Sin - "We aint Rocafella, we aint them crab ass niggas" Prodigy
A to the L
On 17 Aug 2001 13:41:03 GMT, (Sinful The Rap Assassin)
"That said, A to the L owns all your stankin asses. Man can rap his ass off. The rest are scrubs." some Fat dude...
Check the sites y'all...
"If skills were pussy, half you rappers would be celibate."
Sinful The Rap Assassin wrote:
Just what I was thinking.
I also heard that Amil has now kinda been bumped from Dynasty. You got
any of that info?
The rap world needs to listen to my words of's my time to shine!
Ish...bout to go vinyl...
Critique and platinumize my rhymes...or else.
Current alt.rap Battle Ranking: 22 points, tied for 13th
C'mon, challenge me.
Next Year Tournament Champion: [[Theoretic]]
GOD i'm good...wait, that's me.
I still put the "ill" in "skill". ...seriously.
" thinkin will I be the next nigga deceased,
over some bullshit beef, I pack heat " - Prodigy -
Sinful The Rap Assassin says...
>Cormega and Stan Spit have been beefing also>
The Cormega in this sentence should read Camron.
Sin - Rants make you fuck up
Go right ahead. Just change the line I put in the email.
Sin - On my way to magazines
Man Timid, I was thinking that but it never escalated to wax for it to be
considered "beef". Jay and Fox fell off but they never shitted on each other on
songs. Now when Cormega got bumped from the Firm, all hell broke loose. When
that happened, Cormega was making Nas diss tracks like every week. Thats rap
beef. Jay and Fox' stuff was business, nothing personal. Battling is hiphop,
beef in battling is not. I should've put the beef between Noreaga and Tragedy
but that was old. Around the same time of the Nas and Cormega beef (about 4
years ago) but Cormega's album made the beef fresh again. Also, Amil has been
oficially dumped from the Roc. Come on, it was bound to happen. She doesnt have
enough skills to make a diss track. Her LP moved barely any units (no
platinum). They said something about her being pregnant but thats not the case.
Jay has a way of jerking artists on the low. Look what happened to Da Ranjahz
and Diamonds in Da Rough. They were singed to Rocafella for years and they
havent dropped anything except for featurings. It so bad, that Jay made a
seperate sub label to Rocafella called Carter Faculty. Those are the artist
that are signed to Roc but arent quite gonna make big sales. To kinda not
associate it to Rocafella, the label was made. Now picture this, your signed to
a label under contract, and they're not putting you in the studio. You can't
just up and leave cause of them pushing you back, because you're under
contract. Either for certain years or for a number of albums (5 years or 5
albums, which ever come first). Since you're not making albums, you're stuck
there for 5 years not eating. Which is the case for most people LP's getting
pushed back for obscene years, especially when the album is finished. Cases in
point Nature, Cormega, Tragedy, and Black Rob (he was lucky, a year away from
being dropped, till they felt he was ready when he made "Whoa"). Anymore
Sin - Makes me feel like i'm in High School again.
Hell yeah. And what I dont get is, why is he still talking about AK's and macs?
Funny how fast we forget. P was young in those pictures. It's funny but he was
a youngin. Dre on the other hand, was fucking 18 wearing makeup and tight ass
glittery suits singing his ass off. Dre's image changes with what you like. If
weed and guns went out of style, and you liked opera and ballets, that nigga
would be rappin in Swan Lake looking like Brum Hilda. He can make a beat
Sin - Cause he aint foolin nobody
Thanks, but damn 'Deem. McGruff? You're hurting. You got the net, start burning
some shit. I wish I had a burner and Napster was still on point. I'd dl all the
hype Eminem and Canibus shit I can get my hands on. Speaking on that note.
Anyone can hook me up with 2 cdr's of old (post Infinite and pre MM LP) Eminem
freestyles, songs and featurings. His old shit is sick. None of that D12,
Britney Spears diss BS. That's why MM LP to me was trash. D12 LP is trash also.
Sin - All over the place
Thats true to an extent. I'm a Jay Z hater but I give the man credit. I thought
the Dynasty LP was gonna be shit based off the first 2 singles but damn I was
wrong. Those were like the only singles on there. He can make a thought
provoking song when he wants to. But yeah, he is a sack of commercial piece of
>Microsoft force the other companies, by way
>of profit, to adapt to their products.
Ha. Jay makes what people likes. He runs the radio and the clubs. He doesnt buy
his shit, people do. His mentality has fucked up the game though. Ice and
benzes are a young mans priorities nowadays.
>Jay-Z forces other MCs, by way of
>profit, to collab on each other's records.
Can't blame Hova on that one. Labels been doing that before him. Labelmates and
such are most of the time forced to jump on each others albums.
>Jay-Z puts in the bare minimum of effort to just ease above being totally
Yeah. Reasonable Doubt was fire, Vol 1 was ok, Vol 2 was featuring heaven but
it was good, Vol 3 was trash, and Dynasty was good. Not consistent but he will
always go triple plat and more cause his singles get drilled on the radio.
Girls love Jay. His money mentality gets em open.
>Jay-Z was dope, he was one of the best Brooklynite
>MCs at the time of Reasonable Doubt. But he's progressed into rap
>superstardom, and seen that it's now very easy, and his effort has been
>focused on money rather than artistic expression.
Couldn't put it better myself. He's at the point where less effort gets him the
same amount of money as over exherted dopeness. Hunger will do that to you.
> And as for the beef, it's
>blatantly obvious that both RR and Roca have seized this opportunity to
>boost record sales of both Beanie's new album, Jay's new album and
>predominantly Jadakiss' new album. Beef,
Yeah. People don't see that but a few wise cats do. Given the fact that
Beanie's new album The Reason is SHIT. The Truth blows it away. Litsen to him,
his rhyming words most of the time is rock, gloc, shop, brick, clip. He has the
3 word, same syllable rhyme scheme that most of rap has adopted now but he does
it stupidly. Jada's new LP is also shit. Way below the hype that was expected.
This beef should move them couple more thousand units.
Sin - Beef is profitable......... in rap
i'm feelin it... write 3000 words sin.
A to the L <> wrote in message news:<>...
Fling me your address and I'll hook you up...
A to the L
On 18 Aug 2001 06:37:38 GMT, (Sinful The Rap Assassin)
>>Nice post man. Since I been in OZ, only hiphop I been exposed to is my
"That said, A to the L owns all your stankin asses. Man can rap his ass off. The rest are scrubs." some Fat dude...
yo dog, i feel the same way. i got this bootleg double cd of all eminem
freestyles and guest appearances and shit. that old shit with scam is off the
fucking hook. im getting sick of eminem though, i think the mm lp was okay to
an extent...but him and the rest of them d-12 fools came wack as hell on that
devils night peice of shit...
i dont got a burner, but i got 2 hour maxell cassette tapes incase you want a
dub, get at me...
Yea Amil was trash. There is no way I would be able to listen to a
whole album of that chick. Somebody was getting some apparently. Never
really felt Beanie either..."i'm the reason why Jay feels comfortable
retiring" <---delusions of granduer.
Timid - Loving this intelectual shit for once btw Fuck Sir
to those who havent progressed into the Underground rap world yet,here
is one rule for "the game" ANY, and i mean ANYONE will fuck you over
if given the chance. For one thing. If you have something they want,
they will use you to get it. Bottom line. Its a bitch. Ive had some
homies from other local rap groups come to my house and drink with me,
and come to find the next day their talkin bad about me on some
personal shit. Ive dropped tracks for other peoples albums and been
told fuck off when i ask em to drop on mine(i got a real goodsolution
for that problem though). All i nall mainstream beefs are about money,
underground beefs are ALWAYS personal.
oh yeah ya gotta talk about the new beef which may or may not end up
with some of D12 dead. I dunno if many of you are familiar with Esham
and Natas two of MI's/the countrys most well recognized Horrorcore
MCs. D12(i heard eminem wasnt there) along with their tour bus Jumped
esham and natas over some Beef theyve had on tour. Natas was just
bruised up, but esham had a ruptured eyeball and is rumored to have
lost hearing in one ear(talk about fuckin with someones means of makin
money)Now if Esham is even half as sick as the shit he says on
records....D12 could be in trouble. Its a damn shame too. Why people
gotta take shit so serious? i mean talkin shit is talkin shit...but it
aint worth dying for. ya heard? im out.