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Pulp Novel Word Counts?

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May 26, 2007, 10:45:16 PM5/26/07
Does anyone here know what is roughly the word count on pulp novels such as
The Spider or Doc Savage? Thanks.

Kent Allard

May 27, 2007, 7:23:39 AM5/27/07
In article <5i66i.1515$As5...@newsfe12.lga>, "Shiflet" <>

> Does anyone here know what is roughly the word count on pulp novels such as
> The Spider or Doc Savage? Thanks.

Most of the hero pulps started out with a high word count and the they were
gradually reduced over time due to other features in the magazine or paper
shortages during the war.

I know John Olsen has numbers on the Shadow Magazine's run that he might provide.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts and minds of men? The Shadow do!
--Flip Wilson


May 29, 2007, 8:20:11 AM5/29/07
Off the top of my head, the early DOCs run 50,000 to 60,000 words,
with the word count dropping slowly through the 1930s. Believe some
of the final ones (post-War) may be even under 30,000



May 29, 2007, 9:39:19 AM5/29/07
Dave wrote:

I disagree about the early Docs. I think the first year or so had 80,000
words. They seemed long to me. Czar of Fear, which I'm now selling on
ebay, was 96 pulp pages for just that story. There were other stories.
That many pulp pages means more than 60,000 words.


John Olsen

May 29, 2007, 1:22:24 PM5/29/07
Phantom21 wrote:
>>Dave wrote:
>>Off the top of my head, the early DOCs run 50,000 to 60,000 words
> I disagree about the early Docs. I think the first year or so had 80,000
> words. They seemed long to me. Czar of Fear, which I'm now selling on
> ebay, was 96 pulp pages for just that story. There were other stories.
> That many pulp pages means more than 60,000 words.

OK, you got me curious. So I went and checked the first ten Doc Savage
stories. Here's the results:

51030 001 The Man of Bronze
55969 002 The Land of Terror
49795 003 Quest of the Spider
46677 004 The Polar Treasure
50307 005 Pirate of the Pacific
48043 006 The Red Skull
47446 007 The Lost Oasis
49355 008 The Sargasso Ogre
53807 009 The Czar of Fear
51501 010 The Phantom City

These were calculated using Tom Stephens' original files taken from the
pulps. They are not from the paperback reprint versions, in case it
might make a difference.

So... inquiring minds want to know. And now you know!




"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!"
The wonderful old pulp mystery stories are all reviewed at:


May 29, 2007, 8:55:04 PM5/29/07
Thanks everyone for the figures.

"John Olsen" <> wrote in message

Georges Dodds

May 30, 2007, 8:59:23 AM5/30/07
On May 26, 10:45 pm, "Shiflet" <> wrote:
> Does anyone here know what is roughly the word count on pulp novels such as
> The Spider or Doc Savage? Thanks.

This is a bit before pulps...dime novels to be exact, but the latter
evolved from the former.

This comes from an 1902 interview of Eugene T. Sawyer, author of most
of the "Nick Carter" adventures which you can read in full here:

"The fastest work I ever did," Mr. Sawyer said, "was once when I got
an order by wire from Street and Smith, saying that one of their
regular writers had failed them, and asking if I could send them a
story of 60,000 words in four days. Of course I accepted. And that,
too, was in the days of longhand, before typewriters were common. As
usual, I procrastinated, and two days had elapsed before I thought
about the story. Then I locked myself into my room and began, writing
in lead pencil, while my wife copied my work in ink. I didn't eat nor
sleep, living on coffee alone, till the novel was completed, in about
sixty hours. In order to have the manuscript reach the publishers on
time, I had to have it in the post-office at noon, and I caught that
mail with something less than a minute to spare. When I saw Captain
Crash in print, it was just like reading a new book. I had forgotten
absolutely everything about the plot and characters, having written
almost automatically."

and --

"Oh, I have retired long since," said Mr. Sawyer. "As I explained, I
did it partly for the fun of it and the love of excitement. As to pay,
I used to get fifty dollars apiece for the Nick Carters, and they ran
to about 25,000 words. The Log Cabin novels were twice as long, or
50,000 words, and I got $100 apiece, so the pay averaged two dollars a
thousand words. I 'Americanised' one of the Nick Carters from Gaboriau
in three days once, and once I turned out three 50,000-word novels in
a month. Then I did serials for the New York Weekly. I have written
about seventy-five novels in all."

and from an article on the history of dime novels (1904):

When the [Beadle's] "Dime Library" was estab­lished in 1872, a new
group of authors succeeded the staff which had done the work on the
original Dime Novel series. Some of the old writers remained, but
others were engaged from time to time, thus keeping the firm well
supplied with manuscripts. At this period, Beadle and Adams were
publishing a story of one kind or another on every business day of the
year. Some were "dimes," of 70,000 words, and others "Half-Dimes,"
aver­aging 35,000. It required an enormous mass of fiction to supply
the demand, and the large amount of work done by some of the regular
authors is almost unbelievable.


May 31, 2007, 9:38:41 AM5/31/07

And don't forget that when you find Lester Dent master plot outline
online it says "6000 word" novel. Add a "0"!


Jun 1, 2007, 7:50:31 AM6/1/07
The key to pulp writing was providing the wordcount by the deadline.

The Stratemeyer Syndicate farmed out the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, et
al, usually at less than $200, and would wait months for manuscripts,
then demand rewrites, or do a staff revision if needed. At the time,
their series usually only added a book a year, so they could wait.

I find them now to be pretty bad, but usually no worse, and sometimes
better than the "updates" from the 1950s and 1960s, and both superior
to any "modern" versions.


Jun 1, 2007, 7:51:55 PM6/1/07
On Sat, 26 May 2007 21:45:16 -0500, "Shiflet" <>

>Does anyone here know what is roughly the word count on pulp novels such as
>The Spider or Doc Savage? Thanks.

These are my word counts based on macros I wrote in MS Word and using
the Blackmask texts. I had to do some editing of those texts as I
sometimes found extra text, scrambled text and run-on paragraphs.

If you copy/paste what is below into Notepad or use Courier font in MS
Word, it will look much better.

Title Auth Words
The Man of Bronze LD 50904
The Land of Terror LD 55915
Quest of the Spider LD 49361
The Polar Treasure LD 46317
Pirate of the Pacific LD 49817
The Red Skull LD 47511
The Lost Oasis LD 46877
The Sargasso Ogre LD 48569
The Czar of Fear LD 53396
The Phantom City LD 51057
Brand of the Werewolf LD 51720
The Man Who Shook the Earth LD 50777
Meteor Menace LD 47467
The Monsters LD 47313
The Mystery on the Snow LD 48290
The King Maker HD/LD 47912
The Thousand Headed Man LD 54184
The Squeaking Goblin LD 50038
Fear Cay LD 48455
Death in Silver LD 50338
The Sea Magician LD 45233
The Annihilist LD 51883
The Mystic Mullah LD 49197
Red Snow LD 53092
Land of Always-Night RJ/LD 49822
The Spook Legion LD 46134
The Secret in the Sky LD 42801
The Roar Devil LD 42898
Quest of Qui LD 44557
Spook Hole LD 43325
The Majii LD 46399
Dust of Death HD/LD 49501
Murder Melody DO 53829
The Fantastic Island RJ/LD 44652
Murder Mirage DO 50454
Mystery Under the Sea LD 45011
The Metal Master LD 42160
The Men Who Smiled No More DO 46975
The Seven Agate Devils LD 43498
Haunted Ocean DO 46062
The Black Spot DO 48320
The Midas Man LD 40395
Cold Death DO 46567
The South Pole Terror LD 43207
Resurrection Day LD 39185
The Vanisher LD 41087
Land of Long Juju DO 47501
The Derrick Devil LD 43528
The Mental Wizard LD 42231
The Terror In the Navy LD 38438
Mad Eyes DO 43451
The Land of Fear HD/LD 42812
He Could Stop the World DO 44729
Ost [The Magic Island] LD 40258
The Feathered Octopus LD 41415
Repel [The Deadly Dwarf] LD 42308
The Sea Angel LD 38241
The Golden Peril HD/LD 44543
The Living Fire Menace HD 36775
The Mountain Monster LD 38652
Devil On the Moon LD 36772
The Pirate's Ghost LD 41606
The Motion Menace RJ/LD 38678
The Submarine Mystery LD 37670
The Giggling Ghosts LD 39191
The Munitions Master HD 40512
The Red Terrors LD 38826
Fortress of Solitude LD 40656
The Green Death HD 43520
The Devil Genghis LD 39456
Mad Mesa LD 38474
The Yellow Cloud LD 40424
The Freckled Shark LD 39168
World's Fair Goblin WB/LD 37240
The Gold Ogre LD 36823
The Flaming Falcons LD 35899
Merchants of Disaster HD/LD 41745
The Crimson Serpent HD/LD 43573
Poison Island LD 37486
The Stone Man LD 36336
Hex WB/LD 38117
The Dagger In the Sky LD 36850
The Other World LD 35642
The Angry Ghost WB/LD 34908
The Spotted Men LD 36657
The Evil Gnome LD 35426
The Boss of Terror LD 31960
The Awful Egg LD 37297
The Flying Goblin WB 34963
Tunnel Terror WB 35907
The Purple Dragon HD/LD 40814
Devils of the Deep HD 34991
The Awful Dynasty WB/LD 33313
The Men Vanished LD 37853
The Devil's Playground AH 42055
Bequest of Evil WB 35656
The All-White Elf LD 39831
The Golden Man LD 38129
The Pink Lady LD 36930
The Headless Men AH 39482
The Green Eagle LD 39607
Mystery Island LD 36461
The Mindless Monsters AH 42813
Birds of Death LD 35270
The Invisible Box Murders LD 37197
Peril in the North LD 37139
The Rustling Death AH 36496
Men of Fear LD 36695
The Too-Wise Owl LD 38842
The Magic Forest WB/LD 38493
Pirate Isle LD 35610
The Speaking Stone LD 36070
The Man Who Fell Up LD 36205
The Three Wild Men LD 38001
The Fiery Menace LD 36441
The Laugh of Death LD 37699
They Died Twice LD 33917
The Devil's Black Rock LD 33814
The Time Terror LD 32526
Waves of Death LD 34703
The Black, Black Witch LD 33566
The King of Terror LD 33203
The Talking Devil LD 33616
The Running Skeletons LD 30591
Mystery on Happy Bones LD 33353
The Mental Monster LD 31787
Hell Below LD 32482
The Goblins LD 34156
The Secret of the Su LD 34958
The Spook of Grandpa Eben LD 32422
According To Plan of a One-Eyed Mustic LD 33686
Death Had Yellow Eyes LD 33499
The Derelict of Skull Shoal LD 33145
The Whisker of Hercules LD 35369
The Three Devils LD 32848
The Pharoah's Ghost LD 32593
The Man Who Was Scared LD 32613
The Shape of Terror LD 31558
Weird Valley LD 32638
Jiu San LD 33611
Satan Black LD 33618
The Lost Giant LD 33829
Violent Night LD 32688
Strange Fish LD 32390
The Ten Ton Snakes LD 32360
Cargo Unknown LD 31865
Rock Sinister LD 29582
The Terrible Stork LD 30933
King Joe Cay LD 31030
The Wee Ones LD 29723
Terror Takes Seven LD 31665
The Thing That Pursued LD 33988
Trouble On Parade LD 31076
The Screaming Man LD 31488
Measures for A Coffin LD 31168
Se-Pah-Poo LD 32675
Terror and The Lonely Widow LD 31858
Five Fathoms Dead LD 31486
Death Is A Round Black Spot LD 32293
Colors For Murder LD 31522
Fire and Ice WB/LD 25007
Three Times A Corpse LD 31312
The Exploding Lake HD/LD 30267
Death In Little Houses HD/LD 27709
The Devil Is Jones LD 30192
The Disappearing Lady WB 30383
Target For Death WB 26896
The Death Lady LD 28108
Danger Lies East LD 29918
No Light To Die By LD 32013
The Monkey Suit LD 26387
Let's Kill Ames LD 29762
Once Over Lightly LD 28211
I Died Yesterday LD 29860
The Pure Evil LD 28764
Terror Wears No Shoes LD 24791
The Angry Canary LD 28605
The Swooning Lady LD 25871
The Green Master LD 26896
Return From Cormoral LD 27347
Up From Earth's Center LD 28187

reply to "bwwhite2000" at "yahoo" dot "com"

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Jun 1, 2007, 8:25:00 PM6/1/07
On Sat, 26 May 2007 21:45:16 -0500, "Shiflet" <>

>Does anyone here know what is roughly the word count on pulp novels such as

>The Spider or Doc Savage? Thanks.

These are based on the texts that had been put up by a nameless
someone that we all know and appreciate.

Use a fixed space font for best display.

Title Author PubDate Words
The Living Shadow WG 4/1/1931 64644
The Eyes of the Shadow WG 7/1/1931 62565
The Shadow Laughs WG 10/1/1931 53778
The Red Menace WG 11/1/1931 61668
Gangdom's Doom WG 12/1/1931 57634
The Death Tower WG 1/1/1932 45891
The Silent Seven WG 2/1/1932 46210
The Black Master WG 3/1/1932 44817
Mobsmen on the Spot WG 4/1/1932 48546
Hands in the Dark WG 5/1/1932 45626
Double Z WG 6/1/1932 45826
The Crime Cult WG 7/1/1932 46391
The Blackmail Ring WG 8/1/1932 49031
Hidden Death WG 9/1/1932 48864
Green Eyes WG 10/1/1932 48280
The Ghost Makers WG 10/15/1932 49969
The Five Chameleons WG 11/1/1932 47610
Dead Men Live WG 11/15/1932 48563
The Romanoff Jewels WG 12/1/1932 44582
Kings of Crime WG 12/15/1932 44256
Shadowed Millions WG 1/1/1933 49834
The Creeping Death WG 1/15/1933 42913
The Shadow's Shadow WG 2/1/1933 48878
Six Men of Evil WG 2/15/1933 46834
Fingers of Death WG 3/1/1933 44796
Murder Trail WG 3/15/1933 41543
The Silent Death WG 4/1/1933 42943
The Shadow's Justice WG 4/15/1933 45200
The Golden Grotto WG 5/1/1933 47866
The Death Giver WG 5/15/1933 43625
The Red Blot WG 6/1/1933 46754
The Ghost of the Manor WG 6/15/1933 43900
The Living Joss WG 7/1/1933 42879
The Silver Scourge WG 7/15/1933 47497
The Black Hush WG 8/1/1933 43240
Isle of Doubt WG 8/15/1933 42839
The Grove of Doom WG 9/1/1933 45621
Master of Death WG 9/15/1933 42281
Road of Crime WG 10/1/1933 45693
The Death Triangle WG 10/15/1933 42695
The Killer WG 11/1/1933 42666
Mox WG 11/15/1933 42195
The Crime Clinic WG 12/1/1933 43970
Treasures of Death WG 12/15/1933 43302
The Embassy Murders WG 1/1/1934 40202
The Wealth Seeker WG 1/15/1934 43912
The Black Falcon WG 2/1/1934 43038
Gray Fist WG 2/15/1934 43862
The Circle of Death WG 3/1/1934 40413
The Green Box WG 3/15/1934 39641
The Cobra WG 4/1/1934 39167
Crime Circus WG 4/15/1934 46208
Tower of Death WG 5/1/1934 40037
Death Clew WG 5/15/1934 38441
The Key WG 6/1/1934 44323
The Crime Crypt WG 6/15/1934 40699
Charg, Monster WG 7/1/1934 43044
Chain of Death WG 7/15/1934 44710
The Crime Master WG 8/1/1934 43272
Gypsy Vengeance WG 8/15/1934 40117
Spoils of the Shadow WG 9/1/1934 44984
The Garaucan Swindle WG 9/15/1934 47310
Murder Marsh WG 10/1/1934 46150
The Death Sleep WG 10/15/1934 45728
The Chinese Disks WG 11/1/1934 52023
Doom on the Hill WG 11/15/1934 45531
The Unseen Killer WG 12/1/1934 46854
Cyro WG 12/15/1934 45252
The Four Signets WG 1/1/1935 45015
The Blue Sphinx WG 1/15/1935 49321
The Plot Master WG 2/1/1935 46896
The Dark Death WG 2/15/1935 43602
Crooks Go Straight WG 3/1/1935 43872
Bells of Doom WG 3/15/1935 45684
Lingo WG 4/1/1935 52864
The Triple Trail WG 4/15/1935 43122
The Golden Quest WG 5/1/1935 45413
The Third Skull WG 5/15/1935 48637
Murder Every Hour WG 6/1/1935 45309
The Condor WG 6/15/1935 47592
The Fate Joss WG 7/1/1935 52377
Atoms of Death WG 7/15/1935 53698
The Man from Scotland Yard WG 8/1/1935 43647
The Creeper WG 8/15/1935 52129
The Mardi Gras Mystery WG 9/1/1935 48941
The London Crimes WG 9/15/1935 47094
The Ribbon Clues WG 10/1/1935 45592
The House that Vanished WG 10/15/1935 43059
The Chinese Tapestry WG 11/1/1935 45272
The Python WG 11/15/1935 45568
Zemba WG 12/1/1935 46213
The Case of Congressman Coyd WG 12/15/1935 41490
The Ghost Murders WG 1/1/1936 43979
Castle of Doom WG 1/15/1936 44391
Death Rides the Skyway WG 2/1/1936 44845
The North Woods Mystery WG 2/15/1936 41010
The Voodoo Master WG 3/1/1936 42672
The Third Shadow WG 3/15/1936 46799
The Salamanders WG 4/1/1936 37688
The Man from Shanghai WG 4/15/1936 39971
The Gray Ghost WG 5/1/1936 40124
The City of Doom WG 5/15/1936 38949
The Crime Oracle WG 6/1/1936 41845
Murder Town WG 6/15/1936 43464
The Yellow Door WG 7/1/1936 39444
The Broken Napoleons WG 7/15/1936 39750
The Sledge Hammer Crimes WG 8/1/1936 39527
Terror Island WG 8/15/1936 41768
The Golden Masks WG 9/1/1936 46143
Jibaro Death WG 9/15/1936 45036
City of Crime WG 10/1/1936 46970
Death by Proxy WG 10/15/1936 45329
Partners of Peril TT 11/1/1936 46044
The Strange Disappearance of Joe Cardona WG 11/15/1936 45294
The Seven Drops of Blood WG 12/1/1936 43411
Intimidation, Inc WG 12/15/1936 41562
Vengeance Is Mine WG 1/1/1937 45378
Foxhound TT 1/15/1937 46440
Loot of Death WG 2/1/1937 43906
Quetzal WG 2/15/1937 43107
Death Token WG 3/1/1937 40652
Murder House WG 3/15/1937 38395
Washington Crime WG 4/1/1937 41012
The Masked Headsman WG 4/15/1937 39811
The Cup of Confucious TT 5/1/1937 39992
Treasure Trail WG 5/15/1937 40076
Brothers of Doom WG 6/1/1937 40140
The Shadow's Rival WG 6/15/1937 40976
Crime, Insured WG 7/1/1937 39807
House of Silence WG 7/15/1937 39276
The Shadow Unmasks WG 8/1/1937 41685
The Yellow Band WG 8/15/1937 40449
Buried Evidence WG 9/1/1937 35211
The Radium Murders WG 9/15/1937 39218
The Pooltex Tangle TT 10/1/1937 44574
The Keeper's Gold WG 10/15/1937 38889
Death Turrets WG 11/1/1937 41597
Teeth of the Dragon WG 11/15/1937 41455
The Sealed Box WG 12/1/1937 41768
Racket Town WG 12/15/1937 38473
The Crystal Buddha WG 1/1/1938 39230
Hills of Death WG 1/15/1938 40802
The Fifth Napolean TT 2/1/1938 39639
The Murder Master WG 2/15/1938 39855
The Golden Pagoda WG 3/1/1938 38202
Face of Doom WG 3/15/1938 39026
The Crimson Phoenix TT 4/1/1938 39683
Serpents of Siva WG 4/15/1938 35907
Cards of Death WG 5/1/1938 35983
The Hand WG 5/15/1938 35246
Voodoo Trail WG 6/1/1938 36197
The Rackets King WG 6/15/1938 40749
Murder for Sale WG 7/1/1938 34519
The Golden Vulture WG 7/15/1938 36354
Death Jewels WG 8/1/1938 38608
The Green Hoods WG 8/15/1938 37831
The Golden Dog Murders TT 9/1/1938 42072
Crime Over Boston WG 9/15/1938 37780
The Dead Who Lived WG 10/1/1938 37649
Vanished Treasure WG 10/15/1938 36748
The Voice WG 11/1/1938 37673
Chicago Crime WG 11/15/1938 37504
Shadow Over Alcatraz WG 12/1/1938 37339
Double Death TT 12/15/1938 38878
Silver Skull WG 1/1/1939 37127
Crime Rides the Sea WG 1/15/1939 39524
Realm of Doom WG 2/1/1939 36975
The Lone Tiger WG 2/15/1939 37999
River of Death TT 3/1/1939 38716
The Vindicator WG 3/15/1939 40308
Death Ship WG 4/1/1939 39911
Battle of Greed WG 4/15/1939 39561
Death's Harlequin TT 5/1/1939 40131
The Three Brothers WG 5/15/1939 41431
Smugglers of Death WG 6/1/1939 39259
City of Shadows WG 6/15/1939 38424
Noose of Death TT 7/1/1939 42881
Death from Nowhere WG 7/15/1939 38156
Isle of Gold WG 8/1/1939 37984
Wizard of Crime WG 8/15/1939 35873
The Crime Ray WG 9/1/1939 37731
The Golden Master WG 9/15/1939 38741
Castle of Crime WG 10/1/1939 38803
The Masked Lady WG 10/15/1939 36970
Ships of Doom WG 11/1/1939 38115
City of Ghosts WG 11/15/1939 38018
Shiwan Khan Returns WG 12/1/1939 40139
House of Shadows WG 12/15/1939 39627
Death's Premium WG 1/1/1940 39506
The Hooded Circle WG 1/15/1940 42230
The Getaway Ring WG 2/1/1940 40373
Voice of Death WG 2/15/1940 38714
The Invincible Shiwan Khan WG 3/1/1940 38532
The Veiled Prophet WG 3/15/1940 40197
The Spy Ring WG 4/1/1940 41090
The Prince of Evil TT 4/15/1940 42623
Death in the Stars WG 5/1/1940 40566
Masters of Death WG 5/15/1940 41417
The Scent of Death WG 6/1/1940 36737
"Q" WG 6/15/1940 41452
The Murder Genius TT 7/1/1940 41988
Gems of Doom WG 7/15/1940 40497
Crime at Seven Oaks WG 8/1/1940 39185
The Fifth Face WG 8/15/1940 40443
Crime County WG 9/1/1940 38478
The Man Who Died Twice TT 9/15/1940 41076
The Wasp WG 10/1/1940 40622
City of Fear TT 10/15/1940 41141
Crime Over Miami WG 11/1/1940 41098
The Devil's Paymaster TT 11/15/1940 39996
Xitli, God of Fire WG 12/1/1940 42357
The Shadow, the Hawk, and the Skull WG 12/15/1940 41587
Forgotten Gold WG 1/1/1941 41746
The Green Terror TT 1/15/1941 38757
The Wasp Returns WG 2/1/1941 41813
The Chinese Primrose WG 2/15/1941 41798
Mansion of Crime WG 3/1/1941 40432
The White Column TT 3/15/1941 38791
The Time Master WG 4/1/1941 39939
The House on the Ledge WG 4/15/1941 40021
The League of Death WG 5/1/1941 39907
Master of Flame TT 5/15/1941 39816
Crime Under Cover WG 6/1/1941 40775
The Thunder King WG 6/15/1941 39466
The Star of Delhi WG 7/1/1941 38565
The Blur WG 7/15/1941 39243
The Crimson Death TT 8/1/1941 40832
The Shadow Meets the Mask WG 8/15/1941 39485
Gems of Jeopardy TT 9/1/1941 39750
The Devil Master WG 9/15/1941 40796
Garden of Death WG 10/1/1941 38828
Dictator of Crime WG 10/15/1941 41165
The Blackmail King WG 11/1/1941 39708
Temple of Crime WG 11/15/1941 39992
Murder Mansion WG 12/1/1941 42555
Crime's Stronghold WG 12/15/1941 40999
Alibi Trail WG 1/1/1942 40384
The Book of Death WG 1/15/1942 39468
Death Diamonds WG 2/1/1942 40478
Blue Face TT 2/15/1942 40881
Vengeance Bay WG 3/1/1942 40839
Formula for Crime WG 3/15/1942 40202
Room of Doom WG 4/1/1942 41099
The Jade Dragon WG 4/15/1942 43835
The Northdale Mystery WG 5/1/1942 42293
Death's Bright Finger TT 5/15/1942 39338
Twins of Crime WG 6/1/1942 42677
The Devil's Feud WG 6/15/1942 41060
Five Ivory Boxes WG 7/1/1942 39233
Death About Town WG 7/15/1942 38052
Legacy of Death WG 8/1/1942 41528
Judge Lawless WG 8/15/1942 42902
The Vampire Murders WG 9/1/1942 43040
Syndicate of Sin TT 9/15/1942 38385
The Devil's Partner TT 10/1/1942 39185
Clue for Clue WG 10/15/1942 41009
Trail of Vengeance WG 11/1/1942 40144
The Murdering Ghost WG 11/15/1942 40438
The Hydra WG 12/1/1942 42891
The Money Master WG 12/15/1942 43627
The Museum Murders WG 1/1/1943 44493
Death's Masquerade WG 1/15/1943 41887
The Devil Monsters WG 2/1/1943 40815
Wizard of Crime WG 2/15/1943 39764
The Black Dragon WG 3/1/1943 37977
Young Men of Death TT 4/1/1943 40301
The Robot Master WG 5/1/1943 39575
Murder Lake WG 6/1/1943 39115
The Golden Doom TT 7/1/1943 39168
Messenger of Death WG 8/1/1943 37559
House of Ghosts WG 9/1/1943 37478
King of the Black Market WG 10/1/1943 42446
The Muggers WG 11/1/1943 42130
Murder by Moonlight WG 12/1/1943 42814
The Crystal Skull WG 1/1/1944 34270
Syndicate of Death WG 2/1/1944 32570
The Toll of Death WG 3/1/1944 35650
Crime Caravan WG 4/1/1944 35435
Freak Show Murders WG 5/1/1944 34158
Voodoo Death WG 6/1/1944 32639
Town of Hate WG 7/1/1944 33611
Death in the Crystal WG 8/1/1944 32837
The Chest of Chu-Chan WG 9/1/1944 33150
The Shadow Meets the Mask WG 10/1/1944 33186
Fountain of Death WG 11/1/1944 34668
No Time for Murder WG 12/1/1944 32482
Guardian of Death WG 1/1/1945 33066
Merry Mrs MacBeth WG 2/1/1945 31451
Five Keys to Crime WG 3/1/1945 32048
Death Has Grey Eyes WG 4/1/1945 31970
Teardrops of Buddha WG 5/1/1945 32147
Three Stamps of Death WG 6/1/1945 30233
The Mask of Mephisto WG 7/1/1945 31039
Murder by Magic WG 8/1/1945 32330
The Taiwan Joss WG 9/1/1945 35358
A Quarter of Eight WG 10/1/1945 34606
The White Skulls WG 11/1/1945 34831
The Stars Promise Death WG 12/1/1945 35030
The Banshee Murders WG 1/1/1946 33587
Crime Out of Mind WG 2/1/1946 31785
Mother Goose Murders WG 3/1/1946 31224
Crime Over Casco WG 4/1/1946 35311
The Curse of Thoth WG 5/1/1946 33548
Alibi Trail WG 6/1/1946 31968
Malmordo WG 7/1/1946 36452
The Blackest Mail BE 8/1/1946 38235
Happy Death Day BE 9/1/1946 36341
Seven Deadly Arts BE 10/1/1946 38438
No Safety in Numbers BE 11/1/1946 36796
Death on Ice BE 12/1/1946 28079
Death Stalks the UN BE 1/1/1947 36896
Murder in White BE 3/1/1947 18641
Room 1313 BE 5/1/1947 24642
Model Murder BE 7/1/1947 24783
Svengali Kill BE 9/1/1947 23128
Jabberwocky Thrust BE 11/1/1947 18793
Ten Glass Eyes BE 1/1/1948 27222
The Television Murders BE 3/1/1948 26266
Murder on Main Street BE 5/1/1948 23291
Reign of Terror BE 7/1/1948 28211
Jade Dragon WG 9/1/1948 54531
Dead Man's Chest WG 11/1/1948 55388
The Magigal's Mystery WG 2/1/1949 53529
The Black Circle WG 5/1/1949 50378
The Whispering Eyes WG 8/1/1949 49492


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