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Fred Exley

Sep 5, 2017, 2:22:54 AM9/5/17
The Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal
government from imposing cruel and unusual punishment for federal
crimes. But if you didn't commit any crime, it's ok. Nevertheless,
deporting children of illegal aliens is indeed cruel and unusual by the
courts own definition:

"A defendant need not suffer actual physical injury or pain before a
punishment will be declared cruel and unusual. In Trop v. Dulles,
(1958), the U.S. Supreme Court held that the use of denationalization
(the deprivation of citizenship) as a punishment is barred by the Eighth

The Court reasoned that when someone is denationalized, "there may be
involved no physical mistreatment, no primitive torture. There is
instead the total destruction of the individual's status in organized
society. It is a form of punishment more primitive than torture, for it
destroys for the individual the political existence that was centuries
in the development."

I can think of no cruelty more extreme than sending someone who left
Mexico or some other shithole at an age too young to remember anything
about it, and sending them back there to fend for themselves, with no
means of doing so. David

Sep 5, 2017, 2:22:54 AM9/5/17

"Fred Exley" <> wrote in message news:ool09l$f68$
Unusual in this case can mean "not customary". As for the other. Have to agree. I
read "The Man without a Country" as a child. Made me wonder about the people who said
they hated their country.

But then again I love my country.

Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd,
As home his footsteps he hath turn'd,
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonor'd, and unsung.

Sir Walter Scott

The Spirit Of '76

Sep 5, 2017, 7:09:44 AM9/5/17
When I offered George Bush a hit off of a joint pot was decriminalized and I was protesting the total legalization. They tortured me and broke my back which pushed me out of the right to peacefully protest. Then they made it illegal so any discussion would be criminal. Then the mother fucker got elected president and I could not get elected janitor.

I am still being extorted by the State of Texas which is now using the IRS to threaten to kill me. Now I have additional injuries and kidnappings and other extortions by you conservative bags of shit using niggers to do your bidding.

Violently exterminate the United States government with extreme prejudice

The Spirit Of '76

Sep 5, 2017, 7:11:46 AM9/5/17
Loyalist piece of shit you need to be tarred and feathered


Sep 5, 2017, 7:17:45 AM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 7:09 AM, The Spirit Of '76 wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 2:22:54 AM UTC-4, Fred Exley wrote:
>> The Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal
>> government from imposing cruel and unusual punishment for federal
>> crimes. But if you didn't commit any crime, it's ok. Nevertheless,
>> deporting children of illegal aliens is indeed cruel and unusual by the
>> courts own definition:
>> "A defendant need not suffer actual physical injury or pain before a
>> punishment will be declared cruel and unusual. In Trop v. Dulles,
>> (1958), the U.S. Supreme Court held that the use of denationalization
>> (the deprivation of citizenship) as a punishment is barred by the Eighth
>> Amendment.
>> The Court reasoned that when someone is denationalized, "there may be
>> involved no physical mistreatment, no primitive torture. There is
>> instead the total destruction of the individual's status in organized
>> society. It is a form of punishment more primitive than torture, for it
>> destroys for the individual the political existence that was centuries
>> in the development."
>> I can think of no cruelty more extreme than sending someone who left
>> Mexico or some other shithole at an age too young to remember anything
>> about it, and sending them back there to fend for themselves, with no
>> means of doing so.
> When I offered George Bush a hit off of a joint pot was decriminalized and I was protesting the total legalization. They tortured me and broke my back which pushed me out of the right to peacefully protest. Then they made it illegal so any discussion would be criminal. Then the mother fucker got elected president and I could not get elected janitor.

Well... there's your problem.... Janitor is NOT an elected position.

> I am still being extorted by the State of Texas which is now using the IRS to threaten to kill me. Now I have additional injuries and kidnappings and other extortions by you conservative bags of shit using niggers to do your bidding.
> Violently exterminate the United States government with extreme prejudice

Narcissistic control freaks always consider their perceptions and
opinions to be obvious and true.
- Frank "Socrates"

The Spirit Of '76

Sep 5, 2017, 7:53:21 AM9/5/17
You only need one vote on an interview. I went broke going on them. I hitch hiked cross country and worked my ass off obtaining interveiws only to be robbed and lied to systemically. Il earned that word systemically when Jante Reno was on TV. I was interviewed when I caught her agent vadalized property in Miami Beach. My last job the guy is still telling room fulls of people they will make $150 a day yet I went into debt working for him and am not allowed food stamps. The Wolf of wall street character was just arrested by the FBI for robbing millions in insurance money. He has been competing against me and I am an honest hardworking moral person.
I worked at MAr a Lago and was attacked repeatedly and denied health care for the injuries. I cannot even put a tool belt on because of the pain. Yes elections are a higher form of job interviews.
The FBI is pure shit.


Sep 5, 2017, 7:55:11 AM9/5/17
Fred Exley wrote:

>I can think of no cruelty more extreme than sending someone who left
>Mexico or some other shithole at an age too young to remember
>anything about it, and sending them back there to fend for
>themselves, with no means of doing so.

It was the parents that invoked this fate upon their children by
bringing them illegally into this country. Why does this simple fact
of breaking laws keep getting ignored by the bleeding hearts?

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong
enough to take everything you have." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Message has been deleted

The Spirit Of '76

Sep 5, 2017, 8:04:29 AM9/5/17
Obviously by conservative like Jeb Bush who kidnap and torture
patriots like me for swimming in the Florida Keys. I am not Cuban
and after that James Bond Movie came out when John Hinckley shot
Reagan they thought I looked like Hinckley from Cuba. After they
inquisitioned me in multiple languages with East German spies on
a US Navy ship they found out my Ggggrt grandpa Jon Bomb and his
brothers started the MD and Pa Militias and the 1st Continental
army. Jeb Bush then turned Catholic for the sole purpose of conservative votes.


Sep 5, 2017, 8:54:41 AM9/5/17
In article <>, says...

> Why does this simple fact of breaking laws keep getting ignored by the
> bleeding hearts?

It's not ignored, we hear about immigration every election cycle by
*both* sides that benefit from it in political strategy. Why fix &
compromise on the situation when it benefits more from the agendas &
podium shouting. The "bleeding" heart and the *law* logic is a better
mindset to persuade. If the issue is fixed those 2 arguments are
removed, hence no more leverage.

Charlie M. 1958

Sep 5, 2017, 9:22:14 AM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 6:55 AM, badgolferman wrote:

> It was the parents that invoked this fate upon their children by
> bringing them illegally into this country. Why does this simple fact
> of breaking laws keep getting ignored by the bleeding hearts?

So you have no problem punishing innocent people for the crimes of their


Sep 5, 2017, 10:22:56 AM9/5/17
So you have no problem punishing us for the crimes of their parents?


Sep 5, 2017, 10:27:48 AM9/5/17
On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 2:22:54 AM UTC-4, Fred Exley wrote:
> I can think of no cruelty more extreme than sending someone who left
> Mexico or some other shithole at an age too young to remember anything
> about it, and sending them back there to fend for themselves, with no
> means of doing so.

Maybe the youth and their parents will head north!

Mark Warner

Sep 5, 2017, 10:32:37 AM9/5/17
Yeah, them brown kids gonna take all the good jobs frum us 'Mercuns.

Mark Warner
...lose .inhibitions when replying

Charlie M. 1958

Sep 5, 2017, 11:26:36 AM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 9:22 AM, badgolferman wrote:

> So you have no problem punishing us for the crimes of their parents?

Are you completely lacking in empathy?

I believe you've mentioned that one of you parents was not originally
from this country. So it shouldn't be too difficult for you to imagine a
different scenario where both your parents were foreigners who brought
you into this country as an infant and stayed illegally after their
visas expired.

So then , as a young man, instead of serving the only country you've
ever know in the Air Force, you're told you're being sent back to some
hellhole you've never even visited. Do you think that would feel like

Mark Warner

Sep 5, 2017, 11:36:03 AM9/5/17
He's got his. Fuck everybody else.


Sep 5, 2017, 11:55:17 AM9/5/17
My parents both stood in line and got their citizenships. Why did they
enforce immigration laws in those days and not now? You can't even
enter Canada from other countries without proving you can support

Mark Warner

Sep 5, 2017, 12:01:35 PM9/5/17
On 09/05/2017 11:55 AM, badgolferman wrote:
> My parents both stood in line and got their citizenships. Why did they
> enforce immigration laws in those days and not now? You can't even
> enter Canada from other countries without proving you can support
> yourself.

So "sins of the father" applies?

Mark Warner
Registered Linux User #415318
...lose .inhibitions when replying

Charlie M. 1958

Sep 5, 2017, 12:13:32 PM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 10:55 AM, badgolferman wrote:
> Charlie M. 1958 wrote:
>> On 9/5/2017 9:22 AM, badgolferman wrote:

> My parents both stood in line and got their citizenships.

But what if they hadn't, Mike? How would you feel about being deported
from the only "home" country you'd ever known?

Why did they
> enforce immigration laws in those days and not now? You can't even
> enter Canada from other countries without proving you can support
> yourself.

I'm not suggesting for a moment that we should tear up the immigration
laws and throw open the borders. I'm just saying we should cut a break
to young people who got here illegally through no fault of their own,
and who want to be productive, law-abiding citizens.

Charlie M. 1958

Sep 5, 2017, 12:41:09 PM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 9:32 AM, Mark Warner wrote:

> Yeah, them brown kids gonna take all the good jobs frum us 'Mercuns.

On local talk radio this morning a caller, who identified himself as a
black male in the real estate development field, stated that the
unemployment rate for black males in New Orleans is 55%, and that
Mexicans are taking the available jobs away.

First of all, I question his number. It's high, but I don't think it's
55%. But then I wanted to ask him what percentage of /that/ number was
actively seeking work and would accept a full-time manual labor job. And
of those who would accept such a job if offered, what percentage would
actually show up for work and bust their asses every day the way the
Mexicans do?

Then someone else texted in to the host and asked, "If African-Americans
want to work, how come it's only Mexicans lined up in front of Home
Depot looking for day jobs?"


Sep 5, 2017, 12:45:07 PM9/5/17
It was precisely because of the lax immigration law enforcement by
previous administrations that parents brought their kids into this
country. You are rewarding their illegal activities by feeling sorry
for the kids which is exactly what the scofflaws are depending on.
Your constant attempt to personalize it for me is also a moot point.
None of what you say occurred for me since both my parents stood in
line and waited their turn. In the meantime they went to school and
learned the language. In other words they assimilated into the culture
and didn't try to force the natives to learn theirs.

Sep 5, 2017, 12:45:17 PM9/5/17
What you have to understand about all this is that the people talking so flippantly about deportation are technically quite correct.

We're a nation of laws, which is what made Trump's pardon of Joe Whassisname so shocking.

If we are going to claim to be a nation governed by law, we ought to be applying law in a consistent fashion. Otherwise, law become a matter of the whims of the powerful. (See Trump's pardon of Sherriff Joe, above.)

So, being technically correct, many racists/ xenophobes feel smug in being able to cloak their racism/xenophobia behind proper application of law.

"I'm not racist," they can shout. "It's the law!"

They want to be very quiet about the idea that when law leads to injustice, law should *always* be amended. Otherwise, injustice is codified.

Which the racists and xenophobes would be quite comfortable seeing happen.

Not all who want to emphasize the rule of law are racists and/or xenophobes, but you can be damned sure that *many* the the folks hiding behind the idea *are* racists and or/xenophobes.

You can spot some of them on araa, if you just look carefully.


Sep 5, 2017, 12:56:26 PM9/5/17
to wrote:

>What you have to understand about all this is that the people talking
>so flippantly about deportation are technically quite correct.
>We're a nation of laws, which is what made Trump's pardon of Joe
>Whassisname so shocking.
>If we are going to claim to be a nation governed by law, we ought to
>be applying law in a consistent fashion. Otherwise, law become a
>matter of the whims of the powerful. (See Trump's pardon of Sherriff
>Joe, above.)
>So, being technically correct, many racists/ xenophobes feel smug in
>being able to cloak their racism/xenophobia behind proper application
>of law.
>"I'm not racist," they can shout. "It's the law!"
>They want to be very quiet about the idea that when law leads to
>injustice, law should always be amended. Otherwise, injustice is
>Which the racists and xenophobes would be quite comfortable seeing
>Not all who want to emphasize the rule of law are racists and/or
>xenophobes, but you can be damned sure that many the the folks hiding
>behind the idea are racists and or/xenophobes.
>You can spot some of them on araa, if you just look carefully.

Racist, homophobe, bigot, Nazi, xenophobe, blah blah blah. It always
comes down to name calling and attempts at shutting up people by
labeling them.

Fred Exley

Sep 5, 2017, 1:04:44 PM9/5/17
That's why slavery was such a good thing. Otherwise, they just sit on
their asses.

Charlie M. 1958

Sep 5, 2017, 1:10:49 PM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 11:45 AM, badgolferman wrote:

> It was precisely because of the lax immigration law enforcement by
> previous administrations that parents brought their kids into this
> country. You are rewarding their illegal activities by feeling sorry
> for the kids which is exactly what the scofflaws are depending on.

For the record, one thing I've always been against is babies born to
illegal immigrants having automatic citizenship.

> Your constant attempt to personalize it for me is also a moot point.
> None of what you say occurred for me since both my parents stood in
> line and waited their turn.

Yeah, but you had no control over whether they did or /didn't/ do it the
right way. I'm only personalizing it to try to help you understand what
it would feel like to be in those shoes. I hate to preach, but dammit,
Mike.... about 95% of the world's problems would go away if people could
actually see things from the other guy's point of view.

In the meantime they went to school and
> learned the language. In other words they assimilated into the culture
> and didn't try to force the natives to learn theirs.

That's a different topic, but I agree with you there. I don't care if
people want to keep their language and culture as a part of their
personal lives, but I don't think we should be educating kids in
Spanish-speaking schools unless learning English is the number one priority.

Fred Exley

Sep 5, 2017, 1:11:40 PM9/5/17
Maybe you're on to something. If somebody commits a really, really bad
crime we should wipe out his whole gene pool of descendants -all his
offspring should be executed, not deported.


Sep 5, 2017, 1:16:22 PM9/5/17
On 09/05/2017 07:55 AM, badgolferman wrote:

> It was the parents that invoked this fate upon their children by
> bringing them illegally into this country. Why does this simple fact
> of breaking laws keep getting ignored by the bleeding hearts?

To hell with that breaking laws shit...Lawmakers themselves do it all
the time, so I don't buy into this grandstanding by the illegal
immigration Nazis...How about taking it on a case by case basis...If a
person has been here 10 years or so and been productive, why not let
them stay ?

Mark Warner

Sep 5, 2017, 1:30:28 PM9/5/17
If he's been productive, then he's taken a job away from a good Mercun.
And if he's not, then he's a lazy fuck sucking to public tit.

Therefore, they're all bad.

Sep 5, 2017, 1:43:32 PM9/5/17
Where is that happening (outside of second-language schools targeting parents who want their English-speaking children to acquire a second language)?

Sep 5, 2017, 1:51:06 PM9/5/17
Look, Michael, I'm willing to meet you halfway.

You're technically correct, as a matter of law.

But why hide yourself? Why even try? The law is on your side, so it doesn't matter.

You ought to be upset about the pardon of Sherriff Joe. You're not. You're okay with it. Yeah, he was in violation of the US Constitution. Our system of law has affirmed that. If you were *really* on the side of law, we all know what your stance would have to be.

But since he was only targeting those "Mexican-looking" people, you're okay with what he was doing, and you're okay with a presidential pardon.

Why don't you just own it, Michael? No one here will think any less of you. Ted will like you more for it, as will Dave and a couple of others.

There rest of us already caught on, and we couldn't think any less of you anyway.

Sep 5, 2017, 1:54:23 PM9/5/17
If this were really your main concern, you would be all about punishing their parents. You're not.

You want to see the innocent punished with the guilty.

There are atheists in this group closer to the kingdom of Heaven than you are.


Sep 5, 2017, 2:10:38 PM9/5/17
Bingo...Well put.

Charlie M. 1958

Sep 5, 2017, 2:21:00 PM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 12:43 PM, wrote:
> Where is that happening (outside of second-language schools targeting parents who want their English-speaking children to acquire a second language)?

I'm not saying there are public schools where learning English is not
part of the curriculum. But the good intentions of legislation like
California's proposition 58 are making it easier for kids and their
parents to avoid learning English. (This is according to several friends
who are/were public school teachers in districts that have experienced a
large influx of Spanish-speaking students in the past 12 years since
Hurricane Katrina.)


Sep 5, 2017, 2:51:10 PM9/5/17
On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 1:51:06 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Why don't you just own it, Michael? No one here will think any less of you. Ted will like you more for it, as will Dave and a couple of others.



Sep 5, 2017, 3:46:02 PM9/5/17
to wrote:

>Look, Michael, I'm willing to meet you halfway.
>You're technically correct, as a matter of law.
>But why hide yourself? Why even try? The law is on your side, so it
>doesn't matter.
>You ought to be upset about the pardon of Sherriff Joe. You're not.
>You're okay with it. Yeah, he was in violation of the US
>Constitution. Our system of law has affirmed that. If you were
>really on the side of law, we all know what your stance would have to
>But since he was only targeting those "Mexican-looking" people,
>you're okay with what he was doing, and you're okay with a
>presidential pardon.
>Why don't you just own it, Michael? No one here will think any less
>of you. Ted will like you more for it, as will Dave and a couple of
>There rest of us already caught on, and we couldn't think any less of
>you anyway.

You know what, you and Warner and LaRocca and anyone else calling me a
racist can just shove it. You have no idea what I do to help other
people. I spend hours a week in jails which are more than 90% black
working one-on-one with these people to help them recover from
alcoholism. I've put up good money and time getting them into halfway
houses or putting them up in my home out of jail. My best friend who I
play golf with all the time is black. I was born in Washington DC and
grew up and went to school with them. I've spent more time with black
people than all of you put together. So take your fake moral
superiority and all the illegal immigrants and put them up in your own
house and pay for their expenses yourself. I don't give a shit that
you call yourself a Catholic priest because I certainly haven't seen
any traits of a man of God exhibited here by you. The way you attack
people's character is right out of the handbook of progressive liberals.

Until you people start taking it up the ass from a black man I will
consider all of you racist homophobes too. Fuck all of you!

Mark Warner

Sep 5, 2017, 3:53:55 PM9/5/17
On 9/5/2017 3:46 PM, badgolferman wrote:
> Until you people start taking it up the ass from a black man I will
> consider all of you racist homophobes too. Fuck all of you!

Why bring tedw into this?


Sep 5, 2017, 4:59:03 PM9/5/17
What does "having black friends" or "helping black people" have to do with
any of this?

By your logic, Louis Farrakhan could not possibly be a racist, as he no
doubt has plenty of black friends in the Nation of Islam, and he has no
doubt "helped [some] black people."

Do you really believe that "having black friends" or "helping black
prisoners" means you are not a racist?

Any hispanics in the local jail? Did you help any of them? You helped the
black prisoners. Why not the others?

(I notice you have nothing to say about the Sheriff Joe pardon. Of course,
my objection my be because I'm a "progressive liberal."

Just like that other "flaming liberal, whassisname . . . ? Oh yeah.

George Will.)


Sep 5, 2017, 5:39:54 PM9/5/17
On 09/05/2017 03:46 PM, badgolferman wrote:

> You know what, you and Warner and LaRocca and anyone else calling me a
> racist can just shove it. You have no idea what I do to help other
> people. I spend hours a week in jails which are more than 90% black
> working one-on-one with these people to help them recover from
> alcoholism. I've put up good money and time getting them into halfway
> houses or putting them up in my home out of jail. My best friend who I
> play golf with all the time is black. I was born in Washington DC and
> grew up and went to school with them. I've spent more time with black
> people than all of you put together. So take your fake moral
> superiority and all the illegal immigrants and put them up in your own
> house and pay for their expenses yourself. I don't give a shit that
> you call yourself a Catholic priest because I certainly haven't seen
> any traits of a man of God exhibited here by you. The way you attack
> people's character is right out of the handbook of progressive liberals.
> Until you people start taking it up the ass from a black man I will
> consider all of you racist homophobes too. Fuck all of you!

You're a touchy fucker aren't you ?...For the record, I have never
called you a racist, but you are, in my opinion, a neo-con.

One thing is certain...All of your good works does not stop you from
being a prick, so save the qualifiers you throw out there in your
defense...They don't mean shit.

Skeezix LaRocca

Sep 5, 2017, 7:10:49 PM9/5/17
On 09/05/2017 01:30 PM, Mark Warner wrote:

> If he's been productive, then he's taken a job away from a good Mercun.
> And if he's not, then he's a lazy fuck sucking to public tit.
> Therefore, they're all bad.

Neo-Con logic 101


We all do better when we all do better.

Paul Wellstone


Sep 5, 2017, 7:33:51 PM9/5/17
You agreed with Rob calling me a racist when you said "Bingo. Well put."
That sure looks like you think I'm a racist.

People like Warner and Exley say overtly racist things and no one
challenges them, yet tedw and I get the brunt of the character
assassinations not because of something we say but because that is your
method of discrediting us -- and you just go along with it.


Sep 5, 2017, 7:37:41 PM9/5/17
Tell them to go to the back of the line, just like people before them had
to. I resent these people getting preferential treatment when my parents
had to do it the right way. All of this because the damned politicians want
to get a lousy fucking vote.

Mark Warner

Sep 5, 2017, 9:00:47 PM9/5/17
On 09/05/2017 07:37 PM, badgolferman wrote:
> Mark Warner <> wrote:
>> If he's been productive, then he's taken a job away from a good Mercun.
>> And if he's not, then he's a lazy fuck sucking the public tit.
>> Therefore, they're all bad.
> Tell them to go to the back of the line, just like people before them had
> to. I resent these people getting preferential treatment when my parents
> had to do it the right way. All of this because the damned politicians want
> to get a lousy fucking vote.

These kids never /got/ in line. They were *brought* here. They have done
nothing wrong. Yet you want to punish them for their parents' misdeeds.

And it has nothing to do with votes. They're not getting citizenship out
of this, they're just getting green cards and are freed from the threat
of expulsion.


Sep 5, 2017, 9:01:19 PM9/5/17

That's very interesting. I was not aware that I "called you a racist."

I remember replying to someone else about racism and xenophobia, and that
there are some racists/xenophobes on this group, and that they are not that
hard to spot.

Funny how you figured I must have been speaking of you . . .

>when you said "Bingo. Well put."
> That sure looks like you think I'm a racist.
> People like Warner and Exley say overtly racist things and no one
> challenges them, yet tedw and I get the brunt of the character
> assassinations not because of something we say but because that is your
> method of discrediting us -- and you just go along with it.

Why on earth would I desire to "discredit" you?

Ted ("You can drink safely if you have the proper spiritual experience") W.
I get. I think he's an idiot who ought to be called out on such nonsense.

But you? What is there in your message I would want to "discredit?"

The Spirit Of '76

Sep 6, 2017, 3:07:19 AM9/6/17
On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 9:22:14 AM UTC-4, Charlie M. 1958 wrote:
> On 9/5/2017 6:55 AM, badgolferman wrote:
> >
> > It was the parents that invoked this fate upon their children by
> > bringing them illegally into this country. Why does this simple fact
> > of breaking laws keep getting ignored by the bleeding hearts?
> >
> So you have no problem punishing innocent people for the crimes of their
> parents?

They should be tortured to death. Get the fuck out of my country you bleeding heart bag of capitalist shit

The Spirit Of '76

Sep 6, 2017, 3:07:48 AM9/6/17
On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 10:32:37 AM UTC-4, Mark Warner wrote:
> On 9/5/2017 10:22 AM, badgolferman wrote:
> > Charlie M. 1958 wrote:
> >> On 9/5/2017 6:55 AM, badgolferman wrote:
> >>>
> >>> It was the parents that invoked this fate upon their children by
> >>> bringing them illegally into this country. Why does this simple
> >>> fact of breaking laws keep getting ignored by the bleeding hearts?
> >>
> >> So you have no problem punishing innocent people for the crimes of
> >> their parents?
> >
> > So you have no problem punishing us for the crimes of their parents?
> Yeah, them brown kids gonna take all the good jobs frum us 'Mercuns.
> --
> Mark Warner
> ...lose .inhibitions when replying

You think it is funny. You fucking piece of Jew shit

Jon G.

Sep 6, 2017, 10:32:09 PM9/6/17
On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 8:04:29 AM UTC-4, The Spirit Of '76 wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 7:55:11 AM UTC-4, badgolferman wrote:
> > Fred Exley wrote:
> >
> > >I can think of no cruelty more extreme than sending someone who left
> > >Mexico or some other shithole at an age too young to remember
> > >anything about it, and sending them back there to fend for
> > >themselves, with no means of doing so.
> >
> >
> >
> > It was the parents that invoked this fate upon their children by
> > bringing them illegally into this country. Why does this simple fact
> > of breaking laws keep getting ignored by the bleeding hearts?
> >
> > --
> > "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong
> > enough to take everything you have." ~ Thomas Jefferson
> Obviously by conservative like Jeb Bush who kidnap and torture
> patriots like me for swimming in the Florida Keys. I am not Cuban
> and after that James Bond Movie came out when John Hinckley shot
> Reagan they thought I looked like Hinckley from Cuba. After they
> inquisitioned me in multiple languages with East German spies on
> a US Navy ship they found out my Ggggrt grandpa Jon Bomb and his
> brothers started the MD and Pa Militias and the 1st Continental
> army. Jeb Bush then turned Catholic for the sole purpose of conservative votes.

Torture is like being put in a cage too small to sit upright in or lay down in, and being kept in it for weeks, months or years. No food, no water, no sanitation, no clothing in the winter.

Ted H

Sep 7, 2017, 5:09:16 PM9/7/17
Hey, there's that empathy 58 was asking about!

Ted H.

Ted H

Sep 7, 2017, 5:12:50 PM9/7/17
Yeah, I asked myself the same qustion, cause I sure hadn't noticed

> I remember replying to someone else about racism and
> xenophobia, and that there are some racists/xenophobes on this
> group, and that they are not that hard to spot.
> Funny how you figured I must have been speaking of you . . .

Well, I did go back and look at the post Mike was replying to, and
this bit could potentially be construed as a veiled reference to
being a racist:

> ...since he was only targeting those "Mexican-looking" people,
> you're okay with what he was doing, and you're okay with a
> presidential pardon.

But seems a bit of a stretch to me.

Ted H.


Sep 8, 2017, 12:09:17 AM9/8/17
On 2017-09-05 7:00 PM, Mark Warner wrote:
> On 09/05/2017 07:37 PM, badgolferman wrote:
>> Mark Warner <> wrote:
>>> If he's been productive, then he's taken a job away from a good Mercun.
>>> And if he's not, then he's a lazy fuck sucking the public tit.
>>> Therefore, they're all bad.
>> Tell them to go to the back of the line, just like people before them
>> had
>> to. I resent these people getting preferential treatment when my parents
>> had to do it the right way. All of this because the damned
>> politicians want
>> to get a lousy fucking vote.
> These kids never /got/ in line. They were *brought* here. They have
> done nothing wrong. Yet you want to punish them for their parents'
> misdeeds.
> And it has nothing to do with votes. They're not getting citizenship
> out of this, they're just getting green cards and are freed from the
> threat of expulsion.
NON citizens residing in a country should NOT be entitled to all the
rights given by that nation's constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.. Only
the barest of rights should be granted

NON-citizens, e.g on a green card they can be allowed to work but NOT
earn entitlements to pensions, etc. Any medical coverage would be at
their OWN expense.


Sep 8, 2017, 10:44:08 AM9/8/17
RobD wrote:

>That's very interesting. I was not aware that I "called you a
>I remember replying to someone else about racism and xenophobia, and
>that there are some racists/xenophobes on this group, and that they
>are not that hard to spot.
>Funny how you figured I must have been speaking of you . . .

Stop acting stupid. You and everyone else knows who you were talking
about since you always talk about tedw or me. Hide behind your robe as
much as you want, but it's clear you don't abide by the doctrines of
the Catholic Church or even the decency of minister.

"Not all who want to emphasize the rule of law are racists and/or
xenophobes, but you can be damned sure that many the the folks hiding
behind the idea are racists and or/xenophobes. You can spot some of
them on araa, if you just look carefully."

"But why hide yourself? Why even try? The law is on your side, so it
doesn't matter. Why don't you just own it, Michael? No one here will


Sep 8, 2017, 2:04:07 PM9/8/17
On 9/8/2017 Masquerader Mikey wrote:
> RobD wrote:

>> Huh.
>> That's very interesting. I was not aware that I "called you a
>> racist."
>> I remember replying to someone else about racism and xenophobia, and
>> that there are some racists/xenophobes on this group, and that they
>> are not that hard to spot.
>> Funny how you figured I must have been speaking of you . . .

> Stop acting stupid. You and everyone else knows who you were talking
> about since you always talk about tedw or me. Hide behind your robe as
> much as you want, but it's clear you don't abide by the doctrines of
> the Catholic Church or even the decency of minister.

Just when I thought you had maxed out your assholiness résumé you take
it to another level. Yet another example of your "spiritual awakening"
in action.

The act of being a glorified asshole. A person who by definition is
competing for the title of biggest asshole on the planet.

"I hope Trump saves one last massive push for a giant shit on
Washington." Masquerader Mikey 8/26/17


Sep 8, 2017, 2:16:35 PM9/8/17
What a sad, pitiful existence you lead when your source of entertainment is
stalking other people.


Sep 8, 2017, 3:08:05 PM9/8/17
On 9/8/2017 masquerader Mike wrote:

> What a sad, pitiful existence you lead when your source of entertainment is
> stalking other people.

LOL, stalking? No surprise you would flatter yourself. You're just used
to feeding desperate pigeons your holier than thou shtick and having a
/few/ of them buy into it.

This is the real world. People are smarter, more experienced, /truly/
sober, emotionally mature and equipped with advanced bullshit detectors.

That makes seeing through the masquerade to the rude, humorless,
resentful narcissist that is the *real* you easy. Keep coming back,
maybe someday you /will/ "know a new freedom and a new happiness."

Why is everybody always picking on you?:

"I hope Trump saves one last massive push for a giant shit on
Washington." Dry Drunk Mikey 8/26/17


Sep 8, 2017, 4:50:04 PM9/8/17
Yes, stalking. You can't help yourself from reading every message of mine
and responding to it. You are drawn to me like a moth is to a flame. At the
very least you are obsessed with me.


Sep 8, 2017, 5:17:10 PM9/8/17
On 9/8/2017 1:50 PM, badgolferman wrote:
> Socrates <> wrote:
>> On 9/8/2017 masquerader Mike wrote:
>>> What a sad, pitiful existence you lead when your source of entertainment is
>>> stalking other people.

>> LOL, stalking? No surprise you would flatter yourself. You're just used
>> to feeding desperate pigeons your holier than thou shtick and having a
>> /few/ of them buy into it.
>> This is the real world. People are smarter, more experienced, /truly/
>> sober, emotionally mature and equipped with advanced bullshit detectors.
>> That makes seeing through the masquerade to the rude, humorless,
>> resentful narcissist that is the *real* you easy. Keep coming back,
>> maybe someday you /will/ "know a new freedom and a new happiness."

> Yes, stalking. You can't help yourself from reading every message of mine
> and responding to it. You are drawn to me like a moth is to a flame. At the
> very least you are obsessed with me.

Kinda bugs you when someone's got your number, doesn't it?


Sep 8, 2017, 5:32:40 PM9/8/17
In article <oouvpr$ull$>, says...
You obviously do not fall in the agreeable circle so you will be placed
into the many different defective personality traits circle to explain
your disagreeing nature. Why bother?

I mean I'm sure as heck not defending you or anything but some here seem
to like the ping pong gotcha nonsense here, and you're falling right
into it hook line & sinker.

Fred Exley

Sep 8, 2017, 6:15:32 PM9/8/17


Sep 9, 2017, 7:17:40 AM9/9/17
If you hold up enough mirrors he gets all uncomfortable and whenever you
talk he sticks his fingers in his ears and shouts,
"LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa, I can't hear you, LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa"

Narcissistic control freaks always consider their perceptions and
opinions to be obvious and true.
- Frank "Socrates"
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