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Are you afraid of hellfire?

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Apr 11, 2023, 2:06:43 PM4/11/23
Are you afraid of hellfire? Many people are. Are you afraid of the
tooth fairy? Hellfire is equal to the toothfairy. In that they both
are non-existent. But doesn't the Bible describe people burning in a
fire? Yes it does. However, the Bible is symbolic in many, many

We should follow the apostle Paul and REASON on those Scriptures to
see if they are literal or not. (Acts 17:2,3) But first, let's see
what God thinks of burning people alive:

-- Revised Standard
Jeremiah 7:31 And they have built the high place of Topheth, which is
in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their
daughters in the fire; which I did not command, nor did it come into
my mind.

If God created a hellfire place for His disobedient ones, such a
thought would have to have come into His mind. But it didn't.

First let's look at the highly symbolic book of Revelation with its
Lake of Fire. It is important to find out if that thing is real or
not. Notice:

- Revised Standard
Revelation 20:14 Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of
fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire;

Can "death" be picked up and cast somewhere? Also the NT word "hades"
means "hell". That would mean there are two hells. Would tossing one
hell into another one accomplish anything? No, the Lake of Fire is
SYMBOLIC, not literal. And Rev 20:14 tells us what it represents: "The
second death." (death not life)

Another one is the rich man and Lazarus. This one is rather simple. It
is a parable. At first, that is basically the only way Jesus spoke. So
what is a parable? Can it be a real happening? Notice:

"Parable Definition & Meaning
Merriam-Webster › dictionary › para...
The meaning of PARABLE is a usually short fictitious story that
illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle;"

Thus notice it "is usually short fictitious story". That is true in
this case by analyzing it. This parable shows hellfire is within
calling distance of Heaven. Those in Heaven would never get any peace.

Also, what is Abraham doing out of his grave. He is supposed to remain
there until the resurrection of Acts 24:15. He couldn't be in Heaven
because Jesus said no one made it up to Heaven until then:

-- Revised Standard
John 3:13 No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from
heaven, the Son of man.

Thus all the characters in the OT, none ever went to Heaven.

Also, if one is in solid flames burning your flesh etc, would a drop
of water on you tongue give you relief from the pain and agony?

But guess who wants to dishonor God every chance he gets. So he makes
God out to be a sadist. Yes, he is Satan the Devil. Somehow he has
DECEIVED Christendom into believing God tortures His disobedient
children. But his cleaver trickery has not fooled the true religion.
We are aware of his designs. (2 Cor 2:11)

Sincerely James
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