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Troubles In The Temples: Chapter 1 - and for the Indies who hang out in the Temples +^

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Feb 21, 2024, 10:48:12 AMFeb 21
Troubles In The Temples: Chapter 1 - and for the Indies who hang out in the Temples +

On Friday, December 6, 2019 at 10:46:57 PM UTC-8, Chas. wrote:
> > Looks like you have lost your two potential recruits, Noel (David Cole and Ricky). Noelism has a singleton Sangha, for keeps.
> On Friday, December 6, 2019 at 11:58:11 PM UTC-8, Noel wrote:

[snip your BS]

> I don't need followers like the sects do to justify their existence!

[snip your BS]

Then you would stop trying to spread your evil distorted garbage Buddhism to the world, yes? If not, you are a floundering founder of an evil sect.

Having accepted utter defeat in your sect-founding efforts, you can now retire to your well-earned countless kalpas of Avichi Hell, yes?


On Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 12:53:44 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
> The sangha that I'm in is for those that chant Daimoku to a Nichiren's 10 world Gohonzon so that excludes the SGI!

A sangha of one, as you said, "I don't need followers like the sects do to justify their existence!"

You said it, not me.


On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 3:35:41 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
> I didn't say Sangha of one they are your words. Coming from a member of a CULT member such as you is typical of the distorted reality that you live in!

I mentioned you don't have any followers and are failing to get some. You said, "I don't need followers like the sects do to justify their existence!"

I didn't say it, you did. You got none, and you don't need any -> Sangha of one: a self-flagellating practice, no doctrinal disputes in Noelism, perfect unity on the constantly morphing Noel vehicle, in the moment with your Zen.


On Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 1:00:58 AM UTC-7, Noel wrote:
> Having accepted utter defeat in your sect-founding efforts, you can now retire to your well-earned countless kalpas of Avichi Hell, yes?
> You've really lost the plot!

Do you mean plot as scheme, or plot as story-line?

In either case, if it included building an organization of at least two members, Noelism (and its Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories) is nothing less than a total and unremitting failure.

Unless you are counting your ragtag collection of (1) Wicca-NST Denise Gold, or (2) crazy JazzIs TvRicky, who styles himself as wannabe-NST and also as the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Firmly Established Practices (Anryūgyō-bosatsu) while rejecting gongyo as evil, or (3) The-Devil-Satan/The-God-in-Forces character. Your recruiting efforts have been less successful than Rogow-Higgins-Stone-ism, which lost 25% of its membership with the whipped-loss of Shinkei/Jerry to NST. That means your results are less than abysmal.

Soon to shrink and join the smallish sects are: all the Buddhist and other temples, Nichiren Shu and Nichiren Shoshu, who are heavily dependent upon temple attendance (1. which is scarce out of SARS-CoV-2 fear) and Gokuyo offerings (2. which are becoming even more scarce due to joblessness and economic decline), and even more heavily dependent upon Head Temple Tozan fees and offerings and arranged Tozan kickbacks from the travel arrangements (ibid. 1 & 2) Hard to swing those scams with the economy-opening-proximity-viral-flareup-closing cycle that is just getting going in the United States:

And with the earlier and more careful economy opening attempts have resulted in fairly permanent lockdown in Temple Tozanic Japan, and in South Korea:

They have the Liberal-obsession there (which I share) with successfully keeping their new cases low and awaiting a vaccine or treatments rather than sacrificing their most dedicated older voting block on the altar of the Business-gods-pantheon, as the American White House is inclined to. The fact is, this may be a long wait, and there is no guarantee that the SARS-CoV-2.N+1 virus will not come back every Fall and stay into the Summer and have altered-resistant to any vaccine or treatment from the last SARS-CoV-2.N version.

This will be exacerbated by the lockdown-cabin-fever-driven infrastructure failures and police killings and the hunger-driven desperate searches for food, the coming eviction hurricane, and the answering protests in the streets: all of these causing more virus flareups and closings ...

The SGI, with only a couple of temples in the world and many rented Buddhist centers, meetings in people's homes and now Zoom, and few paid employees, has the lowest overhead of any religious organization of their size that I know of. Also their push for youth leadership of the organization and growth in youth membership has placed them in a position to weather this growing storm. [Nice to have an SGI-USA leader like Adin Strauss, who was the Finance Director and has put the organization into a safe place for this, amazing foresight, no? Mystically prescient!]

Like I said, when I was standing in the first week of November in 2016, in the Hillary for President Campaign Headquarters as a dedicated phone-bank caller, watching the swing states go down for Trump one by one ... as everyone else was weeping bitterly, I was in awe of what was unfolding in the knowledge that this was no accident and that the Buddhas in the 10 directions, the "common mortal is the True Buddha" described by Nichiren Daishonin was taking action in some manner that I could not comprehend, but that I knew that clarity would come to me sooner or later: in the total faith that this was the ONLY path to Kosen Rufu and a future for the human race ... and that these new awful circumstances would in retrospect be viewed as rather painful medicine for what ails us: as a kind of Humanity-Revolution (人類革命 - Jinrui Kakumei.)

From that view, I presume the current situation will persist until the slanders, accretions and insurmountable obstacles to that future are removed, unless some action is taken to change the situation directly, such as shakubuku and disassociation of the NST dantos.

[For Sci-Fi-Asimov-Fans, it is like the Zeroeth Law of Robotics, where the Second Foundation (in our case: the common mortals, who are the true Buddhas) step in when the Foundation (in our case: the SGI, who are provisional Buddhas and functions of the true Buddha) gets stuck.]

My faith and trust in the Gohonzon remains total and absolute. My hope for the future remains undimmed.


Quoting from "The Entity of the Mystic Law", Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 418 ...

The Complete and Final Teaching on Perfect Enlightenment Sutra declares, "The beginningless illusions and ignorance that beset all living beings are all produced by the perfectly enlightened mind of the Thus Come Ones."
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