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Bruderhof Daily Dig Feedback

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Bruderhof News

Jul 20, 2005, 10:48:25 AM7/20/05
Start your day right with the Bruderhof's Daily Dig - a pithy inspirational
quote from one of the world's great writers waiting in your inbox every
morning. Think of it as caffeine for your conscience.

View today's Daily Dig at

Subscribe to the Daily Dig at

If you already subscribe, we'd love to get to know you a little better.
This is your chance to tell a little something about yourself and what is
important to you, to help us put some names and faces to the unseen
multitude we connect with each morning.

Rachel Long

Jul 20, 2005, 11:07:51 AM7/20/05

I absolutely love the Daily Dig. I have various quotes printed and posted around my house and office. It always seems so interesting to me that the quotes are so relevant to my everyday life and they love how I am challenged by them.........

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Elsie MAyyasi

Jul 20, 2005, 10:45:07 PM7/20/05
"Your Daily Dig" stirs deep within that which is just and decent and moral. Please help us diggers continue to unearth our sleeping giant. As a result, we might bring about some changes for the better.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

William H. Wilkinson

Jul 21, 2005, 9:21:33 AM7/21/05
Again I would like to thank you this and the other daily thought provoking messages....My Bruderhof daily dig, and this website will be a part of my personal Faculty and mentoring relationships.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig


Jul 21, 2005, 12:56:10 PM7/21/05
... I really enjoy reading them all. I have sent many e-books out to my family, especially when they really needed them. Thanks so much, your great and greatly needed! Don't ever leave!

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Susan Bower

Jul 21, 2005, 2:33:19 PM7/21/05
....I am so grateful for this helpful and encouraging daily-dig....

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From: Laura Salamy <>
Subject: Re:David


Jul 21, 2005, 4:48:53 PM7/21/05
...The Daily Dig is my morning dose of comfort, given in a jolt of words that always speak to my heart...

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Foppe Brouwer

Jul 22, 2005, 4:59:47 AM7/22/05
Daily Dig is a blessing to start the day with. It is encouraging and uplifting a blessed word to begin the day with.
Thank you for bringing it to Australia. On behalf of all of us in our Mennonite Church .

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Jul 22, 2005, 6:43:36 AM7/22/05
Daily Dig! God loves. He has given us this message. The Daily Dig messages have changed my life completely. Amen! Amen! Christ reigns!

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Eze Mgbada

Jul 22, 2005, 7:28:46 AM7/22/05
A very nice site keep it up.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Tom Hemm

Jul 22, 2005, 5:06:34 PM7/22/05
Friends @ Bruderhof,

Just a note to reiterate how pleased I am that you're back with me every day via "Daily Dig". I don't know whether the option was there before but now I'm taking advantage of clicking on "the rest of the story" and going back to your treasure house of articles. I'm also now aware of your e-book offers.

What encourages me is your "ministry of the Word". Jesus says, what you have been given freely, freely give! Some times it irks me to se how folks often take in healthy profits through publishing God's word and inspiration. Particularly when I see a copyright for a Bible--seems to be a violation of what Saint Paul claims: The Word of God will not be chained!

I know publishers must cover their costs, etc. etc. But getting back to where I started. I believe the Spirit has guided you to a marvelous way to continue your ministry of the Word--in tune with the Bruderhof legacy--and, of course,rooted our baptismal call. My prayers for all of you and that Advent may allow us to prepare sincerely for the coming of the Lord.

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Mary E. DavisS.

Jul 23, 2005, 2:42:34 AM7/23/05
Greetings in Jesus and may his love and peace be with you. You have a very nice website. May God bless you. Keep up the good work.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Heidi Wagner

Jul 23, 2005, 7:19:55 AM7/23/05
Friends, thanks again for the wonderful " Digs"I wait every morning for the new one. It get's me going through another day!!!! May God bless you always! Love, Heidi

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Mary Kilbride

Jul 23, 2005, 7:26:53 AM7/23/05
Here I am again! I have to say yet again how I so love what I read in my email from you all. We need this in our world. We need our focus to be God and Jesus Christ.... not all of this other "stuff".... And, as always, I am reading and really absorbing what you are saying and then hit on something that I don't agree with, so I always have to read very closely... In the end, I stand before God...on my own, for how I have lived out my life, for what I have believed and what I have done with those beliefs...

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Victoria Edmonds

Jul 23, 2005, 8:16:45 AM7/23/05
I receive your messages through my friend. She emails them to me every day. I enjoy the thought provoking messages and love to start my day this way.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Michael F Chamness

Jul 23, 2005, 8:21:02 AM7/23/05
I always appreciate a story by Tolstoy. But more than that, I especially appreciate your email ministry of these thoughtful messages...

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Jul 24, 2005, 8:53:08 AM7/24/05
Bruderhof is a wonderful site that has solved all that I needed in my ful life, because studying about the bible it is just enough, thank you.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Hannah Carter

Jul 24, 2005, 4:52:19 PM7/24/05
Daily contact with you .... is a joy and a challenge. Speaking the truth in love is something you do continually and predictably, and I thank God for this transparent witness. Your resource selections are so rich and diverse. Thanks for the creativity to go online and impact our lives daily, not only "when I have time to read!"

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Heidi Barton

Jul 25, 2005, 2:39:51 AM7/25/05
Daily Dig is often an inspiration to me. It pulls my sights away from appearances, circumstances, and feelings. It helps me see the truth of God's gracious presence in my life. George MacDonald once said something like this: "the only refuge from the look of things is the truth of things". Thanks for being a daily reminder of the truth.

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Paul Wrenn

Jul 25, 2005, 3:28:49 AM7/25/05
I became aware of your web sight just recently and want to express my deep appreciation for the contribution it is making to my pilgrimage with God. Daily it awakens in me the awareness of God's activity in our world and my personal involvement in that activity. "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done..." takes on more meaning each day.
Thank you

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Bro. Carl Hund

Jul 25, 2005, 7:48:04 AM7/25/05
I chose not to comment on individual readings, but I faithfully read your spiritual selections each day and find most of them inspiring. They are just the right length for a person with a busy schedule and give me something to chew on during the day. They also suggest to me other books or sources that I might delve into to help me develop my faith life. Thank you to whoever performs the job of reading what must be an enormous amount of material in order to cull out the best and present it to people like me on this website. Keep up the good work and I will continue to suggest this website to my friends.

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Jul 25, 2005, 7:52:09 AM7/25/05
I am planning to open a coffee shop in a few months, with a Christian theme, and would like to print the Daily Dig to insert on the back of the menu sleeve. What kind of permission would I need to be able to do that?

Thanks for your time. I look forward to my morning coffee and the Daily Dig - it sends my day down the spiritual path that Id most like to follow.

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Harland M. Irvin JR

Jul 25, 2005, 8:05:10 AM7/25/05
I am looking for sermons on "the kingdom of God." not easy. Thousands of web sites. Hope you have something that will help me get a handle on it better.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig


Jul 25, 2005, 8:05:24 AM7/25/05
I enjoy the writings you publish on the internet. Thank you so much!!!! They are thought provoking, affirming and uplifting. I have referred several people to your website. Daily readings which share God strength and love, especially via such a worldly technology as the internet, are not only enjoyable, but also empowering. I look forward to the notes every day. Thanks again!!!

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Shantanu Dutta

Jul 25, 2005, 8:25:38 AM7/25/05
I enjoy every single issue of your digs. it transports me to a mystical world with a character all its own with deep and profound spiriruality. I salute those who put these together. Thank you very much for enriching my life.

Subscribe to the Daily Dig


Jul 25, 2005, 8:28:05 AM7/25/05
I enjoy your e-mails everyday...sometimes I am sure they are the answer to my many prayers. As we face these difficult days I am greatful for the strength and courage, they provide to fight this fight of faith. Thank-you,

Subscribe to the Daily Dig

Alice Calonga

Jul 25, 2005, 8:58:13 AM7/25/05
I begin every morning with these very uplifting readings. They keep things in perspective and help ward off the worldly contaminants we face every day. If the mass media would spread these messages as they do the daily horrors of the sensationalistic news they slather all over us, perhaps this would be a more peaceful world to live in. I continue to pray for peace....Thanks again for starting my mornings so meaningfully.

Ruth J.

Jul 25, 2005, 9:04:19 AM7/25/05
I find a very welcome message each day from this web site. Thank you so much for new messages each day. They give me new insights into my faith.

Barbara Stanley

Jul 25, 2005, 9:26:11 AM7/25/05
I find these thought provoking daily digs the best single source of school assembly material I have yet found. I have abridged this one, and slightly altered it for school use. Thank you.

Leone Wagner

Jul 25, 2005, 2:36:33 PM7/25/05
Dear Bruderhof Friends,
I do consider you friends because it is your daily dig that gets opened first on my e mail checks. Thank you not just for the amazing collection of thought that I receive daily but for the challenges to live differently in thought and deed. Sometimes it seems to me like an injection of Christian thought that sadly I don't currently experience other places. Your wisdom , God's wisdom, made known through you, puts salve on my soul that aches for something more than religion...

Bernie Loeppky

Jul 25, 2005, 4:20:32 PM7/25/05
I appreciate your emphasis on discipleship because I believe it is truly Biblical.The great commision says:"Go and make disciples."The new birth without discipleship puts us at risk of being stillborn.I pray that your ministry may continue to be truly effective.


Jul 25, 2005, 4:21:29 PM7/25/05
I love these emails they reach me and say the things i need to hear. Just when i am at a low your emails pick me up and make me realise that there is more out there. These emails make me understand the confusion i am in at that particular time or if im ok they make me think. Keep up the great work, im sure if it touches me it will touch another.

Patricia Zombro

Jul 25, 2005, 4:51:31 PM7/25/05
I love the Bruderhof way of sending quotes from every kind of person who says something that is important. Even Elvis, that really made me chuckle to think you could see good in him too. I forward your daily digs to friends and relatives on email and print them for friends not on the computer. ... I think you are living the way the early Christians lived and also reaching out with love to the whole world. Thank you for being there and giving hope to us all.

Sharon Nordhues

Jul 25, 2005, 10:42:37 PM7/25/05
First thing every morning when I come to work, I make coffee, turn on my computer then immediately open up the email, Daily Digs. I am always anxious to see what piece of nature is captured today. In an office with no windows, the picture of acorns, or a leaf sprig is almost like enjoying the real thing. It allows me to catch my breath as I consider the perfections and imperfections of each speciman. I, then, pour a cup of coffee and delve into the daily reading. This routine changes the entire perspective of my morning. Thanks!

Atta Frimpong Snr

Jul 26, 2005, 3:12:58 AM7/26/05
I feel good and encouraged and life becomes more promising when I read your articles. You are doing a great job, keep it up for my good lord will bless you all.

Douglas Bates

Jul 26, 2005, 3:21:39 AM7/26/05
I love your emails. They keep me serious about the main thing.
Thank you for being there and being what you are.

Anonymous Reader

Jul 26, 2005, 6:41:24 AM7/26/05
Great inspiring stuff! Confrontational in the sense that it places the Christian faith in the world but offers a praxis that is not of this world. I need it!

Jim Fisher

Jul 26, 2005, 7:13:36 AM7/26/05
I love the Daily Dig. I keeps my mind focused on Christ and challenges me in my walk with Him.

Francesca Bargiela

Jul 26, 2005, 7:18:05 AM7/26/05
I enjoy receiving your Daily Dig and find myself cutting&pasting some of the texts and sending them to friends during email exchanges on related subjects.


Jul 26, 2005, 7:19:34 AM7/26/05
I enjoy this daily. I also make it a point to share it with my students

Victoria Crain

Jul 26, 2005, 7:21:39 AM7/26/05
I so enjoy the Daily Dig but am all to often to busy to read them daily and then they get backed up. Perhaps if it was once a week. Nevertheless, my husband and I are very fond of your site. Thank you for the "soul food".

Dorene Pease

Jul 26, 2005, 7:23:17 AM7/26/05
I think daily dig is awesome and medicene for the soul. I am so thankful I found the daily dig. Its a treasure. Keep them coming.


Jul 26, 2005, 7:25:09 AM7/26/05
I really am grateful for my daily dig. I enjoy all of the essays, poems, and stories. Thank you very much for enhancing my own bible study and a wonderful prayer and meditation support.

Donata Wenders

Jul 26, 2005, 7:35:34 AM7/26/05
I receive your daily bread notes every day and I really find them adifying, supportive and strengthening in faith and spirit.
Thank you very much for you beatuiful work!

emily lee

Jul 26, 2005, 7:36:43 AM7/26/05
I look forward to receiving the Daily Digs.

Jennifer Reese

Jul 26, 2005, 7:59:52 AM7/26/05
I have reached a point in my life where I am free to participate in such a program as yours. I wondered if there were any Bruderhoff communities in the West.
Thank you.

Terry Crandlemire

Jul 26, 2005, 8:11:20 AM7/26/05
I have a bible study in my home and we have been reading the daily devotion each night of our study and doing the people of the bible each week. We just finished them all and I wish you would do more. It took us over a year and everyone who was here just loved it.


Jul 26, 2005, 8:16:57 AM7/26/05
I have getting Daily Digs for about a month now, it is the most wonderful site that I have come across. I t has inspired me and helped me...

Leone Wagner

Jul 26, 2005, 8:38:16 AM7/26/05
I have found this to be an amazing source for my own personal growth and understandings. I would compare this "ministry" of yours to planting intellectual and thought seeds. I feel as though I grow and learn each time I read one even if I don't share the opinion.


Jul 26, 2005, 8:39:37 AM7/26/05
I want to thank you again for your Daily Dig ministry. I am challenged, inspired, humbled and lifted up by the various thoughts expressed. ... I share your site with friends on almost a weekly basis.

Courtney Gardner

Jul 26, 2005, 8:45:44 AM7/26/05
I want to thank you for the Daily Digs. I have been getting them for over a year, and they are wonderful for helping me focus in the morning. They have been especially wonderful during this time of Lent, with ever-relavent topics to the church. Thank you for their continuation after the ending of the Plough!

Father Carl Diederichs

Jul 26, 2005, 9:17:25 AM7/26/05
I find myself using the Daily Dig for my morning meditation and also to prepare for the daily mass. I also use many of the ideas in my homilies and parish bulletin. Peace and All Goodness.


Jul 26, 2005, 9:22:00 AM7/26/05
I was at first sorry to hear you are discontinuing the weekend Daily Dig, I always look forward to it first thing in the mornings - what a good way to start the day! But at the same time, I am glad it will give you on the other end a bit of deserved time off. Most of all, I was glad to learn about your website - hadnt thought to look for it before! That will certainly tide me over til Monday!

Wanda L. Hubbard

Jul 26, 2005, 9:32:32 AM7/26/05
I was off from work last night. I read your article on "Waiting". It was just what I needed at that time. I need a financial blessing at this time. But while I'm waiting, I don't need to be idle. I try to keep busy while I'm waiting. But there are those times when things have a way of smothering you. But I'm so blessed. I can catch myself and get back on track. Others aren't that fortunate because we all need that cushion. I'm so thankful the Lord is my cushion!!! Keep the articles coming for us and never think or doubt that your prayers aren't being answered. Thank you so very much!!!


Jul 26, 2005, 9:34:07 AM7/26/05
I was wondering if there is Bruderhof Daily Digs in Spanish? There have been so many times when Ive wanted to forward a Daily Dig to my friends in other countries but almost all of them dont speak English, they speak Spanish.
Thank you very, very much for the everyday enlightening thoughts!


Jul 26, 2005, 9:44:30 AM7/26/05
I have just started recieving your "Daily Digs" and look forward to many more of these thought-provoking gems. I teach high school English, and will use the digs to challenge my students as often as I can! Keep 'em comin'!

Lois Wagner

Jul 26, 2005, 9:44:54 AM7/26/05
I love starting my days with your Dialy Dig. Helps me remember who and how I want to be.

Julia Lynch

Jul 26, 2005, 10:00:19 AM7/26/05
I Love each and every daily meditation I've been receiving since I found you. I was wondering if you have all of the daily meditations back from when you started and if you were gonna put them in a book at some point.Maybe by year or month. I would love to buy them. I printing them out, but then my papers started piling up and it got out of control. Please let me know.

Danny Chu

Jul 26, 2005, 10:02:47 AM7/26/05
Thanks to you and to my friend who recommends this domain. It indeed shaped me up again.


Jul 26, 2005, 11:07:25 AM7/26/05
I love your emails it keeps me going. I have just learned to do email. I can now get readings from lovely places. I thank you for your help. I had needed this for sometime now. I found you-I know it was Gods will at hand. I thank all for this...

Ardyanto Tanjung

Jul 26, 2005, 1:59:01 PM7/26/05
Halo, I am very interesting about mission. Please give me more information & scholarship.


Jul 26, 2005, 5:53:48 PM7/26/05
I am so greatful that I have been fortunate enough to find this site. I really appreciate all the time and effort that is put forth in posting all of these wonderful inspirations. It is these inspirations that give me a new way to precieve different aspects in my life. Therefore, allowing me to grow as a Christian. Thank You.


Jul 26, 2005, 6:36:24 PM7/26/05
I am very blessed to receive your daily digs. God's words reminds us of the path that we should lead, for that reason I appreciate the daily inspirations that I receive through your community. God Bless all of you and your ministries.

Rishi Pd Nepal

Jul 26, 2005, 4:18:23 PM7/26/05
Very nice site.Well done

Rev. Marilyn

Jul 26, 2005, 4:59:36 PM7/26/05
I read the Daily Dig because I need help in "digging" into myself, my assumptions, my values, my ideals and my desires in order to be held accountable. Living a "good life" isnt enough...I have to ask the hard questions of myself and of the world in order that the good I seek can be had by all...bit by bit. Keep up the good work!

Patrick Miller

Jul 26, 2005, 8:23:00 PM7/26/05
I can't tell you how much I look forward to the Daily Dig: it is indispensable in my life; it's one of those things that seems to have been a part of my daily routine, so comfortable (in the uncomfortable sense of comfortable) and vital - like meditation or prayer - two things that five years ago didn't exist for me. Now I don't exist without them. Whether Bruderhof is everyone's cuppa, or even my cuppa, is not the issue. What is, is that you guys seem to challenge yourselves and we readers to define and redefine what it means to be a Christian. This is vital work in this world of ossified religions.
...I blame no one for turning their backs on Jesus; after all, Christianity does have a deservedly bad reputation. Still, as I tell my wife, Jesus is not the fellow you think he is, as much for her sake as for mine. Time to rescue Jesus from the clutches of the power brokers! Like he needs us to do that...? Even though our sweet Lord is underrated and overlooked, there is a bumper sticker which gives me hope: God is Too Big to Fit Inside One Religion. This, to me, is Jesus as well - he's entirely too big to fit inside one strain of Christianity.
Please keep living the Bruderhof Jesus - this forlorn and troubled earth needs so much healing that nothing less than dying every day will do. I'll try to hold up my end here in my secular Santa Fe life. You guys inspire the dickens out of me.

Joe Daigre

Jul 26, 2005, 10:09:11 PM7/26/05
I dont know how you so consistently come up with such marvelous quotations. Its a great pleasure to have this to look forward to each morning!

Sister Robert Anne

Jul 27, 2005, 1:26:21 AM7/27/05
I appreciate your Daily Dig each day and pass them on to many others.

More than that I truly appreciate that all who provide this wonderful thoughts will get to be home bodies saturday and Sunday
may you enjoy well deserved rest over each weekend. Would that more businesses would choose this same idea and families could spend more time together. It would certainly help to rebuild our family spirit
enabling each one to be more appeciative of those closest to us all.

Thanks again for the great ministry you daily are involed in.

Kathleen Graham

Jul 27, 2005, 4:18:37 AM7/27/05
I count on these messages every day and pass them on to many others who are blessed and challenged by them. I know that some have indicated interest in signing up.

Please keep them coming ... I need them as a contrast to my stressful life as a message of hope and renewal.

Tom Schomaker

Jul 27, 2005, 5:40:09 AM7/27/05
Reading Dag Hammarskjold was hearing an old friend after a long absence. So it is with many of your Daily Digs. Thank you for continuing this service for our meditation.

Priya George

Jul 27, 2005, 5:43:59 AM7/27/05
In the mornings before I start my work I never forget to check out the daily item. It`s really inspiring. It`s like a friend advising when you in trouble.

Chinyere Okoro

Jul 27, 2005, 6:58:14 AM7/27/05
I discovered this website as I was searching for inspirational quotes for my company magazine, and it was just as if I was hit my this blazing ray of light.. it is one of the most amazing things that has happened to me in recent times and I have alredy subscribed to the daily digs. I'm glad I did.

Toti Ocampo

Jul 27, 2005, 7:56:47 AM7/27/05
I've been subscribed to "Your Daily Dig from" for quite some time now. I have downloaded some of your free e-books and I'm very fascinated by the collection of spiritual writings from some of my favorite philosophers like Pascal, Kierkegaard, & Augustine. Thanks & More power to your community.

Melvin Jones

Jul 27, 2005, 7:58:00 AM7/27/05
I am the assistant director of a metro Atlanta mens home. I am very excited to have found your resources.

Daniel Flynn

Jul 27, 2005, 8:10:54 AM7/27/05
I want to thank you and the Bruderhof community for there great inspiration and encouragement. My family and I have experianced some hard times in the last year, somtimes when personal tsumarmis hit you wonder where is God in all this. Your dialy readings have encouraged me through some dark times, together we walk with God on my own I would fall.

Ginny Nolan

Jul 27, 2005, 8:20:48 AM7/27/05
I work for a Catholic church and our diocese had your link on their web site. I was just going to subscribe during Lent but the Daily Dig is so good for my heart, mind and soul that I am going to continue on with you! Thank you for being here!!

Robert J. Wagner

Jul 27, 2005, 8:48:15 AM7/27/05
More than ever before in my life I have come to understand and appreciate the inner agony and suffering of our blessed Lord by this passage from Jurgen Moltmann and others like it which Bruderhof has exposed me to of late in its Daily Digs. Thank you! God bless you!


Jul 27, 2005, 9:30:54 AM7/27/05
One cannot imagine how much inspiration and comfort I receive from reading your Daily Digs. And it is amazing that although there is no real contact, there is spiritual contact. In the words of Anne Morrow Lindbergh in the Daily Dig of today: "It is not physical solitude that actually separates one from others, not physical isolation, but spiritual isolation." You are providing spiritual connection! Thank you for that.

Richard Kellerhouse

Jul 27, 2005, 9:28:51 AM7/27/05
My daily spiritual life amd ministry is enriched significantly by your Email broadcasts. Thank you.

Bing Levin

Jul 27, 2005, 9:55:47 AM7/27/05
Read your devotions each day......Thanks for your imput each day.

Mary Eileen Holm

Jul 27, 2005, 9:55:16 AM7/27/05
Powerful and thought provoking, as so many of the DAily Digs are!

Dick Alfred

Jul 27, 2005, 9:58:34 AM7/27/05
On daily basis that I read the Daily Dig Im always given a word that I say to myself and being filled with the vigor that such word gives me, I engage on my daily activities with optimism. My friends are always asking my source of poise. What I like most in Daily Dig is nature that is shown me by the flowers.

Carl Holmes

Jul 27, 2005, 10:17:30 AM7/27/05
Please continue to send such great writings, they are uplifting and a great way to start my day early in the morning. It truly is caffiene for the consciousness.

Emelita M. Covarrubias

Jul 27, 2005, 10:19:26 AM7/27/05
Praise and glory to GOD. Im glad I have found this site. Please include me in your subscription. I need these inspiration as food for thoughts and for spiritual growth.


John Pesce

Jul 27, 2005, 10:25:21 AM7/27/05
Really thanks for all these wonderful thoughts! I am a dedicated reader of Daily Digs! They are more stimulating than any cup of coffee!


Jul 27, 2005, 10:31:09 AM7/27/05
Several months ago, there was a Daily Dig that I found most interesting ... about a broken heart can know love without boundaries. If you can identify this Daily Dig, will you please email it to me again. Thank you very much. The Daily Digs are a wonderful way to start and end the day! Thank you.

Rev Anneli Sinkko

Jul 27, 2005, 10:32:41 AM7/27/05
Thank you all for bringing so much joy and spiritual growth into my life. I am a retired [not really - we never retire in Jesus' service] minister - and you have given me strenght to more fully serve my Lord.

Joe Esposito

Jul 27, 2005, 10:43:41 AM7/27/05
Sometimes I can find inspiration through the daily dig and as an English Teacher I work it into a lesson. I enjoy it and like throwing a pebble into a lake one action affects many.


Jul 27, 2005, 10:48:16 AM7/27/05
Thank you for sending me these messages daily to my email. I find these very enlightening and guideful.

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:13:06 AM7/27/05
Tom wrote:

> Reading Dag Hammarskjold was hearing an old friend after a long
> absence. So it is with many of your Daily Digs. Thank you for
> continuing this service for our meditation.

Here is an excerpt from Dag Hammarskjold's book Markings

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:11:40 AM7/27/05
Robert J. Wagner wrote:

> More than ever before in my life I have come to understand and
> appreciate the inner agony and suffering of our blessed Lord by this
> passage from Jurgen Moltmann and others like it which Bruderhof has
> exposed me to of late in its Daily Digs.
> Thank you! God bless you!

There are three essays by Jürgen Moltmann on

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:16:09 AM7/27/05
Veronica wrote:

> I was wondering if there is Bruderhof Daily Digs in Spanish? There
> have been so many times when Ive wanted to forward a Daily Dig to my
> friends in other countries but almost all of them dont speak English,
> they speak Spanish.
> Thank you very, very much for the everyday enlightening thoughts!

Veronica, there is a "daily dig" in Spanish. It's called ĄOye! Reflexiones
diarias and you can sign up here


Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:20:36 AM7/27/05
Patricia wrote:

> Even Elvis

The Elvis piece "Remembering the King" is here for those who
missed it.

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:19:07 AM7/27/05
Jennifer wrote:

> I have reached a point in my life where I am free to participate in
> such a program
> as yours. I wondered if there were any Bruderhoff communities in
> the West.

Sorry, not yet. Maybe you should start one! Addresses of current Bruderhoff
communities are listed here

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:25:59 AM7/27/05

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:29:34 AM7/27/05
Melinda wrote:

> I am planning to open a coffee shop in a few months

Good luck with the coffee shop! What part of the world are you in? If I'm
ever nearby I'll be sure to stop in and patronize it.


Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:30:57 AM7/27/05
Paul wrote:

> Thy kingdom come, thy will be done...

There is actually a free ebook on this very topic called "Thy Kingdom

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:32:09 AM7/27/05
Michael wrote:

> I always appreciate a story by Tolstoy.

The Bruderhof offers a whole book of stories by Tolstoy as a free ebook

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:35:04 AM7/27/05
Foppe wrote:

> Thank you for bringing it to Australia.

The Bruderhof's Australian website is

Joe Hine

Jul 27, 2005, 11:34:12 AM7/27/05
Victoria wrote:

> I receive your messages through my friend.

You can sign up for yourself at
It only takes a moment.

Cheers, Joe

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