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Martin Heidegger: Nuremberg Zen +^

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Feb 22, 2024, 2:30:31 AMFeb 22

Toxic Zen Story #18: Nuremberg Zen: Martin Heidegger's Philosophy of Being.

. 'Recently, the efforts undertaken to protect
. Heidegger against this charge [anti-Semitism]
. have been refuted through the publication of a
. previously unknown letter, written by Heidegger
. in 1929, that is, before the Nazis came to power,
. which clearly shows his anti-Semitism in his
. pointed rejection of the "'Jewification' of the
. German spirit [Verjudung des deutschen Geistes]."
. [p.111] ... '
. ' ... Heidegger's original approach to Being
. was as being is manifest in the "here and now" --
. Dasein, being (sein) here (da). This introduces a
. positivistic, Hegelian ("the real is rational")
. aspect to any possible moral guidance from this
. system. The here and now in 1933 meant Adolf
. Hitler. The truth and greatness of National
. Socialism was an authentic "uncovering" of Being.
. When this didn't seem to work out, Being
. "withdrew" itself, according to Heidegger. '

| '"The Führer himself and alone is today and in
| the future German reality and its law." [from the
| Rectoral Address, p.65]'

From "On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy" by Tom Rockmore

____ Background for Toxic Zen Stories ____________________

____ Introduction ________________________________________

A frequent visitor to Landsberg Prison where Hitler was writing Mein Kampf with the help of Rudolf Hess, was General Karl Haushofer, a university professor and director of the Munich Institute of Geopolitics.

Haushofer, Hitler, and Hess had long conversations together. Hess also kept records of these conversations. Hitler's demands for German "Living Space" in the east at the expense of the Slavic nations were based on the geopolitical theories of the learned professor.

Haushofer was also inclined toward the esoteric. as military attache in Japan, he had studied Zen-Buddhism. He had also gone through initiations at the hands of Tibetan Lamas. He became Hitler's second "esoteric mentor", replacing Dietrich Eckart.

Eckart was an occultist and magician leader of the Thule Society who was certainly the earliest corrupting influence on Hitler's psyche. But after Eckart's death and meeting Haushofer, Adolph took a hard right turn to become the first Nazi.

In "The Morning of the Magicians" (1960; 279) by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier they write:

. 'Occultism teaches that, after concluding a
. pact with hidden forces, the members of the group
. cannot evoke these forces save through the
. intermediary of a magician who, in turn, can do
. nothing without a medium. It would seem therefore
. that Hitler must have been the medium, and
. Haushofer the magician. Rudolf Hess had been
. Haushofer's assistant when the latter was a
. professor at the University of Munich.'
. 'It was he who had brought Haushofer and
. Hitler together. His flight to England during the
. war was the result of Haushofer having told him
. that he had seen him in a dream flying to England
. in an airplane. In one of the rare moments of
. lucidity which his inexplicable malady allowed him
. the prisoner Hess, the last survivor of the Thule
. Group, is said to have stated formally that
. Haushofer was the magician, the secret Master.
. (see Jack Fishman: The Seven Men of Spandau.)'

Thusly, Nazism is an offshoot of Zen, mixed with occultism and Tibetan Buddhism and some other things. Clearly, however, the influence of the Void is predominant: the thought that life is just there for whatever possibility you want to pursue, no-holds-barred, and without concern for the results in the lives of others. Nazism is basically Zen.

____ Toxic Zen Story ______________________________

Martin Heidegger's philosophy is tainted, and corrupted by something. And not just by his association with the Nazis, either.

In "Reflections on the Career of Martin Heidegger, Shepherd of Being", by Jeremiah Reedy:

. 'An American philosopher, William Barrett,
. wrote that "a German friend of Heidegger told me
. that one day when he visited Heidegger he found
. him reading one of Suzuki's books [on Zen
| Buddhism]: 'If I understand this man correctly,'
| Heidegger remarked, 'this is what I have been
| trying to say in all my writings.'" '

This is after the fact, of course, but it serves as verification. He didn't become enamored of Suzuki until the fifties. He got his Zen the Nazi way, by falling in love with Adolph Hitler, like so many did. A fascinating picture of Heidegger, with his little Hitler mustache is found at:

On the website ( The Proceedings of the Friesian School) in a book review of "Martin Heidegger, An Introduction to Metaphysics", Anchor Books, 1961.

. '4. Heidegger is much like Nietzsche, except
. that Nietzsche's emphasis on the will and on the
. individual strikes Heidegger as too "subjective"
. [now called "metaphysical humanism" by
. deconstructionists like Jacques Derrida, who has
. said that he has not said anything that was not
. already in Heidegger]. For Heidegger, value comes
. from cosmic dispensations of Being into the
. Dasein, or manner of existence, experienced by
. us. '
. '5. But, Heidegger cannot be defended as
. Nietzsche can, for he actually joined the Nazi
. Party, never repented of it, and always despised
. liberal democracy and modern, commercial society.
. Heidegger's defenders (e.g. Richard Rorty) must
. instead claim that his philosophy has nothing to
. do with his politics. That doesn't work, since
. Heidegger actually says that man is "terrible"
. (Gk. deinós) because new "uncoverings" of Being
. involve a violent "shattering" of "justice" (Gk.
. díkê). Since that is precisely what the Nazis
. were doing, and Heidegger could look out his
. window and see Brown Shirts "shattering justice"
. by beating and murdering Jews and others, it is
. not surprising that he found what he was looking
. for in them. '

Actually, Heidegger did mention, JUST AFTER THE WAR, that Nazism was wrong and a mistake. Creating distance at a point of safety, and walking away from the train wreck you helped engineer is so completely Suzuki-Zen, and foreshadows his deep appreciation of D.T..

In an exchange with Ted Keller on Relativism and Marxism, by Kelley Ross:

. 'Hitler was no philosopher and gave no
. intellectual respectability to Fascism. That it
. got from philosophers like Nietzsche and Martin
. Heidegger. Heidegger, indeed, is the perfect
. relativistic philosopher of Fascism, as he
. recognized and honestly acted upon himself. The
. self-deception or bad faith of the
. deconstructionists and "post-modernists" who
. constitute the vanguard of contemporary
. relativism is that they do not or can not
. translate their obvious intellectual dependence
. on Heidegger into an acknowledgement of the
. totalitarian nature of their own project. If
. truth, indeed, is just a matter of POWER, as
. Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault can all
. agree, then actual power is actually self-
. justifying, and no mere intellectual objections
. to it, whether in the name of truth or justice,
. have any meaning. The mere powerless individual,
. who to Socrates or Kant may actually be alone in
. seeing the Truth, becomes a mere meaningless
. "abstraction" to all sub-Hegelian theories. '
. 'Another aspect of his comes from the Japanese
. connection: the aestheticism and anti-
. intellectualism of D.T. Suzuki's Zen Buddhism
. was, at the time, perfectly conformable to the
. ideology of Japan's German allies. Thus, Eugen
. Herrigel, the author of the classic Zen in the
. Art of Archery, returned to Germany to find
. spiritual fulfillment in National Socialism. '
. 'All the fascist-leaning right-wingers I've
. known have been equally absolutistic. If you or
. someone you're aware of has given persuasive
. arguments in defense of the thesis that
. relativism and fascism are compatible I'd
. appreciate it if you'd let me know where I might
. find them. (Ted Keller) '
. ' ..... I would be interested in the degree of
. intellectual sophistication in the "fascist-
. leaning right-wingers" you have known. The Fascism
. of Mussolini or Franco was absolutist in the sense
. that it came to terms with Catholicism and other
. conservative tendencies in Italy and Spain. But
. the 20th Century would not have been the century
. of Terror that it has been if Mussolini and Franco
. were the worst that we had to contend with. To
. break through the inhibitions of traditional
. morality and begin slaughtering millions: only
. Hitler and communists like Lenin, Stalin, etc. had
. the amoral gusto to do that--to "shatter," using
. Heidegger's term, the silly scruples of bourgeois
. morality (a terminology that both Hitler and Lenin
. could use) into the mass murder of class and/or
. race enemies.
. (Kelley Ross)'

But a review on the book "On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy" by Tom Rockmore, also at the Friesian website (, the issue of the moral relativism of Heidegger and his peculiar hubris is studied at length:

. 'The controversy about Martin Heidegger's
. membership in the German Nazi Party ultimately
. reveals one very important thing: The very
. principles that attracted Heidegger to Hitler and
. the Nazis are also the principles that attract
. Heidegger's defenders to him. That most of
. Heidegger's defenders are leftists and
. "progressives" (like Richard Rorty) simply
. reveals a characteristic of the history of the
. 20th Century: that the Left (socialists,
. communists, American style "liberals") has far
. more in common with the far Right (fascism,
. populism) than anyone on the Left has ever wanted
. to admit -- except perhaps for Susan Sontag's
. classic, politically incorrect statement that
. "Communism is fascism with a human face" --
. though one must then explain Alexander Dubcek's
. claim that the revolution in Czechoslovakia in
. 1968 was to produce "Communism with a human
. face"; presumably he didn't think that it already
. had one. Since Dubcek had to live under communism
. and Sontag didn't, we can count on him to have
. gotten it more right. Sontag, however, who also
. said that Americans could learn more about the
. Soviet Union reading Readers' Digest than The
. Nation, got it far more right than most of her
. intellectual peers (Rockmore: "Sartre holds that
. Marxism is unsurpassable as the philosophy of our
. time," p.147). '

It is fascinating how a bright person can subjugate their will and their mind to another. But then, that's Zen in a nutshell.

. ' ..... There is finally no significant
. distinction between Heidegger's call for
. submission to the whim of the Führer and Lukács's
. similar betrayal of reason in the service of
. Stalinism. As concerns their voluntary
. subordination of philosophical criticism to
. political totalitarianism, both thinkers are
. outstanding examples of the betrayal of reason in
. our time. [p.66]'

Heidegger's path is laid out, by the circumstances present in his views on life, and his conception of being:

. ' must be noted that Heidegger's theory
. has no intrinsic resources to prevent him from
. accepting either National Socialism or another
. similar theory. [p.72]'
. 'Whereas I regard Heidegger's philosophy as
. ingredient in his politics, Heidegger's defenders
. are concerned to exonerate his thought from any
. significant role in his actions. [p.75]'
. '-- Heidegger turned to Nazism on the basis of
. his philosophical position. -- Heidegger's theory
. of Being, or fundamental ontology, includes a
. political dimension that can only lead to Nazism
. or something like Nazism -- in short, a
. totalitarian political movement. -- Heidegger
. shared with National Socialism a common goal of
. the realization of the essence of the German
. Volk. [p.123]'

Heidegger did have obstacles to overcome, in never quite finding his audience:

. ' ..... The picture that emerges of Heidegger
. is mainly of someone whose enthusiasm for Naziism
. was dampened only by the lack of interest of the
. Nazis for him. When he became the Rector of
. Freiburg University in 1933, Heidegger delivered
. an address in which he basically announced that he
. had the right understanding of the meaning the
. National Socialism, which had been confused by
. "political science" and should turn to philosophy
. (i.e. to him). This should have made him the
. Philosopher King, or at least Herr Hitler's
. official philosopher, the way Hegel had in effect
. become the official philosopher of Prussianism.
. Nothing of the sort happened, and not many Nazis
. liked his attitude. '
. 'Heidegger goes on to observe that his address
. was understood neither by those to whom it was
. addressed nor by the Nazi party. He reports that
. Otto Wacker, the Staatsminister für Unterricht
. und Kultur in Baden, complained that the talk
. advanced a form of private National Socialism,
. not based on a concept of race, and that the
. rejection of "political science" was
. unacceptable. [p.110]'
. 'In sum, Heidegger is unhappy that the
. National Socialists are unaware of his own
. ontological difference. What is surprising is
. that Heidegger should be either surprised or
. dismayed to learn that the Nazis were less than
. fully absorbed, were in fact uninterested in his
. own approach to Being, in the same way that they
. were also uninterested in the effort of
. Rosenberg, the well-known Nazi "philosopher," to
. bring about a profound spiritual renewal.
. Heidegger's objection reveals, then, an
. astonishing lack of awareness of the nature of
. Nazism. [p.193]'

And this is perhaps because it is a mutual confusion, in that he does not perceive the Nazi movement's basic intent, either:

. ' ..... The problem with the Nazis, according
. to Heidegger, was not that they terrorized and
. murdered people, and started World War II, but
. that they had the wrong attitude towards
. metaphysics. Whether they would have still been
. murderers if they had the right metaphysics is a
. good question. One of the most disturbing things
. about Heidegger's thought is that the murders --
. or even the public thuggery that he could have
. seen in the earliest days of the Third Reich --
. don't really seem to have disturbed him all that
. much. It was not the murders or the public mayhem
. that discredited "existing" Naziism but simply the
. wrong attitude towards philosophy, i.e. Heidegger
. himself. The most damning accusation, however, is
. just that Naziism was a form of liberalism! '
. 'We are already familiar with Heidegger's
. frequent assertions, common in claims of
. orthodoxy, with respect to the views of Kant,
. Nietzsche, and Jünger, that only he, Heidegger,
. has understood them. Here [in the Introduction to
. Metaphysics], he makes a similar claim with
. respect to Nazism. For Heidegger evidently
. thought of himself as the only "orthodox" Nazi,
. as the only one able to understand the essence of
. National Socialism... To the best of my knowledge
. there is nothing in the public record to suggest
. that Heidegger was at all sensitive to the human
. suffering wreaked by Nazism, in fact sensitive to
. human beings in more than an abstract sense.
. [p.240]'

And that lack of perception, is because the perceiving component would require something that is completely masked in Heidegger - compassion:

. ' ..... This absence of ethics means that lack
. of concern about the murders and thuggery of the
. Nazis should really not surprise us. '
. 'A point made by Jaspers, the former
. psychiatrist, whose testimony proved most
. damaging in the deliberations of the [de-
. Nazification] committee, is relevant here. "He
. [i.e., Heidegger] does not perceive the depths of
. his earlier mistake, which is why there is no
. real change in him but rather a game of
. distortions and erasures." [p.86]'

Heidegger also spurned the more strident Nuremberg elements of the Nazi party. From "Martin Heidegger: A Political Life", by Hugo Ott, 1993, p. 268:

. 'Heidegger's former student and friend, Karl
. Löwith met him while at a conference in Rome in
. 1936. Löwith, a Jew by birth, had gone into exile
. after 1933. On the occasion of their meeting,
. Löwith asked Heidegger how he could sit at the
. same table "with an individual like Julius
. Streicher." Streicher, the notorious editor of
. Der Stürmer, was admitted as a member of the
. board of the Nietzsche Archive. Heidegger was a
. fellow board member. Löwith, in his memoirs,
. reports that Heidegger's response to his question
. about Streicher was to "dismiss the rantings of
. the Gauletier of Franconia as political
. pornography." He insisted, however, on
. dissociating the Führer, Adolf Hitler, from
. Streicher. '

As usual, those that lack the ability to see things clearly as they happen, also revise their history, getting back to Rockmore's work:

. '... he now believes that Nazism did not fail
. him but that Hitler and other Nazis failed Nazism.
. He seems never to have regretted his adherence to
. National Socialism for the purpose of realizing
. the essence of the German people, or to further
. the understanding of Being, ends that he still
. accepts as valid. [p.94]'

And that includes never admitting to a resonance with the racist component of Nazism:

. '..... The flagship of Nazi racism, of
. course, was their animus for the Jews, which led
. to the attempt to exterminate them during World
. War II. Heidegger's obscurantism and inconsistency
. have served to protect him from accusations that
. he was actually an anti-Semitic fellow traveler
. with the Nazis, even from Jews, like Hannah
. Arendt, who reestablished friendly relations with
. him after the War. But Heidegger, to an extent,
. did actually subscribe to and practice anti-
. Semitism, as we see here: '
. 'Recently, the efforts undertaken to protect
. Heidegger against this charge [anti-Semitism]
. have been refuted through the publication of a
. previously unknown letter, written by Heidegger
. in 1929, that is, before the Nazis came to power,
. which clearly shows his anti-Semitism in his
. pointed rejection of the "'Jewification' of the
. German spirit [Verjudung des deutschen Geistes]."
. [p.111]'
. 'Whether a full blown racism or not,
. Heidegger's attitude reflects the conflict
. between German nationalism and the tolerance of
. the Jews that would be characteristic of a
. liberal society. That conflict goes all the way
. back to people like Fries. Peter Gay [Weimar
. Culture, Outsider as Insider, 1968] already
. noted, before Heidegger's Naziism had become much
. of an issue, that Heidegger removed the
. dedication of Being and Time, which was to the
. "inconveniently Jewish" Edmund Husserl. There are
. various stories of Heidegger stiffing his Jewish
. graduate students, not signing their
. dissertations, but he also seems inconsistent in
. this, since he was very enthusiastic about some
. Jewish students, like Hannah Arendt, and did
. decline to take some Nazi anti-Jewish measures.
. What this looks like is that Heidegger actually
. had no real positive dislike of Jews but that he
. was, fitfully, willing to apply the logic of his
. own glorification of the German Volk, or to
. conform, occasionally, to the political direction
. of the Führer. This reveals him as a morally weak
. person (the Aristotelian moral category is
. incontinence) whose own beliefs directed him
. towards evil. Since the anti-Semitism was more or
. less incidental to this, it could be dismissed
. and forgotten when, after the War, it had become
. a personal and professional liability. '

Where it all comes from, is his embrace of acausality, where acts do not lead to consequences since only the "Now" exists for Heidegger, and is empty. Acts, instead, serve only to uncover Being.

What is truly revealed, is the condition of life produced by evil cause, and the inescapable result of that condition.

. ' ..... Heidegger's original approach to Being
. was as being is manifest in the "here and now" --
. Dasein, being (sein) here (da). This introduces a
. positivistic, Hegelian ("the real is rational")
. aspect to any possible moral guidance from this
. system. The here and now in 1933 meant Adolf
. Hitler. The truth and greatness of National
. Socialism was an authentic "uncovering" of Being.
. When this didn't seem to work out, Being
. "withdrew" itself, according to Heidegger. '

| '"The Führer himself and alone is today and in
| the future German reality and its law." [from the
| Rectoral Address, p.65]'

This inability to see the humanity in life, and in others, as you reveal your Being, is the determined path to the arrogant evil of absolute power:

. ' ..... If Hitler wasn't bad enough, the
. "withdrawl" of Being leaves the Nietzschean "might
. makes right" ethic of the Will to Power. Heidegger
. now argues that the suggestion that God is dead
. and the reduction of value to will, or nihilism,
. can be understood only in terms of the will to
. power, in his view the central concept of
. Nietzsche's philosophy. [p.93]'
. 'The "uncovering" of Being is a violent,
. irrational, revolutionary process. As this
. appealed to the irrationalism of fascists in the
. 30's, it appealed to the nihilists and
. irrationalists of the left from the 50's to the
. present. It is intensely romanticist in both
. groups. '

This is so reminiscent of Suzuki's words on the Zen warrior:

| 'Zen has no special doctrine or philosophy, no
| set of concepts or intellectual formulas, except
| that it tries to release one from the bondage of
| birth and death, by means of certain intuitive
| modes of understanding peculiar to itself It is,
| therefore, extremely flexible in adapting itself
| to almost any philosophy and moral doctrine as
| long as its intuitive teaching is not interfered
| with. It may be found wedded to anarchism or
| fascism, communism or democracy, atheism or
| idealism, or any political or economic dogmatism.
| It is, however, generally animated with a certain
| revolutionary spirit, and when things come to a
| deadlock-as they do when we are overloaded with
| conventionalism, formalism, and other cognate
| isms - Zen asserts itself and proves to be a
| destructive force.'

These two are clearly the same thought. Leading to the same end, as the review on Rockmore's book continues:

. ' ..... In sum, Heidegger's pursuit of Being,
. as he understood it, led to Nazism, and could in
. fact only lead either to this or another form of
. antidemocratic, authoritarian political practice.
. [p.72]'
. And to confirm his mistrust of the basic will of
. the people...

| ' ..... At present [the Der Spiegel interview,
| 1966], he is unconvinced that democracy is adequate
| as a political system in a technological age.
| Heidegger here draws the political consequence of
| his later conception of Being as the real
| historical agent. [p.205]'

. 'This is one of the most revealing admissions
. ever by Heidegger. His illiberal, authoritarian
. principles simply never changed. The only reason
. that there is no Führer in 1966 is that Being has
. "withdrawn" itself. '

The withdrawal, was not (according to Heidegger) because the Nazi evil was driven out of the world by force of arms, fueled by humanity's repulsion against Hitler's thoughts, words and deeds. And by extension, the thoughts, words and deeds of Martin Heidegger, the most "orthodox" of the Nazi philosophers, as viewed by his own words: and who is equivalent in moral bankruptcy to the Nazis, but without the implicit mental excuse of the brownshirts with diminished capacity to reason.

Recently there is this from Slate magazine:

... Heidegger's Hitler Problem Is Worse Than We Thought

... By Rebecca Schuman

. The upcoming publication of the Black Notebooks—three
. never-before-seen volumes by the legendary German
. philosopher Martin Heidegger—may reveal a direct link
. between Heidegger's lengthy dalliance with Nazism and
. his landmark treatise Being and Time. With the
. controversial new publication also arises an important
. question: When it comes to separating an author from
. his or her ideology and continuing to study him or her,
. how reprehensible is too reprehensible?

Further on, she explains ...

. That was the same year I took a seminar on the German
. Novelle and the Heideggerian notion of Ereignis, or
. "event," an apt pairing because the patron saint of
. German letters, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, characterized
. a Novelle as narrating "an unprecedented event that has
. occurred." Amid discussions of affectedly hyphenated
. Be-ing and the substantive Nothing, our professor brought
. up, briefly, Heidegger's association with the Nazis,
. characterizing it as a brief dabbling.

Where there's smoke, there may be a smoking gun ...

. Now, however, an unprecedented event really has occurred
. in Heidegger studies, one with the potential to—in his
. parlance—provide a shaking-up, an Erzitterung, to his
. already-polarizing stance in the field. "There was never
. a smoking gun in the late German philosopher's expansive
. work," Paul Hockenos writes in the Chronicle of Higher
. Education, "an explicit pejorative reference to Jews
. or Judaism as such." Until now.

. Before he died, Heidegger dictated the exact order his
. unpublished works should appear, and the Black Notebooks,
. three leather-bound volumes he kept during the 1930s and
. '40s, will finally be published in German later this
. month. Although they are officially embargoed until
. publication, their editor, University of Wuppertal
. professor and director of the Heidegger Institute Peter
. Trawny, has discussed their content with the press.
. Further, several excerpts, slated to appear in Trawny's
. own forthcoming book, have leaked—and, as Hockenos puts
. it, they "seem to illustrate beyond a doubt that Heidegger
. harbored anti-Semitic convictions during the Nazi
. dictatorship."

. It's not that history lacked all evidence before. Heidegger
. assumed rectorship of the University of Freiburg after
. Adolf Hitler came to power; he joined the Nazi party and
. remained in it throughout the entirety of World War II.
. * But only the Black Notebooks contain actual references
. to "world Jewry" or "a collusion of 'rootless' Jews in
. both international capitalism and communism," references
. that, Trawny insists, tie Heidegger's anti-Semitism
. directly to his philosophy. Unprecedented indeed.

. Heidegger's Francophile acolytes remain, so far,
. unconvinced. After all, without Heidegger, there would
. be no Jacques Derrida or Michel Foucault! (Doctoral
. dissertations in literature written after 1970 might
. actually be intelligible!) But once the Black Notebooks
. are released, will their content have a palpable effect
. on the hordes of Heideggerians haunting the hallowed
. halls? Will the notebooks, to use their own parlance,
. cause an Erzitterung, and then a Nothing—a present absence
. where Heidegger's work was and in which appears a new
. "time-play-space"? Which may indeed result in a dramatic
. "turn"? In Earth language: Will this change anything?
. And, more importantly, should it?

. You'd have to search far and wide to find an actual Nazi
. sympathizer working in legitimate academia—but soon,
. teaching Heidegger may have people wondering. So, should
. academic sources be subject to the "Hitler Test"? And
. if they fail, does this mean responsible teaching simply
. includes a thorough critical contextualization—or
. banishment from the canon altogether?

The real issue is Zen, at the root of Nazism and so many other destructive systems. He was a weak person and undermined by Zen and so fell prey to the brown shirt and the beer hall and the marching bands and the oom pa pa.

Zen is the real evil behind the Reich.

____ Epilog _______________________________________

The Buddha's highest teachings were the purpose of the Buddha's advent on this earth.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to drain people's compassion with discussions of the emptiness and meaninglessness of life which is just a void.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to teach people to live in such a narrow and momentary way, that there would be no context for self-examination and conscience.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to possess people's minds with such illogic as to befuddle their ability to choose correctly between what is good and what is evil.

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to teach people how to commit atrocities and genocide, in the exploration of their "infinite possibilities", or "new states of being".

The Buddha did not appear on this earth to teach people how to maim and kill with their hands efficiently, quietly, loudly, with increased terror inflicted, or to maximize their subjugation to control the public sentiments for political ends.

These are all profoundly evil distortions of the Buddha's true teachings, which introduce infinities in the variables holding good and evil, removing all shades of gray in the propositional calculus of value.

Simply stated, the Buddha made his advent on this earth with the purpose of teaching the compassionate way of the bodhisattva, which is at the heart of the true entity of all phenomena, which is the eternal Buddha at one with the eternal Law. Which is how to navigate the sea of sufferings of birth, aging, sickness and death. He originally set out on his path, because of his observation of the sufferings of common people and wanting to understand the source of those sufferings (enlightened wisdom) and how to transform those sufferings into unshakable happiness (enlightened action).

When you embrace the void and acausality, your initial intention to explore Being and essence doesn't matter ... the result is always the same: chaos and misery, and utter ruination and emptiness to you, your family, and your country.

But things don't have to be that way ...

Nichiren Daishonin writes (Encouragement to a Sick Person, WND p. 78):

. "During the Former and Middle Days of the Law, the
. five impurities began to appear, and in the Latter
. Day, they are rampant. They give rise to the great
. waves of a gale, which not only beat against the
. shore, but strike each other. The impurity of
. thought has been such that, as the Former and
. Middle Days of the Law gradually passed, people
. transmitted insignificant erroneous teachings
. while destroying the unfathomable correct
. teaching. It therefore appears that more people
. have fallen into the evil paths because of errors
. with respect to Buddhism than because of secular
. misdeeds."

Because Bodhidharma discarded the Buddha's highest teaching (the Lotus Sutra), and due to his lazy nature turned to shortcuts to enlightenment, he came to the distorted view that life is acausal and empty, that the true entity is the void.

This erroneous view really comes from a misunderstanding of the Sutra of Immeasurable Meanings, where the True Entity is described by negation (the only way it can be): "... neither square, nor round, neither short, nor long, ..."

The description of the True Entity is logically voidal, but the True Entity itself is not. Bodhidharma was simply confused, due to the slander of negligence (laziness), and false confidence. The truth of life is that at the heart of the True Entity is the compassion of a bodhisattva for others.

Non-substantiality does not mean empty. Life has value. Humans are respectworthy. There is a purpose to everything. And every cause has an effect, so we are responsible for our thoughts, words and deeds. Zen is acausal. Zen is the greatest poison, which compares to the even greater medicine of the Lotus Sutra.

Suffice it to say: the purpose of Zen in the world is to corrupt and undermine everything that is not based upon the truth and the true teaching. All religions, disciplines, institutions and organizations which are undermined by Zen will eventually fall after glaring revelation of their worst defects, sooner rather than later.

If there is some good in your family, locality, society and culture, or country that you would like to retain, then cease the Zen, and begin to apply the medicine of the Lotus Sutra to heal the Zen wound in your life.

"Zen is the work of devilish minds." - Nichiren


. a prescription for the poisoned ones:
. The only antidote for the toxic effects of Zen in your life ...
. be that from Zen meditation, or the variant forms: physical
. Zen in the martial arts, Qigong, Acupuncture, Falun Gong,
. Copenhagen Convention of Quantum Mechanics, EST,
. Landmark Education, Nazism, Bushido, the Jesuits,
. Al Qaeda, or merely from having the distorted view that life
. is acausal, and that the true entity of all phenomena
. is the void ...
. with the effects of the loss of loved ones, detachment,
. isolation or various forms of emptiness in your life ...
. is the Lotus Sutra: chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo
. at least 3 times, twice a day, for the rest of your life,
. in at least a whisper ...
. and if you can, chant abundantly in a resonant voice !!!
. The full 28 Chapters of the Lotus Sutra,
. Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho volumes I and II,
. the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings
. (Gosho Zenshu, including the Ongi Kuden) and the
. SGI Dictionary of Buddhism are located at:
. To find an SGI Community Center:

Quoting from "The Entity of the Mystic Law", Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 418 ...

The Complete and Final Teaching on Perfect Enlightenment Sutra declares, "The beginningless illusions and ignorance that beset all living beings are all produced by the perfectly enlightened mind of the Thus Come Ones."
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