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She Said Yes

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Jul 20, 2005, 2:43:24 PM7/20/05
Check out this free e-book at

She Said Yes - The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall
by Misty Bernall

Cassie Bernall was one of the students killed in the Columbine High School massacre. Told with unflinching honesty by her mother, Misty Bernall, Cassie's is a profoundly human story that should be read by every parent and every teenager.

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Jul 21, 2005, 10:54:00 AM7/21/05
'She Said Yes' was a very moving book. I was actually forced to read it for a school project, and to my surprise it has become my favorite book. Cassie is my hero too. She stood up for what she beleived in, and I look up to that.

Responding to

Catie Holbrook

Jul 21, 2005, 5:21:56 PM7/21/05
"She Said Yes" is a very good book and it taught me that you never know what day will be your last and so you must live each one like it is. Cherish every moment because you never know when your whole world will end. The book also taught me to live a better christian life. I hope that every person in the world gets to read about Cassie's life and how she stood for what she believed in and I hope it changes their lives as much as it did mine. I appreciate all of your hard work you put into making this book. I enjoy it and I reccomend it to everyone.

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Jul 22, 2005, 4:02:05 AM7/22/05
A beautiful and inspiring story! I wish I had that much love for Jesus!

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Elton Baggott

Jul 22, 2005, 4:40:53 AM7/22/05
After reading the book, I ahd asked myself would I have been able to do what she did. And everytime I think about that incident I develop a respect for not only her but for countless others that have been in similar circumstances as this. The question of my personal faith an my stand in what I believe has seriously been question and although I believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is my personal savior my relationship needs to be at a level where I can like Cassie stand steadfast, unmovable in what I believe. From reading the book, I have gained an insight in what had happened on that tradgic day and my heart goes out to Cassie's family and friends and to the many that have suffered with them. It also reminded me that if I say I'm a Christian I shouln't be afraid of taking a stand. Because even His word says that "If you deny Me I will deny you in Heaven" I'm reminded of a verse I learnt as a kid growing up in youth group called AWANA which is an acronym that stands for APPROVED WORKMEN ARE NOT ASHAMED found in 2Timothy 2v15. PS. I truly enjoy reading the articles and topics on your website as well and would like to thank you for a job well done and that you keep it up and I know our God will richly bless you and your staff as yoyu continue to carry out what He has called you to do...May He continue to hold you in His Hand and enlarge your territory.

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Jul 23, 2005, 7:27:03 AM7/23/05
Hi..I read this book. It is really good. I think it was a really great thing for her to yes that she believed in God!! Im very proud of her.. and her parents should be very proud of her for the way she died that day..I know she is in heaven looking and watching over her mother, father, brother, family, friends, & people who believe in the Lord! I asked some of my classmates if they would have risked their lives and answered yes..some said yes and some said they wouldve ran away.. I wouldve said Yes because I do believe in the Lord.. and I wish eveybody in the world would look up to him because he can help you through good and bad he will always be by your I pray for Cassie Bernall family and friends.. and I am going to buy this book because I would love to keep it and read it to see just how much she loved the Lord.. God Bless all and her family and friends....

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Jul 24, 2005, 9:24:41 AM7/24/05
Awesome!!!, it is sold out here.

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Christi Gander

Jul 24, 2005, 5:55:38 PM7/24/05
Cassie was an ordinary girl that stood up for what she believed in. Like all of us teenagers we like to rebel against our parents. Cassie might have took it to far but I know I have to. Cutting doesnt help and its a hard thing to get over. At first you feel unwanted and then when people tell you they care and they love you, you get mad at yourself. In the end I think that everyone learns there lesson and moves on. I really think that this book has made a difference in my life. It has made me see that life it to short to try to take your own and that you need to stand up for what you believe no madder the consequences. I can only thank you and Cassie now for helping me live.

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Jul 25, 2005, 4:03:20 AM7/25/05
I chose to read this book for an english project right after the Red Lake shooting happened because I live in Minnesota. I think it was the perfect choice. This book is so meaningful, and touching. Also, it has great advice and guidance for parents and teens alike. After reading it, it made me realize that we need to live every day like it was our last. Not to have any regrets, because you never know when something could happen to take your life.

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Jul 25, 2005, 9:43:41 AM7/25/05
I just finished the book and all I can say is What a wonderful way to remember a special girl. I have been through alot of the same trials this family has been through with my youngest son. Fortunatelly I still have him with me, but this book gave me hope, believe it or not, that my son will still come back to the Lord. He was raised in a loving Christian home but has chose to go against all of the teachings he grew up with. I know this book was to tell what happened at Columbine, but it has also given hope that the Lord is in control....

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Jul 25, 2005, 4:50:02 PM7/25/05
I love this book so much! I am doing a school report on it and how amazing Cassie turned her life around and focused on Christ!

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Jul 25, 2005, 7:32:33 PM7/25/05

Melissa Seaman

Jul 26, 2005, 12:17:46 AM7/26/05
Hey, I loved the book that you wrote. In the beginning when I first got it I was like, who would read this? But then after reading just the first page, I was hooked. And it made me cry a lil in the beginning and stuff, but I thought it was a very very, very excellent book. I reccommend alot of people to read She Said Yes.! I loved it and Im sure lots of other readers will too.!!!
I can relate to alot of stuff in the book She Said Yes: Im in high school and alot of stuff goes on and my parents read alot of my notes and stuff and dont like certain amounts of my friends cause they say they get me into trouble..and sometimes its true....but I love the book, I can so relate to it.!! :

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Jul 26, 2005, 3:20:07 AM7/26/05
I loved "She Said Yes" book. It was very touching and inspirational. At first, I didnt know what it meant by She Said Yes and when people at school asked, I didnt know. But, I liked it almost till the end, Misty gave a more clear look at why the title was called that. I Loved that book so much and just always remember Bernall family, God is always there for you. I know Cassie is in Heaven now where she is with the Lord and probably having the best time of her life. As an Arkansan, we went through what the Littleton community did also and all of Colorado. Arkansas also had a shooting in Jonesboro. It killed a few lives also. The main purpose of this is, I have learned much about Cassie's life and I pray for your family to continue to trust in God and God will always be there for you. Cassie is in a great place now, dont worry!! :) A++ book. Very inspirational.

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Jul 26, 2005, 3:21:56 AM7/26/05
I loved this book. Coming from Colorado I can relate to many things happening in this book because I was close by when it happened. This book made me cry and I loved it so much. I hope Cassies parents are ok by now. God bless Cassie and her family & friends.

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Jul 26, 2005, 3:54:17 AM7/26/05
I loved the book she said yes, mainly because it actually had a true meaning to itself. It was a very sad story, but it makes parents and teenagers understand what they are going through each and everyday. Now, as a teenager I understand what Cassie and her parents were going through. I highly reccomend this book especially to teenagers! It is a sad story, yet it has a wonderful moral to it!

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Jul 26, 2005, 4:02:41 AM7/26/05
I loved this book, though it brought tears to my eyes it showed me to have more repsect for incodents like this one. I really advise all young teens and anyone who wants to hear an inspirational true story.

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Jul 26, 2005, 7:13:59 AM7/26/05
I read your book recently and it really made me think about all the things I have done and how lucky I am to be here. This year I had to choose a book I read and write about it and I choose your book so I can get my class to realize the same things I did when I read this book.

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Jul 26, 2005, 7:18:38 AM7/26/05
I really liked this book. I'm not the greatest reader, therefore I don,t like to read but I really enjoyed this book, I couldn,t stop reading it. I found this to be really helpful to me and I hink it strenghtened my relationship with GOD. Before I had read this book I just thought that it would be about this "good little christian girl" who stood up for her beliefs and then it started talking about what all she was going through and stuff and I was like WOW! It really does talk about all of the battles teenagers face and it reminds us that GOD is always with us, even when we might not think so, just never give up hope.

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Jul 26, 2005, 7:36:01 AM7/26/05
I loved the book. I am 13 now and I read it the year it came out. I'm even doing a report on the incident. I am starting out with the letter that was written to Cassies' family at the end of the book. My paper is pretty much based on Cassie. I just think think the book shows people what they should cherish in life and that's all.

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Jul 26, 2005, 7:41:44 AM7/26/05
I thought it was very sad and what she did. It changed my life and how careful I need to be and the way I should use my life. It was very heartbreaking.

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Jul 26, 2005, 7:43:46 AM7/26/05
I thought that it was a very touching novel about a girl so beautiful and so spiritual.I also was very touched by the memorial garden that is located at the church she attended,also attended by my two grandparents.
She wasnt afraid to say I BELIEVE IN GOD!

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Jul 26, 2005, 8:11:39 AM7/26/05
I read this book for English class and I thought it was really good. But it is sad because she just turned her life around, and then she got killed.

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Jul 26, 2005, 8:12:02 AM7/26/05
I thought this was one of the best books I have ever read before!! It took me less than 2 days to read it. I would have done the same thing that Cassie did, said yes. I know it is easier said than done. This was really inspiring to me and has brought alot of thoughts to my head and has made we work on getting closer to God. Who would ever want to walk into a school one day, especially your own, and just start shooting people, even the ones that beleive in God and are brave enough to stand up to someone with a gun to their head and tell them their faith, even when it could cost them their lives. I have told everyone about this book and encouraged them to read it also.

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Jul 26, 2005, 8:17:21 AM7/26/05
I thought the book was emotional, I even cried reading it. I got really interested in it after the first couple of pages. Now I'm writing a book project on it. I chose to do this, because it interested me. I liked it alot and made me want to learn more about it, which I did. I admire Cassie Bernall for what she said, and did with her life. I look up to her, and that showed me that there are still some people who stick up for their religion, I know most people would of probably said "no" thinking that that would save their life. So I recommended this book to many of my friends and now I have two of my other friends reading this book. "Cassie Bernall, your in my prayers, I pray that I'll be strong enough to stand up for my religion like that one day." "Thank you for your book"

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Jul 26, 2005, 9:04:07 AM7/26/05
I thought that She Said Yes was a very touching book. I love to read and this book I could not put down. The story of Cassie Bernall is a true testimony.

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Jul 26, 2005, 9:34:31 AM7/26/05
I read the book. It's awsome!

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Jul 26, 2005, 9:38:49 AM7/26/05
I thought this story was truly inspiration. Being a teen myself it inspires me to live more for God and less for myself. To look and see if others need a helping hand and not try to get attention for myself. Its great to hear a story like this. It will always stay in my heart and I share it with everyone that will listen. god bless u all.

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Jul 26, 2005, 10:59:15 AM7/26/05
I read this book. It opened my eyes in so many ways. About 2 months after I read this book my school decided for bomb threats at school students and teachers are to go into the gym. Now Im doing a petition because I believe this is not the most we can do.

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Jul 26, 2005, 12:01:14 PM7/26/05
Honestly I absolutly adored the book and how Cassie found the lord. I can not begin to imagine the pain of her parents and if you are out there reading this I am so greatfuly sorry for you loss she was still your baby girl when it happened and she still is. Im sure she gazes at you for heavan above.

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Ruth Parkinson

Jul 26, 2005, 2:31:12 PM7/26/05
I am glad you put this up. I have just read She Said Yes and I am still trying to grasp the message there. When my mom told me about the shouting yesterday I immediately thought of Columbine. Something needs to be done about gun crime. No violence and revenge are not the answer but love and Jesus are. We need to pray and bring peace.

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Jul 26, 2005, 4:39:42 PM7/26/05
Honestly when I first got this book I thought it was going to be kind of interesting. Didnt really think much of it but now Im highschool and I was going through the book and started reading it. I was so into the book that I finished it in one day! I have never finished a book that fast. Now after reading the book I see how Im kind of like Cassie. I sneak out of my house and go with friends that my parents dont approve of. But I didnt really care what they thought. But now I see how if I keep on the same path Im on now that I will end up with a bad life. So basically reading this book has made me want to change and become closer to God and my parents, siblings, family, and friends.

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Jul 26, 2005, 4:59:17 PM7/26/05
I think the book is very good and understanding. When I read the book I almost had tears in my eyes because the way that a cute little 17 year old girl was killed because of two kids. When I read this book I had to do a book report and so I read the book over and over again. This is the first project that I was really into and was happy to do.

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Carla Williamson

Jul 26, 2005, 8:12:28 PM7/26/05
I can't imagine the pain and hurt that this family and the other families went through and are still going through. I do know that I respect this mother highly for her courage in be able to talk about it. I'm a mother of one son (about to be 16) and it is a struggle every day to try and get along, but he knows that I love him with all my heart and soul and I know that he loves me . My love and prayers goes out to this family. May God give you peace.

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Jazmin Moilnar

Jul 26, 2005, 9:37:24 PM7/26/05
I didn't actually read it but I heard about it in a pastor's preaching in Dallas TX during a camp. His focus was on not wasting our lives just like Cassie didn't waste her life here on earth. That she stood gave us an example to all of who believe that there is one true God. And to not be ashamed for what we believe in. This story made me change the thoughts in life. Our life here is too short to waste on things that will ruin your life. Instead just do whats right, believe in what God has planned for you. For he has eternity waiting for us like he did for Cassie. For she gave us an example and if it wasn't for her mom writing this awsome book I wouldn't have thought in what I believe now. And my faith is stronger than ever before. For I know what to do now and I hope this book will inspire other teens as it did for me. Don't waste your life live it for God just like Cassie did!

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Jul 26, 2005, 11:23:30 PM7/26/05
I cried the whole time when I read the book. It was really good. I think everybody should read it. I live in Minnesota and when the shooting at Red Lake happened all I could think about was oh my gosh its just like columbine. I didnt think everyone could go through that again. But with everyone who has witnessed something like that are able to help the ones who are suffering from the Red Lake shooting and I think that your book will help everyone too.

Responding to

Melissa Sevener

Jul 27, 2005, 3:14:58 AM7/27/05
I just want to thank Misty Bernall for sharing so much of her thoughts, feelings, and emotions with the rest of the world. And because she did so, she has helped so many parents and teens. I am so very deeply moved by the short, but well-lived life of Cassie Bernall. I wish I could have known her as a friend. This book has made me realize so much and I now think twice about so much. I am more in tune with God as well. I like to think of cassie Bernall as my gaurdian angel that helps me get through my tough times. Thank you Misty Bernall. And thank you Cassie.

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Rachel Mc Intyre

Jul 27, 2005, 3:57:25 AM7/27/05
I guess I hadn't known that Cassie was formerly like her killers. It makes you wonder if they did that because they were mad she had changed.

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Jul 27, 2005, 5:39:52 AM7/27/05
I love this book. I did a report on it for school but then it became more than just a school report it made me look at things so differently. The first time I read this book I cried for about an hour after wards

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Marie Coulter

Jul 27, 2005, 7:30:04 AM7/27/05
I love the book, I got it from a friend and I read it all. It really got my attention. I think that was one of the best books I have ever read. I'm trying to get all of my friends to read it. I'm a 16 year old girl and I got to Franklin County High and after I read that book it has always made me think, (What if it happend here)...

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Jul 27, 2005, 7:54:29 AM7/27/05
I really like this book. I want it sobad, but my parents dont like hearing me talk about it all the time. I heard about Cassie when I started watching the redone Columbine Story. They were showing it on the history channel. I remember two faces. The two faces I believe could have made a difference: Cassie Bernall and Isaiah Shoels. The articles that I have read have said a lot to me. Even though I am not an adult, it feels like I have a job working on this case, even though it was a while ago. This story is perfect and I know that it would be the best I would have ever read if I could just read it all from front to back. I would never skip a line or a word in the book, it would all be the same. I love to read, and this story has taught me that you can stand up for what you believe in and still be happy with it. Cassie is my role model. Although I dont know who Cassie was, I believe in her, she is still here but not in a human body. Cassie is here in our hearts and every step of the way, she is smiling and saying ,"I love you" to her family and friends that she really cares for.What the book has told me, is that the ones she cares for is everyone.

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Jul 27, 2005, 7:57:07 AM7/27/05
She Said Yes is so said it maid me start to cry when I was reading it, well I almost started to. I could read it over and over. Now I am telling all my friends about it and telling them to read it. So if you havent read this book, you should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jul 27, 2005, 8:11:08 AM7/27/05
I really liked this book alot. It was an inspiration to me and my friends.

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Jul 27, 2005, 8:16:14 AM7/27/05
I thougt this book was great and now Im using it for a book report for my English class. I loved it !

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Justine Heffner

Jul 27, 2005, 8:21:10 AM7/27/05
She Said Yes is a great book that tells you about the shooting at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. This book is an emotional book that will bring a tear to your eye just reading it. It is a great book to read because when I first started to read it, I could not put it down. I got lost in it and I could actually picture myself being there and feeling the terror that Cassie felt. I wish that would have never at Columbine High school because I wish Cassie was never sot I even wish that it would have been me instead. Cassie did the right thing about saying yes to the belief of God. I would have done the same. I hope all teens know that even know I am 15 years old that that could happen to you any day of the week 24/7 So dont think of this as a joke because I would never lie to anyone about that. I hope there will be no more shootings.

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Shayna B

Jul 27, 2005, 8:23:33 AM7/27/05
I read She Said Yes and it is a really sad thing that happened to Cassie. After I read the book it made me appretiat life more.
Thank you

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Katie Rheome

Jul 27, 2005, 8:28:17 AM7/27/05
Ithought the "She Said Yes" book was really good and sad. I hope theres another one that comes out just like it.

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Irene Nussbaum

Jul 27, 2005, 9:01:58 AM7/27/05
Iwish this were just a story. Thank you for sharing your true life experience. May God Bless you now and forever.

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Jul 27, 2005, 9:26:10 AM7/27/05
My name is Janelle and I go to a Christian school in Australia. I have just read She said Yes and Cassie is an amazing girl. I have just became a Christian this year and Im so glad. After hearing Cassie story I get more of an understanding of how God has worked in peoples lives which I never understood before. I know Cassie parents are proud of her and I think every Christian even no Christians would be to.

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Jul 27, 2005, 9:37:48 AM7/27/05
Loved the book! and movie too!

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Jul 27, 2005, 9:59:12 AM7/27/05
She Said Yes is a wonderful book! I refer it to everyone I know. All of my close friends have read it, the book is so powerfully written and Cassie herself is an inspiring peer for many to look up to. I will never forget even though nothing this serious has happened to my town. Until lately nothing ever happened which was kinda a relief but in September at a nearby High school we had a situation which kinda related to Columbine. Not anything too tragic-no one was killed or anything but it sure makes people think when things happen. I and my friends would all like to Thank everyone wo had something to do with She Said Yes. Amazing.

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Ashley Underwood

Jul 27, 2005, 10:31:35 AM7/27/05
She said yes is the best book I have ever read! It is so touching to the heart, soul, and mind! It really inspires me and everyone realizes the importance of having the love of God in your heart! Me and my classmates read it in our US history class and everyone agreed that it is the best book ever!

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Jul 27, 2005, 10:43:06 AM7/27/05
She Said Yes was a very realistic book because I felt as if I actually experienced the tragedy. Misty Bernall is such a great writer and appreciate the fact that she wanted to write and tell the world about the tragedy. To conclude, the book was a success because I know a lot of people that have read as well as enjoyed it.

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Alyssa Andrews

Jul 27, 2005, 1:20:09 PM7/27/05
i thought it was a great book! It taught me a ton about treating god with respect and respecting yourself! She was a great girl!

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Jul 27, 2005, 3:09:18 PM7/27/05
I just loved the book! It has taught me alot about life! I hate reading books but for some reason I could not put this book down. I have read this book 5 times in one day.

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Alissa Schneider

Jul 27, 2005, 5:23:55 PM7/27/05
I started this book three days ago. Im already done. It inspired me and I advise teen girls to read this. It has brought my realtionship with God alot closer then before. It must have been hard for Mrs.Bernall to write about the death of her daughter.I am sorry about that. God bless her and her family.

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Jul 27, 2005, 7:20:41 PM7/27/05
I loved the book. Cassie was a wonderful girl and I think that she is an inspiration to every teenage girl out there. I rented the book from the library and I want it at home to read to my Child but I cant afford it. I am so sorry to all the loved ones who lost a child in the columbine shootings and this book made me feel like I knew her. A lot of my friends were just like Cassie and I am so happy she stood up for her beliefs and I know she is in heaven and I believe she forgave Josh and Dylan for what they did and if they asked for forgiveness before they turned the guns on themselves, I think they are with her in Heaven and she is friends with them and grieves with them. She was a really sweet girl and I dont think she would of ever in her life hurt them. Misty did a great job writing this book. She may have stopped some teen from harming themselves and others.

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Lizzy McBride

Jul 27, 2005, 9:38:26 PM7/27/05
In our school we have S.S.R. (silent sustained reading) for 15 minutes. I forgot a book, and my friend had an extra book. A copy of She Said Yes. I started to read it, and asked her if I could borrow it. She said she didnt care, as long as I was careful. I took it home and started to read...I was hooked. I read it, and found the story sad yet touching. I now am a stronger believer in God, and see how brave Cassie was. If I put my self in that position...I also would say yes.

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Jul 27, 2005, 11:35:15 PM7/27/05
It brings up a lot of good points and makes you think of how you would act in that situation. Good for church study or just a book. I was in shock. Great book!

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April Reinan

Jul 28, 2005, 1:15:47 AM7/28/05
It is really sad what happend and I just recently read the book and it really made me think how improtant life is and you really shouln`t waste it and so I`m trying to chang my ways myself.

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Randi Burkett

Jul 28, 2005, 3:22:33 AM7/28/05
I read "she said yes " and I thought that it was a inspiring movie that shows everybody who reads it that you can stand up for what you believe in. It doesn't matter what people say or do, don't let it get to you because that's what Cassie did. Now she might be gone but she will forever be in our hearts and its a good thing because shes in a good place

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kaylee hess

Jul 28, 2005, 4:47:36 AM7/28/05
i loved that book and the movie. it is tuching and good. i think the book and movie could teach others that god is real and you can never die because you are with god. forever and for always!!

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Tony Abbott

Jul 28, 2005, 6:55:24 AM7/28/05
I love your book, and I really appreciate the fact that Cassie so readily admitted that she loved God. This is something that will mean a lot to you down through the years. I know that you miss her every day, but you can have peace knowing that she made everything right with her God before she was so cruelly taken. Thanks for writing the book. My own daughter is a freshman in high school here in Amarillo, and I worry about her every day when I drop her off.

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Jul 28, 2005, 9:14:50 AM7/28/05
I thought that She Said Yes was a great book. It was really sad but I was so happy to see that her mom wrote the book and that after all that Cassie went through she turned her life around. I think that Cassie is a great role model for girls. She was able to go from a bad crowd to a life where she believed in God. Cassie was so brave responding to those boys, and thats why Id look up to her most.

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Crystyn Cramer

Jul 28, 2005, 10:42:09 AM7/28/05
I loved the book "She Said Yes" I've read it 10 times...Misty Bernall you are a very wonderful strong women. Thank you so much for letting us know all about your life and your changes.

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Tresa Burns

Jul 28, 2005, 1:05:44 PM7/28/05
It is very nice that Misty Bernall could stand to write a story about her daughter that passed away in school shooting and bombing.

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Jessica Barnes

Jul 28, 2005, 2:20:34 PM7/28/05
I loved that book!!! I have read it about 4 or 5 times! It is one of my favoites. I never get sick of it. It was really tragic what happened and even more horrible when someone like Mrs. Bernall puts it into a perspective that most people don't see it as. To think that something like that can happen anywhere and to any type of person scares me more than anything!!! Great book though!!!

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Jul 28, 2005, 3:24:49 PM7/28/05
I really liked this book. I chose this book to do an Oral book review in my 7th grade English class. Two other students did there book review on She Said Yes also. It was sad and I am sorry about your loss. This book has shown me how inportant family and friend are. I also liked the saying, it is easy to die for Christ. It is hard to live for him. Dying taked only an hour or two, but to live for Christ means to die daily. Only during the few years of this life are we given the priviege of serving each other and Christ... We shall have heaven forever, but only a short time for service here, and therefore we must not waste the opportunity......

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Brittany Keyes

Jul 28, 2005, 4:28:57 PM7/28/05
I think it is heart wrenching when a mother loses a daughter no matter how old or young they are. My sisters little girl just passed away recently it was sudden and nobody expected it especially because she was only three years old she drowned in her pool. I am at peace now though because I know she is in a better place where nobody will ever be able to harm and I hope you realize that just because your daughter is no longer here doesnt mean that she is not with you.

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Amber Nelson

Jul 28, 2005, 5:54:14 PM7/28/05
I thought She Said Yes was a great book that I thought was very moving to see what all happened. I was only 7 years old when it happened and now since Ive read the book it makes more sense.I am now reading the book to a class I teach cause I think everyone needs to read it.

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Jul 28, 2005, 7:19:15 PM7/28/05
She said yes is a book that needs to be read by everyone in the chruch and school! It shows that life is short and that those who love God and believe in Him should not be scared.

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Jul 28, 2005, 9:37:38 PM7/28/05

Kendal Mccauley

Jul 28, 2005, 11:13:37 PM7/28/05
It was the best book I have ever read.

Responding to

Danielle Williams

Jul 29, 2005, 12:38:51 AM7/29/05
My name is Danielle Williams. I am reading the book right now. It is really sad. Every time I start to read it, I start to cry. I hope and pray for the family that lost Cassie.

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Kayla Reeves

Jul 29, 2005, 3:14:05 AM7/29/05
She Said Yes was a very touching book it has changed the way I Look at life. I don't take anything for granted any more.

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Cinda Green

Jul 29, 2005, 5:55:21 AM7/29/05
She Said Yes was truly inspiring. The fact that this actually happened is horrible. I am a freshman in highschool and I was deeply touched by this story.

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Jul 30, 2005, 12:13:12 PM7/30/05
I havent finished the book yet, but I absolutely love it. I just wanted to tell the family that I can entirely relate to what Cassie went through...the falling down the wrong path and then finding themselves in Christ and I can also relate to what you as the parents went through, as I saw my parents struggling in the same way and going through the same things. Though my experience was not based on other people or influences really, but on a more personal level, I can relate. Its encouraging to hear Cassies story and to see her faith. I want to also have that strong of a relationship and walk with Christ and its neat to see how she loved Him and allowed Him to love others through her. So thanks for the inspiration and example of true, genuine faith she is. God Bless.

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Edeline Fernandez

Aug 5, 2005, 6:41:33 AM8/5/05
That was a great book and it really touched my heart and I really think that even though it cost her life she made the right choice. Others would have said no, but Cassie was brave.

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Aug 6, 2005, 2:03:54 AM8/6/05
The book was great and I think all kids and adults should read it. It would help out many families. It was a great book and I bet Cassie was proud to have a great mother like you!

Responding to

Brittany Fowler

Aug 6, 2005, 11:15:29 AM8/6/05
The book was really good and i enjoyed it a lot. i read it for a reading class.

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Aug 10, 2005, 5:59:19 AM8/10/05
The story of Cassie, not just her martyrdom but her whole life, has changed me. To accept who we are and what we believe is essential for our happiness. Cassie did this. With all likeliness, Cassie is staring down at us all, most likely, she is happy. She is a guardian angel to all of us, both young and old, Christian and pagan.

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Aug 16, 2005, 6:58:12 AM8/16/05
This book is my favorite book in the whole world and I bet it was hard to find all of those lettters in her room. Does your son still go to Colombine high I have a cousin that was in it and lived.

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Aug 16, 2005, 8:56:35 AM8/16/05
This book touched my heart. I think about the Bernalls every day and I wnat them to know I am so very sorry about their lovely dauhgter.

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Aug 16, 2005, 11:11:16 AM8/16/05
This book was SO GOOD. In the begining she sounds like a regular girl but as you read on you see wha thas she gone through. Its amazing how one girl could have big impact on the wold. Thank u Msty Bernall for telling us about your child Isend my condolenses to you thanks.

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Aug 16, 2005, 3:56:49 PM8/16/05
This book is very powerful. I thought this book teaches a lesson and I hope that more people in the world read. After I was done reading the book I looked things up about Columbine High School shooting. I seen journals and picutres of Dyaln and Eric and I dont see how they would want to kill anyone for no reason.

Responding to

Celeste Komodore

Aug 18, 2005, 3:48:06 AM8/18/05
This book was inspiring I want to be more like Cassie.

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Aug 19, 2005, 2:05:35 PM8/19/05
This book is good for teens to read especially unchristians because it makes you think of real life and choices.

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Vanessa Hoffmann

Aug 19, 2005, 10:23:28 PM8/19/05
This book is amazing, I am sooooo happy to know that her parents took the time to go over and recap her life. This book is no doubt the best book I've ever read! I honestly want to visit Columbine high, to see what it's like there!! I love the book.

Responding to


Aug 20, 2005, 11:14:26 AM8/20/05
This book is one of the best books I have ever read in my life. Even dough I am only 12 years old I was facinated with the book.Since I read it I changed, Completely.

Responding to

Corey Roberts

Aug 20, 2005, 8:38:59 PM8/20/05
This book is really good! I could not put it down! I think we could do with more people like Cassie in the world. Even though I never met her she sounds like a really wonderful person. I think she was very brave that day, along with all the rest of her classmates and techers.

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Aug 21, 2005, 5:45:00 AM8/21/05
This book is wonderful. I recommend this book to anyone.

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Aug 21, 2005, 12:12:45 PM8/21/05
This book was very inspirational and it made me want to be a better christian and change my ways and if Cassie could change so much I know I can. I feel like I know her and I want to love God as she did.

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Aug 21, 2005, 9:39:21 PM8/21/05
This book was very good. It made me want to help people who are in trouble. I actually hve a friend that is going through the same thing that Cassie went through. Thanks Misty. It was a very good book and really touched me.

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Mellissa Ray

Aug 22, 2005, 7:40:48 AM8/22/05
This book was one of the best Ive ever read. It really made me open my eyes and see the kind of world that were living in. It also inspired me to get closer to God. Ive been having my doubts about if I should even believe in God, because of all the bad shit that has happened in my life, but this book made me realize that tommorrow is not promised to anyone.

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Angelica Schneider

Aug 23, 2005, 9:35:41 AM8/23/05
This is a sad story it has brought me to tears. How there is persecution like that.People don't admit it but it is the persecution to the cristians. She Said Yes is an awesome story and if I had to rate it it would be an a+.

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Keshia Julce

Aug 24, 2005, 7:11:26 PM8/24/05
i luved this book very much. It really speaks to alot of teens and parents out there.You just take things for granted until they are gone and u kno that your gonna miss them. This book really stayed in mi mind after i read it. Thinking that Cassie never got to finsh highskool go to college get married and have a great future. Thinking something like that could happen to anyone or me. This book gave me a message dont take things for granted and take life bi itz force and work it to the fullest before your time ends.

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Sep 9, 2005, 9:24:56 AM9/9/05
This was a awesome book! It really inspired me

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Sep 9, 2005, 6:33:23 PM9/9/05
This was a great book.

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Sep 17, 2005, 4:32:32 AM9/17/05
This was the saddest book I have ever read. Misty, way to stay strong. This has changed my life especially in standing up for my beliefs. Thank you so much for publishing this book. I think it has helped so many people and touched so many lives.

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Raquel Perez

Sep 21, 2005, 3:40:44 PM9/21/05
This book really inspires people tonot be afraid to believe in God and that following in God is hard, but at the end its all worth the wait and thats what Cassie made me see and understand , the true meaning of the Lord.

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