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Gay Priests, Pastors, Reverends, Ministers, why not?

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Michael Christ

Feb 11, 2024, 1:02:15 PMFeb 11
Apparently, all of Christendom concedes that all their congregants
remain continuing sinners, so why not have gay clergy?

What difference does it make? Isn't it abuse to allow a straight sinner
to mistreat a gay sinner?

Is there a difference between one continuing sinner who sins and another
continuing sinner who sins?

Apparently, hypocrisy and bigotry is alive and well in sinner Christianity.

Michael Christ

God is God

Jesus is the everlasting Father, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Lord. John
10:30  I and Father are one. If you can't see that the Lord Jesus is the
everlasting Father you are not born again and can't see the Kingdom of God.

Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were
YET sinners, Christ died for us.

Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it
is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that
hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

"To seek your own will is to seek your own glory."

"If God is not first in everything He is not first in anything."

"What makes the bible the truth? The resonance of God."

"All men were born sinners. Why? Because all men were born not loving
God with all their heart, soul, and mind. An abomination. Therefore,
sin is not what you do; it is what you are."

"Compromise will condemn you."

"There are no sinners in Christ Jesus."

"My sons are born of Me. In them is no darkness at all."

"You can't learn righteousness. Haven't you had enough time already to
know that?"

"The way of truth is the testimony of life."

"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the cards fall
where God intends."

"Nothing that is produced is produced without first being faith."

"You can only find proof of God through faith because that is how we all
live, by faith."

"It is not what you do that matters, it is how you treat Me."

"Keep going forward. Forget about the past. Lift up your head, look

"You cannot be free and free indeed with guilt in your heart."

"Priority is everything."

"The truth doesn't need evidence, it is evidence."

"There is no greater possession a man has than his own will, to squander
it or to place it where it truly belongs."

"An atheist is a fool who thinks truth is found in living a lie."

"Saying "prove it" [as a foundation] is merely an ignorant straw man, to
an ignorant straw man."

"Wait, rest, be still, and know."

"No man can wash his own hands!!!"

"I find this in the Christianity religions: 'Nobody's perfect' they say,
and they use that as an excuse not to do what is perfect."

The Atheist: "They don't believe and put their faith in a Creator (the
obvious). So no evidence and proof is to be found!!"

"The world is the way it is because God can't compromise who He is."

"Man is not the centre of being."

"Man is incompatible with the natural world because of his sinful nature."

"And then the Lord said, "I see everything."

"Man has no greater idol than his own will."

"Where is God hiding? He isn't."

"If you don't keep all the scriptures, you can't keep any of them."

"You can't prove anything because everything depends on a person's
willingness to believe."

"Atheists are ultimately trying to be pointlessness, meaninglessness,
and purposelessness in their point, meaning, and purpose."

"The last day of creation will be the last day of time. God is always
full of hope."

"The veil of the temple was rent in twain, not to have a book pass
through it so that you could play God."

"A phylactery does not a heart for God make. Not back then, and not today."

"No one in heaven is better (or higher) than what makes it heaven. Such
is the love of God."

"The definition of an atheist: A man full of bluster and bullshit
pretending he is the meaning of life."

"Free will is not power; it is the choice that I allow; that choice is
still according to my power," says the Lord.

What does a fool do? A fool looks for a "nothing" in a "something" in
order to explain the existence of existence.

"Unless you do all because He is who He is, all your religion is in vain."

"Every man is subject to God; He judges every man, and He is reality.
 What a gift in a fallen world!"

"Love MUST be a choice or it is nothing but a law!"

"Why were all men born sinners? So that God could reveal Himself, so
that we would behold the glory of God, and that we should bring forth
the glory of God"

"God does not and will not arbitrate for any man to love Him! If God
isn't everything to you, He is nothing to you where the rubber meets the

"It is the unforgivable sin not to love God with all your heart, soul,
and mind. What do you have that is lasting? It is not so much being
punished; it is what you are left with."

"Love isn't worth anything without first a free will choice for God to
birth it in a man."

"The point of salvation: desperation. Anything less than that is

"A sinner is not a believer in God, a sinner is a believer in sin."

"A piece of dirt is not the promised land; that is only a reflection.
The promised land is knowing Me, says the Lord."

"It is all about God or it is all about idolatry."

"The Lord Jesus is coming soon. He has always come soon."

"There is no revolving door of self-worship in a son of God's life!"

"There is no such thing as random!"

"You can't truly love without it being with all your heart."

"No one can see God without their whole heart. Unless you can see God,
you know nothing."

"You can't learn God, God has to reveal Himself to you."

"No sinner is sinless in any way."

"Only God is life; only the Kingdom of God of His "Nature" is life."


Feb 11, 2024, 1:55:49 PMFeb 11
On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 05:02:12 +1100, Michael Christ
<> wrote:

>Apparently, all of Christendom concedes that all their congregants
>remain continuing sinners, so why not have gay clergy?
>What difference does it make? Isn't it abuse to allow a straight sinner
>to mistreat a gay sinner?
>Is there a difference between one continuing sinner who sins and another
>continuing sinner who sins?
>Apparently, hypocrisy and bigotry is alive and well in sinner Christianity.

So then, does God accept the gay lifestyle?

Sincerely James
Wonderful news!
Go to

>Michael Christ

Michael Christ

Feb 11, 2024, 2:19:52 PMFeb 11
On 12/02/2024 5:55 am, James wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 05:02:12 +1100, Michael Christ
> <> wrote:
>> Apparently, all of Christendom concedes that all their congregants
>> remain continuing sinners, so why not have gay clergy?
>> What difference does it make? Isn't it abuse to allow a straight sinner
>> to mistreat a gay sinner?
>> Is there a difference between one continuing sinner who sins and another
>> continuing sinner who sins?
>> Apparently, hypocrisy and bigotry is alive and well in sinner Christianity.

Sinner Hypocrisy and Bigotry James wrote:
> So then, does God accept the gay lifestyle?

Please stop trying to sell the lie that your life is based on what God
accepts; it is based on sin, Sinful James.

So, why would a sinner judge another sinner as being a sinner?

"Isn't it abuse to allow a straight sinner to mistreat a gay sinner?

Is there a difference between one continuing sinner who sins and another
continuing sinner who sins?"

Michael Christ

Feb 11, 2024, 2:23:20 PMFeb 11
On 12/02/2024 6:18 am, Jaye Elke wrote:
> James wrote:
>> On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 05:02:12 +1100, Michael Christ
>> <> wrote:
>>> Apparently, all of Christendom concedes that all their congregants
>>> remain continuing sinners, so why not have gay clergy?
>>> What difference does it make? Isn't it abuse to allow a straight
>>> sinner to mistreat a gay sinner?
>>> Is there a difference between one continuing sinner who sins and
>>> another continuing sinner who sins?
>>> Apparently, hypocrisy and bigotry is alive and well in sinner
>>> Christianity.
>> So then, does God accept the gay lifestyle?
> Yes. Jesus was gay, and God Himself reveals advocacy of homosexuality
> in the OT. Read Keith Sharpe's The Gay Gospels.

I looked at that book recently.

It is pure crap.

All it does is channel personal sexual preference by massaging words and

Typical of sinner Christianity.

Jack Sovalot

Feb 11, 2024, 2:47:51 PMFeb 11
Michael Christ wrote:

> On 12/02/2024 6:18 am, Jaye Elke wrote:
> > James wrote:
> >
> > > On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 05:02:12 +1100, Michael Christ
> >><> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Apparently, all of Christendom concedes that all their
> > > > congregants remain continuing sinners, so why not have gay
> > > > clergy?
> > > >
> > > > What difference does it make? Isn't it abuse to allow a straight
> > > > sinner to mistreat a gay sinner?
> > > >
> > > > Is there a difference between one continuing sinner who sins and
> > > > another continuing sinner who sins?
> > > >
> > > > Apparently, hypocrisy and bigotry is alive and well in sinner
> > > > Christianity.
> > >
> > > So then, does God accept the gay lifestyle?
> > >
> >
> >
> > Yes. Jesus was gay, and God Himself reveals advocacy of
> > homosexuality in the OT. Read Keith Sharpe's The Gay Gospels.
> I looked at that book recently.
> It is pure crap.
> All it does is channel personal sexual preference by massaging words
> and meanings.
> Typical of sinner Christianity.
> Michael Christ

I don't know of anybody who takes that book seriously.

Michael Christ

Feb 11, 2024, 5:43:41 PMFeb 11
Ted wrote:
> I don't know of anybody who takes that book seriously.

Except me. :-).

We disagree on many things about it, but it doesn't seem to matter with
you. And the reason might surprise you. It is because you are the
closest thing to a pure atheist here. Whereas, people like Holman, JWS,
Dawny Poo, Mycock, Tim, and even Kevrob and others are mere pretenders
and are not atheists at all.

However, ironically, the greatest pretenders of all are the sinner
Christians, so they attract from me, let us say, the most "distaste."

And so it was 2000 years ago.

Jack Sovalot

Feb 12, 2024, 12:02:54 PMFeb 12
Nice of you to say, MX, thanks, although I don't really consider myself
to be an atheist (despite Christopher Lee's insistence that I was). One
of the things I like about you is that I agree with most of your sig
(from a Christian perspective). And I'd never before met any other
Christian whose thoughts were so similar to mine back when I was a

> However, ironically, the greatest pretenders of all are the sinner
> Christians, so they attract from me, let us say, the most "distaste."
> And so it was 2000 years ago.

Quite true.

> Michael Christ

Michael Christ

Feb 12, 2024, 6:37:42 PMFeb 12
I wouldn't agree with Lee if my ass was on fire, except in this
instance. Being an unbeliever (AKA an atheist) has nothing to do with
words, terminology, or even thoughts; it is a heart decision to reject Him.

However, what bothers God a hell of a lot more is a person who likes to
try and sit in a middle ground (e.g., lukewarm). All these pretend
atheists sit in the middle ground. Take someone like Bertrand Russell.
When he was asked if he found out when he died that there was a God,
what would he say to Him? "There wasn't enough proof." Therefore, he's
entertaining the option.

Middle ground, in other words. As with Hitchens (dead), Dawkins, etc.,
Sam Harris is a little more far left than them but still the same. By
the way, even Erhman is middle ground.

Also, Timmy the faggot is definitely middle ground. :-).

You are not middle ground, though.

> One
> of the things I like about you is that I agree with most of your sig
> (from a Christian perspective). And I'd never before met any other
> Christian whose thoughts were so similar to mine back when I was a
> christer.

Why didn't you go on then, because God would have taken you through and
out of the religion shit, like me?

What stopped you?

I am intrigued because I often wonder why people do not choose God? Most
people think that if they reject God that it makes Him angry; it does
not. He gave people a choice, and what, if they do not choose Him He
stamps around like a spoilt schoolboy that doesn't get His way? No, a
free choice is a free choice.


Rev_3:16  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I
will spue thee out of my mouth.

That is why the Lord Jesus was so pissed off with the Pharisees
(lukewarm), but the prostitutes and the tax collectors, well, He ate and
drank with them and probably had a scotch or two.

Guess where the sinner Christians sit. :-).

Michael Christ

>> However, ironically, the greatest pretenders of all are the sinner
>> Christians, so they attract from me, let us say, the most "distaste."
>> And so it was 2000 years ago.
> Quite true.
>> Michael Christ


Feb 14, 2024, 11:30:06 AMFeb 14
Thanks MX.

> > One
> > of the things I like about you is that I agree with most of your sig
> > (from a Christian perspective). And I'd never before met any other
> > Christian whose thoughts were so similar to mine back when I was a
> > christer.
> Why didn't you go on then, because God would have taken you through
> and out of the religion shit, like me?
> What stopped you?
> I am intrigued because I often wonder why people do not choose God?
> Most people think that if they reject God that it makes Him angry; it
> does not. He gave people a choice, and what, if they do not choose
> Him He stamps around like a spoilt schoolboy that doesn't get His
> way? No, a free choice is a free choice.

Of course God isn't a petty little shit who gets pist at people who
don't believe in him. But somehow, that's what they seem to think.

> Hence...
> Rev_3:16  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor
> hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
> That is why the Lord Jesus was so pissed off with the Pharisees
> (lukewarm), but the prostitutes and the tax collectors, well, He ate
> and drank with them and probably had a scotch or two.
> Guess where the sinner Christians sit. :-).

Yes. As it was 2000 years ago.

> Michael Christ

Thanks MX.

Michael Christ

Feb 14, 2024, 4:16:04 PMFeb 14
So, in terms of logic, just plain reality (non-emotional), I understand
fully why you would turn your back on the asshole sinner Xtian
religionist Pharisees, the pretenders of righteousness with bibles in
their hands, but why did you turn your back on God?

I will respect your answer, as I am sure you know by now, but can you or
do you have an answer?
through it so that a sinner could play God."
"A sinner is not a believer in God; a sinner is a believer in sin."


Feb 14, 2024, 4:54:19 PMFeb 14
At first it was because I finally came to realize that God gives every
indication of being a despicable prick. But I've also long understood
that there isn't much we can say about God because we're so
infinitesimally insignificant in comparison. So I can't be an atheist.
But I also soon undersood that Yahweh was just made up. And that Jesus
was just a fellow who got himself killed a long time ago.

Michael Christ

Feb 14, 2024, 5:17:28 PMFeb 14
Well, as far as I am concerned, atheists don't exist anyway, but I do
use the term in a contemporary sense. I am saying that I could use the
word "gay" to mean what it really means, but I go along with the
consensus meaning as the means of relating to people in the place where
they are.

Y'know, when in Rome.

> But I also soon undersood that Yahweh was just made up. And that Jesus
> was just a fellow who got himself killed a long time ago.

Okay. It is tempting to go on but I'll leave it there.



Feb 14, 2024, 5:26:22 PMFeb 14
Is it okay if I email you?
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