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I am Going on Vacation

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Kooky Watcher

Feb 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/26/00
It -dore- spat

>Yes, thank you Fallen, for allowing my light shine and overcome your
>darkness, with the power of truth.

What a delusional nut, what light? All you did was cause everyone to
laugh at your funny claims as we watched you try to squirm out of the
pit you dug yourself into.

>Have a nice vacation.

Well he/she certainly will not be spending it at the funny farm like
someone else does -aka you- when it comes to rest time and gather the
voices together in your head.

Kook Watcher


Dore said:

I had been given this message: THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE

Yet she doesn't have the complete faith to not work trusting her gods
powers to provide -or even her own so called powers- but then again
dore also said:

1996- I saw **MY** paycheck and 76% went to federal taxes.

Looks like she will be working for her money just like everyone else,
what a hypocrite ROTFL.

So much for her message of abolishing money, she needs it, gathers it
and spends it. What's the matter dore you can't follow your own advice


Feb 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/26/00

scroll to the bottom...

Kooky Watcher wrote in message ...

>It -dore- spat
>>Yes, thank you Fallen, for allowing my light shine and overcome your
>>darkness, with the power of truth.

>Dore said:

>I had been given this message: THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE

>Yet she doesn't have the complete faith to not work trusting her gods
>powers to provide -or even her own so called powers- but then again
>dore also said:

>1996- I saw **MY** paycheck and 76% went to federal taxes.

>Looks like she will be working for her money just like everyone else,
>what a hypocrite ROTFL.

>So much for her message of abolishing money, she needs it, gathers it
>and spends it. What's the matter dore you can't follow your own advice

She's just bitter because she doesn't have the ingenuity to make any money,
and doesn't have any of it. Its part of the reason why she hates it so much.
"People who say money is the root of all evil, don't have any!" However, she
gloates about her
imaginary heaven where, as she claims, she will live in a mansion, drive the
car of her choice, be able to go skiing, sky diving, fishing, etc,etc,
whenever she wants whit whomever she wants, etc...Tells you something about
her glaring
incongruencies, doesn't it?



Feb 26, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/26/00
On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 02:15:36 -0800
"Fallen" <do...@from.heaven> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

If Dore needs any ideas about making money, she could point her
browser to

Also she could visit:


Erikc (alt.atheist #002) | "An Fhirinne in aghaidh an tSaoil."
BAAWA Knight | "The Truth against the World."
ICQ 26776011 | -- Bardic Motto

"Today on Jerry Springer: Religious whack jobs melt down before your
very eyes..."

"There is four of us. All with the same spirit. There is God,
the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Gods. The
there is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and indwelling
of Godliness, and then there is the first Christ, the teacher
and sacrificial lamb, and then, there is me, the judge and
redeemer. We are all one, in the same Godhead, but at times
separate entities."
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 14:49:28 -0500
From: "Dore Williamson" <>
Message-ID: <>
Remove "21" to respond.


Feb 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/27/00
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 09:55:38 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
<> wrote:

>you wrote..

>> >Looks like she will be working for her money just like everyone else,
>> >what a hypocrite ROTFL.

>Yes, for awhile I will be oppressed and in bondage to money, until the time
>comes for the tribulation to destroy most of the wicked. What slavery I am
>forced into now, has nothing to do with future events, when I rise to power
>and destroy money, but you will be long gone, dead and hell with the rest of
>the evil doers. .

Yeah....that will be the time when God lets you suffer for all your
Repent dore......

>you wrote..

>> She's just bitter because she doesn't have the ingenuity to make any
>> and doesn't have any of it. Its part of the reason why she hates it so
>> "People who say money is the root of all evil, don't have any!" However,
>> gloates about her
>> imaginary heaven where, as she claims, she will live in a mansion, drive
>> car of her choice, be able to go skiing, sky diving, fishing, etc,etc,
>> whenever she wants whit whomever she wants, etc...Tells you something
>> her glaring
>> incongruencies, doesn't it?

>What losses I suffer now because I refuse to steal and seek money from my
>neighbor, for personal gain on this limited time spent on earth, will result
>in luxuries for all eternity is certainly the greatest and for certain
>investment, that any man can trust in.
>People who don't think money is the root of evil, are those who hate their
>neighbor, are selfish and self-serving, and blind to money's limitations and
>bondage. Do you really think a homeless child does NOT deserve food,
>clothing, shelter, because they do NOT have a piece of paper with a number
>on it, or a digit in a banks computer? How selfish, cruel and thoughtless,
>but that is typical of your kind.

Kook Watcher aka *peyote*

Feb 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/28/00
It -dore- spat:

>Yes, for awhile I will be oppressed and in bondage to money, until the time
>comes for the tribulation to destroy most of the wicked. What slavery I am
>forced into now, has nothing to do with future events, when I rise to power
>and destroy money, but you will be long gone, dead and hell with the rest of
>the evil doers. .

But dore your supposed to be god ROTFLMAO money shouldn't be a an
issue with you. Oh I forgot your really just like everyone else and
can only make funny claims.

You need money don't you , uhmm well where is your faith then that god
will provide for all you needs hmm?

god is forced into working for man? Say isn't the second coming of the
Christian Jesus supposed to be in all POWER and GLORY? What happened

Lets look at what you said hmm? This was supposedly said on or before
10/5/97 dore said:

Also earlier, I had been given this message: THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE


Comment: Huh you can't even follow your own advice hypocrite. But wait
it gets better you also said -right underneath the above-:

dore said again:

C'mon Christians, it's time we love our neighbor and serve him freely,
providing each other's needs, getting together and uniting against the
system of the Antichrist, which is the proliferation of money. Money
is bondage, Freedom from it, is Christ's message....Choose your side!

Comment: Well obviously you have chosen your side LOL, the side of
money, and bondage. You were trying to tell Christians to give it up
when you don't do it yourself right now? What a hypocrite.

>What losses I suffer now because I refuse to steal and seek money from my
>neighbor, for personal gain on this limited time spent on earth, will result
>in luxuries for all eternity is certainly the greatest and for certain
>investment, that any man can trust in.

You are serving two master dore -according to your own bible- LOL god
and mammon right? Practice what you preach hypocrite.

Where is your faith dore? Can't your god supply for all of your needs?
Is god so inept that he must let you serve two masters, and work for a
living just like everyone else hmm?

Wake up call dore. Here is proof again that you are a powerless fake
without even faith. And you try to tell Christians -supposedly your
own flock- how to live and what to do when you don't do it yourself?

>People who don't think money is the root of evil, are those who hate their
>neighbor, are selfish and self-serving, and blind to money's limitations and
>bondage. Do you really think a homeless child does NOT deserve food,
>clothing, shelter, because they do NOT have a piece of paper with a number
>on it, or a digit in a banks computer? How selfish, cruel and thoughtless,
>but that is typical of your kind.

That's the whole point dore they do deserve it, so what are you doing
about it other than playing the local NG wanna be god messiah while
working for the very system you tell others to get out of ROTFL.

Only a delusional nut like you can't see the hypocrisy of your own

Have faith dore, leave the system, rely on god, oops I forgot you
don't have that faith and your powerless to do anything but spit,
rave, foam at the mouth and type.

Kook Watcher.

Paul Duca

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00

Sniper wrote:

> Dore Williamson wrote:
> >
> > you wrote..
> > > >Looks like she will be working for her money just like everyone else,
> > > >what a hypocrite ROTFL.
> >

> > Yes, for awhile I will be oppressed and in bondage to money, until the time
> > comes for the tribulation to destroy most of the wicked. What slavery I am
> > forced into now, has nothing to do with future events, when I rise to power
> > and destroy money, but you will be long gone, dead and hell with the rest of
> > the evil doers. .

> Twilight Zone music playing in the background...
> [snip]

Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).


Koook Watcher -peyote-

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 07:26:23 GMT, Paul Duca <>

>Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
>than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).

You mean like this:








-dore kook fart #12-



Kook Watcher

The truth was being revealed to me ... I was the completion of the plan of redemption.
Instead of the trinity, there are NOW four in one, of the Godhead, noted by the number 1111.

God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Christ, the sacrificial lamb and Teacher, and me, the judge and redeemer.

-dore kook fart #4-

Dore Williamson

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/29/00
you wrote..

> >Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
> >than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).

If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring them to
do, ALL suffering would cease. But you, on the other hand, keep feeding and
empowering evil so that the suffering continues. But sine you insist on
being evil, and have no desire for repentence and goodness, then the only
other choice for the righteous to be set free from your evil's oppression is
to rid the earth of you.

Ezek 25:7
7 Behold, therefore I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and will deliver
thee for a spoil to the heathen; and I will cut thee off from the people,
and I will cause thee to perish out of the countries: I will destroy thee;
and thou shalt know that I am the LORD.

Isa 13:3-9
3 I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for
mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.
4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a
tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of
hosts mustereth the host of the battle.
5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and
the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.
6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a
destruction from the Almighty.
7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt:
8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they
shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at
another; their faces shall be as flames.
9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce
anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof
out of it.

Matt 24:37-39
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered
into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be.

So, we the righteous, have only to wait until your flood of destruction

Matt 13:38-43
38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom;
but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the
world; and the reapers are the angels.
40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it
be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of
his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and
gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their
Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

And what have YOU done to alleviate suffering? You are great at pointing
fingers, when all you do is cause evil and suffering, and nothing else, so
thus, your evil will be the end of you and destruction is all that your
future holds. And after you are gone, then can the righteous shine like the
sun and freedom, peace, and security will finally come to the earth. YOU
offer no words, nor righteousness ANYWHERE, to stop the madness of evil,
corruption, horror, oppression, greed, violence, not even here in this NG,
to uplift, edify, or inform any one else of the goodness needed to conquer
evil, but you conform to evil, in all you do, and are the feeders of the
source of evil, and yet, arrogantly accuse others, when you are more
horrible than any testifier of truth.

Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Koook Watcher -peyote- <> wrote in message


Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
You're sure a sick fuck, aren't you Dore?

Dore Williamson wrote:
> you wrote..
> > >Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
> > >than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).
> >
> If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring them to
> do, ALL suffering would cease. But you, on the other hand, keep feeding and
> empowering evil so that the suffering continues. But sine you insist on
> being evil, and have no desire for repentence and goodness, then the only
> other choice for the righteous to be set free from your evil's oppression is
> to rid the earth of you.


"You think there is a magic pixie that came from nowhere,
made the universe, then tortures people eternally for not
believing in it, because it loves them? Does that sum it
up?" -Steve Knight

ufo lands in dores yard :-D

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
It -dore- spat:

>If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring them to
>do, ALL suffering would cease.

You mean like you don't do? What a hypocrite, you preach saying that
money is the root of all evil, well you are trying to serve two master
dore, money and god -aka yourself-.

So where is YOUR faith dore? If you are god how come you don't have
the faith to leave your job hmm? Can you rely on god now and do it?

Or do you make excuses up to avoid the facts that you are not god, and
you are unable to do anything above or beyond what anyone else can do.

Face it dore you are powerless to even live without the money you
preach against, which is really funny -like most things you go on
about- because you claim to be the fourth member of the trinity -aka
god-. LOL.

What a powerless god you are that is reduced to hissy fits on the

Here are a few of your more funny hissy fits:

Date: 1998/06/17

You all find out very soon, only by denying me now, you risk the
chance of being caught in the flood of destruction.

Here are some hints, Capitalism is the beast, Clinton is the lawless
one and next year, many places will be left desolate and empty because
of biological warfare used as rebellion against this evil nation, the
US, which permeates it's lies and corruption and control over the
whole earth.

And where the dead carcasses are so the eagles will be gathered and
then I will be revealed ...

-dore kook fart #5-

Date: 1998/06/26

You'll pay for all that you do and say to me. Don't forget that,
whether you believe it or not. It still will be done .. I will be
justified .. Next year will be my revealing to the masses.

-dore kook fart #6-


Hey what happened dore LOL? Let me guess time to alter the meaning
right? Oh looookee here I found a few more dore going bonkers rants:

I just toss those without truth, understanding, reason and
consideration, out of my kingdom and eternal life.

You want proof, you'll get it in hell, apostate.

I say, begone evil doer, you are cast out into outer darkness, you
rejected me on earth,

I have not found you worthy to enter into the Presence of the Father.
I would not have Him have to tolerate such as your kind. Your judgment
is over.

You are just angering me and when you do that, justification will just
be worse for you. So do yourself a favor, and leave it where it lies,
your pushing me does not help your eternal situation ..

you will die of grief for refuting and attacking me, in evil.

I cast you out, and don't care what you think, you have been found
unworthy to enter God's kingdom, no matter what accusations you pour
on me. I get the last word, and that is that, no matter what you

Even though, I have nothing to prove to you, I have asked for your
death ....

Death has been given to you, although not in your timing because you
are less than a worm .........

-dore kook fart #9-

A collection of a few of her rants put together :-D

One of my favorites is this one where she really loses it:






-dore kook fart #12-


>And what have YOU done to alleviate suffering?

And what have you done to alleviate suffering while working for the
beast under the authority of Clinton -aka the so called anti christ-?

>You are great at pointing fingers, when all you do is cause evil and
>suffering, and nothing else,

You are great at pointing fingers when all you do is type and spit on
your monitor pretending to be god while being unable to face up to the
reality that you can't do squat in the real world.

You even work for the beasts money -using dores terminology here- so
much for your faith now. What's the matter your godly powers can't
provide for you hmm?

As a matter of fact you can't even tell me the color of my rubbish
bin, all you can do is make up excuses to avoid the reality of your
own powerlessness.

>so thus, your evil will be the end of you and destruction is all that your
>future holds.

See there you go again putting it in the future because you are
totally powerless to do anything now ROTFL. It is all in your head
dore like when you said these things trying to put them in the future:

Date: 1998/06/17

You all find out very soon, only by denying me now, you risk the
chance of being caught in the flood of destruction.

Here are some hints, Capitalism is the beast, Clinton is the lawless
one and next year, many places will be left desolate and empty because
of biological warfare used as rebellion against this evil nation, the
US, which permeates it's lies and corruption and control over the
whole earth.

And where the dead carcasses are so the eagles will be gathered and
then I will be revealed ...

-dore kook fart #5-

Date: 1998/06/26

You'll pay for all that you do and say to me. Don't forget that,
whether you believe it or not. It still will be done .. I will be
justified .. Next year will be my revealing to the masses.

-dore kook fart #6-

1992-.I saw the ovens used by Hitler and the smokestacks raising into
the sky. On the top of the smokestacks was the year 1999

-dore kook fart #7-


So much for your imagination when it comes to future events LOL.

>And after you are gone, then can the righteous shine like the
>sun and freedom, peace, and security will finally come to the earth. YOU
>offer no words, nor righteousness ANYWHERE, to stop the madness of evil,
>corruption, horror, oppression, greed, violence, not even here in this NG,
>to uplift, edify, or inform any one else of the goodness needed to conquer
>evil, but you conform to evil, in all you do, and are the feeders of the
>source of evil, and yet, arrogantly accuse others, when you are more
>horrible than any testifier of truth.

LOL you are one to talk about madness, here read this:


1993- I was lying on my stomach, and aliens were doing experiments
with my sex organs and rectum.

Everything seemed very real as all senses were in operation. God came
in as if to comfort me, and he watched and winced several times.

Although I couldn't see the aliens, in my spirit, I knew they were
demons who formed themselves into aliens for a deception.

-dore kook fart #2-


Kook Watcher.

ufo lands in dores yard :-D

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00

Erikc wrote:

>> >And what are you going to do, Dore? Work your little penny-ante
>> >receptionist's job, and spend all your free time on the internet
>> >trying to convince people of your alleged divinity? Hunh, girl? I'll
>> >say this for you, Dore, you're cheap entertainment.

It -dore- spat, totally covering her monitor this time with drool:

>NO, I am going to continue to separate the goats from the sheep as I have
>been until the tribulation and destruction comes,

ROTFLMAO on the internet? Not only are you powerless to live by faith
alone -well you do claim to be god- you also need the money to pay for
your internet hissy 'I am god too' fits.

How powerless can god get? Now god needs the internet and money to
proclaim his return? What a joke.

I wonder what Christians think about god sitting in front of a monitor
judging people by their posts LOL.

>when you are being destroyed in the hurricanes, tornadoes, floods,
>volcanic eruptions, war or violence, disease or whatever takes your

You don't know again??? Wow god is even reduced here to guess work.

As a matter of fact god -aka dore the fourth member of the trinity ..
well so she says- is powerless to do anything but make up excuses
which are designed to avoid the true state of her powerlessness to do
anything in the real world.

She relies on money, the internet a computer .. and that is supposed
to be god? The return of Jesus as Christians say who is to come in all
power and glory?

Yeah right dore maybe in your pea brain delusion ROTFL.

>And when you are gone, and dead, I will still be here, testifying
>of truth until my time comes to rise to glory. And those you think
>has real life, their lives will be taken from them and death and
>horror is all they will ever know.

Because dore can't do anything in the real world -it is all in her
head- she tries to avoid proof -with excuses- and say this will all
happen in the future LOL.

What dore forgets is she has got things wrong before when trying to
predict the future -no great surprise there- here look:


Date: 1998/06/17

You all find out very soon, only by denying me now, you risk the
chance of being caught in the flood of destruction.

Here are some hints, Capitalism is the beast, Clinton is the lawless
one and next year, many places will be left desolate and empty because
of biological warfare used as rebellion against this evil nation, the
US, which permeates it's lies and corruption and control over the
whole earth.

And where the dead carcasses are so the eagles will be gathered and
then I will be revealed ...

-dore kook fart #5-


Date: 1998/06/26

You'll pay for all that you do and say to me. Don't forget that,
whether you believe it or not. It still will be done .. I will be
justified .. Next year will be my revealing to the masses.

-dore kook fart #6-


1992-.I saw the ovens used by Hitler and the smokestacks raising into
the sky. On the top of the smokestacks was the year 1999

-dore kook fart #7-


See what I mean? Naturally people like dore who are stuck in their own
delusion have a continual need to explain away -or make up excuses-
about their false prophecies or predictions because they can never be
wrong ROTFL.

>I may be cheap entertainment but you are worthless trash in God's eyes, as
>you serve Satan, and will soon to endure the consequences of your choices.
>Maybe not this year, maybe not next, but sooner than YOU think.

dore clean you monitor, your spitting again :-D

Here is one place where she really lost the plot and even laughed like
a mad person:


My power will not be revealed to you, until you are swept in hell

Then you will be weeping for forgiveness but I will not hear. I
cannot wait to hear your cries, with the rest of the wicked, so I can

I have only ten years to wait for your cries, in which I will laugh as
you are destined to hell.

but I will have the last laugh

I am already laughing at your calamity and as I rejoice in the
judgment of the wicked which will be upon all the earth in the next
ten years, before I am revealed. My time has not run out, for it is
eternal, for what God bows to your will? NONE.....haha

That is my hope in God for all eternity, That is my faith.

my guess, that you will be killed in the physical, to regret the
spiritual and mourn forevermore.

Then you will believe. And I will still be laughing..

-dore kook fart #10-


See what I mean? You can just imagine her spitting, spluttering,
foaming and laughing crazily as she type the above :-D

Get help dore and face the facts that you are not god and you really
are so powerless in the real world that you can't even tell me the
color of my own rubbish bin ROTFLMAO.

Kook Watcher.

Alan Ferris

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/1/00
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:19:13 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
<> wrote:

>you wrote..
>> >Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
>> >than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).

>If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring them to

>do, ALL suffering would cease. But you, on the other hand, keep feeding and
>empowering evil so that the suffering continues. But sine you insist on
>being evil, and have no desire for repentence and goodness, then the only
>other choice for the righteous to be set free from your evil's oppression is
>to rid the earth of you.

But I do follow his words.....beware of false profits.....therefore begone
false profit!!

Tell you what though....if you really want to save somebody....take a look
at Pastor Frank....he lies and thinks god will let him off.

Alan Ferris
eligo, ergo sum Atheist #1211
EAC(UK) "Son of Perdition" Ironic Torture Dept.
Suddenly, in a microsm of moment,
Unknown - earthbound me - was released
Into a moment where time stood still,
And I knew then who God was me,
And I knew who made Spike Milligan
For Fishy things:
ICQ UIN: 12811297


Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:19:13 -0500
"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|you wrote..
>|> >Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
>|> >than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).
>|If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring them to
>|do, ALL suffering would cease. But you, on the other hand, keep feeding and
>|empowering evil so that the suffering continues. But sine you insist on
>|being evil, and have no desire for repentence and goodness, then the only
>|other choice for the righteous to be set free from your evil's oppression is
>|to rid the earth of you.

Dore, why don't you just admit that "evil" is anything you either [1]
don't like, [2] don't want to face up to, or [3] can't handle or
control. Since that seems to cover just about _everything_, just say
that life itself is "evil", hang it up, and off yourself.

Dore Williamson

Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
you wrote..

> --
> "You think there is a magic pixie that came from nowhere,
> made the universe, then tortures people eternally for not
> believing in it, because it loves them? Does that sum it
> up?" -Steve Knight

NO, there is a God of Gods who made the Universe, and condemns the evil
doers and wicked followers of Satan to hell for all eternity, exactly what
their actions deserve. You took this great love and spit in His face and
thus your evil, corrupt, dark, blind, arrogant, rude, and a horror to all
people and your actions, will be eternally justified, and that sums it all


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Sniper <> wrote in message

> You're sure a sick fuck, aren't you Dore?
> Dore Williamson wrote:
> >

> > you wrote..
> > > >Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
> > > >than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).
> > >
> >
> > If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring
them to
> > do, ALL suffering would cease. But you, on the other hand, keep feeding
> > empowering evil so that the suffering continues. But sine you insist on
> > being evil, and have no desire for repentence and goodness, then the
> > other choice for the righteous to be set free from your evil's
oppression is
> > to rid the earth of you.

Dore Williamson

Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
you wrote..

> You mean like you don't do? What a hypocrite, you preach saying that
> money is the root of all evil, well you are trying to serve two master
> dore, money and god -aka yourself-.

Matt 6:33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you.

To be born again, man must, like I did, forsake all things, career, money,
possessions and their past lives to walk as Christ walked, and after
receiving the Holy Spirit of truth and entering into the kingdom of God, all
things, including money, possessions, and all earthly needs will be added,
just like they are being added unto me now.
I don't serve money, I am in bondage and oppressed by it.

you wrote..

> Or do you make excuses up to avoid the facts that you are not god, and
> you are unable to do anything above or beyond what anyone else can do.

You'd be surprised what I can do. I can cast out evil spirits, cause
witchcraft to loose it's power, hear people's thoughts, know their spirits,
and hearts, discern evil spirits from good, see and visit heaven often,
stand in the presence of God, make Satan flee, counsel with angels, and see
realms and Universes that you don't even know exist. I can condemn or
redeem. I can see the lies as if they were plainly said, and I KNOW GOD, and
all that He feels, thinks, and does. I experience His love fully and
completely in ways that you have never known love. I feel other people's
emotions as if they were my own, with just a look on their faces. I speak in
tongues and use this power to thwart evil. I can control people's emotions,
thoughts, and spirits with my words. I have seen heaven and hell in all
levels. I have spent time in earth's past and in it's future. I have been on
other planets, and I walk in the spiritual realm all night, every night. I
have witnessed miracles and experienced them countless times. I can speak to
others in close proximity through their spirits and enter into their
thoughts and minds without ever speaking a word from my lips.

And so, I guess everybody has all these powers, huh?

you wrote..

> You'll pay for all that you do and say to me. Don't forget that,
> whether you believe it or not. It still will be done .. I will be
> justified .. Next year will be my revealing to the masses.
> -dore kook fart #6-
> -------
> Hey what happened dore LOL? Let me guess time to alter the meaning
> right? Oh looookee here I found a few more dore going bonkers rants:

I'll tell you what happened, which I am sure you will give me NO compassion,
nor understanding for my error. But you must understand this. I fight and
face Satan every day. I am bombarded with his tricks, and deceptions. He is
very subtle and uses truth to be convincing, and I was beguiled by him in my
thinking that my revelation is sooner than it truly is. That is the trials
of MY education and also, my own desire for this to be over, got ahead of
right thinking. However, as NOT as I expected, I am being revealed, in the
spirit realm and NOT in the physical as I thought. Tiny error on my part.
But you, who has no compassion, reasoning or understanding of my fate and
fight, you will also dismiss this truth, in your desire to attack me in all
things, for you are evil in every respect and have no righteousness to
understand things that you cannot comprehend. YOU never had to fight Satan
daily, or continuously, nor are you his target for deception, so you have no
clue of what it is like being in my shoes, and living and doing as I did.
All you have is YOUR expectations, of what YOU think SHOULD occur according
to YOUR imaginations. NO truth, NO experience, NO knowledge, NO wisdom, NO
righteousness, NO idea of what it is like to endure and fight against Satan,
or what God has prepared for my education. You think only of yourself always
and never consider anything else or what others go through. You have NO
idea of the spiritual forces in play here, or how God does things, nor do
you have any consideration or patience for the concepts of the education
needed to fight against evil at any time, nor do you have any concept of
what it is like to be Christ returned or what I must overcome to deserve
that crown. So I don't expect you to understand, that I must deal with my
own frailties, and human expectations according to the Word, only to find
out later, how I erred and what causes that error for my education to
fulfill the duties of overcoming all obstacles, lies, deceptions and evil.
NO, all you do is pick and accuse, attack and blame, arrogantly abuse and
speak foolishly without wisdom because you are evil in all respects. But
know this, no matter how much you refuse to believe that I have the power to
throw you into hell, and that you WILL die and be condemned, it WILL occur,
whether you scoff or not.

you wrote.

> You are great at pointing fingers when all you do is type and spit on
> your monitor pretending to be god while being unable to face up to the
> reality that you can't do squat in the real world.

I do more than you do at all times, I speak truth. Something that you have
no concept of. Another thing I do, is repent when I am wrong, and confess,
humbly, while I am still growing and being made perfect. You on the other
hand, cannot even look at yourself truly in anything, much less testify
humbly in repentence of your errors, for you are full of Satan's pride and
arrogance, and have no REALNESS in truth.

you wrote.

> You even work for the beasts money -using dores terminology here- so
> much for your faith now. What's the matter your godly powers can't
> provide for you hmm?

Yes, I am forced into money's slavery, bondage and oppression, but at least
I realize it. God's plan obviously is NOT one of provisions without money,
for I did try to live without it for three years, but man is too evil to see
money's horror and limitations. Did you ever think that maybe God purposed
that I return to money's bondage to hate it with full capacity to give me
the power and strength to fight against it, for what man fights passionately
against something that he has no experience or suffering in? As scripture
claims that I would NOT be given miraculous and supernatural powers in this
day, that my testament and words of truth and faith are all I need to
continue in the purpose that I will fulfill. After all, even the word says..

Rev 5:12
12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive
power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and

So you see, at some point I will receive riches, power, strength etc, to
fulfill my purpose when the time is come to do so. Did you ever think that
with all of my knowledge, wisdom and understanding, that I have had
countless thoughts in how I could make millions of profits in many
capitalistic ideas, but I cannot bring myself to do such a thing as to steal
money from my neighbor, so I have negated these thoughts. So I KNOW that
all riches can be obtained by mere fame, and by no effort on my part, but I
wait for the right time for this fame to be utilized and am still in
question myself, how I should approach this idea, for it must be in
righteousness, honor and perfection in God's glory to be attained, and thus
I have NOT found the avenue to enter into fame according to how I think it
should occur. Did you ever think that God has denied me this information,
for His own will and the precepts of time, so that man has enough time to
grow into the perfect beings for this to occur according to the prophets,
who testify that this will only occur AFTER the tribulation and destruction
of the wicked, and so the WORD MUST be fulfilled perfectly accordingly. NO,
YOU want everything to happen according to YOUR will and understanding and
thus have no consideration for God's timing.

you wrote.

> As a matter of fact you can't even tell me the color of my rubbish
> bin, all you can do is make up excuses to avoid the reality of your
> own powerlessness.

To think that God is concerned with the color of your rubbish bin is
immature at best and ridiculous in all considerations. Just shows how small
minded, blind, arrogant and childish you are.

And your ignorance and misunderstanding of all of my other prophecies, only
proves that you don't have the mind of righteousness and spiritual
interpretations, for their understanding.

Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

ufo lands in dores yard :-D <> wrote in message

Dore Williamson

Mar 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/2/00
you wrote..

> Dore, why don't you just admit that "evil" is anything you either [1]
> don't like, [2] don't want to face up to, or [3] can't handle or
> control. Since that seems to cover just about _everything_, just say
> that life itself is "evil", hang it up, and off yourself.

Hey demon, I would rather just hang it up, that you will always be evil and
thus wait for your destruction to commence, for my freedom of you and evil,
because God said that you will be gone soon, according to my anger and fury
to be appeased.

Fortunately, I don't have to wait too long, for my fury, anger and wrath are
growing every day.

Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

erikc <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:19:13 -0500
> "Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
> -- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

> >|you wrote..
> >|> >Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
> >|> >than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).
> >|>
> >|

> >|If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring
them to

> >|do, ALL suffering would cease. But you, on the other hand, keep feeding
> >|empowering evil so that the suffering continues. But sine you insist on
> >|being evil, and have no desire for repentence and goodness, then the
> >|other choice for the righteous to be set free from your evil's
oppression is
> >|to rid the earth of you.

> Dore, why don't you just admit that "evil" is anything you either [1]
> don't like, [2] don't want to face up to, or [3] can't handle or
> control. Since that seems to cover just about _everything_, just say
> that life itself is "evil", hang it up, and off yourself.
> Erikc (alt.atheist #002) | "An Fhirinne in aghaidh an tSaoil."
> BAAWA Knight | "The Truth against the World."
> ICQ 26776011 | -- Bardic Motto
> "Today on Jerry Springer: Religious whack jobs melt down before your
> very eyes..."
> ======
> "There is four of us. All with the same spirit. There is God,
> the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Gods. The
> there is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and indwelling
> of Godliness, and then there is the first Christ, the teacher

> and sacrificial lamb, and then, there is me, the judge and


Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
Dore Williamson wrote:
> you wrote..
> > --
> > "You think there is a magic pixie that came from nowhere,
> > made the universe, then tortures people eternally for not
> > believing in it, because it loves them? Does that sum it
> > up?" -Steve Knight
> NO, there is a God of Gods who made the Universe, and condemns the evil
> doers and wicked followers of Satan to hell for all eternity, exactly what
> their actions deserve. You took this great love and spit in His face and
> thus your evil, corrupt, dark, blind, arrogant, rude, and a horror to all
> people and your actions, will be eternally justified, and that sums it all
> up.

Listen up, you judgemental bitch: If there is a hell, you'll be
first in line to go there. You lucked out though, because there
isn't one. Lucky for you, eh, fruitcake?

> Dore
> Isa 30:27
> 27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
> the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
> tongue as a devouring fire:
> (KJV)

> Sniper <> wrote in message
> > You're sure a sick fuck, aren't you Dore?
> >
> > Dore Williamson wrote:
> > >

> > > you wrote..
> > > > >Yeah, it's not like SHE'S done anything to help the suffering (other
> > > > >than the hissy fits she throws on Usenet).
> > > >
> > >
> > > If all men would obey all the words of Christ, that I keep imploring
> them to
> > > do, ALL suffering would cease. But you, on the other hand, keep feeding
> and
> > > empowering evil so that the suffering continues. But sine you insist on
> > > being evil, and have no desire for repentence and goodness, then the
> only
> > > other choice for the righteous to be set free from your evil's
> oppression is
> > > to rid the earth of you.
> >


Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
Dore Williamson wrote:
> you wrote..
> > Dore, why don't you just admit that "evil" is anything you either [1]
> > don't like, [2] don't want to face up to, or [3] can't handle or
> > control. Since that seems to cover just about _everything_, just say
> > that life itself is "evil", hang it up, and off yourself.
> Hey demon, I would rather just hang it up, that you will always be evil and
> thus wait for your destruction to commence, for my freedom of you and evil,
> because God said that you will be gone soon, according to my anger and fury
> to be appeased.
> Fortunately, I don't have to wait too long, for my fury, anger and wrath are
> growing every day.

What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?


Have you taken your medication today?

Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
It -dore- spat:

>To be born again, man must, like I did, forsake all things, career, money,
>possessions and their past lives to walk as Christ walked, and after
>receiving the Holy Spirit of truth and entering into the kingdom of God, all
>things, including money, possessions, and all earthly needs will be added,
>just like they are being added unto me now.

Sure dore your excuses are a joke. You are not following your gods
commands **now** are you hmm? No wonder Christians laugh at your
excuses even I can see the stupidity of your excuses.

Where does it say in your bible where its okay to follow god for
awhile in complete faith 'walking in perfection' and then dropping out
and following the money god -as you preach- hmm?

What a hypocrite you really are.

>I don't serve money, I am in bondage and oppressed by it.

Face up to it dore you do. Leave you job lets see how much faith you
have **without money**. What you don't even have the faith to do that
now?? What a delusional fraud you really are.

>You'd be surprised what I can do.

You can't do squat dore face up to it. Say did you have a nice rest

>I can cast out evil spirits, cause witchcraft to loose it's power,

All without proof naturally. Face it dore you can't even rebuke the
thing you call satan because he -according to your own words- tricks
you .. and you believe it LOL.

As a matter of fact you believe it so much that you judge other people
on rejecting the words -in this case prophecies- of satan.

>hear people's thoughts,

Not only are you a kooky but your also stupid. Here read what you said
and then get back to me about your great powers LOL:


From: "Dore Williamson" <>
Subject: nuclear bombs tested
Date: 15 Aug 1997 00:00:00 GMT
Newsgroups: alt.war.nuclear

Anybody know how many nuclear bombs were tested by the American
government since the 1940's?

How about, how many by the other countries that have nuclear
capability? ... Anyway How much radiation have they poured into our
atmosphere and water, ruining it for centuries?

Anybody know where I can find out? .........

Thanks for the info.


ROTFLMAO you are so powerless you had to try and find your information
on the internet :-D What happened dore you couldn't hear thoughts that
day? God & the angels were not able to pass on this information to

Wake up stupid you can't do squat in the real world.

Then you went and had another kook fart when you said this:


From: "Dore Williamson" <>
Subject: nuclear war is happening..NOW
Date: 03 Dec 1997 00:00:00 GMT

Anyone having information regarding any of this or any other
suspicious activities, I would love to hear about it as I am prepared
to do something about it.


You mean you -aka supposedly god- don't know dore??? You have to ask
for help **again** on the NG's? See how powerless you are?


>know their spirits, and hearts, discern evil spirits from good, see and visit
>heaven often, stand in the presence of God, make Satan flee, counsel
>with angels, and see realms and Universes that you don't even know exist.

Yeah like everything else its all in your head. Face up to it dore you
can't do anything in the real world except make excuses up to avoid

the reality of your own powerlessness.

>I can condemn or redeem. I can see the lies as if they were plainly

>said, and I KNOW GOD, and all that He feels, thinks, and does.

Like I said in your head. You still have not presented anything which
proves your claims. Empty words dore, empty claims, wow anyone can
type the garbage you do ... big deal.

In fact you are so powerless you have to ask people on the NG's for
help and information. All those hilarious claims of yours suddenly
shatter when it comes time for facts in the real world .. right dore?

When you are shown to stuff up, or unable to prove something you like
the rest of your kind quickly run for the excuses ... yeah seen it all

>I experience His love fully and completely in ways that you have
>never known love. I feel other people's emotions as if they were
>my own, with just a look on their faces.

See dore more proof its all in your head.

>I speak in tongues and use this power to thwart evil. I can control
>people's emotions, thoughts, and spirits with my words.

Sure dore you can't even control your own kook farts let alone
controlling other peoples emotions ROTFL.

>I have seen heaven and hell in all levels. I have spent time in
>earth's past and in it's future. I have been on other planets,
>and I walk in the spiritual realm all night, every night. I
>have witnessed miracles and experienced them countless times.
>I can speak to others in close proximity through their spirits and
>enter into their thoughts and minds without ever speaking a word
>from my lips.

You know you are so funny because with all those powers you claimed in
the above, you still can't even tell me what book is on my desk or the
color of my rubbish bin. ROTFLMAO. All you can do is type and make
excuses up.

Wake up call dore, your still powerless in the real world.

>And so, I guess everybody has all these powers, huh?

You bet. Any idiot can type what you have done, and the proof was
...... damn there isn't any proof .. I forgot you can only boast about
your imaginary powers but you can't prove any of it. That's right you
quickly run to for the excuses.

I previously wrote:

>> You'll pay for all that you do and say to me. Don't forget that,
>> whether you believe it or not. It still will be done .. I will be
>> justified .. Next year will be my revealing to the masses.
>> -dore kook fart #6-
>> -------
>> Hey what happened dore LOL? Let me guess time to alter the meaning
>> right? Oh looookee here I found a few more dore going bonkers rants:

dore replied -with an **excuse** just like I **predicted** LOL:

>I'll tell you what happened, which I am sure you will give me NO compassion,
>nor understanding for my error

As I said **before** you replied to this you only have a few choices
open to you, make an excuse up -to avoid facing reality- etc etc.

Now you ask for compassion because you were **WRONG** with your

Maybe people should use your own words of hatred against you and claim
it is compassion LOL. Naturally your type needs to quickly put the
blame somewhere else.

BTW you -as god- made an error???

>But you must understand this. I fight and face Satan every day.
>I am bombarded with his tricks, and deceptions. He is very subtle
>and uses truth to be convincing, and I was beguiled by him in my
>thinking that my revelation is sooner than it truly is.

Ahh so god was tricked, okay but lets not forget you also said this in
this very post dore:

>know their spirits, and hearts, discern evil spirits from good,

See you disprove your own claim, man are you confused so much for your
claims huh? Lets look at what else you have said in other posts shall

>I have been given the power of discernment between good and evil

Really dore so what happened did you lose your power when it came to
the reality test? Oh look here is another kook fart from you:

>.. seek God and get as close to him as possible so you can have the
>wisdom and knowledge to discern evil from good. The closer to the
>devil you are, the more confusion and blindness sets into your mind.

So I guess because your so confused you must be really close to satan.
Hey look at this kook fart of yours:

>I, too , am one of these end-time prophets. ... need to be on guard of
>the devil's tactics. I have seen, and through the grace of God and His
>gift of descerning of spirits and the wisdom of knowing the gospel and
>the truth revealed to me, as the Spirit wrote the scripture on my heart
>and mind, that many are fooled by Satan's deception.

What discernment dore? You failed again, being unable to tell god, the
angels and satan apart? Where was your so-called power dore? Face up
to it you can't do squat in the real world.

>That is the trials of MY education and also, my own desire for this to be over,

Your own desire?? Huh see we were right all along, it is all in your
head and most of it is based on your unstable emotionalism.

I had an idea that was part of your problem when you went kooky over
one picture and began to weave a fantasy around it that nuclear was
taking place **NOW** -back in 1997-.

You did the same with the AIDS article etc etc.

>got ahead of right thinking. However, as NOT as I expected,
>I am being revealed, in the spirit realm and NOT in the physical
>as I thought.

Yep just like I said, you ran **once again** for the excuses. Man are
you predictable. See dore you have no proof, when reality came you
bolted for the excuses and now as always you avoid reality by placing
it all in your la la land fantasy.

>Tiny error on my part.

ROTFLMAO a tiny error?? Here lets look at some of the things you said
shall we and see your kook farts first hand:


Dores false prophecies -inspired by satan-



You all find out very soon, only by denying me now, you risk the
chance of being caught in the flood of destruction.

... Clinton is the lawless one and next year, many places will be left

desolate and empty because of biological warfare used as rebellion

against this evil nation, the US, ......

And where the dead carcasses are so the eagles will be gathered and
then I will be revealed...



You'll pay for all that you do and say to me. Don't forget that,
whether you believe it or not. It still will be done .. I will be
justified .. Next year will be my revealing to the masses.



1992-.I saw the ovens used by Hitler and the smokestacks raising into
the sky. On the top of the smokestacks was the year 1999



Date: 09 Oct 1998

A Christian said:

>>Why has God not yet heard your prayer for the destruction of
>>the earth? ..... in the Bible I find not verse about praying for the
>>destruction of the world.

dore replied:

>You haven't waited long enough..

>Tell me after 1999 is over, that it hasn't come true...


Comment: Yeah well guess what dore I am telling you now, and its after
1999 ROTFL.



Date: 22 Jun 1998

I will tell you, that next year, in 1999, deaths will increase, and
continue at a rapid rate, and biological warfare, will be the cause,
along with tempest and natural disasters, violence and cancers. It
will be as a flood, begin slowly and rise to incredible fervor until
all the wicked are removed, and the righteous, who endure until that
end, will shine like the sun, and my millennium can begin, which
perhaps could take my whole lifetime to complete. I am 44 now.

Does that help?



Date: 24 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT

And what happens when biological warfare snuffs out your life, and you
come to stand before me, and I remind you of this?



Date: 01 Apr 1998

... next year the sun will be dark the moon and stars will not shine.
... the world will be thrown into darkness for a period of time.

Perhaps three days of darkness, maybe more, I was not given the
exact period of time of darkness, only revelation of the event.

The light will return and the sign of the Son of man will appear in



Date: 1998

This was revealed to me this week...

Next year, the sun will be dark, the moon will not shine, and the
stars will not be seen. Go into a closet with no light, and you will
get an idea of what it will be like. It will not be caused by anything
of natural circumstance, but of miraculous doing. The whole earth will
be covered in this darkness. And the nations will mourn.



Date: 17 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT

.. I suggest the spirit of Satan overcomes you. And one more thing, I
don't play games, I never lie, I am not demented,

And when the hour of my glory comes and my vengeance peaks, then you
will believe, but too late, because you cannot understand truth in
reasoning and consideration now, because you are not prepared for the
second coming, but are blinded in fallacies. The day you speak of will
come next year, much to your horror.

I am the ultimate judge! ... Don't bother praying for me. I stand in
the Father constantly and see Him face to face daily. If I need
anything, I will ask Him directly. .. Where do you get your lies,



Date: 29 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT

Bilbo said:

>>Let me paint a possible prediction. It is the year 2030. When everyone
>>thinks of the years 1998-2010 everyone shakes their heads and said
>>how could so many have fallen for this end of the world stuff, oh well
>>live and learn, time goes on. Just a thought.

dore once again losing the plot replied:

In the year 2000, when you are dead and in hell, you will be thinking
how could I have been so blind to the signs of times and prophetic
events occurring every day right under my nose?



Date: 23 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT

I received this prophecy on 5/21/98.

Next year, on May 30, 1999, the beginning of the flood waters,
occurring from the melting of the ice caps, attributed to El Nino,
will begin to take affect. The homes located on the coastlines will be
slowly immerge. Their treasures will be lost to the sea, for future
divers to discover.

The fact that Clinton ( the Antichrist) is preparing for biological
warfare on the United States, .. as the nations who know the
evils of capitalism ( the beast) rebel against his authority, and will
ignite biological warfare against the people of this country.

They will place anthrax in imported fertilizer and other biological
weapons on imports to destroy America's control, as they destroy the
people who support this incredibly evil nation. This is the hour of
trial, spoken of in Revelation and the result that will cause the
carcasses, where the eagles will gather, before the coming of Christ.

As I prophesied before, that the days of darkness, before Christ is
revealed will occur next year, so is the Antichrist being revealed,
the man of lawlessness, who is preparing, in vain, for the attacks
that will leave the carcasses, as told by Christ at His revealing, is
occurring now at Clintons speech at the naval academy.



Date: 21 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT

They speak allot of truth but when the truth hits them square in the
eye, they deny and go on like the rest of the heretics.

But you will all know without fail, next year, when Christ is


13# -Bowing at dores feet LOL-

Date: 07 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT

Last night, the Father came to me and wrote His name on my forehead.

The Jews and the synagogue of Satan are the apostate Christians, and
the lovers of money.

Watch, then believe! In 1999 and therafter, you will bow at my feet,
and know that I am Lord.


14# -dores promises are worthless-

Date: 13 Sep 1998

I promise you that in the summer of 1999, I will be revealed. Howbeit,
in great tribulation, fear and sufferings, as where the carcasses are,
therewith I will be also.


# 15

Date: 26 Dec 1998

I don't need your prayers. I spend more time with God than I do on
earth. You are all misguided and need to believe in me, for unless you
do, you will NEVER be redeemed.

For when I will be revealed and recognized, the earth will be ravaged
by my fury, and all your doubts and ridicule of me will melt into fear
and horror.


Etc etc etc according to Christian bible you are a false prophet ROTFL
no wonder Christians don't believe your kook farts.


>But you, who has no compassion,

Sure dore like your stupid rants against those who rejected your 1999
false prophecies -you were hardly compassionate then were you-?

Now you ask for double standards hypocrite? Where was your compassion
hmm for those that did not and do not believe your kook farts?

Why you even went kooky sending people to hell, torment and the rest
because they rejected you stupid prophecy, huh see now why people
laugh at your claims?

A few compassionate dore posts:


1# ... this is his judgment. He will endure demon horror.
He will be raped by a hundred demons desiring only to
enjoy his rectum for their own pleasure.


Comment: Wow what is it with you dore and the rectum area? Kinda
reminds me of those aliens which you said were experimenting on your
own rectum. Very compassionate dore. Lets look at some more okay ..
stay with me on this:


2# Finding out too late the justice of my wrath, will be to your
horror and screaming, and my delight ..

3# You want proof, you'll get it in hell, apostate.

4# For when I will be revealed and recognized, the earth will be
ravaged by my fury, and all your doubts and ridicule of me will melt
into fear and horror.


Comment: You mean like what was supposed to happen in 1999?
ROTFLMAO So much for your threats of suffering, horror, pain etc at
your 1999 revealing.


5# The day you speak of will come next year, much to your horror. -aka
1999 again-

6# And what will you do, when you die and your spirit stands before me
an you find out ALL I said was true, and I say, begone evil doer, you
are cast out into outer darkness, you rejected me on earth, when I
came to redeem you and you denied me?


Comment: ALL THAT YOU SAY is true ROTFL yeah dore wake up you were
wrong AGAIN :-D


Well you get the picture dore there are so many of your spit attacks
where you send people to hell, -whatever- etc etc just because they
don't agree with you, and told you, you were wrong about 1999.

Wake up dore see how stupid your NG judgements were and still are? It
is all in your head.

Now that you have been caught crapping on about 1999 you ask for
compassion hoping people will overlook your kook farts -aka false
prophecies, false judgements etc- and instead look to your latest and
newer kook farts?

Yeah right dore. Here is my compassion for you, get help.

>reasoning or understanding of my fate and fight, you will also dismiss
>this truth,

What truth you FAILED get used to reality dore cause it is going to
now follow you around every time you have a new kook fart.

>in your desire to attack me in all things, for you are evil in every
>respect and have no righteousness to understand things
>that you cannot comprehend.

You still FAILED dore ROTFL remember that :-D

>YOU never had to fight Satan daily, or continuously, nor
>are you his target for deception, so you have no
>clue of what it is like being in my shoes, and living and doing as I did.

Sure dore the excuses come out after 1999 FAILED, so what happened to
your claims of being god? :-) Oh yeah and your claims of being able to
discern ... you FAILED AGAIN dore.

Hmm you even FAILED at being able to tell the difference between satan
and god even though you are supposed to be god too.

>All you have is YOUR expectations,

Yes I know they are all in your head.

>of what YOU think SHOULD occur according to YOUR imaginations.

Exactly this is what I keep telling you dore. Get help.

>NO truth, NO experience, NO knowledge, NO wisdom, NO
>righteousness, NO idea of what it is like to endure and fight against Satan,
>or what God has prepared for my education.

Get used to it dore YOU FAILED big time ROTFLMAO. No matter how much
you spit on your screen or drool on your keyboard the facts and
evidence remains. YOU WERE WRONG. :-D

>You think only of yourself always and never consider anything
>else or what others go through.

Well get help then if you are going through so much. Simple see.

>You have NO idea of the spiritual forces in play here, or how
>God does things, nor do you have any consideration or
>patience for the concepts of the education needed to fight
>against evil at any time, nor do you have any concept of
>what it is like to be Christ returned or what I must overcome to deserve
>that crown.

See how kooky you get when caught :-) Your excuses are just that,
excuses dore to avoid the reality of YOUR FAILURES and various kook

>So I don't expect you to understand, that I must deal with my
>own frailties, and human expectations according to the Word,

While your dealing with your problems you should apologize to people
for going crazy when they rejected your 1999 prophecy. See they didn't
die like YOU SAID, no biological warfare in the US took place, hitlers
gas chambers didn't happen in 1999, the sun did not go black .... etc.

Wake up dear and get help. See how powerless you really are.

>only to find out later, how I erred and what causes that error for my education to
>fulfill the duties of overcoming all obstacles, lies, deceptions and evil.

Yeah we know you failed dore, now deal with it and face the truth that
it is all in your head.

Your continual excuses and avoidance tactics will not help you to heal
your own mind. You have to face the facts that you can't do anything
above or beyond human capabilities.

Get over your 'I am god too' trip.

>NO, all you do is pick and accuse, attack and blame, arrogantly abuse and
>speak foolishly without wisdom because you are evil in all respects.

You mean like you do when you go of in a typical hissy fit? Wow I am
learning something from you LOL.

>But know this, no matter how much you refuse to believe that I have
>the power to throw you into hell, and that you WILL die and be
>condemned, it WILL occur, whether you scoff or not.

ROTFLMAO now you dore know this, you can't do squat, and even when you
try to show of with prophecy YOU FAIL. Got it dore? Good now deal with

>I do more than you do at all times, I speak truth.

Sure dore like 1999 right???? Why should anyone trust what you have to
say after your other kook farts FAILED?

How do you know that your latest kook farts are real hmm? You believed
your past FAILURES were real at the time.

Your discernment FAILED.
Your 1999 threats FAILED.
Your 1999 prophecies FAILED.

You are a FAILURE, deal with it dore.

>Something that you have no concept of. Another thing I do,
>is repent when I am wrong, and confess, humbly, while I am
>still growing and being made perfect.

But dore you are working for the beast, under the authority of the
anti-christ Clinton ROTFL.

You are not walking in perfection because YOU ARE RECEIVING A
PAY CHEQUE.... -see I can use your silly arguments too dore-.


>You on the other hand, cannot even look at yourself truly in anything,
>much less testify humbly in repentence of your errors, for you are full of
>Satan's pride and arrogance, and have no REALNESS in truth.

Oops dore I think satan is talking through you again ROTFL.

>Yes, I am forced into money's slavery, bondage and oppression, but at least
>I realize it.

What an excuse dore, you realize it so it is suddenly okay?? Face it
dore you don't have the faith to leave right now and trust in your
god's abilities to provide.

What a fraud. Oh well you can't preach against Christians now can you
since you are doing what you tell them not to do.

>God's plan obviously is NOT one of provisions without money,
>for I did try to live without it for three years, but man is too evil to see
>money's horror and limitations.

YOU FAILED AGAIN??? What kind of god/Jesus are you dore? See how
powerless you were with your so called faith in god. The blame is
yours dore not other peoples.

Stop trying to justify -and blame shift- your own FAILURES onto
everyone and everything else. You are supposed to be god, you can
bring manna down from heaven to feed yourself.

Oh that's right you can't do anything I forgot, you can only type
posts on the NG claiming to be god the fourth member of the trinity.

>Did you ever think that maybe God purposed that I return to money's
>bondage to hate it with full capacity to give me the power and strength
>to fight against it, for what man fights passionately against something
>that he has no experience or suffering in?

Did you ever stop to think that your excuses are designed to avoid the
reality of your own powerlessness?

dore your confused, first you did work, then you gave it up, now you
work again. So your above excuse FAILS again because you already hated
it -supposedly- when you went homeless.

Admit it dore you need money. You are what many call a hypocrite.

>As scripture claims that I would NOT be given miraculous and supernatural
>powers in this day, that my testament and words of truth and faith are all I need to
>continue in the purpose that I will fulfill. After all, even the word says..

Sure dore the Jesus of the Christians is supposed to come back in ALL
POWER AND GLORY, naturally you have to quickly re-interpret that to
mean something else because you are totally powerless ROTFL.

>So you see, at some point I will receive riches, power, strength etc, to
>fulfill my purpose when the time is come to do so.

How embarrassing that I -a non Christian- will have to teach you
-supposedly god & Jesus- your own bible.

There is no sometime about it dore. He comes back in the same manner
as he left, and guess what he left in his RESURRECTED BODY -which was
male not female BTW-

You haven't split the mountain in two, you haven't supposedly made the
world come up to Zion year after year to keep the feasts, no
resurrection of the dead has occurred etc etc.

In fact the only thing you have done is type on the internet claiming
that your Jesus. And I have noticed how you try to reinterpret every
bible verse which contradicts you so that you can fit yourself into
the picture and hold onto your delusion.

Wake up dore other so-called wanna be gods -whatever- do the same
thing. I find it interesting that everything to do with real proof you
avoid and make excuses up for .. now why do you do this dore? Think
about it .... its because you can't do anything right.

>Did you ever think that with all of my knowledge, wisdom and
>understanding, that I have had countless thoughts in how I
>could make millions of profits in many capitalistic ideas,

dore your losing it again, remember the post where you asked people
for help with your friends invention??? look at what you said there
and then get back to me with your so-called knowledge LOL.

>but I cannot bring myself to do such a thing as to steal money
>from my neighbor, so I have negated these thoughts.

You can't do anything out of the ordinary dore. Your own posts are
proof of that.

And Oh yeah you forgot you are stealing by working for that pay cheque
of yours LOL.

>So I KNOW that all riches can be obtained by mere fame, and by no
>effort on my part, but I wait for the right time for this fame to be utilized
>and am still in question myself, how I should approach this idea, for
>it must be in righteousness, honor and perfection in God's glory to
>be attained, and thus I have NOT found the avenue to enter into
>fame according to how I think it should occur.

You think you know, but like your FAILED PROPHECIES it is in your
head. You also claimed to KNOW then didn't you ROTFL.

See dore you need help.

>Did you ever think that God has denied me this information,
>for His own will and the precepts of time, so that man has enough time to
>grow into the perfect beings for this to occur according to the prophets,
>who testify that this will only occur AFTER the tribulation and destruction
>of the wicked, and so the WORD MUST be fulfilled perfectly accordingly. NO,
>YOU want everything to happen according to YOUR will and understanding and
>thus have no consideration for God's timing.

Did you ever think that your entire long post could be summed up in
something like these words:

'Yes I dore FAILED, I can't PROVE anything, and all I can do is type,
make up claims, invent excuses to avoid facing up to the reality that
I am only a person that needs help.'

>To think that God is concerned with the color of your rubbish bin is
>immature at best and ridiculous in all considerations. Just shows how small
>minded, blind, arrogant and childish you are.

See you can't do it again, face up to it dore you are all talk and
even when your talk is exposed as being FALSE you still try to avoid

>And your ignorance and misunderstanding of all of my other prophecies, only
>proves that you don't have the mind of righteousness and spiritual
>interpretations, for their understanding.

Yes dore you ignorance is showing, you FAILED deal with it now okay
and get some help.

Kook Watcher.

Have you taken your medication today?

Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
It -dore- spat:

>NO, there is a God of Gods who made the Universe, and condemns the evil
>doers and wicked followers of Satan to hell for all eternity, exactly what
>their actions deserve. You took this great love and spit in His face and
>thus your evil, corrupt, dark, blind, arrogant, rude, and a horror to all
>people and your actions, will be eternally justified, and that sums it all

Yeah well lets see if people can trust anything you say after they
read some of your past kook farts and FAILED PROPHECIES:









Date: 09 Oct 1998

A Christian said:

dore replied:




Date: 22 Jun 1998

Does that help?





Date: 01 Apr 1998



Date: 1998





Bilbo said:







Date: 13 Sep 1998


# 15

Date: 26 Dec 1998



Kook Watcher

Have you taken your medication today?

Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
It -dore- spat:

>NO, there is a God of Gods who made the Universe, and condemns the evil
>doers and wicked followers of Satan to hell for all eternity, exactly what
>their actions deserve. You took this great love and spit in His face and
>thus your evil, corrupt, dark, blind, arrogant, rude, and a horror to all
>people and your actions, will be eternally justified, and that sums it all

You mean like the young girl -8 to 10- I think that you saw in hell
because she murdered her father with an axe for sexually abusing her?

Your sick dore get help.

Kook Watcher.

Have you taken your medication today?

Mar 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/3/00
It -dore- spat:

>Hey demon,

How do you know dore that person is or has a demon when you admit you
get confused telling god and satan apart at times ROTFLMAO.

>I would rather just hang it up, that you will always be evil and
>thus wait for your destruction to commence, for my freedom of you and evil,
>because God said that you will be gone soon, according to my anger and fury
>to be appeased.
>Fortunately, I don't have to wait too long, for my fury, anger and wrath are
>growing every day.

Are you really, really, really sure this time dore? I mean with the
amount of stuff ups you have made so far it is a wonder you even
believe your own kook farts now-a-days.

Here dore look at these okay and refresh your mind as to your









Date: 09 Oct 1998

A Christian said:

dore replied:




Date: 22 Jun 1998

Does that help?





Date: 01 Apr 1998



Date: 1998





Bilbo said:







Date: 13 Sep 1998


# 15

Date: 26 Dec 1998



Kook Watcher.


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 18:01:03 -0500
"Dore Williamson" <> belched sulphurously:
-- origin: alt.atheism:

>|you wrote..
>|> --
>|> "You think there is a magic pixie that came from nowhere,
>|> made the universe, then tortures people eternally for not
>|> believing in it, because it loves them? Does that sum it
>|> up?" -Steve Knight

>|NO, there is a God of Gods who made the Universe, and condemns the evil
>|doers and wicked followers of Satan to hell for all eternity, exactly what
>|their actions deserve. You took this great love and spit in His face and
>|thus your evil, corrupt, dark, blind, arrogant, rude, and a horror to all
>|people and your actions, will be eternally justified, and that sums it all

Yet another kook fart from the neuron of Dore.

Erikc (alt.atheist #002) | "An Fhirinne in aghaidh an tSaoil."
BAAWA Knight | "The Truth against the World."
ICQ 26776011 | -- Bardic Motto

"Today on Jerry Springer: Religious whack jobs melt down before your
very eyes..."

"There is four of us. All with the same spirit. There is God,
the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Gods. The
there is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and indwelling
of Godliness, and then there is the first Christ, the teacher
and sacrificial lamb, and then, there is me, the judge and
redeemer. We are all one, in the same Godhead, but at times
separate entities."
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 14:49:28 -0500
From: "Dore Williamson" <>
Message-ID: <>

"NOT believing I am Christ is insanity and ignorance of
prophetic scripture to your own eternal demise. But that isn't
my problem. If you think sanity is ignorance, arrogance, and
infidelity of Christ, and your eventual eternal justice in hell,
then you have no clue of what sanity is."

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 19:04:38 -0500
From: "Dore Williamson" <>
Message-ID: <>


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
On Fri, 03 Mar 2000 18:09:52 +1030
Have you taken your medication today? <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.atheism:

>|It -dore- spat:

>|>NO, there is a God of Gods who made the Universe, and condemns the evil
>|>doers and wicked followers of Satan to hell for all eternity, exactly what
>|>their actions deserve. You took this great love and spit in His face and
>|>thus your evil, corrupt, dark, blind, arrogant, rude, and a horror to all
>|>people and your actions, will be eternally justified, and that sums it all

>|You mean like the young girl -8 to 10- I think that you saw in hell
>|because she murdered her father with an axe for sexually abusing her?

8..10 yo? That must have been how old Dore was when she read the story of
Lizzie Borden. Bet it freaked her out, too. Then when she started stoning
and reading the babble (all the while her mind was melting down), poor Dore
hallucinated the whole scenario.

>|Your sick dore get help.
>|Kook Watcher.


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 19:00:40 -0500
"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.atheism:

>|you wrote..

>|> Dore, why don't you just admit that "evil" is anything you either [1]
>|> don't like, [2] don't want to face up to, or [3] can't handle or
>|> control. Since that seems to cover just about _everything_, just say
>|> that life itself is "evil", hang it up, and off yourself.

>|Hey demon, I would rather just hang it up, that you will always be evil and

>|thus wait for your destruction to commence, for my freedom of you and evil,
>|because God said that you will be gone soon, according to my anger and fury
>|to be appeased.
>|Fortunately, I don't have to wait too long, for my fury, anger and wrath are
>|growing every day.

Translation: "Maybe if I scream louder, shriller and more stridently, these
eeevil atheists will change thier mind about me."

Yer beautiful when yer angry. Let's fuck.



Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
On Fri, 03 Mar 2000 02:30:39 GMT
Sniper <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.atheism:

>|Dore Williamson wrote:
>|> you wrote..
>|> > Dore, why don't you just admit that "evil" is anything you either [1]
>|> > don't like, [2] don't want to face up to, or [3] can't handle or
>|> > control. Since that seems to cover just about _everything_, just say
>|> > that life itself is "evil", hang it up, and off yourself.
>|> Hey demon, I would rather just hang it up, that you will always be evil and
>|> thus wait for your destruction to commence, for my freedom of you and evil,
>|> because God said that you will be gone soon, according to my anger and fury
>|> to be appeased.
>|> Fortunately, I don't have to wait too long, for my fury, anger and wrath are
>|> growing every day.

>|What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
>|with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
>|expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
>|I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?

Stop insulting horses asses by comparing them to those two.


Mar 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/4/00
On Fri, 03 Mar 2000 18:09:32 +1030, Have you taken your medication
today? <> wrote:

She proves herself to be false...what a shame.......
or is that sham?????
Go figure...

Kook Watcher

Mar 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/5/00
On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 00:22:44 GMT, (erikc) wrote:

>On Fri, 03 Mar 2000 18:09:52 +1030

>Have you taken your medication today? <> wrote:

>-- origin: alt.atheism:

>8..10 yo? That must have been how old Dore was when she read the story of
>Lizzie Borden. Bet it freaked her out, too. Then when she started stoning
>and reading the babble (all the while her mind was melting down), poor Dore
>hallucinated the whole scenario.

Actually I found her full sick kook fart, here it is:


From: "Dore Williamson" <>
Subject: After destruction.. then Hell, what it's like!
Date: 17 Mar 1998 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Again we looked up and another angel came and delivered another soul.
This time it was a little girl, about nine or ten years old.

She was dressed in a lacy white dress with white socks and paten
leather shoes. I was horrified that a child was brought here and the
angel told me she had murdered her dad with an ax.

He had been molesting her and she grabbed an ax and defended
herself but had been terminally injured in the struggle. They said her
dad also died in the conflict and was in this hell somewhere.

She innocently came up to me and asked why she was here. I asked her
why she chose the course of murder. She began to kick and scream and
spit at me and attempted to attack me. At that moment the angel that
had delivered her came back and retrieved her and took her to another

The angel beside me explained the error, that children and the elderly
were taken to another form of hell, a much calmer dwelling for the
demons and devils were too violent in this one.

My heart saddened for that little girl and I couldn’t get her off my
mind and it bothered me for quite awhile, but the angels assured me
that she had been quite evil and deserving her fate for our Father
would never be unjust to anyone and everything would be justified in
this spiritual realm.

The next day the 700 club reported the tragedy of the little girl,
again bringing the experience foremost in my mind. Gee, I
thought, if they only knew!


Kook Watcher


He will endure demon horror. He will be raped by a hundred demons
desiring only to enjoy his rectum for their own pleasure.

--dore kook fart # 47-


Dore Williamson

Mar 11, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/11/00
you wrote..

> What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
> with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
> expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
> I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?

I am the judge. It's my way or no way. Did you ever think that there IS ONLY
ONE WAY to God and no other? No, you don't realize anything but your own


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Sniper <> wrote in message

> Dore Williamson wrote:
> >
> > you wrote..
> > > Dore, why don't you just admit that "evil" is anything you either [1]
> > > don't like, [2] don't want to face up to, or [3] can't handle or
> > > control. Since that seems to cover just about _everything_, just say
> > > that life itself is "evil", hang it up, and off yourself.
> >
> > Hey demon, I would rather just hang it up, that you will always be evil
> > thus wait for your destruction to commence, for my freedom of you and
> > because God said that you will be gone soon, according to my anger and
> > to be appeased.
> >
> > Fortunately, I don't have to wait too long, for my fury, anger and wrath
> > growing every day.
> What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
> with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
> expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
> I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?

> [snip]

Francois Tremblay

Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
to (Dore Williamson) wrote in

>you wrote..
>> What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
>> with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
>> expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
>> I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?
>I am the judge. It's my way or no way.

You could have said something cooler, like "it's my way or the highway".

And doesn't the Babble say "Judge not, lest ye be judged" ?


Strong-atheist #1 (boycott alt.atheism numbers !)

Objective Thinking web site -
Staff writer for Mindkites magazine -
Staff writer for The Liberator magazine -

"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens" --candidate
George W Bush
Vote libertarian, the only party that fights for separation of church and
state !

"To be open-minded is to be misanthropic : to most people, reasonable
disagreement is hatred"


Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
Dore Williamson wrote:
> you wrote..
> > What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
> > with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
> > expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
> > I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?
> >
> I am the judge. It's my way or no way. Did you ever think that there IS ONLY
> ONE WAY to God and no other? No, you don't realize anything but your own
> delusions.

I know the expression "ROTFLMAO" is overused on the Usenet, but I
have to say, you Dore, telling anyone (besides your own, quite
intellectually challanged self) they're "delusional", is harlarious.
Have you ever thought about stand up comedy?



Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
On Sat, 11 Mar 2000 19:54:54 -0500
"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|you wrote..
>|> What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
>|> with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
>|> expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
>|> I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?
>|I am the judge. It's my way or no way. Did you ever think that there IS ONLY
>|ONE WAY to God and no other? No, you don't realize anything but your own

And I judge you to be a deviant whacko that should be locked up in a mental
institution until these "demons" of yours are exorcised.

Other than that, you're a hoot.

Koook Waatcher

Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
It -dore- spat:

>I am the judge. It's my way or no way. Did you ever think that there IS ONLY
>ONE WAY to God and no other? No, you don't realize anything but your own

You mean delusions like these dore:


-dore Challenges a person to tell her its not true AFTER 1999-

Date: 09 Oct 1998

dore said:

I pray daily for the earth to be destroyed because of evil's control
and faithless Christians apostasy. Give me a reason not to
pray for such annihilation.

A Christian responded:

Why has God not yet heard your prayer for the destruction of the

earth? If it is His desire to do so, and your desire is one with
His, why hasn't He done it yet? The Bible also says we first have the
millennium. Only after the millennium, the old earth will be
destroyed. And in the Bible I find not verse about praying for the
destruction of the world. ...

dore replied:

You haven't waited long enough ... Tell me after 1999 is over, that it

hasn't come true ...


-dore's Promises are Worthless, she promises to be revealed in the
summer of 1999-

Date: 13 Sep 1998

I promise you that in the summer of 1999, I will be revealed. Howbeit,
in great tribulation, fear and sufferings, as where
the carcasses are, therewith I will be also.


-dores Promises and Threats are worthless, her 1999 prophecy Failed-

Date: 27 Jun 1998

... your mockery will be eternally justified. ... you will find out
all too late. ... next year, when I am revealed, what will YOU
do then, after all this verbal abuse? There are lots of you evil ones
out there ... This human being has the power to throw you into the
deepest pit of hell, but you won't see it until you are there.. And do
I care...NADA...

These are not threats, but promises. I don't make threats just
judgments that will be kept unto all eternity.


Yeah right dore you already FAILED with your promises, threats and
judgements ROTFL.

As if anyone will listen to you with your past track record of getting
it all wrong :-D

Kook Watcher.


You're so don't even know what sucks...fool...

-another dore kook fart-

Ps hey dore doesn't your bible say to NOT USE the word FOOL? I think
your in danger of hell fire LOL. :-D

Dore Williamson

Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
you wrote

> And doesn't the Babble say "Judge not, lest ye be judged" ?

I AM the judge. If you know all of the words of Christ and the will of the
Father, then by all means, judge me in righteousness.

you wrote..

> You could have said something cooler, like "it's my way or the highway".

But it's NOT the highway, it's more like the hellway.

Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Francois Tremblay <> wrote in message

> (Dore Williamson) wrote in
> <>:

> >you wrote..
> >> What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
> >> with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
> >> expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
> >> I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?
> >>
> >

> >I am the judge. It's my way or no way.


Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 11:41:36 -0500

"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|you wrote

>|> And doesn't the Babble say "Judge not, lest ye be judged" ?
>|I AM the judge. If you know all of the words of Christ and the will of the
>|Father, then by all means, judge me in righteousness.

Yer a judge and I'm the pope. Right. Next!

>|you wrote..
>|> You could have said something cooler, like "it's my way or the highway".
>|But it's NOT the highway, it's more like the hellway.

Bwahahah! Guess what Dore, the devil won, god lost, and you are one of the
casualties. So go fuck a demon.


Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 21:30:17 +1030
Koook Waatcher <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|It -dore- spat:

[drool, drivel, blathering and bullshit]

Just how long has this weirdo been banging away all over usenet, anyway?


Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
Dore Williamson wrote:
> you wrote
> > And doesn't the Babble say "Judge not, lest ye be judged" ?
> I AM the judge. If you know all of the words of Christ and the will of the
> Father, then by all means, judge me in righteousness.

This is exactly why people see you for the hypocrite that you are:
Jesus said "judge not", yet you've "excused" yourself from his
admonition by claiming you're god. You're nothing but a miserable
nutcase who has deluded herself into thinking she's above everyone
else. You're insistence that everyone who denies you are god is
going to hell is exactly the reason you'd be the first one in line
to go there...if the imaginary place was real, that is. Lucky for
you it's only a figment in the demented minds of zealot like you.


Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
Sniper ( wrote:
: Dore Williamson wrote:

: This is exactly why people see you for the hypocrite that you are:

: Jesus said "judge not", yet you've "excused" yourself from his
: admonition by claiming you're god.

Part of a "Godhead", actually.

I wonder -- would Dore's inclusion make it a "trinity in four parts?"

(Apologies to atheist Douglas Adams.)

In science, "fact" can only mean "confirmed to such a
degree that it would be perverse to withold provisional
assent." I suppose that apples might start to rise
tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time
in physics classrooms.
-Stephen Jay Gould


Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
to wrote:
> Sniper ( wrote:
> : Dore Williamson wrote:
> : This is exactly why people see you for the hypocrite that you are:
> : Jesus said "judge not", yet you've "excused" yourself from his
> : admonition by claiming you're god.
> Part of a "Godhead", actually.
> I wonder -- would Dore's inclusion make it a "trinity in four parts?"

You must've missed this little gem from our resident fruitcake:


Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
to wrote:
> Sniper ( wrote:
> : Dore Williamson wrote:
> : This is exactly why people see you for the hypocrite that you are:
> : Jesus said "judge not", yet you've "excused" yourself from his
> : admonition by claiming you're god.
> Part of a "Godhead", actually.
> I wonder -- would Dore's inclusion make it a "trinity in four parts?"

"There is four of us. All with the same spirit. There is God,

Mar 12, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/12/00
Sniper ( wrote:
: wrote:

: > : This is exactly why people see you for the hypocrite that you are:
: > : Jesus said "judge not", yet you've "excused" yourself from his
: > : admonition by claiming you're god.
: >
: > Part of a "Godhead", actually.
: >
: > I wonder -- would Dore's inclusion make it a "trinity in four parts?"

: You must've missed this little gem from our resident fruitcake:

: "There is four of us. All with the same spirit. There is God,

: the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Gods. The
: there is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and indwelling
: of Godliness, and then there is the first Christ, the teacher
: and sacrificial lamb, and then, there is me, the judge and
: redeemer. We are all one, in the same Godhead, but at times
: separate entities."
: Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 14:49:28 -0500
: From: "Dore Williamson" <>
: Message-ID: <>

Boy, ya sure gotta give her credit for being so far around the bend
that...that...metaphors fail me.

Kook Watcher

Mar 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/13/00
Franc wrote:

>> And doesn't the Babble say "Judge not, lest ye be judged" ?

It -dore- spat, covering her monitor once again with drool:

>I AM the judge. If you know all of the words of Christ and the will of the
>Father, then by all means, judge me in righteousness.

See dore your a HYPOCRITE. You don't even follow YOUR OWN bible LOL.

Every time a verse pops up the contradicts the dore delusion -aka kook
fart- you quickly bolt for either the excuses or the

You did the same with this verse:


However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I
have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other
gods, that prophet must be put to death."

You may say, "how can we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?

When a true prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does
not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not
spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be
afraid of him.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22


Face it dore you FAILED and your excuses only prove to us that your
not yet willingly to come out of your delusion.

>But it's NOT the highway, it's more like the hellway.

In your deluded mind it probably is LOL.

Kook Watcher.


I have already spoke out in retribution and believe me I have been
harassed and abused by the US military, FBI and CIA for it.
All because I spoke out against slick Willie.

-dore kook fart # 194-

Kook Watcher

Mar 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/13/00
On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 17:25:39 GMT, (erikc) wrote:

>On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 21:30:17 +1030
>Koook Waatcher <> wrote:
>-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:
>>|It -dore- spat:
>[drool, drivel, blathering and bullshit]
>Just how long has this weirdo been banging away all over usenet, anyway?

From about 1997.

She seems to have bouts of kookiness -probably connected to her
appointment dates with her shrink-.

She has a major fit then disappears only to come back as crazy as

What can I say but go figure ... ?

Kook Watcher.


Your fingers will not function, and in time, you will be incapable of
denying my posts because you will physically incapable to function on
your computer any longer.

You are warned. Continue to deny me, and watch how the lightning

-dore kook fart # number yet to be determined-

>Erikc (alt.atheist #002) | "An Fhirinne in aghaidh an tSaoil."
>BAAWA Knight | "The Truth against the World."
>ICQ 26776011 | -- Bardic Motto
>"Today on Jerry Springer: Religious whack jobs melt down before your
>very eyes..."

>"There is four of us. All with the same spirit. There is God,
>the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Gods. The
>there is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and indwelling
>of Godliness, and then there is the first Christ, the teacher
>and sacrificial lamb, and then, there is me, the judge and
>redeemer. We are all one, in the same Godhead, but at times
>separate entities."
> Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 14:49:28 -0500
> From: "Dore Williamson" <>
> Message-ID: <>

>"NOT believing I am Christ is insanity and ignorance of
>prophetic scripture to your own eternal demise. But that isn't
>my problem. If you think sanity is ignorance, arrogance, and
>infidelity of Christ, and your eventual eternal justice in hell,
>then you have no clue of what sanity is."

> Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 19:04:38 -0500
> From: "Dore Williamson" <>


Mar 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/13/00
On 12 Mar 2000 20:30:33 -0700 () wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|Sniper ( wrote:
>|: wrote:
>|: > : This is exactly why people see you for the hypocrite that you are:
>|: > : Jesus said "judge not", yet you've "excused" yourself from his
>|: > : admonition by claiming you're god.
>|: >
>|: > Part of a "Godhead", actually.
>|: >
>|: > I wonder -- would Dore's inclusion make it a "trinity in four parts?"
>|: You must've missed this little gem from our resident fruitcake:

>|: "There is four of us. All with the same spirit. There is God,

>|: the Father, the Creator of the Universe, the God of Gods. The
>|: there is the Holy Spirit, which is the power and indwelling
>|: of Godliness, and then there is the first Christ, the teacher
>|: and sacrificial lamb, and then, there is me, the judge and
>|: redeemer. We are all one, in the same Godhead, but at times
>|: separate entities."
>|: Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 14:49:28 -0500
>|: From: "Dore Williamson" <>
>|: Message-ID: <>

>|Boy, ya sure gotta give her credit for being so far around the bend
>|that...that...metaphors fail me.

When I think of Dore, I think of a screw. In many different contexts, I
might add. In this particular context, she's not just around the bend, but
several threads down from reality.

Dore Williamson

Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
The bible says, in these end times..

John 12:48
48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth
him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

But isn't it like a hypocrite and infidel to skim over the bible to find
excuses for his ignorance and thus neglect the whole picture of the end
times judgment?

And who is a nutcase who thinks that God's servant called to be judge, is
NOT a judge, even though that is the purpose for my coming?

And your denial of hell, only means a great surprise when you get there.

You don't even believe in divine retribution of hell, but think that you are
some authority on the one who condemns you there. What a joke!


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Sniper <> wrote in message
> Dore Williamson wrote:
> >
> > you wrote

> > > And doesn't the Babble say "Judge not, lest ye be judged" ?
> >

> > I AM the judge. If you know all of the words of Christ and the will of
> > Father, then by all means, judge me in righteousness.

> This is exactly why people see you for the hypocrite that you are:
> Jesus said "judge not", yet you've "excused" yourself from his

Dore Williamson

Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
The difference is Sniper, that I stand in the presence of God daily and His
truths are my truths and all others are delusional, because GOD is the
author and source of all that is true.

Here's another wake up call, what man thinks is delusional from his ignorant
and unknowledgeable of God standpoint, means nothing in the eternal order of
things. God gave enough information to find Him completely and truthfully,
and if man fails to seek and discern this with God's Holy Spirit, then it is
left on man's consequence.

How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Sniper <> wrote in message

> Dore Williamson wrote:
> >
> > you wrote..
> > > What's with you and Pastor Frank, calling everyone who doesn't agree
> > > with you "demons", or "satan's minions"? Don't you realize you just
> > > expose yourselves as the judgmental horses asses that you are? No,
> > > I suppose nitwits like you don't realize much of anything, do you?
> > >
> >

> > I am the judge. It's my way or no way. Did you ever think that there IS
> > ONE WAY to God and no other? No, you don't realize anything but your own
> > delusions.


Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 17:17:18 -0500
"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.atheism:

>|The difference is Sniper, that I stand in the presence of God daily and His
>|truths are my truths and all others are delusional, because GOD is the
>|author and source of all that is true.


>|Here's another wake up call, what man thinks is delusional from his ignorant
>|and unknowledgeable of God standpoint, means nothing in the eternal order of
>|things. God gave enough information to find Him completely and truthfully,
>|and if man fails to seek and discern this with God's Holy Spirit, then it is
>|left on man's consequence.

Show god or shut the fuck up.

>|How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?

Dunno. I doubt I'll have any awareness of it.


It really must suck to be you.

Pacific Cat

Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00

Dore Williamson wrote in message <>...

>The bible says, in these end times..
>John 12:48
>48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth
>him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
>But isn't it like a hypocrite and infidel to skim over the bible to find
>excuses for his ignorance and thus neglect the whole picture of the end
>times judgment?

But isn't it like a whacko to make false prophecies and still insist that
people believe she is Jesus?

Why not answer us this?

>And who is a nutcase who thinks that God's servant called to be judge, is
>NOT a judge, even though that is the purpose for my coming?

And who is a nutcase who thinks that they can continue making FALSE and
FAILED Prophecies, and continue demanding people believe she is a judge,
even though it is so obvious that everything she prophecized is wrong and

>And your denial of hell, only means a great surprise when you get there.

What about your denial of the bible that says to watch for FALSE PROPHETS?

>You don't even believe in divine retribution of hell, but think that you
>some authority on the one who condemns you there. What a joke!

The Joke is the one who cannot back up anything she says, and when she tries
to back it up - fails miserably! Thats you!

Here's a hint Dore...You made false prophecies - LOTS of them! What does
the bible say about that? Im sure you know the answer!


Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 17:11:07 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
<> wrote:

>The bible says, in these end times..
>John 12:48
>48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth
>him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.
>But isn't it like a hypocrite and infidel to skim over the bible to find
>excuses for his ignorance and thus neglect the whole picture of the end
>times judgment?

Is it not like the false prophet to pick and choose the scripture to
suit her OWN motives.
Dore...wake up and smell the coffee sweetie.
You are NO more Christ than I am.
Get some help, will ya?

>And who is a nutcase who thinks that God's servant called to be judge, is
>NOT a judge, even though that is the purpose for my coming?

>And your denial of hell, only means a great surprise when you get there.


Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 17:17:18 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
<> wrote:

>The difference is Sniper, that I stand in the presence of God daily and His
>truths are my truths and all others are delusional, because GOD is the
>author and source of all that is true.

You are right. GOD is the author of truth.
You however....are NOT....
I hope you can see the big difference here.
Besides, we all KNOW the prophecies you have made have NEVER come to
Now cant you see why we ALL KNOW you not CHRIST???

>Here's another wake up call, what man thinks is delusional from his ignorant
>and unknowledgeable of God standpoint, means nothing in the eternal order of
>things. God gave enough information to find Him completely and truthfully,
>and if man fails to seek and discern this with God's Holy Spirit, then it is
>left on man's consequence.

Then I guess all on this ng think you are delusional but one....
Give us a break some help....

>How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?

I wonder....what will it be like for you Dore, what will it be like???

Steve Knight

Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
HeavensLilAngel , coming down from a four day drunk, wrote:

"Dore Williamson", coming down from a nine day drunk, wrote:

>>How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?
>I wonder....what will it be like for you Dore, what will it be like???

Will you two IDIOTS, kindly trim your newsgroup header so we won't
have to watch your riveting example of utter mental decay. We know how
your mental parasites work.

And, LilMoron, one question mark is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Knight #855
Knight of BAAWA

Watching Kooks

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
It -dore- spat:

> The bible says, in these end times..

But dore you don't believe in the bible remember ... uhm well you only
believe it when it suites you, however you sure didn't like the verse
from Deuteronomy that pointed out your a false prophet.

> But isn't it like a hypocrite and infidel to skim over the bible to find
> excuses for his ignorance and thus neglect the whole picture of the end
> times judgment?

Yes you do skim over and try to avoid that parts that point out you
are not god, the returned Christ or the fourth part of the trinity

> And who is a nutcase who thinks that God's servant called to be judge, is
> NOT a judge, even though that is the purpose for my coming?

Yeah and your not a judge either ... well except in maybe your own
kooky brain.

> And your denial of hell, only means a great surprise when you get there.

Is that where you are going?

> You don't even believe in divine retribution of hell, but think that you are
> some authority on the one who condemns you there. What a joke!

Yep you are a joke and here is why, dore had the following kook farts:


Anyone who sends messages but does not allow reply's is a coward, and
a fraud. There is no truth in them but deceit.


Do you know how you can tell a true follower of Christ from a false
one? They put a spam filter on their e-mail, so that do not have to
answer. A true follower of Christ is not afraid of opposition, but a
coward hides behind e-mail spam filters.


I was lying on my stomach, and aliens were doing experiments
with my sex organs and rectum.

Everything seemed very real as all senses were in operation. God came
in as if to comfort me, and he watched and winced several times.

Although I couldn't see the aliens, in my spirit, I knew they were
demons who formed themselves into aliens for a deception.









He will endure demon horror. He will be raped by a hundred demons
desiring only to enjoy his rectum for their own pleasure.


... tonight I will sincerely invoke my Father for -your- untimely
deaths. May it be swift and sure to demons of your nature. I would be
doing the world a favor.


YOU PIECE OF LOW LIFE SHIT. I will make you sorry that you were ever


You are warned. Continue to deny me, and watch how the lightning


Yes, die witches .... die .... I wish them all a horrible death. For
evil has no right to live .. if Christ's millennium is to commence
then all evil must DIE. So die witches die, so good has a chance on
the earth for a change.


Evil people beget evil children. ... Christ is the butcher of evil,
however it manifests itself. All are His and He has the power to
do anything He wants with it. If you don't like His way of destroying
evil, then you must be evil.


Etc Etc dore has to be one of the funniest, kookiest but seriously
stupidest wanna-be gods on the NG's.

Kook Watcher.


Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 06:38:02 -0800
HeavensLilAngel <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 17:17:18 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
>|<> wrote:


>|>How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?
>|I wonder....what will it be like for you Dore, what will it be like???

Picture a room lined with TV screens. All 4 walls, the floor and ceiling.
They run 24/7, with sound. On these screen are projected images of
everything Dore condemns as wrong. The images, include, but are not
limited to, people going about thier daily lives, acting in manners that
Dore disapproves of. They are chosen to provide as much psychic pain as
possible. Since Dore seems to disapprove of anybody being happier than she
is, I suspect that a lot of these images would be of people enjoying
themselves. Dore does not approve of people worshipping in ways that she
disapproves of, so we would have those images as well. She dislikes sex,
so a few porno movies might be tossed in also. IOW, anything and
everything that pisses her off. For a little light relief, she might be
alowed to visit Jerry Foulwell once an aeon and watch endless reruns of
"teletubbies". ;-)

Dore Williamson

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
you wrote.

> But dore you don't believe in the bible remember ... uhm well you only
> believe it when it suites you, however you sure didn't like the verse
> from Deuteronomy that pointed out your a false prophet.

Before you continue, why don't you take into consideration, understand and
be mature enough to reason the explanation I already gave you? As I
explained the scripture you keep quoting and keep ignoring my answer, has
NOTHING to do with these times. I believe every word of the bible, and
unlike you understand it's every word and purpose for the times and
relevance for when it was written.

as I wrote..
You are relying on words said and circumstances of 6,000 years ago, and NOT
on the relevance of what is happening today. Times have changed and evil is
coming to it's highest peak and deception is widespread and people are
ungodly, unlike the people of that generation. When these words were spoken,
the people were all honoring God and seeking words from Him like fine gold.
Today, heaven is being taken by violence, God's secret place is corrupted,
and all matters of ungodliness empowers all that is evil to the greatest
degrees. Deception, lies, perversions, and all matters of Satan's subtlety,
has grown for Satan is not stupid and uses the failed aspects of the past as
HIS growth in HIS education for a more deceptive evil, even to those of the
elect, as Christ predicted. It is the greatest time of evil then ever has
been throughout history, so you cannot make the same claims as the ancients
for today because times have changed and the fight against evil is much
greater, for it is Satan's last hurrah. But if you were a man of God's
knowledge and reasoning, you would accept and understand my explanations of
what has fooled me in my youth, and could see that my reasoning is valid. I
KNOW better now.

As Christ had to go through a period of growth, education and wisdom, to
fulfill His purpose, so must I.

Isa 7:14-15
14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall
conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
15 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and
choose the good.

Now pay attention, and grow up and consider because I am NOT going to
continue to repeat myself.

you wrote..

> Yes you do skim over and try to avoid that parts that point out you
> are not god, the returned Christ or the fourth part of the trinity
> LOL.

Your clear and obvious lack of knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the
bible, and the purpose and plan of God, for you are blind to the whole
understanding and complete plan throughout the earth's history, is NOT my
failure, but yours.

you wrote..

> Yeah and your not a judge either ... well except in maybe your own
> kooky brain.

Why? Because YOU said so? Who are you, but a blind infidel, who has NO
ability or knowledge whatsoever to determine who God has anointed judge. You
are good at accusing and profaning, but when have you studied scripture and
have obeyed it with all of your life, to have the authority or even a sense
of reasoning for even understanding the concepts and purpose of my
explanations to JUDGE ME?

it was written..

> > You don't even believe in divine retribution of hell, but think that you
> > some authority on the one who condemns you there. What a joke!
> Yep you are a joke and here is why, dore had the following kook farts:

Look at your answer here. What YOU think of me has absolutely NOTHING to do
with the reality of hell. You accuse me of refusing to answer, and yet you
are moreso guilty because you refuse to acknowledge truth when it IS shown
to you and then change the subject and put the focus back on me, because YOU
don't have the appropriate answers, but expect it from me. Hell is NO Joke,
NO matter what YOU think, and cannot be ignored and thrown off by calling me
a joke.

As for the rest of the quotes that you have placed here. They are all still
true. What's the problem?


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Watching Kooks <> wrote in message


Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 09:52:41 -0500
"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

So in other words, you are saying that the bible is now a load of bunk and
it it time to rewrite it in the words of Divine Dore? Okeedokee, this
should prove to be some entertaining fiction.


Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 12:41:58 -0800, Steve Knight <cableone> crapped
all over the page thusly:

> HeavensLilAngel , coming down from a four day drunk, wrote:
> "Dore Williamson", coming down from a nine day drunk, wrote:

>>>How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?
>>I wonder....what will it be like for you Dore, what will it be like???

> Will you two IDIOTS, kindly trim your newsgroup header so we won't
>have to watch your riveting example of utter mental decay. We know how
>your mental parasites work.
> And, LilMoron, one question mark is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Steve Knight #855
>Knight of BAAWA

Hey Stevo....
You sure are not a Knight, are you?
Is that enough question marks for you or would you like me to present
you with some more?

BTW....what makes you think your crap dont stink, huh?

lol..... must be the author of decay..

Takes one to know one!!!!!!!

Thought I would throw in some extra exclamation marks for you to get
off to, too.

Also...did you run out things to do so ya just thought you reply with
the smart remarks?
Bored...I see.

Dont worry, everyone gets bored.


Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 09:52:41 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
<> wrote:
Lets all face it...
YOUR explainations mean nothing when you have proven yourself to be
No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...

Get on with it Dore...
Move on to a better place....

Steve Knight

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 11:50:47 -0800, HeavensLilAngel
<> wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 12:41:58 -0800, Steve Knight <cableone> crapped
>all over the page thusly:
>> HeavensLilAngel , coming down from a four day drunk, wrote:
>> "Dore Williamson", coming down from a nine day drunk, wrote:
>>>>How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?
>>>I wonder....what will it be like for you Dore, what will it be like???
>> Will you two IDIOTS, kindly trim your newsgroup header so we won't
>>have to watch your riveting example of utter mental decay. We know how
>>your mental parasites work.
>> And, LilMoron, one question mark is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>Steve Knight #855
>>Knight of BAAWA
>Hey Stevo....

It's Mr. Knight to you, Honeybaby.

>You sure are not a Knight, are you?

Stix said I was. And Stix never lies. BTW, It was most amusing to
watch him break it off in your ass, then watch you mew back
Kindergarten, "Oh yeah, Same to you!!!!!!" LOL

>Is that enough question marks for you or would you like me to present
>you with some more?


I knew that would push your buttons.

>BTW....what makes you think your crap dont stink, huh?

It does stink. Especially during a case of the beer shits. You
know, when your asshole is burning so much you have to hold an ice
cube against it.

So how would you describe your present state of mind?

> must be the author of decay..

What's your very best snappy comeback?

>Takes one to know one!!!!!!!

Sorry I asked.

Can you type a disjointed sentence structure?

>Thought I would throw in some extra exclamation marks for you to get
>off to, too.

Not bad.

Now, let's have a big finish. Say something that will really prove
how "smarte" you are.

>Also...did you run out things to do so ya just thought you reply with
>the smart remarks?
>Bored...I see.
>Dont worry, everyone gets bored.'re not boring. Well....maybe a little bit. You are
just another god soaked idiot with Jeesus stuffed up your ass.

Watching Kooks

Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
I previously wrote:

>> But dore you don't believe in the bible remember ... uhm well you only
>> believe it when it suites you, however you sure didn't like the verse
>> from Deuteronomy that pointed out your a false prophet.

dore spat:

>Before you continue, why don't you take into consideration, understand and
>be mature enough to reason the explanation I already gave you?

Very simply because what you have said is self contradictory, show
evidence that you don't even know how to dig yourself out of your own
kook farts and last but not least of all nothing more than an excuse
to avoid facing up to the reality that you FAILED BIG TIME.

Are you able to grasp that concept and understand dore?

>As I explained the scripture you keep quoting and keep
>ignoring my answer, has NOTHING to do with these times.

Your lying AGAIN dore I HAVE ANSWERED it oh stupid one. How come you
as god keep making so many mistakes?

>I believe every word of the bible, and unlike you understand
>it's every word and purpose for the times and relevance for
>when it was written.

See there you go again with your excuses. Face it dore you FAILED the
warning giving in your own bible which tells people how to tell 'real'
prophets from 'FALSE ONES' like you.

Because you failed you had to quickly manufacture an excuse because
you can't face the reality that your NOTHING special.

See my other posts and read them again slowly, I listed the most
common excuses people like you use when one of their 'prophecies' fail

>as I wrote .. You are relying on words said and circumstances

>of 6,000 years ago, and NOT on the relevance of what is
>happening today.

You say this because YOU FAILED. Face it dore how many Christians
should trust you after you have made so many FAILURES already? What
else would a FALSE PROPHET bound within their own delusion say? ADMIT
that they are A FALSE PROPHET?

You can't because you are so bound up in your own delusions.

>Times have changed and evil is coming to it's highest peak
>and deception is widespread and people are ungodly,
>unlike the people of that generation.

Oh yeah so what sins exist today that not exist in some form before?

>When these words were spoken, the people were all honoring
>God and seeking words from Him like fine gold.

BS read your own bible better, there were doubters and rejectors,
idolaters etc amongst those who followed Moses Oh stupid one. And they
were supposed to be people that have seen the sea part and all the
other stuff your bible says happened.

>Today, heaven is being taken by violence, God's secret place is corrupted,
>and all matters of ungodliness empowers all that is evil to the greatest
>degrees. Deception, lies, perversions, and all matters of Satan's subtlety,
>has grown for Satan is not stupid and uses the failed aspects of the past as
>HIS growth in HIS education for a more deceptive evil, even to those of the
>elect, as Christ predicted. It is the greatest time of evil then ever has
>been throughout history, so you cannot make the same claims as the ancients
>for today because times have changed and the fight against evil is much
>greater, for it is Satan's last hurrah. But if you were a man of God's
>knowledge and reasoning, you would accept and understand my explanations of
>what has fooled me in my youth, and could see that my reasoning is valid. I
>KNOW better now.

Yep you FAILED the test for telling a TRUE PROPHET from a FALSE
PROPHET and now you have to try and make an excuse up to avoid the
reality that your not what you claim to be.

Welcome to reality dore.

>As Christ had to go through a period of growth, education and wisdom, to
>fulfill His purpose, so must I.

Your a real slow one aren't you dore? Christ was supposed to have
finished it all at 33, what happened in your case LOL your 45 and
still haven't done anything significant.

>Now pay attention, and grow up and consider because I am NOT going to
>continue to repeat myself.

The only thing you try to do is repeat the same excuses because you
FAILED, get used to it dore that's the facts. Face it dore that verse
EXPOSES YOU so like others you have to try and find a way around it.

I previously wrote:

>> Yes you do skim over and try to avoid that parts that point out you
>> are not god, the returned Christ or the fourth part of the trinity
>> LOL.

dore spat:

>Your clear and obvious lack of knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the
>bible, and the purpose and plan of God, for you are blind to the whole
>understanding and complete plan throughout the earth's history, is NOT my
>failure, but yours.

Your clear and obviously lack of knowledge, wisdom, understanding and
a normal functional brain blinds you to the fact that your an idiot
that doesn't even follow your own bible.

No matter how many times you FAIL you will learn it is YOUR FAULT and
not mine or anyone elses. Get used to it blame shifting does not work
on me LOL.

I previously wrote:

>> Yeah and your not a judge either ... well except in maybe your own
>> kooky brain.


>Why? Because YOU said so?

No because you HAVE PROVED IT time after time LOL. Admit it dore your
a kook that can do nothing more than type messages on the NG's LOL.
Wow that is real convincing.

When caught in a kook fart you try to excuses yourself out of it,
which only makes it look funnier.

>Who are you, but a blind infidel,

Who are you but a kook who thinks your god. A god I might add that is
stupid to say the least.

>who has NO ability or knowledge whatsoever to determine who
>God has anointed judge.

You have no ability obviously to see your own kook farts,
contradictions and long list of failures.

>You are good at accusing and profaning,

You are good at having spitting fits and mental breakdowns in your
funny delusional world.

>but when have you studied scripture and have obeyed
>it with all of your life, to have the authority or even a sense
>of reasoning for even understanding the concepts and purpose of my
>explanations to JUDGE ME?

You bet and I CONCLUDE THAT YOU are a kook, now deal with.

I previously wrote:

>Look at your answer here. What YOU think of me has absolutely NOTHING to do
>with the reality of hell.

ROTFL you mean like your reality of 1999? HUH see you are a joke. You
haven't even got the power to get your own prophecies right despite
all of your claims :-D

>You accuse me of refusing to answer, and yet you
>are moreso guilty because you refuse to acknowledge truth when it IS shown
>to you and then change the subject and put the focus back on me, because YOU
>don't have the appropriate answers, but expect it from me. Hell is NO Joke,
>NO matter what YOU think, and cannot be ignored and thrown off by calling me
>a joke.

You are a JOKE dore, that is your problem I suggest you deal with it,
you can't even follow what was said properly without having a kook

>As for the rest of the quotes that you have placed here. They are all still
>true. What's the problem?

Lets see how true they are okay LOL a nice list of failures wouldn't
you say eh eh. I guess in your delusional world you just can't see
that yet, never mind maybe one day you will wake to the reality that
your nuts.

Original post:

Watching Kooks

Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
I previously wrote:

>> But dore you don't believe in the bible remember ... uhm well you only
>> believe it when it suites you, however you sure didn't like the verse
>> from Deuteronomy that pointed out your a false prophet.

dore spat:

>Before you continue, why don't you take into consideration, understand and
>be mature enough to reason the explanation I already gave you?

Very simply because what you have said is self contradictory, show

evidence that you don't even know how to dig yourself out of your own
kook farts and last but not least of all nothing more than an excuse
to avoid facing up to the reality that you FAILED BIG TIME.

Are you able to grasp that concept and understand dore?

>As I explained the scripture you keep quoting and keep

>ignoring my answer, has NOTHING to do with these times.

Your lying AGAIN dore I HAVE ANSWERED it oh stupid one. How come you

as god keep making so many mistakes?

>I believe every word of the bible, and unlike you understand

>it's every word and purpose for the times and relevance for
>when it was written.

See there you go again with your excuses. Face it dore you FAILED the

warning giving in your own bible which tells people how to tell 'real'
prophets from 'FALSE ONES' like you.

Because you failed you had to quickly manufacture an excuse because
you can't face the reality that your NOTHING special.

See my other posts and read them again slowly, I listed the most
common excuses people like you use when one of their 'prophecies' fail

>as I wrote .. You are relying on words said and circumstances

>of 6,000 years ago, and NOT on the relevance of what is
>happening today.

You say this because YOU FAILED. Face it dore how many Christians

should trust you after you have made so many FAILURES already? What
else would a FALSE PROPHET bound within their own delusion say? ADMIT
that they are A FALSE PROPHET?

You can't because you are so bound up in your own delusions.

>Times have changed and evil is coming to it's highest peak

>and deception is widespread and people are ungodly,
>unlike the people of that generation.

Oh yeah so what sins exist today that not exist in some form before?

>When these words were spoken, the people were all honoring

>God and seeking words from Him like fine gold.

BS read your own bible better, there were doubters and rejectors,

idolaters etc amongst those who followed Moses Oh stupid one. And they
were supposed to be people that have seen the sea part and all the
other stuff your bible says happened.

>Today, heaven is being taken by violence, God's secret place is corrupted,

>and all matters of ungodliness empowers all that is evil to the greatest
>degrees. Deception, lies, perversions, and all matters of Satan's subtlety,
>has grown for Satan is not stupid and uses the failed aspects of the past as
>HIS growth in HIS education for a more deceptive evil, even to those of the
>elect, as Christ predicted. It is the greatest time of evil then ever has
>been throughout history, so you cannot make the same claims as the ancients
>for today because times have changed and the fight against evil is much
>greater, for it is Satan's last hurrah. But if you were a man of God's
>knowledge and reasoning, you would accept and understand my explanations of
>what has fooled me in my youth, and could see that my reasoning is valid. I
>KNOW better now.

Yep you FAILED the test for telling a TRUE PROPHET from a FALSE

PROPHET and now you have to try and make an excuse up to avoid the
reality that your not what you claim to be.

Welcome to reality dore.

>As Christ had to go through a period of growth, education and wisdom, to

>fulfill His purpose, so must I.

Your a real slow one aren't you dore? Christ was supposed to have

finished it all at 33, what happened in your case LOL your 45 and
still haven't done anything significant.

>Now pay attention, and grow up and consider because I am NOT going to
>continue to repeat myself.

The only thing you try to do is repeat the same excuses because you

FAILED, get used to it dore that's the facts. Face it dore that verse
EXPOSES YOU so like others you have to try and find a way around it.

I previously wrote:

>> Yes you do skim over and try to avoid that parts that point out you
>> are not god, the returned Christ or the fourth part of the trinity
>> LOL.

dore spat:

>Your clear and obvious lack of knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the
>bible, and the purpose and plan of God, for you are blind to the whole
>understanding and complete plan throughout the earth's history, is NOT my
>failure, but yours.

Your clear and obviously lack of knowledge, wisdom, understanding and

a normal functional brain blinds you to the fact that your an idiot
that doesn't even follow your own bible.

No matter how many times you FAIL you will learn it is YOUR FAULT and
not mine or anyone elses. Get used to it blame shifting does not work
on me LOL.

I previously wrote:

>> Yeah and your not a judge either ... well except in maybe your own
>> kooky brain.


>Why? Because YOU said so?

No because you HAVE PROVED IT time after time LOL. Admit it dore your

a kook that can do nothing more than type messages on the NG's LOL.
Wow that is real convincing.

When caught in a kook fart you try to excuses yourself out of it,
which only makes it look funnier.

>Who are you, but a blind infidel,

Who are you but a kook who thinks your god. A god I might add that is

stupid to say the least.

>who has NO ability or knowledge whatsoever to determine who
>God has anointed judge.

You have no ability obviously to see your own kook farts,

contradictions and long list of failures.

>You are good at accusing and profaning,

You are good at having spitting fits and mental breakdowns in your
funny delusional world.

>but when have you studied scripture and have obeyed

>it with all of your life, to have the authority or even a sense
>of reasoning for even understanding the concepts and purpose of my
>explanations to JUDGE ME?

You bet and I CONCLUDE THAT YOU are a kook, now deal with.

I previously wrote:

>Look at your answer here. What YOU think of me has absolutely NOTHING to do
>with the reality of hell.

ROTFL you mean like your reality of 1999? HUH see you are a joke. You

haven't even got the power to get your own prophecies right despite
all of your claims :-D

>You accuse me of refusing to answer, and yet you

>are moreso guilty because you refuse to acknowledge truth when it IS shown
>to you and then change the subject and put the focus back on me, because YOU
>don't have the appropriate answers, but expect it from me. Hell is NO Joke,
>NO matter what YOU think, and cannot be ignored and thrown off by calling me
>a joke.

You are a JOKE dore, that is your problem I suggest you deal with it,

you can't even follow what was said properly without having a kook

>As for the rest of the quotes that you have placed here. They are all still

>true. What's the problem?

Lets see how true they are okay LOL a nice list of failures wouldn't

you say eh eh. I guess in your delusional world you just can't see
that yet, never mind maybe one day you will wake to the reality that
your nuts.

Original post:

It -dore- spat:

Watching Kooks

Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 16:51:18 GMT, (erikc) wrote:

>So in other words, you are saying that the bible is now a load of bunk and
>it it time to rewrite it in the words of Divine Dore? Okeedokee, this
>should prove to be some entertaining fiction.

Yep that's why I decided for once to use the bible instead of logic or
reason because dore tries to dismiss anything that is not in the

Now she is caught in her own BS because when I used her own bible she
now admits in denying that also.

What is funny is, if she denies all logic and proof, and then denies
her own bible what is left?

Nothing but her own kook farts, in other words dore makes it up as she
goes along, denies common sense, denies logic and proof and even when
caught in her own BS she denies her own bible.

Does the word delusional come to your mind? LOL.

Kook Watcher.

Watching Kooks

Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 17:52:52 -0800, HeavensLilAngel
<> wrote:

>Lets all face it... YOUR explainations mean nothing
>when you have proven yourself to be false.
>No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...
>Get on with it Dore...
>Move on to a better place....

I have a question for you, HeavensLilAngel -I am assuming your a
Christian- how does a Christian then tell a true prophet from a false
one if they can just change the meaning whenever they are shown to be
wrong by their own bible?

Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is
the use of it then?

Wouldn't this mean that anyone can say anything?

Kook Watcher.

Pastor Frank

Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
Watching Kooks wrote in message ...

One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than our
theological expositions.

Pastor Frank

³But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they
are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned.² 1 Corinthians 2:14, KJV.
"Therefore speak I to them in parables, because they looking see not,
and hearing perceive not, neither do they understand."
-- Jesus in Matt. 13:13


Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
Pastor Frank wrote:


> One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
> truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
> peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than our
> theological expositions.

Yet, instead of praying, all I see from you, Frank, is crap like this:

>:Are you a Christian hater, like the original poster? An atheist God-
>:hater? An anti-Christian asshole, out to persecute us Christian in our
>:own NGs? An lying atheist refuting trashing and flaming Troll from hell?

>:Horse-crap!!! I ONLY post to Christian NGs, and ONLY those atheist
>:defecating their God, Bible and Christian-hating turds in our Christian
>:News Groups are called "atheist Trolls from hell". Since you don't
>:believe in "hell" this should hardly matter to you, should it now?

>:Why are you in Christian NGs when in reality your beliefs are ecumenical
>:and you should be posting to new-age NGs. For Christians it is essential
>:they believe the Bible to be the holy and infallible Word of God and
>:anyone disputing that is of the devil.

>:You better make sure who you "love", for loving the devil may be fatal.
>:And if you think Satan will allow the word of God preached with
>:impunity, think again.

>:You mean like those promoting sexual freedom among consenting adult
>:family members? But then to most atheists, the epithet "mother-fucker"
>:has no negative connotations, does it?

>:Sorry I forgot to list among the methods of killing an emerging
>:infant -"removal of the creature's brain". I suspect they removed
>:yours but you lived anyway. Sorry about that.


Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 18:36:46 -0800, Steve Knight <cableone> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 11:50:47 -0800, HeavensLilAngel
><> wrote:
>>On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 12:41:58 -0800, Steve Knight <cableone> crapped
>>all over the page thusly:
>>> HeavensLilAngel , coming down from a four day drunk, wrote:
>>> "Dore Williamson", coming down from a nine day drunk, wrote:
>>>>>How funny do you think this will all be when you are in hell?
>>>>I wonder....what will it be like for you Dore, what will it be like???
>>> Will you two IDIOTS, kindly trim your newsgroup header so we won't
>>>have to watch your riveting example of utter mental decay. We know how
>>>your mental parasites work.
>>> And, LilMoron, one question mark is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>Steve Knight #855
>>>Knight of BAAWA
>>Hey Stevo....
> It's Mr. Knight to you, Honeybaby.

I will greet you with respect when YOU do the same for me, SWEETIE..

>>You sure are not a Knight, are you?
> Stix said I was. And Stix never lies. BTW, It was most amusing to
>watch him break it off in your ass, then watch you mew back
>Kindergarten, "Oh yeah, Same to you!!!!!!" LOL

Ah....another post of higher intelligence...
I am being sarcastic of course.

>>Is that enough question marks for you or would you like me to present
>>you with some more?
> (chuckle)
> I knew that would push your buttons.


>>BTW....what makes you think your crap dont stink, huh?
> It does stink. Especially during a case of the beer shits. You
>know, when your asshole is burning so much you have to hold an ice
>cube against it.

Wow....I like really needed to know that.
P U......

> So how would you describe your present state of mind?
>> must be the author of decay..
> What's your very best snappy comeback?


No..not really.

>>Takes one to know one!!!!!!!
> Sorry I asked.
> Can you type a disjointed sentence structure?
>>Thought I would throw in some extra exclamation marks for you to get
>>off to, too.
> Not bad.
> Now, let's have a big finish. Say something that will really prove
>how "smarte" you are.

LIke that, too!

>>Also...did you run out things to do so ya just thought you reply with
>>the smart remarks?
>>Bored...I see.
>>Dont worry, everyone gets bored.
>'re not boring. Well....maybe a little bit. You are
>just another god soaked idiot with Jeesus stuffed up your ass.

And you are just another inane idiot I am sure Dore will love to see
in hell.....


Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 17:58:27 +1030, Watching Kooks
<> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 17:52:52 -0800, HeavensLilAngel
><> wrote:
>>Lets all face it... YOUR explainations mean nothing
>>when you have proven yourself to be false.
>>No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...
>>Get on with it Dore...
>>Move on to a better place....
>I have a question for you, HeavensLilAngel -I am assuming your a
>Christian- how does a Christian then tell a true prophet from a false
>one if they can just change the meaning whenever they are shown to be
>wrong by their own bible?
>Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is
>the use of it then?

This is just her WAY to throw you off the track. But it just as plain
as the nose on your face she is a liar.
Don't fret it..

>Wouldn't this mean that anyone can say anything?

I suppose so.
Yet...if you or I get ourselves educated, we can learn what she says
is nothing but hogwash.

Of which she seems to lack because it takes money to have education
and of course the use of money is sinful. (Another lie)
I however, don't think you have to have a high education to KNOW that
what she speaks is ONE BIG FAT KOOK FART...LOL....

>Kook Watcher.

Well Kooky,

If you have watched this stuff enough, You will know the answer to
that question from the moment to laid your eyes on the smart remarks
that come from this woman.

Besides.....I don't know if you are a christian...but you sure seem
smart enough to pick up on this characters lack of knowledge.

Also, we might all note: As so you eloquently diD, She is off her
rocker and your posts put her OWN words back in her
face................ And BTW...thanks so much for proving what a FALSE
PROPHET she really is.

Of can see by her posts...reality has yet to hit her and
the truth bounces right off her sorry self.
She is just like the JW's...make prophecies that don't come true and
the Good book says you are a False Prophet and you turn around and say
YOU made a mistake.

Nice one, huh?

What a quest...



Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 17:49:44 +1030
Watching Kooks <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 16:51:18 GMT, (erikc) wrote:
>|>So in other words, you are saying that the bible is now a load of bunk and
>|>it it time to rewrite it in the words of Divine Dore? Okeedokee, this
>|>should prove to be some entertaining fiction.
>|Yep that's why I decided for once to use the bible instead of logic or
>|reason because dore tries to dismiss anything that is not in the
>|Now she is caught in her own BS because when I used her own bible she
>|now admits in denying that also.
>|What is funny is, if she denies all logic and proof, and then denies
>|her own bible what is left?
>|Nothing but her own kook farts, in other words dore makes it up as she
>|goes along, denies common sense, denies logic and proof and even when
>|caught in her own BS she denies her own bible.
>|Does the word delusional come to your mind? LOL.
>|Kook Watcher.

Every time I read her kook farts. ;-)

She really needs to go back to her old street corner and start giving out
those world famous nickle blow jobs she's known for.


Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 21:33:30 +0800
"Pastor Frank" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|Watching Kooks wrote in message ...

>|>On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 17:52:52 -0800, HeavensLilAngel
>|><> wrote:
>|>>Lets all face it... YOUR explainations mean nothing
>|>>when you have proven yourself to be false.
>|>>No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...
>|>>Get on with it Dore...
>|>>Move on to a better place....
>|>I have a question for you, HeavensLilAngel -I am assuming your a
>|>Christian- how does a Christian then tell a true prophet from a false
>|>one if they can just change the meaning whenever they are shown to be
>|>wrong by their own bible?
>|>Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is

>|>the use of it then?

>|>Wouldn't this mean that anyone can say anything?

>|>Kook Watcher.

>| One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
>|truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
>|peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than our
>|theological expositions.

>|Pastor Frank

Hey, maybe you and Dore should get married. You're both so far off the top
end of the whacko scale as to be unmeasurable.

Steve Knight

Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
HeavensLilAngel waddled out and quacked:

Replying to me after a devastating flame.

>And you are just another inane idiot I am sure Dore will love to see
>in hell.....

That sick bitch wants everyone going to hell, including you. It's a
real black mark for your morality when you christians support such an
obvious psychopath. Shame on you.

Watching Kooks

Mar 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/21/00
Gee I missed Pastor Franks message on my server.

Doredamned, the devil must have tried to stop me from reading it. Oh
well it looks like the true Arch Angel sniper -secretly known as
Michael- and Erikc -secretly known as Gabriel- were able thwart the
devil and his devious plans enabling me to respond :-D

>Pastor Frank wrote:
>> One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
>> truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
>> peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than our
>> theological expositions.

One who ONLY DOES NOT watch for kooks can't recognize BS from even
more BS nor its horrid smell -usually the product of a fart- for even
when the smell hits the nostrils you can only interpret the stench as
being roses instead of shit.

You can pray all you want if that's what your into but prayer does
squat when your dealing with a delusional and abusive idiot like dore.

Go on pray for her Frank and I'll happily sit here and watch her have
a kook fart trying to send you to hell LOL.

Haven't you learnt anything about nuts like that?

Kook Watcher.

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 16:02:22 GMT, Sniper <> wrote:

>Yet, instead of praying, all I see from you, Frank, is crap like this:
>>:Are you a Christian hater, like the original poster? An atheist God-
>>:hater? An anti-Christian asshole, out to persecute us Christian in our
>>:own NGs? An lying atheist refuting trashing and flaming Troll from hell?
>>:Horse-crap!!! I ONLY post to Christian NGs, and ONLY those atheist
>>:defecating their God, Bible and Christian-hating turds in our Christian
>>:News Groups are called "atheist Trolls from hell". Since you don't
>>:believe in "hell" this should hardly matter to you, should it now?
>>:Why are you in Christian NGs when in reality your beliefs are ecumenical
>>:and you should be posting to new-age NGs. For Christians it is essential
>>:they believe the Bible to be the holy and infallible Word of God and
>>:anyone disputing that is of the devil.
>>:You better make sure who you "love", for loving the devil may be fatal.
>>:And if you think Satan will allow the word of God preached with
>>:impunity, think again.
>>:You mean like those promoting sexual freedom among consenting adult
>>:family members? But then to most atheists, the epithet "mother-fucker"
>>:has no negative connotations, does it?
>>:Sorry I forgot to list among the methods of killing an emerging
>>:infant -"removal of the creature's brain". I suspect they removed
>>:yours but you lived anyway. Sorry about that.

Hey Sniper do you have anymore of the above from Frank? I might have
to diversify my interests a bit here and start a new kook file

Benjamin Creme and dore are getting a bit boring and repetitious this
could be just what I need now ... a little diversion .. oh shit I
forgot about Michael Martin the True Guru Master .. nah he can wait
for awhile. His entire message is kiss my feet, .. kiss my feet ,,,
you need a true master -which is naturally him- ... then kiss my feet
some more.

Hey also had a great kook fart where his god deity predicted the WRONG
football team was going win LOL. Yeah as you guessed it the usual dore
type excuses came out to explain his failure LOL.

Kook Watcher. -Peyote-


Mar 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/21/00
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 15:35:03 -0800, Steve Knight <cableone> sent
flying out of his pie hole:

Obviously you are so DUMB you didnt realize I was NOT supporting
anything SHE said.
What an idiot!
You flamer you, LOL!

Dore Williamson

Mar 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/21/00
Actually, this is all a perfect example of testing your levels of
compassions, understanding, reasoning, and Christlike qualities,
forgiveness, mercy, etc.

As with everything else, you are failing miserably.

You are superficial and shallow. Nothing heaven desires to have enter.

Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

HeavensLilAngel <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 09:52:41 -0500, "Dore Williamson"

> <> wrote:
> Lets all face it...
> YOUR explainations mean nothing when you have proven yourself to be
> false.
> No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...
> Get on with it Dore...
> Move on to a better place....

Dore Williamson

Mar 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/21/00
The truth is revealed in the spirit of the person, whether they are
understanding, compassionate, forgiving, reasonable, shows mercy, kindness,
and attempts to place themselves in my shoes. You expect me to have grown
completely in God, when you have grown NONE at all.

And an atheist could have any understanding of biblical scripture is beyond
reason, when they have no concept in the first place. What is more important
the person in God or the words of ancient scripts relating a completely
different scenario? The fact that you have no understanding, compassion or
reasoning, for another human, even though I come from God, but rather are
obviously using a certain scripture for your own evil intent, speaks volumes
about your darkened heart.

you wrote.

> Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is
> the use of it then?

I explained the meaning and relevance of that verse for the time it was
given. As you ignore all the other verses, what do you care of the meaning
of that one?


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Watching Kooks <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 17:52:52 -0800, HeavensLilAngel

> <> wrote:
> >Lets all face it... YOUR explainations mean nothing
> >when you have proven yourself to be false.
> >No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...
> >
> >Get on with it Dore...
> >Move on to a better place....

Dore Williamson

Mar 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/21/00
What is plainly obvious is all of your complete and total ignorance of God,
how He does things and how HE chooses to train His servants, as you can't be
one of them.


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

HeavensLilAngel <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 17:58:27 +1030, Watching Kooks
> <> wrote:

> >On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 17:52:52 -0800, HeavensLilAngel
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>Lets all face it... YOUR explainations mean nothing
> >>when you have proven yourself to be false.
> >>No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...
> >>
> >>Get on with it Dore...
> >>Move on to a better place....
> >
> >I have a question for you, HeavensLilAngel -I am assuming your a
> >Christian- how does a Christian then tell a true prophet from a false
> >one if they can just change the meaning whenever they are shown to be
> >wrong by their own bible?
> >
> >Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is
> >the use of it then?
> >

> This is just her WAY to throw you off the track. But it just as plain
> as the nose on your face she is a liar.
> Don't fret it..

> >Wouldn't this mean that anyone can say anything?
> >

Steve Knight

Mar 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/21/00

You're in the same club, Cutiepie. All you Jeesus Freaks share the
same disgusting belief.

Besides, I was Trolling you. To see what you'd say. I knew you
hated her guts. You are constantly whining about how wacky she is.
You should just shut up.

heh heh heh

(this is too easy) ;-)

Now.... get down on all four's and bark like a dog.

heh heh heh


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:14:37 +1030

Watching Kooks <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|Gee I missed Pastor Franks message on my server.
>|Doredamned, the devil must have tried to stop me from reading it. Oh
>|well it looks like the true Arch Angel sniper -secretly known as
>|Michael- and Erikc -secretly known as Gabriel- were able thwart the
>|devil and his devious plans enabling me to respond :-D
>|>Pastor Frank wrote:
>|>> One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
>|>> truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
>|>> peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than our
>|>> theological expositions.
>|One who ONLY DOES NOT watch for kooks can't recognize BS from even
>|more BS nor its horrid smell -usually the product of a fart- for even
>|when the smell hits the nostrils you can only interpret the stench as
>|being roses instead of shit.
>|You can pray all you want if that's what your into but prayer does
>|squat when your dealing with a delusional and abusive idiot like dore.
>|Go on pray for her Frank and I'll happily sit here and watch her have
>|a kook fart trying to send you to hell LOL.
>|Haven't you learnt anything about nuts like that?
>|Kook Watcher.

"Pastor Frank" is one like Dore.


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:49:29 -0500

"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|What is plainly obvious is all of your complete and total ignorance of God,
>|how He does things and how HE chooses to train His servants, as you can't be
>|one of them.

Even a godless atheist like myself knows that you are not god.

And that's a fact, dearie.


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:40:29 -0500

"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|Actually, this is all a perfect example of testing your levels of
>|compassions, understanding, reasoning, and Christlike qualities,
>|forgiveness, mercy, etc.

See my previous post, Zero.


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
Oh, come on Dore, don't be so hard on yourself.


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:47:29 -0500

"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|The truth is revealed in the spirit of the person, whether they are
>|understanding, compassionate, forgiving, reasonable, shows mercy, kindness,
>|and attempts to place themselves in my shoes. You expect me to have grown
>|completely in God, when you have grown NONE at all.

You display:
[1] Zero understanding of anything relevant.
[2] Zero compassion.
[3] Zero forgiveness.
[4] Zero reasonableness.
[5] Zero mercy.
[6] Zero kindness.
[7] Zero empathy.

Yer a big fucking ZERO, Dore. Actually, you get negative scores in some of
those areas, so you are less than zero.

>|And an atheist could have any understanding of biblical scripture is beyond
>|reason, when they have no concept in the first place. What is more important
>|the person in God or the words of ancient scripts relating a completely
>|different scenario? The fact that you have no understanding, compassion or
>|reasoning, for another human, even though I come from God, but rather are
>|obviously using a certain scripture for your own evil intent, speaks volumes
>|about your darkened heart.
>|you wrote.

>|> Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is
>|> the use of it then?

>|I explained the meaning and relevance of that verse for the time it was
>|given. As you ignore all the other verses, what do you care of the meaning
>|of that one?

>|Isa 30:27
>|27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
>|the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
>|tongue as a devouring fire:

>|Watching Kooks <> wrote in message

>|> On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 17:52:52 -0800, HeavensLilAngel

>|> <> wrote:
>|> >Lets all face it... YOUR explainations mean nothing
>|> >when you have proven yourself to be false.
>|> >No other explain will be accepted or needed, quite frankly...
>|> >
>|> >Get on with it Dore...
>|> >Move on to a better place....

>|> I have a question for you, HeavensLilAngel -I am assuming your a
>|> Christian- how does a Christian then tell a true prophet from a false
>|> one if they can just change the meaning whenever they are shown to be
>|> wrong by their own bible?
>|> Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is
>|> the use of it then?

>|> Wouldn't this mean that anyone can say anything?

>|> Kook Watcher.

Pastor Frank

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
erikc wrote in message <>...

>On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:14:37 +1030
>Watching Kooks <> wrote:
>>|>Pastor Frank wrote:
>>|>> One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
>>|>> truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
>>|>> peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than
>>|>> theological expositions.
>>|Haven't you learnt anything about nuts like that?
>>|Kook Watcher.
All anybody learns from you is flaming. All flames come from the depth
of hell, therefore we know where you live spiritually. That's why we need to
pray for you.

Pastor Frank

"I thank thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid
these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."
-- Jesus in Matthew 11:25
"Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child,
he shall not enter therein." -- Jesus in Mark 10:15


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 12:27:53 +0800

"Pastor Frank" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|erikc wrote in message <>...
>|>On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:14:37 +1030
>|>Watching Kooks <> wrote:
>|>>|>Pastor Frank wrote:
>|>>|>> One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
>|>>|>> truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
>|>>|>> peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than
>|>>|>> theological expositions.
>|>>|Haven't you learnt anything about nuts like that?
>|>>|Kook Watcher.
>| All anybody learns from you is flaming. All flames come from the depth
>|of hell, therefore we know where you live spiritually. That's why we need to
>|pray for you.

Fuck you and your prayers. But go ahead anyway, at least it will keep you
off the streets and out of trouble.

>|Pastor Frank
>|"I piss on thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid

>|these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."
>| -- Jesus in Matthew 11:25


Erikc (alt.atheist #002) | "An Fhirinne in aghaidh an tSaoil."
BAAWA Knight | "The Truth against the World."
ICQ 26776011 | -- Bardic Motto

Remove "21" to respond.


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
Pastor Frank wrote:
> erikc wrote in message <>...
> >On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:14:37 +1030
> >Watching Kooks <> wrote:


> >>|Haven't you learnt anything about nuts like that?
> >>|Kook Watcher.
> >
> All anybody learns from you is flaming. All flames come from the depth
> of hell, therefore we know where you live spiritually. That's why we need to
> pray for you.

Heh. Guess that explains where _you_ live, Frank. We so much
enjoy reading the crap that _you_ spew from "the depths of hell":

>:Sorry I forgot to list among the methods of killing an emerging
>:infant -"removal of the creature's brain". I suspect they removed
>:yours but you lived anyway. Sorry about that.

>:You mean like those promoting sexual freedom among consenting adult
>:family members? But then to most atheists, the epithet "mother-fucker"
>:has no negative connotations, does it?

>:Are you a Christian hater, like the original poster? An atheist God-

Kook Watcher

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
In article <8b9hsq$gbn$>,
"Pastor Frank" <> wrote:

>All anybody learns from you is flaming. All flames come from the depth
>of hell,

I see, so dores flames are from the depths of hell, thanks for clearing that
up for me. I was wondering where her kook farts came from, personally I think
she is delusional but your welcome to your opinion.

>therefore we know where you live spiritually. That's why we need to
>pray for you.

Pray all you want, your welcome, if it makes you feel better about things.

Kook Watcher -aka Peyote-

> Pastor Frank

Sent via
Before you buy.

Kook Watcher

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
In article <>,

HeavensLilAngel <> wrote:
>On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 17:58:27 +1030, Watching Kooks
>>I have a question for you, HeavensLilAngel -I am assuming your a
>>Christian- how does a Christian then tell a true prophet from a false
>>one if they can just change the meaning whenever they are shown to be
>>wrong by their own bible?
>>Another question, if as dore said that verse does not apply what is
>>the use of it then?
>This is just her WAY to throw you off the track. But it just as plain
>as the nose on your face she is a liar. Don't fret it ..

I missed your answer so I had to resort to dejanews ughh, but thanks for the
reply, people like dore actually fascinate me. -Yeah I know that's probably
sick LOL-.

Seriously though I am interested in how they deal with reality when it
directly confronts fantasy and once the excuses used -to hold onto a
delusion- are answered.

So far it appears that people like this go into repetitive cycles where the
same things are repeated over and over ignoring the facts.

>>Wouldn't this mean that anyone can say anything?

> I suppose so.
> Yet...if you or I get ourselves educated, we can learn what she says
> is nothing but hogwash.

True. It is the root cause and the need to hold onto that delusion which
interests me. Why? In dores case I don't think it is the result of a past
trauma, so what then caused it? Either way I hope she gets help.

> Of which she seems to lack because it takes money to have education
> and of course the use of money is sinful. (Another lie)
> I however, don't think you have to have a high education to KNOW that
> what she speaks is ONE BIG FAT KOOK FART...LOL....

Yeah, anyway thanks for your reply.

> >Kook Watcher.
> Well Kooky,

Eh eh that seems to be the name I have been stuck with now 'Kooky' oh well I
might as well keep it LOL.

> If you have watched this stuff enough, You will know the answer to
> that question from the moment to laid your eyes on the smart remarks
> that come from this woman.
> Besides.....I don't know if you are a christian...but you sure seem
> smart enough to pick up on this characters lack of knowledge.
> Also, we might all note: As so you eloquently diD, She is off her
> rocker and your posts put her OWN words back in her
> face................ And BTW...thanks so much for proving what a FALSE
> PROPHET she really is.
> Of can see by her posts...reality has yet to hit her and
> the truth bounces right off her sorry self.
> She is just like the JW's...make prophecies that don't come true and
> the Good book says you are a False Prophet and you turn around and say
> YOU made a mistake.
> Nice one, huh?
> What a quest...

Gotta go, thanks for your input it was appreciated.

Kook Watcher.


> Angeleea

Kook Watcher

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
In article <>,
"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:

>What is plainly obvious is all of your complete and total ignorance of

>God,how He does things and how HE chooses to train His servants, as you

>can't be one of them.

Well dore you have FAILED and that has been amply proved now, both by logic,
consistancy and your OWN BIBLE.

I have more respect for someone like HeavensLilAngel who despite out vast
differences can carry out a normal and reasonable discussion.

I have even noticed Sniper -or Erikc- can't remember which having some major
differences with him/her and as mature adults they left it at that.

See dore that is a part of normal human interaction, you have yet to learn
different people have different views and understandings.

Your delusion does not allow you to see the foolishnessof your position.

I hope you get help soon and overcome your delusions.

Kook Watcher.

Kook Watcher

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
In article <>,
"Dore Williamson" <> wrote:

>The truth is revealed in the spirit of the person, whether they are
>understanding, compassionate, forgiving, reasonable, shows mercy,
>kindness, and attempts to place themselves in my shoes.

That is why I asked HeavensLilAngel the question and NOT YOU. Because from
what I have seen this guy/girl has it more together than YOU do. You lack the
very traits you talk about as once again has been shown.

You pretend you know but you know nothing and it is all in your head. When
caught you even try to deny your own Bible to excuse away your FAILED
PROPHECIES and other contradictory kook farts.

The facts are you have lied, you have judged wrongly, you have contradictied
yourself on some really funny stuff, you make excuses up to avoid the
reality that all of what you say and claim is nothingmore than the product of
your own mind. Hence why you are so powerless.

>You expect me to have grown completely in God, when you have grown NONE
>at all.

I expect someone who claims to be god, to be god, is that to hard for you to
grasp? I expect that when a person boasts and claims a whole range of powers
that there is evidence for those claims.

I do not see any evidence. In facy all I see is a denial of the verses in
your OWN BIBLE that contradict your claims, I also only see a woman whi tyoes
claims on the NG's and sets up a web page but in the real world is unable
-due to your true state of being powerlesness- to do anything in the real

The Jesus you claim to have followed is said to have fiinished it around 33.
your 45 going on 46 and you can't do anything that he is supposed to have
done. Face it dore you compare poorly.

>And an atheist could have any understanding of biblical scripture is
>beyond reason, when they have no concept in the first place.

Rubbish anyone can read. Besides Christians also say your claims are bogus,
what you are really trying to say here -once again because you are trying to
hold onto your delusion- is that ANYONE who disagrees with your kook farts is

Well I have outlined the type of excuses people like you use, go back and
read those posts and see how you fit into them.

>What is more important the person in God or the words of ancient
>scripts relating a completely different scenario? The fact that you
>have no understanding, compassion or reasoning, for another human, even
>though I come from God, but rather are obviously using a certain
>scripture for your own evil intent, speaks volumes about your darkened

WRONG again, it is YOUR PROBLEM because you FAILED your OWN BIBLES standard
of telling a true prophet from a a false one, now deal with it dore. You can
look for excuses all you like and try to blame everyone and everything but
yoursefl but the FACTS are you FAILED.

Your words above speak volusmes about your own deception dore, think about
it, and see if you can follow this through logically for once.

>I explained the meaning and relevance of that verse for the time it was
>given. As you ignore all the other verses, what do you care of the
>meaning of that one?

You did not explain it, you invented an excuse because your were exposed as a
FALSE PROPHET. I expected it, because that is what your kind does. When the
facts or evidence is before them they quickly try to get around it, just like
you tried.

Now ask yourself why you had to deny a part of YOUR OWN BIBLE hmm? Answer:
because it would destroy your claims and delusional world. It is better to
lie or make up an excuse than to openly admit your a false prophet and that
no one needs to take you seriously anymore.

Muffin Man

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
Pastor Frank wrote:

>All flames come from the depth

>of hell, therefore we know where you live spiritually. That's why we need
>pray for you.

Please could you pray for my dinner as it STRONGLY relies upon hell to
reduce the chances of my death.

>Pastor Frank
>"I thank thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid

>these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."
> -- Jesus in Matthew 11:25


Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:28:27 -0800, Steve Knight <cableone> wrote:

I guess that would put you in the same group as all Other
non-intelligent Atheists then, huh?

Ah...and you even admit you are nothing more than a troll.
That IS a good one.
I think I will laugh my butt off right now, SWEETIE.....

Hey...let me let you in on a little secret.....?
Why dont YOU just SHUT the hell up as well....



Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:49:29 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
<> wrote:

>What is plainly obvious is all of your complete and total ignorance of God,
>how He does things and how HE chooses to train His servants, as you can't be
>one of them.

ah Dore....serving
Satan again I see....

Ignorance is YOUR middle name.


Steve Knight

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00

Don't say, "huh". It's not very lady like. Makes you sound like an
ignorant moron. Oh my..... You are an ignorant moron. Sorry, you can
say, "huh" all you want.

>Ah...and you even admit you are nothing more than a troll.
>That IS a good one.
>I think I will laugh my butt off right now, SWEETIE.....

Speaking of butts, how's your face?

>Hey...let me let you in on a little secret.....?
>Why dont YOU just SHUT the hell up as well....

Oh man... you really gave it to me that time. You have degraded me
in front of my friends. I feel like a worm, totally submissive to your
power and I .. I... I'm really turned on! Call me another name!


YES! Mistress! I've been BAD! Hurt me! YES! I'll wear the heels!

Pastor Frank

Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
HeavensLilAngel wrote in message ...

Please don't give comfort and encouragement to atheists in their hate
campaign against Christians, HLA. Perhaps we should leave the judging of
Dore to God. What do you think?

Pastor Frank

"Judge not, that ye be not judged"
(Jesus in Matt 7:1)
Mt:7:2: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what
measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Lk:6:37: Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall
not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:


Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 08:29:59 +0800

"Pastor Frank" <> wrote:
-- origin: alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now:

>|HeavensLilAngel wrote in message ...
>|>On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:49:29 -0500, "Dore Williamson"
>|><> wrote:
>|>>What is plainly obvious is all of your complete and total ignorance of
>|>>how He does things and how HE chooses to train His servants, as you can't
>|>>one of them.
>|>ah Dore....serving Satan again I see....
>|>Ignorance is YOUR middle name.
>| Please don't give comfort and encouragement to atheists in their hate
>|campaign against Christians, HLA. Perhaps we should leave the judging of
>|Dore to God. What do you think?

>|Pastor Frankenfuckup

Well, since god doesn't exist, I guess the odious task of judging Dore
falls on our slim atheistic shoulders. And we judge Dore to be a lunatic
fruitcake who makes even christians look good by comparaision -- even you.

She needs to take pills, lots of them, different kinds too. Maybe you
could benefit from the same medication that gets prescribed to Dore.

Watching Kooks

Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 08:29:59 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
<> wrote:

> Please don't give comfort and encouragement to atheists in their hate
>campaign against Christians, HLA. Perhaps we should leave the judging of
>Dore to God. What do you think?

BS Frank, HeavensLilAngel appears a lot more mature than your maronic
posts. Hence why when I did have a serious question about Christianity
it was him/her I asked and not you, Woz or the kook dore.

Kook Watcher.


Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
Watching Kooks wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 08:29:59 +0800, "Pastor Frank"
> <> wrote:
> > Please don't give comfort and encouragement to atheists in their hate
> >campaign against Christians, HLA. Perhaps we should leave the judging of
> >Dore to God. What do you think?
> BS Frank, HeavensLilAngel appears a lot more mature than your maronic
> posts. Hence why when I did have a serious question about Christianity
> it was him/her I asked and not you, Woz or the kook dore.
> Kook Watcher.
> >Pastor Frank

Not only that, but I've noticed that Frank isn't at all reluctant
to judge everyone who's not an Xtain, but _if_ they claim to be,
like the fruitcake Dore, he'll circle the wagons around them, no
matter how whacked out they are. That's Pastor CooCoo Bird for
you, as nutty as a fruitcake.


Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
On Wed, 22 Mar Frank"<> wrote:
> erikc wrote in message <>...
> >On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:14:37 +1030
> >Watching Kooks <> wrote:
> >>|>Pastor Frank wrote:
> >>|>Um,Pastor Frank?Care to explain why Saul of Tarsus adds up to 666?Hmmmmmm?

> >>|>> One who ONLY watches for Kooks can't recognize Christ NOR His glorious
> >>|>> truth, For even if truth hits him over the head, he can ONLY see Kooks
> >>|>> peddling falsehoods. Such as these need our prayers a lot more than
> our
> >>|>> theological expositions.
> >>|
> >>|Haven't you learnt anything about nuts like that?
> >>|Kook Watcher.
> >
> All anybody learns from you is flaming. All flames come from the depth

> of hell, therefore we know where you live spiritually. That's why we need to
> pray for you.
> Pastor Frank
> "I thank thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid
> these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."
> -- Jesus in Matthew 11:25
> "Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child,
> he shall not enter therein." -- Jesus in Mark 10:15

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Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00

Good one stupid twit!

>>Ah...and you even admit you are nothing more than a troll.
>>That IS a good one.
>>I think I will laugh my butt off right now, SWEETIE.....
> Speaking of butts, how's your face?

Your nose brown....why not look in the mirror?

>>Hey...let me let you in on a little secret.....?
>>Why dont YOU just SHUT the hell up as well....
> Oh man... you really gave it to me that time. You have degraded me
>in front of my friends. I feel like a worm, totally submissive to your
>power and I .. I... I'm really turned on! Call me another name!
> YES! Mistress! I've been BAD! Hurt me! YES! I'll wear the heels!

Oh....that WOULD not be new....
Try the dress on for size now?


Oh...this IS fun...

Dore Williamson

Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
you wrote..

> That is why I asked HeavensLilAngel the question and NOT YOU. Because from
> what I have seen this guy/girl has it more together than YOU do. You lack
> very traits you talk about as once again has been shown.

Of course, you are seeking credibility from someone who has the same lack of
knowledge that you do. I guess you think that if someone who claims to be a
Christian, accepts and agrees with you, that it makes your foolish argument
valid. Guess what? It doesn't.

you wrote..

> You pretend you know but you know nothing and it is all in your head. When
> caught you even try to deny your own Bible to excuse away your FAILED
> PROPHECIES and other contradictory kook farts.

Let's see. I know God, His plan,. His purpose and His ways of growth for His
servants. You know nothing of any of these things, but I am the one who
knows nothing? I EXPLAIN the reasons and purposes for these occurrences. You
can't even understand my explanations, much less anything else regarding
God, the bible or anything remotely deeper in knowledge and wisdom. You, an
atheist, suddenly pretends to KNOW scripture and all it's meanings and
purpose, to accuse ME with. What could be more contradictory than that?

you wrote..

> The facts are you have lied, you have judged wrongly, you have


> yourself on some really funny stuff, you make excuses up to avoid the
> reality that all of what you say and claim is nothingmore than the product
> your own mind. Hence why you are so powerless.

The facts are that I was immature in my spiritual walk and foolishly said
things I was deceived by, while growing up in God. I NEVER contradict
myself, but explain the reasons for the mistakes, of which you are too
stubborn, self-serving and ignorant to accept. As I have said, all things
are truth, and NOT products of my own mind,but what God has taught me and
allowed me to learn, howbeit through error. I am mature enough to admit and
explain what occurred, and that truth is what gives me my power.

you wrote..

> I expect someone who claims to be god, to be god, is that to hard for you
> grasp? I expect that when a person boasts and claims a whole range of
> that there is evidence for those claims.

I am God's servant and Son, sent here to perform and finish the work that
Christ has started. I am NOT God in the imaginations of what YOU think God
should be. God, the Father is the God that you are expecting. One who knows
all, has all power, and is NOT a human in any regard. I have all the power
that I need to finish the work that I was sent here to do. Your expectation
of what YOU desire for proof, was written in scripture that you would NOT
receive this evidence. For God's plan was NOT for man's easy road to heaven,
but a road of seeking, learning, growth and an obedient submission to what
has already been taught by the first Christ, to get closer to God and attain
the worthiness to achieve eternal heaven. You, being evil and not seeking
God by any means whatsoever, will not have the luxury of seeing proof, for
your salvation and will die in your sins as you have chosen NOT to seek God
at all. Wouldn't heaven be easily and without effort attained if I could
perform miracles to prove to all men the validity of my coming, as all men
would obey easily if I would show powers that you could NOT deny. But that
is NOT God's desire for His children. He wants things NOT easily attained or
believed in, because HE is worthy of more respect than that.

you wrote..

> I do not see any evidence. In facy all I see is a denial of the verses in
> your OWN BIBLE that contradict your claims, I also only see a woman whi
> claims on the NG's and sets up a web page but in the real world is unable
> -due to your true state of being powerlesness- to do anything in the real
> world.

Matt 13:13-15
13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and
hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing
ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall
not perceive:
15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of
hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see
with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their
heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

Your heart is waxed gross, your ears are dull of hearing, and your eyes are
closed, and thus you shall not understand, you shall not hear, and you shall
not see, because you are evil in your heart and these things are hidden from
What you consider the real world is just a limited life that tests the
hearts of men for eternal dwellings, and is really small and limited and
prospers nothing in eternal things. What I do, may be unseen to you, for you
are blind to the spirit's powers and abilities and thus you expect things
to happen for your own easy deliverance, but God is worth more than that, so
these things, are not given you.

you wrote..

> The Jesus you claim to have followed is said to have fiinished it around
> your 45 going on 46 and you can't do anything that he is supposed to have
> done. Face it dore you compare poorly.

Jesus' purpose and works are different from mine. I am NOT here to perform
the same duties and thus I am NOT here to do again what has already been
done. That would be redundant and futile. If you didn't get it the first
time, what makes you so special that it should be done again for YOUR sake?
What I am doing now, is only the beginning of what is to come. Christ had a
semblance of time to prepare for His works to be completed, and that was
fulfilled early in His life. My work has a broader expanse of people and to
finish what I am here to do, takes more time, for it's completion.

you wrote..

> Rubbish anyone can read. Besides Christians also say your claims are
> what you are really trying to say here -once again because you are trying
> hold onto your delusion- is that ANYONE who disagrees with your kook farts
> wrong.

Sure anyone can read, but not everyone takes seriously and is committed to
what they have read. So tell me, have YOU taken every word of scripture
seriously and committedly, so much that you have the ability to judge who is
truly Christian and who is just under the pretense of their complacency,
theology, or lack of action on their part in truth?

Isaiah, prophesied truly about me.

Isa 63:3-10
3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with
me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and
their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my
4 For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is
5 And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was
none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my
fury, it upheld me.
6 And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my
fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.
7 I will mention the lovingkindnesss of the LORD, and the praises of the
LORD, according to all that the LORD hath bestowed on us, and the great
goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them
according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his
8 For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he
was their Saviour.
9 In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence
saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them,
and carried them all the days of old.
10 But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to
be their enemy, and he fought against them.

I am alone, as I travel the winepress of Almighty God. So any Christians who
refute me are just the rebellious hypocrites, who have not obeyed fully the
teachings of Christ.

The blind cannot see and the hypocrites will have their times of fear, spoke
in scripture..

Isa 33:14
14 The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the
hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us
shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

You are holding on to your own delusions, and attempting to hold onto the
delusions of hypocrites for your own validity in rebelling against me.
However, your attempts and accusations will not prevail, as you dwell in
your delusions that you will NOT suffer the justifications of your sins and
ignorance of rebelling against God.

you wrote.

> Well I have outlined the type of excuses people like you use, go back and
> read those posts and see how you fit into them.

Your ignorance and lack of understanding and reasoning, doesn't mean that my
explanations are excuses. It only means that you refuse to accept the
explanations, for your own defense. In attempting to nullify me, you are
doing Satan's bidding in that you cannot perceive truth when it is revealed
to you. I explain and provide viable reasons for all that you accuse me of,
but nothing will ever satisfy you because you have no desire to understand
and grow, you have only your attacks to pretend that it somehow will absolve
you from your own failures as a human being in goodness.

you wrote..

> You did not explain it, you invented an excuse because your were exposed
as a
> FALSE PROPHET. I expected it, because that is what your kind does. When
> facts or evidence is before them they quickly try to get around it, just
> you tried.

You read my explanations and stubbornly denied any attempt at reasoning or
considering for their valid reason.You are not interested in reasons or
explanations, so no matter how much I attempt to open your mind to knowledge
and wisdom, your pride won't allow your mind to consider them, for if you
did, then you would be guilty of all that I accuse you of, thus determining
your eternal fate in hell and you cannot accept that fate, so you use any
defense that you can, to pretend that you will not get exactly what you
deserve. You deny evidence and fact of my reasoning, and refuse to consider
anything I say, for then you would have to admit that you are wrong, and
your pride in evil, cannot grasp that admittance.

you wrote..

> Your words above speak volusmes about your own deception dore, think about
> it, and see if you can follow this through logically for once.

I think my words speak volumes about your deceptions and delusions, your
lack of compassion, consideration, reasoning, understanding and knowledge of
Think about it. Logically, can you explain to even yourself why you are so
obsessed in rebelling against me. That you have to resort to continual abuse
and attacks, refusing to consider the explanations that are given you. I am
not here trying to deceive anyone. I think about what happened in the
deceptions of Satan continuously, and analyze the failure continually and
why God allowed and purposed that to happen. I fell into error and
explained the reasons for that error. I repented. I spoke personally with
God about it and told you what HE said, that is sufficient for me, and thus
God's answers MUST be sufficient for you, for you are NOT greater than God.
How convenient to ignore my experiences and standing in the presence of God,
in His counsel and education for your own purpose and excuse for your
attacks against me. You don't understand, nor can conceive the realities of
sometimes quirky relevance of truths, shown by God in unusual ways. So you
make fun and mock, because your imaginations of God are not to your
expectations. You continue rant and rave about things that are above your
understanding, and think that by your mockery that it all becomes
irrelevant. Well, God does NOT do things according to your expectations or
desires. Can you logically think He should?

you wrote..

> You did not explain it, you invented an excuse because your were exposed
as a
> FALSE PROPHET. I expected it, because that is what your kind does. When
> facts or evidence is before them they quickly try to get around it, just
> you tried.

What about the facts and evidence of all Creation and the intricate details
of the whole Universe, the facts that all Christ said was for the benefit of
all mankind to order peace, and goodness on the earth as being of God? You
will NEVER understand my deep meanings and reasons when you cannot even
grasp That God exists in all of Creation. The first step in understanding my
reasons is the acceptance and sight that God exists in the first place. If
you cannot even grasp that this intricate complex creation is of God, then
how can you grasp the deeper things pertaining to His ways? What about YOUR
kind? Those who are so small minded and pretentious to think that the
miracle of life is something to be taken for granted? When the facts and
evidence that man could NOT exist, nor any thing created could have occurred
without a mighty supernatural divine being to has purposed it? Even though
you try to ignore God and the facts and evidence of the miraculous things of
physical reality, you use any tactic necessary to take the focus off of you
and place blame on others for your ignorance. Well, let's see if all of your
rebellion, excuses and attacks, smoke screens, have any validity in your
eternal consequence.

you wrote..

> Now ask yourself why you had to deny a part of YOUR OWN BIBLE hmm? Answer:
> because it would destroy your claims and delusional world. It is better to
> lie or make up an excuse than to openly admit your a false prophet and
> no one needs to take you seriously anymore.

Your lack of sight and understanding of the bible relevance, it's meaning
and purpose, and complete ignorance of it's insights, has no reflection on
me, only that you have not studied, taken it seriously, nor obeyed it, for
your understanding. You pick scriptures you think will deny me, for you have
no clue of any of it, at all, but, that is all you have to refute and accuse
me with. Your only desire is to hurt me, deny me, and attack me, for you are
Satan's minion, and you have no other recourse than to pretend that you have
something on me for your denial. What logical, knowledgeable, and wise human
being would take seriously an atheist quoting scriptures, as being one who
knows what he is talking about?


Isa 30:27
27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and
the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his
tongue as a devouring fire:

Kook Watcher <> wrote in message

Watching Kooks

Mar 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/24/00

Yeah they make excuses up for each other like that idiot Benjamin
Creme cult but when it comes to an outsider they delight with their
hell rants or BS PR spiel.

Kook Watcher.

Watching Kooks

Mar 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/24/00
It -dore- spat:

I previously wrote;

>> That is why I asked HeavensLilAngel the question and NOT YOU. Because from
>> what I have seen this guy/girl has it more together than YOU do. You lack
>>the very traits you talk about as once again has been shown.


>Of course, you are seeking credibility from someone who has the same lack of
>knowledge that you do. I guess you think that if someone who claims to be a
>Christian, accepts and agrees with you, that it makes your foolish argument
>valid. Guess what? It doesn't.

Man are you a stupid god or what? Are you able to get anything right?
What happened to you being able to read minds LOL? I don't seek
credibility from ANYONE cause I don't need it.

I say what I say and that is that. He/she shows more knowledge and
even when debating with atheists has at least sense of humour. You on
the other hand are a kook as I have PROVEN.

What have you proven? NOTHING except your a FAILED PROPHET who denies
your OWN BIBLE. Get used to it dore your a FAILURE.

I previously wrote;

>> You pretend you know but you know nothing and it is all in your head. When
>> caught you even try to deny your own Bible to excuse away your FAILED
>> PROPHECIES and other contradictory kook farts.
>Let's see. I know God, His plan,.

You only think you know is how to make a fool of yourself on the
NG's ... well at least your cheap entertainment.

>His purpose and His ways of growth for His
>servants. You know nothing of any of these things, but I am the one who
>knows nothing? I EXPLAIN the reasons and purposes for these occurrences. You
>can't even understand my explanations, much less anything else regarding
>God, the bible or anything remotely deeper in knowledge and wisdom. You, an
>atheist, suddenly pretends to KNOW scripture and all it's meanings and
>purpose, to accuse ME with. What could be more contradictory than that?

Yep dore like I said its all in your head you CAN'T PROVE a word of
it, about all you can do is make up excuses to avoid the reality of
your own powerlessness in the real world.

I previously wrote;

>> The facts are you have lied, you have judged wrongly, you have
>>contradicted yourself on some really funny stuff, you make
>>excuses up to avoid the reality that all of what you say and claim
>>is nothingmore than the product of your own mind. Hence why
>>you are so powerless.


>The facts are that I was immature in my spiritual walk and foolishly said
>things I was deceived by, while growing up in God. I NEVER contradict
>myself, but explain the reasons for the mistakes, of which you are too
>stubborn, self-serving and ignorant to accept. As I have said, all things
>are truth, and NOT products of my own mind,but what God has taught me and
>allowed me to learn, howbeit through error. I am mature enough to admit and
>explain what occurred, and that truth is what gives me my power.

See you lied when you claimed you had all the answers LOL. Are you
that stupid you can not see your own contradictions?

I previously wrote;

>>I expect someone who claims to be god, to be god, is that to hard for you
>>to grasp? I expect that when a person boasts and claims a whole range of
>>powers that there is evidence for those claims.
>I am God's servant and Son, sent here to perform and finish the work that
>Christ has started. I am NOT God in the imaginations of what YOU think God
>should be. God, the Father is the God that you are expecting. One who knows
>all, has all power, and is NOT a human in any regard. I have all the power
>that I need to finish the work that I was sent here to do. Your expectation
>of what YOU desire for proof, was written in scripture that you would NOT
>receive this evidence. For God's plan was NOT for man's easy road to heaven,
>but a road of seeking, learning, growth and an obedient submission to what
>has already been taught by the first Christ, to get closer to God and attain
>the worthiness to achieve eternal heaven. You, being evil and not seeking
>God by any means whatsoever, will not have the luxury of seeing proof, for
>your salvation and will die in your sins as you have chosen NOT to seek God
>at all. Wouldn't heaven be easily and without effort attained if I could
>perform miracles to prove to all men the validity of my coming, as all men
>would obey easily if I would show powers that you could NOT deny. But that
>is NOT God's desire for His children. He wants things NOT easily attained or
>believed in, because HE is worthy of more respect than that.

See more proof your a FAILURE unable to do anything but type kook
farts on the NG's. Wake up dore no matter how many excuses you try to
make up, face up to the reality that you simply can't do anything in
the real world.

Do you even realize how funny you look claiming to be god while
sitting in front of a computer pretending to be a judge and sending
people to hell based on NG posting's? I guess you can't see it LOL for
you its a reality isn't it in your delusional fantasy world

I previously wrote;

>> I do not see any evidence. In fact all I see is a denial of the verses in
>> your OWN BIBLE that contradict your claims, I also only see a woman which
>>types claims on the NG's and sets up a web page but in the real world is unable

>> -due to your true state of being powerlesness- to do anything in the real
>> world.

>Your heart is waxed gross, your ears are dull of hearing, and your eyes are
>closed, and thus you shall not understand, you shall not hear, and you shall
>not see, because you are evil in your heart and these things are hidden from
>you. What you consider the real world is just a limited life that tests the
>hearts of men for eternal dwellings, and is really small and limited and
>prospers nothing in eternal things. What I do, may be unseen to you, for you
>are blind to the spirit's powers and abilities and thus you expect things
>to happen for your own easy deliverance, but God is worth more than that, so
>these things, are not given you.

See what I mean another excuse designed to avoid the reality that your
a failure by YOUR OWN BIBLES JUDGMENT. Your even called a FALSE
PROPHET by your own bible.

Naturally your type of wanna be gods, aliens, arch angels, final
prophets, Koresh's etc quickly try to make up excuses to avoid being a
FALSE god, messiah or whatever delusional brains like yours come up

I previously wrote;

>> The Jesus you claim to have followed is said to have fiinished it around
>>33. your 45 going on 46 and you can't do anything that he is supposed to have
>> done. Face it dore you compare poorly.
>Jesus' purpose and works are different from mine. I am NOT here to perform
>the same duties and thus I am NOT here to do again what has already been
>done. That would be redundant and futile. If you didn't get it the first
>time, what makes you so special that it should be done again for YOUR sake?
>What I am doing now, is only the beginning of what is to come. Christ had a
>semblance of time to prepare for His works to be completed, and that was
>fulfilled early in His life. My work has a broader expanse of people and to
>finish what I am here to do, takes more time, for it's completion.

Like I said you FAILED miserably in every respect LOL.

I previously wrote;

>> Rubbish anyone can read. Besides Christians also say your claims are
>>bogus, what you are really trying to say here -once again because you are trying
>>to hold onto your delusion- is that ANYONE who disagrees with your kook farts
>>is wrong.


>Sure anyone can read, but not everyone takes seriously and is committed to
>what they have read. So tell me, have YOU taken every word of scripture
>seriously and committedly, so much that you have the ability to judge who is
>truly Christian and who is just under the pretense of their complacency,
>theology, or lack of action on their part in truth?

See you have proved my point again thanks.

>Isaiah, prophesied truly about me.
>Isa 63:3-10


WRONG you were not born of a virgin if one wants to take the
Christian interpretation LOL, and you certainly are not a man nor
were you born in the Holy Land. I could go on with a whole host of
other prophecies where YOY FAILED, heck I can even give you the
Judaistic prophetic view where YOU FAIL with them also.

Face it dore you LOSE or FAIL on all accounts, sanity being the main

>I am alone, as I travel the winepress of Almighty God. So any Christians who
>refute me are just the rebellious hypocrites, who have not obeyed fully the
>teachings of Christ.

Yeah yeah just like Koresh, Jones an the other kooks say. Only dores
delusion is the right one LOL even when she FAILS so many times,
contradicts herself and has the doredamned funniest kook farts around.

>The blind cannot see and the hypocrites will have their times of fear, spoke
>in scripture..

Naturally it is everyone elses fault but the delusional dore, say you
really should visit the mental hospital more often they say the same
things LOL.

>You are holding on to your own delusions, and attempting to hold onto the
>delusions of hypocrites for your own validity in rebelling against me.
>However, your attempts and accusations will not prevail, as you dwell in
>your delusions that you will NOT suffer the justifications of your sins and
>ignorance of rebelling against God.

Wrong again your the one with the FAILED kook farts, so it is YOUR
delusion not mine LOL are you able to follow such a simple piece of
logic or is that beyond you?

I previously wrote;

>> Well I have outlined the type of excuses people like you use, go back and
>> read those posts and see how you fit into them.


>Your ignorance and lack of understanding and reasoning, doesn't mean that my
>explanations are excuses. It only means that you refuse to accept the
>explanations, for your own defense. In attempting to nullify me, you are
>doing Satan's bidding in that you cannot perceive truth when it is revealed
>to you. I explain and provide viable reasons for all that you accuse me of,
>but nothing will ever satisfy you because you have no desire to understand
>and grow, you have only your attacks to pretend that it somehow will absolve
>you from your own failures as a human being in goodness.

See there you go again dore having another kook fart trying to shift
the focus and blame away from YOURSELF, face it your a FAILURE hence
it is your problem not mine.

I previously wrote;

>> You did not explain it, you invented an excuse because your were exposed
>>as a FALSE PROPHET. I expected it, because that is what your kind does. When
>>the facts or evidence is before them they quickly try to get around it, just
>>like you tried.
>You read my explanations and stubbornly denied any attempt at reasoning or
>considering for their valid reason.You are not interested in reasons or
>explanations, so no matter how much I attempt to open your mind to knowledge
>and wisdom, your pride won't allow your mind to consider them, for if you
>did, then you would be guilty of all that I accuse you of, thus determining
>your eternal fate in hell and you cannot accept that fate, so you use any
>defense that you can, to pretend that you will not get exactly what you
>deserve. You deny evidence and fact of my reasoning, and refuse to consider
>anything I say, for then you would have to admit that you are wrong, and
>your pride in evil, cannot grasp that admittance.

See how wrong you are again??? And you think you are god ROTFLMAO? How
many times do you have to be wrong before you wake up? I did
consider it, and compare it to others like you -who claim various
things- and I rejected it because it was exactly like the others who
claim to be god, Christ returned or whatever.

They were not explanations they were EXCUSES, you even went so far
as to go against your OWN BIBLE? What do you think that tells honest
people about your true motives hmm?

Face it dore you FAILED you couldn't DEAL with it -because it
destroyed all your other delusional claims- so you had to make up
some excuse. ... Seen it al before from others just like you.

The other usual tactics -which again others as kooky as you are- is to
try and shift the blame onto anyone or anything else.

I previously wrote;

>> Your words above speak volumes about your own deception dore, think about

>> it, and see if you can follow this through logically for once.


> I think my words speak volumes about your deceptions and delusions, your
>lack of compassion, consideration, reasoning, understanding and knowledge of

See your doing it again LOL just like I said. Man are you a classic
delusional case.

>Think about it. Logically, can you explain to even yourself why you are so
>obsessed in rebelling against me.

Can you think why you are so obsessed with your online kook farts?
What happened dore? Do you love your mothers husband? Have you given
him a hug recently and told him how much you really love him?

How does your mother feel about your claims does she believe them?
Does she believe god had her impregnated to produce you or does she
know better that it was the result of a sexual union with someone she

When is the last time you hugged your husband and your daughter and
told them you loved them and cared for them without having a hell
kook fart hmm?

>That you have to resort to continual abuse and attacks,

You mean like these abuse and attacks by you dore, lets look at your
hypocrisy exposed AGAIN:

Crazy Rants By Dore and Some Spitting fits


Let us all watch as your power is taken from you, I have come and it
is VENGEANCE, my dear, my job and my duty to mankind to wipe evil
from the face of the earth.


I ... warn the wicked of their impending doom and sometimes my fury
gets away from me and my anger is poured out in hatred.








[ Note: dore put the above in caps ]


Go to hell! There, Jesus has come. Are you happy!


He will endure demon horror. He will be raped by a hundred demons
desiring only to enjoy his rectum for their own pleasure.
He will scream will anguish in increasing heat and intolerable odors.
....... He will be beaten and suffer intolerable anguish at
demonic desire as they laugh at his misery. He will scream and no one
will hear, nor care, as his sufferings have no end. .. he
will fear so much that his heart will melt that he cannot bear another
minute, but he will bear, time and again, only to hate and
scream in uncontrollable anguish that even the most tortured
individuals cannot fathom. ... And I will laugh ....

Christian ...don't try and save him ... I already don't want him in my
heaven. I want him to die a thousand deaths, for that is the
justification of God. .... Should evil have grace? NO only
horror...for he has profaned my name and has done evil in it.

In another post she says -about the above-:

And you will receive the same..and I can't wait..


-dore advocates suicide, torture and prays for people to die-

Do me a favor. Go step inside a massive bonfire and see what it feels
like, while you are here on earth. That will give you a
clue to where I am sending you for taking my name in vain vulgar
profanity for all eternity.

In fact, tonight I will sincerely invoke my Father for Jesus H Christ
and Rev Chuck's untimely deaths. May it be swift and sure
to demons of your nature. I would be doing the world a favor.


You can scream ... but your eternal torture will never be heard. While
I laugh ..


Soon you will be in hell and nothing of any part of your life, your
opinions, thoughts, actions, deeds will matter while you are
writhing in pain for your evil.


Soon, it won't be very amusing, because your knees will be as weak as
water and your heart will melt with fearfulness and
horror. ... Well see how amusing you find that ...


Yes, I am a hard ass, so what, I still have the last word. I don't
need you, you need me. Wake up or die. I am sick of it.


Are you a moron or are you so blind that you cannot see? Are you
mocking me, hypocrite?


you will TREMBLE! Mark my words! ... My reality is more truer than
yours, only you'll find out the hard way.


Killing people in righteousness because they were evil, is different
than killing people because you want to take over their
country and plunder their riches,


Another devil...Boy I can't wait until they are all dead and in hell
where they will belong, so I can have my peace ...


And you call me Satan one more time and you will be cast into the
lowest hell, for your justice of arrogance of punishment
keeps getting bigger and bigger all the time. ... you won't see it,
cause you're gonna die soon, angels told me yesterday.


... Not only is Glenn going to die soon, and my informing him of
that, in Mr .. Suiter's eyes is unrighteous anger. But ... YOU ARE ALL
GOING TO DIE SOON, because of righteous anger.

.. if you don't like how I handle my enemies ... WHO CARES WHAT YOU
THINK! ... I don't answer to you. and Father is encouraging me.

You see I don't throw people into hell because I love them, but
because I hate them, and they have angered me. ... yor are all so
evil, and frustrating, ...


YOU PIECE OF LOW LIFE SHIT. I will make you sorry that you were ever


I guess you love evil. Kiss your ass goodbye ...


Pervert.. Die .... Lustful demon ...


If not today, and if not tomorrow, someday you will die, and then you
will see...


I wonder how you will feel about my psychosis, when you are screaming
in hell.


I will cast into hell and condemn whom I please, and I don't care what
YOU think .... Who are you anyway? Nothing .....


I noticed my posts are being removed. Apparently the moderator of this
NG is a servant of Satan and can't handle truth. You
prefer lies and desire for all to go to hell with you.

I must warn you, in your complete disrespect for truth, Satan has
desired you, and I have given you to him willingly. Your
fingers will not function, and in time, you will be incapable of
denying my posts because you will physically incapable to function
on your computer any longer.

You are warned. Continue to deny me, and watch how the lightning


If my posts are lunacy to you it is because you dwell in darkness and
cannot discern light. Of, course I don't really care what
you think, for I always get the last laugh.


Your moronic and stupid posts are just proof of your stupidity and
ignorance. You are a vulgar demon from hell and as long as
you keep on talking, your eternal torture increases. I will also place
on you physical torment and hell will be surprised at my

For you profane my name and speak in such profanity, that is
intolerable for humans to endure. I will cause more suffering on
you, that you cannot conceive.

You won't even be able to refute me, for your fingers will not
function and your pain will be as those who desire death.

And you will know that I am Lord...


So hopeless... You know God can never be killed MORON.. but I can't
wait until you are ... Hey ... Profane my name and you will be
screaming in horror for all eternity and I will laugh. I can't wait..I
hate evil ...


Yes, die witches .... die .... I wish them all a horrible death. For
evil has no right to live .. if Christ's millennium is to commence
then all evil must DIE. So die witches die, so good has a chance on
the earth for a change.


-dore losing it because some posts were supposedly canceled-

I noticed that my ... posts are immediately being removed. ... Remove
my posts, your name has been removed from heaven. I'm used to it, and
laugh because I know I still prevail. As you blind those who come here
seeking truths, in the end you are just destroyed, and scream in
anguish forever. I don't need you. This is not the only way to get my
message out. But you, oh, small person have nothing, not even hope. So
in the meantime, continue to relish is your little bit of power that
you hold over holiness, to relinquish it. Soon, you will be


Evil people beget evil children. ... Christ is the butcher of evil,
however it manifests itself. All are His and He has the power to
do anything He wants with it. If you don't like His way of destroying
evil, then you must be evil.


You're so don't even know what sucks...fool...


Etc etc. And you were saying? Your a HYPOCRITE dore you abuse ALL TH
TIME you even pick on DISABLED PEOPLE threatening them with death.

What a sick woman you really are. I have plenty more if you want to se

>refusing to consider the explanations that are given you. I am
>not here trying to deceive anyone. I think about what happened in the
>deceptions of Satan continuously, and analyze the failure continually and
>why God allowed and purposed that to happen. I fell into error and
>explained the reasons for that error. I repented. I spoke personally with
>God about it and told you what HE said, that is sufficient for me, and thus
>God's answers MUST be sufficient for you, for you are NOT greater than God.
>How convenient to ignore my experiences and standing in the presence of God,
>in His counsel and education for your own purpose and excuse for your
>attacks against me. You don't understand, nor can conceive the realities of
>sometimes quirky relevance of truths, shown by God in unusual ways. So you
>make fun and mock, because your imaginations of God are not to your
>expectations. You continue rant and rave about things that are above your
>understanding, and think that by your mockery that it all becomes
>irrelevant. Well, God does NOT do things according to your expectations or
>desires. Can you logically think He should?

See how stupid you are? You certainly can't be god, how many times do
you repeat the same stupid excuses which I HAVE ANSWERED? You are not
fooling anyone. Are you doing this to try and convince yourself that
you are actually sane?

I previously wrote:

>> You did not explain it, you invented an excuse because your were exposed
>>as a FALSE PROPHET. I expected it, because that is what your kind does. When
>>the facts or evidence is before them they quickly try to get around it, just
>>like you tried.


>What about the facts and evidence of all Creation and the intricate details
>of the whole Universe, the facts that all Christ said was for the benefit of
>all mankind to order peace, and goodness on the earth as being of God? You
>will NEVER understand my deep meanings and reasons when you cannot even
>grasp That God exists in all of Creation. The first step in understanding my
>reasons is the acceptance and sight that God exists in the first place. If
>you cannot even grasp that this intricate complex creation is of God, then
>how can you grasp the deeper things pertaining to His ways? What about YOUR
>kind? Those who are so small minded and pretentious to think that the
>miracle of life is something to be taken for granted? When the facts and
>evidence that man could NOT exist, nor any thing created could have occurred
>without a mighty supernatural divine being to has purposed it? Even though
>you try to ignore God and the facts and evidence of the miraculous things of
>physical reality, you use any tactic necessary to take the focus off of you
>and place blame on others for your ignorance. Well, let's see if all of your
>rebellion, excuses and attacks, smoke screens, have any validity in your
>eternal consequence.

What about the facts you had NO ANSWERS only EXCUSES which ROTFLMAO
ended up destroying YOUR OWN BIBLE. I bet the Christians loved that

I agree with what Muffin Man said, you should read his post carefully,
at least he made a coherent reply to which I can respect despite our

You still have a lot to learn about logic and discussion, those
fantasies in your brain are FAILING badly dore, time for you to get
some serious help.

I previously wrote:

>> Now ask yourself why you had to deny a part of YOUR OWN BIBLE hmm? Answer:
>> because it would destroy your claims and delusional world. It is better to
>> lie or make up an excuse than to openly admit your a false prophet and
>>that no one needs to take you seriously anymore.


>Your lack of sight and understanding of the bible relevance, it's meaning
>and purpose, and complete ignorance of it's insights, has no reflection on
>me, only that you have not studied, taken it seriously, nor obeyed it, for
>your understanding. You pick scriptures you think will deny me, for you have
>no clue of any of it, at all, but, that is all you have to refute and accuse
>me with. Your only desire is to hurt me, deny me, and attack me, for you are
>Satan's minion, and you have no other recourse than to pretend that you have
>something on me for your denial. What logical, knowledgeable, and wise human
>being would take seriously an atheist quoting scriptures, as being one who
>knows what he is talking about?

See you are stuck in your own repetitious rubbish here read this and
let everyone know that your a FALSE PROPHET:


The bible says:


However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I
have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other
gods, that prophet must be put to death.

You may say, how can we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?

When a true prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does
not come to pass or come true, that is a word which the Lord has not
spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be
afraid of him.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22


Okay well we know it says the above so lets look at your FAILED stuff
okay and see if you square up with the book you claim to agree with.

All quotes below -unless said to be otherwise- was uttered in the
year 1998.



You all find out very soon, only by denying me now, you risk the
chance of being caught in the flood of destruction.

... Clinton is the lawless one and NEXT YEAR, many places will be left
desolate and empty because of biological warfare used as rebellion
against this evil nation, the US, ......

And where the dead carcasses are so the eagles will be gathered and
then I will be revealed...



You'll pay for all that you do and say to me. Don't forget that,
whether you believe it or not. It still will be done .. I will be
justified .. NEXT YEAR will be my revealing to the masses.



1992-.I saw the ovens used by Hitler and the smokestacks raising into
the sky. On the top of the smokestacks was the year 1999



Date: 09 Oct 1998

A Christian said:

>>Why has God not yet heard your prayer for the destruction of
>>the earth? ..... in the Bible I find not verse about praying for the
>>destruction of the world.

dore replied:

>You haven't waited long enough..

>Tell me after 1999 is over, that it hasn't come true...


Comment: Yeah well guess what dore I am telling you now, and its after
1999 ROTFL.



Date: 22 Jun 1998

I will tell you, that NEXT YEAR, in 1999, deaths will increase, and
continue at a rapid rate, and biological warfare, will be the cause,
along with tempest and natural disasters, violence and cancers. It
will be as a flood, begin slowly and rise to incredible fervor until
all the wicked are removed, and the righteous, who endure until that
end, will shine like the sun, and my millennium can begin, which
perhaps could take my whole lifetime to complete. I am 44 now.

Does that help?



Date: 24 Jun 1998 00:00:00 GMT

And what happens when biological warfare snuffs out your life, and you
come to stand before me, and I remind you of this?



Date: 01 Apr 1998

... next year the sun will be dark the moon and stars will not shine.
... the world will be thrown into darkness for a period of time.

Perhaps three days of darkness, maybe more, I was not given the
exact period of time of darkness, only revelation of the event.

The light will return and the sign of the Son of man will appear in



Date: 1998

This was revealed to me this week...

NEXT YEAR, the sun will be dark, the moon will not shine, and the
stars will not be seen. Go into a closet with no light, and you will
get an idea of what it will be like. It will not be caused by anything
of natural circumstance, but of miraculous doing. The whole earth will
be covered in this darkness. And the nations will mourn.



Date: 17 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT

.. I suggest the spirit of Satan overcomes you. And one more thing, I
don't play games, I NEVER LIE, I am not demented,

And when the hour of my glory comes and my vengeance peaks, then you
will believe, but too late, because you cannot understand truth in
reasoning and consideration now, because you are not prepared for the
second coming, but are blinded in fallacies. The day you speak of will
come NEXT YEAR, much to your horror.

I am the ultimate judge! ... Don't bother praying for me. I stand in
the Father constantly and see Him face to face daily. If I need
anything, I will ask Him directly. .. Where do you get your lies,



Date: 29 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT

Bilbo said:

>>Let me paint a possible prediction. It is the year 2030. When everyone
>>thinks of the years 1998-2010 everyone shakes their heads and said
>>how could so many have fallen for this end of the world stuff, oh well
>>live and learn, time goes on. Just a thought.

dore once again losing the plot replied:

In the year 2000, when you are dead and in hell, you will be thinking
how could I have been so blind to the signs of times and prophetic
events occurring every day right under my nose?



Date: 23 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT

I received this prophecy on 5/21/98.

MEXT YEAR, on May 30, 1999, the beginning of the flood waters,
occurring from the melting of the ice caps, attributed to El Nino,
will begin to take affect. The homes located on the coastlines will be
slowly immerge. Their treasures will be lost to the sea, for future
divers to discover.

The fact that Clinton ( the Antichrist) is preparing for biological
warfare on the United States, .. as the nations who know the
evils of capitalism ( the beast) rebel against his authority, and will
ignite biological warfare against the people of this country.

They will place anthrax in imported fertilizer and other biological
weapons on imports to destroy America's control, as they destroy the
people who support this incredibly evil nation. This is the hour of
trial, spoken of in Revelation and the result that will cause the
carcasses, where the eagles will gather, before the coming of Christ.

As I prophesied before, that the days of darkness, before Christ is
revealed will occur next year, so is the Antichrist being revealed,
the man of lawlessness, who is preparing, in vain, for the attacks
that will leave the carcasses, as told by Christ at His revealing, is
occurring now at Clintons speech at the naval academy.



Date: 21 May 1998 00:00:00 GMT

They speak allot of truth but when the truth hits them square in the
eye, they deny and go on like the rest of the heretics.

But you will all know WITHOUT FAIL, NEXT YEAR, when Christ is


13# -Bowing at dores feet LOL-

Date: 07 Apr 1998 00:00:00 GMT

Last night, the Father came to me and wrote His name on my forehead.

The Jews and the synagogue of Satan are the apostate Christians, and
the lovers of money.

Watch, then believe! In 1999 and therafter, you will bow at my feet,
and know that I am Lord.


14# -dores promises are worthless-

Date: 13 Sep 1998

I PROMISE that in the SUMMER of 1999, I WILL BE REVEALED. Howbeit,
in great tribulation, fear and sufferings, as where the carcasses are,
therewith I will be also.


# 15

Date: 26 Dec 1998

I don't need your prayers. I spend more time with God than I do on
earth. You are all misguided and need to believe in me, for unless you
do, you will NEVER be redeemed.

For when I will be revealed and recognized, the earth will be ravaged
by my fury, and all your doubts and ridicule of me will melt into fear
and horror.


See what I mean dore YOU FAILED, now you can't blame ANY CHRISTIAN
for rejecting your newest and latest kook farts, unless you really

Kook Watcher.


I will be the president on the United states

-one of dores delusional kook farts.


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