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The grace of Christ bears us up

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Jul 12, 2023, 3:51:45 AM7/12/23
The grace of Christ bears us up

"'My yoke is easy and my burden light'... The prophet says this
about the burden of sinners: 'Because my iniquities lie on top of my
head, so they have also placed a heavy burden on me' (Psalm 38:4)...
'Place my yoke upon you, and learn from me that I am gentle and humble
of heart.' Oh, what a very pleasing weight that strengthens even more
those who carry it! For the weight of earthly masters gradually
destroys the strength of their servants, but the weight of Christ
rather helps the one who bears it, because we do not bear grace; grace
bears us. It is not for us to help grace, but rather grace has been
given to aid us."
from an anonymous early Christian teacher(excerpt from the INCOMPLETE

July 12th – SS. John Jones and John Wall
(c. 1530-1598; 1620-1679)

These two friars were martyred in England (16th and 17th centuries)
for refusing to deny their faith.

JOHN Jones, known on the mission as John Buckley and having the names
in religion of Godfrey Maurice, came of a Catholic family of Clynog
Fawr in Caernarvonshire. He became a Friar Minor of the Observance in
Rome, and in 1592 he was sent at his own request to the English
mission and lodged for a time in London. He worked in various parts
of the country until 1596, when he was arrested on an order of the
priest-hunter Topcliffe, and subjected to cruel tortures. He was kept
in prison for two years, during which time he contrived to reconcile
Bl. John Rigby, a layman who for a time conformed to Protestantism and
suffered death in 1600 for his repentance. On July 3, 1598, Bl. John
was tried for having been ordained overseas and returned to the realm.
He protested that he had never been guilty of any treason, and asked
that his case should be referred to the conscience of the judges,
rather than to an ignorant jury. Mr Justice Clinch pointed out to him
that his offence was treason by statute, whereto the prisoner replied,
"If this be a crime I must own myself guilty; for I am a priest and
came over into England to gain as many souls as I could to Christ ".

The place fixed for his execution was St. Thomas Waterings in the Old
Kent Road, the place where in days not then long past pilgrims to the
shrine of St. Thomas Becket had made their first halt and watered
their horses at a ford (Chaucer mentions it in the prologue to the
Canterbury Tales). When the martyr had been dragged to this place on
a hurdle, the hangman was found to have forgotten the rope, and it
took an hour to fetch it; Bl. John passed the time in prayer and in
talking to the people, asserting that he had prayed daily for the
queen's welfare.

His head was displayed in Southwark and his members in the Lambeth and
Newington roads; two young men were committed to prison for trying to
rescue these relics, but where they failed others succeeded.

See Challoner, MMP., pp. 234-239; Catholic Record Society
Publications, vol. v, pp. 362-375 ; The Rambler, January 1859,
pp.49-55; Mason, Certamen Seraphicum (1885 ed.), p. 17

Every martyr knows how to save his/her life and yet refuses to do so.
A public repudiation of the faith would save any of them. But some
things are more precious than life itself. These martyrs prove that
their 20th-century countryman, C. S. Lewis, was correct in saying that
courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form (shape) of every
virtue at the testing point, that is, at the point of highest reality.

"No one is a martyr for a conclusion; no one is a martyr for an
opinion. It is faith that makes martyrs" (Cardinal Newman, Discourses
to Mixed Congregations).

Bible Quote:
That he might make known unto us the mystery of his will, according
to his good pleasure, which he hath purposed in him, [10] In the
dispensation of the fulness of times, to re-establish all things in
Christ, that are in heaven and on earth, in him.
[Ephesians 1:9-10] DRV

Hymn (Ave Maris Stella)

Hail, thou Star of ocean!
Portal of the sky!
Ever Virgin Mother
Of the Lord Most High!
Oh! by Gabriel's Ave,
Utter'd long ago,
Eva's name reversing,
Establish peace below.

Break the captives' fetters;
Light on blindness pour;
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore.

Show thyself a Mother;
Offer Him our sighs,
Who for us Incarnate
Did not thee despise.

Virgin of all virgins!
To thy shelter take us:
Gentlest of the gentle!
Chaste and gentle make us.

Still, as on we journey,
Help our weak endeavor,
Till with thee and Jesus
We rejoice forever.

Through the highest Heaven,
To the Almighty Three,
Father, Son, and Spirit,
One same glory be. Amen.

V. Grace is poured forth on thy lips.
R. Therefore hath the Lord blessed thee forever.

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