"Hotter in the club getting brain from a diva / Leave with a beezer"
So, what is "to get brain from sb" and a "beezer" (obviously not the
head / nose / face) ...
In the song "GET THIS $" by LOX f/ PUFF DADDY there seems to be a line I'm
having problems with. Could somebody, please, explain?
"Hotter in the club getting brain from a diva / Leave with a beezer"
So, what is "to get brain brain from somebody" and what is a "beezer"
(obviously not the head / nose / face) ...
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ps, the two best songs on that clue cd is 100 bars and mobb comin through
Bernhard Schmid wrote in message <3704AF59...@n-online.de>...
>So, what is "to get brain from sb"