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Paranoid Schizophrenia: a terrible thing to taste (or create)

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Joel Harris

Mar 21, 2002, 6:12:53 PM3/21/02
Paranoid Schizophrenic. Paranoid Delusion

how convenient (even handy!) these terms/(tools) are

it seems that anybody with a persuasive enough
reason and significant social resources can
(and easily, i'm finding) quite efficiently set
somebody up for any number of social and emotional
debacles and then sweep the ensuing freak-out
on the part of the subject under the rug as paranoid
schizophrenia or some other 'delusion of reference'
that needs *immediate* medication, thereby slating
this individual for an imminent entry TO and subsequent
life path THROUGH our oh so humane and considerate
mental health system.

pardon the run-on.

(this is of course is said not without my own personal
trials along the same lines and admittedly it is tinged
with my own bit of current discontent; again, pardon)

and apparently, it doesn't matter if this person
has ever demonstrated behaviour similar to
the freak-out or not. apparently it doesn't
matter what sort of career you've created for
yourself nor what it is you find gives your life
the most passion and meaning. none of this counts
for squat once the label has been Licked and Stamped(TM).
whether your 25 or 34 (like myself), it's a terribly
easy thing to accomplish from certain cultural/societal
vantage points i'm finding.

but jimminy crickets! how and why is such a
thing tolerated and why have the very vocal opponents
of biological-psychiatry and rampant/wreckless
application of mental diagnosis' been so unsuccessful
in making this issue more of a social concern, currently,
than it is?

i cannot comment on the 'controlling via tooth implants'
bit, nor do i flatly deny or confirm the possibility of
such things ... but certainly the tendency to label as psychotic
and subsequently dose the poor sod up on god knows
what sort of medication seems to be a fairly predominate
and increasing phenomenon in our culture.

then again, granted, in this and in all things ....
i could simply be delusional.

some finer points made:

Against Biologic Psychiatry

Psychiatric Imperialism: The Medicalisation of Modern Living

No to Psychiatric Fascism:

"Martin F. Abernathy" <> wrote in message
> Allard K. Lowenstein
> [Private First Class, United States Army ]
> Member of Congress
> Born in Newark, New Jersey, on January 16, 1929, he was serving as a
> Congressman from New York City when he was shot to death in his NYC
> law offices by Dennis Sweeney, a former acquaintance on March 14,
> 1980.
> Sweeney, a civil rights volunteer in Lewenstein's voter registration
> drives in Mississippi in the mid-1960s, pumped five bullets into the
> congressman. During his trial, he testified that Lowenstein and others
> controlled him through radio receivers planted in his teeth. He was
> diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and found not guilty by reason
> of insanity.

"Martin F. Abernathy" <> wrote in message
> Allard K. Lowenstein
> [Private First Class, United States Army ]
> Member of Congress
> Born in Newark, New Jersey, on January 16, 1929, he was serving as a
> Congressman from New York City when he was shot to death in his NYC
> law offices by Dennis Sweeney, a former acquaintance on March 14,
> 1980.
> Sweeney, a civil rights volunteer in Lewenstein's voter registration
> drives in Mississippi in the mid-1960s, pumped five bullets into the
> congressman. During his trial, he testified that Lowenstein and others
> controlled him through radio receivers planted in his teeth. He was
> diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and found not guilty by reason
> of insanity.


Mar 21, 2002, 10:30:06 PM3/21/02
"Joel Harris" <> wrote in message news:<a7dp2s$gh1$>...

It's a simple formula really.

Paranoid Schizophrenic. Paranoid Delusion = anybody they don't like

Mar 22, 2002, 4:27:18 PM3/22/02
"joel harris" <> wrote in news:a7g5o6$di5

> Who is Torry?

That's E. Fuller Torrey - a fanatical pshrink who heads up a NAMI spin-off
organization called the 'Treatment Advocacy Centre'. This is a lobbying
org. which basically is seeking changes to the law that will give
psychiatrists unlimited powers to lock people up and 'treat' them against
their wishes. (A thing they refer to as 'assisted treatment'). This guy's a
dangerous control-freak and needs to be opposed vigorously.


Mar 23, 2002, 12:17:02 AM3/23/02
to wrote in message news:<Xns91D9A...@>...

It's when they start manufacturing the problems they claim to be
attempting to solve that we move from control freak to state sponsored



Mar 23, 2002, 5:24:36 AM3/23/02
Good writing but what sources are you using???

"Joel Harris" <> skrev i meddelandet


Mar 23, 2002, 5:47:08 AM3/23/02
Because people have insurance and insurance companies will not pay unless
there is a diagnosis. furthermore, insurance companies will not pay for any
or all of the diagnosis. A clinitian must diagnose a client with a
diagnosis that the insurance company will pay for or there will be no cash
for treatment.

In cases where clients have lots of money, there is often no diagnosis made
or the diagnosis is mild. With clients that rely on insurance, the
diagnosis is pumped up so that fees can be collected.

If you are not aware, insurance companies pay very little for services. By
increasing the diagnosis the therapist not only insures payment but insures
a longer term of treatment as well. (Welcome to the teal world!)

"A" <> wrote in message

Apr 14, 2002, 11:35:08 PM4/14/02
On 21 Mar 2002 19:30:06 -0800, (JV) wrote:
>"Joel Harris" <> wrote in message news:<a7dp2s$gh1$>...
>It's a simple formula really.
>Paranoid Schizophrenic. Paranoid Delusion = anybody they don't like

"Anybody they don't like" is already taken. The diagnosis for not being liked
is "Consensual Validation Disorder" (found in The Journal of Polymorphic
Perversity - yes there is such a journal, and it is a satirical mag aimed at
the psychiatric profession)



Apr 15, 2002, 6:46:56 AM4/15/02
Check out these 12 step wackos, talk about mind control and coersion.
Coming to a theatre near you, if they haven't already. It will give
you just
a taste of how full-of-own-wisdom the recovery community has become.
I've had
loads of experinece with these zealots, and their entire slant on life
involves the unwavering believe that everyone is just another walking
disease waiting to be discovered. These people and others like them
will be more than pleased to manufacture a problem for you should you
not have one they can easily identify. Keep coming back. If it doesn't
get you, we will.
A few 12 step meetings, a couple of credit courses in Psychology and
you can easily have a full blown monstrocity on your hands. And no,
they don't police themselves what-so-ever. Organize a few of these
monstrocities into a pressure group with political connections and
it's all over but for the crying.
Dope 'em Danno, that's if he lives that long. The more industrious
recovery zealots, ambulance chasers and bleeding deacons will attack
these statements by reminding everyone how much good the industry has
done. My response to this is, so what! It's time to clean up your own
closet. I don't think you can stuff too
many more skeletons in there and besides, the smell is getting plain
obnoxious. BTW the US Recovery Industry must have made a ran for the
valium bottle when Ontario cut off the OHIP $$$ pipe line. This meant
the enacting of much more creative methods to soak those insurance
dollars out of the Province and elsewhere, hense the proliferation of
certain specialty kinds of tech.
Those US rehab centre head hunters and spin doctors that used to haunt
12 step meetings in the Province disappeared like mushrooms exposed to
sunlight once the $$$ dried up. If they tell you it isn't about money
then believe me it's about money. Once the money evaporates, they
evaporate within a couple of days, tops.

Hint - The latest scam that's being proliferated by these zealots is
the universal idea that certain large segments of the population need
to drugged out of their minds in order to protect them from getting
drugged out of their minds. These same zealots will go to any lengths
to make sure this is so.
When I say any lengths, I mean any lengths.

JV wrote in message news:<Xns91D9A...@>...

joel harris

Apr 15, 2002, 10:43:08 AM4/15/02
dude. that's a hilariously thing you wrote.

if you only knew how close to the mark you are

> These people and others like them will be more than pleased
> to manufacture a problem for you should you not have one they
> can easily identify. Keep coming back. If it doesn't get you, we will.

fucking funny as shit; i almost fell out of my chair.

unlike yourself, however, i can't denounce the 12 step
thing altogether; i've seen some folks who desperately
needed brainwashing get the brainwashing they needed
there. brainwashing isn't altogether bad. it's the way
we learn any new thing afterall, be it at our own hands
or with a little help from others.

but when the groups become a militia of sorts ... when
they see an ex 12 stepper handling his/her drink quite
well ... even casually and in a very manageable way
... and when they conspire to make said individuals
*look* like much the worse person/drinker than they
are (by fabricating the appearance of Black Outs(tm),
by front loading street theater participants with the
inclination to make Claims of Aberrant Behaviour(tm),
or simply lying about a persons use of other
mind altering substances) ... then, something has gone
REALLY WRONG with their fraternity. a potentially good
thing is then turned into exactly the opposite of the
tenets they lift up and espouse (honesty, integrity,
selflessness, etc.). it's an amazing spectacle of herd
insanity, would be fun to study and deconstruct if
it wasn't so terrifying of a thing to deal with.

again, personally, i don't think 12 step programs are
all bad. when they're truly on the mark with compassion,
integrity and kindness ... they shine very bright in my

the disease concept, however ... is ridiculous.

"JV" <> wrote in message

Alison Henritze

Apr 25, 2002, 4:40:09 PM4/25/02
I just had to respond to this one! I found out that the head of a teaching
hospital has been accused on numerous occasions of patient abuse. He's done
a brilliant spin on the people who have accused him and if you look him up
on, you will find that he doesn't have one infraction
listed on his record. What we need is more shrinks like this who can run
out of control in our society and molest the hell out of innocent sick
people! Predators like him exist in all forms in our society, but that
means we should do more to WEED them out, not give them more power.
Psychiatry needs a major overhaul. When 2/3rds of the profession is sick
themselves, that leaves very few sane people to take care of the sick. Of
course, I won't include his name here for obvious reasons.

"JV" <> wrote in message

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