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Donald Trump Quote of the Week

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Jun 22, 2016, 11:04:11 AM6/22/16
“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt
better than me,” Trump told Norah O’Donnell in an interview that
aired on “CBS This Morning.” “I’ve made a fortune by using debt,
and if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s
a smart thing, not a stupid thing.”

“How do you renegotiate the debt?” O’Donnell followed up.

“You go back and you say, hey guess what, the economy crashed,”
Trump replied. “I’m going to give you back half.”

-- CFM

David C Kifer

Jun 22, 2016, 5:29:31 PM6/22/16
I am for a government rigorously frugal & simple, applying all the possible savings of the public
revenue to the discharge of the national debt; and not for a multiplication of officers & salaries
merely to make partisans, & for increasing, by every device, the public debt, on the principle of
it’s being a public blessing.
--Vice President Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799.The Writings of Thomas
Jefferson, ed. Paul L. Ford, vol. 7, p. 327

"Tam multi libri, tam breve tempus!"
(Et brevis pecunia.) [Et breve spatium.]


Jun 30, 2016, 3:00:00 PM6/30/16
"They signed a pledge saying they will abide, saying they will back
the candidate of the party....They broke their word. In my opinion,
they should never be allowed to run for public office again because
what they did is disgraceful."

"I do what I do." I don't care. I do me."

-- D.T.

-- CFM


Jun 30, 2016, 3:06:17 PM6/30/16
The old saying holds. Owe your banker £1000 and you are at his mercy; owe him £1 million and the position is reversed.
-- attrib. John Maynard Keynes, 1945. Quote investigation at

The dignified don't even enter in the game.
-- The Jam

David C Kifer

Jun 30, 2016, 4:34:13 PM6/30/16
You don’t have the right not to be uncomfortable. You don’t have the right not to be offended when
you leave your home and deal with other human beings. Your preferences and personal sensibilities do
not dictate the legal speech and actions of others.
-- Jazz Shaw, Keep hope alive. One college rejects free speech zones and safe spaces


Jul 9, 2016, 3:54:57 PM7/9/16
Last night’s horrific execution-style shootings of 12 Dallas law enforcement
officers – five of whom were killed and seven wounded- is an attack on our
country. It is a coordinated, premeditated assault on the men and women who
keep us safe.

We must restore law and order. We must restore the confidence of our people
to be safe and secure in their homes and on the street.

The senseless, tragic deaths of two people in Louisiana and Minnesota reminds
us how much more needs to be done.

This morning I offer my thoughts and prayers for all of the victims’ families,
and we pray for our brave police officers and first responders who risk their
lives to protect us every single day.

Our nation has become too divided. Too many Americans feel like they’ve lost
hope. Crime is harming too many citizens. Racial tensions have gotten worse,
not better. This isn’t the American Dream we all want for our children. This
is a time, perhaps more than ever, for strong leadership, love and compassion.
We will pull through these tragedies.
-- D. T., facebook

-- CFM


Jul 16, 2016, 3:33:13 PM7/16/16
On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 3:54:57 PM UTC-4, Clearlize wrote:
> Last night’s horrific execution-style shootings of 12 Dallas law enforcement
> officers – five of whom were killed and seven wounded- ....

Trump's speech writers don't know what "execution-style" means....

".......Governor Pence, under tremendous pressure from establishment
people, endorsed somebody else. But it was more of an endorsement
for me, if you remember. He talked about Trump, then he talked about
Ted — who's a good guy by the way, who is going to be speaking at the
convention. Ted Cruz. Good guy. But he talked about Trump, Ted, then
he went back to Trump. I said, 'Who did he endorse?'
So even though he was under pressure, because I'm so, you know,
outside the establishment, it was the single greatest non-endorsement
of my life. OK? I will take it."
-- D.T (introducing vice presidential pick)

-- CFM


Jul 29, 2016, 3:07:02 PM7/29/16
“No one knows the system better than me......which is why I alone can fix it.”
-- D. T.

-- CFM


Jul 29, 2016, 9:30:18 PM7/29/16
On Fri, 29 Jul 2016 12:07:01 -0700 (PDT), Clearlize wrote in message:

>"No one knows the system better than me....which is why
>I alone can fix it."
>-- D. T.

Now Donald Trump says, and this is a quote, "I know
more about ISIS than the generals do...."

No, Donald, you don't. He thinks that he knows more
than our military because he claimed our armed
forces are "a disaster."

Well, I've had the privilege to work closely with
our troops and our veterans for many years,
including as a Senator on the Armed Services
Committee. I know how wrong he is.

--Hillary Clinton (1947- )
(Speech at the Democratic National Convention;
July 28, 2016)
_Los Angeles Times_ [July 28, 2016],
"Transcript: Hillary Clinton's Democratic
National Convention Speech, Annotated"


Bob Gnome

Jul 30, 2016, 7:39:21 AM7/30/16
Outrageous! We need a president with more humility! One like Obama, who
recently referred to himself 119 times in a speech about, LOL, someone

We need a president with more class! Perhaps:

"F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.”
(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good morning.”

“You f**king idiot.”
(From the book “Crossfire” p. 84 – Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.)

“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king ass over here and grab those bags!”
(From the book “The First Partner” p. 259 – Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)

“Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way! Get out of my face!”(From the book “Hillary’s Scheme” p. 89 – Hillary’s various comments to her Secret Service detail agents.)

“Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!?”
(From the book “Unlimited Access”, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139 – Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail.)

“Where’s the miserable c*ck sucker?”
(From the book “The Truth About Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5 – Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)

“You know, I’m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I’m going to start thinking of her as a human being”
-Hillary Clinton
(From the book “The Case Against Hillary Clinton” by Peggy Noonan, p. 55)

What we really need is a president much like myself. As I was telling
the grandkids just the other day ....

"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some
kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran
with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

The grandkids were impressed.



Aug 11, 2016, 7:53:56 PM8/11/16
The lawyers confronted the mogul with his past statements — and with
his company’s internal documents, which often showed those statements
had been incorrect or invented. The lawyers were relentless.....

Thirty times, they caught him.

“Have you ever lied in public statements about your properties?” the
lawyer asked.
“I try and be truthful,” Trump said. “I’m no different from a politician
running for office. You always want to put the best foot forward.”

-- Donald Trump (court testimony, Dec 2007)

-- CFM


Aug 12, 2016, 7:00:27 AM8/12/16
On Thu, 11 Aug 2016 16:53:55 -0700 (PDT), Clearlize wrote in message:

>The lawyers confronted the mogul with his past statements -- and with
>his company's internal documents, which often showed those statements
>had been incorrect or invented. The lawyers were relentless....
>Thirty times, they caught him.
>"Have you ever lied in public statements about your properties?" the
>lawyer asked.
>"I try and be truthful," Trump said. "I'm no different from a politician
>running for office. You always want to put the best foot forward."
>-- Donald Trump (court testimony, Dec 2007)

Did any of those lawyers bother to ask Donald Trump about
his income tax returns?

Donald Trump:
Let me tell you about my sex life, the size of my
anatomy and my daughter's hot body.

Female Reporter:
Could we see your tax returns?

Donald Trump:
That's none of your business!!

--Dan Wasserman's comic strip; May 18, 2016

Click here to view the comic strip:



Aug 22, 2016, 11:40:01 AM8/22/16
"Look at how much African-American communities have suffered under
Democratic control. To those I say the following: What do you have
to lose by trying something new like Trump? You're living in poverty,
your schools are no good. You have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth
is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose? "
-- D.T.
-- CFM


Sep 4, 2016, 1:24:41 PM9/4/16
*The Softening*

"Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. .......

Importantly, in several years when we have accomplished all of our enforcement and deportation goals and truly ended illegal immigration for good, including the construction of a great wall, which we will have built in record time..........and the establishment of our new lawful immigration system, then and only then will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those individuals who remain."

-- D.T., immigration speech, 8-31-2016

-- CFM


Sep 10, 2016, 6:27:00 PM9/10/16
On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 7:00:27 AM UTC-4, SteveMR200 wrote:
> Did any of those lawyers bother to ask Donald Trump about
> his income tax returns?
> Donald Trump:
> Let me tell you about my sex life, the size of my
> anatomy and my daughter's hot body.
> Female Reporter:
> Could we see your tax returns?
> Donald Trump:
> That's none of your business!!
> --Dan Wasserman's comic strip; May 18, 2016

“I’m always audited by the IRS, which I think is very unfair.
I don’t know whether it’s maybe because of religion or because
of something else, maybe because I’m doing this.....

“Well, maybe because of the fact that I’m a strong Christian
and I feel strongly about it, so maybe there’s a bias.....

“Well, you see what’s happened. You have many religious groups
that are complaining about that. They’ve been complaining about
it for a long time.

“The ones previous relate to the ones later, and it doesn’t
make sense unless they’re all released at one time.”

-- D.T.
-- CFM


Sep 21, 2016, 5:24:39 AM9/21/16
On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 11:04:11 AM UTC-4, Clearlize wrote:

"We're going to get the Gulf states to pay for safe zones.
We'll lead the project like — it's called OPM. I do that
all the time in business. It's called other people's money.
There's nothing like doing things with other people's money.
OPM — other people's money."
-- D.T.

-- CFM


Oct 11, 2016, 5:55:09 PM10/11/16
Well, I consider her statement about my children to be a
very nice compliment. I don't know if it was meant to be a
compliment, but it is a great -- I'm very proud of my children.
And they've done a wonderful job, and they've been wonderful,
wonderful kids. So I consider that a compliment.

I will say this about Hillary. She doesn't quit. She doesn't
give up. I respect that. I tell it like it is. She's a fighter.
I disagree with much of what she's fighting for. I do disagree
with her judgment in many cases. But she does fight hard, and
she doesn't quit, and she doesn't give up. And I consider that
to be a very good trait.

--Donald Trump, (Debate on Oct.9, 2016)

-- CFM

David C Kifer

Oct 12, 2016, 5:22:39 PM10/12/16
There are so many pussies around your presidential campaign on both sides, that I prefer not to
comment about this.
--Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, Interview by CNN's Christiane Amanpour


Nov 4, 2016, 12:34:01 PM11/4/16
“We’ve got to be nice and cool, nice and calm, all right?
Stay on point, Donald, stay on point....
No sidetracks, Donald. Nice and easy."

-- Donald Trump, Pensacola, Florida, 11-2-2016

-- CFM


Dec 5, 2016, 5:51:47 PM12/5/16
“Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the U.S. doesn’t tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don’t think so!”
-- Donald Trump, twitter, Dec. 4, 2016

-- CFM


Dec 6, 2016, 1:30:32 PM12/6/16
On Mon, 5 Dec 2016 14:51:45 -0800 (PST), Clearlize wrote in message:
ANKARA, TURKEY -- With Turkish-U.S. relations
strained, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said
Friday that Turkey would not be deterred by the
diplomatic consequences if it decides to stage a
cross-border offensive into Iraq against Kurdish

"If such an option is chosen, whatever its price, it
will be paid," Erdogan told reporters. "There could
be pros and cons of such a decision, but what is
important is our country's interests."

Erdogan also had harsh words for the U.S., which
opposes a Turkish incursion into northern Iraq, one
of that country's few relatively stable areas.

"Did they seek permission from anyone when they came
from a distance of 10,000 kilometers and hit Iraq?"
he said. "We do not need anyone else's advice."

--From the Associated Press
_Los Angeles Times_ [October 13, 2007],
"Turkey's Premier Issues Warning"


David C Kifer

Dec 7, 2016, 6:36:26 PM12/7/16
All John Kerry has done is make Hillary Clinton the second-worse Secretary of State in American history.
--Don Surber, President Trump does not need Kerry's advice
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Jan 31, 2024, 2:59:28 PMJan 31
“We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on.”
-- DJT (speech, New Hampshire, Jan. 2024 )

-- Ignar
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