There is a major exception, Davis, CA.
It's symbol since the 1800s has been an old big wheel bike.
Most every road has bicycle lanes, there are bicycle paths, and no
new construction can't be implemented with bicyle plans.
Even when Target came into Davis, they had to have plenty of space
to lock bicycles and showers so employees could ride to work.
At the University of Davis, there are several places where attached
to cables are just about any bicycle tool one could need.
It connects to the greater Sacramento area. The American River Highway
is a bicycle only from 30 miles out of Sacramento to downtown, and along
the beautiful American River.
There's a train bridge from the turn of the century with two tunnels,
two lanes for cars and a seperate tunnel for bicyles.
When they were looking for a place to house the National Bicycle Museum,
Davis was selected as the most bicycle friendly city in the nation.
You couldn't live in a more bicycle friendly community.
The only problem is so many of the bicylists ignore the rules of the road,
ride recklessly, hit pedestrians and involved in accidents. Consequently,
the buses in town have huge signs saying "Spandax is not armor".
The biggest crime in Davis? Bicycle theft.