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Their angels behold the face of my Father in heaven

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Oct 18, 2023, 3:05:55 AM10/18/23
Their angels behold the face of my Father in heaven

"It is not right to despise anyone who believes in Christ. A believer
is called not only a servant of God but also a son though the grace of
adoption, to whom the kingdom of heaven and the company of the angels
is promised. And rightly the Lord adds, 'For I tell you that in heaven
their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.'
How much grace the Lord has toward each one believing in him he
himself declares when he shows their angels always beholding the face
of the Father who is in heaven. Great is the grace of the angels
toward all who believe in Christ. Finally, the angels carry their
prayers to heaven. Hence the word of Raphael to Tobias: 'When you
prayed along with your daughter-in-law Sara, I offered the memory of
your prayer in the sight of God (Deutero-canonical book of Tobit
12:12). Around them there is also the strong guard of the angels; they
help each of us to be free from the traps of the enemy. For a human in
his weakness could not be safe amid so many forceful attacks of that
enemy if he were not strengthened by the help of the angels."
--by Chromatius (excerpt from TRACTATE ON MATTHEW 57.1)

October 18th - St. Mono of Nassogne, Hermit, Martyr
(Also known as Monon, Muno, Monone )
Died c. 645.

Mono was an Irish monk or Scottish pilgrim who crossed over to the
continent and lived as a hermit in the Ardennes, where he is highly
venerated by the people. He was murdered in his cell at Nassogne
(Nassau), in Belgian Luxembourg by some robber whom he had reproved.
His tomb in the village at a place now encompassed by Saint Hubert's
abbey was the site of many miracles. There is a church near Saint
Andrew's in Scotland dedicated to him called Monon's Kirk. In 1920,
Cardinal Mercier of Belgium told the persecuted bishops of Ireland,

"For long have the eyes of Belgian Catholics turned towards Ireland
full of admiration and gratitude. Is it not the first pioneers of
Christian civilization that Belgium herself owes in large degree the
grace, greatest of all graces, of belonging to Christ? The names of
Irish missionaries who in the Merovingian epoch evangelized the north
of France, Saint Columban, Saint Foillan, Saints Monon and Eton, Saint
Lievan [Lebwin], the bishops Saint Wiro and Saint Plechelm and their
deacon Saint Odger, Saint Fredegand finally, and many other have
remained popular among us. More than 30 Belgian churches are dedicated
to saints from your island" (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Encyclopedia,
Fitzpatrick, Husenbeth, Kenney).

Troparion of St.Monon tone 4

Thou hast revealed to us the treasures of solitude, O Father Monon,
/and, fearing nothing, thou didst rebuke the lawless men for their
ungodliness. Wherefore, pray to God for us
/ that we may have the courage to confront evil,
/ even though like thee
/we thereby receive the crown of martyrdom,
/ that we may be found worthy of eternal salvation.

Saint Quote:
Beware of becoming vexed or impatient at the faults of others; for it
would be folly when you see a man falling into a ditch, to throw
yourself into another to no purpose.
--St. Bonaventure

Bible Quote:
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does
not have works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister has
nothing to wear and has no food for the day, 16 and one of you says to
them, "Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well," but you do not give them
the necessities of the body, what good is it? 17 So also faith of
itself, if it does not have works, is dead. [James 2:14-17]

"I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us.

"I would like the angels of Heaven to be among us. I would like an abundance
of peace. I would like full vessels of charity. I would like rich treasures
of mercy. I would like cheerfulness to preside over all. I would like Jesus
to be present. I would like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with
us. I would like the friends of Heaven to be gathered around us from all
parts. I would like myself to be a rent-payer to the Lord; that I should
suffer distress, that he would bestow a good blessing upon me. I would like
a great lake of beer for the King of Kings. I would like to be watching
Heaven's family drinking it through all eternity."
--St. Brigid of Kildare
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