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-- Proverbs 13:20 --

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Oct 11, 2023, 3:48:10 AM10/11/23
-- Proverbs 13:20 --

He that walketh with the wise, shall be wise:
a friend of fools shall become like to them.
[Proverbs 13:20] DRV
The old saying "a rotten apple spoils the barrel" is often applied to
friendships, and with good reason. Our friends and associates affect
us, sometimes profoundly. Be careful whom you choose as your closest
friends. Spend time with people you want to be like--because you and
your friends will surely grow to resemble each other.

11 October – Blessed James Grissinger OP

(c 1407-1491)
“The Innocent,” Lay Brother of the Order of Preachers, Artist of
Religous imagery, especially stained glass, former Soldier. Born in
1407 at Ulm, Swabia (modern Germany) and died on 11 October 1491, aged
84, in Bologna, Italy of natural causes. Also known as – James
Griesinger, James of Ulm.

The Roman Martyrology reads: “In Bologna, blessed Giacomo da Ulm
Grissinger, a religious of the Order of Preachers, who, although
unlearned, he was a skilled decorator of stained glass windows and for
fifty years, offered everyone an example of dedication to work and

James, born in Ulm in 1407, had since childhood in his family, the
Grissingers, the most precious examples of Christian piety. After a
period as a Soldier, being unhappy in that life, at 25 years of age,
with the blessing of his parents, from the banks of the Danube, he set
out as a pilgrim to Rome to venerate the tombs of the Holy Apostles.

After various wanderings, he passed through Bologna, where he stopped
for some time. His favourite destination was the tomb of St Domenic
and here, during his devoted visits, he felt a strong inspiration to
embrace the Order.

Although he was not completely uneducated, he asked and obtained, in
1441, to be admitted among the lay brothers. Candid and sensitive
soul, he understood and knew how to fully implement his holy vocation.

His prayer touched ecstasy and he was often seen surrounded by light
But although his heart was foreign to the earth, his hands were always
ready to work and to render any humble service with that amiable smile
that opens hearts. He was skilled in the art of painting glass, so
much so that excellent works remain in remembrance of him. for the
benefit of souls. It is said that one day, while he supervised the
firing of some painted glass, the Prior commanded him to go in search
of alms. The Blessed one, without opening his mouth, went to fulfill
the task in holy obedience. On his return, instead of finding the
glass incinerated, as was to be expected, he found them cooked to the
right point, by the Divine intercession at which he marvelled in

He always kept his Baptismal innocence and, having expired his blessed
soul, on 11 October 1491, his candour seemed to be communicated also
to his body, which shone with celestial light. On 3 August 1825, Pope
Leo XII confirmed his cult. His relics, are preserved in St Domeni’s
Basilica in Bologna,

One Minute Reflection – 11 October – Feast of the Divine Maternity –
Ecclesiasticus 24:23-31, Luke 2:43-51 – Scripture search here:

“He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them
and His mother kept all these things in her heart.” – Luke 2:51

REFLECTION – “Consider the most prudent woman Mary, Mother of true
Wisdom, as the pupil of her Son. For she learned from Him, not as from
a child or man but, as from God. Yes, she dwelt in meditation on His
words and actions. Nothing of what was said or done by Him, fell idly
on her mind. As before, when she conceived the Word itself, in her
womb, so now, does she hold within her, His ways and words, cherishing
them, as it were, in her heart. That which she now beholds in the
present, she waits to have revealed with greater clarity, in the
future. This practice she followed as a rule and law through all her
– St Bede the Venerable (673-735) Father and Doctor of the Church
(Exposition of the Gospel of Luke).

PRAYER – O God, Who, by the message of an Angel, willed to take flesh
in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant that we, Thy suppliants,
who believe her to be truly the Mother of God, maybe assisted by her
intercession with Thee. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son our
Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
God, world without end. Amen (Collect).

Saint Quote:
Your life consists in drawing nearer to God. To do this you must
endeavor to detach yourself from visible things and remember that in a
short time they will be taken from you.
-- Saint John of Avila

Bible Quote
And the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into
heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God. 20 But they going forth
preached every where: the Lord working withal, and confirming the word
with signs that followed. (Mark 16:19-20)

23 Ecce ego vobiscum sum--Behold I am with you.--Matt. 28:20

When we find ourselves in any danger, even a grave one, we ought not
to lose courage, but to trust much in the Lord; for where the peril is
greater, there also is greater aid from Him who chooses to be called
the Helper in dangers and tribulations.
--St. Ambrose

St. Ignatius Loyola was once on board a ship in a severe storm when
the mast was broken off and all were weeping and trembling in
expectation of death. He alone was cheerful and fearless, remembering
that the winds and sea obey God and that without His permission,
tempests rise not, neither can they sink any ship, and choosing for
himself whatever fate God might choose for him.

(Taken from the book "A Year with the Saints". October – Confidence)

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