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Darkness, a barrier

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Nov 23, 2022, 3:53:59 AM11/23/22
Darkness, a barrier

Christ came to enlighten those who lived in darkness, overshadowed
by death, and to guide their feet into the way of peace. Do you ask
what darkness? Whatever is present in our intellect, in our will, or
in our memory that is not God, or which has not its source in God;
that is to say, whatever in us is not for God's sake, is a barrier
between God and the soul--it is darkness.
In himself Christ brought us light which would enable us to see our
sins, and hate our darkness. His freely chosen poverty, when there was
no place for him in the inn, is for us a light by which we can now
learn that the poor in spirit, to whom the kingdom of heaven belongs,
are blessed.
The love with which Christ offered himself to instruct us, and to
endure for us injuries, ostracism, persecution, lashes, and death upon
a cross; the love finally which made him pray for those who crucified
him--that love is for us a light by which we may learn to love our
-- John Justus Landsberg

• November 23rd – Bl. Margaret of Savoy, OP Tert., Widow

Born at Pinerolo in 1382; died 1464; beatified in 1669. Margaret of
Savoy, daughter of Duke Amadeo II, is one of three royal princesses
who wore the Dominican habit and were beatified. In the 15th century,
she was the glory of a family that has given several beati to the

Born into the royal house of Savoy, Margaret grew up in a household in
which piety and wealth were ordinary. Her own parents died when she
was young, and she was educated by an uncle, who arranged an early
marriage for her to the Marquis of Montferrat, Theodore Paleologus.

As queen of her fairly large domain, Margaret was the model of
Christian rulers. She felt that it was her duty to exceed in charity
and humility in the proportion that she was wealthier than those
around her, and she devoted all of her time to God and to her
neighbors. Her husband was a widower with two children, to whom she
gave the greatest care. The hundreds of dependents on the large
estates came to her for charity and instruction.

Disaster stuck Savoy several times in the years when she was wife and
mother. Famine and plague came, making great demands on her time and
her courage. Unhesitatingly, she went out to nurse the plague-stricken
with her own hands, and she sent out food and clothing from her
husband's stores until it was doubtful if anything would be left.
After this crisis passed, war hovered over the kingdom, and she prayed
earnestly that they would be delivered from the horrors of invasion.

In 1418, the marquis died. His young widow was one of the most
eligible women in Europe. Margaret sorrowed for her husband, but she
made it clear to her relatives that they need not plan another
marriage for her, as she was going to enter a convent. In order to
live a life of complete renunciation, she decided to found a convent
of her own at Alba in Liguria that would follow the ancient rule of
Saint Dominic. Accordingly, she took over a cloister which had fallen
into ruin, having only a few poor inhabitants, and rebuilt it for
Dominican use. She dedicated the house to St. Mary Magdalen.

There is one very delightful story told of her sojourn in the convent.
When she had been there many years, she one day had a young visitor;
he was the son of one of her step-children. Hunting nearby, he had
killed a doe, and he brought her the motherless fawn to tend. It was a
pretty little animal, and it soon grew to be a pet. The legends about
the fawn have probably been exaggerated, as it was supposed to be able
to go and find any sister she would name, and, for several years, the
animal had free rein of the halls and cells of the sisters. Perhaps it
was true, though, since the house confessor told her that the deer
must go. She took it to the gate and told it to go. It fled into the
forest, and returned only when Margaret was about to die.

Margaret attained a high degree of contemplative prayer. One time Our
Lord appeared to her and asked her whether she would rather suffer
calumny, sickness, or persecution. Margaret generously accepted all
three. Her offer was taken, and for the remaining years of her life
she suffered intensely from all three sorrows (Dorcy). It should be
noted that Saint Vincent Ferrer influenced Margaret to join the
Dominican tertiaries (Benedictines).

Saint Quote:
Only God knows the good that can come about by reading one good Catholic book.
--St. John Bosco

Bible Quote:
I passed by the field of the slothful man, and by the vineyard of the
foolish man:
And behold it was all filled with nettles, and thorns had covered the
face thereof, and the stone wall was broken down.
Which when I had seen, I laid it up in my heart, and by the example I
received instruction.
Thou wilt sleep a little, said I, thou wilt slumber a little, thou
wilt fold thy hands a little to rest.
And poverty shall come to thee as a runner, and beggary as an armed
man. [Pro 24:30-34] DRB

13. A sure proof that we love God alone is that we love Him equally in
all cases. For, as He is always equal to Himself, the inequality of
our love for Him can arise only from the consideration of something
which is not Himself.
--St. Francis de Sales

By this test we may perceive how pure was the love of this Saint; for,
it never increased in prosperity, nor diminished in adversity, but in
everything was directed equally to the Lord, and through everything he
thanked and blessed Him.

St. Jane Frances de Chantal also gave this excellent proof of her
perfect love of God, by feeling equally contented in consolations and
in desolations, of which she suffered many, and for a long time. The
reason was, as she said, because in both she desired and sought only
the fulfillment of the Divine Will, by which she knew that both
prosperity and adversity were sent to her.

"True lovers of God," said a holy soul, "are like the sun, which,
though it is sometimes covered with clouds, yet always possesses in
itself the same light and the same warmth."
(Taken from the book "A Year with the Saints". November: Charity)

"Lord Jesus, you have been kind and forgiving towards me.
May I be merciful as you are merciful. Free me from all bitterness
and resentment that I may truly forgive from the heart those who
have caused me injury or grief."
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