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Nazitru, Race and "Folkish" Asatru

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Al Billings

Nov 15, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/15/97


it is good to see that after exiting this newsgroup more than a year ago,
the same old people are up to the same old games as always. You'd think
without the presence of myself and other twisted "universalists" that the
"folkish" Asatru would have made a clean sweep of this newsgroup by now.

Don't you people ever change? The threads running now could be the same
threads as a year ago. No growth of understanding nor of rationality in this
time. More racism than ever masquerading as ethnic pride. More "concern" for
the survival of the "white race."

You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before the
evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.


Ah well. I'll sign off now and exit this newsgroup yet again. The same
Nazitru scum as always predominates and I doubt if I could provide enough
entertainment to make watching their antics worth it.

Wassail and "sieg heil!"
Al Billings


Nov 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/19/97

>From: "Al Billings"

> You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
>alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before the
>evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.


Well said Mr. Billings!
Though I'd like to see an alt.religion.odian myself.
Wes Thu Hal!
Vidar Odinsson
Preist of Odin
:RtR: :TCtO:


Nov 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/19/97

With your typical lack of intelligent offerings, Al, I see you've
returned. Got tired of all the hatred your personality generated over
on alt.magick (where you made quite the fool of yourself, of course)?

Since you shout all the "Sieg Heils" and whatnot, do you care for a
discussion of my political views? It would seem a more intelligent and
useful route- if we must talk politics- than your ignorant accusations.

I am not a Nazi. I am a libertarian (small "l" these days).And I don't
care what the politics of people may be so long as they are true to Folk
and to Faith.

Post with some honor, truth and intelligence.


Hnikar AOR

Hnikar's Folkish Asatru Page: (with the links
that matter!)


Nov 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/19/97

Al Billings wrote:

> Well,
> it is good to see that after exiting this newsgroup more than a year ago,
> the same old people are up to the same old games as always. You'd think
> without the presence of myself and other twisted "universalists" that the
> "folkish" Asatru would have made a clean sweep of this newsgroup by now.

Unlike you, they probably don't wish to make a clean sweep of anything. Not
everyone is as obsessed and hate filled as you. I still remember your
sophomoric hate speech from long ago. You give all asatru a bad name not just
Universalist asatru. While most individuals can discuss differing philosophies
with some grace and style you can't write a few simple words without demeaning

> Don't you people ever change? The threads running now could be the same
> threads as a year ago. No growth of understanding nor of rationality in this
> time. More racism than ever masquerading as ethnic pride. More "concern" for
> the survival of the "white race."

> You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
> alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before the
> evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.

> Heh.
> Ah well. I'll sign off now and exit this newsgroup yet again. The same
> Nazitru scum as always predominates and I doubt if I could provide enough
> entertainment to make watching their antics worth it.
> Wassail and "sieg heil!"
> Al Billings

Boy, you've grown in a year haven't you? Good-bye, do come on back when you
grow up.



Nov 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/19/97

Al Billings wrote:

> Well,
> it is good to see that after exiting this newsgroup more than a year ago,
> the same old people are up to the same old games as always. You'd think
> without the presence of myself and other twisted "universalists" that the
> "folkish" Asatru would have made a clean sweep of this newsgroup by now.

Unlike you, they probably don't wish to make a clean sweep of anything. Not

everyone is as obsessed and hate filled as you. I still remember your sophmosic

hate speech from long ago. You give all asatru a bad name not just Universalist

asatru. While most individuals can discuss differing phylosihpies with some

grace and style you can't write a few simple words without demeaning everyone.

> Don't you people ever change? The threads running now could be the same
> threads as a year ago. No growth of understanding nor of rationality in this
> time. More racism than ever masquerading as ethnic pride. More "concern" for
> the survival of the "white race."
> You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
> alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before the
> evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.
> Heh.
> Ah well. I'll sign off now and exit this newsgroup yet again. The same
> Nazitru scum as always predominates and I doubt if I could provide enough
> entertainment to make watching their antics worth it.
> Wassail and "sieg heil!"
> Al Billings

Boy, you've grown in a year haven't you? Goodbye, do come on back when you
grow up.



Nov 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/19/97

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 06:07:03 -0800, (Hnikar) wrote:

>A close friend of mine lurks at alt.magick. When we get together we'll
>sometimes laugh about some of the posts we encounter on "our"
>newsgroups. I'll tell her about people who can't read a text in context
>or whose case is so weak that they resort to sophomoric debate
>techniques like misinterpreting the meaning of a word (implicit in
>context), by shuffling your thoughts to transform them into something
>different but more easily attacked, or by resorting to epithets like
>"Nazi!" Alt.magick sees some of the same. One day she was describing a
>guy on alt.magick who contributed nothing but insults, never an idea of
>depth, a guy who was universally despised by the regulars for that very
>reason. We sat down and brought the ng up, and she showed me one of his
>posts. I laughed uproarously- it was Al Billings! He never changes.
Hey Hnickar!

What would one expect from one of Asatru's Ur-Trolls. I think that the
assesment of Al's behaviour is right on, Ive not ever heard him say a
good or informed thing. He was more than likely overloading on all
that hatred or perhaps he drove off all his friend and needed new
Besides, if he would only consult Dejanews he would see that it is the
Universalists who are more obsesesd with the race thing than us. So
much so that certain ones in their numbers seem to want to turn every
thing that any one says into a race issue. He is only showing us that
he is right up to speed with the program....and that he is still his
sweet self.

Faith Folk and Family

Wulfgaest AOR
Gaeth a Wyrd, swa Heo scel


Nov 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/19/97

>Don't you people ever change? The threads running now could be the same
>threads as a year ago. No growth of understanding nor of rationality in this
>time. More racism than ever masquerading as ethnic pride. More "concern" for
>the survival of the "white race."
> You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
>alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before the
>evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.

You are lumping anyone who doesn't agree with you into one catagory, and
calling them by the PC version of a racial name. I am not "Folkish" since I
would allow any believer to participate in a Kindered to which I belonged, but
neither would I not accept one who believes that people should follow the Gods
of their own ancestors regardless of their origin or culture.

> Ah well. I'll sign off now and exit this newsgroup yet again. The same
>Nazitru scum as always predominates and I doubt if I could provide enough
>entertainment to make watching their antics worth it.

More evidence of you narrowmindedness and "PC racism".

Maybe YOUR type are the ones that should have a special area:

Hail Odin!



Nov 19, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/19/97

A close friend of mine lurks at alt.magick. When we get together we'll
sometimes laugh about some of the posts we encounter on "our"
newsgroups. I'll tell her about people who can't read a text in context
or whose case is so weak that they resort to sophomoric debate
techniques like misinterpreting the meaning of a word (implicit in
context), by shuffling your thoughts to transform them into something
different but more easily attacked, or by resorting to epithets like
"Nazi!" Alt.magick sees some of the same. One day she was describing a
guy on alt.magick who contributed nothing but insults, never an idea of
depth, a guy who was universally despised by the regulars for that very
reason. We sat down and brought the ng up, and she showed me one of his
posts. I laughed uproarously- it was Al Billings! He never changes.


Paal-Eirik Filssunu

Nov 20, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/20/97

Al Billings wrote:

> You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
> alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before the
> evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.

> Heh.

> Ah well. I'll sign off now and exit this newsgroup yet again. The same
> Nazitru scum as always predominates and I doubt if I could provide enough
> entertainment to make watching their antics worth it.

> Wassail and "sieg heil!"
> Al Billings

***"Sieg Heil" yourself 'Al Billings'....march in your ranked formation
of rambling drunkards..........

You have been on before, and doubtless will be here again..

I have this truth from myself to say to you....

You are worthless, and I do hate your invective and ideologies.
Most of all, I hate you because you are in opposition to my life and
that of my people's under the propagandistic barrage of 'nazi-tru'.

There is no 'Valhalla' for you, only the Naastrand on which the bodies
of the soulless float in the icy waves of grayness and gloom...

I say, go to the Naastrand 'Al Billings', and may the furthest reaches of
the Cosmos diminuatize your pettiness into something that even the stars
in their billions will outshine.....

Paal-Eirik Filssunu

AErnfolk/ Eagles Reaches

D. Blackthorne

Nov 20, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/20/97
to (AIfatherII) wrote:

>Well said Mr. Billings!
>Though I'd like to see an alt.religion.odian myself.
>Wes Thu Hal!
>Vidar Odinsson
>Preist of Odin
>:RtR: :TCtO:

Oh, I don't know about that.

As one who has been dedicated to old One Eye for longer than I care to
think about (particularly since I celebrated my <BZZZZZT!!! We're not
EVEN going there>) birthday today, I've seen far too many "wannabe"
Odians (or Odinists, as we used to be called, or Odinsmanr. You get
the idea).

Some of whom have real potential, most of whom are seriously in need
of a trip on the next available Clue bus.

Only squids can be tranced...

- Jack Deth


Nov 21, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/21/97
to wrote in article <>...

> Al Billings wrote:
> >
> > You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
> > alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before
> > evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.
> >

> True words.

No they are not, I'm slowly getting sick and tired of those self-haters who
continously attempting to associate those seeking for their roots to
Nazi's. Every human being has the right to find pride in his/her
background, nobody is complaining when the blacks are shouting about roots.

Being white and of Nordic descent I don't have anything to apologize for.
I'm white and I'm proud of it. Now you will call me a Nazi to. Just
because I happen to believe that we have a rich heritage and shown ability.
Yes the universalists are subverting my people when they claim that we are
the only race who may not have our pride. Yes they are subverting my
people if in our own countries we are not allowed to stand for our people.

The message is clear, we are not equal and race is not just a color it is
much more fundamental. Denying this is an insult to all peoples. I do not
intend harm to any one of a dffirent racial or etnic background, all I'm
saying is that there is a diffirence and that each racial/etnic group has
the right to find pride in their own heritage whatever this heritage may
be. I hate nobody but I feel closer to my own folk, like you feel closer
to your own brother as somebody elses. In order for each group to remain
strong and true identity is essential. This is note hate this is respect
for everybodies uniqueness.


Nov 21, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/21/97

Snorri wrote:

Well Said!!

Fare with the Gods


She Devil With A Modem

Nov 22, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/22/97

In article <>,

Heimdall <> wrote:
>Snorri wrote:
>> wrote in article <>...
>> > Al Billings wrote:
>> > >
>> > > You know, you don't need "alt.folk" or "alt.religion.folkish.asatru",
>> > > alt.whitepower is available on most servers after all. Sign up before
>> the
>> > > evil universalists and Jews subvert your people.
>> > >
>> > True words.
>> No they are not, I'm slowly getting sick and tired of those self-haters who
>> continously attempting to associate those seeking for their roots to
>> Nazi's. Every human being has the right to find pride in his/her
>> background, nobody is complaining when the blacks are shouting about roots.

You claim "every human being", do you then include those whom the Folkish
insist on labelling "Universalists"? Would you deny them the right to
worship as they have been called? Because really, as I keep pointing out,
this comes back to the right to worship, which has nothing to do with race.

>> Yes the universalists are subverting my people when they claim that we are
>> the only race who may not have our pride. Yes they are subverting my
>> people if in our own countries we are not allowed to stand for our people.

Who is preventing anyone from standing for their own people? As far as I
know, the only law against anything resembling this is the law forbidding
display of the Nazi swastika (not the regular sunwheel but the reversed
symbol) in Germany, where it has become a symbol of hatred and great loss.
It is also a symbol of a political ideology and not of Asatru the religion.

>> I hate nobody but I feel closer to my own folk, like you feel closer
>> to your own brother as somebody elses. In order for each group to remain
>> strong and true identity is essential. This is note hate this is respect
>> for everybodies uniqueness.

If there is going to be respect, begin by ceasing to apply to myself, a
fellow Asatruar, these labels of "Universalist", "New Ager", "Isis
worshipper" (I am well aware of the differences between Isis and Freya,
thank you, and Freya is still my Goddess), etc.

The Aesir will not fight Ragnarok alone, the Vanir, a different tribe,
will join them in their fight. Why is it that you Folkish would limit
yourselves to just one group to fight there? If the Aesir were as
thickheaded as you guys are about alliances with other tribes, no one
would survive Ragnorok at all except the jotuns!

My heritage IS traceable to the folk - the more I research this, the
more I know it to be true. Were I to start dropping names of some of
the blood that runs in my veins, people would (and have) doubted my
claims, although they are provable with enough genealogical research,
I suppose. The founders of Limerick and the sept MacMartin were not
peaceful peoples, nor were the Milanese barons who fought Barbarossa
in the 1100's. I just don't think that yesterday is for anything more
than learning from; and today is what I can do anything about. Today
I choose to worship She who has called me. Why do you all have such
a problem with that, that you would call me "New Ager" and all this?

Not that it particularily matters to me - I would worship Freya alone
if I had to; and thanks to the Reginleif Felag and Irminul Aettir,
I *don't* have to. They do not care about long-dead warriors as
much as they care about the living, Gods and Mankind. The dead and
our ancestors are there to share their lessons with us anyway, but
theirs is a more passive role than that of the Living Gods and our
fellow humans - folk or not - on Earth.

It is the same as that silly man who refuses to hear the music that
people would play based on their skin color. If the music is beautiful,
does it really matter who is playing it, if it is played well? Wouldn't
it be embarrassing, now, if he actually liked something and found out
that *oh, horrors* people of mixed descent were playing the instruments?

Those of you who wish, feel free to trace the history of sept MacMartin
and the barony Tronolone, and when you do, feel shame that you called
one of the "FOLK" whom you pretend to esteem so highly a "Universalist"
and a "New Ager".

Hear thou, Loddfafnir, and heed it well
Learn it, 'twill lend thee strength
Follow it, 'twill further thee:
Never laugh at or mock, or make game of,
Guest or wayfaring wight.

Those who sit within hall oft hardly know
Of what kin be they who come
No man so flawless but some fault he has
Nor so wicked to be of no worth.
Both foul and fair are found among men
Blended within their breasts.

Many of you who shout "Hail Odin" would fall afoul of Him, I think,
if He came to you in a disguise that didn't fit on your "J" scale.

I see green again, with growing things | Do not CD c
The earth arise from out of the sea; | taunt --------P===\==/
Fell torrents flow, overflies them the eagle, | happy fun /_\__
On hoar highlands, which hunts for fish. | fencer! _\ \

D B Graphics

Nov 24, 1997, 8:00:00 AM11/24/97

She Devil wrote:

>>You claim "every human being", do you then include those whom the
Folkish insist on labelling "Universalists"? Would you deny them the
to worship as they have been called?<<

I as you will see will no longer use "universalist" but will in its
place use "Asatru" for the sobriety minded and "Anti-folk" for the

No Folkish could even think to deny any person the ability to worship as
they wish - for that matter there are no Anti-folk who could force
folkish not to worship as they wish (regardless of the noise level)

>>Because really, as I keep pointing out, this comes back to the right to
worship, which has nothing to do with race.<<

True - in the United States you have the right to worship as you wish,
and worship, as you say, has nothing to do with race.

What each moot, kindred, or Hearth wants is the choice of the people who
make up the group.

>>Who is preventing anyone from standing for their own people? As far as
I know, the only law against anything resembling this is the law
display of the Nazi swastika (not the regular sunwheel but the reversed
symbol) in Germany, where it has become a symbol of hatred and great

I will say you are not informed about Germany - there is not freedom of
press or religion in Germany.

Not only will the swastika get you in jail but ALL the runes - every
single rune and yes the "regular" sunwheel are all jail time items -
last I have seen runes the sunwheel and some traditional items are 10
year jail items in some cases. Again YES the RUNES are illegal in

>>It is also a symbol of a political ideology and not of Asatru the religion.<<

The sunwheel and the swastika are OLDER than the runes and both, along
with the runes have a valid place in Asatru as religious items.

>>If there is going to be respect, begin by ceasing to apply to myself, a
fellow Asatruar, these labels of "Universalist", "New Ager", "Isis
worshipper" (I am well aware of the differences between Isis and Freya,
thank you, and Freya is still my Goddess), etc. <<

I am willing to (and going to) use "just" Asatru for all who do not
shreek or prove to be Anti-folk.

>>The Aesir will not fight Ragnarok alone, the Vanir, a different tribe,
will join them in their fight. Why is it that you Folkish would limit
yourselves to just one group to fight there? If the Aesir were as
thickheaded as you guys are about alliances with other tribes, no one
would survive Ragnorok at all except the jotuns! <<

Are you reading what comes from the Folk Asatru or are you reacting to
what you "think" we post?

>>I would worship Freya alone
if I had to; and thanks to the Reginleif Felag and Irminul Aettir,
I *don't* have to. <<

I am glad for you, that you have found co-worshipers.

>>They do not care about long-dead warriors as
much as they care about the living, Gods and Mankind. The dead and
our ancestors are there to share their lessons with us anyway, but
theirs is a more passive role than that of the Living Gods and our
fellow humans - folk or not - on Earth. <<

That is how you view the Gods, I as you know, do not view the Gods of
Asatru in the same way.

>>Many of you who shout "Hail Odin" would fall afoul of Him, I think,
if He came to you in a disguise that didn't fit on your "J" scale.<<

The "J" scale is now a dead issue - out of respect for Jax I will no
longer use or post the scale - I have found something more simple...

If you are of the Asatru faith and Folkish....

Folkish Asatru

If you are of the Asatru faith and do not try to hurt the Folk and
Folkish Asatru then....


If you take the title Asatru and then work for the destruction of the
Folk or Folkish Asatru then to me ...


To Wotan and your health


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