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Glenn Wildermuth Announcement/ Obituary

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26.01.1997, 03:00:0026.01.97

We are saddened to announce that on Wednesday, January 22nd of this
new year we lost Glenn Wildermuth of still unknown causes. He had
been ill since Saturday suffering from upset stomach but appeared to be
getting better. We currently believe that his death was due to the
complications of insulin dependent Diabetes, but do not have medical
Glenn was born in Seattle Washington on March 12th, 1962. He came to
the San Francisco area in 1987 and met Prudence Priest in 1996 on May
3rd at Walburgis. He and Prudence were Handfasted for a year and a day
at the 1996 Summer Solstice after jumping the Solstice fire. Glenn is
survived his Mother, Father, Step Father, brother, and also many
friends both within the community and outside.
Though Glenn was relatively new to our Pagan/Heathen community he was
well known and well thought of by all who did know him. He chose
for his craft name Fafhrd Njordsman from the writings of Fritz Leiber
who was a member of Amaranth Energies. Glenn himself was High Priest
of Amaranth Energies. Prudence, his high priestess, told me that the
Amaranth is a legendary flower that never failed to bloom and that it
is also known as Love-Lies-Bleeding. He brought enthusiasm to the
rolls that he filled as a pagan priest and was excited about playing the
Corn King at our next Lammas. He truly found his place and his home
in the Norse tradition and entered into it with all his heart and
sole. He did a remarkable job invoking Pan for our last Raven Wood
gathering. I do not ever remember seeing Glenn looking anything but
happy and energetic and that energy was catching. His eyes sparkled
when he talked and he would jump into whatever work or roll that was
needed of him at the drop of a hat. If Glenn was there you never needed
to look further for aide or stand-in.
Glenn took pride in his abilities with wood and indeed was a
professional carpenter and cabinet maker. He willingly shared his skills
and knowledge, and we are fortunate that some of his work will remain
within the community at his passing.A memorial stone is being made for
him by Rorik of Wispering Ravens in Sacramento and will be given a
permanent resting spot on Memorial Day Weekend in a place of honor on
the land that he loved and put many hours of work into,
A Memorial party will be held for Glenn at Sutro Park on Ground Hog’s
day (February 2nd) at 3:00 P. M. Anyone wishing to attend is most
As soon as formal funeral arrangements are made we will announce that
immediately. He will be sorely missed by all of us and will not soon
fade from our memory. Anyone wishing to honor his friendship is
encouraged to donate to the cost of Glenn’s cremation and other final
arrangements rather than send flowers or cards. Any remaining funds
will be donated to a memorial account with the American Diabetes
Association. Donations should be sent and/or made payable to: Kirsten
Lopez at 334 Divisadero street, San Francisco, CA 94117.

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