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Purdoscastic Perdiculum in the Loewst

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Lucky Velotres

Jul 5, 2018, 3:48:41 PM7/5/18
Michael says:
May 11, 2018 at 7:45 am
The details are even worse than we thought. The Archdiocese is not mailing our retired priests their pension checks because our money has been looted, but the Metropolitans still fly regularly to Greece and Turkey first class and Evangelos is still chauffeured into his Metropolis every day because he prefers to live in Manhattan than with his flock.
The Archdiocese is not sending funds to run our only seminary. Funds from Saint Nicholas have been stolen. Where are the apologies? Where are the firings? Where are the criminal indictments?
The big cover up is on. We are being told to please move along, nothing to see here. Everything is okay.
The people running the Archdiocese today are clueless. It starts at the top with the Archbishop who I believe to be pious but who was in over his head from day one.
The GOA has seen its last penny from us until real reforms are implemented and the thieves who stole or misused our money are taken out in handcuffs. Until then it is all a show. A big Ponzi scheme trying to hold on just a bit longer.
Nancy Pullus says:
May 11, 2018 at 3:05 pm
The money has been moved to the Archons, AHEPA and L100 to avoid pederasty lawsuits. It is the same tactic that was used to keep Lenin from selling off our churches because they had received money from the Czars. But Lenin was able to sell all ten seminaries. AHEPA and GOA were both founded in 1922, the year Lenin won his civil war, in which Greece and the League of Nations had sent troops to support the Whites against the Reds. The first Greek churches were built by Benakis at New Orleans and Mobile, Franco-Spanish slave ports for Greek ships under other flags. The word Ku Klux Klan comes from the Greek Kuklos or Cyclos. The south was the source of modern fraternities and neoclassical architecture, which emulated the Greeks while the north emulated Rome and Harvard degrees are still in Latin. Greeks preferred to live in the south and Jefferson learned Greek from a Greek named John Paradise, the first naturalized American As can be seen in Kourides centennial history of the NYC Cathedral, some ghetto churches in major cities had already been organized as private chapels of Masonic Athena Brotherhoods which became the model for AHEPA. Further proof of the lie of the AHEPA KKK canard is that most incidents against Greeks took place in Northern areas like Wisconsin settled mostly by central Europeans who saw the Greeks as extensions of their Russian 1848 oppressors. Kourides wrote that New York State had a law chartering that all Orthodox churches belonged to Moscow, making the Athena Brotherhood necessary.
Nicholas Kalis says:
May 11, 2018 at 8:27 pm
Ethnikos Kirikas has its work cut out for it. O Kirikas may be the only organization I trust to unearth all the facts surrounding these multiple, yet likely intertwined scandals. Publisher Diamantaris and his staff will surely get to the bottom of matters – we as a community have too long “circled the wagons” when confronted with such scandals. Some criminal indictments may be in the offing – those convicted of criminal wrong doing will surely have earned it. With some additional sleuthing, Diamantaris could reap what he will deserve – a Pulitizer Prize for his staff. What a great way for him to cap a great career as publisher.
Lambros Afrouzakis says:
May 12, 2018 at 10:12 am
Clueless, oblivious, of course. The Orthodox faith imparts an Aspergian masochism that leaves its leaders beyond reason. Castlereagh and Wellington were appalled how unrealistic the Czar was in trying to forge a Holy Alliance in 1815 just as Merkel felt Putin was out of touch with reality in 2014. Indeed Brenda Connors of the US Naval War College concluded in 2008 and 2011 that Putin suffers from Aspergers. USAF General Tatsios wrote the same about Greek leaders of 1866-97 (p. 146, Columbia, 1984). This is a natural consequence of the slave soul of Orthodoxy described by Rancour-Laferriere (NYU, 1995) not to mention the hallucinatory hyperventilation of the Philocalia which brought down Byzantium. The reason the dummy bunches of goats so seek quietude of hesticlasm and are unable to deal with the multitasking complexities of modern life is they are nursing hangovers. That is why they get so upset when your kids fact check them on smart phones as they squawk. Ochrafuxy is a psychiatric diesease, not a religion!
Zarlefus Condsram says:
July 5, 2018 at 12:17 pm
The old people brought us Trump and Brexit,
but suck pensions and doctors.
Time to eat them, dear Jonathan Swift
Michael Albano says:
June 8, 2018 at 9:41 am
Alitheia – From it’s inception at Pomfret, seminarians were clean shaven and wore suits and collars. Only the celibates wore cassocks. Long beards and cassocks will not bring people to the faith.
Manos Tsoufas says:
June 9, 2018 at 4:56 pm
Alitisa1875 should read Psalm 150
May 23, 2018 - 4:09 pm
The Merten affair proves the Pontians were nazi collaborators because who now live in homes of people they killed. Start with Dhimmi Flipods, who is afraid if any Slavs, Jews or Vlachs take away his family homes, and so organizes the obscenely chauvinistic rallies. His radio station was reveling about Boutaris’ hospitalization. The pillars of Greek society need to close that radio station down.
May 31, 2018 - 12:27 pm
To mend the outrageous behavior against Boutaris, and in reciprocation
for Israel recognizing the Armenian Holocaust, as well as to mend the
Greek failure to support Israel in 1947, Greece, Armenia and Cyprus
should move their embassies to Jerusalem.
Nick Tsoumochores says:
May 23, 2018 at 4:41 pm
Just as Francesco Moraglia is the Patriarch of Venice, Bart Arcantony can be the Eastern Rite Patriarch of Kyev and Thessalonia. He is righteously fighting back all those illegitimate autocephalies emulating the Lutherans while magog mongol goons of Muscovy proclaimed their illiegitimate “Third Rome”.
George Comney says:
June 6, 2018 at 10:37 am
The collection tray is the ultimate money laundering tax scam. But many countries are abolishing cash to end tax evasion and money laundering. Pay by QR code.
Spiro says:
May 19, 2018 at 12:17 am
Meanwhile, the priest pension fund still hasn’t been repaid, This shows you the complete lack of character and moral compass by the L100 in addition to their willingness to violate their own charter by bypassing the investment committee structure to cowtow to more dinners and awards for themselves. Actions like these break the “corporate veil” and expose the fund to the argument that the archdiocese really controls it, not a separate governance. If that’s the case, then the fund is exposed to all archdiocesan liabilities. L100 is just a bunch of willing tools to the robes and beards. They’ve traded their integrity for more medals and lapel pins. Losers!
Veras Coltroupis says:
June 11, 2018 at 12:47 pm
When the first modern Olympics bankrupted Greece,
Greeks, like the Elitis and Seferis families, prefered to go to Turkey than Russia.
The Russians were never interested in religion, they only wanted the straits.
All their spiritual quietude results from nursing hangovers.
Zisis Contoperdis says:
May 30, 2018 at 3:06 pm
The GOA is 160,000, the OCA is 73,000, AOCA is 20,000. The others need to come under us. Then the ghetto parishes like Astoria can be Metochion parishes of Athens and leave the rest of us alone. The 28th canon of the 4th ecumenical council firmly puts all diaspora under the Oecumenical Patriarchate.
Veras Coltroupis says:
May 17, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Israel, Britain and Jordan brought down the Ottoman empire. Those nostalgic for their lost Ottoman franchises sided with the nazis and mortally despise the three liberators. This includes the families of Assad, Saddam, and sadly many “Greeks”. Turkey has been a German client state for two centuries – both Moeltkes served with the Ottomans and Von Pappen oversaw the Armenian massacres. This is why Dubya referred to “islamofascism”.
Zane Carides says:
June 11, 2018 at 10:28 am
American military love their Turkish counterparts because the Turks were the fiercest fighters of the Korean War. Turks thought nothing of taking friendly fire while leaving trenches. They crucified Koreans caught stealing from their camp. See
Loras Camzekes says:
June 13, 2018 at 12:36 pm
I met a lot of US generals in the 1980s who had served in Korea.
They didn’t echo the stories we all heard in yiayialand.
Instead, they viewed Greeks as cantankerous buffoons who stood in the way of their alliance with Turkey.
Mind you, this is equally true of India vs Pakistan and Israel vs Saudi.
The military was pro moslem, but the diplomats liked the Greeks,Jews and India.
Zarlefus Condsram says:
July 5, 2018 at 12:16 pm
No, there is no clean exit. The 1893 bankruptcy, also caused by the Olympics and all that German construction, caused pain for three generations. Who built the government palaces around Syntagma, the rails and ports? But even when they stole the Greek gold in 1942, the Germans felt THEY were cheated. Now they built the airports, and all the bridges to nowhere, but they felt THEY were cheated. And now, who OWNS all they built? Turkey has been a German client for two centuries. Churchill called them both Huns. Von Pappen oversaw the Armenian massacres. In 1821, Greece exchanged Turcocracy for a new Francocracy, not freedom.
Melas Zeclofrenas says:
July 2, 2018 at 6:21 pm
Qatar? Greeks in the USA don’t sign petitions, don’t collect nominating signatures, don’t make phone calls. They think politics is all about five seconds of yelling. But they are quick to demand things, which they never get. In American politics you have to sacrifice when a candidate is losing, when he has no chance of victory, in order to gain his loyalty. Just like in church they go late, and chose the church with the cheapest candles. Everything they do is superficial, so no one trusts them. And all the HABA hubbas are working for Iran via Qatar so Putin can build a Caspian Canal connecting the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea to compete with the German Europa Canal. In 1969 Minos Zombanakis invented the corrupt LIBOR cabal so he could loan Khodadad Farmanfarmaian and the Shah of Iran $80 million. Patriarch Demetreus served as pastor of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Tehran, Iran, from 1945 to 1950. Obama buddy Giannoulias’ family real estate portfolio is financed by a French bank known for its investments in Iran’s energy sector and connections to Iran’s Central Bank. They also loaned $22.75 million to Nadhmi Auchi whose bank financed the delivery of chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, which may have been used to gas the Kurdish city of Halabja in 1988.
Zenas Palioclimas says:
May 17, 2018 at 12:54 pm
Paying off pederasty lawsuits. Churches established after the archdiocese was founded in 1922 can all be sold under charter revision. The RC are selling churches all over the place. And yet it continues. One brother of an priest multiply exposed on pokrov, a roving geriatric altar boy, goes to the orphanage to recruit altar boys for his pleasure. You think all the eframissas who coddle the altar boys will not be personally liable? Greeks so love Sarbanes, well, schadenfreude, when all ex-board members will be found liable under Sarbanes Oxley holding ignorance to not be an excuse. A board member may no longer be excused for not knowing. Bye, bye, diner. Bye, bye, philoptochos donors! A pa pa, na sou vraso ton papa! Back to Greece, every one, where they can hurl kata syntheke pseudoi at each other just like the old days. The whole idea of molesting children goes back to the Spartan military.
Michael Albano says:
June 8, 2018 at 9:41 am
Alitheia – From it’s inception at Pomfret, seminarians were clean shaven and wore suits and collars. Only the celibates wore cassocks. Long beards and cassocks will not bring people to the faith
Harry Sakacflidas says:
May 21, 2018 at 11:23 am
Google Uyghur food. Uyghurs are the original Turks, occupied by China for over a century. There you will find your Greek Kebabs and Yakurt, and everything else you think is Greek food. Now they are all over Manhattan and no one is fooled. Just because the egg roll and yonton uses rice noodle filo instead of whet, doesn’t make it different from bureki. And, no, the Uyghurs are not Chinese, they actually ocucpied and decimated China for 800 years, twice as long as Greece or Russia. They are also know as Ural-Altaic, Mongol Magog, Mughals and Tatars. Find two hundred year old books about the evils of “Tatary”.
Michael Albano says:
May 13, 2018 at 4:50 pm
There will never be “true accountability” or an admittance of wrong-doing.
On any given Sunday there are 160,000 Greek Orthodox christians attending church in the United States. That number would be cut in half if the Greek Orthodox faithful knew the truth.
Zenas Palioclimas says:
May 17, 2018 at 12:10 pm
Indeed, 160,000. Not a million or five million. The best and brightest have already left. All we have is the clueless oblivious fools living in yiayialand.
Michael says:
May 20, 2018 at 1:07 pm
This is what happens when a church is allowed to become an extension of the Greek foreign ministry. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ takes second place to Greekness. Every manner of hidden evil, greed and perversion is allowed as long as pretty pictures are made to support the Mother country.
I love my Greekness, but I want a church that puts God first, second, third and so in. In such a church, fat, lazy, vain and petty bishops like Methodios and Evangelos would not be allowed to wear crowns and sit in thrones for very long.
Ternas Ligofanitis says:
May 4, 2018 at 12:05 pm
Stop calling Uniatism “Ecumenism”. The Protestant Ecumenists Episcopaleans and Presbyetrians actually treated us a lot better. It is only because the Peloporicans and Islanders are already Ounia Fatsa Ounia Ratsa, having spent half the Ottoman period under Venice, that this fiction prevails.
Mirkos Peligrotsis says:
May 2, 2018 at 12:12 pm
That’s the idea, put athe Archiocesan district under the Metropolia of New Jersey and abolish the archdiocese.
Zoe Pellas says:
May 2, 2018 at 1:36 pm
Old calendar czar freaks of ROCOR were spawned by triple agent soviet provocateur “Prince” Turkul (Unholy Trinity 1998 p.152) to make them look foolish. If they really wanted “old” calendar they should have used to Hebrew lunar Jesus used not the one his Roman slaughterers did. Czars were just as communist as Stalin as they had free health care and education. and were intolerant of land ownership on grounds the grand obschina was their mother Mokosh. Cardinal sins and toll houses are Persian Ishtar astrology also found the pseudepigraphas of Reuben and the twelve patriarchs. They are no different than purgatory or reincarnation. They are dharmic syncretism just like hyperventilating hallucination hesticlasim. Uspensky and Kapustin went to buy up Jerusalem properties now under ROCOR to prevent Moses Montefiore (the Jewish Tositsas) doing so on behalf of the British. Nesselrode sent Uspensky to deHellenize the Antiochians (and almost Jerusalem) eventually causing Michel Aflaq to found the Assad-Saddam Ba’ath party. Nazi Balkan butcher Alois Bruner (responsible for the death of half a million Greeks) died as a houseguest of the Assads.
Veras Coltroupis says:
April 18, 2018 at 9:10 am
Greek Americans are victims of communism, if these Greeks want to
be defended against Turkey let them talk to the 270,000 Greeks Stalin killed in 1937 Siberia.
See this is why Tsipras got elected
We are done with Greece.
Zoe Pellas says:
April 19, 2018 at 2:44 pm
Assad, Saddam and Maniacose skanked for Hitler. Junta deprived Greece of gun rights. Ghetto Greek mythology pathology maked them oblivious to American reality. Birch considers “Anarchic Tradition of American Revolution” to be the righteous right but both communism and fascism to be statism of the extreme left. Truman was no fascist, but a serious student of the masonic glory of democratic capitalism (see, which is why he lent Air Force One to his fellow mason, Athenagoras. That is why the Koch brothers whose dad founded Birch, also support Pompeo’s church (
Makos Beligitsas May 7, 2018 at 9:33 am
Wonderful! Gene Rossides got his mentor Jake Javits together with Flushing’s Ben Rosenthal to pass the Turk Arms embargo. (The Greek Lobby, TIME Magazine Jul. 14, 1975). Who can forget that Henry Morgenthau exposed the massacre of Greeks and Armenians directed by Hitler mentor and Black Tom NJ saboteur. Von Pappen ( NYT 11 Dec 1917, p.13) And who can forget “INSIST THAT TURKEY BE DISMEMBERED: Representatives of Armenians, Greeks, and Jews Discuss National Aspirations. WANT PLAGUE WIPED OUT Three Peoples, Dr. Vassardakis Declares Seek Fulfillment of Age-Long Dream.” New York Times 17 Feb 1919 p.6.
Zephyros Malamolis says:
May 9, 2018 at 3:28 pm
Do not forget Gene Rossides got the Turk Arms embargoed through his mentor Jake Javits and Flushing’s Ben Rosenthal. (New Lobby in Town: The Greeks TIME Magazine Monday, Jul. 14, 1975) Do not forget the Greeks, Armenians and Jews suffered together as Rayas. (INSIST THAT TURKEY BE DISMEMBERED: Representatives of Armenians, Greeks, and Jews Discuss National Aspirations New York Times 17 Feb 1919: p.6.) Do not forget that Hitler mentor and Black Tom NJ saboteur Franz von Pappen directed the Armenian massacres. (GERMAN DIRECTED THE TURKS AT VAN: Dr. Yarrow Says New York Times 06 Oct 1915: p, 3.) Do not forget it was Henry Mopgenthau who documented the massacres of Greeks and Armenians (SAYS GERMANS AIDED ARMENINAN KILLINGS: Morgenthau Tells Hero Land Audience of Help Given to Turks by Officers. New York Times 11 Dec 1917: p. 13.
Kostis Otorinohostis says:
May 11, 2018 at 3:58 pm
America was always Christian Zionist. Until they met up with “Greek” antisemitism, they were also Christian Hellenists. Corrie ten Boom, America’s Mother Theresa said : “You can’t love Jesus without loving the Jewish people.” Columbus set sail with shiploads of Jews the day after the Spanish Inquisition expelled Jews. The Plymouth Pilgrims were followers of Cromwell who brought the Jews back to England. American Democracy (1 Sam 8, L A Times Jan 27 1918 Rev Herbert Booth Smith, p.III-20) and Capitalism (Gen 2:12) is from the Jews. God helps those who help the Jews. Constantine the Great was a Christian Zionist when he recognized Gemaliel IV as Partiarch of Israel. Catherine the Great was a Christian Zionist and Christian Hellenist when she invited Greeks and Jews to plot their national regeneration from newly liberated Odessa.
Zane Carides says:
May 31, 2018 at 11:57 am
Indeed the chauvinism is much worse, owing to the Bizmarkian nation building of Metaxas and Venizelos. Do you remember the 1970s song “e?µaste ? af??t?? ?a??, t?? ??sµ?? t? f??, ?p?? e?pe ?a? ? ???st??” (We are the master race, the light of the world as Christ said). The nation builders also adulterated the Ancient Historians Thucydides and Herodotus, which is why they arrive at some really bizarre conclusions.
Fr. Basil Papanikolaou says:
June 1, 2018 at 10:49 am
This story about Jesus’ ethnicity reminds me of a hilarious incident that happened years ago, during a Bible Class I had in my Parish: Frank and Maria, an older immigrant couple were in attendance, not being able to fully understand our discussion. At some point Frank heard about the Lord’s Jewishness and turned to his wife, saying, “Maria, did they say Christ was Jewish?” “Yes, Frankie, He was Jewish!” Frank arose rather angry and told her, “Let’s get out of here! They don’t know what they’re talking about! Christ was Greek!”
I had a hard time to bring Frank back to Church!
Bill Vellis says:
June 2, 2018 at 11:34 am
Pops cracked my ribs when I said Jesus said to leave my parents. He claimed I had a bad translation. So we found his “Greek ” Bible, printed by the British Bible Society. That’s why I have been happily married to a nice Jewish girl for forty years.
John Flekas says:
June 2, 2018 at 12:58 pm
Mircea Eliade (Romanian Theologian) says Greeks mispelled Elijah to conform with Helios or Apollo. Also, Athena=Mary, Mars=Jesus, Mokos=Paraskeva. As to Columbus, no he wasn’t Greek or Jewish, either, but he did leave the day after the Inquisition evicted Jews, having closed his ship doors the day before because half his crew was Jewish. Jews and Greeks are their own worst enemies in claiming averyone as their own. (on COlumbus, see
Zoe Pellas says:
June 4, 2018 at 1:09 pm
My folks died of HPV which my dad picked up from his syllurgo before they met.
Doc said long latinsie. Now I’m dying of it, too.
He used to drive long to church us in Astoria, because he didn’t like modern.
So we only went five times a year.
George Comney says:
June 6, 2018 at 10:35 am
All year round they claim to only venerate “timein” icons but on Scamday of Ochrfuxy they fess up to idolatry “Acrad eikon proskein”
Veras Coltroupis says:
May 9, 2018 at 1:50 pm
We have to ask how does Greece expect Brussels and Washington to finance the two million they secretly give the partirachate every year when the patriarch canonized Paisius just in time to elect Tsipras. Then they also finace the subversive racketeers known as SAE, who call us by nazi names “Expatriates”, “Homogeny” and “Diaspora”, racketeering to deprive us of our American birthright. And then all the little snowflakes in Greece get so upset because they want their ERT TV.
Mirkos Peligrotsis says:
May 2, 2018 at 12:25 pm
Lunatic conspiracy theories are the direct result of schziophrenia caused by drug and alcohol abuse. Political ideologies are based on core beleiefs of Individualism, fatalism, egalitarianism and hierarchialis. Those who believe in conspiracy theories are paralysed by fatalism, and use them as excuse not only for their inaction, but their own personal corruption. Please seek recision of your parietal lobe to rectify this!
Mirkos Peligrotsis says:
May 2, 2018 at 12:22 pm
Please inform Mr George Demacopolis, popularly known as Dumquafles. His website proclaimed Justinian as the father of gun control and St Irene as the mothe rof the modern welfare state. Then he complains Bershidsky calls Orthodoxy communist. And he calls Samuel Huntington a right wing extremist for putting Orthodoxy in the IslamoSoviet belt in Clash (FA 72#3,1993, p30). Really? Huntington was Zbig’s #2 on Carter’s NSC! Does he admire Aristides Papadakis trying to make the early Christians into communist (David Bentley Hart NOV 4 2017 NY Times) and Zembillas quotes Crysostum saying “The rich are in possession of the goods of the poor, even if they have acquired them honestly” (Lazarus 11). The Theodosian Code promoted confiscatory taxation and promoted Diocletian socialist feudalism (Rostovtzeff 1926, Gibbon ch. 13) that Toynbee (1939, IV p. 399) said caused Anatolia to apostase into Turkishness. Gun control hails back to Justinian’s Novella 85. See “Is Orthodox Christianity progressive?” By Michelle Boorstein Washington Post November 4, 2009. Macarius got his gizzard split for slumming with Breznev. Bart must part for putting Pustacius in his cart. And Putin make Krokodil heroine from kerosene to stupefy Trump voters in monasteries in Roscoe NY and Florence AZ. So Dumquafles want to have his communism and eat it, too!
Zane Carides says:
April 16, 2018 at 9:36 am
Do you kiss yourself in the mirror every morning? This is a megalomaniac delusion
Zelas Maliafetis says:
May 2, 2018 at 12:42 pm
The East generally prefers lies to war, but the West the reverse. That’s what Sun Tzu and the Trojan Horse is all about. Luttwak showed Byzantium lasted a thousand year because of deception, lies, the Holy Dialectic of the Trojan Horse. That is why Orthodoxy does not believe in Just War or the Passion of Mel Gibson. On the contrary, passion, the opposite of meekness, bust be supressed. That is why the West has supressed the original meaning of meekness, praotita, gentleness.
Zelas Maliafetis says:
May 2, 2018 at 12:43 pm
Hellenism was destroyed by Dukakis, Papandreou, and Spyrisod, and the nail was put in the coffin by the Mirkos Peligrotsis says:
May 2, 2018 at 1:49 pm
W L Westermann wrote (J Egy Arc 18#1 p27) “Further, I would add that this is another, though humble, example of the greatest among the gifts of the ancient Greeks to human society, namely, the secularization of human life (I have to thank my colleague, Professor Frederick Barry, for this phrase)” So why are we allowing these Arabators to turn our lives into religious lunacy. St Anthony, the first monk, was not Greek, he was a pyramid necrophile who turned Chirstians on to his pyramid-dwelling. When the Efremites and Lulurags buttboys and the howling minaret psalti efialties entered our churches, the brightest of our children left. Greeks were the ultimate secularists, as my dad taught me, “Syn Athina kai xira kine”! FOr them religion was a joke. It must remain a joke!
Lambros Polyfotiou says:
May 2, 2018 at 2:10 pm
Please inform Dr George Demacopolis. His website proclaimed Justinian as the father of gun control and St Irene as the mother of the modern welfare state, then he complains Bershidsky calls Orthodoxy communist. And he calls Samuel Huntington a right wing extremist for putting Orthodoxy in the IslamoSoviet belt in Clash (FA 72#3,1993, p30). Really? Huntington was Zbig’s #2 on Carter’s NSC! Why does he admire Aristides Papadakis trying to make the early Christians into communist (David Bentley Hart NOV 4 2017 NY Times) and Zembillas quotes Crysostum saying “The rich are in possession of the goods of the poor, even if they have acquired them honestly” (Lazarus 11). Demcopolis and his PO/IOTA associates are NOT intereste din promoting Orthodoxy. No, they have only one simple goal, to make Orthodoxy palatable enough to the academic elites that they hire their members.
Charlie Patseas says:
May 4, 2018 at 1:36 pm
To save Greece and Hellenism, move the capital to Sparta where it belongs. Leonidas and his 300 Spartans begat the agrarian warrior glory of western civilization while Huntington’s Clash put Athens in the Islamo-Soviet zone. Sparta colonized Sicily, hence begat Rome, while Athens colonized Scythia hence begat Russia. Alexander’s dad choked Athens by grabbing the Besant straits to choke off Scythian wheat. Macedonia was Great because the population was mostly Albanian Illyrian Pelasgians, and the royalty was from Spartan Argos. The Athenians are the source of all heathen leftist ideas like globalist commerce, Delian central banking, cowardly philosphers and socialist taxation. Athenians are full of Oriental notions of incomprehensible truth and the holy dialectic of the Trojan horse just like Sun Tzu’s war by stealth. Herodotus (i57,ii1,vi137) knew the Arvanitas of Koropi were Pelasgians which is why Metaxas expunged it. Northern Greeks today have more Albanian than Slavic DNA. All the emperors of the Besant married Athenian women which is why they begat Islam and communism.
Mimis Kovalskis says:
May 7, 2018 at 8:55 am
Former Bulgarian finance minister Simeon Djankov and Elena Nikolova of University College London,
World Bank WPS8399 April 2018, “Eastern Orthodox religion have less social capital and prefer old ideas and safe jobs. In addition, Orthodoxy is associated with left-leaning political preferences and stronger support for government involvement in the economy. Compared with non-believers and Orthodox adherents, Catholics and Protestants are less likely to agree that government ownership is a good thing, and Protestants are less likely to agree that getting rich can only happen at the expense of others. These differences in life satisfaction and other attitudes and values persisted despite the fact that communist elites sought to eradicate church-going in Eastern Europe, since communists maintained many aspects of Orthodox theology which were useful for the advancement of the communist doctrine. The findings are consistent with Berdyaev’s hypothesis that communism is a successor of Orthodoxy”
The gameplan is to build a new Albanian “Epirote” state consisting of the entire western Balkans
and then return Thrace and Bulgaria to Turkey to keep the Russians from the straits.
See p 321
Zoe Pellas says:
April 19, 2018 at 2:47 pm
Hades (Sheol) was a holding place from which Jesus freed us, not a banishment. “gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn”. (Matthew 3:12 ) There is no purgatory, burning is into oblivion. “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43 ) Today! Saints intecede!
Zenas Palifernas says:
February 20, 2018 at 8:43 am
Everyone has his own ideas of what American Orthodoxy is and no one agrees.
Milas Palifronis says:
February 23, 2018 at 9:34 am
Pedophiles appear deceptively personable, charming, sensitive, respectable, conscientious, leading a dissociated well-devised double life where they believe they are using pedophilia to protect their victims from the influence of the outside world and retain some uniquely valuable particularism, gaining not only the cult-like trust of the victims but even their parents. Spartans and Nazis alike used molestation to build cult loyalty, and indeed Sicily and hence Rome was entirely a Spartan project.
Milas Palifronis says:
February 23, 2018 at 9:31 am
The minute our patriarchate vacates Contantinople, the RUssians will claim primacy. Bu tthey do not appreciate that the only reason the west tolerates Orthodox is the Greeks. Without them it is just an eastern cult.
Milas Parafalitras says:
February 24, 2018 at 1:17 pm
Putin doesn’t care about Constantinople. He has nuclear submarine torpedoes that will widen the Dardanelles straits and Europa Canal into international waters. That is all the Russians ever wanted.
Zane Carides says:
April 16, 2018 at 9:35 am
It is an open secret that the majority of the parade is Puerto Rican and Pakistani employees of Greek Diners paid to march or attend
Veras Coltroupis says:
April 12, 2018 at 9:09 am
Nesselrode sent Porphiry Uspensky to de-Hellenize the Antiochains (and almost Jerusalem) eventually leading to Michel Aflaq founding the Saddam-Assad Ba’ath Party. Alois Bruner was the butcher of the Balkans, repsonsible for the death of half a million Greeks, and yet he lived and died as a guest of the Assads.
Veras Coltroupis says:
April 12, 2018 at 9:12 am
Remember Ignatiev and the Treaty of San Stefano. The Turks and Russians both are true to their mongol blood. The only thing the Russians want is the straits, do not be fooled by their fake culture or religion.
Veras Coltroupis says:
April 18, 2018 at 9:15 am
Indeed, the smart people left the church with Iakovos. Just go down the street from the cathedral to Christchurch or Redeemer and you will find them. Now our churches are dominated by efremites and lulurgas butt boys. The pirests are mostly dummy bunches of goats with vacuous smiles and no gumption. One of them tried to melt snow with fire and was surprised it turned bblack: instead of seeing the fire carried carbon he wondered if the snow was plastic. The few smart ones are priestie boys who devised their scams at the smeinary Commedy Club. Then you have those teachresses who try to resolve their midlife bouzaki crisi by humping all the young adonises in their classes. Keep your kids away from these freaks.
Veras Coltroupis says:
April 20, 2018 at 9:35 am
If you study the book by Vikelas on, written in 1890s Scotland, you will see the Byzantine empire was the most democratic and tolerant regime of its time. The Senate impeached emperors and vetoed decrees, while the Emperor had to answer to the town halls of the Hippodrome. Even the Romanovs were chosen by a grand council of the land, and the Galitsines tried to bring back freedom against Anna of Courland. The fiction of Orthodox Autocracy derives instead from Rome: Peter the Great emulated the very Bourbons whose bolshevik curse befell Russia a mere century after the Jacobins; And the worst ides came from a Mennonite named Catherine the great who got them from her correspondence with Diderot.
Lakis Velototris says:
April 4, 2018 at 9:24 am
Poprhyry Uspensky first betrayed the phosphorus fraud. He was the one sent by Nesselrode to de-Hellenize the Antiochians and almost Jerusalem. In so doing he led to Michel Aflaq eventually founding hte Saddam-Assad Ba’ath Party. If you dawgs make a trojan horse at the tomb of Jesus, how much lower will you go?
Lakis Velotris says:
April 13, 2018 at 9:11 am
Since Uspensky’s Antichene apostatization was behind the autocephaly notions of the OCA, you cannot both believe in autocephaly and the Holy Fire and not be a hypocrite.
Malis Contopetris says:
March 16, 2018 at 11:26 am
Bankrupt diners. Bankrupt Churches. Bankrupt Greece. Internet exposes all Trojan Horses.
Neofas Polyfytas says:
March 20, 2018 at 9:36 am
Greek unity never existed. The original Greeks were five different tribes arriving from different directions. Metaxas adulterated Thucydides and Herodotus to prove otherwise.
Xenon Gnudoscufes says:
March 23, 2018 at 10:25 am
Tatar Teutons fancy order, but Greeks (like Jews and Brits) revel in their diversity, democracy and dialectic which makes them more creative and successful. Don’t kill the goose who lays the golden eggs.
John says:
October 15, 2017 at 12:17 am
Maybe it is high time that the GOA sell all of its very lavish and expensive properties in New York as well as the seminary and move to more modest locations in the mid-West. Then they can use the profits generated to right the financial ship of state.
Additionally, it is high time that the parishes of the GOA start having their services in the language of this country, American. As the churches struggle to gain members and more and more of its children marry those outside the Greek Orthodox faith the parishes are struggling to survive. This quest for survival is further complicated by the onerous “dues” imposed on the Parishes, many of whom have to hold food festivals and other fund raisers just to meet these obligations.
Lacounas Monias says:
February 1, 2018 at 9:35 am
Teachers are worse. Lulurgas buttboys dominate outer borough councils and radio. Childless Greek aunts fondle toddler geniatals like Patai’s Arabs. Abused yiayias don’t learn English, driving or computers. Children who see abuse at home, even when they are untouched, are drawn to abuse, gangs, drugs and terror. It’s in the culture.
Alifas Crementiris says:
February 13, 2018 at 11:07 am
In fact, much of the disturbance in our churches starts with abuse of women. Wives who were brought from Greece, never learned English, driving or computers should be seen as almost certainly being victims of domestic abuse. When children grow up in such environments they themselves become prone to abuse, gangs, drugs and even terrorism. These extremists turn to the extremism of Lulurgas and Efrem.

Menas Faxylas says:
February 14, 2018 at 9:16 am
Priestie boys rail against facebook because they are jealous it deprives them of fondle time. And it risk exposing them. Many times the kids have no idea they are being abused. They are told it is “so nice” just like all of Efrem’s defenders rush to tellyou how “nice” it all is.
Lacounas Monias says:
February 1, 2018 at 9:55 am
Who are you kidding? Venizelos started the Civil War with his Napoleonic coups of 1909, 1917, 1923 & 1935 which executed elected prime ministers and Macedonia-victor generals. Metaxas and the Junta never did that. The Greek civil war lasted from 1909 until Koufodinas was arrested in 1999.
February 28, 2018 - 9:05 am
For a thousand years Greeks have suffered for apostasy. Grow up and come to a regular Catholic church. Come to pope now, listen to Bart
Veras Coltroupis says:
March 20, 2018 at 9:44 am
I was there and saw many Jewish faces. I was also at the two Jewish rallies against Persian nukes – but the interests of big oil prevailed. Muslims do not believe in ever returning lands they hold or held: There are still deeds in Istanbul for Greek and Israeli properties because they plan on taking them back eventually. Why does the “west” embrace barbarians, the way Gibbon embraced the Turks? Why shouldn’t ancient civilizations be able to reclaim their birthright? Constantinople, Epirus and Cyprus are exactly the same issue as Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Why does the west embrace Rohynga, Tsetsens, Bosniacs, Mughals, Uyghurs and Turks, the entire scourge of Tatary? Obama even refused to embrace the Catholic son of his father’s homeland’s founder for fear of offending muslims.
Unsticky Fragelis says:
March 9, 2018 at 4:01 pm
They get what they deserve for letting Yustiki Fragella write her book on Spyro Gyro
Veras Coltroupis says:
January 24, 2018 at 12:43 pm
Yes, but under charter revision, they belong to Bart, who can sell them at will. But the GOA has been hiding its assets under Leadership 100 and AHEPA to avoid sexual abuse lawsuit claims, pretending bankruptcy.
Lakis Velotris says:
December 4, 2017 at 8:20 am
Check out your parish at Property Shark to see how many times it was remortgaged to fund your priest’s resort villas, hatched at Seminary Comedy Club. Priests make a hundred thousand, Protopresbyters 150, archdiocese department directors 200, Sextons 50. And they get “faith based” government grants for child, alcohol, drug and elder programs. Yet they still beg you to remortgage your home to fund them? When Frank Marangos stepped down from comms to run cathedral, he demanded Stepahnopoulos rectory because of the pay cut. As Paul made tents, clergy need day jobs not yiayialand. I’ve been a fly on the wall when priests get together and drunk often enough to know how little they believe. They view it all as an act, learning to tell each yiayia what she wants to hear even if they contradict themselves. After years avoiding slices from dueling finger wagging yiayias they dissociate into abuse.
Melas Fanacotis says:
January 3, 2018 at 12:51 pm
Chooch Pupper Dupples. like Mickey Do-kaka and Spyron Agonestes did not understand no one ever takes Graeculae seriously. Even Lysystrata knew they drown in a spoon of their own malequia
Veras Coltroupis says:
February 15, 2018 at 9:12 am
The extremists have driven Greek youth from our churches. Yesterday I saw many Greeks who got ashes on their forehead just so their coworkers would not consider them to be communists. Many Greeks are seeking out the Methodists (such as Christ Church), who have byzantine domes, icons, bishops, service and wonderful music like we did before the extremists turned our churches into howling minarets by banning our Psalm 150 organs. See the quitodox site. Pokrov says Methodists are the best at handling abuse. Margaret Thatcher, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton were all raised Methodists.
Lacounas Monias says:
February 1, 2018 at 9:57 am
Like the 1980s, college Greeks born in America again do not talk to their classmates born in Greece.
Veras Coltroupis says:
January 24, 2018 at 12:43 pm
Yes, but under charter revision, they belong to Bart, who can sell them at will. But the GOA has been hiding its assets under Leadership 100 and AHEPA to avoid sexual abuse lawsuit claims, pretending bankruptcy.
Archdiocese Rebuts Claims by New York Newspaper; But No Mention of Tapping of Restricted Funds
September 29, 2017 - 1:33 pm
You know this is Karloutsos game. Jerry Dimitriou got hired because Karloutsos lost the Archdiocese money on the Pelham Esplanade with Chris Demetriades. When Spyro Gyro left, anything that wasn’t nailed down at the Archdiocese disappeared, ostensibly because of renovations. Don’t forget the Arcantony travelgate. Karloutsos got Bart to encourage Jake to go to Ligonier then twisted it against him. Karloutos is the very snake of Eden, the self-same Caiafas beholden to the self-same Lazio Evil Empire.
Veras Coltroupis says:
December 22, 2017 at 9:27 am
Greeks who do not support Israel on Jerusalem forfeit their right to ever use the word Constantinople ever again. Shamir supported Milosevic. We should be united on regenerating our lands decimated by muslims: Jerusalem, Constantinople, Nagorno, Kosovo. Jews and Brits brought down the ottoman Empire – those who despise them are nostalgic for Ottoman franchises their collaborator forefathers lost.
Ternas Ligofanitis says:
May 4, 2018 at 12:55 pm
Indeed, if any Palestinians are Christian they cannot possibly be Arab as the Arabs invaded as muslims and executed any Arab who converted to Christianity. And the Muslims charged non-muslims a head tax. No, that is why the Christians of the Holy Land can only be Arameans.
Ternas Ligofanitis says:
May 4, 2018 at 12:53 pm
This is why Leo Strauss and his mentor George Anastaplo preferred Plato to Aristotle!
Veras Coltroupis says:
January 17, 2018 at 1:47 pm
The hypocrisy of Greeks is that they want immigrants in Greece to assimilate but refuse to assimilate in America
Zane Caridas says:
January 29, 2018 at 10:22 am
Sarbox (Sarbenes Oxley) does not allow you to not know.
You are responsible for what your underlings do.
Lambros Pericordis says:
March 16, 2018 at 10:46 am
Markezinis was going to expel the US Fleet and Macarius was going to give Breznev bases.
Zelas Fanacotsis says:
March 16, 2018 at 11:00 am
Macarius got his gizzard split for slumming with Breznev. Bart must part because he put pustacius in his cart.
Greeks offend core America with their gun grabbing baby killing global warming and educational psychobabble.Huntington’s Clash put Greeks in the Islamosoviet zone.
Loras Camzekes says:
January 31, 2018 at 10:52 am
Yustiki Fragella was on Hollis FM squawking that Bart wants to replace all our bishops with Young Turks from Dead Seas, with Elpidophorus as Archbishop
Loras Camzekes says:
January 24, 2018 at 1:22 pm
When Demetrius died, after having been beaten by Turc inquistors because of his USA visit, Iacovus sent Karlutsos to the White House to lobby for him to be the next Patriarch, but the Rev Al got the White House to give carte blanche, that anyone elected patriarch must be accepted by Turcie. So, with the help of Iacovus archenemy Meliton Karas of Philadelphia, they elected Bart. Then Karlutsos got the archdiocese travel agency to fly Bart’s nephew to the USA and got fired for misappropriating funds and told Bart Jake did it out of hate for Bart. THen karlutsos got Bart to call for Ligonier as a way of making OCA & AAOCA part of GOA. A few weeks ago Yustiki Fragella was on Hollis FM squawking that Bart now wants to replace all our bishops with young Turcs from Dead Sees.
Nancy Pullus says:
December 22, 2017 at 10:03 am
The first Greek churches were built by Benakis at New Orleans and Mobile, Franco-Spanish slave ports for Greek ships under other flags. The word Ku Klux Klan
comes from the Greek Kuklos or Cyclos. The south was the source of modern fraternities and neoclassical architecture, which emulated the Greeks while the north emulated Rome and Harvard degrees are still in Latin. Greeks preferred to live in the south and Jefferson learned Greek from a Greek named John Paradise, the first naturalized American. AHEPA, GOA and Smyrna all happened in 1922 because it was the year Lenin won his civil war so he lent Attaturk Chechens because the Turks could not kill their neighbors in Smyrna and Greece had participated in League support for the Whites. As most USA Orthodox churches readily took the Czar’s money, Lenin proceeded to sell them. He succeeded in selling all ten seminaries but the churches began cloaking themselves with non-Russian ethnicities. As can be seen in Kourides centennial history of the NYC Cathedral, some ghetto churches in major cities had already been organized as private chapels of Masonic Athena Brotherhoods which became the model for AHEPA. Further proof of the lie of the AHEPA KKK canard is that most incidents against Greeks took place in Northern areas like Wisconsin settled mostly by central Europeans who saw the Greeks as extensions of their Russian 1848 oppressors. Kourides wrote that New York State had a law chartering that all Orthodox churches belonged to Moscow, making the Athena Brotherhood necessary.
March 9, 2018 - 3:14 pm
Leonidas and his 300 Spartans begat the agrarian warrior glory of western civilization while Huntington’s Clash put Athens in the Islamo-Soviet zone. Sparta colonized Sicily, hence begat Rome, while Athens colonized Scythia hence begat Russia. Alexander’s dad choked Athens by grabbing the Besant straits to choke off Scythian wheat. Macedonia was Great because the population was mostly Albanian Illyrian Pelasgians, and the royalty was from Spartan Argos. The Athenians are the source of all heathen leftist ideas like globalist commerce, Delian central banking, cowardly philosphers and socialist taxation. Athenians are full of Oriental notions of incomprehensible truth and the holy dialectic of the Trojan horse just like Sun Tzu’s war by stealth. Herodotus (i57,ii1,vi137) knew the Arvanitas of Koropi were Pelasgians which is why Metaxas expunged it. Northern Greeks today have more Albanian than Slavic DNA. All the emperors of the Besant married Athenian women which is why they begat Islam and communism.
Migas Dioutsikos says:
February 10, 2018 at 11:58 am
866 Patriarch Fotios commences schism on Rome Pope Nicholas on cause of Bulgarian frivolities favoring Rome. This instigated orientalist Platonic Chrysostomist black clergy overcoming Aristotelian Capadocian whites after collapse of iconoclasm.
1235 Bulgarians declare Trnvo Third Rome, seeking Greece and Constantinople. This adopted by Russians in in 1589, declaring protocommunist obschina to slavify world The urban mentality is the root of Hellenistic Civilisation, thus those seeking peasant clan naturalism are slavseeded squatters.
1342 Communist Zealotes take Salonica, slaughtering aristocracy on orders of Russian agent Gregory Palamas. Palamas brings Slavs and Turks to support 1345 Cantacuzene usurpation, giving Turks knowledge of defenses. Spread oriental demonic hyperventilatory hallucination hesychasm, turning monks into soviet agents. Toynbe wrote that Asia Minor farmers embraced Turks to avoid Cantacuzene taxation.
1824 Russia opposes to the creation of unique Greek state and under orders of Minister of Exterior Nesserode (German victor for seat against Kapodistrias) proposes to remaining powers the foundation of three separated Greek statelets, vassal tributary simultaneously to Turkey and Russia, as earlier with Moldovia and Georgia.
1843 On command of Nesselrode is dispatched the panslav Archimandrite Uspensky to turn Arab-held Grecophone Christian flocks of Jerusalem and Antioch patriarchs and finally achieves in 1847 the detachment of Antioch who now proclaims dehellenising dissemination. Turning to Persozoroastrian roots, Russians embrace monofysites as misunderstood victims of Greeks, and fabricate supposed Aramaic Gospels over Greek. These efforts consummated century later with Michael Aflaq, founder of Saddam Assad Ba’ath Party.
1870 Panslavs assault Ecumenical Patriarchate with publication of Turkish firman founding autocephalous Bulgarian racial parasynagogues, supposed Exarchate, under orders of Russian ambassador Ignatief. Now they distort the synodical anathema at racism against dispora. They allocated five myriad rubles in 1872 to slavify Holy Mountain and expel Greeks.
1878 Ignatief forces Turkey sign St. Stephen Treaty commencing FYROM and creating Greater Bulgaria inclusive of Salonica. Ignatief announces “And now if Greeks wish Constantinople, let them arrive swimming!”
1923 Plastiras slaughters victors of Macedonia, allowing orientalists Vafiades and Zahariades commence civil war. Meletios Metaxakis seeks move Patriarchate to Moscow at Lenin invitation and organises supposed panOrthodox Youth Syndesmos. In 1937 Stalin displaces 285 thousand Russian Greeks to Archangel and Siberia and slaughters them. The black goats force even Mataxas and Junta into Socialism
Migas Dioutsikos says:
February 10, 2018 at 12:07 pm
The reason L100 crawled to Stravidas is this was sent to ethnic and labor RC press: The original Greek WTC church was built by the Czars, as can be documented by all the trinkets they donated, but they trojaned the date. BBC Monitoring January 15, 2018 said Russian state TV channel Rossiya 1 has broadcast a film about the Valaam Monastery in Russia’s north that focused heavily on lengthy excerpts from interviews with Russian President Vladimir Putin [who said] . . . “In fact, the Communist ideology is actually akin to Christianity.” Alexander Litvinenko accused Vladimir Putin of being a paedophile four months before he was poisoned (Independent UK 21 January 2016. On 9/11/01 the Archbishop of Athens Gristledule said we deserved it as retribution for our bombing the Serbs (Vaslaces, ISBN 978-960-252-007-9). How else did the Greek government know to move Atlantic Bank from the WTC the prior June. The Czars were always communist, forbidding land ownership because the Obsina mir belonged to Mokosh, and had free education and health care. Aristides Papadakis tries to make the early Christians into communist (David Bentley Hart NOV 4 2017 NY Times). Kim Philby spawned the Oxbridge Orthodox under Tim Ware and Steve Khanya Hayes who taught Savas Zombilas, George Stifanopolis, George Demcopolis and John McGughen. The Srebrenica genocide was directed by Greek KYP agents Spyrus Djanopoulos, Dimitrus Zavitsanos, and Haralabus Dimulas. In 1182 Greeks massacred sixty thousand Istanbul Catholics, selling the remainder to their Turkish sultan. On Jan 1 1920 US Adm Mark Bristol judged the Greeks with the initial provocative August 18 1919 genocide of Smyrna cabled to the NY Times on Nov 26 (NYT Jan 3 1920 pg 10, Aug 19, 1919 pg 18). That is why the Greeks made Cosmus Aitrellus their patron of genocide. Soviet Seleucid Jean Bouchedior wrote “The rich are in possession of the goods of the poor, even if they have acquired them honestly” (Lazarus 11). The Theodosian Code promoted confiscatory taxation and promoted Diocletian socialist feudalism (Rostovtzeff 1926, Gibbon ch. 13) that Toynbee (1939, IV p. 399) said caused Anatolia to apostase into Turkishness. Gun control hails back to Justinian’s Novella 85. See “Is Orthodox Christianity progressive?” By Michelle Boorstein Washington Post November 4, 2009. If Greeks trojaned their eurobudgets, do you trust their food hygiene, caique shipping, quisling lawyers or olive witch doctors?
Garidoscufis Astakanevis says:
September 7, 2017 at 9:27 am
First the priest gets all the yayissas to remortgage their homes to fund the church. Then the efrmamissas demand ending the fraggohorodia so they can sell the fancy organ. Then they sell the Tiffany stained glass. The compalin the icons are too latin and don’t follow the Fotis Kontoglu standard. Then they burn the church for insurance fraud. Then they sell the land and build a tin can church on a cheaper parcel. And all the proceeds go to the Eframist munasteries to produce Krokodil from kerosene to stupefy Trump voters for Putin. The monasteries were built with pilfered credit cards from elderly they supposedly cared for.
Panos Froutnas says:
August 23, 2017 at 10:00 am
Lucan icons were unheard of before Theodore the Lector (530AD). This is from Uspensky, 1992, pp. 62-63. That’s right: Tinos, Smella, and Prutsa are all frauds! Miracle icons are located exactly where demented pagan oracles used to be. The greatest part of the Greek icon pantheon is brigands righteously executed by Ottoman courts. Peloporicans taught Magnagrecians to propagate faith by epigenetic probiotics.
Geidaroscufis Varufakaturas says:
August 7, 2017 at 11:09 am
Open any MBA textbook on restaurants and you can see that Greek diners are not a business but a Trojan Horse money laundering tax scam! Greeks ban flushing toilet paper so they can fertilize diner produce and culture feta yogurt. Gyro is the original Mystery Meat. If Greeks trojaned their eurobudgets, do you trust their food hygiene, caique shipping, quisling lawyers or olive witch doctors?
Palaiofytos Vastavraks says:
October 12, 2017 at 10:05 am
Greeks misunderstand other Christians. Ecumenists are almost universally protestants who are seeking common action on social issues. THe ROmans do not believ ein Ecumenist and demand submission, therefore the correct term for Greek mingling with the pope is UNIATIASM or OUNIA. Very clearly, the Peoporicans and Ionaians are Uniates, the Ounia tou Ioniou, because they were under the Ventians when we suffered from Turks.
Veras Kaltroupis says:
August 28, 2017 at 9:29 am
Shipowners are Uniate Venetians, never Greek
Mitros Farupas says:
August 10, 2017 at 12:07 pm
A quarter of Doric Greeks were always blond and blue eyed. America’s founders loved Greeks, especially William Cullen Bryant’s Greek Boy. It wasn’t until the pseudo-Greek Arab-blooded anti-Semites from the Islands and Asia Minor gave us a bad name that Americans turned against us.
Veras Coltroupis says:
May 9, 2018 at 2:18 pm
Why do Greeks insist on shooting themselves in the foot with such twaddle? The Palestinians were not Greek, the Myceneans were Phoenician Arabs just like most of the islands of the Mediterranean. The Phoenician Lebanese were the first to colonize the Mediterranean including the Punics of Spain and the Quechua (Aztec, Inca, Maya) of America. This is why the Quechua have Lebanese noses and Semitic vestiges in their language, not to mention Pyramids. The Mafia Vendetta style of clannism is share with Arabs everywhere. Minoans were Phoenician Arabs [Annals of Human Genetics (2008) 72,205–214]. They are distinguished as being Semites from Asia not Hamites from Africa (yet Greeks pervert this distinction). The Thracians or Vlachs were Carpathian Celts like the Galatians. Achaeans, Ahiya, were Hamitic Africans from Egypt. This is why Sparta got its wheat from Sicily which is closer to Africa than Europe and Peloporicans are the dumbest Greeks. Dorians were Alpine Germans. Ionians, descended from Yovani, Javan, son of Japheth, were Scythians. The name Ashkhenazi derives from Scythian and David was a red-haired Scythian. This is why Athenians got their wheat from Scythia via Bezant. The Aeolians were Pelasgian Albanians. Everywhere Herodotus said there were Pelasgians, like in Koropi, outside of Athens, and Methana near Corinth, today there are Albanians. The Trojans were undeniably Hittites, who appear with Mongolian Turkic Turanian slanted eyes on drawings. That is why the Trojan Romulus and Remus share the Magog Volpomammic birth myth. The Ugaritic Canaanites became the Magog. “archaeologist Ursula Brosseder of the University of Bonn in Germany. The Huns developed as a political movement that picked up members from various ethnic groups as it spread, she explains. Brosseder suspects the ‘Hun phenomenon’ formed on the grasslands of western Eurasia, a territory that includes regions cited by Hakenbeck. The earliest evidence of Huns in that region dates to about 2,400 years ago” [Science News, 4/29/2017, Vol. 191, No. 8] This political movement movement derived from the Ural Ataics HLA DR1 schizophrenia gene [Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 30 (2006) 423 ? 428] and the Mongol 3’VNTR Dopaminergic Bipolar Gene [Human Biology, Vol. 68, No. 4 (August 1996), pp. 509-515]. Broadberry [LSE WP184 11/2013] shows that the Great Divergence of world economies manifested in 1348 due to Ghenghis Khan whose Tatar Magoguery decimated China, India, Russia and Greece. Fan Tsing fuh Ming was the call of the San Ho Hwuy and indeed Sun Yat Sen blamed the Manchu Magog for decimating China and thought the west was enlightening and liberating. But Mao instead used the Opium War as a foil to revert to tatarism. Note the cognates morphing,Magog, Mongol, Magyar, Hungar, Uyghur, Hangook, Gog. American Indians, Koreans, Japanese, and Turks are the true heirs of the Gog and Magog. [Hugh Pope, Sons of Conquerors, 2005 pp. 210-223] But the Arabs always were led into battle by Turkish generals
September 20, 2017 - 9:09 am
Turkey would have no power were it not for the Greek shipping lobby. The Greek shipping lobby moves most Arab oil, and it is Saudi Yesil Sermaye that planted all the canards Greeks believe about those who brought down the Ottomans. As England, Jordan and Israel terminated the Ottoman Empire, those who despise them are nostalgic for lost Ottoman franchises.
Gufa Kaputas says:
August 1, 2017 at 11:19 am
Why are you freaks so upset your bogus church in Jerusalem gets spat upon? Do you think Holy America will tolerate this? In February 8, 1993, The other patriarchs decided to temporarily suspend relations with the Jerusalem Patriarch and dismiss two bishops who acted as his deputies and defrock five priests for challenging the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch. Yet in April, 1990 Diodoros tried swindled Russian Jewish settlers by having Mardos Matossian sell them lands he was not allowed to sell and then denying their claim. Irineos wrote Arafat on July 17, 2001, stating, “You are aware of the sentiments of disgust and disrespect that all the Holy Sepulchre fathers are feeling for the descendants of the crucifiers of our Lord… actual crucifiers of your people, Sionists Jewish conquerors of the Holy Land of Palestine.” May 3, 2003 Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens was recorded blaming Jews in very stern terms for Jesus crucifixion. Yo, Pontius Pilate, it was Romiosini that slew Jesus and stole his religion! It is slander to deny that Jews forgive as can be seen in the 613 mitzvot and the Tefila Zaka. If the Jews can’t have Jerusalem, why should Greece be trusted with the Elgin Marbles? Maybe Athens should be an international city under the UN because those islamosoviet goons living there would destory the treasures of western civilization? If you want to force your phony Palestinians on the Lord’s People, then why not have some boko haram crawling out of your every crevice.
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