On 16/09/2020 3:44 am, Rod wrote:
> On 9/15/2020 4:37 AM, Michael Christ wrote:
>> A Xtian humanist sinner religionist and an atheist??
>> Nothing!
> I'm seeing nothing but the postings of inhumane
> and ungodly garbage here.
Unless it is true. :-).
> Both of these above are
> humane and alike in a lot of ways; humane, kind
> receptive and intelligent, and also not alike in
> many of the same ways.
> Jesus was the greatest of all the teachers sent to
> mankind,
He is the only teacher, Rod.
All truth emanates from Him.
> and the doctrine that He preached alone
> verified this truth.
Verified Himself.
>What He taught was Oneness,
> not division nor heavy handedness nor the elevation
> of ones self above all life, as you teach.
If you don't know the truth, you can speak it, Rod.
You like truth to be packaged the way you like it. It doesn't come that
way. Why? A sinner is in opposition to God...human verses/at war with
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Mat 5:43 You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy
> neighbour, and hate thy enemy.
> Mat 5:44 But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate
> you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you:
> Mat 5:45 That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven,
> who maketh his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth upon the
> just and the unjust.
What part of forgiving you do you not get?
I asked for an apology for your sake. The door was open before you even
knew there was a door. I forgave you before you have even thought of
asking! However, you won't receive forgiveness from God unless you ask
for it.
> Too many men cannot see the wisdom in these verses and trust not the
> wisdom of Christ because it can lead to their death, but it also leads
> to life as well; eternal life for those that cherish His words.
Cherish Him.
I know the power of the Lord Jesus Christ unto salvation because He took
my heart from being a lover of self to a lover of Him, from sin to
> This is what you are calling "humanistic garbage".
You are in your own rabbit hole, Rod. That's rubbish.