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::::Richard James discography V3.0

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Alan Michael Parry

Mar 15, 1994, 10:56:48 PM3/15/94

_______ ____________________________________________________
(__,-, \ :| |
/ /\ \ :| Discography for Richard D. James |
/,_) \ \ :| aka Aphex Twin, Polygon Window, Caustic Window etc |
(/ \\ :|____________________________________________________|

:::Information compiled by Alan M. Parry, flu'id (floo'-).
:::Many thanks to Ben Middleton and Vidar Hanssen for previous versions,
:::Teep for the J4, and to all those on IDM for additions and corrections.

Title: Aphex Twin featuring Schizophrenia - Analogue Bubblebath Vol 1
Released: 1992 (vinyl bootleg?)(TVT CD rerelease '94)
Label: Mighty Force Records (MF201)
Tracks: 125 05:02 Analogue Bubblebath
134 05:15 Isoprophlex
137 04:24 En Trance To Exit
132 05:26 AFX 2

Title: Q-Chastic EP (2x7" 500 pressed)
Released: 1992 (repressed)
Label: Rephlex CAT 002
Tracks: ??? ??:?? Q-Chastic
??? ??:?? Untitled
??? ??:?? Untitled
??? ??:?? Untitled

Title: The Aphex Twin (12")
Released: 1992 (repressed)
Label: R&S Belgium RS9201
Tracks: 146 07:13 Digeridoo
136 07:01 Flap Head
136 05:32 Phloam
136 05:32 Isoprophlex

Title: The Aphex Twin (UK 12")
Released: 1992
Label: R&S Belgium RSUK12
Tracks: 146 07:13 Digeridoo [Analogue Bubblebath 2]
136 07:01 Flap Head
125 04:49 Analogue Bubblebath 1
136 05:32 Isoprophlex

Title: The Aphex Twin (UK CD)
Released: 1992
Label: R&S Belgium (RSUK 12CD)
Tracks: 146 07:13 Digeridoo [Analogue Bubblebath 2]
125 04:49 Analogue Bubblebath 1
136 07:01 Flap Head
136 05:32 Isoprophlex

Title: Digeridoo Vol 2 [Analogue Bubblebath Vol 2]
Released: 1992
Label: Rabbit City Vol 2
Tracks: 146 ??:?? Digeridoo [Analogue Bubblebath 2]
151 ??:?? Untitled
136 ??:?? Untitled

Title: Aphex Twin - Xylem Tube EP (12")
Released: 1992 (repressed)
Label: R&S Belgium RS9209
Tracks: 145 04:48 Polynomial-C
158 06:30 Tamphex (Headphuq Mix)
143 05:51 Dodeccaheedron
154 05:02 Phlange Phace

Title: Caustic Window - JoyRex J4 EP
Released: 1992 (repressed)
Label: Rephlex Cat 004
Tracks: 152 04:20 Untitled
144 03:32 Popcorn
156 01:19 AFX II
132 04:36 Cordialotron
148 04:17 Italic Eyeball
122 00:20 Untitled

Title: Caustic Window - JoyRex J5 EP (limited white vinyl)
Released: 1992 (repressed)
Label: Rephlex Cat 005
Tracks: 150 05:26 Astroblaster
141 05:03 Untitled
151 06:58 Untitled
134 03:41 R2D2

Title: Powerpill: Pac Man EP (limited yellow vinyl)
Released: 1992
Label: ffrreedom TABX110
Tracks: ??? ??:?? Powerpill Mix
135 04:09 Ghost Mix
130 05:34 Choci's Hi Score Mix
133 05:02 Mickey Finns Yum Yum Mix

Title: Powerpill: Pac Man CD
Released: 1992
Label: ffrreedom TABCD110
Tracks: 133 03:32 Original Edit
135 04:09 Ghost Mix
130 05:34 Choci's Hi Score Mix
133 05:02 Mickey Finns Yum Yum Mix
133 04:05 Original Full Version

Title: Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Released: 1992 (repressed)
Label: R&S Belgium (AMB3922CD/LP)
Tracks: 115 04:51 Xtal
136 09:01 Tha
120 03:47 PulseWidth
102 05:21 Ageispolis
- 01:13 i
118 06:02 Green Calx
131 04:51 Heliosphan
103 07:42 We Are The Music Makers
135 05:07 Schottkey 7th Path
117 07:12 Ptolemy
125 06:02 Hedphelym
119 05:36 Delphium
126 07:35 Actium

Title: Aphex Twin - Analogue Bubblebath Vol 3 (vinyl)
Released: 1993
Label: Rephlex Cat 008
Tracks: 133 04:16 .215061
141 04:31 .000890569
- 00:38 .38
79/128 04:10 .0180871
154 04:18 .55278037732581
145 04:31 .942937
136 05:43 .1993841
144 00:31 AFX 6/b

Title: Aphex Twin - Analogue Bubblebath Vol 3 (CD) (limited bubble-wrap)
Released: 1993
Label: Rephlex Cat 008
Tracks: 133 03:54 .215061
136 08:03 .1993841
79 04:15 .0180871a
145 04:37 .942937
128 03:53 .0180871b
141 04:48 .000890569
154 04:20 .55278037732581
125 04:06 Untitled (Fluted)
125 05:07 Untitled (SS)
144 00:36 AFX 6/b
- 04:41 Untitled (BE)
- 00:54 Untitled (Shower Beats)
147 05:14 Untitled (Spectrum beats)

Title: Polygon Window - Surfing On Sine waves (limited clear vinyl)
Released: 1993
Label: Warp WARP LP7
Tracks: 134 05:24 Polygon Window
134 04:36 Audax Powder
139 05:34 Quoth
117 07:01 If It Really Is Me
148 04:04 Supremacy II
136 05:17 UT1-Dot
121 06:24 Untitled
140 06:00 Quixote
110 04:42 Quino-Phec

Title: Polygon Window - Quoth (limited clear vinyl)
Released: 1993
Label: Warp WAP 33 (WAP 33CD)
Tracks: 139 05:36 Quoth (Original)
140 04:31 Iketa
142 07:58 Quoth (Wooden Thump Mix)
92 06:00 Bike Pump Meets Bucket

Title: Polygon Window - Quoth
Released: 1993
Label: Warp WAP 33CD
Tracks: 139 05:36 Quoth (Original)
140 04:31 Iketa
142 07:58 Quoth (Wooden Thump Mix)
92 06:00 Bike Pump Meets Bucket
*140 06:49 Quoth (Hidden Mix)

*: CDs without a '7' in their serial number DO NOT have the unlisted track

Title: Caustic Window - JoyRex J9 EP
Released: 1993 (repressed)
Label: Rephlex Cat 009ii
Tracks: 152 06:07 Industro Garage Beats
159 03:32 AFX Dub
150 05:56 Industro Garbage Beats
136 04:00 Schmart

Title: Caustic Window - JoyRex J9 EP (limited 303 picture disc)
Released: 1993
Label: Rephlex Cat 009
Tracks: 152 06:07 Industro Garage Beats
144 05:41 H.M.N.A.

Title: Aphex Twin - On (part 1 of 2)
Released: 1993
Label: Warp WAP39
Tracks: 136 07:09 On
145 04:16 73 yips
137 06:55 D-Scape
144 05:46 Xepha

Title: Aphex Twin - On remixes (part 2 of 2)
Released: 1993
Label: Warp WAP39R
Tracks: 126 10:41 D-Scape Mix
132 07:07 Reload Mix
127 08:44 u-Ziq Mix
- 06:52 28 mix

Title: Aphex Twin - On (US)
Released: 1994
Label: Sire/Warner Bros.
Tracks: 136 07:09 On
145 04:16 73-Yips
144 05:46 Xepha
132 07:07 On (Reload mix)

Title: Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II (limited brown vinyl)
(limited red/green/blue vinyl)
Released: 1994
Label: Warp LP21
Tracks: 'light green'
- 07:21 "cliffs"
- 06:27 "radiator"
- 07:37 "rhubarb"
- 04:35 "hankie"

'dark green'
- 08:46 "grass"
- 03:28 "mold"
- 08:43 "curtains"
- 05:03 "blur"

'light brown'
- 06:48 "weathered stone"
- 09:48 "tree"
- 07:11 "domino"
- 02:39 "white blur 1"

- 07:20 "blue calx"
- 08:01 "parallel strips"
- 05:34 "shiny metal rods"
- 04:46 "grey stripe"
- 02:05 "z twig"

- 07:17 "windowsill"
* - 10:04 "stone in focus"
- 05:57 "hexagon"
- 04:16 "lichen"

'dark brown'
- 07:09 "spots"
- 07:31 "tassels"
- 11:27 "white blur 2"
- 05:40 "matchsticks"

*: Not on compact disc format (RTD 126.1670.2)


Title: Artificial Intelligence Vol 1 (as Diceman)
Label: Warp
Tracks: Polygon Window: Polygon Window

Title: Philosophy Of Sound And Machine CD
Label: Rephlex ART2CD
Tracks: Q-Chastic: Cat 002
Soit PP: n.IASP
Blue Calx: Blue Calx

Title: Mayday - A New Chapter Of House And Techno '92
Label: Low Spirit/R&S MC1
Tracks: Aphex Twin: Metapharstic

Title: Peel Out In The States - Programs 1 & 2
Label: US In-Press IPS928
Tracks: Polygon Window: Audax Powder

Title: Volume 4
Label: Worlds End
Tracks: Aphex Twin: En Trange to Exit

Title: Volume: Trance Europe Express
Label: Worlds End
Tracks: Aphex Twin: Analogue Bubblebath 3

Title: NASA: See The Light Tour (promo cassette only)
Label: none
Tracks: Aphex Twin: 73-Yips (mislabeled D-Scape)

Title: Rising High / Universe: World Techno Tribe
Label: Moonshine Records MS0089-2
Tracks: AFX: *215061 (* = bullet)

Title: Only For The Headstrong Vol. 2 (UK)
Label: ffrreedom (FFRR 828 316-2)
Tracks: Powerpill: Pac-Man (Mickey Finns Yum Yum Mix)

Title: Only For The Headstrong II
Label: ffrreedom
Tracks: Powerpill: Pac-Man (Heavy Mental Mix)

Title: Energy 93
Label: Disco B
Tracks: Caustic Window: Cat 009

Title: The Apollo Compilation
Label: R&S Belgium / Apollo (AMB 926 CD)
Tracks: Aphex Twin: Xtal

Title: In Order To Dance: Vol IV
Label: R&S Belgium (74321 122962)
Tracks: Digeridoo
Analogue Bubblebath

Title: The Positiva Ambient Collection
Label: EMI (0777-7-89946-2-6 CD)
Tracks: Aphex Twin VS Jesus Jones: Reconstruction 2

Title: new Electronica
Label: Beachwood
Tracks: Aphex Twin - Delphium


Title: PCP Remix - Aphex Twin VS Mescalinium United
Released: 1992
Label: R&S Belgium RS92019
Tracks: 142 05:55 PCP
153 04:22 Untitled
144 04:59 Untitled

Title: MeatBeat Manifesto - Mindstream (US CD)
Released: 1993
Label: Mute 9 66343-2
Tracks: 141 06:56 Mindstream (Aphex Twin Mix)

Title: Curve - Falling Free
Released: 1993
Label: Anxious
Tracks: 131 ??:?? Falling Free (Aphex Twin Mix)

Title: Saint Etienne - Who Do You Think You Are
Released: 1993
Label: Heavenly HVN2912
Tracks: 98 08:07 Who Do You think You Are (Quex-rd)
110 04:12 Your Head My Voice (Voix Revirement)

Title: Aphex Twin VS Jesus Jones (12")
Released: 1993
Label: EMI (UK 12FOOD44)
Tracks: 140 05:50 Zeroes & Ones Reconstruction #1
140 07:59 Zeroes & Ones Reconstruction #2

Title: SeeFeel - Pure, Impure
Released: 1993
Label: Pure CD25
Tracks: 106 07:33 Time To Find Me (AFX Fast Mix)
67 09:30 Time To Find Me (AFX Slow Mix)


Any further information or corrections would be much appreciated. I would
like to do a lot more to this and attempt to make it as complete as
possible, therefore your contibutions are more than welcome. Info needed
takes the form of the above. Im sure that there is also a vinyl bias in
this so much information on CD releases is needed. Thanks again.

For additions, corrections, and further information, mail Copyright Alan M. Parry: flu'id (floo'-).


:::: Look out for a multimedia discography for RePHLeX records which
:::: is currently under production. To contribute or to get information,
:::: mail or

(__,-, \
/ /\ \ f l u i d
/,_) \ \
(/ \\
\) flu'id (floo'-)

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