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When did prophecy and vision cease from Israel?

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Jan 13, 2023, 3:39:10 AM1/13/23
When did prophecy and vision cease from Israel?

"When did prophet and vision cease from Israel? Was it not when Christ
came, the Holy One of holies? It is, in fact, a sign and notable proof
of the coming of the Word that [the] Jerusalem [Temple] no longer
stands, neither is prophet raised up nor vision revealed among them.
And it is natural that it should be so, for when He that was signified
had come, what need was there any longer of any to signify Him?...but
if there is neither king nor vision, and since that time all prophecy
has been sealed and city and temple taken, how can they be so
irreligious, how can they so flaunt the facts, as to deny Christ who
has brought it all about?"
-St. Athanasius, On the Incarnation [40] 4th century

January 13th - Saint Veronica of Milan, Visionary
Also known as Veronica of Binasco

Saint Veronica’s parents were peasants in the village of Binasco near
Milan. From her childhood she toiled hard in the house and the field,
and accomplished cheerfully every menial task. Gradually the desire
for perfection grew within her; she became deaf to the jokes and songs
of her companions, and sometimes, when reaping and hoeing, would hide
her face and weep. Untaught, she began to be anxious about her lack of
instruction, and rose secretly at night to try to learn to read. Our
Lady told her that other things were necessary, but not this: “My
daughter, do not be anxious, it will be sufficient for you to know the
3 letters that I bring you from heaven. The first is purity of heart,
which makes us love God above all things; you must have only one love,
that of My Son. The second is not to murmur against the faults of your
neighbor, but to support them with patience and pray for the one in
question. The third is to meditate every day on the Passion of Jesus
Christ, who accepts you for His spouse.”

After three years’ patient waiting she was received as a lay-sister in
the convent of St Martha at Milan. The community was extremely poor,
and Veronica’s duty was to beg throughout the city for their daily
food. Three years after receiving the religious habit she was
afflicted with constant bodily pains, yet never would consent to be
relieved of any of her labors, or to omit one of her prayers. By exact
obedience she became a living copy of her rule, and obeyed with a
smile the slightest wish of her Superior. She sought until the last
the hardest and most humble occupations, and in their performance
enjoyed some of the highest favors ever granted to Saints.

By the first letter taught her by Our Lady, Saint Veronica learned to
begin her daily duties for no human motive, but for God alone; by the
second, to carry out what she had thus begun by attending to her own
affairs, never judging her neighbor, but praying for those who
manifestly lacked virtue; by the third she was enabled to forget her
own pains and sorrows in those of her Lord, and to weep hourly, but
silently, over the memory of the wrongs He suffered. She had constant
ecstasies, and saw in successive visions the whole life of Jesus, and
many other mysteries. Yet, by a special grace, neither her raptures
nor her tears ever interrupted her labors, which ended only with
death. She died in 1497, on the day she had foretold, after a six
months’ illness, in the 30th year of her religious profession.

Reflection. When Saint Veronica was urged in sickness to accept some
exemption from her labors, her answer was, “I must work while I can,
while I have time.” Dare we, then, waste ours?

Source: Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints

Saint Quote:
We should have frequent recourse to prayer, and persevere a long time
in it. God wishes to be solicited. He is not weary of hearing us. The
treasure of His graces is infinite. We can do nothing more pleasing to
him than to beg incessantly that He bestow them upon us.
-- Saint John Baptist de la Salle

Bible Quote:
From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, who was slain
between the altar and the temple: Yea I say to you, It shall be
required of this generation. (Luke 11:51)


Come, Thou Redeemer of the earth,
and manifest Thy virgin birth:
let every age adoring fall;
such birth befits the God of all.

Begotten of no human will,
but of the Spirit, Thou art still
the Word of God in flesh arrayed,
the promised fruit to man displayed.

The virgin womb that burden gained
with virgin honor all unstained;
the banners there of virtue glow;
God in his temple dwells below.

Forth from his chamber goeth He,
that royal home of purity,
a giant in twofold substance one,
rejoicing now his course to run.

From God the Father He proceeds,
to God the Father back He speeds;
His course he runs to death and hell,
returning on God's throne to dwell.

O equal to Thy Father, Thou!
Gird on thy fleshly mantle now;
the weakness of our mortal state
with deathless might invigorate.

Thy cradle here shall glitter bright,
and darkness breathe a newer light,
where endless faith shall shine serene,
and twilight never intervene.

All laud to God the Father be,
all praise, eternal Son, to Thee;
all glory, as is ever meet,
to God the Holy Paraclete.
(By Saint Ambrose of Milan)
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