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31 August – Saint Paulinus of Trier

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Aug 31, 2021, 2:36:22 AM8/31/21
31 August – Saint Paulinus of Trier

 Bishop of Trier, Missionary, Defender of the Faith, Confessor. Born
in Gascony, France and died in 358 in Phrygia, Asia Minor (in modern
Turkey). St Paulinus was the sixth Bishop of Trier in present day
Germany. He was among the foremost defenders of orthodoxy during the
Christological conflicts with Arianism.

Little is known of the early life of Paulinus. He was born in what is
known as Gascony in France. He was educated in the cathedral school at
Poitiers. He accompanied St Maximinus to Trier (died c 349) in present
day Germany. At that time Trier, was the government seat of the
Western Emperor of the Roman empire. There, he apparently was
Consecrated a Bishop by Maximinus and succeeded him as Bishop of Trier
in 349.

Paulinus attended the Council of Sirmium in 351, where he boldly
championed the orthodox position. He defended the creed, as it was
written down by the Council of Nicaea in 325. Accordingly, Christ was
of the same nature as the Father; He is true God and at the same time
true man. The opposite position is associated with the name of the
Alexandrian priest Arius (circa 260-336). It’s followers, the Arians,
held the view that Christ was only god-like.

When the letter of condemnation of St Athanasius was tendered for him
to sign, he scornfully rejected it and exclaimed that he would sign
the condemnation of Photinus and Marcellus but not of Athanasius.
Sulpicius Severus (circa 363-425) mentions Paulinus by name among the
few who resisted the “Arians.”

At the Council of Arles in 353, Paulinus’s fate was decided. There, he
was targeted by the Arians and Emperor Constantius II, a friend of the
Arians, decreed the banishment of all bishops who refused to subscribe
to the condemnation of Athanasius. Paulinus remained firm and, after
being condemned by the bishops, he was driven into exile to Phrygia in
Asia Minor, to areas inhabited by heathen and heretics. This occurred
in 353 or, at latest, in 354.

He died five years later, in either 358 or 359, while in exile. His
relics were returned to Trier in 395 where he was entombed in the
crypt of the city’s St Paulinus Minor Basilica, which was dedicated to
him. The Basilica, named for him, was then outside the walls of the
city and was one of the earliest churches at Trier.

Bible Quote:
Dearly beloved, follow not that which is evil: but that which is good.
He that doth good is of God: he that doth evil hath not seen God.  [3
John 1:11] DRB

He did all things well.  [Mark 7:37 ]  August: Diligence

14. How can the sun and moon praise God, as the Prophet exhorts them
to? By performing well that task which has been imposed on them by the
Lord. This is great praise which they give Him. Behold, then, an
excellent way in which you can praise God at all times--by performing
well your tasks and whatever you may have to do.
--St. Jerome

St. John Berchmans was most diligent in every employment assigned to
him. When he had the care of the Spiritual Father's room, he kept it
so neat and so well provided with every little necessary that the
Father was astonished, and never found another to equal him. And, what
was more, he never disturbed him or said an unnecessary word. When he
had charge of the lamps, he never once omitted to look them over and
trim them; and if he was going out of town on a holiday, he would
either attend to them before starting, or come back in time to have
them ready before it was dark. Once being afraid that he should lose
this charge, he begged the Father Rector to let him retain it.

Father Alvarez faithfully fulfilled all the charges imposed on him,
observing even the most minute rules, and continued this care and
solicitude up to the last day and hour that he held them. When he was
Rector he never failed to visit his subjects at the hour of prayer,
and he did this up to the day when he left the house to become

(Taken from the book "A Year with the Saints". )

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