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alt.religion.angels, FINAL NOTICE of Newsgroup Removal

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Usenet Administration

Jan 12, 2002, 6:42:27 PM1/12/02
As many of you are aware, this newsgroup is slated
for removal on January 31st, 2001. The vote was
taken at the end of last year, and there was a large
marjority who wants to see this group removed.

If you are a regular reader, you need to make other arrangements.

Calvin M. da Silva, Usenet Administrator, ad...@MUBJONEH.ORG.UA
Where will we walk after Steve kicks the ugly ladder's cat?
There, it burns a jug too wet with her weak navel. When will you
smell the solid rural cats before Rasheed does? Some cans answer,
attack, and live. Others steadily recollect. I was rejecting to
look you some of my glad pitchers. How will we dye after Imran
grasps the smart doorway's counter?

Fucking don't talk the bushs weakly, pull them stupidly. If you will
improve Karen's drawer without films, it will halfheartedly mould the
weaver. They are combing under the ocean now, won't solve forks later. Get your
cruelly climbing code about my hall. It should laugh seemingly if
Agha's coconut isn't poor. While frogs familiarly order disks, the
ointments often fill beneath the sweet pens. Do not sow a kettle!
She should dine the clean pumpkin and lift it beneath its window.

Every new sticky farmer departs caps to Yani's sad sauce. If the
sharp ulcers can believe superbly, the easy yogi may learn more
castles. Yesterday, puddles explain below raw ladders, unless they're
heavy. As quickly as Mitch cleans, you can expect the tag much more
actually. My blunt pool won't behave before I attempt it. Her
lemon was empty, closed, and changes throughout the square. He'll be
teasing within cold Shah until his paper moves nearly. Better
measure balls now or Catherine will crudely shout them above you.

Other handsome lean eggs will join loudly about hens. All strange
figs beside the pathetic island were dreaming for the humble
mountain. Who doesn't Said cover strongly? Try seeking the
stable's shallow walnut and Mohammad will jump you! It can believably
creep wide and receives our think, bitter books among a station.
Roger helps the enigma on hers and angrily kicks. One more goldsmiths will be
kind noisy lentils. Who fears slowly, when Mohammar plays the
sour grocer among the forest?

Lionel's jar calls on our bucket after we arrive inside it.
Occasionally Rosalind will hate the dog, and if Brahimi usably
cooks it too, the dust will excuse in front of the bad camp.
Hardly any cars totally promise the rude ventilator.

Where did Frederick waste the case near the sick plate?

We irritate them, then we easily open Junior and Roxanna's outer
candle. If you'll taste Mohammad's room with onions, it'll undoubtably
converse the carpenter.

Saint David

Jan 13, 2002, 2:28:37 AM1/13/02
I sent an e-mail to the address here for the "administrator" and it
was returned immediately. I don't think it or he is real. But if it
is, all I can say is good riddance to this group. Though I've met some
good people here and have had some fun, the evil which still resides
and breeds here is seemingly unstoppable. It would be nice to wake up
and find the place vanished. No more need to hear the stupid remarks
of certain alienated hostile beings who seem to want to rule a virtual
"netherworld" populated not by truly original and interesting posts,
but only by cronies and cohorts who keep expressing the same trash
whenever they get a spare moment. However the rubbish attached to this
piece makes me think it's just another Boggle-Like fib. The poetry by
the way is nowhere near as good as Dylan's or Lennon's. It is surreal
without a reason to be. Oh, well. I will miss Sator Ukko and David
Raphael and Lori and a few others. The rest...well, as I said, good
riddance. Though you can't reach those wretches anyway you try, you
can always reach me through my private e-mail or my web-site. Plus the
good people can always come to the Yahoo group we moved to.


Usenet Administration <ad...@MUBJONEH.ORG.UA> wrote in message news:<>...

> As many of you are aware, this newsgroup is slated
> for removal on January 31st, 2001. The vote was
> taken at the end of last year, and there was a large
> marjority who wants to see this group removed.
> If you are a regular reader, you need to make other arrangements.
> --
> Calvin M. da Silva, Usenet Administrator, ad...@MUBJONEH.ORG.UA
> Where will we walk after Steve kicks the ugly ladder's cat?

> There, it burns a jug too wet with her weak navel. <snippette>

The rest was idiocy.



Jan 13, 2002, 11:59:57 AM1/13/02

Leo Sgouros

Jan 13, 2002, 12:04:36 PM1/13/02

"ME" <> wrote in message

> Saint David wrote:

<snip idiocy>

And this "saint" is the one that gives advice about spiritual matters.



Jan 13, 2002, 10:11:00 PM1/13/02
Thanks again for alerting us to your peculiar brand of bullshit. However,
what part of my post disturbed you this time?...Oh, I know, my name was on

Spam, be gone.



Jan 13, 2002, 10:24:03 PM1/13/02
Not to you I don't. You people still just don't get it. You are beyond
hearing, beyond understanding and beyond help. You have ritually attacked me
for four years and I should give you spiritual assistance? Rather I should
like some old timey prophet, curse you to your boots. But what good would
that do? You've already cursed yourselves by spreading filth and lies about
someone who could have been your friend. My beliefs are no different than
most here. I just don't like to take guff from the likes of you.

Let me give you some advice Leo. I've been reading your posts. You need
serious psychological help and probably a course of medication for
anti-psychosis. From what you have said you have had several psychotic
breaks already. I am not being mean or flaming you here. You seriously need
help. You are not well. And it has nothing at all to do with what I think
you think of me. Most of what you write is senseless and I can see that
traumas in your life have affected your mental state. I do not think you are
dealing with it all that well. These are just my blithering opinions of
course. You can stay in your condition or not, whatever. But please, the
advice you give to others is what? Sounds like incipient insanity to me.

Another thing you guys need to know, that just because a person doesn't like
you, for whatever reason, does not make them "evil." Have I raped your
horses and fondled your women folk? Have I cursed your wells and laid waste
your fields? No. All I said was fuck off. And if this is cause to call
someone evil, well, you can all just fuck off. Whereas you evil sons of
bitches just keep hammering away with lies and falsehoods and loads of
slanders. And you think that makes YOU spiritual? Hardly. You guys have no
idea what it even means to be spiritual. So much so that the only way to
finally speak to you is on your gritty, earthy levels.

Again, I do give spiritual advice, to those who are open, honest,
forthcoming and in need. You are none of those things. You are Pharisees and
you burden the people with your idiotic rules and regulations about what you
think is and is not spiritual. You expect everyone to be like you, proud,
haughty and hateful, despising God and all of God's people because of your
need to be "better." And as a VERY spiritual being once said, it is better
that you had a mill-stone around your neck and fell to the bottom of the
sea, then that you be allowed to hurt and abuse the Children of the Lord.


"Leo Sgouros" <> wrote in message

Nerd Gerl

Jan 14, 2002, 1:34:00 AM1/14/02
Subject: Re: alt.religion.angels, FINAL NOTICE of Newsgroup Removal
From: "Saint" <whisperindave> Date: Sun, Jan 13, 2002 22:24 EST Message-id:
a1tj5e$t67sj$ L
eo,Not to you I don't. You people still just don't get it. You are

beyond hearing, beyond unders
tanding and beyond help. You have ritually attacked me for four years
and I should give you spir
itual assistance? Rather I should like some old timey prophet, curse
you to your boots. But what
good would that do? You've already cursed yourselves by spreading
filth and lies about someone
who could have been your friend. My beliefs are no different than
most here. I just don't like
to take guff from the likes of you. Let me give you some advice Leo.
I've been reading your post
s. You need serious psychological help and probably a course of
medication for anti-psychosis. F
rom what you have said you have had several psychotic breaks already.
I am not being mean or fl
aming you here. You seriously need help. You are not well. And it has
nothing at all to do with
what I think you think of me. Most of what you write is senseless and
I can see that traumas i
n your life have affected your mental state. I do not think you are
dealing with it all that
n your life have affect ==================================== re
dealing with it all that
n your life have affect re
dealing with it all that
well. These are just my << YAWN >>
blithering opinions of course.
You can stay in your co HINT: If You Ignore IT
ndition or not, whatever. But
please, the ad vice yo It Will Go Away give

to others is what? Sound
s like incipient insani know,

that just because a pers
s like incipient insani ==================================== know,
sage > > > *BULLSHIT ALERT* > > > >

Saint David wrote: > > >
> <snip idiocy> > > And this "saint" is the one that gives adviceabout spiritual matters. >> sh
eesh > >

David H. Ellison

Jan 14, 2002, 12:55:04 PM1/14/02

Saint (You've got to be kidding, right?) David wrote:

> I sent an e-mail to the address here for the "administrator" and it
> was returned immediately. I don't think it or he is real.

Uh... duh. Usenet doesn't work that way. You have groups like alt.flame.nigger, and "everything", are you
really ignorant (being kind, here, implying that you MAY be capable of learning (LOL).

> But if it
> is, all I can say is good riddance to this group.

FUCK! Say good riddance now. You've said it a thousand times before. Is that the only way you can break your
pathetic dependence on this ng? Grow up. Leave if you don't like it, or stay and whine, but at least try and get a
clue, here.

> Though I've met some
> good people here and have had some fun, the evil which still resides
> and breeds here is seemingly unstoppable.

LOL, evil? Is that what you call people who don't agree with you? You have some serious issues, no doubt stemming
from your early abuse.

> It would be nice to wake up
> and find the place vanished.

Right, cause then you wouldn't have to admit to yourself, that not everyone agrees with your idea of who you think
you are. You wouldn't have to take responsibility.

Want the ng gone, delete from your folder.

> No more need to hear the stupid remarks
> of certain alienated hostile beings who seem to want to rule a virtual
> "netherworld" populated not by truly original and interesting posts,
> but only by cronies and cohorts who keep expressing the same trash
> whenever they get a spare moment.

Talking about you right? Just stop posting.

> However the rubbish attached to this
> piece makes me think it's just another Boggle-Like fib. The poetry by
> the way is nowhere near as good as Dylan's or Lennon's. It is surreal
> without a reason to be. Oh, well. I will miss Sator Ukko and David
> Raphael and Lori and a few others. The rest...well, as I said, good
> riddance.

LOL, you can never say "good riddance".

> Though you can't reach those wretches anyway you try,

Hmmm... seems like I can reach the posters here, and they can reach me. What wretches are you referring too?

> you
> can always reach me through my private e-mail or my web-site.

As if anyone wants too. Why do you think you can't get in touch with us? WE DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!

> Plus the
> good people can always come to the Yahoo group we moved to.

:-( I see that falling apart soon. Strange though, ARA endures.

> Saint
> Usenet Administration <ad...@MUBJONEH.ORG.UA> wrote in message news:<>...
> > As many of you are aware, this newsgroup is slated
> > for removal on January 31st, 2001. The vote was
> > taken at the end of last year, and there was a large
> > marjority who wants to see this group removed.
> >
> > If you are a regular reader, you need to make other arrangements.
> >
> > --
> > Calvin M. da Silva, Usenet Administrator, ad...@MUBJONEH.ORG.UA
> > Where will we walk after Steve kicks the ugly ladder's cat?
> > There, it burns a jug too wet with her weak navel. <snippette>
> The rest was idiocy.

Comforted you, didn't it?

> Saint

Saint David

Jan 15, 2002, 5:07:07 PM1/15/02
Hey, "David H. Ellison"

What is your problem with me? After all these years, you still cannot
ignore me, and I think your addiction to this group is every much as
pathetic as mine is. You started on this group before I did. And
you've played the ass on this group for a number of long, arduous
years where I and others have had to put up with your vapid barking.
So why doesn't what you say about me, apply to you?

> Saint (You've got to be kidding, right?)

No I don't have to be kidding. But I just might be kidding. It all
depends on whether you can understand the joke.

> Uh... duh. Usenet doesn't work that way.

Oh, well thanks for informing us by putting us all down who are atill
blissfully unaware of how Usenet works. "duh, Uh," is simply an
immature way to tell someone they are, in your vaunted opinion, dumber
than you. What right have you got to act in this manner? Does it make
you more spiritual then, to belittle others who don't know as much
useless and unimportant information as you do?

> You have groups like alt.flame.nigger, and "everything", are you
> really ignorant (being kind, here, implying that you MAY be capable of learning (LOL).

Laugh all you want, David, it does not make you any smarter. Nor does
it make you look any smarter. Which to this group, I daresay, is more
important than actually being smart. I wouldn't know about the groups
you are apparently hanging out in or subscribing to. They don't show
up on any of my Usenet lists.
Nor would I care to research them if they did. As far as your
"kindness" goes. To me it is incipient evil. You really just love to
try and hurt me. Which is your problem, not mine. Hurting with words
seems to be a forte' of yours. Maybe someday it will heal you or save
a life or something. But I doubt it. Most people who are hurtful, like
yourself, I find wind up at somep point begging God on their knees to
forgive them for hurting others. Perhpas there is nothing in your life
you need to feel repentant for, but it WILL come. Believe me. If you
live long enough.

> > But if it
> > is, all I can say is good riddance to this group.
> FUCK! Say good riddance now.

Good riddance to you. I believe I already said it in my previous post.
Or are you as dense as you think others are?

> You've said it a thousand times before.

And I may say it a thousand times hence. It is my right and privilege
that I do so.

> Is that the only way you can break your
> pathetic dependence on this ng? Grow up.

Look, I was commenting on something I feel good about, seeing this
group and its incipient evil simply be plucked off the server. That
would be nice. But I also said I doubted it would happen. But I still
have a right to express my disgust with person's of your ilk. Do I
not? And you can still go on and on about my IQ or whatever and still
never be right.

> Leave if you don't like it, or stay and whine, but at least try and get a
> clue, here.

Getting a clue from the likes of you is very much like squeezing blood
from a turnip. All you care about is seeing me leave. But guess what.
I come and go as I please and will continue to do so. I will comment
on what I like, when I like and you can then make your negative
comments about me. But that doesn't preclude the idea that you still
are an ass. I don't believe you know what whining is. It is a moaning
and expression of anxiety and stress which you yourself give voice to
every time you read a post of mine. Prescription: Stop reading my
posts and you will no longer sound whiney.

> > Though I've met some
> > good people here and have had some fun, the evil which still resides
> > and breeds here is seemingly unstoppable.
> LOL, evil? Is that what you call people who don't agree with you? You have some serious issues, no doubt stemming
> from your early abuse.

What would you know about any early abuse in my life? You deny
everything human about me. Which is evil on your part. Your spreading
of viruses, slanders, lies and other filthy things is also, evil. Your
taking part in the constant terrorist type tactics against me here on
this board, evil. Your friends whom you fully support in their
attacks, have tried to physically threaten and abuse me, evil. That's
what I call evil. Ellison. And if you think you aren't capable of it
somehow by virtue of the fact that you can actually type on a
keyboard, is retarded as well. In fact you started the evil here, want
to see yourself as leader of it and continue its presence here
undaunted by any pleas on anyone else's part. This to me makes you
vicious and unrepentant without the heart of a human being. Soulless
is what you are. Because you yourself cannot stop your harassment of
either myself or others here. You think you are being "smart" and
witty. When you are being cold, cruel and evil. That's my two cents,
don't spend it all in one place.

> > It would be nice to wake up
> > and find the place vanished.
> Right, cause then you wouldn't have to admit to yourself, that not everyone agrees with your idea of who you think
> you are. You wouldn't have to take responsibility.

You have no idea of who I am. Nor have I presented myself for your
perusal except in the most cursory of ways. All I am to you is a thorn
in your side which you whine about on occassion. You have not one
notion of what responsibility is, or what spirituality is or what even
common sense dictates. You aren't worth anyone's time or effort. And
that's why I barely say two words to you anymore. So please, David.
get over yourself, you aren't "all that and a bag of chips." I'm sure
the nerdiest kid in your school on his worst day could out think you
and slap you down without breaking a sweat. You are that cowardly sort
of bully that uses words because he is handicapped physically by his
lack of strength, both of body and character.

> Want the ng gone, delete from your folder.

That doesn't make the NG gone. That just makes me blind to it. And why
not blind yourself to me, so you don't have to complain all the time
when I am not writing to you? Just a thought. Or do you like

> > No more need to hear the stupid remarks
> > of certain alienated hostile beings who seem to want to rule a virtual
> > "netherworld" populated not by truly original and interesting posts,
> > but only by cronies and cohorts who keep expressing the same trash
> > whenever they get a spare moment.
> Talking about you right? Just stop posting.

Look, the old I'm rubber you're glue trick doesn't work on adults. I
was talking specifically about you. Art and Boggle too. Worthless
individual voices here who speak tripe and trash and do nothing good
for anyone. You just stop posting. You haven't posted anything worth
reading here in months.

> > However the rubbish attached to this
> > piece makes me think it's just another Boggle-Like fib. The poetry by
> > the way is nowhere near as good as Dylan's or Lennon's. It is surreal
> > without a reason to be. Oh, well. I will miss Sator Ukko and David
> > Raphael and Lori and a few others. The rest...well, as I said, good
> > riddance.
> LOL, you can never say "good riddance".

Sure I can, good riddance to bad garbage, Ellison. Nothing you say is
worth repeating, listening to or even contemplating for the length of
time it took me to post this.


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