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The Zen-Tantric Wing of the Democratic Party +^

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Feb 22, 2024, 2:44:58 AMFeb 22

Toxic Zen Story #31: The Zen-Tantric Wing of the Democratic Party.

>>>> addendum on September 1, 2023:

What a ride it's been: Hillary vs. Trump in 2016 then failed mayoral candidate Weiner and A.G. Comey made Trump president in the last weeks of the election.

Impeached Trump vs. Biden in 2020, and a miracle, then Stop the Steal, 1/6 Insurrection, the second Impeachment, the 1/6 Committee starring Liz Cheney, A.G. Garland with 1000s of arrests and trials, Special Counsel Jack Smith gets serious, 4 indictments and a plague of legal perils for Trump and his merry band propelling Trump into the Republican nomination, which he can win from a jail cell and no Republican can say boo about it, due to the MAGA and QAnon armed mob, with precious few GOP exceptions speaking up.

So far it looks like Trump is leading 70% of the GOP that will vote for him in the General if nominated, and 25% or more of the GOP will stay home if he is not nominated.

That's called a suicide pact. Lincoln gave us (mostly post mortem) the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments and the Klan Law against stealing elections passed by his loyal follower, Ulysses S. Grant which is prosecuting Trump and his Klavern down in Georgia, and the 14th Amendment Insurrection clause is mounting an attack on Trump's candidacy getting on ballots in the states, which will lead to a Noble Lost Cause write-in campaign.

I predict that Lincoln's life and the legacy of his fearlessness, death and transformation of the Constitution is taking Trump's party down into the black hole of history.

All of this from one tiny dancer and her suffering.

____ Background for Toxic Zen Stories _____________________


. Sweeping Generalization:

. Democrats Love Humanity, but Despise Principles.

From the Democrats.Org web site:

. Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic Party in 1792 as
. a congressional caucus to fight for the Bill of Rights
. and against the elitist Federalist Party. In 1798, the
. "party of the common man" was officially named the
. Democratic-Republican Party and in 1800 elected Jefferson
. as the first Democratic President of the United States.
. Jefferson served two distinguished terms and was followed
. by James Madison in 1808. Madison strengthened America's
. armed forces -- helping reaffirm American independence by
. defeating the British in the War of 1812. James Monroe
. was elected president in 1816 and led the nation through
. a time commonly known as "The Era of Good Feeling" in
. which Democratic-Republicans served with little
. opposition.

So, the Democrats started out initially in an ad hoc way as a "means to an end", to fight for the Bill of Rights.

Once that end was accomplished, and not being founded on basic principles, the Democrats have never historically had any firm principles, except Jefferson's heavily-flawed love of humanity (He kept slaves, but treated them well ...)

This mistake in not settling on the core beliefs is one that will take a long, long time to rectify. Right off the bat, things go astray:

. The election of John Quincy Adams in 1824 was highly
. contested and led to a four-way split among Democratic-
. Republicans. A result of the split was the emergence of
. Andrew Jackson as a national leader. The war hero,
. generally considered -- along with Jefferson -- one of the
. founding fathers of the Democratic Party, organized his
. supporters to a degree unprecedented in American history.
. The Jacksonian Democrats created the national convention
. process, the party platform, and reunified the Democratic
. Party with Jackson's victories in 1828 and 1832. The
. Party held its first National Convention in 1832 and
. nominated President Jackson for his second term. In 1844,
. the National Convention simplified the Party's name to
. the Democratic Party.

After that the Civil War, the Reconstruction Era, the era of Jim Crow in the South, and all of these turbulent changes betray the political expediency which comes from a Democratic Party with no clear and basic principles.

It was during the First World War under Wilson, the Depression and Second World War under Roosevelt, and the Marshall Plan and Cold War years under Truman where the Democratic Party finally forged its principles: a love of humanity, and a basic distrust of "isms", except for the Jefferson-ism of his intent which underlies the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Jefferson's intent to serve Humanity is truly the basic root and core belief of the Democrats. But how do you grasp intent? It is very hard to isolate what intent is.

The search for this meaning placed them on a path, where one principle after another had to be discovered, grasped and then discarded ... in a desperate and continuous search for a belief system that could allow Humanity to flourish.

In the terms of the man who most clearly defines modern Democrats, Bill Clinton's ... "Whatever works" is appropriate. This is an unequivocal upholding of a Positive Moral Relativism, which seeks for good ends, but allows bad means (like lying to the American Public).

Of course, lying about girls in the Oval Office is nowhere near as bad as lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or any of the vast quantities of lies by the Bush II White House.

The problem of Democrats grasping around for principles at a critical moment of need ... is that sometimes you can come up with someTHING toxic, or a complicity with someONE toxic.

So Democratic campaigns under Clinton and Gore had to deal with scandals related to supporters who were unsavory. In 1996, convicted Chinagate figures John Huang, Charlie "Yah-Lin" Trie and Johnny Chung all donated money which actually came from Chinese Military sources.

Not having learned his lesson, Gore in his incredibly close losing effort in the 2000 campaign, was caught in a front page photo in a (slanderous) Buddhist Temple, taking money from a bald-headed Buddhist Priest.

As Nichiren (Japan 1222-1282), who had extremely negative views of all Buddhist priests and monks in general, stated many times:

. According to the Buddhist teachings, prior to Shakyamuni
. slanderous monks would have incurred the death penalty.
. But since the time of Shakyamuni, the One Who Can Endure,
. the giving of alms to [or receiving from] slanderous
. monks is forbidden in the sutra teachings. Now if all the
. four kinds of Buddhists within the four seas and the ten
. thousand lands would only cease giving alms to [or
. receiving from] wicked priests and instead all come over
. to the side of the good, then how could any more troubles
. rise to plague us, or disasters come to confront us?
. - On Establishing the Correct Teaching
. for the Peace of the Land.

This is because in all the vast proliferation of Buddhist priests and monks, those ones that practice the Buddhism of Shakyamuni in this time, without distorting his teachings and ignoring his intent, are impossible to find.

All the remaining (slanderous) priests are doing something incredibly different from Shakyamuni Buddha: either distributing sutras that do not resemble his teachings, or that he did not want taught, or doing strange practices, like hand-to-hand combat that he would have profoundly abhored ... and they do it all in his name, under the umbrella of Buddhism, even worshipping his statues like some kind of a god.

An often-repeated Zen saying is: "If You See the Buddha on the road, kill him." That would be the ultimate act in the identity theft, fraud and counterfeiting that is perpetuated by modern "Buddhist" priests. (Zen believers will try to explain away the "real" meaning of this phrase, but that teacher would have stated it differently, had his intent been other than murderous. And successive Zen believers would not have retained and re-stated it endlessly, had their intent not been equally vicious.)

Anyone who has ever met a slanderous Buddhist priest (in modern times), particularly IN Asia, where their arrogance and cruelty is unbounded, would know that they are definitely NOT NICE PEOPLE.

Brutal expedients are part and parcel of the technique of a Zen Master:

| Gutei raised his finger whenever he was asked a question
| about Zen. A boy attendant began to imitate him in this
| way. When anyone asked the boy what his master had
| preached about, the boy would raise his finger.
| Gutei heard about the boy's mischief. He seized him and
| cut off his finger. The boy cried and ran away. Gutei
| called and stopped him. When the boy turned his head to
| Gutei, Gutei raised up his own finger. In that instant
| the boy was enlightened.

This story is Japanese, but is about a Chinese Ch'an Master (Ch'an was the parent of Zen). This profound act of blatant child torture is considered a religious text to Zen Buddhist monks and priests. It would also not be treasured down through the centuries, unless it had a resonance with a hidden evil: the 'cold joke' of a superior crushing and subjugating the life condition of his inferior, complete with heartless gloating.

And just who are the Zen-Tantric Wing of the Democratic Party?

Democratic Zen believers:

. Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, and Laurence Fishburne,
. who meditated every night at the Boston Zen center during the
. filming of Mystic River, and others.

Democratic Physical Zen (martial artists):

. Uma Thurman, Quentin Tarentino, John Cusack, etc.

Democratic Tantric (Tibetan) believers:

. Sharon Stone, Richard Gere, etc.

>>>> addendum after the 2006 election:

The Democrats didn't screw themselves this time with the usual array of Zen-Tantric corrupted elites.

Smart move, I'm sure you will make the big mistake next time, though, it's too hard to avoid those celebrity opportunities for a hard-working campaign-funds-seeking elected official.

It's the Democratic Death Trap !!!

Because of that careful and close control of the election, the Republican Red banner went down to ignominious defeat:

Sexy Republican antics with the page boys ... coverups by the House higher-ups ... echoing trouble in the top supporters in the Christian right ... continuing trouble on K Street

And that Iraq War...

The final excuse for that fiasco is "... fight them over there, so that we don't have to fight them over here."

Has anyone analyzed the extreme evil of taking the war, not to Afghanistan where 9/11 was planned and based, but instead to Iraq, whose 600,000 dead have now been shown to be completely innocent of 9/11 and any serious Al Qaeda connection?

I think we probably deserve some serious shock-and-awe karmic retribution for this astonishingly evil ends-justify-the-means genocidal rampage.

Of course, chanting Nam-myoho-Renge-Kyo allows changing even this unavoidable poison into medicine (hendoku iyaku).

>>>> addendum after the 2008 election:

Barack Obama's Difficulties Become An Asset.

Because of Obama's 'alien-ness' problem, being pitched first by the Clinton campaign and after that by the McCain campaign ... His campaign would not allow him to be seen or photographed in connection with anything weird (slander of the Lotus Sutra), such as Buddha statues on his desk (like John Kerry), or walking hand-in-hand with the Dalai Lama (both John McCain and Lindsay Graham did), or in a Buddhist Temple receiving money from a priest (Al Gore).

No matter how hard they campaigned, nothing broke their way (Gore, Kerry, McCain). They made one mistake after another, wrong action and wrong inaction.

Barack Obama made only one serious mistake in two years of campaigning: speaking in front of a collection of California donors [read this as the Zen-Tantric-Physical-Zen(martial-arts) afflicted], he was recorded BY A SUPPORTER [read this as Devadatta (the Buddha's cousin who betrayed him and tried to murder him)] trying to explain the people of Pennsylvania "... God, guns and religion ..." to them. The demons lurking within know all about this topic.

That one plagued him in both the primary and general election campaigns. His White House staff should beware of this, and not expose the President to the slander of these Hollywood new age and Zen people.

The Mystic River Zendo crew members, Sean Penn and Tim Robbins were huge supporters of John Edwards during his primary 2008 campaign. Edwards really blossomed into something astonishing in the grip of their Zen embrace. And since then, his total self-destruction is now complete. Zen has just that kind of almighty destructive power.

If Barack Obama's White House handlers have a brain in their head, they will keep the President as far away from slanders of Buddhism as possible. Just do it. Be smart this time. Give us all a big fat break from this evil for eight years.

And keep the Zen-Tantric-Martial-Arts wing of the Hollywood elite at a safe distance. They will want to infect the President, that demon inside the afflicted wants to live and breath inside the White House. They will also be coming after his family, just like they did with the Bush girls.

>>>> addendum on October 2nd, 2012 (Before the first Presidential Debate):

Mitt Romney is Barack Obama's challenger, but Obama's greatest threat is Obama

The question will be: can Obama avoid association with the Zen Men (and women) of Hollywood and elsewhere? They so earnestly want to infect good causes with their poison.

His association with the Zen coach of the L.A. Lakers, after their victory over the NBA, cost him heavily in the first summer (2009) of his first term (the rise of the Tea Party). Has he learned from this?

Perhaps: after the last victory of the Lakers and Zen Phil Jackson, their Roshi or coach, instead of being allowed into the oval office, they met at a charity event with young people. This was wise, and probably the best that could be done, politically.

He also had the (slanderous) Dalai Lama ('his Holiness', indeed!) into the White House to undermine his administration further.

Lamentable choices.

Can Obama survive the incredible hole he has dug for his presidency? I sure hope so, because the alternative is REALLY quite bleak.

>>>> addendum on November 11th, 2012 (The Sunday after the election):

Somehow, Obama's incredible grassroots team has pulled off a miracle in the middle of the slowest and most painful recovery from the deepest recession since the Great Depression: only Woodrow Wilson and FDR garnered greater than 50% of the popular vote in multiple terms as Democratic Presidents in a century and they were World War Presidents.

That incredible good fortune is being matched almost immediately, as he is being sent by the State Department to visit Thailand, Cambodia and Burma (now called Myanmar).

In all three countries he will be called upon to visit slanderous Buddhist Temples, with slanderous Buddhist priests who are parasites upon the people and who dispense profound distortions of the Buddha's teachings calling upon people in poverty to support them in their priestly slander of the Law.

Any involvement with these slanderers and their foul worship of the Buddha as a god, a practice which undermines and counters the Buddha's highest teaching, the Lotus Sutra: these associations are evil causes and will fetch profound misfortunes upon the President and our country.

In Myanmar, their is much strife involving these slanderous priests, and they will seek the attention of the President, and will naturally demand his presence in temple surroundings, to display his concern.

The President of the United States would be well served by avoiding these evil places and avoiding contact with these parasites. Some contact is unavoidable, as they will thrust themselves upon the President as their demons urge them forth.

Minimizing an unavoidable misfortune is the wisest course.

>>>> addendum on September 1, 2023:

What a ride it's been: Hillary vs. Trump in 2016 then failed mayoral candidate Weiner and A.G. Comey made Trump president in the last weeks of the election.

Impeached Trump vs. Biden in 2020, and a miracle, then Stop the Steal, 1/6 Insurrection, the second Impeachment, the 1/6 Committee starring Liz Cheney, A.G. Garland with 1000s of arrests and trials, Special Counsel Jack Smith gets serious, 4 indictments and a plague of legal perils for Trump and his merry band propelling Trump into the Republican nomination, which he can win from a jail cell and no Republican can say boo about it, due to the MAGA and QAnon armed mob, with precious few GOP exceptions speaking up.

So far it looks like Trump is leading 70% of the GOP that will vote for him in the General if nominated, and 25% or more of the GOP will stay home if he is not nominated.

That's called a suicide pact. Lincoln gave us (mostly post mortem) the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments and the Klan Law against stealing elections passed by his loyal follower, Ulysses S. Grant which is prosecuting Trump and his Klavern down in Georgia, and the 14th Amendment Insurrection clause is mounting an attack on Trump's candidacy getting on ballots in the states, which will lead to a Noble Lost Cause write-in campaign.

I predict that Lincoln's life and the legacy of his fearlessness, death and transformation of the Constitution is taking Trump's party down into the black hole of history.

All of this from one tiny dancer and her suffering.

____ Epilog _______________________________________

The Buddha's highest teachings were the purpose of the Buddha's advent on this earth.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to drain people's compassion with discussions of the emptiness and meaninglessness of life which is just a void.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to teach people to live in such a narrow and momentary way, that there would be no context for self-examination and conscience.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to possess people's minds with such illogic as to befuddle their ability to choose correctly between what is good and what is evil.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to teach people how to commit atrocities and genocide, in the exploration of their "infinite possibilities", or "new states of being".

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to teach people how to maim and kill with their hands efficiently, quietly, loudly, with increased terror inflicted, or to maximize their subjugation to control the public sentiments for political ends.

These are all profoundly evil distortions of the Buddha's true teachings, which introduce infinities in the variables holding good and evil, removing all shades of gray in the propositional calculus of value.

Simply stated, the Buddha made his advent on this earth with the purpose of teaching the compassionate way of the bodhisattva, which is at the heart of the true entity of all phenomena, which is the eternal Buddha at one with the eternal Law. Which is how to navigate the sea of sufferings of birth, aging, sickness and death. He originally set out on his path, because of his observation of the sufferings of common people and wanting to understand the source of those sufferings (enlightened wisdom) and how to transform those sufferings into unshakable happiness (enlightened action).

When you embrace the void and acausality, your initial intention to explore Being and essence doesn't matter ... the result is always the same: chaos and misery, and utter ruination and emptiness to you, your family, and your country.

But things don't have to be that way ...

Nichiren Daishonin writes (Encouragement to a Sick Person, WND p. 78):

. "During the Former and Middle Days of the Law, the
. five impurities began to appear, and in the Latter
. Day, they are rampant. They give rise to the great
. waves of a gale, which not only beat against the
. shore, but strike each other. The impurity of
. thought has been such that, as the Former and
. Middle Days of the Law gradually passed, people
. transmitted insignificant erroneous teachings
. while destroying the unfathomable correct
. teaching. It therefore appears that more people
. have fallen into the evil paths because of errors
. with respect to Buddhism than because of secular
. misdeeds."

Because Bodhidharma discarded the Buddha's highest teaching (the Lotus Sutra), and due to his lazy nature turned to shortcuts to enlightenment, he came to the distorted view that life is acausal and empty, that the true entity is the void.

This erroneous view really comes from a misunderstanding of the Sutra of Immeasurable Meanings, where the True Entity is described by negation (the only way it can be): "... neither square, nor round, neither short, nor long, ..."

The description of the True Entity is logically voidal, but the True Entity itself is not. Bodhidharma was simply confused, due to the slander of negligence (laziness), and false confidence. The truth of life is that at the heart of the True Entity is the compassion of a bodhisattva for others.

Non-substantiality does not mean empty. Life has value. Humans are respectworthy. There is a purpose to everything. And every cause has an effect, so we are responsible for our thoughts, words and deeds. Zen is acausal. Zen is the greatest poison, which compares to the even greater medicine of the Lotus Sutra.

Suffice it to say: the purpose of Zen in the world is to corrupt and undermine everything that is not based upon the truth and the true teaching. All religions, disciplines, institutions and organizations which are undermined by Zen will eventually fall after glaring revelation of their worst defects, sooner rather than later.

If there is some good in your family, locality, society and culture, or country that you would like to retain, then cease the Zen, and begin to apply the medicine of the Lotus Sutra to heal the Zen wound in your life.

"Zen is the work of devilish minds." - Nichiren


. a prescription for the poisoned ones:
. The only antidote for the toxic effects of Zen in your life ...
. be that from Zen meditation, or the variant forms: physical
. Zen in the martial arts, Qigong, Acupuncture, Falun Gong,
. Copenhagen Convention of Quantum Mechanics, EST,
. Landmark Education, Nazism, Bushido, the Jesuits,
. Al Qaeda, or merely from having the distorted view that life
. is acausal, and that the true entity of all phenomena
. is the void ...
. with the effects of the loss of loved ones, detachment,
. isolation or various forms of emptiness in your life ...
. is the Lotus Sutra: chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo
. at least 3 times, twice a day, for the rest of your life,
. in at least a whisper ...
. and if you can, chant abundantly in a resonant voice !!!
. The full 28 Chapters of the Lotus Sutra,
. Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho volumes I and II,
. the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings
. (Gosho Zenshu, including the Ongi Kuden) and the
. SGI Dictionary of Buddhism are located at:
. To find an SGI Community Center:

Quoting from "The Entity of the Mystic Law", Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 418 ...

The Complete and Final Teaching on Perfect Enlightenment Sutra declares, "The beginningless illusions and ignorance that beset all living beings are all produced by the perfectly enlightened mind of the Thus Come Ones."
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