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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part P - Daryl Kabatoff

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Feb 19, 2024, 11:24:27 PMFeb 19
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part P - Daryl Kabatoff
February 18th 2024 1:03 pm 246,107 words (281 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard posts continued:

Horrors of Psychiatry Not Recognized:

Jill Vaughn says on GAB “While I was working today and praying in the Spirit, the Lord brought all of the suspicious deaths associated with the Dems/Clintons/Obamas and the CIA, FBI, DOJ to pray about the exposures of everyone involved.... My position in prayer was agreement that the truth would be revealed and how the 3 letter agencies participated.... It should be interesting to see what the truth looks like when it is ALL uncovered.”

The CIA funded the development of the horrid psychiatric drugs, they spent billions of dollars developing these drugs. The CIA also spent billions of dollars developing torture techniques using these drugs and did so at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and at other western universities. Most everybody who was stripped of their rights and who was tortured from these drugs died from these drugs. You ignore psychiatry and the victims of psychiatric horror. You ignore that Trump strongly encouraged everyone to take the bullshit Covid death jabs, ignore that these bullshit Covid death jabs were ordered into existence by the Vatican, and ignore that Trump is a Catholic. Trump models the behaviour of turning trees into decorated idols, and he honours the war dead by offering them decorated wreaths made from the twisted branches of the decorated evergreen tree idols. Trump bends down to the base of an Egyptian penis that is erected to honour the American war dead, then he places his fertility tree wreath at the base of this dink. Then the rest of you Catholics will place a Catholic fertility tree wreath on each and every one the soldier's tombstones, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility idolatry upon others.

Rather than expose the false Catholic sabbath and evergreen tree worship as evil, you embrace it or ignore the issue. My contention is that you will never be stripped of your rights and tortured to death in a psychiatric facility with the brutal drugs you ignore, because you are a Catholic, you embrace the Catholic fertility rites and the false Catholic sabbath. Or you ignore it so as not to upset your Catholic friends.

Decades of reports of American service men and other Americans stripped of their rights and brutally tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, all ignored. Jesus allowed me the privilege of experiencing the horror of psychiatry and then preserved my life, He did this in order to use me as a tool so that I may give testimony and share with you the absolute horror of what they do to people who criticize the pagan fertility rites taught by your Catholic church. What I discovered is that the horror of these drugs is NOTHING compared to the horror of having people totally ignore the issue of psychiatry and totally ignore the victims of psychiatric horror.

Psychiatrists are purposely killing people, especially targeted are those who speak out against your false Sunday whoreship and your other pagan fertility rites, as they work for the Catholic church. Nobody on earth is deserving of the brutal horrid torture resulting from the administration of the psychiatric drugs (that the CIA developed), and rather than end psychiatry, you allow your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists and then allow them to "work" in Canada and the USA.

Jesus thankfully allowed most everybody who was being tortured with these brutal drugs to die, but Jesus did not allow me to die, Jesus allowed me to be brutally tortured year after year after year, He preserved my life so that I can give testimony against psychiatry, against your church (which developed and benefits from psychiatry), and against people like you who are eager to expose "the suspicious deaths associated the likes of Dems/Clintons/Obama and the CIA, FBI, DOJ..." but close your eyes to this most brutal of horrors. I assure you that when people ignore psychiatry, it is more horrendous than psychiatry itself. All I can do is continue to cry out to Jesus. I’m so tired of this shit and eager to die, but He keeps me alive so that I may continue to give testimony against you and your churches.

The psychiatrists repeatedly tried so hard to kill me, all people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, or smugly tell me to come to Jesus. The more I point out that you folks cap your church roofs with Egyptian penises and that you honour your war dead with Egyptian penises and decorated evergreen tree wreath idols, the more outraged people are against me. People merge their pagan idolatry in with their Christian worship and defend it with brutal psychiatric torture and then think it is funny or inconsequential. I assure you there are consequences of using psychiatry to defend your pagan idolatry and this includes the loss of your nations to members of alternative fertility cults.

Hitler’s Blinkin’ Dink-Capped Catholic Fertility Tree Idol:

Hitler saw the power of the decorated always green fertility tree, then he capped it with a miniature Egyptian obelisk, which is a representation of a penis, which is another symbol of fertility. In a stroke of genius Hitler took that magic from the fertility tree idol and magnified it by capping it with another symbol of fertility!!! Then Hitler further magnified the magical properties of the damn thing by getting the dink-capped tree to blink!!! Hitler’s dink-capped tree blinked on and off, on and off, on and off, it was really quite a show. But Hitler ultimately lost the war because Stalin had spies working in the blinkin’ dink Nazi top-secret underground laboratory and stole the technology, then Stalin magnified the magical power of the dink-capped blinkin’ tree even further by slapping a 6-sided star on top of the entire God-damned affair. Incredible story, couldn’t make it up if I tried.

Parental Assistance:

The parents help to brainwash their children to turn evergreen trees into decorated idols, they were worshipped for centuries as a symbol of fertility due to them remaining green throughout the year. The churches first taught you folks to turn trees into decorated idols, you liked it and supported these churches, they used every and all institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Then later these churches began to teach your children to ram their penises up each other's arseholes. If you first removed yourselves and your family members from the Catholic institutions that are teaching you to bow to blinkin' trees, they would not now be teaching you folks to ram your penises up each other's arseholes.

So I criticized the blinkin' trees back in 1988, and criticized the churches that taught you to turn trees into decorated idols. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scripture that condemned turning trees into decorated idols, and were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. The resulting torture was horrendous, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is slander and libel me, rob me, laugh at me and assault me further. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture and when I complain people tell me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill.

They laughed at me and had me brutally repeatedly tortured for criticizing their pagan fertility rites, then they had their children injected with the bullshit Covid death jabs and a myriad of other death jabs that the Vatican ordered into existence, which removed their fertility and their lives. There isn't a single one of these God-damned arseholes that have so much compassion for my arse that they would even attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture that they would even think to offer me so much as a cookie.

All they could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. All I can do now is cry out to God against you people, and laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26).

Make Sure To Laugh:

So what you need to do to avoid the collapse is to seek out people who criticize your churches for pushing pagan idolatry in place of God's Commandments. Arrest them under the Mental Health Act and hand them over to Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists working at your local university and city hospitals, have them injected with brutally horrid drugs in the hopes that they roll over and die. Those who do not die from the brutally horrid drugs you must assault further and laugh at them. They have no right to criticize your phallic-capped churches and your blinkin' fertility tree idols, these fertility tree idols will of course restore your fertility and save your nations!!! (Proverbs 1:24-26). Make sure to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, assault them further, and continue to post photographs of yourselves on Facebook and other social media site of yourselves and your children posing with the pagan idols, even if one of your children is playing with his penis in the photograph.

That is the only way you are going to get out of this mess, you must spend billions of dollars having those who criticize your blinkin' trees brutally tortured to death, and then you have to laugh at them when they beg for assistance to flee the country, and then you must elect a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the Presidency of the United States of America when you see the photos of him posing with the pagan idols, for he obviously shares your values. Maybe hang some hypodermic needles on your blinkin' trees. The secret to salvation is to continue to tithe to the churches that censor Scriptural references that condemn the blinkin’ trees, to the churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, and to be utterly and thoroughly compassionless to those who dared to criticize the churches and who then faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture.

Remember to punch those irritating people in the head as hard as humanly possible, then have them returned to the psychiatric ward as a reward for being brutally assaulted, and then of course laugh at them some more. That should work.

Consider Fighting or Fleeing:

The climate in southern Magadan is quite nice, there are hot springs to swim in year around. If Canadians can't fight for their nation, they should consider fleeing to Magadan, or perhaps to Yakutia, perhaps where or near to where there are coal fields and where there are gold deposits.

People are dying in Canada from the jabs, opportunities here are provide to Islamists, Hindus and Sikhs, who are not required to take the jabs. Trudeau's Carbon Tax is designed to be rebated back to the largest of the families, to the families that consume the most carbon (to the Islamists with the four wives and four houses). The Cree (the self proclaimed Protectors of the Forests) are marching with the Black Lives Matter crowd (people who burned over 300 American cities and huge amounts of forest lands), are fornicating with the blacks and bearing their children, the Cree and the blacks both are committing serious crimes against white people in Canada and are not being penalized with serious time (judges say that too many of their kind are in prisons and release them). Canadian universities are reserving seats for and training Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who are allowed to "work" (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without becoming Canadian citizens. And the Canadian government allows good paying jobs to be handed out to non-Canadians without the positions first being offered to Canadians. Then Trudeau recently murdered the seniors and stole their pension funds. I think the white people in Canada have a better chance of survival on the moon than here in Canada.

Cree Grandmothers:

The Cree grandmothers get to decide upon the course of action, the Cree are the largest of the aboriginal tribes in Canada. The Cree Grandmother’s action or inaction in the matter of the African, Asian, African and Latin American invasion will impact the United States of America, as Africans, Asians and Latin Americans could be forced out of Canada and some will flee across the border seeking safety in the states.

I hope the Cree grandmothers decide to ally themselves with “the Americans who are supporters of the American constitution,” and together with the long established Canadians, deport the invaders back to their home continents. Rather than allow the invaders (many are Islamic) to flee into the United States, instead put them on planes and ships and send them to their African, Asian and Latin American homes.

Some of our Canadian people are of Chinese descent, they trace their Canadian heritage back to even before the eastern Europeans started to arrive. I suggest we temporarily segregate these Canadians of Chinese ancestry, those who have a legitimate claim to stay in Canada, and provide them with territory, a new province that recognizes them just as Quebec recognizes the French, allow them to retain their Canadian citizenship, allow them the right to travel across our nation during times of peace. The established Canadians of Chinese descent need to play a more active role in combating the invasion of the Chinese, many of whom are soldiers of the Chinese Communist Party, if they can’t do that then they should be temporarily segregated.

The Cree grandmothers know that many of their Canadian children and grandchildren have served and continue to serve in the American armed forces, and are already supporters of the American constitution. I believe that Canada owes NOTHING to the recently arrived Asians, Africans and Latin Americans. Canada is in need of a new constitution, similar to America’s, but instead one that does not grant citizenship to Africans, Asians nor Latin Americans… a new constitution that excludes the British Crown.

My concern is that the African, Asians and Latin Americans will not willingly be deported, my hope is that they may be returned to their home nations without loss of life. If the Cree grandmothers invite “the Americans who are supporters of the American constitution” to temporarily come to Canada, then we can start the deportation process. I think Canadians need to work together and first secure the airports, and recognize that some Americans are willing to come and assist in the process.

If the Cree grandmothers invite “the Americans who are supporters of the American constitution” to temporarily assist in our efforts to deport the Africans, Asians and Latin Americans back to their home nations, then we will survive these Islamic, African, Asian and Latin American invasions and start a new economic system based upon compassion and gold. Best of luck to you all, without Jesus you are in need of luck.

Church Meetings Online At VegasWorld:

A Christian church is not a building, instead it is two or more Christians united in the Name of Jesus, it is people who are united for that particular task. Many of the Christians have fled the structural mainstream church buildings knowing that they are the haunt of devils who teach the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols, who substitute pagan idolatry for God’s Commandments, who scorn God’s Fourth (and other Commandments) and adopt the false Sunday sabbath instead, and who rape and do yet worse to the children.

VegasWorld is a casino that offers multitudes of meeting rooms, some of these rooms operate as Christian churches. They are true Christian churches where two or more Christians unite in the Name of Jesus. It is a casino without a building that offers rooms where two or more Christians may unite in the Name of Jesus.

At a small cost some “players” will schedule “parties” that are then advertised to everybody on VegasWorld, people of any and all religious and non-religious backgrounds see the assorted “parties” being advertised. The “parties” have different themes, and some are advertised as being a Christian meeting. Here Christians represent themselves as cartoon characters, they dress up in the clothes that are offered, and then they host or they attend a church meeting hosted by another where they praise Jesus and share their understanding of Jesus with the other people who are present. People may not only sign up freely for VegasWorld, but the Christian meetings at VegasWorld are also free to enter.

At VegasWorld you will find preachers that assure you of your salvation while not addressing your adherence to pagan fertility rites, preachers that will praise the false Sunday sabbath, preachers that are eternally grateful for Christmas. If you speak up during their sermons and question their theology, the preacher will either expel you from the room or ask you to stay behind so that he may talk to you in private after the other sheep have departed, where he will admonish you for questioning their doctrine of assured salvation.

The preacher may do more than simply expel you from their church meeting, the preacher, together with some of his devoted followers, can click on a form, submit it to VegasWorld and have the offending voice muted. They can take away your voice so that you are mute and unable to talk at all about anything to anybody, ever.

It is quite a problem at VegasWorld… some players are abusive and gang up on other people and take away their voices, sometimes they have the other player’s character entirely cancelled. Gangs of people lobby VegasWorld to impose a “chat ban” upon an individual that irritates them, they have the person’s voice removed. After a week the person regains their voice, but the same gang will then repeat the process and mute the person and second and a third time, and when they do that VegasWorld imposes a permanent chat ban or simply cancels the player’s account. If the muted individual does manage to maintain his or her account, they will have a history of abuse that will prevent them from organizing their own parties or Christian meetings.

VegasWorld follows real life, where people gang up on other people and take away their voices and their lives. Some people cry and cry after they are muted, and when they lose their characters, clothes, and all the friends. It is really quite sad, for some people VegasWorld is the only social life they have, and they can lose it in an instant. It is very difficult to make friends online when you are unable to speak to people at parties, and once voiceless you are unable to minister to fellow Christians. It is especially a problem for women, as women can be quite jealous and vicious to other women. People get cancelled at “VegasWorld” and then go to “Zone” and cry about it there.

Recently VegasWorld also follows real life where some people at the parties and church meetings encourage the others to take the Covid injections. Some of those who dared to speak up against the Covid jabs were muted and even had their characters cancelled. Like Americans and Canadians in general, people at VegasWorld are vaccine injured, are now dying from assorted cancers and other diseases and are unable to link these cancers and other diseases to the Covid injections they took, they ignorantly praise the Covid injections while dying from the effects of the injections. Jesuits “playing” at VegasWorld encouraged people to take the deadly injections.

VegasWorld is a wonderful place for people to have their ears tickled, it is not a very good place to question medicine or theology. It is a place where one can easily meet up with people calling themselves Christians and then sharing in Christian dialogue, but with great restrictions… you are most likely to be assured of your salvation, and your pagan traditions will be both tolerated and applauded… just like at a normal church.

Waiting For The Witches:

They do not want you to have the gasoline propelled automobiles because then can be used to conceal a rifle and then used to transport that rifle great distances. They do not like the lead acid batteries used in the cars because the lead may be melted down to make bullets. And they do not like the oil filters, as people are using them to make silencers. They are forced to take away your cars over the issue of taking away your guns.

And your highly esteemed rulers do not want you to have a home, people are living in tents and cardboard boxes and under bridges because that is where the witches want them to live. The witches delite in eating people without society being aware (Habakkuk 3:14), and so the witches prey upon the homeless as nobody knows when a homeless person has gone missing. Witches will not be breaking into your homes to devour you, they will instead pass legislation that impoverishes you and forces you to become homeless, then they will wait for you to leave your tent or cardboard box (or automobile) in the middle of the night when you go out to take a piss. The only people who will break into your homes in the middle of the night are the Islamists who are there to cut your heads off.

A reminder that those who complain to the politicians of the corrupt electronic voting machines are actually lobbying witches. Those people who sit on their arses waiting for Christmas so that they may turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility are abiding by the wishes of witches. Let your witches and your blinkin’ Catholic evergreen tree idols save you.

Islamists Rule Over You:

In the news (not the mainstream news) in November 2023, America handed out 4.3 trillion dollars “to mitigate the devastation wrought by the pandemic” and of this $280 billion was stolen and used to purchase Lamborghinis, luxury homes, diamond jewelry and even a private island in Florida. I am sure that a large portion of the stolen $280 billion was stolen by Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus, and I am also sure that the government aid (which is controlled by Obama who is an Islamist) was designed and handed out in such a way in order to allow the Islamists to plunder the cash. Similarly in Canada (which is controlled by Trudeau who is an Islamist) huge amounts of bullshit Covid relief funds were stolen by Islamists. Also in Canada Trudeau collects a carbon tax and then rebates this tax back to Canadian families, the money is rebated back mainly to the largest families (to the Islamic families with four wives and four houses). In Canada jobs are even handed out to Islamists without first advertising the position to Canadians. In Canada Trudeau pays the air fare and flys African Islamists to Canada directly from Africa, and trains Chinese Communist soldiers to train in military jets over Canada. In Canada and other western nations university seats are reserved for Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus, who are trained to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada these pagans are allowed to “work” (torture Canadians to death) without them becoming Canadian citizens. Because psychiatry is not an issue to Canadians, and because the CIA funded the development of the horrid drugs and psychiatry is not an issue ot Americans either, I cry out to God against you people and pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. I criticized your churches in 1988 and received year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you people can do for me is laugh at me while assaulting me further while allowing Islamic governments to hand out billions of dollars of cash. In Canada people are divided, some want the NDP to continue running the psychiatric torture facilities, some want the Saskatchewan Party to continue running the psychiatric torture facilities, some want the Liberal Party to continue running the psychiatric torture facilities. In America the Democrats run the psychiatric torture facilities. In America when Trump was president he ran the psychiatric torture facilities. Most Americans want Trump to return to power, so that he can continue running the psychiatric torture facilities while remaining silent about the issue. We can flee to Magadan or Yakutia but people there also get the brutal psychiatric needles stuck into their bums when they dare to criticize the Russian churches. Absolutely nobody on earth is deserving of the horrid drugs.

The People of the Jingle Bells:

You folks never had the slightest amount of compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, each and every one of them begged for assistance to flee the repeated arrests and subsequent rounds of psychiatric horror. Your hearts were void of compassion, then you willingly took alternative injections that destroyed your hearts, your fertility and your lives. I was repeatedly arrested and repeatedly tortured for years, I had criticized the pagan fertility rites taught by the churches. In 1988 I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, that they were censoring Scripture condemning turning trees into decorated idols, that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. So here you are outraged over the bullshit Covid death jabs that were ordered into existence by the Vatican, while continuing to ignore those who are being tortured to death under your very noses at your local university. As you necrotize from the bullshit Covid death jabs that were ordered into existence by the Vatican, your greatest desire is to return to church and see the trees that blink. The fertility tree idols are blinkin' on and off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. All you can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, I in turn have only laughter for you (Proverbs 1:24-26). Go get another booster. You are the Nuremberg Code heroes, upset about the bullshit Covid death jabs that you were coerced to take, while being utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror that have the brutal injections forced upon them.

I laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26), and I beg God to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture, I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then I lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another impending arrest and round of torture, and there isn't a single God-damned one of you Nuremberg Code heroes that has so much compassion for my arse that you would even think of offering me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life. So you go to church and see the trees that blink and hear assurances of your salvation, and receive assurances that your smitten children are up in heaven watching over you, and you give them money. You are the People of The Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.

Protectors of the Forests:

White Europeans came to North America before the Asian Indians, the Asian Indians came after and ate the white Europeans. The Asian Indians continued eating one another after they ate the white Europeans, their continuous warfare prevented any development other than them learning how to make arrow and spear points smaller, so that they became lighter and so could be flung further. Eventually the white Europeans returned to North America and found the Asian Indians enslaving and eating one another.

Now the Asian Indians, while seeing themselves as Protectors of the Forests, are marching together with the Black Lives Matter crowd, who burned over 300 American cities and large portions of forests. Now the Asian Indians are necrotizing and dropping dead from the bullshit Covid death jabs, some 80% of them took the bullshit Covid death jabs in order to drink alcohol in the bars, in order to buy marijuana from the stores, in order to gamble at their own Asian-Indian owned casinos, and in order to get a free backpack packed full of crap on 20th Street in Saskatoon.

It was Catholics at The Vatican that ordered the creation and distribution of the death jabs that removed their fertility and their lives... the Catholic priests raped the Indian children, so the Indian parents responded by taking the bullshit “Catholic” Covid death jabs and by having their children injected as well.

These "Protectors of the Forests" were sodomized by the Catholic priests who taught them to turn trees into decorated idols, they grew to love the blinkin' trees to such a great degree that they would return to church and see the trees that blink and hand over yet more money to the Catholic priests who raped their children and taught them to embrace this idolatry. Together they exchanged Jesus, love and compassion for trees that blink. The evergreen tree is seen to be a symbol of fertility due to it remaining green throughout the year, the Cree and other Asian-Indians adopted the blinkin' Catholic fertility tree idols and then lost their fertility and their lives.

Evergreen Tree Psyop:

It wasn’t supposed to happen that I would still be here complaining about your phallic-capped churches and your lack of compassion to me and to the other victim of psychiatric horror. The psychiatrists tried so hard to kill me with their myriads of psychiatric drugs, all of which caused death as a supposed side-effect. God (Jesus) preserved my life so that I may continue to complain about your adoption of pagan fertility rites and your adherence to the winter fertility festival, and your lack of compassion to the victims who dared to speak out against your blinkin’ trees or any other taboo subject, such as your priests and ministers censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and Scripture condemning turning trees into decorated idols. They spend billions of dollars annually teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, and you like it. You especially like it when you see statues of soldiers placed next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, and then you bow down to these pagan penises and place your fertility tree wreaths at the base of these dinks.

The same people who adopted the evergreen tree psyop were the same people who took the bullshit Covid death jabs. We live in a corrupt church-state, this corrupt church taught you to turn trees into decorated idols, then later the priests and ministers encouraged their sheep to take the death jabs.

Now as you wait for Christmas, you allow the influx of people who want to cut your heads off. You adopted pagan fertility rites then you lost your fertility to a jab and lost your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. And you deserve it. The psychiatric torture was horrendous, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all you folks could do for me slander and libel me, laugh at me and assault me further. And now as you are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from your favoured injections you continue to allow your universities to train Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada allow these pagans to practice psychiatry (you allow the pagans to torture Canadians to death) without them becoming Canadian citizens.

Keep in mind that if you first removed yourselves from the churches over the issue of them pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, they would not now be teaching your children to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

Somebody Else To Rule Over You:

You want somebody else other than Trudeau to run your psychiatric torture facilities. We are going to have a war over the issue, it will be so very brutal. I criticized your churches for pushing pagan fertility rites back in 1988 and faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture, all people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, they told me I was wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should shut my mouth and take another pill. People never address the issue of the brutal psychiatric drugs that some people are “forced” to take yet see themselves as Nuremberg Code heroes for speaking out against the bullshit Covid death jabs that they were “coerced” to take. And now, whether jabbed or unjabbed with the bullshit Covid death jabs people seek another government to run their psychiatric torture facilities.

You say you want somebody to replace Trudeau that has morals, integrity and Godly wisdom. You do not want a ruler with Godly wisdom or any of these attributes, you want a ruler like Trump who will bow down to an Egyptian penis in order to place a pagan fertility evergreen tree wreath (idol) at the base of the dink (idol). When Trump was in power, he never addressed the issue of people being stripped of their rights and brutally tortured to death in one of the many psychiatric torture facilities in the USA. You want somebody like Trump, a real hero, that ignores the brutal horrid psychiatric torture of his own citizens and who bows to an Egyptian dink. You want somebody who encourages you to turn trees into decorated idols, you want a ruler that will tickle your ears, maybe even encourages you to take a new death jab.

Americans through the CIA funded the development of the brutal psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities, nobody cares. All I can do is cry out to God against you. Whatever war you enter, you are going to lose, as you folks are already at war against God. Different aspects of your winter fertility festival together violate God’s First Three Commandments, your traditions are more important than God’s Word.

You people not only bow down to Egyptian penises, you place your filthy fertility idol wreaths upon of the graves of your war dead, you use your dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic idolatry upon others. And you honour your war dead by placing statues of dead soldiers standing next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises. And now once again you are looking for somebody else to run your psychiatric torture facilities and rule over you. Go to hell.

Compassion Is Limited To Traditions:

The reason why you are ruled over by Jews and risk losing your lives to Islamists, is because you embrace the Catholic fertility rites, turn trees into fertility idols and get the damn things to blink. God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Different aspects of your winter fertility festival are together in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, then you embrace the false Catholic Sunday sabbath and violate God's Fourth Commandment in addition to the rest. Then you lie to your very own children about the pagan nature of the whole affair and violate God’s Ninth Commandment as well. Satan uses the pagan winter festival and Sunday whoreship to get you to violate five of God’s Ten Commandments. I never stated nor believe that you are saved by keeping God’s Commandments, indeed even if you were able to keep all of God’s Commandments you would still be treating me and other people with contempt.

You stick Egyptian dinks on the roofs of your filthy churches and cap your blinkin' trees with the damn things as well. You even honor your war dead by placing statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, and then you bow down to these dinks when you place your fertility tree wreaths at the base of the dinks. And you place your pagan fertility tree wreaths on top of the soldier's tombstones, you honor your dead soldiers with Catholic symbols of fertility, you use your dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic idolatry upon others.

Then you defend it all by having me repeatedly arrested and repeatedly brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities as a reward for pointing out your God-damned pagan filth, and you think it is funny. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid psychiatric torture and all you people could do for me is slander and libel me, laugh at me, rob me, and assault me further.

I cry out to God against you people, I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. I especially want the little boy in the yellow shirt to die (see the photo below). The Bott parents homeschooled their children in order to instill into them Christian values, but their girls had to return to school each winter in order to see the trees that blinked. You folks have me subjected to a 100% horror show over the last 35 years, now this family needs to lose 100% of their children. You people need to lose your children until you view me as a child of God and worthy of some degree of love and compassion.

They spend billions of dollars annually teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols. Then you in turn spend billions of dollars annually turning your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. The CIA spent billions developing the brutal psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities, then they spent billions more learning how to use the drugs to cause the greatest degree of discomfort. Then you arseholes come along and spent millions of dollars having me repeatedly arrested and brutally tortured as a reward for speaking, and you think it is funny and continue to teach your children to embrace the God-damned pagan shit. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and you people can't even find it in your hearts to buy me or any other victim of psychiatric horror so much as a cookie!!!


Big changes at VegasWorld over the last few years. A couple of years ago many people at the VegasWorld parties were encouraging everyone to take the bullshit Covid death jabs. Those who spoke out against the death jabs were permanently chat-banned, they had their voices removed, some also lost their characters and were banned from returning to the site. Now at VegasWorld people are silent over the issue of the jabs. Now at VegasWorld some players complain of cancers and other diseases but they do so without understanding that their diseases are a result of having themselves injected with poisons.

Similarly at the Christian church meetings at VegasWorld no discussion is permitted that question the false Catholic Sunday Sabbath, nor question the use of the Catholic fertility tree idols, and people are instead told that their salvation is guaranteed. Those who attend a VegasWorld church meeting and speak in opposition to these and other apostasies are kicked out of the church meeting and chat-banned, they have their voices removed. Those who are chat-banned and have their voices removed are rendered incapable of being allowed to organize their own parties (including church meetings), ever. And so the VegasWorld members seeking Spiritual knowledge are left with Catholics to educate them. This mirrors real life as the Catholics co-opted the Protestant churches and use these so-called Protestant churches to teach people to abide by Catholic fertility rites.

It was the Vatican that ordered the death jabs into existence, and it was largely Catholics at VegasWorld who demanded that the other players take the death jabs, and it is largely Catholics at VegasWorld who are intolerant of alternative theological viewpoints and have people stripped of their voices and their characters. Again this mirrors real life where Catholics have Christians stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities, they have people stripped of their voices and their lives. Catholics make use of any and all institution to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols and to abide by their false Sunday Sabbath.

Anyway, if you people first stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror then none of this shit would have happened to you. You reserve seats at your western universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and Trudeau allows them to “work” (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens, during which time you either laughed at or ignored the victims of psychiatric horror, at those who had the brutal drugs forced upon them, then you willingly took alternative injections that are sure to take your lives.

It Does Not Matter:

It does not matter who is taking over your nations. What matters is that you folks ENRAGE God when you turn trees into decorated idols and His response is to hand your nations over to members of alternative fertility cults. You defend your pagan fertility rites with brutal horrid torture. Back in 1988 I criticized your Catholic churches for pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, said that Scripture repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, said that your churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and said that your churches are capped with Egyptian penises. The police drove me past the four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and delivered me to a Hindu psychiatrist that said that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would cap the roof of a church with one, or decorate the front gate of a university with four of them, and beside it is the Hindus who gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.

The years of psychiatric torture was horrendous, and all people could do for me is call me a pedophile, rob me, assault me further, and laugh and laugh and laugh. You people had and continue to have no mercy for me. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and they laughed and laughed and flew to tropical resorts where they would pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. People defended their evergreen tree fertility idols by having me repeatedly arrested and tortured, by telling me that I was wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should shut my mouth and take another pill, and they said that I was judging them.

I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture. And there isn't a single God-damned one of you that has so much compassion for my arse, or for the arse of any other psychiatric abuse survivor, that you would find it in your hearts to buy any one of us so much as a fucking cookie!!!

You are the People of The Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children, and hand your nations over to members of alternative fertility cults. Go masturbate and ejaculate upon your fertility tree idols. I so desperately desire your deaths.

And you hear me and you allow me to cry out to God year after year after year against you people, and you laugh and you laugh and laugh. You are compassionless God-damned turds, that is all you are!!! And now you people shit on me for failing to criticize Jews adequately.

I Sure Hope You Win:

The witches run the churches, schools, governments and hospitals. Saying that the witches were eating your children and that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism resulted in years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. People did not care to defend me because I also criticized their blinkin' trees and stated that many of their churches were capped with Egyptian penises. Indeed, people were outraged when they heard my criticisms of their blinkin' trees, they said that I was wearing a tinfoil hat and said that I was judging them, they told me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill, and they laughed and laughed and laughed.

Some of the encounters with these invaders result in enslavement. Anyway, all people could do for me when I begged for assistance to flee the horror of psychiatry is laugh at me and assault me further. Then these assholes took injections that removed their fertility and their lives. First their priests and ministers stood at their pulpits and taught them to turn trees into decorated idols, then later their priests and ministers demanded that the sheep take the bullshit Covid death jabs. It was an act of love they said. And all I can do now is laugh at your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26). Actually I do a little more, I cry out to God against you people, I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. You people embrace the pagan idolatry with every ounce of your souls and then have the audacity to blame Jews for all of your problems, while having me brutally tortured for years and then laughing and laughing and laughing...

I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture. They repeatedly arrested me for speaking, then when they finally stopped arresting me for speaking how was I to know? So after losing years of my life to brutal horrid torture I then lost subsequent years of my life living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture. And people think the situation is funny. They spent millions of dollars making me a home in a psychiatric ward and can't find it in their hearts to buy me so much as a cookie in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life to absolute horror and brutality.

Then you people rant on and on about the Nuremberg Code and consider yourselves Nuremberg Code Heroes for doing so, but you only mention the Nuremberg Code in reference to the recent bullshit Covid death jabs that you folks were "coerced" to take, while remaining silent about the brutal psychiatric drugs that others had "forced" upon them. Decades of reports of American service men and American, Canadian and other western civilians being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities and you can't even mention the existence of psychiatry in your social media posts. And now that I am on people shit upon me for not criticizing Jews adequately. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

Hilarious and Inconsequential:

An estimated 100 million Christians were killed by the Catholic church in order to force the changing of God's Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. So I told people this for the last 35 years and they shit on me and call me a legalist and a Jew. I get stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years in psychiatric facilities after pointing out that the Catholic churches (and the Protestant churches they co-opted) are capping their roofs with Egyptian penises and are censoring Scripture condemning turning trees into decorated idols, and are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and the Sunday Christians laugh at me and call me a legalist and a Jew. The Saturday Christians laugh at me and assault me further. People made up their minds and abide by Sunday or by Saturday as a day of rest, and laugh at me and assault me further for daring to confuse the issue by talking about penises on church roofs and by talking about the missing children and the censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism.

So over 100 million Christians were killed for daring to criticize the Catholic church for adopting the Sunday sabbath. Then about a billion Christians closed their hearts to me when I begged for assistance to flee the country, they told me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill. Then the majority of them took the bullshit Covid death jabs and began to die. They laughed at me and phoned the police on me when I pointed out the Egyptian penises capping the roofs of their filthy churches they called me a pedophile for the following 35 years, they laughed and laughed and laughed and flew to tropical resorts where they would pose for photographs with the pagan idols there.

They did not care to hear that over 100 million Christians were killed by the Catholic church for defending God's Sabbath day, now well over 100 million of them will perish from the bullshit Covid death jabs that the Vatican ordered into existence. I lost year after year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then I lost subsequent years of my life living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and they continue to shit upon me and tell me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill.

Year after year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you people can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. And now that I am on people shit upon me for failing to criticize Jews to an adequate degree. All I can do is cry out to God against you Saturday and Sunday keeping Christians, I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Just as you think that years of psychiatric horror is hilarious or inconsequential, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious and inconsequential. Take another booster.

Foreign Psychiatrists:

There are many hundreds, likely thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing Australians to death across Australia. Do a search on the internet and see the names of the psychiatrists in Australia, they are together predominantly Hindu, Sikh and Islamic. Seats are reserved at Australian and other western universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada Trudeau allows them to "work" without becoming Canadian citizens. Americans through their CIA funded the development of the horrid drugs and did so at The University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and at other western universities.

In 1988 I criticized the pedophilia in the churches, their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism and their pushing of pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years. The psychiatrists do not treat their victims equally, they treat some people with extreme brutality. Most everybody who was "treated" by these drugs in Saskatoon died, Jesus preserved my life so I may inform you of the horror. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you people can do about it is laugh and tell me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill!!!

You folks are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror and allow psychiatry to multiply and thrive. You are equally as disgusting as your churches, many of which have Egyptian penises on their roofs. You either laugh at or you ignore people who were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured at your local university hospital, then you fly off to tropical resorts where you pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. It is so damn important for you arseholes to pose for photographs with your pagan fertility idols and post the pictures on Facebook that you would do so even if one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph.

The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to them, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. They are witches, that is what witches do. Then rather than raise a finger in defense of those being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities you laugh about it, because you are an ignorant asshole, and that is what ignorant assholes do.

Special Days:

Seventeen is the seventh prime number while the number seven itself is prime, and so 17 is a prime in prime position.

Seventeen is the 7th prime while the primes up to 7 add to 17. There are 7 primes in prime positions up to the 17th prime (59) and they add to the 167 verses of Bible Book 17, Esther. Esther becomes Queen in Book 17 and Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. James is Book 59 (the 17th prime), its 108 verses is the 17th prime short of the length of Bible Book 17.

The heavens burst forth on the 17th day of the 7th month (Genesis 7:11), then 150 days later the ark came to a rest on the 17th day of the 7th month (Genesis 8:3-4).

When the heavens burst forth there were 317 days remaining in the year (66th prime, there are 66 Books in the Bible).

The rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12), from February 17th until March 29th, when there were 277 days remaining in the year, it is the 59th prime while 59 in turn is the 17th prime (277 is the 17th prime that is in prime position).

When the ark came to a rest on the 17th day of the 7th month, there were 167 days remaining in the year (the length of Bible Book 17 and is the 7 primes in prime positions up to the 17th prime).

The ark came to a rest on Mount Ararat A (1) R (18) A (1) R (18) A (1) T (20), the letters are in placements adding to 59 (the 17th prime).

Leviticus 1 and Leviticus 3 both contain 17 verses, while Leviticus 13 contains 59 verses (the 17th prime), and so the 17’s and the 17th prime are at chapter numbers adding to 17 (1+3+13=17). Leviticus 1 and 3 each with 17 verses are chapters 91 and 93, together for 184, or the 167 verses of Book 17 plus 17 more. Between is chapter 92, the 68th (17+17+17+17th) number that is not prime.

Ruth with 85 verses is the 17th shortest Book in the Bible, that 85 verses is not only a multiple of 17 (85=5x17) but is a combination of the 17th prime and the 17th non-prime (59+26=85).

Anyway, it would make more sense to remember February 17th, March 29th and July 17th as days important to God and important to the history of the earth (see above) as opposed to celebrating December 25th, which is the 6+6th month with 6 days remaining in the year that commemorates the return of the sun from the south (by December 25th the sun is visibly returning) and gives reverence to evergreen trees (whoreshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year). God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Rather than ENRAGE God by turning trees into blinkin’ idols, I suggest Christians replace the pagan holiday with these three dates, and perhaps gift their children on each of these three days instead of on December 25th.

I am not suggesting turning February 17th, March 29th and July 17th into days of rest but to recognize "work" that God had done on these days. Here is an opportunity to replace the pagan fertility holiday with three days that are more suitable, an opportunity to stop turning trees into decorated idols, an opportunity to recognize God's work and give Him glory rather than ENRAGE Him. The result of turning trees into decorated fertility idols and getting them to blink is that you lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults, because He doth not care which particular group of pagans occupies any nation.

Put Your Politicians On Minimum Wage:

If you do that to the politicians (put them on minimum wage, close down their businesses, deny them health care, and isolate them) you will continue to have people arrested and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities for daring to criticize the pagan fertility rites taught to you by your Catholic churches (and by the Protestant churches they co-opted). The reason why all this shit is happening to you is because you turn trees into decorated idols. God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You have zero compassion for the victims of psychiatric horror, the only time you people mention the existence of psychiatry is when you hear somebody criticize your pagan fertility rites and then you tell that person to shut their God-damned mouth and take another pill.

I criticized your churches in 1988 and received year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you pagan pricks can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. You folks tithe to churches that cap their roofs with miniature Egyptian penises, and they teach you to cap your blinkin' fertility tree idols with either a miniature glittering Egyptian dink or with a star, they teach you to cap your fertility tree idol with a second fertility idol. It is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. Their priests and ministers censor Scripture condemning your blinkin' trees and also censor Scriptural references to cannibalism. They ram their penises up your children's arseholes, they rape, torture, kill and eat people, they are witches, that is what witches do.

I begged in vain for assistance to flee the years of brutal horrid torture and all you folks can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, and fly to tropical resorts where you pose for photos with the pagan idols there. Then you folks post the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child attractive to them, they see the child attractive to them, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. Hillary Clinton was recorded wearing the face of a young girl and mocking her while wearing the child's bloody face before she and her coven killed and ate the girl, people who get to see the movie are traumatized and killed. It is so damn important for you people to post pictures on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, that you would post the photos even if they depicted your children playing with their penises.

Your CIA funded the development of the horrid drugs and did so at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and at other western universities. You reserve seats for and train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and now you have Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists working as psychiatrists and torturing westerners to death at your local hospital, and Trudeau allows them to “work” in Canada without becoming Canadian citizens. You folks laughed at or ignored the victims of psychiatric horror and then you took the bullshit Covid death jabs and lost your fertility and your lives. All I can do now is laugh at your calamity. -Proverbs 1:24-26

I kept on getting arrested and tortured as a reward for speaking against your blinkin’ trees and your pedophile/cannibal priests, ministers and politicians. I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years of my life living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture… I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and you people are so cheap and ignorant that you can’t even find it in your hearts to attempt to make up the loss of years of my life by even offering to buy me so much as a simple single holiday to anywhere, let alone a measly cookie. My criticism is not so much against your churches (and the politicians that they own) but against you for your lack of compassion to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. At a cost of millions of dollars you made me a home in a psychiatric ward, then you spend billions of dollars annually turning your own homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility, then you libel and slander me, rob me and assault me further, and think it is funny.

Make Good Use of Dead Soldiers:

Your leaders are teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols. Your leaders use the graves of soldiers to help them push the use of the pagan fertility tree idols. You folks ignore decades of reports of soldiers and other Americans tortured to death with brutally horrid drugs at your many psychiatric facilities, and then you use their grave stones to push your pagan idolatry upon others.

You like it when your leaders pose for photographs with the Catholic fertility tree idols. You like it when they turn a branch of the evergreen fertility tree idol into a round wreath, then your hearts leap for joy when you see the fertility tree wreaths decorate the graves of your war dead. You people love to see statues of soldiers standing next to or directly on top of Egyptian representations of penises, that you bow to when you place your fertility tree wreath at the base of the Egyptian dinks. And if the Egyptian dink is mounted on the roof of a church, then of course you give them money.

Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America, because they assumed “Obama” shared their values when they saw photos of him posing with the pagan idols. Now Americans wait for Trump to save them, and they continue to wait for Christmas (not Christ’s Mass, is the use of God’s Name in vain) and wanting the presents that were first given to the tree.

It is your winter fertility festival, a celebration where you stick your blinkin’ trees next to your Egyptian dinks. It is the most important time of the year. Have fun. Don’t let anybody criticize your adherence to the pagan fertility festival, let nobody get away with claiming that your churches are phallic-capped and run by cannibals, brutally assault them and then phone the police on them, tell them to shut their God-damned mouths and take another pill. Laugh at them and assault them further when they complain they are being tortured at your local university by a Hindu. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

Everybody Does It:

Now that I am on, many people vehemently shit upon me for not criticizing Jews adequately. They are outraged that I would call their blinkin’ trees the “fertility idols” that they are. They adopt Catholic fertility rites and by doink so become Catholics, and they express tremendous glee when they see a blinkin’ tree outside a phallic-capped church, regardless if the church is Seventh-day Adventist, Baptist, Roman Catholic or whatever. They also express that tremendous glee when they see a blinkin’ tree outside of a church that isn’t capped with an Egyptian representation of a penis. People do not care so much if the church is capped with an Egyptian dink or not, what matters to them is the existence of the blinkin’ trees in front of the churches and erected next to the pulpits.

Everybody does it. Everybody turns trees into decorated idols. Even Hitler turned trees into decorated idols. Every three weeks I would be wheeled into a psychiatric appeal panel and attempt to defend my sanity by stating that the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols and that people are inadvertently bowing to the trees when they place and retrieve presents at the base of the tree. After years of being tortured by a Hindu psychiatrist, Doctor Gene Marcoux took up the task, and when he heard me state my defense at another psychiatric appeal panel hearing, he just smiled and said that I was deluded because everybody does it. On the other side of the table was a row of Catholics who all responded to this by smiling and nodding in agreement, and by giving him permission to continue to detain me and torture me for the following three weeks.

It wasn’t easy to state my defense, the drugs made my skin hard and dry, my lips and tongue would turn into hard leather, my jaw would lock open, my hair would fall out, my brain would pound in utter pain, the drugs resulted in a great degree of nausea, and so my speech was always greatly labored. Normally I was tortured by a Hindu, and every three weeks she told the Catholics seated on the psychiatric appeal panel that all I did was talk about cannibals, but it was always her that brought up the topic. In 1988 I stated that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their filthy churches, that they were censoring Scripture condemning the idols and censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. The police would drive me past the four Egyptian penises built into the front gates of the U of S and deliver me to that Hindu, who proclaimed that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals, but it is the Hindus who obtain their spiritual bliss via orgasm, and it is not me who goes around decorating churches, bridges and the front gates of universities with Egyptian representations of penises.

On the very last day of the six weeks of confined horror (the different governments of Saskatchewan required that people only be detained and tortured for six weeks at a time) I would be administered a “depot drug” injection, a drug that was designed to remain in my body for months, it added to the vast cocktail of drugs and caused additional agony for months after my repeated six week periods of confinement. I told Doctor Marcoux that all the different drugs he was forcing upon me had “death” as a side effect, he just smiled and said that it was his call. And people laughed and laughed, robbed me and assaulted me and called me a pedophile for the following 35 years, while proclaiming that I was judging them.

They laughed and laughed and posted photos of their children on Facebook posing with the pagan idols. It was so damn important for them to post the photos on Facebook that they would do so even if one of their children was playing with his penis in the photograph. The witches cruise Facebook looking for children attractive to them, they place an order, and another child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten.

I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and they laughed at me and assaulted me further, they told me to shut my God-damned mouth and take another pill. Now I beg God to terminate your lives and bring this world to a close. I so desperately desire your deaths. I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, and you people can’t even offer to buy me so much as a measly cookie in a feeble attempt to try to make up for the loss of years of my life, and you think it is funny!!! At a cost of many millions of dollars you folks gleefully made me a home in a psychiatric ward, then you spend billions of dollars annually turning your homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

Stay The Course:

Focus on what is coming and stay the course... in 1988 I pointed out the pagan idolatry taught to you by your churches (and by their governments and entertainment industry, and by their schools and by their media) and faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture. People do not appreciate having their evergreen tree fertility idols criticized, nor do they appreciate hearing that many of their churches are capped with Egyptian penises, nor do they appreciate hearing that their churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. The course you stayed on was to have me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for years. I am confident if you pagans manage to expel the invaders, that you will continue to defend your churches with brutal horrid torture. And I am confident that you will continue to express outrage over being coerced to take the bullshit Covid death jabs, while remaining silent about the issue of people being stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities.

This is the course you are focused on. As for me, I will continue to point out the pagan nature of your religious faith, and I will continue to cry out to God against you. You do not care that I cry out to God against you for you believe your prayers are full of power while mine have no effect. Good luck with that.

God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The result of turning trees into decorated idols (and persecuting those who point out the practice is pagan) is that you lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults.

Year after year after year after year of brutal horrid torture all you God-damned pagan pricks can do for me is laugh. I beg God to terminate your lives and the lives of your children and bring this world to a close. I desperately desire your deaths, hurry up and die!!!

For Further Reading:

A History of Gold and Money: 1450-1920 - Pierre Vilar
A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States - Stephen Mihm
Arming and Disarming: A History of Gun Control In Canada - R. Blake Brown
Babylon Mystery Religion - Ralph Woodrow
Doukhobors At War - John P. Zubek and Patricia Anne Solberg
Flight Without Formula - A.C. Kermode
Frances Farmer Shadowland - William Arnold
Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World - Mike Davis
Mosquito: A Pictorial History of the DH98 - Philip Birtles
Paris In The Terror - Stanley Loomis
Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty - Karl Shaw
Spiritualism Today - LeRoy Edwin Froom
The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea - Tim Cohen
The Girl Aviator’s Motor Butterfly - Margaret Burnham
The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics - Michael Rowbotham

Videos To Be Sure To Watch (maybe on or, or maybe on

Nice - Ann Barnhardt (11 minutes)
Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America (4 minutes)
They Killed Granny, Now They’re Going To Kill the Kids - Dr. Vernon Coleman (12 minutes)
Global Warming, The Fraud Behind the Covid Fraud - Dr. Vernon Coleman (23 minutes)
Finally! Medical Proof The Covid Jab is Murder - Dr. Vernon Coleman (4 minutes)
The Poison Death Shot - Vladimir Zelenko (30 minutes)
We Are Witnessing Intentional Medical Genocide - Dr. Bryan Ardis (55 minutes)
Understanding How Covid-19 Was Made Up - Dr. Sam Bailey (19 minutes)
Stop Saying That You Had It, Stop Saying You Know Someone Who Had It - Amandha Vollmer (13 minutes)
A Message To Killer Nurses - Dr. Jane Ruby (17 minutes)
They Only Managed To Kill 50 Million Last Time With A Vaccine - Vera Sharav (8 minutes)
Don’t Drink Tap Water - Dr. Bryan Ardis (8 minutes)
This Needs To Be Stopped Now! - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
It is governments not the Coronavirus which threaten our lives - Dr. Vernon Coleman (10 minutes)
They faked a pandemic, they faked a test, they faked a cure - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
This is a power grab - Tucker Carlson (15 minutes)
Ready For The Big Kill - Dr. Vernon Coleman (28 minutes)
Nothing’s Happening By Accident - Dr. Vernon Coleman (34 minutes)
Martial Law Worldwide - The Illuminati Puppets Sold Us To Their God: Satan (10 minutes)
Hospitals Medically Kidnapping Patients and Killing Them With Covid Protocols - Dr. Amandha Vollmer (13 minutes)
Infant and Toddler Deaths Are Up 700% Over Previous Year - Dr. Jane Ruby
There Were Never Any Safe Effective Or Valid Vaccines - Dr. Amandha Vollmer
Covid-19 Vaccinations are Weapons of Mass Destruction and Could Wipe Out The Human Race - Dr. Vernon Coleman (22 minutes)
This Should Be A Crime - It’s Dark and Horrifying - Tucker Carlson (17 minutes)
The Cold Hard Facts of Murder of the Elderly And Disabled And It Isn’t From The Shot! - Kate Shemirani (65 minutes)
WWII’s Forgotten First Battle - Czech Republic 1939 - Mark Felton Productions (15 minutes)
The 243 Winchester - Mild Mannered Accuracy For Varmint or Deer - GunBlue 490 (18 minutes)
The 25-06 Remington - Is This Accurate Rifle For You? - GunBlue 490 (36 minutes)
A Little Jive Is Good For You - Martha Tilton (3 minutes)
Soldier Speaks Out: F*CK Your Job They Are Coming For Your Kids!! (6 minutes)
Biden is the Most Destructive President In American History - Tucker Carlson (12 minutes)
Exposed: Government Euthanized The Elderly In 2020! - Blamed “COVID” For Deaths! - World Alternative Media
The Rape of Ukraine and the Rise of Heavenly Jerusalem - Christopher Jon Bjerknes (40 minutes)
The Vatican Is Behind Cull of Humanity - Dr. David Martin (49 minutes)
Urgent The Final Conflict For Australian’s - The White Rabbit (17 minutes)
How Ruthless Censorship Hid The Covid Censorship - Dr. Vernon Coleman (15 minutes)

Reviews To Be Sure To Read:

“Squeaky Eureaky!!!” - Professor Squeak Squeak, Scientific Journal of Squeaks
“Sweet Squeak” - Squeaky Squeaky Squeak, Squeak Beat
“Sneaky peeky Squeaky” - Ms. Squeak Squeaky, True Crime Squeaks
“Squishy squishy squeak squeak” - Squeaky Squeak Squeak, Teen Squeakers
“Simply squeaky” - Simon Squeaky Squeaker The Third, Important Squeakers Today
“Squeak squeak” - Poofy Squeak.
“SQUEEEEK!!! Squeaky squeaky SQUEEEEK!!! Squeaky squeaky sweety, squeak squeak squeak” - Olga Squeakoff (singing her own composition)
“Sweet Squeak, sweet sweet Squeak. Squeaky squeaky sweety, squeak squeak squeak” - Squeakette (singing another one of Olga Squeakoff’s songs)
“Squawk squawk” - Inspector Squeakity Squawk, Royal Canadian Mounted Squeakers

Olga always wanted to become a famouse swimmer but will instead be remembered for her singing. It is believed that Olga drowned.

February 18th 2024 1:03 pm 246,107 words (281 pages)

Dr. Amandha Vollmer - There is no Covid

There is no Covid, there never was Covid, nobody is infected with Covid, there is no such thing. <-White Rabbit
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