler
<> wrote:

' Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
' protesting at fertility clinics.

' I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos being

' killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
' Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
' include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
' embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a
' "person"???

WOW! Let's call our congressmems! SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT THIS
..... The anti choicers also shed no tears for the over 60% of fertilized
eggs that fail to implant and are spontaneously aborted in the first two
weeks after conception. Where are the Tampax Police when you need them?

E "The use of the human brain is natural,
L Be it EVER so hard
L To make some people do it!"
N -- Katherine Houton Hepburn

Oze McCallum

Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

Sunshine wrote:

> In article <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>,
> says...
> >
> >Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine
> wall..
> >before it constitutes.. a life..
> The Pope claims that life begins at the moment of fertilization, when
> the egg and the sperm unite. Those who argue that life begins when the
> fertilized egg implants itself in the wall of a woman's uterus do so
> for nothing more than the convience of haivng access to contraception.
> In short, anyone who support the IUD and the pill are nothing more than
> pro-abort BABYKILLERS.


Now, Sunshine, if I didn't know better, I'd say, from *this* post, that you
a pro-lifer who has spent *way* too much time talking to the so-called
"reverend" Spitz! :--)


Oze McCallum

Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

Riyaz wrote:


> I think the simple reason for this is that Pro-Lifers don't go the full
> distance when rationalizing. If they really believed in their stand and
> they followed their own arguments to the end, then they should be making a
> big fuss about the issue. But, they don't. This is what happens when one
> follows any creed blindly; blind faith begins to substitute reason and in
> the end up acting in an irrational manner. I don't believe that every
> Pro-Lifer does what he/she does only because they take joy in making other
> women's lives difficult. Many of them probably mean the best, but their
> arguments and their actions are less than convincing because they use
> half-way logic.

> Riyaz

So, using this line of reasoning, do you believe the only *true* pro-lifers
are those that call for killing abortion providers?

What, in your opinion, is the "full distance" for a pro-lifer to go?



Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

I stand corrected Paul :}

Paul J. Prinzivalli <> wrote in article

> kendra wrote in message <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>...

> >Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine
> >before it constitutes.. a life..
> >

james g. keegan jr.

Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 09 Jan 1998 04:20:43 GMT, (Galen Hekhuis)
: I used to think that there were some well-meaning people involved in

: "pro-life" movement, but then I tried to think it through. Either
: people have to be incredibly dumb or they have to be malicious. The
: movement is devoid of heroes or even actions to emulate. When
: speak they are either trying to exhort others to action or
disavowing the
: activities of others. Kinda makes you wonder who would seek out
such groups.
: It's been how many years since Roe vs. Wade? And "pro-lifers" have
: accomplished what? Therein is an indication of how seriously
: consider this issue.

very nicely said, galen.

Version: PGPfreeware 5.5.3 for non-commercial use <>


Pat Winstanley

Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

In article <>, "Alan B. Mac
Farlane" <> writes

>They did protest this in merry old england a few months ago.
>Even the Pope and the catholics weighed into it.
>They were going to destroy a couple hundred fertalized eggs that were left
>unclaimed or abandonded by the owners for various reasons. And I think
>the law over there is that frozen human eggs are not to be stored for
>longer then 4 years - they get bad, they rot, slowly "die", even under

Sort of. It was several thousand, and the law said they had to be
destroyed unless the "parents" signed a piece of paper to allow further
storage. The ones that were destroyed were the ones where the "parents"
either agreed to the destruction or couldn't be traced.

(Does anyone have a record of the details - I tried to trace an account
[old news story or whatever] on the web but found nothing)?

>I say they are already deadmeat - and in time maybe God will make em come
>alive with the breath of life - but humans dont make life. At best they
>just abuse their creativity and make death - which is an upsidedown birth.
>Oh, the eggs were destroyed.
>Dispite the protesting.

>In article <>, Leo Mauler
><> wrote:
>> Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
>> protesting at fertility clinics.
>> I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos being
>> killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
>> Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
>> include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
>> embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a
>> "person"???

>> Is it only fun if you are preventing a woman from taking control of her
>> own life? Does it require that you scream at a woman in order for the
>> anti-embryo-death protests to be any fun?
>> So, when are you folks going to run down to the fertility clinics and
>> protest the mass deaths of all the embryos that you consider to be
>> "persons"??? When's the first protest? Better make sure you get national
>> media's attention, this'd be the first time in history we actually see
>> so-called pro-life protestors protesting the deaths of embryos, instead
>> of protesting the ability of women to control their own lives!

>> --
>> Never do this at home. Look how it killed this .sig
>> _/\ __/\ __/\ ______________________________________________
>> \/ \/ \/ webgiantatrocketmaledotcom (guess)
>> DISCLAIMER: Everything I say is false, including this sentence.
>> [How Am I Posting? If you think this post is spam, E-mail me.]

Pat Winstanley

Jim Garlits

Jan 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/11/98

Dr. Ellen Wedum wrote in message ...

>In article <>, Leo Mauler
><> wrote:
>' Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
>' protesting at fertility clinics.

The reason you've never heard of it might be that you never thought about it
before? The Catholic Church is solidly against any means of becoming
pregnant that exploit or scandalizes, that is against the natural order.
This includes in-vitro fertilization, surrogates, etc.

Jim G.


Jan 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/11/98

In article <69b4or$p8$>, says...

Many of us understand the Catholic church's theology. so, for us, the
above information is not news. Why don't Catholic front organizaitons
like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?


Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <69bcpi$>, (Sunshine) wrote:

">"In article <69b4or$p8$>, says...
">">Dr. Ellen Wedum wrote in message ...
">">>In article <>, Leo Mauler
">">><> wrote:
">">>' Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
">">>' protesting at fertility clinics.
">">The reason you've never heard of it might be that you never thought
">"about it
">">before? The Catholic Church is solidly against any means of becoming
">">pregnant that exploit or scandalizes, that is against the natural
">">This includes in-vitro fertilization, surrogates, etc.
">">Jim G.
">"Many of us understand the Catholic church's theology. so, for us, the
">"above information is not news. Why don't Catholic front organizaitons
">"like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?

Hey, THIS is a GREAT IDEA. The more the anti-choicers spread
themselves thin, attacking more and more highly-respected and
publicly-accepted institutions, the SOONER society will recognize them for
the COMPLETE fruitcakes that they are, and put them up on that dusty,
forgotten shelf with the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the segregationists.
(You know, those OTHER folks who had no regard for the rights and
well-being of already-born people.)

-- Craig Chilton
Posting remotely from Florida. If responding to
this via e-mail, please disregard any header data,
and use only the info provided in the SIG.

Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <>, wrote:

">"Leo Mauler wrote:
">"> Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
">"> protesting at fertility clinics.

">"The answer is simple; they haven't been told to protest there. Like all
">"good sheep, the so-called pro-lifers just do what they are told.
">"David J. Vorous

Actually, most of them are LEMMINGS of the RRR Cult, following the
cult leaders' dictates in the manner of Pavlov's dogs.

Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>, "kendra"
<> wrote:

">"Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine wall..
">"before it constitutes.. a life..

I just LOVE it every time I hear this. Anti-choicers claiming on the
one hand that, boy, when that sperm meets that egg, that's IT! That's a
human life, and we have to DEFEND that thing! And then Kendra comes along
and says that MOST anti-choicers DON'T believe that, and qualify it by
implantation being necessary first. Get REAL, Antis. IF you REALLY
believe that once an egg is fertilized, then it's a new human life, then
STOW the "implantation requirement" bull-oney.

Not that it makes any difference, anyway... because an unwanted z/e/f
is WORTHLESS until AT LEAST the 7th month of gestation...

-- Craig Chilton
Posting remotely from Florida. If responding to
this via e-mail, please disregard any header data,
and use only the info provided in the SIG.

Thanks!Lacking sentience and conscious awareness, it ranks right
along the sperm and the ova in value to itself, or to anyone else.

Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <693q85$>, (Sunshine) wrote:

">"In article <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>,

">">Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine
">">before it constitutes.. a life..

">"The Pope claims that life begins at the moment of fertilization, when
">"the egg and the sperm unite. Those who argue that life begins when the
">"fertilized egg implants itself in the wall of a woman's uterus do so
">"for nothing more than the convience of haivng access to contraception.
">"In short, anyone who support the IUD and the pill are nothing more than
">"pro-abort BABYKILLERS.

Ah, yes. Another intolerant, fellow-woman-hating, z/e/f-coddling Anti
heard from. You've gotta just LOVE these nitwits. Every bit as much as
we used to love the neo-Nazis and the segregationists -- you know, those
OTHER control freaks who had no real lives of their owm.

Brian Gillespie

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

>Not that it makes any difference, anyway... because an unwanted z/e/f
>is WORTHLESS until AT LEAST the 7th month of gestation...

Just curious as to what sort of 'magical' thing happens at the 7th month of
Pax Christi,
Brian P. Gillespie

Brian Gillespie

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

>Every bit as much as
>we used to love the neo-Nazis and the segregationists -- you know, those
>OTHER control freaks who had no real lives of their owm.

You mean those other freaks who thought it was OK to arbitrarily decide
what constituted human life and what didn't? Precursors to the modern day
pro-choice movement.

Brian Gillespie

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

Cal doesn't realize who his own friends are...

>the SOONER society will recognize them for
>the COMPLETE fruitcakes that they are, and put them up on that dusty,
>forgotten shelf with the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the segregationists.
>(You know, those OTHER folks who had no regard for the rights and
>well-being of already-born people.)

These are the very groups who (like the pro-choice movement) felt that they
could define what constitutes life and what does not. Sound familiar, Cal?

Ray Fischer

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

Brian Gillespie <bpgil...@worldnet.att.nospam> wrote:

>>Every bit as much as
>>we used to love the neo-Nazis and the segregationists -- you know, those
>>OTHER control freaks who had no real lives of their owm.
>You mean those other freaks who thought it was OK to arbitrarily decide
>what constituted human life and what didn't?

You do the same thing, fool.

Ray Fischer The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without
understanding. -- Louis Brandeis

Paul J. Prinzivalli

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

Brian Gillespie wrote in message <69djqg$>...

>>Not that it makes any difference, anyway... because an unwanted z/e/f
>>is WORTHLESS until AT LEAST the 7th month of gestation...
>Just curious as to what sort of 'magical' thing happens at the 7th month of

Two things: capacity for respiration and capacity for sentience are both
achieved at the 21st or 22nd week or so of gestation. The lungs develop
sufficiently so that the fetus has a fighting chance to survive outside the
womb, and the myelinization of the neurons in the brain means that the brain
has begun to work.

The extremely premature born baby is less developed than the full term fetus
in utero, but by virtue of the fact that the baby is "breathing" (even with
the assistance of a ventilator), that baby has become a legal human being.
The fetus remains "potential" life and has only the protection under Roe v.
Wade that a state might choose to provide to potential life, subject to the
interests of the woman's "life and health" (Which can be reasonable). The
issue of what constitutes "health" of the woman can be of concern, for
possible abuse.

The recent spurt of "partial birth abortion" bans strikes me as odd - why
concentrate on the methodology? What difference is there between the D&E and
the ID&E(PBA) in terms of the result to the fetus? The fetus dies, whether
it is sliced and diced, or has its brains sucked out.

Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <69dlgm$>, "Brian Gillespie"
<bpgil...@worldnet.att.nospam> wrote: (Craig Chilton) wrote:

">"Craig doesn't realize who his own friends are...

">">the SOONER society will recognize them for
">">the COMPLETE fruitcakes that they are, and put them up on that dusty,
">">forgotten shelf with the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the segregationists.
">">(You know, those OTHER folks who had no regard for the rights and
">">well-being of already-born people.)
">"These are the very groups who (like the pro-choice movement) felt that they

">"could define what constitutes life and what does not. Sound familiar, Craig?

Sorry, Brian, but no cigar. The earlier fruitcakes devalued
ALREADY-BORN people on grounds of race and/or ethicity. PRESENT-DAY
fruitcakes (the Anti-Choicers) devalue ALREADY-BORN people by attempting
to rank their well-being and life options BELOW developing entities that
-- when unwanted -- have no more value than do sperm and ova.

Pro-Choicers, however, have their values straight, and have
compassion for the ALREADY-BORN, defending their rights against the
busybodies and control freaks who seek callously to discriminate against


Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

Paul J. Prinzivalli wrote:
> Leo Mauler wrote in message <>...
> >Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
> >protesting at fertility clinics.
> >
> >I mean, here we have seven to twenty--or more--fertilized embryos being
> >killed, every time a woman undergoes fertility treatments!
> >
> >Doesn't the very definition of "person" used by so-called Pro-Lifers
> >include all fertilized embryos after conception? Well, isn't any given
> >embryo in a fertility clinic, by the pro-lifers' own definitions, a
> >"person"???
> >
> You must be aware, Leo, that the Catholic Church is strongly opposed to
> fertility clinics.
> [snipped useless blathering]

Leo you are right in your definition of life, and if this is really
happening- fertilized embryos being destroyed- then Christians should do
something about it. The issue I would like to point out is that by
judging entire "Christianity" by what a select group does is rather
closed minded. Just like every fragment of society Christians have
there problems and hypocracies. The important thing is how we deal

Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <69djqg$>, "Brian Gillespie"
<bpgil...@worldnet.att.nospam> wrote: (Craig Chilton) wrote:

">">Not that it makes any difference, anyway... because an unwanted z/e/f
">">is WORTHLESS until AT LEAST the 7th month of gestation...

">"Just curious as to what sort of 'magical' thing happens at the 7th month of

Medical science has determined that it is almost precisely at this
point that sentience and conscious awareness first begin to be possible.
Prior to that point, the fetus is mentally "blotto," and has NEVER had
awareness. Which makes an UNWANTED one, prior to the 3rd trimester, rank
right alongside sperm and ova in terms of worth and defensibility,

Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <69edk6$>, (Sunshine) wrote:

">"In article <>,
">" (Craig Chilton) says...

">">In article <693q85$>,
">"(Sunshine) wrote:
">">">"In article <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>,


">"> Ah, yes. Another intolerant, fellow-woman-hating, z/e/f-coddling

">"> Anti heard from. You've gotta just LOVE these nitwits. Every bit

">"> as much as we used to love the neo-Nazis and the segregationists
">"> -- you know, those OTHER control freaks who had no real lives of
">"> their owm.

">"I take it this post was directed at kendra since I'm on your side.
">"Visit and choose Abortion.
">"Keep up the good work.

Sorry for the confusion, Sunny. I DIDN'T make that very clear, did I?

Keep up the good fight!

-- Craig Chilton
Posting remotely from Florida. If responding to
this via e-mail, please disregard any header data,
and use only the info provided in the SIG.


Cal Chilton

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

In article <69djur$>, "Brian Gillespie"
<bpgil...@worldnet.att.nospam> wrote:

">" (Craig Chilton) wrote:

">">Every bit as much as
">">we used to love the neo-Nazis and the segregationists -- you know, those
">">OTHER control freaks who had no real lives of their owm.

">"You mean those other freaks who thought it was OK to arbitrarily decide

">"what constituted human life and what didn't? Precursors to the modern day
">"pro-choice movement.

Considering the FACT that life is a CONTINUUM (otherwise, sperm and
ova would start out as DEAD entities), it is total nonsense for
anti-choicers to arbitrarily say that human life BEGINS at conception.
And solely on the strength of THAT absurdity, they seek to destroy the
life options, opportunities, and well-being of millions of already-born
women by destroying their access to abortion.

Sorry, Brian, but by their actions, we plainly see that it is the
Pro-choicers who are the "freedom fighters" here, battling the would-be
tyranny of the control-freak Anti-choicers. So if the neo-Nazis and
segregationists are precursers of any group, mentality-wise and
mindset-wise, as will as in philosophy, they clearly are the precursers of
the Anti-choicers.

Leo Mauler

Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

Paul J. Prinzivalli wrote:
> kendra wrote in message <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>...
> >Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the uterine wall..
> >before it constitutes.. a life..
> I don't agree, kendra. Fertilization is the key for the beginning of a new
> life. Implantation is another bright spot, since it means that the
> connection between the new organism and its mother has begun, in a
> viviparous species.

I was merely under the impression that fertilization was fertilization
and the if a sperm and egg combine, regardless of the location, they
constituted what pro-lifers call a "person".

Which is what made the non-protests at fertility clinics all the more
interesting and telling of a true agenda for suppressing women with the
deaths of embryos only bemoaned when the woman choosing to kill them was
engaging in a reproductive choice that pro-lifers disagreed with.


Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

In article <69dlgm$>,
bpgil...@worldnet.att.nospam says...
>Cal doesn't realize who his own friends are...

>>the SOONER society will recognize them for
>>the COMPLETE fruitcakes that they are, and put them up on that dusty,
>>forgotten shelf with the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the segregationists.
>>(You know, those OTHER folks who had no regard for the rights and
>>well-being of already-born people.)
>These are the very groups who (like the pro-choice movement) felt that
>could define what constitutes life and what does not. Sound familiar,

At least pro-choices don't condone murdering what they consider to be
people for reasons like political expediency.


>Pax Christi,
>Brian P. Gillespie



Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

In article <>, says...

>In article <693q85$>,
(Sunshine) wrote:
>">"In article <01bd1c71$47449100$c92a37a6@sandycec>,
>">">Most of us believe that the embryo has to be embedded in the
>">">before it constitutes.. a life..
>">"The Pope claims that life begins at the moment of fertilization,
>">"the egg and the sperm unite. Those who argue that life begins when
>">"fertilized egg implants itself in the wall of a woman's uterus do
>">"for nothing more than the convience of haivng access to
>">"In short, anyone who support the IUD and the pill are nothing more
>">"pro-abort BABYKILLERS.
> Ah, yes. Another intolerant, fellow-woman-hating, z/e/f-coddling
>heard from. You've gotta just LOVE these nitwits. Every bit as much
>we used to love the neo-Nazis and the segregationists -- you know,
>OTHER control freaks who had no real lives of their owm.

I take it this post was directed at kendra since I'm on your side.

Visit and choose Abortion.

Keep up the good work.



> -- Craig Chilton
> Posting remotely from Florida. If responding to
> this via e-mail, please disregard any header data,
> and use only the info provided in the SIG.
> Thanks!



Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

Sunshine wrote:
> In article <69b4or$p8$>, says...
> >
> >
> >Dr. Ellen Wedum wrote in message ...
> >>In article <>, Leo Mauler
> >><> wrote:
> >>
> >>' Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
> >>' protesting at fertility clinics.
> >>

> >The reason you've never heard of it might be that you never thought
> about it
> >before? The Catholic Church is solidly against any means of becoming
> >pregnant that exploit or scandalizes, that is against the natural
> order.
> >This includes in-vitro fertilization, surrogates, etc.
> >
> >Jim G.
> >
> >
> Many of us understand the Catholic church's theology. so, for us, the
> above information is not news. Why don't Catholic front organizaitons
> like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?
> Sunny
> >
> --
> Sunshine for Women (and Men Who Love Women)
> remove antispam. from e-mail address to reply or
> just enter

The Catholic Church is very clear on the subject. The Respect for Life
concept, option for the poor, in this case the unborn life, and the
Church's teaching that certain techniques are morally unacceptable, for
several reason, including, the aborting of the unneeded embyros. Yes,
you are right, it is nothing new.

As to why?. You will need to go out to the protest marches and query each
one as to there reasons. I would assume it is like any fight against
an immoral action. They are doing or taking the best course of action,
that will be successful in preventing the lost of life the quickest.



Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

Cal Chilton wrote:

> In article <69bcpi$>, (Sunshine) wrote:
> ">"In article <69b4or$p8$>, says...
> ">">
> ">">
> ">">Dr. Ellen Wedum wrote in message ...
> ">">>In article <>, Leo Mauler
> ">">><> wrote:
> ">">>
> ">">>' Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
> ">">>' protesting at fertility clinics.
> ">">>
> ">">The reason you've never heard of it might be that you never thought
> ">"about it
> ">">before? The Catholic Church is solidly against any means of becoming
> ">">pregnant that exploit or scandalizes, that is against the natural
> ">"order.
> ">">This includes in-vitro fertilization, surrogates, etc.
> ">">
> ">">Jim G.
> ">">
> ">">
> ">"
> ">"Many of us understand the Catholic church's theology. so, for us, the
> ">"above information is not news. Why don't Catholic front organizaitons
> ">"like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?
> ">"
> ">"Sunny
> Hey, THIS is a GREAT IDEA. The more the anti-choicers spread
> themselves thin, attacking more and more highly-respected and
> publicly-accepted institutions, the SOONER society will recognize them for

> the COMPLETE fruitcakes that they are, and put them up on that dusty,
> forgotten shelf with the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the segregationists.
> (You know, those OTHER folks who had no regard for the rights and
> well-being of already-born people.)
> -- Craig Chilton
> Posting remotely from Florida. If responding to
> this via e-mail, please disregard any header data,
> and use only the info provided in the SIG.
> Thanks!

Your comments make you part of the problem, not the solution.

Pat Winstanley

Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

In article <OpaZQX7H9GA.236@upnetnews03>, "Paul J. Prinzivalli"
<> writes

>Two things: capacity for respiration and capacity for sentience are both
>achieved at the 21st or 22nd week or so of gestation.


> The lungs develop
>sufficiently so that the fetus has a fighting chance to survive outside the
>womb, and the myelinization of the neurons in the brain means that the brain
>has begun to work.

Pat Winstanley

Pat Winstanley

Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

In article <>, Kent <>

>Sunshine wrote:
>> In article <69b4or$p8$>, says...
>> >
>> >
>> >Dr. Ellen Wedum wrote in message ...
>> >>In article <>, Leo Mauler
>> >><> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>' Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
>> >>' protesting at fertility clinics.
>> >>
>> >The reason you've never heard of it might be that you never thought
>> about it
>> >before? The Catholic Church is solidly against any means of becoming
>> >pregnant that exploit or scandalizes, that is against the natural
>> order.
>> >This includes in-vitro fertilization, surrogates, etc.
>> >
>> >Jim G.
>> >
>> >
>> Many of us understand the Catholic church's theology. so, for us, the
>> above information is not news. Why don't Catholic front organizaitons
>> like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?
>> Sunny
>> >
>> --
>> Sunshine for Women (and Men Who Love Women)
>> remove antispam. from e-mail address to reply or
>> just enter
>The Catholic Church is very clear on the subject. The Respect for Life
>concept, option for the poor, in this case the unborn life, and the
>Church's teaching that certain techniques are morally unacceptable, for
>several reason, including, the aborting of the unneeded embyros. Yes,
>you are right, it is nothing new.
>As to why?. You will need to go out to the protest marches and query each
>one as to there reasons. I would assume it is like any fight against
>an immoral action. They are doing or taking the best course of action,
>that will be successful in preventing the lost of life the quickest.

Do you mean embryo hosts might be capable of being intimidated by the
tactics, but embryos won't?

Pat Winstanley

Cal Chilton

Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

In article <>, Kent <> wrote:

">"Craig Chilton wrote:

">"> In article <69bcpi$>, (Sunshine)

">"> ">" Why don't Catholic front organizaitons

">"> ">"like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?

">"> Hey, THIS is a GREAT IDEA. The more the anti-choicers spread

">"> themselves thin, attacking more and more highly-respected and
">"> publicly-accepted institutions, the SOONER society will recognize them for
">"> the COMPLETE fruitcakes that they are, and put them up on that dusty,
">"> forgotten shelf with the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the segregationists.
">"> (You know, those OTHER folks who had no regard for the rights and
">"> well-being of already-born people.)
">"> -- Craig Chilton
">"> Posting remotely from Florida. If responding to
">"> this via e-mail, please disregard any header data,
">"> and use only the info provided in the SIG.
">"> Thanks!
">"Your comments make you part of the problem, not the solution.

WRONG, Kent. The PROBLEM is the age-old one of groups of people
getting off on harassing other groups of people. We saw this intolerance
with Nazis persecuting already-born Jews. Segregationists persecuting
already-born blacks. And today, we see the ATTEMPTED (and fortunately,
unsuccessful) persecution of already-born women by intolerant
Anti-choicers who seek to destroy their abortion rights and relegate them
to 2nd-class citizen status. An UNWANTED z/e/f has NO value, so this
latest manifestation of bigotry is senseless. The anti-choicers are
busybodies at best, and hateful bigots at worst, and everything in
between, depending upon the individuals. There is no excuse for being
anywhere on that spectrum.

The SOLUTION to this problem is to relegate Anti-choicers to the same
social pariah status that now is accorded neo-Nazis and segregationists.
That day will come, and I believe (based on the longevity of "acceptance"
of the neo-Nazis, KKK, and segregationists once people started to become
fed up with their hatefulness), that we can expect the transition to be
complete by 2010-2020. And, as was the case with the neo-Nazis and the
segregationists, when it becomes socially unacceptable for people to
promote the brand of intolerance that's been manifested by Anti-choicers,
America will be the better for it.


Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

Cal Chilton wrote:

> Considering the FACT that life is a CONTINUUM (otherwise, sperm and
> ova would start out as DEAD entities), it is total nonsense for
> anti-choicers to arbitrarily say that human life BEGINS at conception.
> And solely on the strength of THAT absurdity, they seek to destroy the
> life options, opportunities, and well-being of millions of already-born
> women by destroying their access to abortion.

Using your argument, would it not be equally nonsensical for pro abortionists to
claim the child is not human at all or not yet a living being?

Besides, is a sperm a human? No. Is an egg a human? No. The human being only
begins when the two join together.

> Sorry, Brian, but by their actions, we plainly see that it is the
> Pro-choicers who are the "freedom fighters" here, battling the would-be
> tyranny of the control-freak Anti-choicers. So if the neo-Nazis and
> segregationists are precursers of any group, mentality-wise and
> mindset-wise, as will as in philosophy, they clearly are the precursers of
> the Anti-choicers.

Freedom fighters who do not hesitate to make any sacrifice of human life to gain
their goal.


Jan 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/14/98
to Pat Winstanley

Pat Winstanley wrote:
> In article <>, Kent <>
> writes
> >Sunshine wrote:
> >>
> >> In article <69b4or$p8$>, says...
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Dr. Ellen Wedum wrote in message ...
> >> >>In article <>, Leo Mauler
> >> >><> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>' Hey, I was just wondering why we never hear so-called Pro-Lifers
> >> >>' protesting at fertility clinics.
> >> >>
> >> >The reason you've never heard of it might be that you never thought
> >> about it
> >> >before? The Catholic Church is solidly against any means of becoming
> >> >pregnant that exploit or scandalizes, that is against the natural
> >> order.
> >> >This includes in-vitro fertilization, surrogates, etc.
> >> >
> >> >Jim G.
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> Many of us understand the Catholic church's theology. so, for us, the
> >> above information is not news. Why don't Catholic front organizaitons

> >> like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?
> >>
> >> Sunny
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> --
> >> Sunshine for Women (and Men Who Love Women)
> >>
> >> remove antispam. from e-mail address to reply or
> >> just enter
> >
> >The Catholic Church is very clear on the subject. The Respect for Life
> >concept, option for the poor, in this case the unborn life, and the
> >Church's teaching that certain techniques are morally unacceptable, for
> >several reason, including, the aborting of the unneeded embyros. Yes,
> >you are right, it is nothing new.
> >
> >As to why?. You will need to go out to the protest marches and query each
> >one as to there reasons. I would assume it is like any fight against
> >an immoral action. They are doing or taking the best course of action,
> >that will be successful in preventing the lost of life the quickest.
> Do you mean embryo hosts might be capable of being intimidated by the
> tactics, but embryos won't?
> Pat Winstanley

Hi Pat,

No it wasn't me that used the words "embryo hosts" or "intimidated", or

I simply responded to an individual that had zero knowledge about
"Catholic church's theology" on the topic. May the desire for knowledge
wasn't the goal.

Knowledge about what and why someone believes a certain way is necessary
on both sides of the issue, if a resolution is to be found. I simply
provide the information that the writer apparently needed.

As to the second question, I provided a possible solution in obtaining an
answer to the question "... Why don't Catholic front organizaitons
like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?..."
(ask one of the marchers).

I did inject my thoughts and from your response, I guess poorly in my
efforts to provide a possible answer. May this one is better understood:

....infertility clinics may not be so easily found as are the abortion

Hopes this helps you to understand possible answers to the questions or
misstatements that were raised.



Jan 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/14/98
to Cal Chilton

Cal Chilton wrote:
> In article <>, Kent <> wrote:
> ">"Craig Chilton wrote:
> ">"> In article <69bcpi$>, (Sunshine)
> wrote:
> ">"> ">" Why don't Catholic front organizaitons
> ">"> ">"like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?

Hi Craig,

Your posting is not really responding to the topic. It seems more as if
you are "getting off on harassing other groups of people".

Most of the group you quoted have well - known hatred for the Catholics.
If you don't try to become the solution, than you may "really" be the
problem as are the groups you so readily named.

Therefore, your comments really are part of the problem and not the

Always ready to discuss this whenever you are ready.


Eric Williams @ PCB x5577

Jan 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/14/98

In article <>, Kent <> writes:
> Cal Chilton wrote:
> > In article <69bcpi$>, (Sunshine) wrote:
> > ">"Many of us understand the Catholic church's theology. so, for us, the
> > ">"above information is not news. Why don't Catholic front organizaitons

> > ">"like the americn Life League stridently protest infertility clinics?
> > ">"
> > ">"Sunny

> >
> > Hey, THIS is a GREAT IDEA. The more the anti-choicers spread
> > themselves thin, attacking more and more highly-respected and
> > publicly-accepted institutions, the SOONER society will recognize them for
> > the COMPLETE fruitcakes that they are, and put them up on that dusty,
> > forgotten shelf with the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the segregationists.
> > (You know, those OTHER folks who had no regard for the rights and
> > well-being of already-born people.)
> >
> > -- Craig Chilton
> > Posting remotely from Florida. If responding to
> > this via e-mail, please disregard any header data,
> > and use only the info provided in the SIG.
> > Thanks!
> Your comments make you part of the problem, not the solution.
> kent

What precisely is the probl